Employee Share Ownership for Poland and for Europe  

  Co nowego pojawilo sie na tej stronie od czasu Twojej ostatniej wizyty?

 Studia przypadków:  czym tak naprawdę jest własność pracownicza
Employee ownership, what it is, really.  Multiple schemes in all countries, for small and medium sized companies as well as for biggest corporations. Specific models for companies all along their life: Creation, development and maturity, transmission, rescue. More information

Annual Economic Survey of Employee Ownership in European Countries in 2008  
The new Annual Survey for year 2008 shows that employee ownership declined a bit on the threshold of the financial crisis. Assets held by employee owners fell to 240.2 billion Euro in 2008, compared to 283.3 billion in 2007 (-15.2%). However, this was still much more than the 206.2 billion in 2006. As a percentage, employees' share stabilized on 2.63% in the capital ownership structure. Considering recent trends, employee ownership is going to double within the next 5-10 years.
Each European country can easily be compared to others regarding employee ownership in 2008, thanks to a set of 10 graphs, using fully comparable information.
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Manifesto for the 2009 European Parliament Elections
150 Members of the European Parliament and candidates from all political parties answered our Manifesto for the European elections. The last ten years saw a strong development of employee ownership in European companies. Strangely, this happened while a European policy for the promotion and the development of employee ownership was completely lacking. It is time to reconsider things and to relaunch a real European policy. This is a role for the new European Parliament. Detailed information

A political roadmap for employee ownership in Europe
A political roadmap for Europe was proposed in the framework of the French Presidency of the European Union. Detailed information

 Going to a true ambitious policy of the European Union
The main recent progress in the European Institutions.
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CEEEONet - Central and Eastern European Employee Ownership Network

EFES Discussion Forum  
You can just have a look at all discussions about various topis or you can register and have your own say.
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 European Programme EOLE (Employee Ownership Learning & Education)
European Programme for training and education for employee ownership and financial participation of workers.
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EFES call to the Governments of the European Union (May 2007)
A recent study funded by the European Commission enlightened the fact that 89% of all 2.000 widest European Groups (29 millions employees) have employee share ownership and 83% have plans to develop it more.
These Groups consider employee share ownership as one of the best ways for aligning employees and shareholders interests, motivating people, improving corporate performances and giving people the chance to share better corporate results.
They are used to offer annual share plans to their employees in all possible countries.
Unfortunately, the main obstacle in development of their common human resources policy is the lack of proper legislation in several Member States. This situation causes discrimination between their employees - people from various countries, and put a brake on their  development and investments abroad.
This is why we would like to trigger discussion about the most effective legislation. Our aim is to encourage all governments to introduce a dedicated legislation, allowing the following employee share plans, as the most used across the world, in the European Union and the United States as well:
   -  Employee Stock Purchase Plan, possibly annual
   -  Discount rate 20%, free of tax and social security, up to 10% of annual gross salary (or 5.000 Euro annually)
   -  Blockage period: 3 years (through deferred stocks, blocked stocks or options with vesting period).





For information and contact
Avenue Voltaire 135, B-1030 Brussels
Tel/fax: +32 (0)2 242 64 30
E-mail: efes@efesonline.org
Web site: www.efesonline.org
Celem EFESu jest dzialanie jako organizacja zrzeszajace pracowników - wlascicieli i wszystkie osoby, spólki, zwiazki zawodowe, ekspertów, badaczy i instytucje chcace promowac wlasnosc i partycypacje pracownicza w Europie.