Our selection

 We have a selection of 35 remarkable articles in 11 countries in May 2018: Austria, Canada, Czechia, France, Germany, Hungary, Italy, Poland, Spain, UK, USA.
Austria: Growing interest for employee share ownership, particularly through employee ownership foundations.
Canada: As an employee shareholder, how should you manage your shares and stock options?
France: First employee share plan for L'Oréal. New employee share plans for Valeo, for Crédit Agricole, for Eiffage, for Ipsen, for Ubisoft, for SPIE.
Germany: Shareholders facing the "Volkswagen System".
Spain: New employee share plan for Amadeus.
Hungary: The new legislation of 2015 helped to revive employee share ownership in Hungary.
Italy: New employee shareholders association for Banca di San Marino.
Poland: Employee share ownership in the era of robotization.
UK: When a business becomes employee-owned, its shareholders usually sell their shares to an Employee Ownership Trust, which holds them on behalf of the employees.
USA: Study: In companies with an Employee Stock Ownership Plan (ESOP), the average worker has accumulated $134,000 in wealth from his or her stake, according to new research by professors Joseph Blasi and Douglas Kruse. How risky are incentive stock options? Federal Reserve Bank of Boston publishes on employee ownership. A study finds that participants in employee stock ownership plans fare far better compared to other young workers.
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  Une sélection de 35 articles remarquables dans 11 pays en mai 2018: Autriche, Canada, Tchéquie, France, Allemagne, Hongrie, Italie, Pologne, Espagne, Royaume-Uni, États-Unis.
Allemagne: Pourquoi les actionnaires protègent le "Système Volkswagen".
Autriche: Intérêt grandissant pour l'actionnariat salarié, en particulier sous forme de fondations d'actionnariat salarié.
Canada: Comme actionnaire salarié, comment gérer vos actions et stock options?
Espagne: Nouveau plan d'actionnariat salarié pour Amadeus.
France: Premier plan d'actionnariat salarié pour L'Oréal. Nouveaux plans pour Valeo, pour le Crédit Agricole, pour Eiffage, pour Ipsen, pour Ubisoft, pour SPIE.
Hongrie: La nouvelle législation de 2015 a permis de relancer l'actionnariat salarié en Hongrie.
Italie: Nouvelle association d'actionnaires salariés pour Banca di San Marino.
Pologne: L'actionnariat salarié à l'ère de la robotisation.
Royaume Uni: Plusieurs nouveaux trusts d'actionnariat salarié.
USA: D'après une nouvelle recherche due aux professeurs Joseph Blasi et Douglas Kruse, l'épargne moyenne accumulée sous forme d'actionnariat salarié dans les plans ESOPs  représente $134.000 pour chaque travailleur. Quel sont les risques pour le détenteur de stock options? La Federal Reserve Bank of Boston analyse l'actionnariat salarié. Une étude montre que les participants des plans ESOP s'en sortent bien mieux que les autres jeunes salariés.
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Nuestar seleccion propone 35 artículos destacados en 11 países en mayo 2018: Austria, Canadá, Chequia, Francia, Alemania, Hungría, Italia, Polonia, España, Reino Unido, EE. UU.
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  Eine Auswahl von 35 bemerkenswerten Artikeln in 11 Ländern im Mai 2018: Österreich, Kanada, Tschechien, Frankreich, Deutschland, Ungarn, Italien, Polen, Spanien, Großbritannien, USA.
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La nostra selezione di maggio 2018 presenta 35 articoli di rilievo in 11 Paesi: Austria, Canada, Repubblica Ceca, Francia, Germania, Ungheria, Italia, Polonia, Spagna, Regno Unito, Stati Uniti.
Austria: Interesse crescent sulla partecipazione dei dipendenti, in particolare attraverso le fondazioni per la partecipazione.
Canada: Come gestiresti azioni e stockoptions da dipendente?
FrancIA: Piano di azionariato per la prima volta  presso L'Oréal. Nuovi piani di azionariato per Valeo,  Crédit Agricole, Eiffage, Ipsen, Ubisoft, SPIE.
Germania: Azionisti di fronte al "Sistema Volkswagen".
Spagna: Nuovo piano azionario presso Amadeus.
Ungheria: La nuova legislazione del 2015 ha contribuito a riattivare la partecipazione dei dipendenti.
Italia: Nuova associazione di azionisti dipendenti presso  Banca di San Marino.
Polonia: Azionariato dipendenti nell’era della robottizazione.
UK: Quando un’azienda passa sotto il controllo dei dipendenti, normalmente gli azionisti vendono le azioni a un Employee Ownership Trust, che le amministra per conto dei dipendenti.
USA: Secondo un a ricerca dei proff. Joseph Blasi and Douglas Kruse, il dipendente azionista “medio” ha accumulato $134,000 come controvalore della sua quota azionaria.
Quanto sono rischiose le Stock Options? La Federal Reserve Bank of Boston ha pubblicato un lungo articolo sull’azionariato dei dipendenti, dove si evidenzia quanto il maggior impegno dei lavoratori fornisca risultati positivi per imprese, dipendenti ed economia locale publishes on employee ownership. Un altro studio evidenzia che gli aderenti ai piani di azionariato stanno molto meglio rispetto agli altridipendenti.
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 V kv?tnu 2018 máme v České republice výběr 35 pozoruhodných článků: Rakousko, Kanada, Cesko, Francie, Nemecko, Madarsko, Itálie, Polsko, Španelsko, Spojené království, USA.
Kanada: Jako zaměstnanec akcionář, jak byste měli spravovat své akcie a akciové opce?
Itálie: Nové sdružení akcionářů pro Banca di San Marino.
Německo: akcionáři, kteří čelí "systému Volkswagen".
Maďarsko: Nová legislativa z roku 2015 pomohla oživit zaměstnanecké podíly v Maďarsku.
Polsko: Vlastnické podíly zaměstnanců v době robotizace.
Rakousko: Rostoucí zájem o zaměstnanecké podíly zaměstnanců, zejména prostřednictvím nadace vlastnictví zaměstnanců.
Španělsko: Nový plán zaměstnanců společnosti Amadeus.
UK: Když se podniká zaměstnananeckým podnikem,  jeho akcionáři obvykle prodávají své akcie společnosti Employee Ownership Trust, která je drží jménem zaměstnanců.
USA: Studie: V podnicích s plánem zaměstnaneckých akcionářů (ESOP), průměrný pracovník shromáždil ze svého podílu bohatství ve výši 134 000 dolarů, podle nového průzkumu profesorů Joseph Blasi a Douglas Kruse. Jak riskantní jsou motivační akcie? Federální rezervní banka v Bostonu vydává o vlastnictví zaměstnance. Studie zjistila, že účastníci plánu zaměstnaneckých akcií jsou mnohem lepší než ostatní mladí pracovníci.
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AT      1 - Mitarbeiterbeteiligung: Wenn das Personal zum Eigentümer wird
             derStandard.at - 05 May 2018
             Wer hierzulande mit dem Wort Mitarbeiterbeteiligung etwas anfangen kann, assoziiert damit wohl primär das Silicon Valley. Dort ist es durchaus üblich, ...
CA      2 - What should I do with my employee stock options?
             The Globe and Mail - 28 May 2018
             An employee stock option (ESO) is the option for an employee to purchase ... This makes exercising employee stock options to hold public company ...
CA      3 - Canadian companies seeing dividends from employee share ownership
             Edmonton Journal - 31 May 2018
             O'Brien, chairman of the non-profit employee stock ownership association's ... figures from the United States — where the laws on employee ownership are ... “We really do see a broader range of employee owners engaging at a ...
CZ      4 - Zaměstnanecké vlastnictví: Novinky květen 2018 – Alternativa zdola
             alternativazdola.cz - 24 May 2018
             EFES NEWSLETTER – 5 - 2018 CZ.htm. Diskriminace v hlasovacích právech. Jako dlouhodobí investoři mají ...
DE      5 - Warum die Aktionäre das „System Volkswagen“ verschonen
             DIE WELT - 03 May 2018
             Gerd Kuhlmeyer, Vorsitzender der Gemeinschaft der VW-Belegschaftsaktionäre, wünscht dem „lieben Gunnar“ viel Glück bei seinem neuen Job, gemeint ist ...
ES      6 - Amadeus lanza un plan de incentivos a largo plazo para directivos y ...
             Cinco Días - 16 May 2018
             El tercer eje de este programa de incentivos es el plan de compra de acciones, en el que Amadeus sondeará a los empleados que estén interesados en ...
FR      7 - VALEO annonce une opération d'actionnariat salarié
             Capital.fr - 02 May 2018
             (AOF) - Valeo annonce le lancement d'une offre de souscription d'actions réservée aux salariés. Elle porte sur un montant maximum de 600 000 actions Valeo, ..
FR      8 - L'Oréal Launches First Employee Share Ownership Plan
             Nasdaq - 15 May 2018
             PARIS — L'Oréal said on Tuesday it is launching its first employee share ownership plan, set to roll out in 52 countries.Under the scheme, employees ...
FR      9 - L'Oréal se lance dans l'actionnariat salarié
             Zonebourse - 15 May 2018
             Le numéro un mondial des cosmétiques, L'Oréal, a annoncé mardi le lancement de sa première opération d'actionnariat salarié, qui sera ouverte à ...
FR      10 - Crédit Agricole : lancement d'une opération d'actionnariat réservée aux salariés du groupe
             Bourse Direct - 17 May 2018
             Le Crédit Agricole annonce le lancement d'une opération d'actionnariat ... Les actions que les salariés du groupe Crédit Agricole pourront souscrire ...
FR      11 - Eiffage : succès de l'augmentation de capital réservée aux salariés
             Boursier.com - 18 May 2018
             Près de 44 000 salariés ont souscrit à l'opération par l'intermédiaire du FCPE Eiffage Actionnariat Relais 2018. L'augmentation de capital s'élève à ...
FR      12 - Ipsen: lance une opération d'actionnariat salarié
             ABC Bourse - 22 May 2018
             (CercleFinance.com) - Ipsen a annoncé le lancement d'une opération d'actionnariat salarié, opération qui sera déployée dans 21 pays et visant à ...
FR      13 - Ubisoft Entertainment : Opération d'actionnariat salarié
             Zonebourse.com - 22 May 2018
             UBISOFT ENTERTAINMENT S.A.. Ubisoft publie un communiqué complémentaire dans le cadre de l'opération d'actionnariat salarié annoncée le 4 ...
FR      14 - Un coup de pouce fiscal à l'actionnariat salarié
             Les Échos - 25 May 2018
             ... par la Fédération européenne de l'actionnariat salarié (FEAS), la France comptait 37 % de salariés actionnaires de leur entreprise en 2017.
FR      15 - SPIE lance une nouvelle opération d'actionnariat salarié
             Le Figaro - 28 May 2018
              Spie annonce le lancement d'une nouvelle opération d'actionnariat salarié, SHARE FOR YOU 2018. Déployée dans 16 pays, elle vise à offrir aux ...
HU      16 - Új lendületet kapott a munkavállalói résztulajdonosi program
             Menedzsment Fórum - 16 May 2018
             A 1992. évi XLIV. törvény (MRP törvény) 2015. november 28. napján hatályba lépett módosításával a munkavállalói résztulajdonosi program (MRP), az eddig ...
IT      17 - Tim, Waterloo di Vivendi. Vince la lista Elliott
             Milano Finanza - 04 May 2018
             L'associazione ha, infine, chiesto che i nuovi vertici varino "un nuovo piano diazionariato per i dipendenti che oggi hanno una percentuale bassa e nessuna ...
IT      18 - Banca di San Marino: nasce il comitato dei dipendenti azionisti
             SMTV San Marino - 16 May 2018
             Gli azionisti dipendenti della Banca di San Marino hanno creato l'associazione A.D.A. - Associazione dei Dipendenti azionisti di Banca di San Marino SpA, allo ...
IT      19 - Nuovo anno record per l'azionariato dei dipendenti in Europa nel ...
             www.mitbestimmung.it - 25 May 2018
              Nelle grandi imprese europee l'86,6% propone ai propri dipendenti piani di azionariato. Dal 2006 a oggi questa percentuale si accresce del 4% medio annuo, ...
IT      20 - Partecipazione all'azionariato dei dipendenti
             Newsletter del Centro Studi Sociali Pietro Desiderato - 30 May 2018
             Nella periodica Newsletter, la EFES analizza le discriminazioni positive e negative nei diritti di voto, dei dipendenti azionisti.
PL      21 - Akcjonariat pracowniczy: Kapitał w erze robotów
             Gazety Bankowej - 3 May 2018
             W Unii Europejskiej, podobnie jak w USA, akcjonariat pracowniczy staje sie standardowym elementem systemu gospodarczego i społecznego
UK      22 - Incentivising and rewarding staff with an EMI share option scheme
             Bytestart - 7 May 2018
             Ordinary share options schemes work like this: An employee is granted options and when they exercise their shares and sell the options, they pay tax. The taxes payable include employers' NI, PAYE and employees' NI – so a net profit of £100,000 results in £46,572 net cash after tax for a 45% taxpayer ...
UK      23 - Employees take ownership of Dundee building company
             Scottish Construction Now - 15 May 2018
             A Dundee-based building engineering services company has completed its transition to become Scotland's latest employee-owned business, with 56 ...
UK      24 - Businesses get go ahead to proceed with granting share options
             Business MattersBusiness Matters - 16 May 2018
             Businesses can continue to grant share options through the Enterprise Management Incentive (EMI) scheme, safe in the knowledge that current tax ...
UK      25 - Six pitfalls of Employee Ownership Trusts you need to know right now
             insider.co.uk - 22 May 2018
             When a business becomes employee-owned, its shareholders usually sell their shares to an Employee Ownership Trust, which holds them on behalf ...
UK      26 - Cambridge technology hothouse hands ownership to workforce
             Business Weekly - 22 May 2018
             Technology and product design business Cambridge Design Partnership (CDP) has become a fully employee-owned company as it embarks on its ...
UK      27 - Countrywide changes employee share scheme for 8,300 staff
             Employee Benefits - 31 May 2018
             They sent out a bespoke benefits survey to employees to understand the reasons behind the drop in SIP renewals. It found that they wanted an employee share scheme that provided more security for their savings.
US      28 - Dick Resch sells KI, Green Bay furniture manufacturer, to its 2000 employees
             Green Bay Press Gazette - 1 May 2018
             In his speech, he cited National Center for Employee Ownership stats that found employee-owned enterprises offer greater retirement incomes, see sales increase by 2.5 percent more than privately-held companies, and report 25 percent higher job growth. "It is my strongest desire to ensure that KI and ...
US      29 - ESOP Association Applauds Introduction of S. 2786
             PR Newswire (press release) - 7 May 2018
             WASHINGTON, May 7, 2018 /PRNewswire-USNewswire/ -- The ESOP Association applauds Senator Kirsten Gillibrand (D-NY) for introducing S. 2786 ...
US      30 - Study: In ESOP Companies, the Average Worker Has a $134000 Share
             Business Wire (press release) - 14 May 2018
             PISCATAWAY, N.J.--(BUSINESS WIRE)--In companies with an Employee Stock Ownership Plan (ESOP), the average worker has accumulated ...
US      31 - Employee Ownership is a Win-Win for Workers and Companies
             Inequality.org - 15 May 2018
             WinCo, it turns out, is employee-owned through a stock ownership plan, and its stock has done quite well. As an employee, Cathy gets an annual ...
US      32 - One on One: Robin L. LeClaire, president, Lampin Corp.
             Worcester Telegram - 20 May 2018
             Also, there is a really good tax advantage to making the company 100 percent employee owned. ESOP companies don't pay a federal tax because all ...
US      33 - How Risky Are Those Incentive Stock Options?
             Forbes - 21 May 2018
             It may sound like a dream, owning millions or even hundreds of thousands of dollars in Incentive Stock Options (ISOs) from your employer. Often times ...
US      34 - Federal Reserve of Boston Publishes on Employee Ownership
             Federal Reserve Bank of Boston - 23 May 2018
             In an ongoing series of articles on the quality of work, the Federal Reserve Bank of Boston published an article on employee ownership...

35 - Employee stock ownership plans benefit retiring owners and employees
             Plastics Today - 26 May 2018
             Employee stock ownership plans (ESOPs) are a way for company owners ... If the employee/owners are to work together successfully, they need to ...

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For information and contact
Avenue Voltaire 135, B-1030 Brussels
Tel/fax: +32 (0)2 242 64 30
E-mail: efes@efesonline.org
Web site: www.efesonline.org
EFES' objective is to act as the umbrella organization of employee owners, companies and all persons, trade unions, experts, researchers, institutions looking to promote employee share ownership and participation in Europe.