Our selection / Notre sélection / Nuestra selección

  We made a selection of 37 remarkable articles in 8 countries in April 2012: Canada, France, Ireland, India, Italy, South Africa, UK, USA.
Canada: Ontario bus drivers want employee ownership before privatization.
France: New employee share plans for Schneider Electric. France Telecom: Employee shareholders want dividends to be reduced. Business transfers to employees are multiplying, especially through workers' cooperatives. Annual survey 2011: Employee share ownership and employee savings reach record levels in France despite the financial crisis.
Ireland: Since Eircom was first privatised in 1999 it has changed hands no fewer than five times and current shareholders, STT of Singapore and the employee share ownership trust, are wiped out.
India: ESOPs are still in the hands of top rung in Corporate India, giving out employee stock options  to less than 10% of employees.
Italy: New call for employee share ownership to be promoted in Italy as a condition for better corporate governance.
South Africa: Siemens launches new employee share ownership trust.
UK: A new Government initiative is set to boost employee share ownership. Stewart-Buchanan group  has become an employee owned business in a move that safeguards 150 jobs. Ending the state monopoly over public services. The Coalition government is giving public sector workers real control over the services they provide.
USA: Some new Employee Stock Ownership Plans (ESOP) owned companies in April.
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   Notre sélection propose 37 articles remarquables dans 8 pays en février 2012: Afrique du Sud, Canada, France, Irlande, Inde, Italie, Royaume Uni, USA.
Afrique du Sud: Siemens lance un nouveau trust d'actionnariat salarié.
Canada: Les conducteurs de bus de l'Ontario veulent de l'actionnariat salarié avant toute privatisation.
France: Nouveau plans d'actionnariat salarié pour Schneider Electric. France Telecom: les actionnaires salariés exigent une baisse du dividende. Les reprises d'entreprise par les salariés se multiplient, spécialement sous forme de coopératives de salariés. Enquête annuelle de l'AFG: niveaux record pour l'actionnariat salarié et épargne salariale, en dépit de la crise financière.
Irlande: Depuis la privatisation initiale d'Eircom en 1999, l'entreprise de télécoms irlandaise a changé 5 fois de mains et les actionnaires actuels, STT et le trust d'actionnariat salarié, sont au bout du rouleau.
Inde: Les plans ESOP restent le privilège des cadres supérieurs dans les sociétés indiennes, où les stock options ne bénéficient qu'à 10% des salariés au plus.
Italie: Nouveaux appels pour le développement de l'actionnariat salarié en Italie, condition d'une meilleure gouvernance des entreprises.
Royaume Uni: Une nouvelle initiative du Gouvernement est destinée à accélérer le développement de l'actionnariat salarié. Le groupe Stewart-Buchanan repris par les salariés, permettant la sauvegarde de 150 emplois. Fin du monopole d'Etat sur les services publics. Le Gouvernement Cameron donne le contrôle du service aux travailleurs du secteur public.
USA: Nouveaux cas d'entreprises d'actionnariat salarié (ESOP-owned companies) au mois d'avril.
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Estamos buscando un traductor.
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  Wir trafen eine Auswahl aus 37 herausragenden Beiträgen, die in acht Ländern im April 2012 erschienen: Kanada, Frankreich, Irland, Indien, Italien, Südafrika, Großbritannien, USA.
Kanada: Die Busfahrer in Ontario bevorzugen die Mitarbeiterbeteiligung gegenüber einer Privatisierung.
Frankreich: Neues Aktienoptionsmodell bei Schneider Electric. France Telecom: Mitarbeiteraktionäre wollen die Dividende senken. Unternehmensübergaben an Mitarbeiter nehmen zu, insbesondere im Falle von Mitarbeitergenossenschaften. Untersuchungsergebnis 2011: Mitarbeiterbeteiligung und Mitarbeiterersparnisse nehmen in Frankreich zu, trotz der Finanzkrise.
Irland: Since Eircom wurde 1999 privatisiert. Die Gesellschaft hat nicht weniger als fünf Eigentümerwechsel erlebt. Die heutigen Eigentümer, STT aus Singapore und ein Mitarbeiterfonds, wurden nun hinaus gedrängt.
Indien: ESOPs sind bei indischen Unternehmen sehr begehrt. Aktienoptionen wurden an nicht weniger als 10% der Mitarbeiter ausgegeben.
Italien: Mitarbeiterbeteiligungsprogramme werden in Italien als Instrument für eine verbesserte Unternehmensführung beworben.
Südafrika: Siemens startet einen Mitarbeiterbeteiligungsfonds.
Großbritannien: Eine neue Regierungsinitiative soll die Mitarbeiterbeteiligung fördern. Die Stewart-Buchanan Gruppe  hat über ein Mitarbeiterbeteiligungsmodell 150 Arbeitsplätze gerettet. Das staatliche Monopol im öffentlichen Dienst endet. Die Koalitionsregierung gibt den Beschäftigten im öffentlichen Dienst eine Kontrolle über ihre Dienstleistungen.
USA: Es gibt wieder Unternehmensübernahmen durch ESOPs im April.
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Selezione di 37 articoli in 8 Stati per Aprile 2012: Canada, Francia, Irlanda, India, Italia, Sudafrica, UK, USA.
Canada: I conducenti di autobus dell’Ontario vogliono l’azionariato dei dipendenti prima della privatizzazione.
Francia: Nuovi piani di azionariato per Schneider Electric. France Telecom: gli azionisti dipendenti chiedono la riduzione dei dividend. La trasmissione di azienda ai dipendenti attraverso le cooperative è un fenomeno in crescita. Rassegna annuale 2011: l’azionariato dei dipendenti e risparmio accantonato raggiungono livelli da record nonostante la crisi finanziaria.
Irlanda: Dalla prima privatizzazione di Eircom nel 1999 si sono verificati non meno di 5 cambi di controllo e gli attuali azionisti, STT di Singapore ed il trust degli azionisti dipendenti sono esausti.
India: Gli ESOPs sono ancora in mano ai dirigenti, le opzioni di acquisto arrivano solo al 10 % dei dipendenti.
Italia: Un nuovo appello all’azionariato dei dipendenti come condizione per una migliorate Governance.
Sudafrica: Siemens lancia un nuovo trust per la gestione dell’azionariato dei dipendenti.
UK: Nuova iniziativa del Governo per promuovere l’azionariato dei dipendenti, Il Gruppo Stewart-Buchanan è ora controllato dai dipendenti; una mossa che salva 150 posti di lavoro.Sta per finire il monopolio statale nei servizi pubblici. Il governo di coalizione darà ai dipendenti del settore pubblico avranno un controllo effettivo sui servizi che forniscono.
USA: Nuovi casi di Società ESOP in Aprile.
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We made a selection of 37 remarkable articles in 8 countries in April 2012: Canada, France, Ireland, India, Italy, South Africa, UK, USA.

CA   7 - ONTC bus drivers want employee ownership before privatization
             The North Bay Nugget - Apr 3, 2012
             By Press Release March 23rd the Minister of Northern Development and Mines announced the divestment of the ONTC including the tendering of all Bus Service routes to other carriers. The drivers for ONTC Motor Coach Services oppose this move as having a ...
FR   1 - SCHNEIDER ELECTRIC : launches a capital increase reserved for ...
             4-traders - Apr 1, 2012
             ... Electric SA announces today the launch of a capital increase reserved for employees under the Group employee savings plan (plan d'epargne salariale).
FR   10 - Les actionnaires salariés d'Orange vont proposer une baisse du dividende
             Le Figaro - 6 avr. 2012
             ... assemblée générale en juin une baisse du dividende, a annoncé l'Association pour la défense de l'épargne et de l'actionnariat salarié (Adeas) du groupe.
FR   11 - Les actionnaires salariés de France Télécom veulent réduire le ...
             Le Monde - 6 avr. 2012
             Alors que la direction de France Télécom prévoit de verser 1,40 euro par action, les actionnaires salariés estiment que le montant devrait être ramené à 1 ...
FR   19 - L'AFTAS – Association France Télécom des Actionnaires Salariés
             Repandre.com (Communiqué de presse) - 19 avr. 2012
             L'Association des Actionnaires Salariés et Anciens Salariés de France Télécom représente les 100 000 salariés de France Télécom dans notre pays, ...
FR   20 - Jérôme Dedeyan, associé fondateur et président de Debory Eres : L ...
             L'Argus de l'Assurance - 19 avr. 2012
             Jérôme Dedeyan est un infatigable défenseur de l'épargne à long terme en général, et de l'épargne salariale et de la retraite collective en particulier.
FR   21 - Transmission d'entreprise La reprise d'entreprise par les salariés
             Le nouvel Economiste - 19 avr. 2012
             Par quelques-uns ou par tous, la reprise d'entreprise par les salariés (RES) n'a rien d'un pis-aller. Bien que les conditions puissent être dans certains ...
FR   23 - ECF CERCA, une SCOP de 380 salariés sur la zone d'Atlansèvre
             lepetiteconomiste.com - 24 avr. 2012
             Avec ses 380 salariés, dont 96% d'associés, la SCOP CERCA est la plus importante de la région Poitou-Charentes. Implantée à La Crèche sur la zone Groies ...
FR   24 - La SCOP Inter 59 renonce à reprendre Hebdoprint à Lomme, mais rebondit
             La Voix du Nord - 24 avr. 2012
             L'imprimerie Hebdoprint de Lomme ne sera pas reprise par la SCOP Inter 59. Malgré un dossier approuvé par le mandataire judiciaire, René Bétourné a été ...
FR   26 - L'actionnariat salarié à la française fait recette
             France Info - 25 avr. 2012
             Il ne faut pas confondre ''participation aux résultats'' et ''actionnariat salarié''. La participation aux résultats n'engage pas, ou peu, le collaborateur.
FR   27 - L'épargne salariale, une manne que le PS veut mettre à contribution
             Investir.fr - 25 avr. 2012
             Le PS entend également dissuader les entreprises de favoriser l'épargne salariale au détriment des salaires directs. Il souligne qu'il maintiendrait ...
FR   28 - L'épargne salariale au plus haut malgré la crise et une taxation ...
             Investir.fr - 25 avr. 2012
             La France a beau émerger péniblement d'une crise sans précédent, l'épargne salariale atteint des niveaux record. En 2011, les versements sur les plans ...
FR   29 - L'actionnariat salarié ignore la crise financière
             WK-CE - 26 avr. 2012
             Un contre-exemple, car, malgré la tempête financière, l'actionnariat salarié garde la cote. Son succès ne se dément pas dans les groupes, qui en proposent ...
FR   30 - Les PME continuent de recueillir l'épargne des français
             Widoobiz - 26 avr. 2012
            Dans son enquête annuelle, l'association française de la gestion financière (AFG) montre que les PME continuent de s'équiper de plans d'épargne salariale.
FR  36  - L'épargne salariale a séduit en 2011 :
           Boursorama - 30 avr. 2012
            Double satisfaction pour les promoteurs de l'épargne salariale. L'année 2011 a été marquée à la fois par une bonne progression du ...
IE   5 -   Captain didn't sink the ship
             Irish Independent - Apr 1, 2012
             The outcome of the examinership is almost certain to see yet another change of ownership as the current shareholders, STT of Singapore and the employee share ownership trust, are wiped out. These repeated changes of ownership have left Eircom with a ...
IN   9 -  Esops still in the hands of top rung in Corporate India
             Economic Times - Apr 6, 2012
             Half of 115 companies across industries gave out employee stock options (Esops) to less than 10% of their employees, according to a survey of equity compensation trends for 2011 by Esop Direct. Just 17% of companies gave options to more than 51% of the ...
IT   15 - B.Mps: Azione Mps, assemblea caratterizzata da discontinuita'
             Agenzia di Stampa Asca - 16 apr 2012
             ... aggravato, per le decine di migliaia di azionisti dipendenti, dalle incertezze sulle conseguenze dell'imminente nuovo Piano industriale.
IT   17 - Finanza: DirCredito, sia resa possibile partecipazione dipendenti
             Borsa Italiana - 18 apr 2012
             Il DirCredito, insieme al Conapa (Coordinamento delle Associazioni di Piccoli Azionisti) ed alla Federazione Europea dell'Azionariato dei Dipendenti ha ...
IT  31 - Mps: Azione Mps, piccoli azionisti esclusi dalla governance
            Borsa Italiana - 27 apr 2012
            A lamentarlo e' Azione Mps, la neonata associazione di azionisti dipendenti della banca senese che ha raccolto deleghe di voto per l'assemblea di bilancio.
IT  34 - I dipendenti della Cassa creano la loro Associazione di Piccoli ...
           Estense.com - 29 apr 2012
           E' stata costituita “Azione Carife”, una nuova associazione di piccoli azionisti a cui potranno aderire i dipendenti azionisti della Cassa di Risparmio di ...
UK   3 - Changes will boost employee share ownership, says expert
             This is Nottingham - Apr 1, 2012
             A NEW Government initiative is set to boost employee share ownership, according to Ann Bibby, tax partner at the Nottingham office of accountancy firm Mazars. Her comments follow a radical extension of the Enterprise Management Incentive Scheme.
UK   6 - Workers to get more shares at work under plan to slash red tape for employee ...
             This is Money - Apr 1, 2012
             By Dan Atkinson Ministers are expected to give the kiss of life to Britain's ailing employee share-ownership schemes, slashing red tape and launching a big publicity campaign. Whitehall advisers have urged the Treasury to slim down the rules governing ...
UK   12 - Employee-owned newspaper celebrates 40 years
             HoldTheFrontPage.co.uk - Apr 11, 2012
             by Sarah Bould, last updated on April 11, 2012 A weekly Scottish newspaper which claims to be the only title in the UK owned by its employees has celebrated ...
UK   22 - Taking positive action to help social enterprises
              Local Government Chronicle - Apr 23, 2012
             For example, the PLC model, family owned businesses, state owned, employee owned and mutuals. In its recent report on plurality, stewardship and engagement the Ownership Commission said that a healthy, pluralistic capitalism will have - indeed does ...
UK   32 - Employees take over at Stewart-Buchanan
            Scotsman - Apr 29, 2012
           SPECIALIST manufacturer, Stewart-Buchanan group, has become an employee owned business in a move that safeguards 150 jobs. The Kilsyth-based valve and pressure gauge manufacturing business, whose roots go back to 1870, has grown rapidly in recent years ...
UK   33 - Never knowingly undersold: Lord Hutton to chair coalition's first John Lewis ...
           The Independent - Apr 29, 2012
           The former Cabinet minister Lord Hutton will this week be named as chairman of the first company to be spun out of Whitehall as part of the Government's vision to create a "John Lewis economy" of employee-owned businesses. Lord Hutton will lead the My ...
UK   35 - EXCLUSIVE: Esop and MAS team up to educate employees
             Employee Benefits - Apr 30, 2012
           The Employee Share Ownership (Esop) Centre has partnered the Money Advice Service (MAS) to highlight the importance of financial education to employers. Both bodies plan to lobby the government for more promotion of, and support for, ...
UK   37 - At last, the state monopoly over public services is being dismantled
           Telegraph.co.uk - Apr 30, 2012
           Today just one fiftieth of the UK economy is employee owned. We want this to change. It's ambitious but is it unrealistic that over time we might see a million public sector workers take over the running of their services? Giving employees a stake in ...
US   2 - BL Companies, Inc. announces 100% employee ownership
             Connecticut Plus - Apr 1, 2012
             By BL Companies Meriden, CT - BL Companies, a multi-disciplinary architecture, engineering and environmental (A/E/E) firm providing services to public and private clients in the Northeast and Mid-Atlantic, celebrated becoming 100% employee owned on ...
US   4 - Woodex Bearing workers adjusting to employee ownership
             Plastics News - Apr 1, 2012
             Now the maker of Meco dry-running shaft seals is doing business as an Employee Stock Ownership Plan company. “Becoming an ESOP was a long planned affair,” said Starkey Steuernagle, Woodex general manager, in a telephone interview.
US   8 - Employees who lost stock in failed Bank of Elmwood sue chairman and directors
             Journal Times - Apr 4, 2012
             Bank of Elmwood, which federal and state regulators shut down Oct. 23, 2009, was half-owned by the employees through an Employee Stock Ownership Plan. Their bank stock was worth $807.96 per share on the last day of 2008. But the day regulators shut ...
US   13 - Louis O. Kelso Fellows Chosen by Rutgers University
             MarketWatch (press release) - Apr 12, 2012
             The Employee Ownership Foundation, in collaboration with the Rutgers University School of Management and Labor Relations (SMLR), is proud to announce the recipients of the Louis O. Kelso Fellowships for 2012 - 2013. The Louis O. Kelso Fellowships are ...
US   14 - McCarthy Celebrates Decade of Employee Ownership
             Patch.com - Apr 14, 2012
             By OC Patch Staff McCarthy Holdings, Inc., one of America's oldest and largest privately-held construction companies, celebrated its 10th anniversary of 100 percent employee ownership on April 12, 2012. Courtesy of McCarthy Holdings, Inc. One of the ...
US   18 - PTA Plastics creates ESOP in Longmont
             Boulder County Business Report - Apr 19, 2012
             Companies with such plans may take tax deductions for ESOP dividends that are passed on to participating employees, among other things. Among Seeley's reasons to set up the trust was to ensure that the company would maintain a presence in Colorado, ...
US   25 - Architectural Office Environments Becomes 100% Employee Owned
             Virtual-Strategy Magazine - Apr 25, 2012
             Architectural Office Environments (AOE) announced the sale of the Company to a 100 percent Employee Stock Ownership Plan (ESOP) owned S-Corp. Verit Advisors, a Chicago-based investment banking firm, was engaged by AOE and its shareholders to advise on ...
ZA   16 - Siemens launches employee share ownership trust
             Creamer Media's Engineering News - Apr 18, 2012
             CEO Siegmar Proebsti announced on Wednesday that the 15% shareholding would be transferred to a newly established Siemens employee share ownership trust (Esot), the beneficiaries of which included eligible previously disadvantaged employees of Siemens ...

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No full press review this month.
Pas de revue de presse complète ce mois-ci.

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EFES' objective is to act as the umbrella organization of employee owners, companies and all persons, trade unions, experts, researchers, institutions looking to promote employee ownership and participation in Europe.