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Our selection / Notre sélection / Nuestra selección

  We have a selection of 33 remarkable articles in 7 countries in April 2014: France, Germany, Italy, Poland, Spain, UK, USA.
France: Steria and Sopra groups going to merge with the support of employee shareholders. New employee share plan for Atos. The French Federation of Employee Shareholders' Associations calls to go back to higher fiscal incentives. Successful employee buyouts as workers cooperatives.
Germany: Compared to other European countries, employee share ownership is still weak in Germany.
Italy: Missed opportunity for employee share ownership in Banca MPS. Telecom Italia should increase the employees' stake to 3-4%.
Poland: HSW employees invited to sell their shares before term.
Spain: New employee share plan for Telefonicá.

UK: Waitrose has released an advert highlighting the company's employee ownership structure and the benefits of its ethos to customers. The brave new world of “simplified” employee share plans.
USA: ESOP miracles. The most popular strategy in the United States for building employee ownership is called the Employee Stock Ownership Plan (ESOP). The tax advantages are pretty overwhelming.

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   Une sélection de 33 articles remarquables dans 7 pays en avril 2014: Allemagne, Espagne, France, Grande Bretagne, Italie, Pologne, USA.
Allemagne: Par rapport aux autres pays européens, l'actionnariat salarié est encore peu développé en Allemagne.
Espagne: Nouveau plan d'actionnariat salarié pour Telefonicá.
France: Les groups Stéria et Sopra vont fusionner, avec le soutien de l'actionnariat salarié. Nouveau plan d'actionnariat salarié chez Atos. La Fédération française des Associations d'Actionnaires salariés demande le retour d'une fiscalité incitative pour encourager l'actionnariat salarié, comme elle l'était jusqu'il y a quelques années. Nouveaux cas de reprises d'entreprises sous forme de coopératives de salariés.

Grande Bretagne: Waitrose lance un spot publicitaire qui vante l'actionnariat de ses salariés et son effet bénéfique pour ses clients. Entrée en vigueur des procédures simplifiées pour les plans d'actionnariat salarié.
Italie: Occasion perdue pour l'actionnariat salarié chez Banca MPS. Telecom Italia devrait viser une part de 3-4% pour les salariés.
Pologne: Les salariés de HSW démarchés en catimini pour vendre leurs actions avant terme.
USA: Miracles des plans ESOPs. La stratégie la plus populaire pour la mise en place de l'actionnariat salarié aux USA est le "Employee Stock Ownership Plan" (ESOP), encouragé par des incitants fiscaux fracassants.

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Abbiamo selezionato 33 articoli in 7 Stati nel mese di Aprile 2014: Francia, Germania, Italia, Polonia, Spagna, UK, USA.
Francia: I gruppi Steria e Sopra si fondono, con l’appoggio degli azionisti dipendenti. Nuovo piano di azionariato per Atos. La Federazione Francese delle Associazioni di Azinisti dipendenti chiede il ritorno a più alti incentive fiscali. Cooperative di lavoro rilevano le imprese.
Germania: L’azionariato dei dipendenti è ancora modesto, se paragonato ad altri Stati europei.
Italia: Occasione mancata per l’azionariato dei dipendenti in Banca MPS. Telecom Italia dovrebbe aumentare la quota dei dipendenti al 3-4%.
Polonia: I dipendeti HSW invitati a vendere le loro azioni prima della scadenza.
Spagna: Nuovo piano di azionariato per Telefonicá.
UK: Waitrose ha lanciato una campagna pubblicitaria in cui uno spot decanta la partecipazione dei suoi dipendenti e gli effetti positive sul rapport con la clientele.Entrano in vigore i piani di azionariato dipendenti “semplificati”.
USA: ESOP miracolosi. La più diffusa strategia per costruirepiani di azionariato dei dipendenti (Employee Stock Ownership Plan - ESOP) gode di incentivi fiscali impressionanti.
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We have a selection of 33 remarkable articles in 7 countries in April 2014: France, Germany, Italy, Poland, Spain, UK, USA.

DE   1 - Boris Rischow: "Mitarbeiter sind als stabile Aktionäre interessant"
            FinanzNachrichten.de (Pressemitteilung) - 23 Apr. 2014
             Im europäischen Vergleich sind Modelle der Mitarbeiterbeteiligung in Deutschland noch wenig verbreitet. Doch das Thema wird wichtiger, meint Boris Rischow, ...
ES   2 - Telefonicá propondrá premiar con hasta casi un millón de acciones a sus tres ...
             Expansión.com - 25 Apr. 2014
             Plan de compra de acciones Por otra parte, la firma propone aprobar un Plan Global de compra incentivada de acciones de Telefónica dirigido a empleados del ...
FR   3 - Stéphane Richard : Je suis le garant du contrat social
             Le Figaro - 7 Apr. 2014
              Je suis un grand partisan de l'actionnariat salarié car il permet de mieux aligner l'intérêt des salariés et des actionnaires. Les salariés sont déjà le deuxième ...
FR   4 - Le mariage entre Steria et Sopra sera scellé par un pacte d ...
             L'AGEFI - 8 Apr. 2014
             Le principal obstacle pourrait provenir des actionnaires salariés de Steria qui détiennent 23% du capital, «d'autant plus que la fusion sera forcément ...
FR   5 - Sopra : les puissants salariés-actionnaires de Steria favorables à la ...
             Fortuneo - 8 Apr. 2014
             ... fédère les intérêts des salariés-actionnaires, d'autoriser la signature d'un engagement d'apport en nature de ses actions à Sopra. Le feu vert est, logiquement, ...
FR   6 - L'actionnariat salarié, un véritable enjeu de communication interne
             Les Échos - 17 Apr. 2014
             Les résultats d'une étude Towers Watson France montrent que les opérations d'actionnariat salarié s'avèrent plus réussies lorsqu'elles s'accompagnent ...
FR   7 - Philippe Lepinay, Président de la Fédération française des ...
             Boursier.com - 17 Apr. 2014
             L'abondement de l'entreprise lors d'un plan d'actionnariat salarié - par décote ou ... L'actionnariat salarié est un actionnariat de long terme : la durée moyenne ...
FR   8 - Fusion Sopra Steria : les grandes manoeuvres ont déjà commencé
             Silicon - 18 Apr. 2014
             ... actifs humains et industriels de Steria et le pacte conclu avec Sopra GMT permettra de maintenir les valeurs de l'actionnariat salarié », assure-t-on chez Steria ...
FR   9 - Vibel Scop mise sur une nouvelle gamme et sur un magasin d'usine
             L'Yonne Républicaine - 19 Apr. 2014
             Une reprise, sous forme de Société coopérative et participative (Scop), au terme de nombreux passage devant le tribunal de commerce d'Auxerre qui avait mis ...
FR   10 - Atos lance un plan 2014 d'actionnariat salarie
             Euroinvestor - 25 Apr. 2014
             Paris, le 25 avril 2014 - Atos SE annonce ce jour la mise en place de son plan d'actionnariat « Sprint 2014 » réservé aux salariés dans le cadre de l'article L.
FR   11 - Sous l'impulsion de leur patron, les salariés de Setco ont basculé ...
             Drakkaronline.com - 29 Apr. 2014
             Un moment fort » qui a marqué Bertrand Challoy, le nouveau gérant de la SCOP (Société coopérative et participative) qui se voyait transmettre avec tous les ...
IT   12 - Mps: Azione Mps, urgono informazioni ufficiali su aumento capitale
             Agenzia di Stampa Asca - 15 Apr. 2014
             ... quali motivazioni hanno impedito il lancio di un moderno piano di azionariato dei dipendenti in occasione dell'aumento di capitale, suggerito da Azione MPS ...
IT   13 - Mps: Dircredito, occasione persa per azionariato dipendenti
            Borsa Italiana - 22 Apr. 2014
             (Il Sole 24 Ore Radiocor) - Roma, 22 apr - Il varo dell'aumento di capitale da 5 miliardi da parte di Banca Mps e' un'occasione persa per lanciare un "moderno ...
IT   14 - Monte dei Paschi, Dircredito: “I dipendenti non siano considerati un ...
             gonews - 22 Apr. 2014
             ... l'occasione per “raccogliere la richiesta avanzata da numerosi dipendenti, di poter disporre di un moderno piano di azionariato dei dipendenti quale elemento ...
IT   15 - Telecom Italia: Asati, creare nucleo stabile di azionisti dipendenti al 3 - 4%
             Corriere della Sera - 30 Apr. 2014
             Asati, L'Associazione dei piccoli azionisti di Telecom Italia, auspica che venga creato, in un "breve periodo", un "nucleo stabile e fidelizzato" di azionisti dipendenti
PL   16 - Nieznana firma skupuje akcje Huty Stalowa Wola
             Radio Rzeszów - 28 Apr. 2014
             Akcje pracownicze Huty Stalowa Wola skupuje bliżej nieznana katowicka firma. Niedawno jej przedstawiciele pojawili się w mieście i oferowali byłym i obecnym ...
UK   17 - Groundbreaking ABS embraces employee ownership and new ...
             Legal Futures-De Neil Rose - 2 Apr. 2014
             A pioneering alternative business structure (ABS) has become one of the first legal practices to introduce employee ownership, while also developing a new ...
UK   18 - Video: Waitrose advert highlights employee ownership structure
             Retail Week - 4 Apr. 2014
             Waitrose has released an advert highlighting the company's employee ownership structure and the benefits of its ethos to customers.
UK   19 - The brave new world of “simplified” employee share plans
             Lexology (registration) - 8 Apr. 2014
             The Cinderella of the piece is employee ownership of a company through a controlling trust, for which generous CGT and income tax exemptions are available.
UK   20 - Employee ownership is key to John Lewis success story
             Express.co.uk - 19 Apr. 2014
             The decision by John Spedan Lewis, son of the founder, to establish employee ownership in 1929 was a critical moment in the firm's history and had guaranteed ...
US   21 - How employee ownership can work at widely held banks
             ABA Banking Journal - 4 Apr. 2014
             The first dealt with whether employee ownership is a “good thing” and, assuming that it was, specifically discussed the use of employee stock ownership plans ...
US   22 - Schreiber Foods expanding in Richland Center to meet increased ...
             Wisconsin State Journal - 6 Apr. 2014
             It also was the only dairy company on that list, compiled annually by the National Center for Employee Ownership, a non-profit based in Oakland, Calif., and the ...
US   23 - ESOP completes purchase of Butler/Till
             Rochester Business Journal - 10 Apr. 2014
             The independent media and communications agency's Employee Stock Ownership Plan purchased the balance of shares from the company co-founders Susan ...
US   24 - ESOPs attractive to baby-boomer business owners
             Pittsburgh Post-Gazette - 12 Apr. 2014
             “The tax advantages are pretty overwhelming,” said Corey Rosen, co-founder of the National Center for Employee Ownership, an Oakland, Calif., nonprofit that ...
US   25 - Sitting There In Plain Sight: Best Tax Strategy Is The Best Business ...
             Forbes - 17 Apr. 2014
             Employee ownership is also associated with greater business stability and a lower level of insolvencies. Owning a piece of the company typically results in ...
US   26 - Retiring entrepreneurs find new owners on payroll
             Pioneer Press - 19 Apr. 2014
             Chrissy Stewart, senior chemist, does a coression test for protextive qualities of paint at KTA-Tator, an employee owned company, in Findlay, Pa., ...
US   27 - Why shouldn't employees own more of the companies they work for?
             Shawnee News Star - 21 Apr. 2014
             However, the most popular strategy in the United States for building employee ownership is called the Employee Stock Ownership Plan (ESOP). Through this ...
US   28 - Is Your Company a Good Fit for an Employee Stock Ownership Plan?
             Entrepreneur - 23 Apr. 2014
             If you're like many successful entrepreneurs, a significant amount of your personal wealth consists of your ownership interests in the company you've built.
US   29 - Outlook for ESOP structures in 2014
             Financier Worldwide - 24 Apr. 2014
             She is a member of the National Center for Employee Ownership and the ESOP Association. Ms Pencheva can be contacted on +1 (718) 619 8501 or by email: ...
US   30 - Southwest Shares
             Huffington Post - 24 Apr. 2014
             Employee ownership is one vital way to redistribute corporate profits back into the hands of people who will put that money to work immediately though savings ...
US   31 - As retirement nears, entrepreneurs find new owners on payroll
             Buffalo News - 26 Apr. 2014
             “The tax advantages are pretty overwhelming,” said Corey Rosen, co-founder of the National Center for Employee Ownership, an Oakland, Calif., nonprofit that ...
US   32 - Inquirer & DN becoming employee-owned was far-fetched to begin ...
             PW-Philadelphia Weekly (blog) - 28 Apr. 2014
             Nationwide employee ownership in the newspaper industry is on a severe downturn, and when I turned to peeps in the biz at places like the AFL-CIO and the ..
US   33 - The Millionaire Truck Driver And Other ESOP Miracles
             Forbes - 30 Apr. 2014
             The key to this seeming miracle is employee ownership and an open book management approach that doesn't just turn workers into owners. “We teach people ...

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