Our selection

We have a selection of 26 remarkable articles in 9 countries in December 2023: Bulgaria, Canada, Czechia, France, Italy, Poland, Tunisia, UK, USA.
Bulgaria: Advocating for employee share ownership in startups.
Canada: The new federal tax exemption for employee ownership trusts will spur retiring business owners to sell their companies to workers.
Czechia: Here is finally the long-awaited tax reform to facilitate employee share ownership in startups.
France: Successful new employee share plans for Vallourec, for Veolia, for Spie, for Stellantis, for Air France-KLM.
Italy: Employee ownership is finally coming to Canada! Successful employee share plans for Mediobanca and for Stellantis.
Poland: Solidarnosc Union calls for increasing employee share ownership in Poland.
Tunisia: First employee share plan for Attijari Bank.
UK: Thanks to the Employee Ownership Trust scheme, every day a new SME is transferred to employees. This month, among others, the case of: Hudgell Solicitors, TBM Marketing Group, Ellwood Atfield Head-hunters, Charity People Recruitment, Interact Contact Centres, Thomas Carroll Insurances, Optagon Roofing Supplier.
USA: The ESOP plan, how does it work? Unpacking the myths of employee ownership. Employee ownership is more often figuring into private equity value-creation strategies.

Une sélection de 26 articles remarquables dans 9 pays en décembre 2023: Bulgarie, Canada, Tchéquie, France, Italie, Pologne, Tunisie, Royaume-Uni, États-Unis.
Bulgarie: Pour promouvoir l'actionnariat salarié dans les startups.
Canada: La nouvelle exonération fiscale pour les fiducies d'actionnariat salarié va inciter les propriétaires d'entreprise à organiser leur retraite en vendant leur entreprise aux salariés.
Tchéquie: Voici enfin la réforme fiscale tellement attendue pour faciliter l'actionnariat salarié dans les startups.
France: Succès des nouveaux plans d'actionnariat salarié chez Vallourec, chez Veolia, chez Spie, chez Stellantis, chez Air France-KLM.
Italie: L'actionnariat salarié arrive enfin au Canada! Nouveaux plans d'actionnariat salarié pour Mediobanca et pour Stellantis.
Pologne: Le syndicat Solidarnosc pour multiplier l'actionnariat salarié en Pologne.
Tunisie: Premier plan d'actionnariat salarié pour la Banque Attijari.
Royaume Uni: Grâce à la formule de la Fiducie d'Actionnariat Salarié (Employee Ownership Trust), chaque jour une nouvelle PME transférée aux salariés. Ce mois-ci entre autres les cas de: Hudgell Solicitors, TBM Marketing Group, Ellwood Atfield Head-hunters, Charity People Recruitment, Interact Contact Centres, Thomas Carroll Insurances, Optagon Roofing Supplier.
USA: Le plan ESOP, comment ça marche? Démystifier les mythes de l'actionnariat salarié. L’actionnariat salarié prend de plus en plus souvent place dans les stratégies d'investissement du private equity.
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Nuestar seleccion propone 26 artículos destacados en 9 países en diciembre de 2023: Bulgaria, Canadá, Chequia, Francia, Italia, Polonia, Túnez, Reino Unido y Estados Unidos.
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  Eine Auswahl von 26 bemerkenswerten Artikeln in 9 Ländern im Dezember 2023: Bulgarien, Kanada, Tschechien, Frankreich, Italien, Polen, Tunesien, Großbritannien, USA.
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  26 articoli selezionati per dicembre 2023 in 9 Stati:
Bulgaria, Canada, Repubblica Ceca, Francia, Italia, Polonia, Tunisia, Regno Unito, Stati Uniti.
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V prosinci 2023 máme výběr 26 pozoruhodných článků ve 9 zemích: Bulharsko, Kanada, Cesko, Francie, Itálie, Polsko, Tunisko, Velká Británie, USA.
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2023 decemberében hónapban 26 figyelemre méltó cikket találtunk 9 országból: Bulgária, Kanada, Csehország, Franciaország, Olaszország, Lengyelország, Tunézia, Egyesült Királyság, USA.
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Mamy wybór 26 niezwyklych artykulów w 9 krajach w grudniu 2023 r: Bulgaria, Kanada, Czechy, Francja, Wlochy, Polska, Tunezja, Wielka Brytania, USA.
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Een selectie van 26 opmerkelijke artikelen in 9 landen in december 2023: Bulgarije, Canada, Tsjechië, Frankrijk, Italië, Polen, Tunesië, VK, VS.
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Ett urval av 26 anmärkningsvärda artiklar i 9 länder i december 2023: Bulgarien, Kanada, Tjeckien, Frankrike, Italien, Polen, Tunisien, Storbritannien, USA.
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BG      1 - Why Equity Matters: 11 of CEE's Top Founders and Ecosystem Leaders Talk About …
             The Recursive - 12 Dec 2023
             ... ESOP adoption, we need a shift in the ESOP perception. ESOP is an investment opportunity and gives you ownership of what you build. To achieve it ...
CA      2 - Feds' new tax exemption could drive more employers to leverage employee ownership trusts: expert
             Benefits Canada.com - 1 Dec 2023
             When a company is more than 50 per cent employee-owned, they begin to make different decisions. [These] companies lay off far fewer people in ...
CZ      3 - Zaměstnanecké akcie jsou konečně tu
             Ekonom.cz - 14 Dec 2023
             Zaměstnanecké akcie jsou konečně tu. Matěj Sýkora, advokátní kancelář eLegal autor: archiv · Matěj Sýkora, advokátní kancelář eLegal.
CZ      4 - Novelu zákona o zaměstnaneckých akciích podepsal ...
             CzechCrunch - 27 Dec 2023
             Často totiž nemají dostatek peněz, aby kvalitním lidem nabídly patřičně vysokou mzdu, a zaměstnanecké akcie jim pak v případě exitu mohou tuto „ztrátu“...
FR      5 - Succès de Vallourec Invest 2023, l'offre d'actionnariat salarié ...
             Zonebourse - 13 Dec 2023
             Succès de Vallourec Invest 2023, l'offre d'actionnariat salarié de Vallourec…
FR      6 - Veolia: nearly 42% of subscribers to Sequoia 2023
             Bourse en ligne - 15 Dec 2023
             Veolia announces the success of its Sequoia 2023 employee shareholding operation: offered to 190,000 employees in 49 countries, it was subscribed to by nearly 79,000 employees, representing a subscription rate of close to 42%.
FR      7 - Spie : succès du programme d'actionnariat salarié
             Zonebourse - 15 Dec 2023
             Spie annonce le succès de son programme d'actionnariat salarié Share for You 2023…
FR      8 - Succès de l'opération 'Shares to Win', premier plan d ...
             Stellantis.com - 21 Dec 2023
             Succès de l'opération 'Shares to Win', premier plan d'actionnariat salarié mis en place par Stellantis. 4,4 millions d'actions souscrites, soit un montant...
FR      9 - Succès du plan mondial d'actionnariat salarié du Groupe Air France-KLM...
             Zonebourse - 21 Dec 2023
             Air France-KLM a finalisé avec succès son offre d'actionnariat salarié "Ensemble pour l'avenir", une opération d'augmentation de capital réservée à environ 75...
IT      10 - Partecipazione all'azionariato dei dipendenti
             CSSPD - 11 Dec 2023
             Nella Newsletter di Dicembre 2023, la EFES presenta lo stato dell'azionariato ai dipendenti in Canada e Germania. L'azionariato dei dipendenti arriva infatti finalmente in Canada.
IT      11 - Mediobanca: alta adesione al piano di azionariato diffuso ...
             ESG News - 21 Dec 2023
             Si è conclusa con successo la campagna di adesioni a One Share, primo piano di azionariato diffuso e coinvestimento rivolto al personale dipendente del gruppo Mediobanca…
IT      12 - Stellantis: Chereau, successo piano azionariato dipendenti ...
             Borsa Italiana - 21 Dec 2023
             Stellantis: Chereau, successo piano azionariato dipendenti dimostra fiducia in azienda. Manca: programma e' segnale attenzione per Italia...
PL      13 - Rzecznik Solidarności: Zachęcam pracodawców, aby włączali ...
             Tygodnik Solidarność - 15 Dec 2023
             Marek Lewandowski zachęcał również pracodawców do wdrażania modelu akcjonariatu pracowniczego. – Zachęcam pracodawców, żeby częścią wiązania pracowników z...
TN      14 - Attijari bank approuve sa politique en faveur de l’actionnariat salarié
             Ilboursa.com - 1 Dec 2023
             ... actionnariat salarié afin de continuer à associer à long terme et de façon étroite les collaborateurs du Groupe Attijari bank à son développement et...
UK      15 - Solicitors firm to become employee owned after 25 years in business
             The Business Desk - 5 Dec 2023
             Hudgell Solicitors is to become employee owned following a decision by founder Neil Hudgell to transfer the majority of shares to an Employee ...
UK      16 - Global Creative Collective TBM Group Becomes Employee Owned Business
             lbbonline.com - 7 Dec 2023
             Today, Global creative collective TBM Group announces it has officially become an employee owned business. Made up of animation production and ...
UK      17 - Ellwood Atfield becomes employee-owned ahead of growth acceleration plans
             Response Source Press Release Wire - 7 Dec 2023
             Ellwood Atfield – Europe's largest team of specialist head-hunters and experts in communications and advocacy hiring – has become fully employee owned ...
UK      18 - Charity People to become employee-owned
             UK Fundraising - 11 Dec 2023
             Charity recruitment consultancy Charity People has announced that it is to become an employee-owned business.
UK      19 - Interact Becomes First Employee-Owned Contact Centre Outsourcer
             Contact-Centres.com - 12 Dec 2023
             Interact, a multi-award-winning UK contact centre outsourcer, is delighted to announce that it has become an Employee-Owned Trust.
UK      20 - Thomas Carroll creates Employee Ownership Trust
             Insurance Age - 12 Dec 2023
             The employee-owned business already had an Employee Benefit Trust and after the latest transition, which has been approved by the Financial ...
UK      21 - Caerphilly-based insurance firm is now owned by its employees
             Caerphilly Observer - 13 Dec 2023
             In doing so, it has become one of the biggest employee-owned businesses in Wales. The business was set up in 1972 by Evan Thomas and Terry Carroll.
UK      22 - Online roofing supplier moves to employee ownership
             Insider Media - 21 Dec 2023
             Employee-owned corporate finance adviser BCMS supported the shareholders and senior team throughout the transaction ...
US      23 - ESOPs give employee-owners stake in the game ...
             NH Business Review - 1 Dec 2023
             ESOPs give employee-owners stake in the game ... Employee stock ownership plans are a creative and effective way to give your company's team members a ...
US      24 - Unpacking the Myths of Employee Ownership
             Inc. Magazine - 7 Dec 2023
             ... employee ownership. ... Let's go back to Corey Rosen's 1987 Harvard Business Review research, which revealed that ESOP (employee stock ownership ...
US      25 - Text-Em-All Embarks on a Revolutionary Journey With Its Transition to an Employee Ownership Trust
             newsobserver - 13 Dec 2023
             In a bold and visionary move, Text-Em-All, an 18-year old SaaS company with 42 employees, proudly announces it is now a 100% employee-owned ...
US      26 - Story of the year: Private equity and employee ownership
             Buyouts Insider - 26 Dec 2023
             Employee ownership was this year more often figuring into private equity value-creation strategies.

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For information and contact
Avenue Voltaire 135, B-1030 Brussels
Tel/fax: +32 (0)2 242 64 30
E-mail: efes@efesonline.org
Web site: www.efesonline.org
EFES' objective is to act as the umbrella organization of employee owners, companies and all persons, trade unions, experts, researchers, institutions looking to promote employee share ownership and participation in Europe.