Our selection

We have a selection of 22 remarkable articles in 6 countries in July 2022: Germany, France, Italy, Norway, UK, USA.
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Une sélection de 22 articles remarquables dans 6 pays en juillet 2022: Allemagne, France, Italie, Norvège, Royaume-Uni, États-Unis.
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Nuestar seleccion propone 22 artículos destacados en 6 países en julio de 2022: Alemania, Francia, Italia, Noruega, Reino Unido, Estados Unidos.
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  Eine Auswahl von 22 bemerkenswerten Artikeln in 6 Ländern im Juli 2022: Deutschland, Frankreich, Italien, Norwegen, UK, USA.
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  22 articoli selezionati per luglio 2022 in 6 Stati:
Germania, Francia, Italia, Norvegia, Regno Unito, USA.
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V cervenci 2022 máme výběr 22 pozoruhodných článků ve 6 zemích: Nemecko, Francie, Itálie, Norsko, Velká Británie, USA.
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2022 júliusában hónapban 22 figyelemre méltó cikket találtunk 6 országból: Németország, Franciaország, Olaszország, Norvégia, Egyesült Királyság, USA.
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Mamy wybór 22 niezwyklych artykulów w 6 krajach w lipcu 2022: Niemcy, Francja, Wlochy, Norwegia, Wielka Brytania, USA.
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Een selectie van 22 opmerkelijke artikelen in 6 landen in juli 2022: Duitsland, Frankrijk, Italië, Noorwegen, VK, VS.
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DE      1 - GoingPublic Magazin Special: Mitarbeiterbeteiligung
             GoingPublic.de - 21 July 2022
              Viel Spaß beim Stöbern! Das Event zum Magazin-Special: Summer Lounge Mitarbeiterbeteiligung 14. Juli 2022, München. Mit Referenten von: Deutsches Aktieninstitut...
DE      2 - Mit Mitarbeiterbeteiligung besser durch die Krise
             GoingPublic.de - 21 July 2022
             Die Bundesregierung sieht das offenbar genauso und räumt daher der Mitarbeiterkapitalbeteiligung im Koalitionsvertrag gleich an zwei Stellen Platz ein. Sie will...
DE      3 - Mitarbeiterbeteiligung: Aussichten könnten nicht besser sein
             Unternehmeredition - 22 July 2022
             Mitarbeiterbeteiligung: Aussichten könnten nicht besser sein. Junge Unternehmen entdecken Trend zur Mitarbeiterbeteiligung. Von. Dirk Lambach. -. 22. Juli 2022.
FR      4 - Scopelec annonce le licenciement d’environ 500 salariés
             Le Monde - 6 July 2022
             Après avoir perdu d’importants marchés avec Orange, cette société coopérative de production aura perdu un tiers de ses effectifs en moins d’un an
FR      5 - Voltalia : succès du second plan d'actionnariat salarié
             Bourse Direct - 11 July 2022
             L'actionnariat salarié du groupe Voltalia atteindra 0,12% du capital une fois les actions livrées...
FR       6 - Renationalisation d'EDF : les actionnaires salariés portent plainte contre l'État pour "spoliation"
             Marianne - 18 July 2022
             Les actionnaires salariés et anciens salariés d'EDF ont annoncé leur intention d'introduire une plainte contre l'État pour « mise en difficulté de ...
FR      7 - Societe Generale_ Success of the 2022 Global Employee Share Ownerhip Programme
             Yahoo Finance - 18 July 2022
             SUCCESS OF THE 2022 GLOBAL EMPLOYEE SHARE OWNERSHIP PROGRAMME Press release Paris, 18th July 2022 Societe Generale announces that the 29th capital ...
FR      8 - EUROAPI annonce le succès de son premier plan mondial d'actionnariat salarié
             Business Wire - 22 July 2022
             Regulatory News: EUROAPI (Paris:EAPI) annonce le succès de son premier plan mondial d'actionnariat salarié, dénommé « EUROAPI Action 2022 » ...
IT      9 - Partecipazione all'azionariato dei dipendenti
             CSSPD.it - 18 July 2022
             Nella Newsletter di Luglio 2022, la EFES descrive la vertiginosa crescita dell'azionariato dei dipendenti nelle PMI in Gran Bretagna.
IT      10 - I lavoratori vedono un aumento dopo che l'italiano di Sam è ...
             Generazione Scuola - 23 July 2022
             Serve a supportare le aziende nella transizione verso l'azionariato dei dipendenti. Dopo che Sam's Italian Food si è trasformata in un'azienda di proprietà dei...
NO      11 - La ansatte få aksjer
             Dagsavisen 16 July 2022
             Sven Eide, sjeføkonom i Finansforbundet. (Privat). Det finnes i dag ingen økonomi der ansattes medeierskap er utbredt...
UK      12 - Employee Stock Ownership Plan (ESOP) Definition
             Investopedia - 6 July 2022
             Other versions of employee ownership include direct-purchase programs, stock options, restricted stock, ...
UK      13 - Agenda: Employee-owned businesses can help build a more resilient economy
             Yahoo Sport UK - 7 July 2022
             THE Scottish Government's Programme for Government included a goal to reach 500 employee-owned businesses (EOBs) by 2030.
UK      14 - Surveyor joins employee-owned revolution
             The Business Desk - 7 July 2022
             Surveyor joins employee-owned revolution;;;
UK      15 - Technology marketing firm becomes employee-owned
             Insider Media - 8 July 2022
             A technology marketing and PR firm headquartered in West Sussex has become employee-owned. Formed in 1984, Napier has offices in London and ...
UK      16 - Minehead Medical Centre becomes Employee-Owned Trust
             Somerset County Gazette - 12 July 2022
             MINEHEAD Medical Centre, has become the country's first individual GP practice to operate as a John Lewis Style Employee-Owned Trust (EOT).
UK      17 - Hoskins Architects transitions to employee ownership
             Scottish Construction Now - 19 July 2022
             “Transforming our international business into an employee-owned group has been far from simple, but our team has met the demands of the process ...
UK      18 - Land Rover Defender expert transfers to employee ownership
             The Business Desk - 19 July 2022
             Twisted Automotive Group, a North Yorkshire-based Land Rover Defender specialist, has transitioned to ownership by an employee ownership trust ...
UK      19 - Twisted Automotive in North Yorkshire becomes latest employee owned business
             Yorkshire Post - 20 July 2022
             Twisted Automotive in North Yorkshire becomes latest employee owned business. Vehicle manufacturer Twisted Automotive has announced the transfer ...
UK      20 - Landscaping material supplier becomes employee-owned
             Insider Media - 20 July 2022
             A Greater Manchester-based landscaping materials supplier has become an employee-owned business.
US      21 - New fund helps big El Paso landscape firm become employee-owned
             El Paso Times - 25 July 2022
             Stevens sold the company to Accent's employees through an Employee Stock Ownership Plan, or ESOP, trust set up by Apis & Heritage Capital Partners ..
US      22 - KKR: Greater employee ownership can make work fairer
             Financial Times - 31 July 2022
             Greater employee ownership can make work fairer. Giving workers the opportunity to profit-share and use their voice can benefit companies as a ...

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For information and contact
Avenue Voltaire 135, B-1030 Brussels
Tel/fax: +32 (0)2 242 64 30
E-mail: efes@efesonline.org
Web site: www.efesonline.org
EFES' objective is to act as the umbrella organization of employee owners, companies and all persons, trade unions, experts, researchers, institutions looking to promote employee share ownership and participation in Europe.