Our selection

We have a selection of 18 remarkable articles in 5 countries in August 2022: Czech Republic, France, Italy, UK, USA.
Czech Republic: Legislation to promote employee share ownership in the Czech Republic? The debate has begun.
France: Samse Group is an emblematic company for employee share ownership in France. First international employee share plan for Rémy-Cointreau. New employee share plans for Axa, for Elis. Transmission failed for the 90 employees of Acropole.
Italy: Employee share ownership in Italy: different cases and multiple opportunities.
UK: Every day a new SME is transferred to employees. This month, among others, the cases of: Concepto Diagnostics, BCMS, Minehead Medical Centre, Getech, Turnaround Publisher Services. The Welsh Government is committed to doubling the number of employee-owned businesses by 2026.
USA: In their new book, "Ownership: Reinventing Companies, Capitalism, and Who Owns What", Corey Rosen and John Case make the argument that capitalism is broken. Wealth has concentrated while wealth insecurity has soared. Public companies are focused almost solely on the short term, while private equity firms focus on buying and flipping firms in just a few years. Yet there is another model that eliminates that problems entirely: Employee ownership.
A recent study finds that workers at private companies owned by employee stock ownership plans place a higher priority on their company's commitment to corporate social responsibility than employees at non-ESOP companies. Business transfers in the form of ESOP plans for Mower Agency and for A to Z Machine.
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Une sélection de 18 articles remarquables dans 5 pays en août 2022: Tchéquie, France, Italie, Royaume-Uni, États-Unis.
Tchéquie: Une législation pour promouvoir l'actionnariat salarié en Tchéquie? Le débat est lancé.
France: Samse est une entreprise emblématique de l'actionnariat salarié en France. Premier plan international d'actionnariat salarié pour Rémy-Cointreau. Nouveaux plans d'actionnariat salarié pour Axa, pour Elis. Transmission en échec pour les 90 salariés d'Acropole.
Italie: Actionnariat salarié en Italie: cas divers et occasions multiples.
Royaume Uni: Chaque jour une nouvelle PME transférée aux salariés. Ce mois-ci entre autres, les cas de: Concepto Diagnostics, BCMS, Minehead Medical Centre, Getech, Turnaround Publisher Services. Le gouvernement du Pays de Galles s'engage à doubler le nombre d'entreprises détenues par les salariés d'ici 2026.
USA: Dans leur nouveau livre, "Ownership: Reinventing Companies, Capitalism, and Who Owns What", Corey Rosen et John Case considèrent que le capitalisme est fini. La richesse s'est concentrée alors que l'insécurité a explosé. Les grandes entreprises financiarisées se concentrent presque uniquement sur le court terme, tandis que les sociétés de capital-investissement se concentrent sur l'achat et la revente des entreprises en quelques années seulement. Pourtant, il existe un autre modèle qui élimine entièrement ces problèmes: l'actionnariat salarié.
Une étude récente révèle que les travailleurs des entreprises privées détenues par des plans d'actionnariat salarié accordent une plus grande priorité à l'engagement de leur entreprise envers la responsabilité sociale des entreprises que les employés des entreprises non ESOP.
Transmissions d'entreprises sous forme de plans ESOP pour Mower Agency et pour A to Z Machine.

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Nuestar seleccion propone 18 artículos destacados en 5 países en agosto de 2022: República Checa, Francia, Italia, Reino Unido, Estados Unidos.
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  Eine Auswahl von 18 bemerkenswerten Artikeln in 5 Ländern im August 2022: Tschechische Republik, Frankreich, Italien, Großbritannien, USA.
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  18 articoli selezionati per agosto 2022 in 5 Stati:
Repubblica Ceca, Francia, Italia, Regno Unito, USA.
Repubblica Ceca: Una legge per la promozione dell’azionariato dipendenti nella Rpubblica Ceca? Il dibattito è cominciato.
Francia: Samse Group è una società emblematica per la partecipazione azionaria dei dipendenti. Primo piano di azionariato presso Rémy-Cointreau. Nuovo piano per Axa ed Elis. Fallita la trasmissione di impresa per I 90 dipendenti di Acropole.
Italia: Azionariato dipendenti in Italia: casi differenti, aumentano le occasioni.
UK: Ogni giorno una nuova PMI è trasferita ai dipendenti. Questo mese, fra le altre: Concepto Diagnostics, BCMS, Minehead Medical Centre, Getech, Turnaround Publisher Services. Il governo gallese è impegnato a far raddoppiare entro il 2026 il numero delle imprese possedute dai dipendenti.
USA: Nel loro ultimo libro, "Ownership: Reinventing Companies, Capitalism, and Who Owns What", Corey Rosen e John Case dichiarano che il capitalism è finite.La ricchezza è sempre più concentrate, l’insicurezza è esplosa. Le grandi società quotate perseguono solo obiettivi di breve termine, il private equità si concentra su comprare e vendere aziende nel giro di pochi anni. Tuttavia c’è un altro modello che elimina totalmente quei problemi: l’azionariato dei dipendenti.
Uno studio recente mostra che I dipendenti di società ESOP danno maggior priorità all’impegno aziendale per la responsabilità sociale rispetto ai dipendenti di società non-ESOP.
Trasferimenti di impresa tramite piani ESOP per Mower Agency e per A to Z Machine.

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V srpnu 2022 máme výběr 18 pozoruhodných článků ve 5 zemích: Czechy, Francja, Wlochy, Wielka Brytania, USA.
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2022 augusztusában hónapban 18 figyelemre méltó cikket találtunk 5 országból: Csehország, Franciaország, Olaszország, Egyesült Királyság, USA.
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Mamy wybór 18 niezwyklych artykulów w 5 krajach w sierpniu 2022: Czechy, Francja, Wlochy, Wielka Brytania, USA.
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Een selectie van 18 opmerkelijke artikelen in 5 landen in augustus 2022: Tsjechië, Frankrijk, Italië, VK, VS.
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CZ      1 - Nižší daně ze zaměstnaneckých akcií? Na změnu tlačí ...
             Archiv HN - 12 Aug 2022
             Podle dat Evropské federace pro zaměstnanecké vlastnictví akcií drželi loni zaměstnanci podíl v rekordní hodnotě 433 miliard eur.
FR      2 - Les salariés, l'autre famille du groupe Samse
             ESSOR Isère - 16 Aug 2022
             Trois salariés sur quatre sont actionnaires. Si l'actionnariat salarié existe dans l'entreprise depuis 1968 (prime de participation payée en ...
FR      3 - Rémy Cointreau Expands Employee Share Ownership Plan to Employees Outside France …
             Business Wire - 22 Aug 2022
             Regulatory News: Following the successful 2021 launch of its employee share ownership plan in France, Rémy Cointreau (Paris:RCO) announces its ...
FR      4 - Rémy Cointreau lance son premier plan d'actionnariat salarié international
             LaBourseEtLaVie - 22 Aug 2022
             Rémy Cointreau lance son premier plan d'actionnariat salarié « My Rémy Cointreau 2022 » à l'international ...
FR      5 - Shareplan 2022 ou le Lancement de l'opération d'actionnariat salarié 2022 au groupe AXA
             Assurance & Banque 2.0 - 22 Aug 2022
             Les droits de vote attachés à ces actions seront exercés directement par les salariés actionnaires. L'offre classique ne sera pas proposée au ...
FR      6 - Le stéphanois Acropole, spécialisé dans les implants ...
             France 3 Régions - 24 Aug 2021
             Après avoir étudié la possibilité de reprendre leur entreprise sous la forme d'une Scop (Société coopérative et participative), les salariés y ont...
FR      7 - Elis annonce une opération d'actionnariat salarié « Elis for all » 2022
             Zone Bourse - 30 Aug 2022
             Elis annonce le lancement d'une nouvelle opération d'actionnariat salarié « Elis for all » 2022
IT      8 - Azionariato dei dipendenti, diventereste (anche) azionisti dell’azienda per cui lavorate?
             Vanity Fair - 12 Aug 2022
             La prima considerazione da fare in risposta a questo dubbio è che non tutti piani di azionariato dei dipendenti prevedono l'investimento di una somma di denaro.
UK      9 - Concepto Diagnostics becomes majority employee owned
             Employee Benefits - 1 Aug 2022
             Concepto Diagnostics becomes majority employee owned ... Diagnostic services business Concepto Diagnostics has become majority owned after co-directors ...
UK      10 - Staff take charge at Kingsclere finance adviser BCMS
             Newbury Today - 5 Aug 2022
             The employee-owned sector in the UK is growing year-on-year, and analysis published by The Employee Ownership Association indicates co-owned ...
UK       11 - Somerset GP practice converts to John Lewis-style employee-ownership model
             GPonline - 9 Aug 2022
             Somerset GP practice converts to John Lewis-style employee-ownership model. By Catherine Lafferty on the 9 August 2022. A GP practice in Somerset ...
UK      12 - Firms advise on EOT formation for Getech
             Insider Media - 10 Aug 2022
             Birketts and Ensors have collaborated to advise education technology specialist Getech in respect of its sale to an Employee Ownership Trust ...
UK      13 - Turnaround becomes Employee Ownership Trust as Godber retires and Webb steps up
             The Bookseller - 23 Aug 2022
             ... employee ownership by giving business owners the opportunity to sell their shares to an employee-owned trust, free from capital gains tax.
UK      14 - Economy Minister Visits Employee-owned Company ABER Instruments
             Business News Wales - 31 Aug 2022
             Economy Minister, Vaughan Gething has visited ABER Instruments in Aberystwyth, an employee-owned company that's going from strength to strength ...
US      15 - Independent Agency Mower Becomes Employee Owned
             Adweek - 10 Aug 2022
             I look forward to seeing our new employee owners maintain their fierce ... professionals are attracted to the idea of employee ownership, ...
US      16 - Can Employee Ownership Save Capitalism?
             Forbes - 25 Aug 2022
             ... Capitalism, and Who Owns What by Corey Rosen and John Case highlights the contrast between employee owned companies and the traditional model ...
US      17 - Communities Benefit When Employee-Owned Companies Make Them Their Homes
             Forbes - 31 Aug 2022
             A recent study sponsored by the Employee-Owned S Corporations of America found workers at private businesses owned by employee stock ownership plans ( ...
US      18 - Top Shop Builds Upon Employee Ownership for Future Success
             Modern Machine Shop - 31 Aug 2022
             The Employee-Owned Advantage · Putting People First: a Profitable Strategy · Developing Shopfloor Talent: Why "Vocational" Is Not a Dirty Word in ...


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For information and contact
Avenue Voltaire 135, B-1030 Brussels
Tel/fax: +32 (0)2 242 64 30
E-mail: efes@efesonline.org
Web site: www.efesonline.org
EFES' objective is to act as the umbrella organization of employee owners, companies and all persons, trade unions, experts, researchers, institutions looking to promote employee share ownership and participation in Europe.