Our selection

We have a selection of 34 remarkable articles in 10 countries in November 2020: Austria, Belgium, Canada, Germany, France, Ghana, Italy, Norway, UK, USA.
Austria: Employee share ownership is organised through dedicated private foundations in a growing set of companies.
Belgium: Proposal to generalize employee share ownership in Belgium.
Canada: New report on the potential for employee ownership in Canada.
Germany: The tax incentives should be multiplied by 10, from 360 to 3,600 € per year.
France: Elections in France: According to the new "Pacte Law", the employee shareholders' representatives must be chosen by election. The fury of the AASGO association at Orange. New employee share plan for CapGemini.
Ghana: Employee share ownership plan for MTM.
Italy: New employee share plan for Atlantia.
Norway: Fiscal incentives in Norway.
UK: The switch to Employee Ownership Trusts is increasing in British SMEs. John Lewis Partnership to cut 1.500 head office jobs.
USA: The New York Times extols the virtues of employee ownership through employee stock ownership plans (ESOPs). And trade groups for employee-owned businesses note bipartisan Congressional support for ESOPs.
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Une sélection de 34 articles remarquables dans 10 pays en novembre 2020: Autriche, Belgique, Canada, Allemagne, France, Ghana, Italie, Norvège, Royaume-Uni, USA.
Autriche: La fondation privée est choisie pour organiser l'actionnariat salarié dans un nombre croissant d'entreprises.
Belgique: Proposition politique pour généraliser l'actionnariat salarié.
Canada: Nouveau Rapport sur le potentiel de l'actionnariat salarié pour les PME canadiennes.
Allemagne: Les incitants fiscaux devront être multipliés par 10, de 360 à 3.600 € par an.
France: Elections en France: d'après la nouvelle "Loi Pacte", les représentants des actionnaires salariés dans les FCPE doivent désormais être choisis par voie d'élection. La fureur de l'association AASGO. Nouveau plans d'actionnariat pour CapGemini.
Ghana: Plan d'actionnariat salarié pour MTM.
Italie: Nouveau plan pour Atlantia.
Norvège: Les incitants fiscaux en Norvège.
Royaume Uni: Les passages aux Trusts d'Actionnariat Salarié (EOT) en forte augmentation dans les PME britanniques. John Lewis Partnership va couper dans ses effectifs.
USA: Le New York Times vante les vertus des plans d'actionnariat salarié ESOP. Et les organisations de  l'actionnariat salarié se félicitent du soutien bipartite pour le modèle ESOP au Congrès américain.
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Nuestar seleccion propone 34 artículos destacados en 10 países en noviembre de 2020: Austria, Bélgica, Canadá, Alemania, Francia, Ghana, Italia, Noruega, Reino Unido, Estados Unidos.
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  Eine Auswahl von 34 bemerkenswerten Artikeln in 10 Ländern im November 2020: Österreich, Belgien, Kanada, Deutschland, Frankreich, Ghana, Italien, Norwegen, Großbritannien, USA.
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  34 articoli selezionati per novembre 2020 in 10 Stati:
Austria, Belgio, Canada, Germania, Francia, Ghana, Italia, Norvegia, UK, USA.
Austria: L’azionariato dei dipendenti è organizzato attraverso specifiche fondazioni private in un numero crescente di Società.
Belgio: Proposta di generalizzazione dell’azionariato dei dipendenti.
Canada: Nuovo rapporto slle potenzialità dell’azionariato dei dipendenti nelle PMI canadesi.
Germania: L’incentivazione fiscal dovrebbe essere decuplicata, da 360 a 3.600 € annui.
Francia: Elezioni in Francia: second la recente “Legge PACTE” I rappresentanti dei dipendenti azionisti dovranno essere eletti. La furia dell’associazione AASGO presso Orange. Nuovo piano di azionariato presso CapGemini.
Ghana: Piano di azionariato dei dipendenti presso MTM.
Italia: Nuovo piano di azionariato dipendenti presso Atlantia.
Norvegia: Incentivi fiscali in Norvegia.
UK: Nelle PMI britanniche cresce lo spostamento verso gli Employee Ownership Trusts.
John Lewis Partnership taglia 1500 posti di lavoro.
USA: Il New York Times vanta i pregi dell’azionariato dipendenti attraverso gli ESOPs. E le organizzazioni di promozione dell’azionariato dipendenti salutano con soddisfazione il sostegno bipartizan del Congresso per il modello ESOP.
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V listopadu 2020 máme na výběr 34 pozoruhodných článků v 10 zemích: Rakousko, Belgie, Kanada, Německo, Francie, Ghana, Itálie, Norsko, Velká Británie, USA.
Rakousko: Vlastnictví zaměstnaneckých podílů je organizováno prostřednictvím specializovaných soukromých nadací v rostoucím souboru společností.
Belgie: Návrh na zobecnění vlastnictví akcií zaměstnanců v Belgii.
Kanada: Nová zpráva o potenciálu vlastnictví zaměstnanců v Kanadě.
Německo: Daňové pobídky by se měly vynásobit 10, z 360 na 3 600 EUR ročně.
Francie: Volby ve Francii: Podle nového „zákona Pacte“ musí být zástupci zaměstnaneckých akcionářů vybráni volbami. Zuřivost sdružení AASGO v Orange. Nový plán sdílení zaměstnanců pro  CapGemini.
Ghana: Plán vlastnictví zaměstnaneckých podílů pro MTM.
Itálie: Nový plán sdílení zaměstnanců pro Atlantii.
Norsko: Fiskální pobídky v Norsku.
Spojené království: V britských malých a středních podnicích se zvyšuje přechod na trusty vlastnické pro zaměstnance. John Lewis Partnership zruší 1 500 pracovních míst v ústředí.
USA: The New York Times vyzdvihuje výhody vlastnictví zaměstnanců prostřednictvím plánů vlastnictví akcií zaměstnanců (ESOP). A obchodní skupiny pro podniky vlastněné zaměstnanci si všimly bipartisanské Kongresové podpory pro ESOP.
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2020 novemberében hónapban 35 figyelemre méltó cikket találtunk 11 országból: Ausztria, Belgium, Kanada, Németország, Franciaország, Ghána, Olaszország, Norvégia, Pakisztán, Egyesült Királyság, USA.
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AT      1 - Vom Mitarbeiter zum Mitunternehmer
             Die Wirtschaft - 19 Nov 2020
             Die voestalpine tut es seit exakt 20 Jahren, Wienerberger seit dem Vorjahr und das Hitech-Unternehmen Frequentis seit heuer. Sie alle beteiligen ihre Mitarbeiter ...
BE      2 - Le MR propose de généraliser l’actionnariat salarié lors du prochain accord interprofessionnel:...
             lalibre.be - 25 Nov 2020
             Le MR propose de généraliser l'actionnariat salarié lors du prochain accord interprofessionnel: "Les employés et les employeurs ont un objectif commun".
CA      3 - Employee ownership can help to save struggling local economies
             The Globe and Mail - 13 Nov 2020
             Employee-owned companies also pay more, offer better benefits and are more likely to have company-funded retirement plans. From craft breweries ...
DE      4 - ULA und AGP: Mitarbeiterkapitalbeteiligung spürbar stärken
             Presseportal.de - 2 Nov 2020
             Der Bundesverband Mitarbeiterbeteiligung - AGP und der Dachverband der Führungskräfte (ULA) begrüßen die Ankündigung von Bundesfinanzminister Olaf ...
FR      5 - L'AASGO, l'association des Actionnaires Salariés du Groupe Orange, confortée dans sa demande
             24presse.com - 13 Nov 2020
             Les actionnaires salariés, par la voix de l'AASGO, et de son président, Marc Maouche, sont très satisfaits de cette annonce qui montre le clair ...
FR      6 - Marché : Les entreprises encore plus incitées fiscalement à ...
             BFM Bourse - 17 Nov 2020
             En encourageant le développement de l'actionnariat salarié, nous donnons une place plus importante aux salariés dans le partage des bénéfices et la ...
FR      7 - «Fiscalité: incitons davantage l'actionnariat salarié dans les ...
             L'Opinion - 19 Nov 2020
             «Fiscalité: incitons davantage l'actionnariat salarié dans les PME et ETI familiales» (Tribune). Thibaut Bechetoille, Dominique Gaillard, Xavier Fontanet et Alexis ...
FR      8 - Capgemini : Communiqué de presse Capgemini// Large succès du septième plan d'actionnariat ...
             Zonebourse.com - 19 Nov 2020
             Ce nouveau plan « ESOP » (Employee Share Ownership Plan) portera l'actionnariat salarié à plus de 6% du capital. Pour Aiman Ezzat, Directeur ...
FR      9 - Les salariés n'ont aucune visibilité sur les opérations LINK/SPRING et les ORS. Ne faudrait-il pas ...
             AG2S - 24 Nov 2020
             A titre de comparaison, à fin 2019, les niveaux d'Actionnaires Salariés et le montant moyen en euros par Actionnaire Salarié étaient chez : Bouygues : ...
FR      10 - Les salariés-actionnaires d'Orange poussent pour une acquisition d'Atos
             ZDNet France - 25 Nov 2020
             Pour la CFE-CGC – syndicat majoritaire chez les 140 000 salariés de l'opérateur comme au sein du personnel-actionnaire – cette somme pourrait en ...
FR      11 - L'AASGO réagit aux déclarations de la CFE-CGC chez Orange qui veut dicter sa stratégie au ...
             24presse.com - 25 Nov 2020
             L'AASGO est la seule association représentative des actionnaires salariés, ... Animée par des spécialistes de l'actionnariat salarié et de l'épargne, ...
GH      12 - MTN Ghana To Host Extraordinary General Meeting Of Shareholders
              Modern Ghana - 17 Nov 2020
            ... an Employee Share Ownership Plan (ESOP) for lower-level staff, and an employee share scheme by way of Performance Share Plan for senior staff.
IT      13 - Tim, Asati rilancia: "Vogliamo un ruolo nel cda, piccoli azionisti ...
             CorCom - 20 Nov 2020
            I piccoli azionisti esterni all'azienda e i dipendenti azionisti potrebbero contare su circa 220 milioni di azioni. La proposta di Asati è in linea con quanto avviene ...
IT      14 - Atlantia, concluso piano di azionariato diffuso per i dipendendi: 10.840 le adesioni
             Teleborsa - 20 Nov 2020
             (Teleborsa) - Si è concluso il periodo di offerta del Piano di azionariato rivolto ai dipendenti delle società italiane del Gruppo Atlantia. Come si legge in una nota ...
NO      15 - Større rom for medeierskap for ansatte
             Shifter - 23 Nov 2020
             I tillegg kan ansattes eierskap båndlegges med salgsforbud, og salgsplikt dersom man avslutter sitt arbeidsforhold, noe som tilsier ytterligere verdireduksjon.
UK      16 - COVID-19 accelerating employee ownership across the UK
             Bdaily - 2 Nov 2020
             Half of surveyed businesses rethinking their structure. New research conducted by leading market research company 3Gem has found that over half of ...
UK      17 - Tangram becomes latest employee-owned business in Scotland
             Scottish Business News - 3 Nov 2020
             Head of Co-operative Development Scotland, Clare Alexander, said: “The number of employee-owned businesses in Scotland continues to grow and ...
UK      18 - British retailer John Lewis to cut 1500 head office jobs
             Reuters - 4 Nov 2020
             The employee-owned department stores and Waitrose supermarket group, which reported a first-half loss of 635 million pounds ($824 million) in ...
UK      19 - Sharesave: what’s not to like?
             Financial Times - 4 Nov 2020
             Remember sharesave schemes? As investors brace for a winter of turbulence on stock markets, it is worth looking again at this method of ...
UK      20 - Coronavirus Will Fuel Rise in Employee Ownership in Wales
             Business News Wales - 9 Nov 2020
             “Becoming employee owned and the sense of ownership it brings with it, has seen our team really pull together through these extraordinary times. Each ...
UK      21 - Radar Tech Firm Cambridge Pixel Switches to Employee Ownership to Secure Long-term Future
             PRNewswire - 10 Nov 2020
             Studies have shown that employee owned firms are also more resilient and are proven to weather economic cycles better than most. This may prove ...
UK      22 - Employee ownership for social and economic research firm
             Insider Media - 13 Nov 2020
              A social and economic research company with offices in Aberaeron, Bristol, Newcastle and London has become employee-owned. Wavehill, which ...
UK      23 - North-east IT firm moves to employee ownership as it marks tenth anniversary
             HeraldScotland - 13 Nov 2020
             Scotland now has about 120 employee-owned companies with approximately 7,500 employee-owners generating a combined turnover in the region ...
UK      24 - What are the benefits of being employee-owned?
             Business Leader - 16 Nov 2020
             Our employee owned business has no external owners/stakeholders, significant bank borrowing or debt. The decisions we make, for and on behalf of ...
UK      25 - What do you need to know about leadership succession and benefits of an Employee Ownership Trust
             Business Leader - 16 Nov 2020
             Typically, employee owned businesses offer a high level of transparency and sharing of information so that employees can take more responsibility in ...
UK      26 - Employee Ownership for The Nursery
             Daily Research News Online - 19 Nov 2020
             UK-based brand communications and experience research agency The Nursery has become employee-owned, with rights transferred to a trust set up ...
UK      27 - Airtech Controls acquired by employee ownership trust
             Insider Media - 19 Nov 2020
             Selly Oak-based Airtech Controls has been sold to an employee ownership trust (EOT) in a deal supported by accountancy and business advisory firm ...
UK      28 - The magic of law firm Employee Ownership Trusts (EOTs)
             Lexology - 20 Nov 2020
             Instead of merging, selling to a third party or closing down, founders have the option of converting their law firm to an employee-owned business.
UK      29 - Scottish product design business becomes employee-owned
             Med-Tech Innovation - 24 Nov 2020
             Scottish product design business becomes employee-owned. 24 November 2020. 09:00. RSS. Print. Product design company Shore has announced ...
US      30 - Transfer of Power
             Comstock's Magazine - 10 Nov 2020
             The employee-owned company added 22 employees when it opened a second store in Truckee on July 1. Bender Insurance Solutions' board of ...
US      31 - Cogent Inc. becomes an ESOP and will move to a new HQ
             Kansas City Business Journal - 10 Nov 2020
             A Kansas City-based engineering and manufacturing operation has been a privately owned business near the Buck O'Neil Bridge in the River Market ...
US      32 - ESOPs: good for employees but facing an uncertain future
             Business Valuation Law - 11 Nov 2020
             And trade groups for employee-owned businesses have noted bipartisan Congressional support for ESOPs. But ESOP experts (trustees and ...
US      33 - Employee ownership drives stronger culture and shared values
             PropertyCasualty360 - 17 Nov 2020
             A 100% employee-owned insurance firm shares how providing employees with a constancy of purpose reinforces a shared responsibility for success.
US      34 - Parallel Technologies Reflects on Transition to Employee Ownership
             columbusunderground - 24 Nov 2020
             And in late 2019, the new owners began exploring an Employee Stock Ownership Plan (ESOP) structure. Baird says pursuing an employee-owned ...

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For information and contact
Avenue Voltaire 135, B-1030 Brussels
Tel/fax: +32 (0)2 242 64 30
E-mail: efes@efesonline.org
Web site: www.efesonline.org
EFES' objective is to act as the umbrella organization of employee owners, companies and all persons, trade unions, experts, researchers, institutions looking to promote employee share ownership and participation in Europe.