Our selection

We have a selection of 24 remarkable articles in 10 countries in January 2021: Czechia, Denmark, Germany, France, Italy, Latvia, Spain, Sweden, UK, USA.
Czechia: Taylor Guitars shifts to an ESOP plan.
Denmark: Political campaign to promote workers' cooperatives in Denmark.
Germany: In the European ranking of employee share plans for startups, Germany and Belgium are at the very last place.
France: New employee share plan for Suez. Business transfers through workers' co-operative.
Italy: Employee ownership in SMEs. Call for the representation of employee shareholders on the boards of large European companies.
Latvia: New regime for taxation of employee stock options.
Spain: Josetxo Hernandez takes stock of 37 years at the head of ASLE, the Basque federation of sociedades laborales.
Sweden: Stock options should receive better treatment in Sweden.
UK: Employee Ownership Trusts increasing in popularity.
USA: Employee-ownership companies set to outperform in anticipated 2021 recovery.  Iconic Taylor Guitars to become 100% employee-owned company. Top Biden economist: Encouraging employee ownership could improve job quality, increase workers' wealth & productivity.
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Une sélection de 24 articles remarquables dans 10 pays en janvier 2021: Tchéquie, Danemark, Allemagne, France, Italie, Lettonie, Espagne, Suède, Royaume-Uni, USA.
Tchéquie: Taylor Guitars passe à un plan ESOP.
Danemark: Campagne politique pour promouvoir les coopératives de salariés au Danemark.
Allemagne: Dans le classement européen des plans d'actionnariat salarié pour les startups, l'Allemagne et la Belgique sont à la toute dernière place.
France: Nouveau plan d'actionnariat salarié pour Suez. Transmissions d'entreprises sous forme de coopératives de salariés.
Italie: Actionnariat salarié pour les PME. Appel à la représentation des actionnaires salariés dans les Conseils des grandes entreprises européennes.
Lettonie: Nouveau régime pour la taxation des stock options.
Espagne: Josetxo Hernandez fait le bilan de ses 37 ans à la tête de ASLE, la fédération basque des sociedades laborales.
Suède: Les stock-options devraient être mieux traitées en Suède.
Royaume Uni: Les Trusts d'Actionnariat Salarié (Employee Ownership Trusts - EOT) gagnent en popularité.
USA: Les entreprises d'actionnariat salarié devraient être les gagnantes de la reprise post-covid.  L'emblématique Taylor Guitars passe à un plan ESOP. Pour l'économiste en chef de Jo Biden, encourager l'actionnariat salarié permet d'améliorer la qualité de l'emploi, les finances des salariés et la productivité.
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Nuestar seleccion propone 24 artículos destacados en 10 países en enero de 2021: Chequia, Dinamarca, Alemania, Francia, Italia, Letonia, España, Suecia, Reino Unido, Estados Unidos.
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  Eine Auswahl von 24 bemerkenswerten Artikeln in 10 Ländern im Januar 2021: Tschechien, Dänemark, Deutschland, Frankreich, Italien, Lettland, Spanien, Schweden, Großbritannien, USA.
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  24 articoli selezionati per gennaio 2021 in 10 Stati:
Cechia, Danimarca, Germania, Francia, Italia, Lettonia, Spagna, Svezia, Regno Unito, Stati Uniti.
Rep. Ceca;  Taylor Guitars assume la struttura di ESOP.
Danimarca: Campagna politica per la promozione delle cooperative di lavoro in Danimarca.
Germania: Nella classifica europea dei piani di azionariato per le startups Germania e Belgio sono agli ultimissimi posti.
Francia: Nuovo piano azionario presso Suez. Trasmissione di impresa attraverso cooperative di lavoro.
Italia: Azionariato dei dipendenti nelle PMI. Appello per la rappresentanza dei dipendenti azionisti nei Consigli delle grandi Società europee.
Lettonia: Nuovo regime fiscale per le stockoptions ai dipendenti.
Spagna:  Josetxo Hernandez traccia il bilancio dei suoi 37 anni alla guida di ASLE, la federazione basca delle sociedades laborales.
Svezia: Le Stock options dovrebbero avere un miglior trattamento fiscale.
UK: Employee Ownership Trusts vedono aumentare la popolarità.
USA: Le società partecipate dai dipendenti dovrebbero presentare migliori risultati nella ripresa post-Covid. La prestigiosa Taylor Guitars diventerà 100% proprietà di dipendenti. Per il capo economista del Presidente Biden promuovere la partecipazione dei dipendenti permette di migliorare la qualità dell’occupazione, la ricchezza dei lavoratori e la produttività.
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V lednu 2021 máme na výběr 24 pozoruhodných článků v 10 zemích: Cesko, Dánsko, Nemecko, Francie, Itálie, Lotyšsko, Španelsko, Švédsko, Velká Británie, USA.
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2021 januárjában hónapban 24 figyelemre méltó cikket találtunk 10 országból: Csehország, Dánia, Németország, Franciaország, Olaszország, Lettország, Spanyolország, Svédország, Egyesült Királyság, USA.
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CZ      1 - Americký výrobce luxusních kytar se rozhodl předat vlastnictví ...
             Alarm - 22 Jan 2021
             Spoluzakladatelé nástrojářské firmy Taylor Guitars Bob Taylor a Kurt Listug se dohodli na zavedení zaměstnaneckého vlastnictví pomocí takzvaných ...
DA      2 - Nej, det er ikke en revolution – det er bare sund fornuft: Nye ...
             Politiken - 3 Jan 2021
              Medarbejderejede virksomheder har desuden »færre mellemledere, større samhørighed og større gensidig kontrol mellem medarbejderne«. Og så ønsker de ...
DE      3 - ESOP-Ranking: Deutschland bei Mitarbeiterbeteiligungen auf letzten Platz
             DIE WELT - 26 Jan 2021
             In ihrem Ranking listet die Initiative auf, in welchen Ländern Mitarbeiterbeteiligungsprogramme wie gut umgesetzt werden. Deutschland bei Mitarbeiterbeteiligung ...
ES      4 - Josetxo Hernández Duñabeitia
             Noticias de Gipuzkoa - 2 Jan 2021
             Y en 2015 se introdujo el concepto de la empresa participada. Ahora trabajamos en un desarrollo de dicha ley para que exista una legislación, por primera vez ...
ES      5 - Repsol lanza un nuevo plan de compra de acciones para su reparto entre empleados
             El Español - 14 Jan 2021
             Repsol lanza un nuevo plan de compra de acciones para su reparto entre empleados. Los trabajadores de la energética podrán acceder a la entrega de cerca ...
FR       5b - Alain Minc : «Les salariés devraient détenir 10% du capital de leur entreprise»
              Le Figaro - 16 Jan 2021
              Vous ne pouvez pas à la fois dire «je vais continuer à donner la même rentabilité à mes actionnaires» et faire de la dépense destinée à réduire votre ...
FR      6 - 5e offre d'actionnariat salarié pour SUEZ
             Zonebourse.com - 27 Jan 2021
             La période de réservation de Sharing 2021, 5e offre d'actionnariat salarié du Groupe proposée aux collaborateurs de SUEZ en France, s'est achevée lundi 25 ...
FR      7 - Puy-de-Dôme : un projet de SCOP pour reprendre Dietal
             France 3 Régions - 28 Dec 2020
             Ce sont les parts sociales des futurs sociétaires salariés de la SCOP Dietal ... Ce projet de reprise des salariés permettrait de conserver 113 emplois dans les ...
FR      8 - Marne Métal Concept, l'or de Châlons
             L'Hebdo du Vendredi - 29 Jan 2021
             Impossible en effet pour tous ces anciens employés de PCH Metals de perdre ce fleuron de l'industrie locale. Depuis, devenus salariés-actionnaires de leur outil ...
IT      9 - Partecipazione all'azionariato dei dipendenti
             CSSPD - 19 Jan 2021
             Secondo la EFES, il Regno Unito è finora l'unico paese europeo che sia stato in grado di attuare un’efficace politica di partecipazione azionaria del personale nelle PMI.
IT      10 - Tim: Asati chiede ai soci un rappresentante dei piccoli ...
             Il Sole 24 ORE - 21 Jan 2021
             In Europa, gli azionisti-dipendenti sono presenti nel 94% delle grandi imprese, detengono azioni per oltre 400 miliardi di euro e rappresentano, in media, il 3,2% ...
LV      11 - Latvia: A New Regime For Taxation Of Employee Stock Options In Latvia: What Will Change?
             Mondaq News Alerts - 5 Jan 2021
             The stock options were granted pursuant to a stock option plan. The holding period of the options (the period between when the option was granted ...
12 - Sverige behöver bättre villkor för personaloptioner
             Realtid.se - 12 Jan 2021
             European Federation of Employee Share Ownership, som stödjs av EU-kommissionen, beskriver i en rapport från 2019 att ökat personalägande ...
UK      13 - IT Services firm clicks with employee ownership
             Scottish Business News - 5 Jan 2021
             ... number of Scottish-headquartered entrepreneurial businesses opting for this model of ownership, with close to 100 firms now employee-owned.
UK      14 - Employee Ownership Trusts Increasing in Popularity
             Business News Wales - 22 Jan 2021
             The number of employee-owned businesses is rising rapidly, and we expect that trend to continue in the coming year as founders seek to de-risk, and ...
UK      15 - Employees buy Queen's Award winner
             Insider Media - 25 Jan 2021
             A Queen's Award-winning engineering and process automation company in Warwick has become employee owned. 3P Innovation has been snapped ...
US      16 - Fast-growing City Fresh Foods sells a minority stake to its employees
             BetaBoston - 7 Jan 2021
             For City Fresh, employee ownership is seen as a way to help workers from ... and JPMorgan Chase, was able to engineer an employee stock-ownership plan in ...
US      17 - Iconic Taylor Guitars in El Cajon to Become 100% Employee-Owned Company
             Times of San Diego - 11 Jan 2021
             Iconic Taylor Guitars in El Cajon to Become 100% Employee-Owned Company. Posted by Chris Jennewein on January 11, 2021 in Business | Views.
US      18 - ESCA: Top Biden Economist: Encouraging Employee Ownership Could Improve Job Quality ...
             PRNewswire - 12 Jan 2021
             The study, conducted with support from the Employee-Owned S Corporations of America (ESCA), uncovers obstacles to the creation of ESOPs and ...
US      19 - Looking Past The Pandemic: ESOPs, Employee-Ownership Companies Set To Outperform In ...
             Forbes - 14 Jan 2021
             Employee-owned companies tend to outperform other companies. getty. Economists are watching other barometers that will impact a recovery. Some ...
US      20 - The ESOP Association Looks Forward to Working with the Biden Administration and the 117th ...
             PRNewswire - 20 Jan 2021
             ... the interests of ESOP companies in the United States, including small and large employee owned companies in every sector and in all 50 states.
US      21 - C&K Market Opts for Employee Ownership
             Progressive Grocer - 25 Jan 2021
             ... store chain C&K Market has completed a transaction to become 100% employee-owned through an employee stock ownership plan (ESOP) trust.
US      22 - Globalview Advisors Becomes 100% Employee-Owned
             Yahoo Finance - 26 Jan 2021
              ... to announce it has completed a transaction to become 100% employee-owned through its newly created Employee Stock Ownership Plan (ESOP).
US      23 - News Release: City Launches Initiative to Stop Small Business Closing and Help Transition to ...
             City of Santa Clara - 29 Jan 2021
             Employee-owned companies increase job quality and have proven, positive impact on job creation and on business retention. A study conducted by ...
US      24 - Beer Importer Global Beer Network Becomes an Employee Owned Company
             Brewbound.com - 30 Jan 2021
             As of January 1, 2021, Global Beer Network sold 100% of its shares to its employees, becoming the first employee owned beer importer in the United ...

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For information and contact
Avenue Voltaire 135, B-1030 Brussels
Tel/fax: +32 (0)2 242 64 30
E-mail: efes@efesonline.org
Web site: www.efesonline.org
EFES' objective is to act as the umbrella organization of employee owners, companies and all persons, trade unions, experts, researchers, institutions looking to promote employee share ownership and participation in Europe.