Our selection

We have a selection of 30 remarkable articles in 9 countries in January 2023: Canada, Germany, Spain, France, Italy, Norway, Portugal, Uk, USA.
Canada:  Canadian Employee Ownership Coalition launched – CEOC believes Ottawa must act now to keep its commitment to introduce EOTs into the Income Tax Act, along with new incentives for retiring business owners to sell their companies to their employees.
France: New employee share plans for Renault, for Suez, for Veolia. In France, workers' cooperatives do not fit well with the world of finance. However, Baticoop shows that it can be win-win.
Germany: How employee share ownership is conceived in Germany.
Italy: Democratic employee share ownership is struggling to take off in Italy.
Norway: The takeover by CWC Capital made it possible to launch a share ownership plan for all Twoday employees.
Portugal: With legislation intended to encourage stock options in startups, Portugal is about to take its first step in promoting employee share plans.
Spain: New employee share plan for Repsol.
UK: Why HR is a dirty word at Gripple. Thanks to the Employee Ownership Trust scheme, every day a new SME is transferred to employees. This month, among others, the case of: Herd Group, Crookes Walker Consulting, DB3 Architects, Hockley Mint, Ison Harrisonlaw firm, Understanding Recruitment, Wise Productions, MM-Eye agency, Woodlands Home & Garden, Gift Universe. How can accountants help businesses transition to employee ownership?
USA: After decades of being overlooked, an ESOP evolution is making space for Private Equity backers.

Une sélection de 30 articles remarquables dans 9 pays en janvier 2023: Canada, Allemagne, Espagne, France, Italie, Norvège, Portugal, Royaume-Uni, États-Unis.
Allemagne: Comment on conçoit l'actionnariat salarié en Allemagne.
Canada: Lancement de la Coalition Canadienne pour l'Actionnariat Salarié (CEOC) – La Coalition  pousse  Ottawa à agir maintenant pour tenir son engagement d'introduire le dispositif des Trusts d'Actionnariat Salarié dans la loi, ainsi que les incitations pour les propriétaires d'entreprises proches de la retraite à vendre leurs entreprises à leurs salariés, comme l'a fait la Grande Bretagne.
Espagne: Nouveau plan d'actionnariat salarié pour Repsol.
France: Nouveaux plans d'actionnariat salarié pour Renault, pour Suez, pour Veolia. En France, Les coopératives de salariés s'accordent mal avec le monde de la finance. Cependant Baticoop montre que cela peut être gagnant-gagnant.
Italie: L'actionnariat salarié démocratique peine à décoller en Italie.
Norvège: Le rachat par le fonds d'investissement CWC Capital a permis de lancer un plan d'actionnariat pour tous les salariés de Twoday.
Portugal: Avec une législation destinée à encourager les stock options dans les startups, le Portugal s'apprête à faire son premier pas dans la promotion des plans d'actionnariat salarié.
Royaume Uni: Pourquoi les RH sont un gros mot chez Gripple. Grâce à la formule du Trust d'Actionnariat Salarié, chaque jour une nouvelle PME transférée aux salariés; ce mois-ci entre autres les cas de: Herd Group, Crookes Walker Consulting, DB3 Architectes, Hockley Mint, Ison Harrison law firm, Understanding Recruitment, Wise Productions, MM-Eye agency, Woodlands Home & Garden, Gift Universe. Comment les experts-comptables facilitent la transmission d'entreprises aux salariés.
USA: Le Capital-Investissement s'ouvre au financement des reprises d'entreprises par des plans ESOP.
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Nuestar seleccion propone 30 artículos destacados en 9 países en enero de 2023: Canadá, Alemania, España, Francia, Italia, Noruega, Portugal, Reino Unido, Estados Unidos.
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  Eine Auswahl von 30 bemerkenswerten Artikeln in 9 Ländern im Januar 2023: Kanada, Deutschland, Spanien, Frankreich, Italien, Norwegen, Portugal, Großbritannien, USA.
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  30 articoli selezionati per gennaio 2023 in 9 Stati:
Canada, Germania, Spagna, Francia, Italia, Norvegia, Portogallo, UK, USA.
Canada:  Al via la Canadian Employee Ownership Coalition  – CEOC ritiene che Ottawa debba mantenere subito il suo impegno a introdurre I trust di azionariato dipendente (EOT) nella legislazione fiscal, insieme a  nuovi incentivi per gli imprenditori che si ritirano dagli affair cedendo ai dipendenti le loro aziende.
Francia: Nuovi piani di azionariato per Renault, Suez, Veolia. In Francia le cooperative di lavoro non si ritrovano tanto con il mondo della finanza. Peraltro Baticoop dimostra che può essere una situazione win-win.
Germania: Come viene inteso l’azionariato dei dipendenti in Germania.
Italia: L’azionariato dipendenti democratico fa fatica a decollare.
Norvegia: Il takeover da parte di CWC Capital ha reso possibile il lancio di un piano di azionariato rivolto a tutti I dipendenti di Twoday.
Portogallo: Con la legislazione di sostegno alle stock options nelle startups, il Portogallo fa il primo passo nella promozione dei piani di azionariato dipendenti.
Spagna: Nuovo piano di azionariato presso Repsol.
UK:Perché Risorse Umane è una parolaccia presso Gripple. Grazie al modello Employee Ownership Trust ogni giorno una PMI è trasferita ai dipendenti. Questo mese, fra le altre,  i casi di Herd Group, Crookes Walker Consulting, DB3 Architects, Hockley Mint, Ison Harrison Law firm, Understanding Recruitment, Wise Productions, MM-Eye agency, Woodlands Home & Garden, Gift Universe. Che ruolo hanno i commercialisti nell’agevolare la successione di impresa all’azionariato dipendenti?
USA: I fondi di Private Equity scoprono le opportunità di finanziare le acquisizioni tramite ESOP.
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V lednu 2023 máme výběr 30 pozoruhodných článků ve 9 zemích: Kanada, Nemecko, Španelsko, Francie, Itálie, Norsko, Portugalsko, Velká Británie, USA.
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2023 januárében hónapban 30 figyelemre méltó cikket találtunk 9 országból: Kanada, Németország, Spanyolország, Franciaország, Olaszország, Norvégia, Portugália, Egyesült Királyság, USA.
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Mamy wybór 30 niezwyklych artykulów w 9 krajach w styczniu 2023 r: Kanada, Nemecko, Španelsko, Francie, Itálie, Norsko, Portugalsko, Velká Británie, USA.
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Een selectie van 30 opmerkelijke artikelen in 9 landen in januari 2023: Canada, Duitsland, Spanje, Frankrijk, Italië, Noorwegen, Portugal, VK, VS.
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CA      1 - Canadian Employee Ownership Coalition Launched
             Social Capital Partners - 24 Jan 2023
             New group will unite leaders committed to bring more EO to Canada
CA      2 - New Coalition Says Employee Ownership is an Urgent Multi-Billion Dollar Opportunity for ...
             Yahoo Finance - 24 Jan 2023
             500 to 750 private companies converting to being employee-owned;. 50,000 to 115,000 Canadians workers becoming employee-owners;. Up to $9.6 billion in ...
DE      3 - Mitarbeiterbeteiligung: Einen Anteil für jeden
             Haufe - 31 Jan 2023
             Mitarbeiterbeteiligung: Worum geht es? Unter Mitarbeiterbeteiligung versteht man überwiegend die materielle Beteiligung der Mitarbeitenden am Unternehmenserfolg...
ES      4 - Repsol: plan de acciones para empleados por un máximo de 12,92 millones de euros en títulos
             Estrategias de Inversión - 17 Jan 2023
             La petrolera ha puesto en marcha el Plan de Adquisición de Acciones 2023 dirigido a los empleados del grupo. 17-01-2023, 08:30:00. Raquel Jiménez. Redacción de...
FR      5 - Baticoop amorce sa stratégie de croissance externe avec l'acquisition de Siffert
             Ambition ESS - 5 Jan 2023
             ... société de capital investissement dédiée à la reprise d'entreprise par les salariés, pour financer et concrétiser rapidement sa transformation en Scop.
FR      6 - Le plan d'actionnariat salarié de Renault Group a convaincu ...
             Auto Infos - 9 Jan 2023
              Renault Group vient d'annoncer le bilan de son plan d'actionnariat salarié. La firme a convaincu plus de 40 000 collaborateurs d'investir, au-delà des six...
FR      7 - SUEZ finalise le plan d'actionnariat salarié le plus important ...
             Suez - 11 Jan 2023
             "Go SUEZ 2022", 1er plan d'actionnariat salarié de SUEZ en tant qu'entreprise non cotée. • Plus haut niveau de participation jamais atteint par le Groupe en...
FR      8 - Veolia : les salariés premier groupe d'actionnaires de l'entreprise
             Enviscope - 23 Jan 2023
             Réservée à plus de 179 000 salariés répartis dans 45 pays, l'opération d'actionnariat salarié Sequoia 2022 a atteint un taux de souscription de 42 %...
FR      9 - Actionnariat salarié, « il ne faut pas avoir peur de la voie de la majorité »
             La Nouvelle République - 25 Jan 2023
             Si la France reste pionnière en matière d'actionnariat salarié - une grande entreprise sur deux a franchi le seuil de 3 % d'actionnaires salariés en 2022 selon...
FR      10 - Les SCOP, des entreprises mal comprises par le monde de la finance
             Le Monde - 25 Jan 2023
             Sauver Scopelec, Jacques Landriot, le président de la Confédération générale des SCOP (les sociétés coopératives et participatives), y croyait,...
FR      11 - Après les grands groupes, l'actionnariat salarié à la conquête ...
             BFM Bourse - 29 Jan 2023
             (BFM Bourse) - Répandu dans les grandes sociétés, l'actionnariat salarié est encore peu développé dans les petites et moyennes entreprises cotées.
IT      12 - Azionariato diffuso tra i lavoratori in Italia, da Intesa Sanpaolo a Essilor ma stenta a decollare
             La Repubblica - 16 Jan 2023
             Secondo gli ultimi dati della Federazione europea dei dipendenti azionisti, nel 2021 il 3,13% del capitale delle principali società del Vecchio Continente...
NO      13 - La de ansatte ta eierskap
             Finansavisen - 23 Jan 2023
             La de ansatte ta eierskap. En av nøklene for å beholde de beste hodene er å la dem eie en del av bedriften, mener Kristin Rotevatn Nyberg i Twoday Norge.
PT      14 - Portugal private clients series, part one: New Stock Options Tax Regime
             International Tax Review - 25 Jan 2023
             The new regime (the 'New Stock Options Tax Regime') should be effective as of January 1 2023. These new rules aim at creating one of the most ...
UK      15 - The future is brilliant for Herd Group as it celebrates the move to an Employee Ownership Trust.
             Business Manchester - 3 Jan 2023
             The Herd Group Employee Ownership Trust (HG-EOT) is now in place, effectively meaning that all members of the Herd Group Team now ‘own’ the business.
UK      16 - Pioneering employee-owned law firm becomes B Corp
             Legal Futures - 6 Jan 2023
             The first employee owned law firm has now become a B Corporation as part of a movement to prove “there is a better way to do business”.
UK      17 - Crookes Walker Consulting becomes 100% employee owned
             Employee Benefits - 9 Jan 2023
             Engineering consulting services business Crookes Walker Consulting has become 100% employee owned by establishing an employee ownership trust.
UK      18 - Group marks 140 years in business by becoming employee owned
             The Business Desk - 10 Jan 2023
             Architecture, engineering and net zero specialist, DB3 Group, has become a majority employee owned enterprise.
UK      19 - Hockley Mint appoints Employee Ownership Trust Board chair
             Professional Jeweller - 10 Jan 2023
             She has been an active part of the employee-owned sector for over 20 years in an operational and non-executive capacity.
UK      20 - DB3 takes employee ownership plunge
             Place North West - 11 Jan 2023
             The architecture and engineering company is kicking off its 140th year in business by embracing the Employee Ownership Trust model.
UK      21 - Staff at employee-owned firm receive £3,600 profit shares in first year
             Legal Futures - 13 Jan 2023
             Wearing: Record year. Staff at Ison Harrison, one of the largest law firms to be employee owned, have each received a tax-free profit share of ...
UK      22 - Why HR is a dirty word at Gripple
             The Manufacturer - 13 Jan 2023
             And the government has an aspiration of having between 10-15% of businesses that are employee owned. A successful business is not necessarily built on ...
UK      23 - How can accountants help businesses transition to employee ownership?
             ICAEW.com - 16 Jan 2023
             Employee ownership can offer succession-planning benefits. We hear from an architecture business that has recently transitioned to an EO model and ...
UK      24 - Understanding Recruitment announces move to an employee-owned business
             Staffing Industry Analysts - 25 Jan 2023
             UK – Understanding Recruitment announces move to an employee-owned business ... Specialist technology software recruitment consultancy Understanding ...
UK      25 - Wise Productions becomes employee-owned
             Access All Areas - 25 Jan 2023
             Wise Productions becomes employee-owned · Commercial director – Doug Wintle · Creative director – Jenny Woollard · Technical director – Matt Langford ...
UK      26 - MM-Eye Becomes Employee-Owned
             MrWeb - 26 Jan 2023
             In the UK, research agency MM-Eye has become employee-owned, with everyone in the business having a say in how it is run, and a share in future ...
UK      27 - Historic garden buildings maker becomes employee-owned
             Insider Media - 27 Jan 2023
             A historic timber garden buildings manufacturer that employs more than 160 staff in West Yorkshire has become an employee-owned business.
UK      28 - Gift Universe transitions to employee owned business
             Toy World Magazine - 30 Jan 2023
             Research shows that employee owned businesses are better equipped than other companies when it comes to surviving economic shake-ups. Given Gift ...
US      29 - Private Equity Leans Into the Flexibility of ESOPs
             Middle Market Growth - 17 Jan 2023
             ESOPs (employee stock ownership plans) extend corporate ownership to a ... with an employee ownership program in place that would see workers cash ...
US      30 - Midland's Town and Country Group becomes 100% employee owned
             Midland Daily News - 26 Jan 2023
             The electrical company recently became 100% employee owned. Andrew Mullin/Midland Daily News ...

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For information and contact
Avenue Voltaire 135, B-1030 Brussels
Tel/fax: +32 (0)2 242 64 30
E-mail: efes@efesonline.org
Web site: www.efesonline.org
EFES' objective is to act as the umbrella organization of employee owners, companies and all persons, trade unions, experts, researchers, institutions looking to promote employee share ownership and participation in Europe.