Our selection

We have a selection of 35 remarkable articles in 9 countries in July and August 2021: Australia, Belgium, Switzerland, France, Germany, Hungary, UK, USA, South Africa.
Australia: New Employee Ownership Trust model lands in Australia.
Belgium: Employee share ownership responds to a threefold problem: justice, purchasing power, pensions.
Switzerland: More and more employees are participating in their employer's company.
France: Panorama ERES: Employee share ownership in the SBF120 is resisting the 2020 crisis.
First employee share plan for Rémy Cointreau. The shareholder foundation model is spreading in France. Strong performance of employee share ownership in non-listed companies.
Germany: The new legislation for employee share ownership came into force on July 1, with the tax-exempt threshold of EUR 360 increased to EUR 1,440 annually.
Hungary: New legislation was voted in June.
UK: Every day a new SME is transferred to an Employee Ownership Trust. Interest in employee ownership hit record highs during the pandemic. Employee ownership driving Scottish economic recovery.
USA: The Employee Stock Ownership Plan (ESOP) is becoming increasingly popular this year.
South Africa: Successful employee ownership for Arnot Mine.

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Une sélection de 35 articles remarquables dans 9 pays en juillet-aoűt: Australie, Belgique, Suisse, France, Allemagne, Hongrie, Royaume Uni, USA, Afrique du Sud.
Australia: La formule du Trust d'Actionnariat Salarié (Employee Ownership Trust - EOT) débarque en Australie.
Belgique: L’actionnariat salarié répond ŕ une triple problématique: justice, pouvoir d’achat, pensions.
Suisse: Les salariés sont de plus en plus nomberux ŕ ętre actionnaires de leur entreprise.
France: Panorama ERES: L'actionnariat salarié dans le SBF120 résiste ŕ la crise de 2020. Premier plan d'actionnariat salarié pour Rémy Cointreau. La formule de la fondation actionnaire se répand en France. Indice Equalis: belle performance de n'actionnariat salarié dans les entreprises non-cotées.
Allemagne: La nouvelle législation pour l'actionnarait salarié est entrée en vigueur le 1er juillet, avec un plafond d'exonération fiscale porté de 360 EUR ŕ 1.440 EUR par an.
Hongrie: Nouvelle législation votée en juin.
Royaume Uni: Chaque jour une nouvelle PME transférée ŕ un Trust d'Actionnariat Salarié. L'intéręt pour l'actionnariat salarié a atteint des niveaux record avec la pandémie. L'actionnariat salarié, moteur de la reprise économique écossaise.
USA: Le plan ESOP gagne en popularité depuis un an.
Afrique du Sud: Succčs de l'actionnariat salarié pour Arnot Mine.

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Nuestar seleccion propone 35 artículos destacados en 9 países en junio-julio de 2021: Australia, Bélgica, Suiza, Francia, Alemania, Hungría, Reino Unido, Estados Unidos, Sudáfrica.
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  Eine Auswahl von 35 bemerkenswerten Artikeln in 9 Ländern im Juni und Juli 2021: Australien, Belgien, Schweiz, Frankreich, Deutschland, Ungarn, UK, USA, Südafrika.
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  35 articoli selezionati per giugno e luglio 2021 in 9 Stati:
Australia, Belgio, Svizzera, Francia, Germania, Ungheria, Regno Unito, USA, Sud Africa.
Australia: Il nuovo modelle Employee Ownership Trust atterra in Australia.
Belgio: L’azionariato dei dipendenti risponde a tre esigenze: equitŕ, potere di acquisto e pensioni.
Svizzera: Sempre piů dipendenti diventano azionisti della loro Societŕ.
Francia: Panorama ERES: L’azionariato dei dipendenti  nelle societŕ dell’indice SBF120 resiste alla crisi 2020. Primo piano di azionariato presso Rémy Cointreau. Il modello di fondazione azionista si diffonde in Francia. Ottimi risultati di azionariato dei dipendenti nelle societŕ non quotate.
Germania: Il 1^ luglio č entrata in vigore la nuova fiscalitŕ per l’azionariato dei dipendenti, con l’esenzione aumentata da € 360 a 1440 annui.
Ungheria: Nuova legge votata in Giugno.
UK: Ogni giorno una PMI passa ad un Employee Ownership Trust. L’interesse per l’azionariato dei dipendenti ha raggiunto i massimi durante la pandemia. In Scozia č il motore della ripresa economica.
USA: L’Employee Stock Ownership Plan (ESOP) ha ulteriormente aumentato la suadiffusione
Sudafrica: Successo del piano di azionariato di Arnot Mine.
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V cervenci a sprnu 2021 máme na výběr 35 pozoruhodných článků v 9 zemích: Austrálie, Belgie, Švýcarsko, Francie, Nemecko, Madarsko, Velká Británie, USA, Jižní Afrika.
Austrálie: Nový model Trusted Ownership Trust přistává v Austrálii.
Belgie: Vlastnictví zaměstnaneckých akcií reaguje na trojí problém: spravedlnost, kupní síla, důchody.
Švýcarsko: Stále více zaměstnanců se účastní společnosti svého zaměstnavatele.
Francie: Panorama ERES: Zaměstnanecké vlastnictví akcií v SBF120 odolává krizi 2020. První plán zaměstnaneckých akcií pro Rémy Cointreau. Ve Francii se šíří model nadace akcionářů. Silný výkon vlastnictví zaměstnaneckých akcií v nekótovaných společnostech.
Německo: Nová legislativa týkající se vlastnictví zaměstnaneckých akcií vstoupila v platnost 1. července, přičemž hranice osvobození od daně ve výši 360 EUR se zvýšila na 1 440 EUR ročně.
Maďarsko: Nová legislativa byla odhlasována v June.
UK: Každý den je nový SME převeden na Trust zaměstnaneckého vlastnictví. Zájem o vlastnictví zaměstnanců dosáhl během pandemie rekordních maxim. Zaměstnanecké vlastnictví pohánějící skotské ekonomické oživení.
USA: Plán zaměstnaneckých akcií (ESOP) je v letošním roce stále populárnější.
Jižní Afrika: Úspěšné vlastnictví zaměstnanců pro důl Arnot.
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2021 júliusában és augusztusában hónapban 35 figyelemre méltó cikket találtunk 9 országból: Ausztrália, Belgium, Svájc, Franciaország, Németország, Magyarország, Egyesült Királyság, USA, Dél -Afrika.
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AU      1 - New employee ownership model lands in Australia
             Pro Bono Australia - 15 July 2021
              Advocates believe Employee Ownership Trusts (EOT) could become a common sight across the country. Australian businesses are being encouraged ...
BE      2 - Capitalisme collectif, épargne populaire et actionnariat salarié: une manne inespérée en Belgique
             lalibre.be - 2 Aug 2021
             un potentiel colossal. Une chronique signée Carl-Alexandre Robyn, Associé-fondateur du Cabinet Valoro. Capitalisme collectif, ...
CH      3 - Wenn Unternehmen Mitarbeiter beteiligen
             Finanz und Wirtschaft - 26 July 2021
             Gemäss dem aktuellen Report der European Federation of Employee Share Ownership besassen im Jahr 2020 rund 8,1 Mio. Angestellte in ...
DE      4 - Eine Lanze für die Mitarbeiteraktie
             Börsen-Zeitung - 23 Aug 2021
             Der Marktwert von Mitarbeiteraktien belief sich Anfang 2021 in Europa auf 420 Mrd. Euro. Auf den ersten Blick beeindruckend, doch entspricht dieser Wert nur ...
FR      5 - Panorama ERES 2020: La culture d’actionnariat salarié au service de la performance
             ERES - 5 July 2021
             Dans cette nouvelle édition, Eres mesure, pour la sixičme année consécutive, la performance sur 5 ans des opérations d’actionnariat salarié initiées par les entreprises du SBF120…
FR      6 - Panorama ERES 2020: L’actionnariat salarié, arme anti-crise
             ERES - 8 July 2021
             L’actionnariat salarié est un levier qui renforce et dynamise la politique RSE des entreprises.
FR      7 - OPA BPCE / Actions NATIXIS : demande d'ouverture d'une enquęte auprčs de l'AMF
             France Transactions - 14 July 2021
             L'ADAM conteste la gouvernance des fonds des actionnaires salariés, qui auraient été contraints ŕ revoter, tout comme la prolongation surprise de ...
FR      8 - BSPCE, BSA, stock-options : tout savoir sur les dispositifs d'actionnariat salarié
             Captain Contrat - 20 July 2021
             Dčs que le prix de souscription est versé, le bon est converti en actions et son bénéficiaire acquiert alors la qualité d'actionnaire. Au męme titre que le ...
FR      9 - Les fondations actionnaires sont l'avenir des sociétés ŕ mission
             Les Échos Business - 22 July 2021
             Opinion// La fondation actionnaire, assez méconnue en France, est un ... qui devient le premier actionnaire de l'entreprise, aux côtés des salariés et ...
FR      10 - Rémy Cointreau announces the success of its first employee share ownership plan, "My Rémy ...
             MarketWatch - 6 Aug 2021
             More than 630 subscribers, equating to 68.4% of eligible current and former employees, signed up for the plan via the My Rémy Cointreau employee ...
FR      11 - La belle performance de l'actionnariat salarié dans les entreprises non cotées
             L'Argent & Vous - 26 Aug 2021
             L'indice Equalis mesure ainsi la valorisation de ces entreprises non cotées qui font de l'actionnariat salarié et il progresse de 27% sur un an au 30 juin ...
HU      12 - A munkavállalók ösztönzésének egyik eszköze: a ...
             Adó Online - 31 Aug 2021
             Az MRP jogi kereteit a Munkavállalói Résztulajdonosi Programról szóló 1992. évi ... részvényt a Masterplast Munkavállalói Résztulajdonosi Program Szervezete ...
HU      13 - Mit hoz az új MRP-jogszabály?
             Világgazdaság - 6 Aug 2021
             különleges munkavállalói résztulajdonosi programok (KMRP) alkalmazására is. Az új szabályozás a régitől speciálisan eltérő lehetőséget biztosít a munkavállalók ...

UK      14 - Britain's DJS Goes Employee-Owned
             Daily Research News Online - 1 July 2021
             DJS has worked closely with the Employee Ownership Association (EOA) to prepare for the transition, which sees all employees become majority ...
UK      15 - UK: How Does Employee Ownership Safeguard The Future Of The Business – Is It Sustainable?
             Mondaq News Alerts - 2 July 2021
             A look at the key characteristics of a robust employee-owned business and how this should be managed for a successful future. A move to employee ...
UK      16 - Employee ownership of Scotland's businesses can make people happy in their work while also ...
             The Scotsman - 4 July 2021
             With the country recently welcoming its 100th employee-owned business earlier this year, there is evidence to suggest it could benefit our economy ...
UK      17 - Alliance Disposables becomes employee-owned
             Catering Insight - 5 July 2021
             Crewe-based online dealer Alliance Disposables is now employee owned, which it believes is the first move of its kind in the hospitality and public ...
UK      18 - Winch Design now fully employee owned
             Superyacht Times - 7 July 2021
             Winch Design now fully employee owned. Written by Francesca Webster. 7 July 2021 | 06:30 (PDT). The British yacht, aviation and architecture design ...
UK      19 - Curtins becomes employee owned
             Employee Benefits - 16 July 2021
             Liverpool-based environment consultancy Curtins has announced it has become employee owned to enable its staff to greater influence decision ...
UK      20 - Independent drinks firm Kingsland becomes partially employee owned
             Business Live - 19 July 2021
             ... Majestic, Sainsbury's and Morrison's, has become partially employee owned. Irlam-based Kingsland Drinks Group, including Kingsland Drinks and ...
UK      21 - Why founders have turned to employee ownership during the pandemic
             Raconteur - 20 July 2021
             Interest in employee ownership hit record highs during the pandemic, with 250 new employee-owned businesses established in the past 18 months.
UK      22 - Irlam's Kingsland Drinks Group makes move towards being employee owned
             About Manchester - 20 July 2021
             The employee-owned (EO) business sector in the UK is growing, with over 100 businesses transitioning to this model in the last 12 months. Co-owned ...
UK      23 - ShopBot Tools transitions to employee-ownership trust
             woodworkingnetwork.com - 21 July 2021
             DURHAM, N.C. – CNC machinery specialist ShopBot Tools announced it has recently restructured as an Employee Ownership Trust (EOT). Founder ...
UK      24 - Lisle Design becomes employee owned
             Employee Benefits - 6 Aug 2021
             Lisle Design becomes employee owned ... Digital tachograph download tool developer Lisle Design has become staff-owned after establishing an ...
UK      25 - Pandemic pressures put employee ownership back on to the agenda
             The Times - 9 Aug 2021
             This, combined with anxiety that the government was set to increase capital gains tax due when entrepreneurs sell their businesses, helped the ...
UK      26 - Oakwood Corporate Services becomes employee owned
             Employee Benefits - 10 Aug 2021
             Altrincham, Cheshire-based professional services advisory business Oakwood Corporate Services has become employee owned after forming an ...
UK      27 - Major Scunthorpe furniture manufacturer becomes employee-owned
             Business Live - 16 Aug 2021
             Lebus Upholstery and Lebus Furniture is to be headed by an employee ownership trust with immediate effect, adding jobs in the process. Directors and ...
UK      28 - Employees take ownership of specialist equipment supplier
             The Business Desk - 16 Aug 2021
             ... and distributor of operational and safety-critical products for the Rail and Electrical Supply markets, has become an employee owned company.
UK      29 - Douglas Roberts: Staff ownership can drive Scottish economic recovery - Scottish Legal News
             Scottish Legal News - 30 Aug 2021
             Douglas Roberts, partner at Lindsays, discusses the economic benefits of employee-ownership in Scotland. By 2030, the Scottish Government hopes the country ...
US      30 - Alatrade announces 100% employee ownership
             Meat & Poultry - 8 July 2021
             BOAZ, ALA. – Alatrade Foods LLC recently announced its poultry processing company is now 100% employee owned. The company said it created ...
US      31 - Homegrown Organic Farms Announces Transition to ESOP Ownership Plan; John France and ...
             And Now U Know - 8 July 2021
             PORTERVILLE, CA - Homegrown Organic Farms has crossed a major milestone in its history as it recently announced it completed the transition from ...
US      32 - BusinessWise: Weigh the rewards, risks of stock ownership plans
             Cincinnati.com - 17 July 2021
             The Employee Stock Ownership Plan (ESOP) is becoming increasingly popular this year, and, currently, over 10 million Americans work for employee- ...
US      33 - Why you might want to sell out — to your employees
             The Philadelphia Inquirer - 27 July 2021
             The company began setting up its ESOP plan back in 2006, with subsequent contributions of stock made over the next few years. By 2019, Ken Baker, ...
US      34 - Frager's Hardware Sold to Employees
             Hill Rag - 6 Aug 2021
             Frager's Store Manager Aisha Bryant. The ESOP is a slower process than a conventional sale. The full transition to employee ownership will happen in ...
ZA      35 - Eskom signs agreement with employee-owned Arnot mine for supply of coal
             Independent Online - 12 Aug 2021
             Eskom signs agreement with employee-owned Arnot mine for supply of coal. By IOL Reporter Time of article published 10h ago. Share this article:.

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For information and contact
Avenue Voltaire 135, B-1030 Brussels
Tel/fax: +32 (0)2 242 64 30
E-mail: efes@efesonline.org
Web site: www.efesonline.org
EFES' objective is to act as the umbrella organization of employee owners, companies and all persons, trade unions, experts, researchers, institutions looking to promote employee share ownership and participation in Europe.