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Legislative proposal in Germany

North Rhine-Westphalia Government wants to make employee ownership in start-ups much more attractive in Germany through higher tax incentives. A legislative proposal in this sense is submitted to the Bundesrat. The current tax incentive would be increased from 360€ as it is now in Germany to 5.000€ annually. This way, Germany would be at a standard level for such incentives in Europe.

A European wave to promote employee ownership and stock options in start-ups can be observed in Europe recently. New legislation in this sense are already in force in Ireland, France, Sweden and the Netherlands, and projects are also in discussion in Austria, Luxembourg and Switzerland.

More information

President Donald Trump

President Donald Trump signed historic new law bringing new incentives to promote employee-owned businesses. It is known as the "Main Street Employee Ownership Act".

The new legislation had co-sponsors on both sides of the political aisle, Democrats and Republicans. It is the most far-reaching employee share ownership legislation to pass US Congress in over 20 years.

It is expected to double or even triple the growth rate of employee-owned companies over the next decade. More information

Press review
We have a selection of 33 remarkable articles in 8 countries in July/August 2018: France, Germany, Hungary, Luxembourg, Netherlands, Switzerland, UK, USA.
France: As in many other countries, employee share ownership is particularly developed in the engineering and construction sector in France. Engie: Employees hold now over 4%. New employee share plan for AXA. Free shares for all Envea employees. The number of workers co-operatives had never been so high in France, growing mainly in industry and services.
Germany: North Rhine-Westphalia Government will make employee ownership in start-ups much more attractive through tax incentives, the current 360€ to be increased to 5.000€ annually.
Hungary: The new legislation of 2015 helps to revive employee share ownership in Hungary.
Luxembourg: Debates about taxation of stock options for startups.
Netherlands: Employees will become shareholders of the Bernhoven Hospital.
Switzerland: Taxation of employee shares and options should be reduced in startups.
UK: Scottish Prime Minister Nicola Sturgeon to launch new "Scotland for employee-owned businesses" initiative. A record number of companies are operating employee share schemes, according to analysis by British-based outsourcing business Equiniti. New small companies turning to the Employee Ownership Trust scheme.
USA: President Donald Trump signed historic new law bringing new incentives to promote employee-owned businesses. The new legislation had co-sponsors on both sides of the political aisle. It is the most far-reaching employee share ownership legislation to pass US Congress in over 20 years. NCEO Employee Ownership Index doubles S&P performance.

The full press review is available on:

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   With best regards



Marc Mathieu
Secretary General
Avenue Voltaire 135, B-1030 Brussels
Tel: +32 (0)2 242 64 30 - Fax: +32 (0)2 791 96 00
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EFES' objective is to act as the umbrella organization of employee owners, companies and all persons, trade unions, experts, researchers, institutions looking to promote employee share ownership and participation in Europe.

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