Our selection

We have a selection of 30 remarkable articles in 9 countries in October 2023: Canada, Czechia, Germany, France, Italy, Sweden, Slovenia, United Kingdom, USA.
Canada: The apocalypse will not happen.
Czechia: Towards tax incentives for employee share plans.
Germany: The full range of employee participation schemes in Germany.
France: The amounts of employee savings in France. Employee share ownership is slowly growing in large non-listed companies. New employee share plans for Stellantis and Vallourec. Business transfer through workers' cooperative in Landerneau.
Italy: Employee ownership in Great Britain.
Sweden: The still burning memory of employee savings funds managed by unions.
Slovenia: Apocalyse now.
UK: Thanks to the Employee Ownership Trust scheme, every day a new SME is transferred to employees. This month, among others, the case of: Churchill Group, St Albans Nursery, Zoonou, VMA Recruitment, MTW Architectural, Griffiths Waite, Suite TV, Workspace Design and Build. Stories about how transitioning to employee ownership.
USA: Why aren't there more ESOP companies?

Une sélection de 30 articles remarquables dans 9 pays en octobre 2023: Canada, République tchčque, Allemagne, France, Italie, Sučde, Slovénie, Royaume-Uni, États-Unis.
Canada: L'apocalypse n'aura pas lieu.
Tchéquie: Vers une fiscalité améliorée pour l'actionnariat salarié.
Allemagne: La panoplie des formules de participation des salariés en Allemagne.
France: Les chiffres de l'épargne salariale en France. L'actionnariat salarié se développe doucement dans les entreprises de taille intermédiaires. Nouveaux plans d'actionnariat salarié pour Stellantis et pour Vallourec. Transmission d'entreprise en SCOP ŕ Landerneau.
Italie: Actionnariat salarié en Grande Bretagne.
Sučde: Le souvenir encore cuisant des fonds d'épargne salariale gérés par les syndicats.
Slovénie: L'apocalypse n'attendra pas.
Royaume Uni: Grâce ŕ la formule du Trust d'Actionnariat Salarié (Employee Ownership Trust), chaque jour une nouvelle PME transférée aux salariés. Ce mois-ci entre autres les cas de: Churchill Group, St Albans Nursery, Zoonou, VMA Recruitment, MTW Architectural, Griffiths Waite, Suite TV, Workspace Design and Build. Des récits de transmission aux salariés.
USA: Pourquoi n'y a-t-il pas plus d'entreprises sous plans ESOP?
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Nuestar seleccion propone 30 artículos destacados en 9 países en octubre de 2023: Canadá, Chequia, Alemania, Francia, Italia, Suecia, Eslovenia, Reino Unido, Estados Unidos.
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  Eine Auswahl von 30 bemerkenswerten Artikeln in 9 Ländern im Oktober 2023: Kanada, Tschechien, Deutschland, Frankreich, Italien, Schweden, Slowenien, Vereinigtes Königreich, USA.
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  30 articoli selezionati per ottobre 2023 in 9 Stati:
Canada, Repubblica Ceca, Germania, Francia, Italia, Svezia, Slovenia, Regno Unito, Stati Uniti.
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V ríjnu 2023 máme výběr 30 pozoruhodných článků ve 9 zemích: Kanada, Cesko, Nemecko, Francie, Itálie, Švédsko, Slovinsko, Spojené království, USA.
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2023 oktoberében hónapban 30 figyelemre méltó cikket találtunk 9 országból: Kanada, Csehország, Németország, Franciaország, Olaszország, Svédország, Szlovénia, Egyesült Királyság, USA.
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Mamy wybór 30 niezwyklych artykulów w 9 krajach w pazdzierniku 2023 r: Kanada, Czechy, Niemcy, Francja, Wlochy, Szwecja, Slowenia, Wielka Brytania, USA.
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Een selectie van 30 opmerkelijke artikelen in 9 landen in oktober 2023: Canada, Tsjechië, Duitsland, Frankrijk, Italië, Zweden, Slovenië, Verenigd Koninkrijk, VS.
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Ett urval av 30 anmärkningsvärda artiklar i 9 länder i oktober 2023: Kanada, Tjeckien, Tyskland, Frankrike, Italien, Sverige, Slovenien, Storbritannien, USA.
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CA      1 - We need to keep Canadian businesses in local hands
             The Province - 26 Oct 2023
             Employee ownership is not a new idea. Pioneered in the mid-1970s with progressive legislation, a thriving ecosystem of employee-owned businesses has ...
CA      2 - I want the option to sell my business to my employees. Ottawa should help
             Toronto Star - 29 Oct 2023
             Publix Super Markets, Inc., commonly known as Publix, is an employee-owned, American supermarket chain headquartered in Lakeland, Florida. Mark ...
CZ      3 - Místo mzdy podíl na firmě. Zaměstnanecké akcie budou ...
             Peníze.cz - 31 Oct 2023
             Zaměstnanecké akcie nabízejí hlavně start-upy a malé firmy, aby klíčovým pracovníkům kompenzovaly nižší mzdy. Z daňového hlediska jsou ale nevýhodné.
DE      4 - Diese Beteiligungsmodelle für Mitarbeiter gibt es
             Business Wissen - 31 Oct 2023
             Eine Mitarbeiterkapitalbeteiligung, die am Eigenkapital des Unternehmens angelehnt ist, ist von dessen Rechtsform abhängig. Daher bieten sich hier Aktien...
FR      5 - 180 milliards d'euros : l'épargne salariale a atteint un niveau d'encours
             Le Figaro - 16 Oct 2023
             Plus de 380.000 entreprises équipées. L'AFG se félicite par ailleurs du développement de ces plans d'épargne salariale dans les entreprises. «Le ...
FR      6 - Stellantis-Un plan d'actionnariat salarié en France et Italie
             Zonebourse - 13 Oct 2023
             PARIS, 13 octobre (Reuters) - Stellantis a présenté ŕ ses syndicats un nouveau projet d'actionnariat salarié en France et en Italie afin d'associer ses...
FR      7 - L'actionnariat salarié se développe doucement dans les ...
             Le Monde - 16 Oct 2023
             Equalis Capital publie lundi 16 octobre son huitičme baromčtre sur l’actionnariat salarié, qui décortique les pratiques de 65 entreprises de taille intermédiaire (ETI, entre 250 et 5 000 salariés)
FR      8 - Ŕ Landerneau, il transmet son entreprise ŕ ses salariés
             Ouest-France - 30 Oct 2023
             Olivier Jaouen vient de transmettre en société coopérative et participative (Scop) le bureau d’études TPAe dans le domaine de l’eau et l’assainissement ŕ Landerneau.
FR      9 - Vallourec lance un programme d'investissement réservé aux salariés
             Zonebourse - 30 Oct 2023
             ... actionnariat salarié international (International Employee Stock Ownership Plan, ou « IESOP »), par l'intermédiaire d'un FCPE (pour le Brésil) ou ...
IT      10 - Partecipazione all'azionariato dei dipendenti
             CSSPD - 18 Oct 2023
             Nella Newsletter di Ottobre 2023, la EFES presenta alcuni nuovi casi di trasferimento d'azienda ai dipendenti in Gran Bretagna. L'azionariato dei dipendenti non li ha esposti ad alcu n rischio aggiuntivo, contrariamente a quanto spesso si sente dire.
SE      11 - DN Debatt. ”Ekonomisk demokrati är möjlig trots fondfiaskot”
             Dagens Nyheter - 3 Oct 2023
             I USA underlättas personalägande genom förmĺnliga skatteregler och möjligheter till statliga lĺn. Denna framgĺngsrika politik för personalägande infördes pĺ...
SI      12 - Srebrni cunami bo prinesel nove lastnike več kot 50.000 ...
             Delo - 3 Oct 2023
             Obravnaval bo pričakovana zakonodajna predloga na področju lastništva zaposlenih in vlogo finančnih instrumentov pri podpori prenosa lastništva na zaposlene.
UK      13 - H.I.G. WhiteHorse Finances Churchill Group in the UK
             Business Wire - 2 Oct 2023
             James Bradley, Group CEO, said: “We are delighted to have worked with H.I.G Whitehorse in becoming an Employee-Owned Trust. Our decision to adopt ...
UK      14 - St Albans nursery becomes employee owned
             Business Sale Report - 3 Oct 2023
             St Albans nursery becomes employee owned ... St Albans-based nursery Majestic Trees has been acquired by an Employee Ownership Trust (EOT). The company ...
UK      15 - How to become employee-owned
             Business Leader - 17 Oct 2023
             How to become employee-owned · Transitioning to employee-ownership. According to the Employee Ownership Association, the number of firms transitioning ...
UK      16 - Zoonou becomes the UK's first employee-owned software testing company.
             Yahoo News UK - 17 Oct 2023
             Zoonou is 100% employee owned. Co-founders, Nick Turton and Jonathan Rogers ...
UK      17 - Exploring the potential of the Employee Ownership business model
             WPI Economics - 19 October 2023
             A WPI Economics report on research findings under the British Employee Ownership Knowledge Programme
UK      18 - EO Knowledge Programme Report 2023
             Employee Ownership Association - 19 October 2023
             The findings are remarkable. They clearly show that this small section of the UK economy is punching above its weight across multiple dimensions of impact on individuals, businesses, communities and the wider economy.
UK      19 - VMA Becomes EOT
             The Global Recruiter - 26 Oct 2023
             VMA GROUP, a recruiter in the communications, marketing, digital and change sectors has completed its transition to an Employee Ownership Trust ...
UK      20 - New data show employee owned businesses deliver an 8 to 12% productivity boost
             Nation.lk - 20 Oct 2023
             New data show employee owned businesses deliver an 8 to 12% productivity boost. 12 hours ago 103. New research suggests the fast-growing UK employee ...
UK      21 - Design and contracting specialist switches to employee ownership
             The Business Desk - 24 Oct 2023
             A company specialising in the design, fabrication and installation of building facades has become an employee-owned business. MTW Architectural ...
UK      22 - Introducing Employee Ownership: Empowering Agency Staff And Shaping The Future
             Forbes - 25 Oct 2023
             In the EOT model, the business is sold to the dedicated staff who have contributed to its success…
UK      23 - Tech consultancy transitions to employee ownership
             The Business Desk - 25 Oct 2023
             A Birmingham technology consultancy has been sold to become an employee owned trust (EOT) as it looks to secure the long-term future of the business.
UK      24 - Suite TV becomes UK's first employee-owned post house
             Televisual - 26 Oct 2023
             After a successful 21 years, post facility Suite has made the transition from a privately owned company to an employee-owned business.
UK       25 - WSDB becomes employee-owned
             Place North West - 31 Oct 2023
             WSDB becomes employee-owned ... All of the shares in the Manchester-based interior design and fit-out company are now held in an employee ownership ...
US      26 - Employee ownership could be the key to solving our retirement security crisis
             The Hill - 1 Oct 2023
             That is why when we were in Congress, we led bipartisan legislation to encourage the creation of more private, employee-owned companies, paving the ...
US      27 - Employee Stock Purchase vs. Ownership Plan: What You Really Need to Know
             Yahoo Finance - 1 Oct 2023
             ... employee stock ownership plans (ESOPs). These acronyms may sound similar, but they represent distinct strategies that […] The post ESPP vs. ESOP ...
US      28 - Multiplying transitions to employee ownership with private capital and public policy
              ImpactAlpha - 16 Oct 2023
             In addition, there are dramatic tax advantages for companies with employee stock ownership plans, or ESOPs. ... Employee Ownership in 1981 to advance ...
US      29 - Rocky start for 'employee owned' veterinary consolidators
             VIN News Service - 18 Oct 2023
             Employees don't have to pay anything for their shares — the ESOP funds the purchase of the veterinary assets, typically with a loan paid off using the ...
US      30 - Experts Ponder, Why Aren't There More ESOPS?
             Forbes - 19 Oct 2023
             With the preponderance of research on employee ownership demonstrating it generates superior performance and growth, improved culture and ...

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For information and contact
Avenue Voltaire 135, B-1030 Brussels
Tel/fax: +32 (0)2 242 64 30
E-mail: efes@efesonline.org
Web site: www.efesonline.org
EFES' objective is to act as the umbrella organization of employee owners, companies and all persons, trade unions, experts, researchers, institutions looking to promote employee share ownership and participation in Europe.