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  Much new information about employee ownership in March 2008, with 1.307 articles in this press review (on which 544 involving stock options and 177 about workers' cooperatives). We made a selection of  68 remarkable articles in 16 countries: Arab Emirates, Austria, Canada, Germany, France, Ireland, India, Italy, Jordan, Malaysia, Poland, Senegal, Trinidad & Tobago, UK, USA, South Africa.
Arab Emirates and Jordan: An information campaign was organised about ESOPs and their benefits. The lack of Employee Stock Ownership Plans seems detrimental for the Arab states of the Gulf Cooperative Countries.
Austria: Vice-Chancellor Molterer points out employee ownership as one of his 10-points-programme for enterprise policy. Erste Bank and Oberbank are both launching new employee share plans.
Canada: Workers-Shareholders Cooperatives seems a good solution for business transmission.
Germany: A compromise seems imminent between Angela Merkel (CDU) and Kurt Beck (President of the SPD) about employee ownership. The Spiegel describes Beck's model of employee ownership in Rheinland-Pfalz as a flop.
France: Still many discussions about the recent decision to make employee savings freely available to boost consumption. Is Mr Sarkozy going to put employee savings to its end? A difficult situation to face for non-listed companies. On the other hand, it is still pleaded for "stock options for all", while much large French companies as Schneider launch new employee share plans. Employee ownership and corporate governance: employee shareholders will be represented in Société Générale's Board of Directors and an new agreement was found for Saint-Gobain.
Ireland: Things seems not simplifying for Babcock and the Employee Share Ownership Trust in Eircom.
India, Malaysia, Senegal: Stock options plans.
Trinidad & Tobago: Steel workers protest about the Employee Share Ownership Plan which  ArcelorMittal promised.
USA: The New York Times notes that "Europe takes a closer look at employee stock ownership". However employee ownership has its drawbacks! Wall Street employee owners shudder as Bear Stearns implodes, and the National Center for Employee Ownership places the fate of employee-owners at Bear Stearns in context. On the other hand, employees could take over plants from General Electric and from Ford. Employee ownership plans are increasingly common.
The full press review lists 1.307 articles, on which 393 in USA, 200 in France, 128 in UK, 102 in India,  91 in Argentina, 56 in Australia, 56 in Germany, 45 in Canada, 38 in Spain, 31 in South Africa, 31 in Italy, 27 in Austria, 17 in Brazil, 10 in Colombia, 11 in Ireland, 9 in Peru, 7 in Arab Emirates, 6 in Switzerland, 5 in Malaysia, 5 in Hong Kong, 5 in Trinidad & Tobago, 4 in Bulgaria, 3 in Mexico, 3 in New Zealand, 3 in Poland, 2 in Jordan, 2 in Netherlands, 2 in Philippines, 2 in Portugal, 2 in Thailand, and 1 in Algeria, Barbados, Belgium, Chile, Greece,  Sri Lanka, Pakistan, Nepal, Paraguay, Romania, Senegal, Singapore and Venezuela.
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   Beaucoup d'informations nouvelles sur l'actionnariat salarié en mars 2008, avec 1.307 articles dans cette revue de presse (dont 544 à propos de stock options et 177 à propos de coopératives de travailleurs). Notre sélection propose 68 articles remarquables dans 16 pays: Emirats Arabes, Autriche, Canada, Allemagne, France, Irlande, Inde, Italie, Jordanie, Malaisie, Pologne, Sénégal, Trinidad & Tobago, Royaume Uni, USA, Afrique du Sud.
Emirats Arabes et Jordanie: Campagne d'information sur les plans d'actionnariat salarié ESOPs et leurs avantages. Le faible développement de ces plans est préjudiciable aux pays du Golfe.
Autriche: Le Vice-Chancelier Molterer pointe l'actionnariat salarié dans son programme en 10 points pour la politique d'entreprise. Erste Bank et Oberbank lancent de nouveaux plans d'actionnariat salarié.
Canada: Les Coopératives de Travailleurs Actionnaires, une bonne formule canadienne pour la transmission d'entreprises.
Allemagne: Un compromis semble imminent entre Angela Merkel (CDU) et Kurt Beck (le Président du  SPD, l'autre parti de la "grande coalition") sur l'actionnariat salarié, alors que le "modèle Beck" d'actionnariat salarié en Rhénanie-Palatinat est un flop, écrit le Spiegel.
France: Décision toujours très disputée d'avoir débloqué la participation pour stimuler la consommation privée. Le Président Sarkozy va-t-il finir par tuer l'épargne salariale? Situation difficile pour les sociétés non-cotées qui doivent faire face au déblocage de la participation des salariés. D'autre part, on continue à plaider pour "des stock options pour tous", tandis que de nombreuses grandes entreprises françaises comme Schneider lancent de nouveaux plans. Actionnariat salarié et gouvernance d'entreprise: vers une représentation des actionnaires salariés au Conseil de la Société Générale, et un arrangement est finalement trouvé entre les grands actionnaires de Saint-Gobain.
Irlande: Les choses se compliquent pour Babcock et l'actionnariat salarié (Employee Share Ownership Trust) chez Eircom.
Inde, Malaisie, Sénégal: Des plans de stock options, en veux-tu en voilà.
Trinidad & Tobago: Grève dans la sidérurgie pour concrétiser la promesse d'un plan d'actionnariat salarié chez ArcelorMittal.
USA: Le New York Times observe que "L'Europe considère l'actionnariat salarié avec une attention croissante". Pourtant l'actionnariat salarié a ses inconvénients. Les actionnaires salariés de Wall Street tremblent après l'implosion de la banque Bear Stearns, et le National Center for Employee Ownership replace l'affaire dans son contexte. En même temps, des usines pourraient être rachetées et relancées par les salariés chez General Electric et chez Ford. Les plans d'actionnariat salarié sont de plus en plus répandus.
La revue de presse complète compte 1.307 articles, dont 393 aux USA, 200 en France, 128 au Royaume Uni, 102 en Inde,  91 en Argentine, 56 en Australie, 56 en Allemagne, 45 au Canada, 38 en Espagne, 31 en Afrique du Sud, 31 en Italie, 27 en Autriche, 17 au Brésil, 10 en Colombie, 11 en Irlande, 9 au Pérou, 7 aux Emirats Arabes, 6 en Suisse, 5 en Malaisie, 5 à Hong Kong, 5 à Trinidad & Tobago, 4 en Bulgarie, 3 au Mexique, 3 en Nouvelle Zélande, 3 en Pologne, 2 en Jordanie, 2 aux Pays-Bas, 2 aux Philippines, 2 au Portugal, 2 en Thaïlande, et 1 en Algérie, Barbade, Belgique, Chili, Grèce,  Sri Lanka, Pakistan, Népal, Paraguay, Roumanie, Sénégal, Singapour et Venezuela.
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  Muchas informaciones sobre el accionariado asalariado en marzo 2008, con 1.307 artículos en esta revista de prensa (cuyos 544 sobre stock options y 177 sobre cooperativas de trabajadores). Nuestra selección cuenta 68 artículos destacados en 16 países : Emiratos Arabes, Austria, Canadá, Alemania, Francia, Irlanda, India, Italia, Jordania, Malasia, Polonia; Senegal, Trinidad y Tobago, Reino Unido, Estados Unidos, Africa del Sur.
Emiratos Arabes y Jordania: Campaña de información sobre los planes de accionariado asalariado ESOPs y sus ventajas. El escaso desarrollo de esos planes es perjudicable en los países del Golfo.
Austria: El Vicecanciller Molterer puntea el accionariado asalariado en su programa en 10 puntos para la política de empresas. Erste Bank et Oberbank lanzan nuevos planes des accionariado asalariado.
Canadá: Las Cooperativas de Trabajadores Accionistas, una buena fórmula canadiense para la transmisión de empresas.
Alemania: Un compromiso  pareze inminente entre Angela Merkel (CDU) y Kurt Beck (el Presidente del SPD, el otro partido de la « grande coalición ») sobre el accionariado asalariado, mientras que el “modelo Beck" de accionariado asalariado en Rerania Palatinado es un fracaso, escribe el Spiegel.
Francia: Decision siempre muy reñida despues de haber desbloqueado la participación para estimular el consumo privado. El Presidente Sarkozy acabará con el ahorro asalariado ? Situación dificil para las empresas no cotizadas que deben enfrentar el desbloqueo de la participación de los asalariados. Por otra parte, se sigue a favor para los “stock options para todos »", mientras numerosas grandes empresas como Schneider lanzan nuevos planes. Accionariado asalariado y gobierno de empresa: hacia una representación de los accionistas asalariados en el Consejo de la Société Générale, y un acuerdo finalmente alcanzado con los grandes accionistas de Saint-Gobain.
Irlanda: Las cosas se complican para  Babcock y el accionariado asalariado (Employee Share Ownership Trust) en Eircom.
India, Malasia, Senegal: Planes de stock options, a punta pala.
Trinidad y Tobago: Huelga en la siderurgia para concretar la promesas de un plan de accionariado asalariado en ArcelorMittal.
EEUU: El New York Times observa que « Europa considera el accionariado asalariado con un interes creciente ». Sin embargo, el accionariado asalariado tiene sus desventajas. Los accionistas asalariados del Wall Street tiemblan después de la implosión del banco Bear Stearns, y el National Center for Employee Ownership situa el caso en su contexto. Al mismo tiempo, fábricas podrian ser compradas y lanzadas de nuevo por los asalariados en la General Electric y Ford. Los planes de accionariado asalariado son cada vez mas frecuentes.
La revista de prensa completa cuenta 1.307 artículos, cuyos 393 en EEUU, 200 en Francia, 128 en el Reino Unido, 102 en India,  91 en Argentina, 56 en Australia, 56 en Alemania, 45 en Canadá, 38 en España, 31 en Africa del Sur, 31 en Italia, 27 en Austria, 17 en Brasil, 10 en Colombia, 11 en Irlanda, 9 en el Perú, 7 en los Emiratos Arabes, 6 en Suiza, 5 en Malasia, 5 en Hong Kong, 5 en Trinidad & Tobago, 4 en Bulgaria, 3 en Méjico, 3 en Nueva Zelandia, 3 en Polonia, 2 en Jordania, 2 en los Países Bajos, 2 en Filipinas, 2 en Portugal, 2 en Tailandia, y 1 en Algeria, Barbados, Bélgica, Chile, Grecia,  Sri Lanka, Pakistan, Nepal, Paraguay, Rumania, Senegal, Singapur y Venezuela.
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Molti fatti nuovi nel Marzo 2008, con 1.307 articoli in rassegna (di cui 544 sulle stock options e 177 sulle Cooperative di produzione e lavoro). La selezione ne propone 68 in 16 Paesi: Emirati Arabi Uniti, Austria, Canada, Germania, Francia, Irlanda, India, Italia, Giordania, Malaysia, Polonia, Senegal, Trinidad Tobago, Gran Bretagna, USA, Sudafrica.
Emirati Arabi e Giordania: Organizzata una campagna di informazione sugli ESOP ed i loro pregi. La mancanza di piani di azionariato dei dipendenti sembra negativa per gli Stati Arabi del Golfo.
Austria: Il Vice-Cancelliere Molterer inserisce l’azionariato dei dipendenti nei 10 punti del suo programma di politica industriale. Erste Bank e Oberbank stanno definendo nuovi piani di azionariato.
Canada: Cooperative di dipendenti azionisti: una buona soluzione per la succession di impresa.
Germania: Sembra in arrive un compromesso fra Angela Merkel (CDU) e Kurt Beck (Presidente della SPD) sull’azionariato dei dipendenti. Lo Spiegel dipinge il modello di  Beck in Rheinland-Pfalz “un flop”.
Francia: Ancora molte discussion sulla recente decisione di sbloccare i piani di risparmio azionari per incentivare i consumi. Sarkpzy sta mettendo fine ai risparmi dei dipendenti? Una situazione difficile da fronteggiare per le società non quotate. D’altra parte, c’è sempre chi chiede “stock options per tutti”  mentre grandi imprese, come la Schneider, lanciano nuovi piani di azionariato. Azionariato dei dipendenti e corporate governance: i dipendenti azionisti saranno rappresentati nel prossimo Consiglio di Amministrazione della Société Générale e nuovi accordi sono stati formalizzati per Saint Gobain.
Irlanda: Le cose si complicano per Babcock ed il Trust degli Azionisti dipendenti di Eircom.
India, Malaysia, Senegal: Molti piani di stock options.
Trinidad & Tobago: I lavoratori dell’acciaio protestano: non rispettate le promesse di ArcelorMittal sul piano di azionariato dei dipendenti.
USA: Il New York Times nota che "l’Europa guarda più da vicino l’azionariato dei dipendenti ". Tuttavia anche questo ha i suoi rovesci! I dipendenti, azionisti a Wall Street, tremano per l’implosione di Bear Sterns, ed il National Center for Employee Ownership affronta l’argomento nel suo contesto. Su altri versanti, I dipendenti potrebbero rilevare impianti da General Electric e Ford. I piani di azionariato sono sempre più diffusi.
La rassegna stampa complete comprende 1.307 articloli di cui: 393 in USA, 200 in Francia, 128 in Gran Bretagna, 102 in India,  91 in Argentina, 56 in Australia, 56 in Germania, 45 in Canada, 38 in Spagna, 31 in Sudafrica, 31 in Italia, 27 in Austria, 17 in Brasile, 10 in Colombia, 11 in Irlanda, 9 in Perù, 7 in Emirati Arabi, 6 in Svizzera, 5 in Malaysia, 5 in Hong Kong, 5 in Trinidad & Tobago, 4 in Bulgaria, 3 in Messico, 3 in Nuova Zelanda, 3 in Polonia, 2 in Giordania, 2 nei Paesi Bassi, 2 nelle Filippine, 2 in Portogallo, 2 in Tailandia, e 1 in Algeria, Barbados, Belgio, Cile, Grecia,  Sri Lanka, Pakistan, Nepal, Paraguay, Romania, Senegal, Singapore and Venezuela.
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   68 selected articles in March 2008 about employee ownership in
United Arab Emirates, Austria, Canada, Germany, France, Ireland, India, Italy, Jordan, Malaysia, Poland, Senegal, Trinidad & Tobago, UK, USA, South Africa.

AE*   359 - Changes in laws needed to introduce ESOPs
             GulfNews, United Arab Emirates - Mar 24, 2008
             This type of plan should not be confused with employee stock options plans, which are not retirement plans. Instead, employee stock options plans give the ...
AE*   354 - IPOs to boost stock-for-staff plans
             Emirates Business 24/7, United Arab Emirates - Mar 24, 2008
             Employee Stock Ownership Plans (ESOPs), which offer staff the chance to buy into their own company, could also help UAE companies as they struggle to retain ...
AE*   242 - Staff ownership could boost profits
             ArabianBusiness.com, United Arab Emirates - Mar 26, 2008
             Companies with Employee Stock Ownership Plans enjoy a range of benefits, including increased staff loyalty and improved corporate financial transactions, ...
AT*   650 - Stummvoll: Steuerreform sachpolitisch, nicht sozialpopulistisch ...
             Live-PR.com (Pressemitteilung) - 18. März 2008
             Da spiele die Mitarbeiterbeteiligung – das Instrument der Beteiligung der Arbeitnehmer am Unternehmenserfolg – eine Schlüsselrolle. ...
AT*   470 - DJ DGAP-CMS: Erste Bank der Oesterreichischen Sparkassen AG: Other ...
             Märkische Allgemeine, Germany - Mar 20, 2008
             In the course of the Employee Stock Ownership Programmes employees, and the equity of Erste Bank has been increased accordingly. approve authorised ...
AT*   454 - Erste Bank bietet Mitarbeitern wieder Aktien an
             Boerse-express.com - 21. März 2008
             Wie schon in den Vorjahren, führt die Erste Bank auch heuer ein neues Stock Options Programm durch. "Durch das Mitarbeiterbeteiligungsprogramm soll die ...
AT*   379 - Stummvoll: ÖVP steht bei Steuerentlastung zu ihrem Wort
             PR-Inside.com (Pressemitteilung) - 24. März 2008
             Entlastung des Arbeitsmarktes Mitarbeiterbeteiligung als Schlüsselrolle: Als vierten Schwerpunkt müssen die Zukunftsperspektiven am Arbeitsmarkt definiert ...
AT*   329 - Oberbank erhöht Kapital für Mitarbeiterbeteiligung
             derStandard.at - 25. März 2008
             Wien - Die Oberbank setzt ihr Mitarbeiterbeteiligungsprogramm fort: Laut Vorstandsbeschluss vom 10. März wird dafür das Grundkapital von derzeit 75721.153 ...
AT*   173 - Molterer: ÖVP hat klaren wirtschaftspolitischen Auftrag
             oevp.at - 28. März 2008
             ... und Entlastung von Familien mit Kindern, Stärkung des Unternehmerstandortes, Stärkung der Mitarbeiterbeteiligung und Vereinfachung des Steuersystems. ...
CA*   638 - Les Conseillers Trigone présentent leur coopérative de ...
             LBR.ca (Communiqués de presse) - 18 mar 2008
             LBR.ca / - C’est avec fierté que Les Conseillers Trigone ont présenté leur coopérative de travailleurs actionnaire Le Sablier lors d’un cocktail-conférence ...
CA*   120 - Employee-ownership has its drawbacks
             ReportonBusiness.com - Canada - Mar 28, 2008
             If your company's employee stock ownership plan, or ESOP, makes you sell it back to them when you leave and you can't sell shares on the TSX, ...
CA*   100 - Worker as shareholder: Is it worth it?
             Globe and Mail, Canada - Mar 29, 2008
             "When companies do employee-ownership right, employees are much more thoroughly informed than at traditional companies. It's not like employees have to go ...
DE*   579 - Einigung bei Mitarbeiterbeteiligung
             Haufe.de - 19. März 2008
             ... haben sich Bundeskanzlerin Angela Merkel (CDU) und der SPD-Vorsitzende Kurt Beck bei der Frage der Mitarbeiterbeteiligung auf einen Kompromiss geeinigt. ...
DE*   513 - Beck-Modell zur Mitarbeiterbeteiligung floppt
             Spiegel Online - 20. März 2008
             Bei der Mitarbeiterbeteiligung sollte Rheinland-Pfalz zum Vorbild für ganz Deutschland werden - doch daraus wird vermutlich nichts. ...
FR*   1292 - Société Générale : les actionnaires salariés redemandent des sièges
             Challenges - 2 mar 2008
             Une entrée qui nécessitera une révision des statuts, mais qui permettrait à l'actionnariat salarié d'avoir "son mot à dire", notamment sur "la façon de ...
FR*   1207 - France Télécom : la CGT veut un déblocage immédiat de la participation
             Challenges - 4 mar 2008
             ... au prétexte de retenir l'actionnariat salarié", mais "devant le tollé de toutes les organisations syndicales, (elle) semble avoir abandonné cette ...
FR*   1206 - Socotec: des syndicats alertent les salariés des risques de vente ...
             Daily Bourse - 4 mar 2008
             "Il s'agit de 79 % des actions", a nuancé Christian Theys qui dénonce "les fragilités de l'actionnariat salarié". "Les salariés retraités, peu intéressés ...
FR*   1102 - Vers la fin de l'épargne salariale ?
             News Press (Communiqués de presse) - 6 mar 2008
             Rappelons que le principal motif de récupération de l'épargne salariale est en effet depuis longtemps la constitution de l'apport personnel pour achat ...
FR*   995 - Métalogik : ACCO
             Agence Bretagne Presse - 9 mar 2008
             Nous avons commencé à 7 » dit M. Halotel « 7 salariés-actionnaires, toujours présents, mais maintenant nous sommes à 30 salariés ». ...
FR*   899 - EXCLUSIF L'Adam souhaite une meilleure représentativité des ...
             Challenges - 11 mar 2008
             Pour l'instant, les actionnaires salariés ne sont pas représentés au conseil d'administration de la banque de la Défense. L’ASSOCIATION nationale des ...
FR*   814 - Le casse-tête des entreprises non cotées
             Les Échos - 13 mar 2008
             ... veulent vendre en même temps, le fonds ne dispose pas d'assez de liquidités pour faire face », explique la Fédération des actionnaires salariés (FAS). ...
FR*   767 - Les salariés profitent à plein du déblocage de leur participation
             Les Échos - 14 mar 2008
             C'est parti très fort et le rythme ne faiblit pas ", constate Evelyne Burlot, d'Interexpansion (fonds de gestion de l'épargne salariale). ...
             Patrimoinorama - 15 mar 2008
             Disposer d'un important noyau dur d'actionnariat salarié est un mode de financement important pour l'entreprise mais aussi une protection contre les OPA. ...
FR*   636 - La participation risque de devenir une rémunération comme les autres
             La Vie Financière - 18 mar 2008
             Nicolas Sarkozy s'apprête à casser la tirelire de l'épargne salariale pour relancer le pouvoir d'achat. Une remise en cause des mécanismes existants est à ...
FR*   635 - Les entreprises mises à contribution
             Le Monde - 18 mar 2008
             Mais une étude de 2004 montre que "seuls 13 % des sommes débloquées de l'épargne salariale ont été consommées, les autres ayant été réépargnées". ...
FR*   631 - Des stock-options pour tous !
             Les Échos - 18 mar 2008
             L'inégalité est renforcée quand ces entreprises ont mis en place parallèlement des plans d'actionnariat salarié, où la totalité du personnel peut souscrire ...
FR*   559 - Chronique d’une crise annoncée
             AgoraVox - 19 mar 2008
             ... a conforté son image de nanti par opposition aux petits actionnaires et actionnaires salariés, seules vraies victimes de la chute du titre en bourse. ...
FR*   557 - Bear Stearns: le marché entrevoit d'autres scénarios que celui de ...
             AFP - 19 mar 2008
             ... l'investisseur Joseph Lewis (groupe Tavistock), s'apprêterait à voter contre la proposition de JPMorgan, de même que nombre d'actionnaires salariés. ...
FR*   497 - Saint-Gobain et Wendel trouvent un compromis après six mois de ...
             Daily Bourse - 20 mar 2008
             Président de l'association des actionnaires salariés et anciens salariés de Saint-Gobain, Bernard Cusenier s'est d'ailleurs "félicité" de cet accord tout en ...
FR*   442 - La chute des Bourses réduit les plus-values des stock-options
             Le Monde - 21 mar 2008
             Selon le cabinet Proxinvest, leur rémunération annuelle vient pour moitié de l'attribution de stock-options. Ces instruments financiers leur permettent ...
FR*   312 - Schneider: augmentation de capital réservée aux salariés en juillet
             Daily Bourse - 25 mar 2008
             Avec ce plan d'actionnariat salarié, Schneider veut "renforcer le lien existant" avec ses salariés "en leur offrant la possibilité d'être plus étroitement ...
FR*   210 - Épargne d'entreprise : les frais des FCPE en hausse
             Les Echos – 27 mar 2008
             Debory, société spécialisée en actionnariat salarié, épargne salariale et retraite, publie la seconde édition de son "Argus des FCPE" (Fonds Communs de ...
FR*   14 - In Europe, some governments are encouraging employees to invest
             International Herald Tribune, France - Mar 31, 2008
             It will also include other measures aimed at increasing employee shareholding at smaller companies, Austrian officials said. The Austrian effort reflects a ...
IE*   3 - Babcock could hold eircom IPO if worker share deal fails, paper says
             TeleGeography, DC - Mar 31, 2008
             ... offering (IPO) of the telco, if the Employee Share Ownership Trust (ESOT) fails to agree terms to convert its 35% stake in the PTO into shares of B&B. ...
IN*   963 - Reliance Communications announces ESOPs for over 20000 employees
             Equity Bulls, India - Mar 10, 2008
             ... cover over 20000 employees of Reliance Communications, and its subsidiaries, making it the largest ESOP rollout by any Indian Telecom Service Provider. ...
IN*   921 - Are Esops still good for small businessmen?
             Economic Times, India - Mar 10, 2008
             Given in lieu of a lower fixed salary component, ESOPs are a way to encourage employee ownership for many start-ups. But ever since ESOPs were brought under ...
IN*   729 - ArcelorMittal Trinidad steel workers protest
             SteelGuru, India - Mar 15, 2008
             The workers said that ArcelorMittal was supposed to establish an Employee Share Ownership Plan under an agreement with the government when it bought the ...
IN*   404 - Understanding your Employee Stock Options
             Sify, India - Mar 22, 2008
             An Employee Stock Option Plan (ESOP) is a scheme whereby a company offers its employees the chance (or option) to purchase a certain number of shares at a ...
IT*   275 - Il mondo alla rovescia
             La Stampa - 26 mar 2008
             Tremonti vuole tassare le stock options. Idea giusta (secondo me), ma è strano che a dirlo sia la destra e non la sinistra. O no? ...
JO*   339 - Lack of Employee Stock Ownership Plans in GCC Detrimental to ...
             Al-Bawaba, Jordan - Mar 24, 2008
             The number of Employee Stock Ownership Plans (ESOPs) companies has grown substantially during the past 10 years, and they are currently estimated to hold ...
JO*   351 - Legal experts want Gulf firms to embrace ESOPs
             Middle East North Africa Financial Network, Jordan - Mar 24, 2008
             (MENAFN - Khaleej Times) Legal experts and human-resource advisers are advocating a "flexible" rule in the creation of an employee stock ownership plan ...
MY*   674 - TM to offer Esos across the board
             Malaysia Star, Malaysia - Mar 17, 2008
             PETALING JAYA: Telekom Malaysia Bhd (TM) will implement a special employee share option scheme (Esos) for all the group’s employees to ensure the success of ...
PL*   796 - UniCredit: Board of Directors resolutions
             Interia, Poland - Mar 13, 2008
             It is proposed the approval of the new All Employee Stock Ownership Plan of UniCredit Group in order to provide all employees with a tangible sign of the ...
PL*   793 - Warsaw Stock Exchange for sale
             Thenews.pl, Poland - Mar 13, 2008
             In the next three years the state treasury will put another package on sale, encouraging the creation of a stable employee-owned corporation so that the ...
SN*   1256 - Sonatel : le personnel opte pour les stocks options
             Les Afriques - 3 mar 2008
             ... dans un communiqué datant de la mi-février, une cession qui s'effectue « dans le cadre d'un large et ambitieux programme d'actionnariat salarié (. ...
TT*   812 - ‘Give us our 10%’
             Trinidad News, Trinidad and Tobago - Mar 13, 2008
             Sancho said 40 percent of the shares in Ispat was to be listed on the stock exchange and ten percent of that was to be held in an ESOP. ...
TT*   786 - Trinidad steel workers protest over money
             Reuters - Mar 13, 2008
             The workers say Arcelor was supposed to establish an Employee Share Ownership Plan (ESOP) under an agreement with the government when it bought the formerly ...
UK*   923 - SocGen rights issue oversubscribed
             Financial News Online US, UK - Mar 10, 2008
             A total of 7% of the bank's stock is held by employees and former employees via the group employee share ownership plan. Other shareholders with more than ...
UK*   832 - Budget 2008: EMI schemes limited to firms with fewer than 250 staff
             Employee Benefits, UK - Mar 12, 2008
             Fiona Downes, head of employee share ownership at IFS ProShare, said: "Larger companies might see this as a negative move, but considering that these ...
UK*   745 - Bear Stearns crisis could hit UK banks
             Telegraph.co.uk, United Kingdom - Mar 14, 2008
             Bear also has one of the highest employee share ownership schemes and many staff will be facing huge paper losses.
UK*   716 - Heady times for John Lewis: interview with chairman Charlie Mayfield
             Times Online, UK - Mar 16, 2008
             These are heady times for the John Lewis Partnership, the employee-owned group that is leaving much of the high street floundering in its wake. ...
UK*   277 - Global chief has never forgotten early lessons
             nebusiness.co.uk, UK - Mar 25, 2008
             The trade unions were very supportive and it was just a good structure of employee ownership – we have an employee director on the board even now – I don’t ...
US*   000 - Bear Stearns and Employee Ownership
             NCEO Bulletin - Mar 26, 2008
             Corey Rosen places the fate of employee-owners at Bear Stearns in context.
789 - Ford stamping plant to re-open, says Obey
             13abc.com, OH - Mar 13, 2008
             Keith Obey has been working on a plan to get an employee-owned stamping company organized. It will be called Maumee Authority Stamping. ...
US*   718 - The Art of the Sale
             Wall Street Journal - Mar 16, 2008
             Many business owners sell their company through employee stock-ownership plans, or ESOPs. They're a complicated option but have some big advantages. ...
US*   669 - Wall Street employee owners shudder as Bear Stearns implodes
             MarketWatch - Mar 17, 2008
             In 2007, 11.2 million Americans held $928 billion in employee stock option plans, stock bonus plans and profit-sharing plans that primarily invest in ...
US*   665 - A very high cost for big mistakes
             MSN Money - Mar 17, 2008
             The company's employee-stock-ownership plan owned 23% of the shares as of Feb. 14. The shares that day had a market value of $2.18 billion. ...
US*   604 - A Lesson From Bear: Don't Hold Large Chunks of Company Stock
             Conde Nast Portfolio, NY - Mar 18, 2008
             Like many other Wall St. firms, Bear has an employee stock ownership plan and about a third of outstanding stock is held by workers. ...
US*   586 - Times Co. puts Maine newspapers on market
             Seattle Times, United States - Mar 18, 2008
             The Guild probably will explore the feasibility of employee ownership, he said. Monday's announcement "wasn't completely unexpected, given what's going on ...
US*   518 - Workers to take over GE plant in Bloomington?
             Indianapolis Business Journal, IN - Mar 19, 2008
             Yesterday, development commission President Greg Travis told The Herald-Times of Bloomington that, while he doubts employee ownership would work, ...
US*   417 - Employee-ownership plans increasingly common
             Indianapolis Business Journal, IN - Mar 21, 2008
             “The ultimate goal is to make [the company] completely employee-owned,” said Dillon, 53. He expects to stay involved for at least 10 more years and wants to ...
US*   337 - When You're Invested Too Much in Work
             U.S. News & World Report, DC - Mar 24, 2008
             Employee ownership seemed to be part of the culture at Bear Stearns. The company's share of employee-owned stock was high among investment banks, ...
US*   336 - At Bear Stearns, resentment and fear abound
             Princeton University The Daily Princetonian,  United States - Mar 24, 2008
             One alumnus faulted Bear’s long-standing culture of employee-ownership, which he said encouraged individuals to take unnecessary risks. ...
US*   133 - Center Point Business Valuations to Team with The Menke Group in ...
             Emediawire (press release), WA - Mar 28, 2008
             ... Inc. (Menke) in support of Menke's Employee Stock Ownership Plan (ESOP) services. Center Point will be performing independent business appraisals and ...
US*   130 - Phoenix Makes Pitch On Vote
             Hartford Courant, United States - Mar 28, 2008
             Dona D. Young, chief executive of The Phoenix Cos., urged employee shareholders Friday to vote for the company's own nominees in the contested election of ...
US*   1 - Europe Takes a Closer Look at Employee Stock Ownership
             New York Times, United States - Mar 31, 2008
             In the 1960s, France became a lone exception in Europe by nurturing some employee ownership as a national drive to ease class divisions. ...
ZA*   283 - Sasol launches South Africa's largest-ever empowerment deal
             Creamer Media's Engineering News, South Africa - Mar 25, 2008
             The Sasol employee shareholding would be through the employee share ownership schemes, and would amount to 25,2-million shares. The number of broad-based ...
ZA*   278 - Does patronage pay?
             Mail & Guardian Online, South Africa - Mar 25, 2008
             A quarter of the BEE deal will be reserved for an employee share-ownership plan for Vodacom's local workforce. There will also be a retail scheme to sell ...
ZA*   245 - South Africa: Black Empowerment Broadens Its Reach
             AllAfrica.com, Washington - Mar 26, 2008
             Deals with an Esop (employee stock ownership plan) component align empowerment transactions with company goals by encouraging productivity, he says. ...

--------> BACK TO TOP 


Monthly press review covering following items in English, French, German, Spanish, Italian and Portuguese:
Revue de presse sur les thèmes suivants en anglais, français, allemand, espagnol, italien et portugais:

acionistas assalariados - accionariado asalariado - actionnaires salariés - actionnariat salarié - Arbeitnehmerkapitalbeteiligung - azionariato dei dipendenti - azionisti dipendenti - employee buyouts - employee owners - employee ownership - employee share ownership - employee stock ownership - ESOP - financiele werknemersparticipatie - finanzielle Beteiligung der Arbeitnehmer - Mitarbeiterbeteiligung - Mitarbeiterkapitalbeteiligung - partecipazione finanziaria dei lavoratori - participación financiera de los trabajadores - participation financière des travailleurs - salariés actionnaires - sociedades laborales - werknemersaandeelhouders - werknemersparticipatie - coopératives ouvrières de production - SCOP - coopératives de travailleurs actionnaires - cooperativas de trabajo - cooperative di lavoro - workers cooperatives - cooperativas de trabalho

Articles are sorted by dates and countries:
Les articles sont classés par dates et par pays:

Los artículos están ordenados por fecha:

US*   1 - Europe Takes a Closer Look at Employee Stock Ownership
             New York Times, United States - Mar 31, 2008
             In the 1960s, France became a lone exception in Europe by nurturing some employee ownership as a national drive to ease class divisions. ...
UK*   2 - Babcock to sell off wind farms
             Thomson Merger News (subscription), UK - Mar 31, 2008
             It acquired eircom in 2006 and has since been locked in a dispute with the company's Employee Share Ownership Trust which does not want to convert its stake ...
IE*   3 - Babcock could hold eircom IPO if worker share deal fails, paper says
             TeleGeography, DC - Mar 31, 2008
             ... offering (IPO) of the telco, if the Employee Share Ownership Trust (ESOT) fails to agree terms to convert its 35% stake in the PTO into shares of B&B. ...
IE*   4 - In the papers 31 March
             ElectricNews.net, Ireland - Mar 31, 2008
             Eircom's employee share ownership trust has shares in 35 percent of the telecommunications company. It plans to convert these into BCM shares next summer, ...
US*   5 - CPI Receives 2008 Global Frost & Sullivan Award for Business ...
             Centre Daily Times, PA - Mar 31, 2008
             "The employee-owners of CPI are honored to be selected by Frost & Sullivan for this award," said Michael Custer, Vice President of Sales & Marketing for CPI ...
US*   6 - Enterprise Security Practice from AMERICAN SYSTEMS
             TMCnet - Mar 31, 2008
             AMERICAN SYSTEMS is a government and commercial IT solutions provider besides being an employee-owned company. “The Enterprise Security Practice draws from ...
US*   7 - Fitch Affirms Millennium Partners' IDRs at 'BBB/F2'; Outlook Stable
             Business Wire (press release), CA - Mar 31, 2008
             Investor interests are aligned with Millennium management and staff interests, as approximately 17% of the fund is currently employee-owned. ...
CA*   8 - Wellington West in-house lawyer takes Team Canada to the top
             Canada NewsWire (press release), Canada - Mar 31, 2008
             In the 15 years since its inception, the employee-owned Wellington West has become one of the largest and fastest-growing independent full-service ...
US*   9 - Kiewit Enhances Services to Power Sector
             Business Wire (press release), CA - Mar 31, 2008
             Headquartered in Omaha, Neb., the employee-owned company operates through a network of offices in the United States and Canada. ...
US*   10 - Local group buys Maumee plant from Ford
             Toledo Free Press,  USA - Mar 31, 2008
             The new private, employee-owned company plans to begin production in early to mid-May with 250 employees, Obey said. “Production will begin as soon as we ...
US*   11 - AMERICAN SYSTEMS Launches Enterprise Security Practice
             Market Wire (press release) - Mar 31, 2008
             Founded in 1975, AMERICAN SYSTEMS is one of the largest employee-owned companies in the United States, with approximately 1500 employees nationwide. ...
US*   12 - The Marketing Executives Networking Group Names Tech Image Public ...
             Business Wire (press release), CA - Mar 31, 2008
             ... company with more than 750 employees. SmithBucklin is 100% employee-owned. Learn more at www.techimage.com, or call 1-888-4-TECH-PR (1-888-483-2477).
US*   13 - Voxeo and VoiceVerified(R) Announce Partnership
             StreetInsider.com (subscription), MI - Mar 31, 2008
             Voxeo is an employee-owned company with headquarters in Orlando, FL and London, UK. The company's Prophecy Platform has been downloaded more than 20000 ...
FR*   14 - In Europe, some governments are encouraging employees to invest
             International Herald Tribune, France - Mar 31, 2008
             It will also include other measures aimed at increasing employee shareholding at smaller companies, Austrian officials said. The Austrian effort reflects a ...
US*   15 - Commission to explore idea of GE plant being run by employees
             The Herald-Times (subscription), IN - Mar 31, 2008
             ... sending out a request for proposals to study whether the local side-by-side refrigerator plant can be run through an Employee Stock Ownership Plan. ...
US*   16 - Hardeman, Hopkins and Henderson vie for seat on MWISD school board
             Mineral Wells Index, TX - Mar 31, 2008
              Served on Peco’s Employee Stock Ownership Program committee. “I feel like in my three years of being on the board that I have made a difference. ...
US*   17 - Mace Security International Reports Financial Results for the ...
             Business Wire (press release), CA - Mar 31, 2008
             ... and non-cash charges to compensation expenses for share-based compensation (employee stock options) of $896000 compared to $1.36 million for 2006. ...
US*   18 - MDC's Demented Compensation Proposals
             Motley Fool - Mar 31, 2008
             ... despite the two men's vehement and long-standing differences regarding the appropriateness and treatment of employee stock options. ...
UK*   19 - United States: SEC Staff Extends Use Of Simplified Estimates Of ...
             Mondaq News Alerts (subscription), UK - Mar 31, 2008
             123R ("SFAS 123R"), registrants are required generally to expense employee stock options. In doing so, companies are permitted to use recognized algorithms, ...
AU*   20 - Annual Report 2007
             Sydney Morning Herald, Australia - Mar 31, 2008
             Executives are also entitled to participate in the employee share option arrangements. Australian-based Executive Directors and executives must include the ...
IN*   21 - Religare Enterprises allots shares under ESOS
             Myiris.com, India - Mar 31, 2008
             ... N,C,F)* allotted 12410 equity shares on exercise of stock options under the company`s Employees Stock Options Scheme (ESOS) 2008. ...
AU*   22 - Corrected annual report 2007
             Sydney Morning Herald, Australia - Mar 31, 2008
             ... 1 John Blumer (Non-excutive director) 13 13 1 1 Share Options 85700020 options to take up ordinary shares issued remain unexercised at 31 December 2007. ...
AU*   23 - OceanaGold Annual Report December 2007
             Sydney Morning Herald, Australia - Mar 31, 2008
             ... sales through derivative instruments), from various financing facilities, from the exercise of listed share options, or from the capital markets. ...
UK*   24 - Triple tax whammy for small businesses
             Telegraph.co.uk, United Kingdom - Mar 31, 2008
             Accountants said employers will also have to explain to staff sitting on share options why they face paying more tax. Gains made through schemes such as the ...
UK*   25 - Rock's £800m freefall
             Scotsman, United Kingdom - Mar 31, 2008
             Non-execs are there to challenge the business models put forward by testosterone-charged chief execs with an eye on share options. ...
UK*   26 - 'Prevalent emotion is pride' – S&N chief
             Scotsman, United Kingdom - Mar 31, 2008
             ore than £3 million when the deal goes through, including £1.8m from cashing in more than 500000 share options, along with a pay-off of more than £1m. ...
AU*   27 - Midwest blames Murchison grab for loss
             Sydney Morning Herald, Australia - Mar 31, 2008
             "The Murchison takeover offer also had the effect of causing all of the outstanding Midwest share options to automatically vest creating an additional ...
US*   28 - Takeover costs drag Midwest Corp into the red
             Trading Markets (press release), CA - Mar 31, 2008
             The Murchison takeover offer also had the effect of causing all the outstanding Midwest share options to automatically vest, creating an additional ...
AU*   29 - Full Year Accounts
             Sydney Morning Herald, Australia - Mar 31, 2008
             In relation to the payment of bonuses, share options and other incentive amounts, discretion is exercised by the Board having regard to the overall ...
AU*   30 - Full Year Statutory Accounts
             Sydney Morning Herald, Australia - Mar 31, 2008
             SHARE OPTIONS No options were issued during the financial period and none were outstanding at the end of the financial year. ...
US*   31 - Stem Cell Therapeutics Corp. Announces Year End 2007 Financial Results
             Market Wire (press release) - Mar 31, 2008
             ... 2007 totaled 103409864 common shares 6120000 class B shares, 25912500 common share purchase warrants and 7885556 common share options. ...
CA*   32 - Gammon Gold Announces Fourth Quarter & Year End 2007 Financial Results
             Canada NewsWire (press release), Canada - Mar 31, 2008
              ... to shareholder pursuant to exercise of share options $ - $ 12415 ------------------------------------------------------------------------- 16- Related ...
UK*   33 - Investment banking at the end of the road
             This is Money, UK - Mar 31, 2008
             ... the improved performance that the investing community craves - and the executives with their share options and incentive schemes are biased to deliver. ...
UK*   34 - How director dealings can help stock-picking
             This is Money, UK - Mar 31, 2008
             Similarly, the exercise of share options serves no purpose as a buy or sell signal as the influences behind these transactions are rarely aligned to the ...
US*   35 - ChinaCast Education Corporation Announces 2007 US GAAP Fourth ...
             CNNMoney.com (press release) - Mar 31, 2008
             ... advances from related parties -- -- (4251) (582) Exercise of share options -- 9699 -- -- ---------- ---------- ---------- ---------- Net cash provided ...
UK*   36 - Kopane Diamonds provides interim report
             Mineweb, UK - Mar 31, 2008
             The consolidated loss for the period is after expensing £211000 in respect of the fair value of share options issued (2006 - £176000). ...
AU*   37 - AVD Annual Report for year ended 31 December 2007
             Sydney Morning Herald, Australia - Mar 31, 2008
             ... review and make recommendations concerning long-term incentive compensation plans, including the use of share options and other equity-based plans. ...
AT*   38 - Comstar Launches Long Term Incentive Programme for Executives
             PR-Inside.com (Pressemitteilung), Austria - Mar 31, 2008
             So-called 'phantom' share options are to be granted to participants in the scheme. The programme participants will be entitled to receive bonuses at the end ...
UK*   39 - United States: SEC Staff Extends Use Of Simplified Estimates Of ...
             Mondaq News Alerts (subscription), UK - Mar 31, 2008
             As noted in SFAS 123R paragraph 17, "[F]or equity share options and similar instruments the effect of nontransferability (and nonhedgeability, ...
US*   40 - Comstar Launches Long Term Incentive Programme for Executives
             Business Wire (press release), CA - Mar 31, 2008
             So-called ‘phantom’ share options are to be granted to participants in the scheme. The programme participants will be entitled to receive bonuses at the end ...
US*   41 - Angelo, Gordon & Co.'s Net Lease Group Completes $6.6 Million Sale ...
             FOXBusiness - Mar 31, 2008
             American Capital, both directly and through its global asset management business, is an investor in management and employee buyouts, private equity buyouts, ...
US*   42 - Funds eye court action against Bear Stearns
             FinancialWeek (subscription), NY - Mar 31, 2008
             The law firm of Stember Feinstein Doyle & Payne LLC said it is examining fiduciary conduct relating to Bear Stearns’ ESOP, profit-sharing and 401(k) plans. ...
US*   43 - Chromcraft Revington, Inc. Reports 2007 Results and Restructuring ...
              FOXBusiness - Mar 31, 2008
             ... asset impairment charges 1342 3419 Non-cash ESOP compensation expense 509 771 Non-cash stock compensation expense 309 404 Non-cash inventory write-downs ...
US*   44 - Don't Play It Again, Sam: 'LA Times' Staffers Bid Farewell in ...
             Editor & Publisher - Mar 31, 2008
             ... please don't confuse arrogance with a commitment to something grander than the real estate in which we're housed or to the dollars in our ESOP. ...
US*   45 - Funds eye action against Bear Stearns
             Pensions & Investments, IL - Mar 31, 2008
             The law firm of Stember Feinstein Doyle & Payne LLC said it is examining fiduciary conduct relating to Bear Stearns’ ESOP, profit-sharing and 401(k) plans. ...
IN*   46 - Market mayhem takes sheen off esops
             Economic Times, India - Mar 31, 2008
             NEW DELHI: Employee stock options, or esops, have always been considered one of the best tools to not only recruit the best talent in the country but also ...
FR*   47 - FCPE : attention aux frais indirects
             Boursorama – 31 mar 2008
             Enfin, l’Argus constate que les gestionnaires d'épargne salariale progressent en matière de transparence, avec notamment une nette progression de la mise à ...
FR*   48 - Jeux vidéo: Ubisoft relève à nouveau ses prévisions pour 2007-2008
             AFP - 31 mar 2008
             Il vise désormais un chiffre d'affaires d'environ 920 millions d'euros et une marge opérationnelle courante (avant stock-options) de 14%, à comparer aux ...
FR*   49 - Ubisoft: revoit à la hausse ses prévisions pour 2007-2008
             TF1 - 31 mar 2008
             La prévision de résultat opérationnel courant avant stock options est également revue à la hausse pour représenter environ 14% du chiffre d'affaires, ...
FR*   50 - Ubisoft: revoit à la hausse ses prévisions pour 2007-2008.
             Boursorama - 31 mar 2008
             La prévision de résultat opérationnel courant avant stock options est également revue à la hausse pour représenter environ 14% du chiffre d'affaires, ...
FR*   51 - Ubisoft : revoit à la hausse ses prévisions pour l'exercice 2007/2008
             Boursier.com - 31 mar 2008
             La prévision de résultat opérationnel courant avant stock options est également revue à la hausse pour représenter environ 14% du chiffre d'affaires, ...
             nouvelobs.com - 31 mar 2008
             ... dirigeants devraient simplement écoper d'une amende et être contraints de rembourser les plus-values encaissées lors de la vente de leurs stock-options. ...
FR*   53 - Antoine Zacharias demande 81 millions d’euros à Vinci
             Batiactu - 31 mar 2008
             Antoine Zacharias réclame 81 millions d’euros pour compenser des stock-options dont le conseil d’administration l’aurait privé en le poussant vers la sortie ...
FR*   54 - Vinci (ex.sge) : A.Zacharias demande une indemnisation record
             Trading Sat - 31 mar 2008
             ... ex-PDG de Vinci, réclame une indemnisation record de 81 Millions d'euros au groupe de BTP, correspondant au « bénéfice des stock-options qu'il n'a pas ...
FR*   55 - Vinci : Antoine Zacharias réclamerait 81 millions d'euros
             Capital.fr - 31 mar 2008
             Deux ans après son départ forcé du groupe de BTP, le personnage accuserait son ancien groupe de l'avoir empêché d'exercer une partie de ses stock-options ...
FR*   56 - VINCI : Antoine Zacharias réclamerait 81 millions d'euros
             Daily Bourse - 31 mar 2008
             Deux ans après son départ forcé du groupe de BTP, le personnage accuserait son ancien groupe de l'avoir empêché d'exercer une partie de ses stock-options ...
ES*   57 - Celebradas las jornadas sobre autoempleo
             La Voz Digital (Cádiz) – 31 Mar 2008
             ás de 40 personas han participado en las jornadas destinada a fomentar el autoempleo y la creación de empresas llamadas Las Sociedades Laborales como motor ...
AR*   58 - Evalúan mecanismos de créditos para productos misioneros
             TerritorioDigital.com – 31 Mar 2008
             En el caso de las cooperativas de trabajo Urunday y Unidas, de la localidad de Santa Ana, se informa que ambas retiraron sus libros contables y sociales de ...
AR*   59 - Cooperativas de Santa Ana no cumplen requisitos
             Misiones OnLine – 31 Mar 2008
             En el caso de las cooperativas de trabajo Urunday y Unidas, de la localidad de Santa Ana, se informó que ambas retiraron sus libros contables y sociales de ...
DE*   60 - Bear Stearns – was ist eine marode Investmentbank noch wert
             Yeald – 31. März 2008
             In Deutschland sind übrigens die Gewerkschaften diejenigen, die diesen gefährlichen Zusammenhang zwischen Mitarbeiterbeteiligung und Alterseinkommen immer ...
AT*   61 - Ist der Finanzmarkt ein Jahrmarkt?
             Die Presse – 31. März 2008
             Und sie geißeln Raffgier, „stock options“ und Zockerwesen. Der Öffentlichkeit werden Heerscharen verantwortungslos handelnder Finanzmanager vorgeführt. ...
IT*   62 - ECO - Enel, Flaei-Cisl costituisce associazione azionisti dipendenti
             Il Velino – 31 mar 2008
             Roma, 31 mar (Velino) - “Fortemente voluta dalla Federazione degli elettrici della Cisl, è stata costituita l’Associazione ‘Azionisti dipendenti gruppo ...
IT*   63 - Arena sfida il gigante Speedo con medaglie e costumi hitech
             La Repubblica – 31 mar 2008
             Cristiano Portas crede nel progetto: investe risparmi e le stock options in portafoglio fino ad arrivare a un 10% del capitale. E i risultati non mancano. ...
BR*   64 - Unimed terá de pagar segurado por falha de cobertura
             A Tarde On Line – 31 Mar 2008
             O Superior Tribunal de Justiça (STJ) aumentou de R$ 5 mil para R$ 20 mil a indenização por danos morais que a Unimed Natal Sociedade Cooperativa de Trabalho ...
AU*   65 - 2007 Annual Report and Accounts
             Sydney Morning Herald, Australia - Mar 30, 2008
             Management remains committed to increasing the level of employee share ownership across the business, in order to further align employee and shareholder ...
US*   66 - Mortgage Loan Officers
             Seattle Post Intelligencer - Mar 30, 2008
             HomeStreet Bank, one of the largest family and employee-owned financial services firms in the Pacific Northwest and Hawaii, has been making a name for ...
UK*   67 - John Lewis goes shopping for store site in city centre
             Crain's Manchester Business, UK - Mar 30, 2008
             The employee-owned chain is understood to have identified at least one possible site where preliminary negotiations are under way. ...
US*   68 - VU business professor to speak at conference
             Gary Post Tribune, IN - Mar 30, 2008
             The target of Schroeder's keynote address is employee-owned businesses, to help them "tap the energy that employees bring to the table," he said. ...
US*   69 - Foundation helps hospital treat cancer
             Orlando Sentinel, FL - Mar 30, 2008
             Mercedes Homes is the nation's largest employee-owned home builder with 130 locations. It is winner of the 2008 National Housing Quality Award. ...
US*   70 - Breaking the Integrity of Hawaii's General Excise Tax
             Hawaii Reporter, HI - Mar 30, 2008
             ... to the employees of the laboratory on the basis that the clinical laboratory would be owned by its employees through an employee stock ownership plan. ...
IN*   71 - Uproar before release of abducted driver
             E-Pao.net, India - Mar 30, 2008
             The Indo-Burma Sugnu Road Drivers and Motor Workers Cooperative society has been demanding the safe release of Inao immediately. ...
IN*   72 - Drivers decry
             E-Pao.net, India - Mar 30, 2008
             Imphal, March 29: The Indo-Burma Sugnu Road Drivers and Motor Workers Cooperative Society has strongly condemned the reported abduction of driver Heikrujam ...
AU*   73 - Full Year Statutory Accounts December 2007
             Sydney Morning Herald, Australia - Mar 30, 2008
             Each employee share option is convertible into one share. The exercise price for each employee share option shall not be less than the greater of: (a) Five ...
AU*   74 - Annual report and financial report
             Sydney Morning Herald, Australia - Mar 30, 2008
             ... The non-executive Directors are entitled to participate in under which these persons are employed. the Company's Employee Share Option Plan (`ESOP'). ...
AU*   75 - Full Year Statutory Accounts
             Sydney Morning Herald, Australia - Mar 30, 2008
             An Employee Share Option Plan may be considered at a later stage of the Company's development. The Committee assesses the appropriateness of all such ...
AU*   76 - Full Year Statutory Accounts - YE 31 December 2007
             Sydney Morning Herald, Australia - Mar 30, 2008
             SHARE OPTIONS 2007 2006 Options on issue 1 January 47800561 6374944 Options issued 51514355 43425617 Options lapsed (47800561) (2000000) Options exercised ...
AU*   77 - Annual Report to shareholders
             Sydney Morning Herald, Australia - Mar 30, 2008
             Share options At the date of this report, there are 33255577 listed options and 6800000 unlisted options on issue (the same as at the reporting date). ...
US*   78 - Final Results
             Trading Markets (press release), CA - Mar 30, 2008
             Where share options are awarded to employees, the fair value of the options at the date of grant is charged to the income statement on a straight-line basis ...
             ABN Newswire (press release), Australia - Mar 30, 2008
             The Series M share options that YIT Corporation issued in 2006 will be made available for trading on OMX Nordic Exchange in Helsinki as from April 1, 2008. ...
AU*   80 - Concise Financial Report 2007
             Sydney Morning Herald, Australia - Mar 30, 2008
             SHARE OPTIONS At the date of this report, there were 13750000 unissued ordinary shares under options (13850000 at balance date). ...
AU*   81 - Financial Report Year Ended 31 December 2007
             Sydney Morning Herald, Australia - Mar 30, 2008
             ... Operating Profit before bonuses and tax 1361140 891994 52.6 Bonus expense (including amortisation of share options and bonus deferral rights) (573440) ...
AU*   82 - Annual Report to shareholders
             Sydney Morning Herald, Australia - Mar 30, 2008
             7 competitiveness and reasonableness; Non-executive directors received share options which is a one-off 7 acceptability to shareholders; transaction issued ...
AU*   83 - GRD Limited - Full Financial Report 2007
             Sydney Morning Herald, Australia - Mar 30, 2008
             SHARE OPTIONS At the date of this report, there were 13750000 unissued ordinary shares under options (13850000 at balance date). ...
AU*   84 - Annual report and financial report
             Sydney Morning Herald, Australia - Mar 30, 2008
             7 base pay and benefits; 7 long-term incentives through participation in the The Board has structured an executive remuneration Company's ESOP; ...
US*   85 - Marco stock sees increase
             DL-Online, MN - Mar 30, 2008
             Becoming an ESOP has helped Marco attract and retain long-term employees who understand their role in the company’s performance. “Some of our employees made ...
US*   86 - More arrows for Zell
             LA Observed, CA - Mar 30, 2008
             ... please don't confuse arrogance with a commitment to something grander than the real estate in which we're housed or to the dollars in our ESOP. ...
FR*   87 - 20 des 30 sociétés de Safran ont versé l’intéressement en 2007
             Miroir Social - 30 mar 2008
             Question participation, la commission technique de suivi de l’épargne salariale du 25 mars indique que l’enveloppe représente 55,9 millions d’euros pour ...
FR*   88 - Ecoconstruction: l'Etat veut mobiliser d'urgence les entreprises
             Enviscope - 30 mar 2008
             Il ne faut pas oublier la Fédération Régionale des SCOP ( Sociétés Coopératives Ouvrières de Production) qui réunit des entreprises ayant ce statut ...
FR*   89 - Groupe Chèque Déjeuner recrute des commerciaux
             Fil Info sur l'emploi - 30 mar 2008
             Les valeurs du groupe sont-elles liées à son histoire au statut de coopérative ouvrière de production, propre à sa maison mère ? Oui, le chèque Déjeuner, ...
FR*   90 - Recul attendu à Paris
             Le Figaro - 30 mar 2008
             Il reproche à Vinci de l'avoir privé d'une partie de ses stock-options. Rexel vise une hausse de 4 à 6% par années du chiffre d'affaires d'ici à 2011, ...
FR*   91 - L'heure de vérité pour EADS
             Marianne2.fr - 30 mar 2008
             Entre le 9 et le 17 mars 2006, divers cadres du groupe vendent leurs stock-options alors que l'action EADS est au plus haut, 35 euros. ...
FR*   92 - Le dernier combat de Jean-François Roverato
             Le Figaro - 30 mar 2008
             Il rappelle qu'il s'est privé de stock-options pendant vingt ans et qu'il n'a jamais vendu d'actions Eiffage sauf pour s'acheter une maison de campagne. ...
ES*   93 - Parados muy emprendedores
             La Verdad (Albacete) - 30 Mar 2008
             ... socio trabajador o de trabajo en cooperativas o sociedades laborales, tanto si éstas son de nueva creación como si ya se encuentran en funcionamiento. ...
AR*   94 - Es inminente la urbanización de la villa Monte-Matadero
             Perspectiva Sur - 30 Mar 2008
             Y dijo que esto nos los permite el Plan de Emergencia Habitacional de la Nación, y que se lleva adelante a través de las cooperativas de trabajo . ...
AR*   95 - Los trabajadores del campo son los peores pago
             InfoBAE.com - 30 Mar 2008
             ... su familia y que la creciente conformación de cooperativas de trabajo en el campo esconde un mecanismo confeccionado para evitar el pago de cargas sociales.
AR*   96 - D´Elía, el funcionario sin cargo Por Juan Pablo Morales
             Itón Gadol - 30 Mar 2008
             Con un poder territorial más acotado, hoy mantiene un sistema que combina planes, aportes internos y cooperativas de trabajo. "Cobramos una cuota societaria ...
CO*   97 - Juriservicios cumple tres años de alianza estratégica con el ...
             Portafolio - 30 Mar 2008
             ... la Cooperativa para el Bienestar Social (Coopebis), la Cooperativa de Trabajadores de la Dirección de Impuestos y Aduanas Nacionales (Cootradian). ...
AT*   98 - Leitartikel: Sagt, wie es ist - Vorsorgeschröpfungssteuer
             WirtschaftsBlatt.at - 30. März 2008
             Denn was gibt es Intelligenteres als eine Mitarbeiterbeteiligung, gerade für den kleinen Mann: Die Mitarbeiter profitieren direkt vom Erfolg des ...
US*   99 - Shoppers flock to huge new Woodman's store in Oak Creek
             Milwaukee Journal Sentinel (subscription), WI - Mar 29, 2008
             Woodman's started its employee-ownership program in 1973. The Woodman family still owns a majority stake, but there are 48 employees who have become ...
CA*   100 - Worker as shareholder: Is it worth it?
             Globe and Mail, Canada - Mar 29, 2008
             "When companies do employee-ownership right, employees are much more thoroughly informed than at traditional companies. It's not like employees have to go ...
US*   101 - Business Honors for March 30, 2008
             2TheAdvocate, LA - Mar 29, 2008
             Acadian Ambulance Service ranks among the top 100 employee-owned companies in the United States, according to a list compiled by the center. ...
US*   102 - Design South CEO appointed to state board
             Anderson Independent Mail (subscription), SC - Mar 29, 2008
             Design South is a full service, employee-owned consulting firm providing civil engineering, telecommunications, and architectural services in the Upstate ...
US*   103 - New plans for Pleasant Crossing and Pinnacle
             Springdale Morning News, AR - Mar 29, 2008
             The company is a family and employee owned, privately-held company. - KIMBERLY MORRISON IS A BUSINESS REPORTER WITH THE MORNING NEWS. ...
US*   104 - Collapsed market
             Suburban Journals, MO - Mar 29, 2008
             The fact that McBride & Sons is employee-owned also contributed to its success, he said. "Our employees ... have adopted a mantra of 'We will not ...
US*   105 - DeVillers receives engineer award
             Jamestown Sun, ND - Mar 29, 2008
             In operation since 1976, Interstate Engineering is a regional employee-owned corporation with offices in North Dakota, Minnesota, Montana and South Dakota. ...
US*   106 - Yahoo’s New Rock Star Retention Program
             TechCrunch, CA - Mar 29, 2008
             That provided for accelerated vesting of employee stock options and severance pay following a change in control (an acquisition by Microsoft, for example) ...
BG*   107 - Cleanfield Alternative Energy Inc.: Granting of Stock Options
             PR-USA.net (press release), Bulgaria - Mar 29, 2008
             ... and 13500 share purchase options were granted to consultants and are exercisable at a price of $1.78 per common share. Options granted to employees are ...
UK*   108 - Vinci court battle rekindles French payout row
             Guardian, UK - Mar 29, 2008
             His pay-off and a portfolio of share options worth, according to Vinci, more than a quarter of a billion euros caused widespread anger in a country where ...
IN*   109 - No regrets, say 'crossover' bureaucrats
             Times of India, India - Mar 29, 2008
             And with ESOPs and other perks to look forward to, job security (the main draw of a government job) is the least of their concerns. ...
FR*   110 - Les Français refusent de nouveaux sacrifices
             Ouest-France - 29 mar 2008
             Son net rejet de la hausse et de l'allongement à 41 ans des cotisations retraite au profit d'une taxation des stock-options pourrait être compris ainsi. ...
FR*   111 - Zacharias veut encore gagner des millions!
             Le journal du dimanche en ligne - 29 mar 2008
             Celle-ci se fonde sur l'empêchement dont il aurait été l'objet par Vinci d'exercer une partie de ses stock-options depuis qu'il a quitté le leader mondial ...
FR*   112 - L'ex-P-DG de Vinci Zacharias réclamerait une indemnité record
             La Tribune.fr - 29 mar 2008
             Aujourd'hui retiré en Suisse, il accuse son ancienne entreprise de l'avoir empêché d'exercer une partie de ses stock-options depuis son départ de la ...
FR*   113 - Antoine Zacharias tente de récupérer 81 millions d'euros auprès de ...
             Le Monde - 29 mar 2008
             Cette somme représente le bénéfice des stock-options qu'il n'a pas pu exercer depuis son départ. M. Zacharias avait brutalement démissionné de la présidence ...
FR*   114 - Zacharias demande 81 millions d'euros à Vinci
             Lyon Mag - 29 mar 2008
             Xavier Huillard avait en effet publiquement dénoncé le salaire "très élevé" du P-DG d'alors, et les stock-options dont il aurait bénéficié depuis plusieurs ...
FR*   115 - Les patrons sont-ils trop payés? par Patrick Bonazza
             Alternatives Économiques - 29 mar 2008
             C'est justement parce qu'il décrypte la partie la plus sombre des rémunérations que ce petit livre est intéressant: stock-options, actions gratuites, ...
AR*   116 - Trabajo rural: muchos en negro, y mal pagos
             Clarín.com - 29 Mar 2008
             También sostienen que en forma creciente una parte de la ocupación rural se disfraza como "cooperativas de trabajo" para eludir el pago de las cargas ...
AR*   117 - Un año para gozar del tango, el folklore y las nuevas voces
             Página 12 - 29 Mar 2008
             ... Tucumán; a Peteco Carabajal en la Cooperativa de Trabajo Hospital Israelita oa Raúl Barboza en la Fábrica Recuperada Gatic, de Corrientes. ...
ES*   118 - Nuevas tendencias en incentivos para altos cargos
             Las Provincias - 29 Mar 2008
             Los bonos, las stock options o los beneficios sociales se han convertido tanto en herramienta de compensación por logro de objetivos como en instrumento de ...
ES*   119 - «La banca se había malacostumbrado a asumir niveles de riesgo sin ...
             ABC - 29 Mar 2008
             El primero es que a veces el valor de la opción reflejada en las «stock options» depende de la suerte; es decir, las petroleras se forran ahora, ...
CA*   120 - Employee-ownership has its drawbacks
             ReportonBusiness.com - Canada - Mar 28, 2008
             If your company's employee stock ownership plan, or ESOP, makes you sell it back to them when you leave and you can't sell shares on the TSX, ...
US*   121 - Marco distributes record stock benefits
             In-Forum, ND - Mar 28, 2008
             Marco employees have received $13 million in company stock since the company became employee-owned in 1989. Based in St. Cloud, Minn., Marco has offices in ...
US*   122 - O'Neil Printing thrives with change
             Arizona Republic, AZ - Mar 28, 2008
             A century later, the employee-owned company is becoming increasingly environmentally focused. The firm adapts "to remain relevant to our clients," said Tony ...
UK*   123 - John Lewis eases high street gloom after sales rise 6.4%
             Scotsman, United Kingdom - Mar 28, 2008
             The employee-owned group reported a 6.4 per cent rise in weekly sales, compared with the year-ago period. John Lewis, which also runs Waitrose supermarkets, ...
US*   124 - Lakhbir Singh: Right-hand man
              IndUS Business Journal, MA - Mar 28, 2008
             He added that Singh is also the second largest stockholder at Nathan Associates, which is an employee-owned business. Beyer is the company’s largest ...
CA*   125 - Victim describes grief of alleged investment loss
             Winnipeg Free Press, Canada - Mar 28, 2008
             Wingate came into some money upon the sale of the formerly employee-owned Pine Falls Paper Co. His sister-in-law recommended that he contact Wladyka for ...
DE*   126 - Leading US Supermarket Chain Selects MetricStream for Food Safety ...
             openPR (press release), Germany - Mar 28, 2008
             ... Compliance (GRC) and Quality Management solutions, today announced that one of the largest employee-owned supermarket chains in the United States has ...
UK*   127 - Morning Line: Good Britain, bad Britain
             CityWire.co.uk, UK - Mar 28, 2008
              If BA is the consumer service disaster of these isles, the employee-owned John Lewis Partnership undoubtedly represents its zenith. ...
ES*   128 - John Lewis week to March 22 department store sales up 6.4 pct
             FXstreet.com The Foreign Exchange Market, Spain - Mar 28, 2008
             LONDON (Thomson Financial) - John Lewis Partnership, the employee-owned retailer, said week to March 22 sales at its 26 UK department stores increased 6.4 ...
US*   129 - UPDATE 1-John Lewis weekly dept store sales up 6.4 pct
             Reuters - Mar 28, 2008
             The employee-owned group, which also runs upmarket Waitrose supermarkets, said sales for the week ended March 22 were even stronger when compared with the ...
US*   130 - Phoenix Makes Pitch On Vote
             Hartford Courant, United States - Mar 28, 2008
             Dona D. Young, chief executive of The Phoenix Cos., urged employee shareholders Friday to vote for the company's own nominees in the contested election of ...
US*   131 - Gmail Your Way to Class Certification
             The BLT, DC - Mar 28, 2008
              ... is using Gmail’s advertising service to alert Bear Stearns employees to a potential class action the firm has filed on behalf of employee shareholders. ...
US*   132 - The Beltway Bandit Behind the Passport Scandal
             CorpWatch.org, CA - Mar 28, 2008
             Although the company is publicly traded, it is majority-owned by officers, directors and employees (the latter through an employee stock ownership plan). ...
US*   133 - Center Point Business Valuations to Team with The Menke Group in ...
             Emediawire (press release), WA - Mar 28, 2008
             ... Inc. (Menke) in support of Menke's Employee Stock Ownership Plan (ESOP) services. Center Point will be performing independent business appraisals and ...
US*   134 - Business standouts honored at development council event
             Chester DailyLocal.com,  USA - Mar 28, 2008
             It donates 5 percent of all of its direct retail and Internet sales to a foundation it established for philanthropy and operates an employee stock ownership ...
US*   135 - City Union Bank to issue 8 cr shares
             Trading Markets (press release), CA - Mar 28, 2008
             The bank is also considering providing ESOPs (Employee Stock Options) to its eligible employees and directors, the bank said in a filing to the Bombay Stock ...
IN*   136 - Wipro to allot shares under ESOP
             Myiris.com, India - Mar 28, 2008
             ... resolved to issue and allot 101537 equity shares of Rs 2 each under the Wipro Employee Stock Options Plan 2000 and Restricted Stock Unit Plan 2004. ...
IN*   137 - i-flex Solutions allots shares under ESOP
             Myiris.com, India - Mar 28, 2008
             28, 2008 allotted 2500 equity shares under Employees Stock Option Scheme (ESOS), 2002. The company registered a 21.67% growth in net profit to Rs 1107.80 ...
UK*   138 - Michael Grade collects nearly £2m in fraught first year at ITV
             Guardian, UK - Mar 28, 2008
             Senior ITV executives also participate in a variety of long term incentive plans offering share options to encourage them to improve ITV's performance in ...
UK*   139 - Lloyds retail chief quits leaving £1m behind
             Guardian, UK - Mar 28, 2008
             Lloyds TSB's annual report shows Daniels received £2.8m in salary and bonuses for 2007 when 900000 share options lapsed because the performance conditions ...
US*   140 - Uruguay Mineral Exploration Inc. : Additional Listing on AIM
             FOXBusiness - Mar 28, 2008
             These shares have been issued pursuant to the exercise of employee share options. Following the exercise of these options, Uruguay Mineral Exploration Inc. ...
UK*   141 - Apple's senior management took up stock options this week, selling ...
             Macworld UK, UK - Mar 28, 2008
             ... CFO Peter Oppenheimer and senior vice president of industrial design, Jonathan Ive, also took up share options, selling some to cover their tax bill.
ZA*   142 - There is a price for high growth in places such as Russia and China
             Financial Mail (subscription), South Africa - Mar 28, 2008
             ... corporate governance, but even that has come under threat with recent events at JD Group [in which non executive directors were awarded share options]. ...
UK*   143 - Bank of America pays $28m to Countrywide mortgage boss
             Times Online, UK - Mar 28, 2008
             Mr Sambol will also receive an annual incentive award targeted at $4 million and an annual equity award targeted at 150000 Bank of America share options. ...
US*   144 - otcstockexchange.com: LSCG, OCLS, ASTI, GU - OTCStockExchange.com ...
             Trading Markets (press release), CA - Mar 28, 2008
             Together with those share options previously granted, there are 5017184 ordinary shares (2508592 ADSs) issuable upon exercise of outstanding share options ...
UK*   145 - Aminex plc revalues US reserves by 66 percent, reports net loss
             Ireland Digital, UK - Mar 28, 2008
             Animex also posted full year results, showing a net loss of $3.27 million, widened on higher non-cash charges for the issue of executive share options.
UK*   146 - Aminex FY net loss widens; US appraised reserves up 66 pct at ...
             Hemscott, UK - Mar 28, 2008
             ... Financial) - Oil and gas company Aminex PLC said full year net loss widened on higher non-cash charges for the issue of executive share options. ...
AU*   147 - Annual Report to shareholders
             Sydney Morning Herald, Australia - Mar 28, 2008
             Share options Particulars of options granted over unissued shares: There are 7820000 (2006 - 30150200) options granted by the Company over unissued ordinary ...
AU*   148 - Full Year Statutory Accounts
             Sydney Morning Herald, Australia - Mar 28, 2008
             ... 1 1 AD Lethlean 5 4 2 2 - - 1 1 SHARE OPTIONS Options to take up ordinary shares in the capital of Alkane Resources Ltd have been granted as follows. ...
IN*   149 - Wipro to allot shares under ESOP
             Myiris.com, India - Mar 28, 2008
             The administrative committee of the Company`s board of directors of Wipro (Q, N,C,F)* resolved to issue and allot 101537 equity shares of Rs 2 each under ...
IN*   150 - Hostile takeovers: Defenses cos can adopt
             Moneycontrol.com, India - Mar 28, 2008
             There are carve outs for things like ESOP which will not be affected by that prohibition. You cannot appoint directors on the board. ...
IN*   151 - Kotak Mahindra Bank allots shares under ESOP
             Myiris.com, India - Mar 28, 2008
             The ESOP allotment committee of Kotak Mahindra Bank at its meeting held on Mar. 28, 2008 allotted 8490 equity shares of Rs 10 each under ESOS. ...
IN*   152 - City Union Bank to raise money through QIP
             Myiris.com, India - Mar 28, 2008
             The board will also issue 5,00,00000 equity stock options to the eligible employees under ESOP. The bank registered a 83.10% growth in net profit to Rs ...
US*   153 - Brass Tacks: Keep your ‘entrepreneurs’ by sharing rewards and risks
             New Hampshire Business Review, NH - Mar 28, 2008
             This can take the form of actual equity participation through stock awards, performance options or ESOP participation. It can also be provided in the form ...
FR*   154 - Bouygues, l'entreprise de tous les défi
              Bloc.com - 28 mar 2008
             ... une renoméme internationale avec des actionnaires étrangers à 30,49% sans minimiser les actionnaires salariés à 13,20% qui ont participé à son prestige. ...
FR*   155 - Le patron de Vinci congédié par ses administrateurs
             Le Monde - 28 mar 2008
             ... le représentant des salariés-actionnaires du groupe, qui détient 8 % du capital. En revanche M. Zacharias a pu s'appuyer sur Alain Dinin, PDG de Nexity, ...
FR*   156 - Prado Epargne dépasse le seuil des 1000 entreprises clientes
             L'Argus de l'Assurance - 28 mar 2008
             Prado Epargne poursuit son évolution au sein du marché de l'épargne salariale en tant que teneur de comptes de plus de 1 000 entreprises, ce qui représente ...
FR*   157 - Dépasser l’assurance sociale et l’assistance sociale
             Altermonde-sans-frontières - 28 mar 2008
              Bénéfices, stock options, décisions ?). Toutes ces revendications ne sont pas foncièrement antipathiques, mais sont anachroniques, un peu en retard ou ...
FR*   158 - Zacharias demande une indemnisation record de 81 millions à Vinci
             AFP - 28 mar 2008
             M. Huillard avait en effet publiquement dénoncé le salaire "très élevé" de M. Zacharias, et les stock-options dont il aurait bénéficié depuis plusieurs ...
FR*   159 - Antoine Zacharias, un grand bâtisseur qui aimait trop l'argent
             Le Monde - 28 mar 2008
             Selon le magazine L'Expansion, les plus-values potentielles de ses stock-options se montaient, début mai, à 173 millions d'euros, le quart du total des ...
FR*   160 - Retraites : premières propositions à la mi-avril
             L'Usine Nouvelle - 28 mar 2008
             Exemples : une taxe de 3% sur les bénéfices non réinvestis et des cotisations sur l'intéressement, la participation et les stock-options. ...
             La Marseillaise - 28 mar 2008
             Hausse des cotisations vieillesse, taxation des revenus financiers, des bénéfices non réinvestis, de l'intéressement et des stock-options...
FR*   162 - Gameloft : peu de réaction aux comptes
             Boursier.com - 28 mar 2008
             Le résultat net avant stock options est ressorti à -1,1 ME, sensiblement plus bas que lors de l'exercice 2006 qui avait bénéficié d'une plus value nette ...
FR*   163 - Gameloft: confirme ses objectifs pour 2008
             TF1 - 28 mar 2008
             Le spécialiste du jeux vidéo sur mobiles accuse ainsi une perte nette avant stock options de -1,1 million d'euros, contre un bénéfice de 19,3 millions ...
ES*   164 - Orden espontáneo Los presidentes no pueden gestionar la economía
             Libertad Digital - 28 Mar 2008
             ... como la Administración de Formación y Desarrollo de la Mano de Obra, la Ley de Formación y Empleo Integral, la Ley de Sociedad Laboral Formativa, ...
AR*   165 - Poesías, vindicadores y ajos
             Página 12 - 28 Mar 2008
             Una república que se vaya democratizando cada vez más mediante cooperativas de trabajo igualitario y propia responsabilidad. Todos para uno y uno para todos ...
AR*   166 - Varios heridos en una batalla campal entre afiliados de UOCRA y ...
             Diario Hoy (Argentina) - 28 Mar 2008
             Luego el personal municipal, que forma parte de las cooperativas de trabajo que están realizando la construcción, se fue retirando y poco tiempo después se ...
CO*   167 - TLC es imprescindible para el avance de las industrias, afirman ...
             SNE (Comunicados de prensa) - 28 Mar 2008
             Respaldaron, además, la decisión del Gobierno Nacional de obligar a las cooperativas de trabajo asociado a pagar las contribuciones parafiscales ya cumplir ...
ES*   168 - Catalunya Integració, un paso firme hacia la integración
             Sí, Se Puede - 28 Mar 2008
             Catalunya Integració es una cooperativa de trabajo creada para facilitar el proceso de incorporación de los inmigrantes a esta comunidad y ser un mecanismo ...
ES*   169 - Jamie Dimon, el gran negociador
             Cotizalia.com - 28 Mar 2008
             ... incluyendo el bonus, engordó su cuenta corriente con más de 39 millones de euros, cifra a la que sumó otros 64,6 millones en stock options. ...
ES*   170 - Los sueldos de Florentino y Galán
             El Correo Digital (Vizcaya) - 28 Mar 2008
             Pero, además, Florentino Pérez dispone de una remuneración adicional a través de opciones sobre acciones -las conocidas como 'stock options'-. ...
ES*   171 - Nuevos incentivos: chequeos médicos 'a la carta' como premio
             elEconomista.es - 28 Mar 2008
             Es lo que están haciendo algunas empresas con sus directivos y empleados al retribuirles en especie con chequeos VIP, unas stock options donde lo que cotiza ...
AT*   172 - Anlässlich ihrer Wirtschaftskonferenz hat die ÖVP am Freitag ein ...
             Wiener Zeitung - 28. März 2008
             Schwerpunkte bei der Steuerentlastung sind Mittelstand, Familien mit Kindern, Unternehmen, die Mitarbeiterbeteiligung und die Vereinfachung des ...
AT*   173 - Molterer: ÖVP hat klaren wirtschaftspolitischen Auftrag
             oevp.at - 28. März 2008
             ... und Entlastung von Familien mit Kindern, Stärkung des Unternehmerstandortes, Stärkung der Mitarbeiterbeteiligung und Vereinfachung des Steuersystems. ...
IT*   174 - Sabaf: piano di riacquisto di azioni proprie
             La Stampa - 28 mar 2008
             Inoltre le azioni acquistate ai sensi della delega potranno essere utilizzate per la realizzazione di eventuali futuri piani di stock options destinati a ...
BR*   175 - C&A abolirá contratos com cooperativas ilegais...
             Monitor Mercantil - 28 Mar 2008
             ... durante diligência realizada na cooperativa de trabalho denominada "Cooperbrim", a situação de trabalho degradante das costureiras (mais de 70), ...
US*   176 - UPS GC to Lawyers: 'Reach Back, Help Others'
             Law.com (subscription), CA - Mar 27, 2008
             Corporate story: Key factors that have gone into 100 years of success are employee ownership and promotion from within. That requires the organization to ...
UK*   177 - Alternative Networks upgrades HR software
             Employee Benefits, UK - Mar 27, 2008
             The updated software, provided by Snowdrop, will also include a self-service function for employees and line managers, which will promote employee ownership ...
PL*   178 - UniCredito Italiano - Ordinary and Extraordinary Shareholdersâ ...
             Wirtualna Polska, Poland - Mar 27, 2008
             All Group employee Share Ownership Plan; 5. Appointment of Directors; 6. Compensation to be awarded to Members of the Boards of Directors; 7. ...
US*   179 - South Africa: A Good Deal
             AllAfrica.com, Washington - Mar 27, 2008
             And it is a pity to have done so large an employee share ownership scheme without really consulting trade unions. Overall, though, this is a deal that sets ...
US*   180 - Greenville Tool & Die cuts workforce by 20
             Greenville Daily News, MI - Mar 27, 2008
             ... additions and renovations along with a few ownership changes down through the years. The company has been employee owned and operated since February 2005.
US*   181 - Greenville company laying off some workers
             WZZM, MI - Mar 27, 2008
             According to the company's website, Greenville Tool & Die began in 1946 and is now "employee owned." A letter obtained by WZZM 13 News from the company to ...
CA*   182 - VersaPay Establishes Partnership with the Alberta Chambers of Commerce
             Canada NewsWire (press release), Canada - Mar 27, 2008
             VersaPay is a Canadian employee-owned payment processor with offices in Vancouver, Montreal and Calgary. Learn more about VersaPay Corporation at ...
US*   183 - Homescape®, MLSNI and Chicago Tribune Pen License Agreement to ...
             Business Wire (press release), CA - Mar 27, 2008
             TRIBUNE is America’s largest employee-owned media company, operating businesses in publishing, interactive and broadcasting. In publishing, Tribune’s ...
US*   184 - Nancy Scovern recognized for insurance leadership & training
             VillageSoup Belfast,  USA - Mar 27, 2008
             The Allen Agency is an employee-owned insurance, employee benefits, and financial services company with offices in Camden, Rockland and Saco. ...
CA*   185 - PCL chalks up another record year
             Edmonton Journal, Canada - Mar 27, 2008
             The employee-owned company's total profits -- before taxes, bonuses and foreign exchange -- also reached a record high, topping the old 2006 record by 25 ...
AU*   186 - Annual Report to shareholders
             Sydney Morning Herald, Australia - Mar 27, 2008
             ... Executives are also entitled to participate in the employee shareholder questions about the conduct of the audit and the share option arrangements. ...
US*   187 - Press Releases: PR Newswire
             SunHerald.com, MS - Mar 27, 2008
             ... Stearns Companies, Inc. Employee Stock Ownership Plan Against the Bear Stearns Companies, Inc. and Other Plan F By Schiffrin Barroway Topaz & Kessler, ...
US*   188 - 3/27/2008 - Freeman previewed a revolutionary patent-pending ...
             Exhibitor Online, MN - Mar 27, 2008
             Founded in 1927, the company remains privately held by the Freeman family as well as the full-time employee owners through an Employee Stock Ownership Plan ...
US*   189 - Sam, the viagra man
             LA Observed, CA - Mar 27, 2008
             ... worrying about looking for a new job or whether they'll wind up with any money in the Employee Stock Ownership Program that Zell used to buy Tribune Co. ...
UK*   190 - Sovereign Bancorp investigated
             Global Pensions, UK - Mar 27, 2008
             ... illegal conduct relating to the Sovereign Bancorp Retirement Plan, the company’s 401(k) plan, and Sovereign Bancorp Employee Stock Ownership Plan. ...
US*   191 - Pallet rack maker Hannibal Industries separates from parent company
             MMH.com, MA - Mar 27, 2008
             ... Industries announced last week they have purchased their company from parent Mitsui & Co. through the formation of an employee stock ownership plan. ...
CA*   192 - The first ecological neighbourhood in Quebec!
             West Island Chronicle, Canada - Mar 27, 2008
             by Steven Guilbeault A few weeks ago I met Isabelle, a member of the Apex workers' co-op in St. Mathieu du Parc. She spoke to me about her ecological home ...
US*   193 - Use care when you seek out legal help
             Seattle Post Intelligencer - Mar 27, 2008
             Not every corporate lawyer will be current on the state and federal rules associated with stock issuances, employee stock option plans, corporate governance ...
US*   194 - TIBCO Software Reports Record First Quarter Financial Results
             CNNMoney.com (press release) - Mar 27, 2008
             ... costs related to formal restructuring plans, stock-based compensation related to employee stock options, the amortization of acquired intangible assets ...
AU*   195 - Full Year Statutory Accounts
             Sydney Morning Herald, Australia - Mar 27, 2008
             Options issued under the Company's Employee Share Option Plan on 23 August 2006 have progressive vesting: 20% of the grant is vested on issue, ...
AU*   196 - Annual Financial Report
             Sydney Morning Herald, Australia - Mar 27, 2008
             Long-term incentives ("LTI") - Employee Share Option Plan ("ESOP") The ESOP is designed to reward ongoing performance and encourage retention. ...
DE*   197 - Amended Announcement - Half-yearly report
             Ad-Hoc-News (Pressemitteilung), Germany - Mar 27, 2008
             ... Options granted and vesting on 22 October 2007 Number of options 1000433 Contractual life of option 3 yearsThe value of share options andassumptions for ...
ZA*   198 - TeliMatrix set for growth
             Business Day, South Africa - Mar 27, 2008
             STEFAN JOSS: Share options as you know have generally had a bad wrap. We’ve taken a long hard look at it and come up with something that we think sends a ...
AU*   199 - Full Year Statutory Accounts
             Sydney Morning Herald, Australia - Mar 27, 2008
             ENVIRONMENTAL REGULATION AND PERFORMANCE The economic entity is not subject to any environmental regulations or licences SHARE OPTIONS Unissued shares As at ...
AU*   200 - Full Year Statutory Accounts
             Sydney Morning Herald, Australia - Mar 27, 2008
             The amount included in the above table for `Value of Share Options' is the unamortised value of options vesting during the period plus a pro rata value of ...
AU*   201 - Full Year Statutory Accounts
             Sydney Morning Herald, Australia - Mar 27, 2008
             Prior to the Initial Public Offering of InvoCare, equity compensation in the form of share options had been provided to selected executives. ...
UK*   202 - Housebuilders up as Redrow stake rises
             Times Online, UK - Mar 27, 2008
             ... which helped John Watson, its chief executive, and Peter Stoker, a director, to make a nice profit by selling share options exercised on Wednesday. ...
UK*   203 - Profile: Alpha Prospects
             TTG live, UK - Mar 27, 2008
             Foster believes giving staff share options also makes them feel more passionate about the success of the business. John Lewis recently announced a 20% bonus ...
GR*   204 - El Al closes 2007 with record revenues
             Travel Daily News International, Greece - Mar 27, 2008
             ... from deposits from the State of Israel in the employees' compensation funds; and from exercising share options to shares, and offsetting dividends paid ...
ZA*   205 - Telimatrix management anticipates huge growth
             Moneyweb, South Africa - Mar 27, 2008
             Another distinguishing feature is that the share options will lapse after 6 years, not the 10 year expiry that is prevalent in SA business today. ...
UK*   206 - London pre-open: Dull start likely
             ShareCast, UK - Mar 27, 2008
             ... reported that Barclays president Bob Diamond was the banks' highest paid executive last year, after receiving £18.5m in cash, bonuses and share options. ...
AU*   207 - Babcock wins breathing space
             Sydney Morning Herald, Australia - Mar 27, 2008
             ... Phil Green and other top executives will effectively sell their shares to their employees (presumably through an ESOP to avoid buyback laws, etc). ...
AU*   208 - Annual Financial Report
             Sydney Morning Herald, Australia - Mar 27, 2008
             Currently, the ESOP focuses on linking executive reward with earnings per share growth. The ESOP goals are reviewed to ensure that they are consistent with ...
IN*   209 - Web Exclusive | Book Shelf
             Livemint, India - Mar 27, 2008
             The sub heads of carefully structured chapters provides answers to how to maximize search for the right acquisition; ESOPS; accounting and tax implications ...
FR*   210 - Épargne d'entreprise : les frais des FCPE en hausse
             Les Echos – 27 mar 2008
             Debory, société spécialisée en actionnariat salarié, épargne salariale et retraite, publie la seconde édition de son "Argus des FCPE" (Fonds Communs de ...
FR*   211 - Gérard de la Martinière Président de la Fédération française des ...
             Zonebourse.com - 27 mar 2008
             Qu'en est il du dispositif qui prévoit le déblocage de l'épargne salariale ? Nous ne comprenons pas très bien la logique de cette mesure. ...
FR*   212 - Le gouvernement renonce à soumettre la participation aux ...
             Les Échos - 27 mar 2008
             ... ne comprendra pas de cotisation retraite, donc pas de droit à pension, pour les salariés choisissant de ne pas bloquer leur épargne salariale. ...
FR*   213 - Une nouvelle internationale syndicale dans
             Alternatives - 27 mar 2008
             ... Centrale des travailleurs argentins (CTA) milite en faveur des coopératives de travail et regroupe les travailleurs du secteur de l’économie informelle. ...
CA*   214 - Un écoquartier bio et solidaire
             Journal de l'Habitation - 27 mar 2008
             La coopérative de travailleurs Les Habitations Apex, bâtit des maisons en pièce sur pièce avec une forte préoccupation environnementale, dans l'Écoquartier ...
FR*   215 - Articles au hasard :
             Altermonde-sans-frontières - 27 mar 2008
             Ainsi, la rémunération annuelle de ceux du CAC 40 dépasse les 6 millions d’euros en incluant les bonus et stock-options. Celle des dirigeants des sociétés ...
FR*   216 - Retraites: syndicats et patronat font leurs propositions au ...
             AFP - 27 mar 2008
             M. Mailly propose notamment une taxe de 3% sur les bénéfices non réinvestis et des cotisations sur l'intéressement, la participation et les stock-options. ...
FR*   217 - Les pistes en débat pour garantir les retraites
             La Croix - 27 mar 2008
             La mise à contribution des « niches sociales » (intéressement, participation, stock-options, plans d’épargne retraite...), rapporterait également 3,7 ...
FR*   218 - Le lundi de Pentecôte redevient chômé dès 2008
             L'Entreprise - 27 mar 2008
             ... plutôt « un geste fort demandé aux contribuables les plus riches, ayant reçu un gros chèque au titre du bouclier fiscal ou une taxation des stock options ».
FR*   219 - Retraites: syndicats et patronat font leurs propositions au ...
             Le Point - 27 mar 2008
              ... (FO) propose notamment une taxe de 3% sur les bénéfices non réinvestis et des cotisations sur l'intéressement, la participation et les stock-options. ...
FR*   220 - Retraite : les syndicats appelent à manifester samedi
             Le Figaro - 27 mar 2008
             ... les bénéfices non réinvestis et l'élargissement des cotisations à l'intéressement, à la participation au chiffre d'affaires et sur les stock-options. ...
FR*   221 - Retraites : le passage à 41 ans de cotisation "non négociable ...
             Challenges - 27 mar 2008
             ... proposant également une taxe de 3% sur les bénéfices non réinvestis et des cotisations sur l'intéressement, la participation et les stock-options. ...
FR*   222 - Retraites : FO dans un "esprit de mobilisation"
             Challenges - 27 mar 2008
             ... proposant également une taxe de 3% sur les bénéfices non réinvestis et des cotisations sur l'intéressement, la participation et les stock-options. ...
FR*   223 - Merrill Lynch : deux nouveaux conseillers en gestion de patrimoine ...
             Boursier.com - 27 mar 2008
             ... auprès de dirigeants actionnaires et de dirigeants salariés, notamment sur la problématique des stock options et de la transmission d'entreprise. ...
FR*   224 - Les riches encore plus riches
             Observatoire des inégalites - 27 mar 2008
             Mais celui-ci ne se réduit pas à quelques stars du management : c’est toute une strate de salariés hautement qualifiés, cadres avec stock-options ou chefs ...
AR*   225 - Pedido por la repavimentación de la ruta 20
             La Opinión Rafaela - 27 Mar 2008
             ... además se encuentra en funcionamiento la planta potabilizadora de agua por osmosis inversa, a cargo de una Cooperativa de trabajo y la construcción de ...
AR*   226 - Fernández de Ulivarri escribió gran parte de la historia del campo
             La Gaceta Tucumán - 27 Mar 2008
             El primer director del Centro Regional del Noroeste impulsó la creación de la institución y luego de la primera cooperativa de trabajo que funcionó en la ...
CO*   227 - Abuelos que enseñan a reciclar ganaron 'Premio por una Quibdó Mejor'
             El Tiempo (Colombia) - 27 Mar 2008
             La Cooperativa de Trabajo Asociado de Recicladores Unidos por Quibdó (Coopruq) opera en las calles de ocho barrios de la capital chocoana. ...
CO*   228 - Avaluadores buscan acceder a certificación en competencias
             El Diario de Otún - 27 Mar 2008
             ... de Asociados a la Cooperativa de Trabajadores del Sena, Cotrase, en donde se presentarán resultados y proyectos para el futuro de los agremiados. ...
AR*   229 - Inta: 50 aniversario
             La Gaceta Tucumán - 27 Mar 2008
             También fue valioso su aporte en el área social, como la conformación de la Cooperativa de Trabajadores Unidos, de Campo Herrera. ...
AT*   230 - Die Mittelstands-Vernichtungssteuer
             be24 - 27. März 2008
             ... 500.000 Menschen, die eine Betriebspension beziehen, 160.000 Menschen, die über eine Mitarbeiterbeteiligung an ihren Unternehmen beteiligt sind und etwa ...
DE*   231 - Mitbestimmung wird zur Verhandlungssache
             VDI Nachrichten - 27. März 2008
             Von diesen verfügen neun über einen Aufsichtsrat, acht hätten sich für die einstufige Board-Lösung entschieden, bei der es keine Arbeitnehmerbeteiligung im ...
AT*   232 - Die Verbund-HV, ein opulentes Fest
             be24 - 27. März 2008
             Einiges zum Inhalt, das meiste wird eh den Zeitungen entnommen werden können: Dr. Rasinger hat sich wieder gegen Stock Options-Pläne ausgesprochen, ...
IT*   233 - Aedes delega per acquisto e disposizione di azioni proprie
             La Stampa - 27 mar 2008
             ... delle azioni per la realizzazione di operazioni che rientrino negli obiettivi di espansione della società nonché al servizio di piani di stock options. ...
BR*   234 - C&A irá abolir contratos com cooperativas que estiverem ilegais
             Jornal da Cidade - Baurú - 27 Mar 2008
             A ação civil pública foi proposta em 14 de dezembro do ano passado, após os procuradores constatarem em diligência na cooperativa de trabalho, ...
BR*   235 - Hospital da Unimed está quase pronto
             Jornal A Tribuna - 27 Mar 2008
             A Unimed de Criciúma é uma Cooperativa de Trabalho Médico, criada pelos médicos da Região Carbonífera, em 7 de março de 1991. Com o objetivo principal de ...
UK*   236 - Sir Stuart Hampson Champions Charity, UK
             Medical News Today (press release), UK - Mar 26, 2008
             ... he is President of the Employee Ownership Association and continues to champion the benefits of employee engagement in business, also leading the ...
UK*   237 - “Short Term Broadband Contracts with Power”
             Free press releases (press release), UK - Mar 26, 2008
             ... their visibility and revenue through Internet Marketing. KC3.net is an independent employee-owned company. For more information contact: www.kc3.net.
US*   238 - When America Sneezes... ...The World Still Catches a Cold!
             PR Newswire (press release), NY - Mar 26, 2008
             Founded in 1937, it is an independent, employee-owned firm with $31.4 billion in assets under management and more than 1100 employees in 30 locations across ...
AT*   239 - William Blair & Company Introduces Emerging Leaders Growth Fund
             PR-Inside.com (Pressemitteilung), Austria - Mar 26, 2008
             As an independent, employee-owned firm, our philosophy is to serve our clients' interests first and foremost. We place a high value on the enduring nature ...
US*   240 - Primitive Logic Announces Andy Lin to Head Up Portal & Enterprise ...
             Market Wire (press release) - Mar 26, 2008
             Primitive Logic is a privately held employee-owned company that attracts and retains top industry talent. The San Francisco Business Times ranked Primitive ...
US*   241 - Graybar Achieves #1 Industry Ranking on the 2008 FORTUNE ...
             Biloxi Sun Herald,  USA - Mar 26, 2008
             Graybar, a Fortune 500 corporation and one of the largest employee-owned companies in North America, is a leader in the distribution of high quality ...
AE*   242 - Staff ownership could boost profits
             ArabianBusiness.com, United Arab Emirates - Mar 26, 2008
             Companies with Employee Stock Ownership Plans enjoy a range of benefits, including increased staff loyalty and improved corporate financial transactions, ...
AT*   243 - Stember Feinstein Doyle & Payne, LLC Announces Its Investigation ...
             PR-Inside.com (Pressemitteilung), Austria - Mar 26, 2008
             If you are a participant in the Sovereign Bancorp, Inc. Retirement Plan or Employee Stock Ownership Plan, you may have legal claims under ERISA. ...
US*   244 - Spector, Roseman & Kodroff, PC Announces Investigation of Possible ...
             Primenewswire (press release), CA - Mar 26, 2008
             The investigation focuses on investments in Bear Stearns stock by the Bear Stearns Inc. Employee Stock Ownership Plan ("ESOP"), the Profit Sharing Plan ...
US*   245 - South Africa: Black Empowerment Broadens Its Reach
             AllAfrica.com, Washington - Mar 26, 2008
             Deals with an Esop (employee stock ownership plan) component align empowerment transactions with company goals by encouraging productivity, he says. ...
US*   246 - Bailout bypasses lesson
             Lawrence Journal World, KS - Mar 26, 2008
             Many of these employee-stockholders have been earning seven- and eight-figure salaries for years based upon the companies financial activities. ...
US*   247 - When to Exercise Options
             Wall Street Journal - Mar 26, 2008
             (ISOs are the most popular type of option for start-up companies, while nonqualified options are the most widely used employee stock-option benefit, ...
CA*   248 - Gennum Reports 2008 First Quarter Results
             Canada NewsWire (press release), Canada - Mar 26, 2008
             Options issued outside the plan are governed by the same conditions as applicable to the employee stock option plan. Subsequent to February 29, 2008, ...
US*   249 - Resources Connection, Inc. Reports Results for Third Quarter of ...
             PR Newswire (press release), NY - Mar 26, 2008
             (2) The Company's effective tax rate, absent the impact of the requirement to recognize compensation expense related to employee stock option grants and ...
IN*   250 - Tata`s awesome threesome
             Business Standard, India - Mar 26, 2008
             ... designing employee stock option plans and statutory, internal and management audits - all of which were useful for negotiations with Ford. ...
US*   251 - Controversy brewing around Starbucks tip jars
             The Plain Dealer - cleveland.com, OH - Mar 26, 2008
             In his March 21 letter, Schultz mentioned the company's health-care coverage for part-timers and its employee stock option program as examples of the ...
US*   252 - Oracle Q3 Earnings Rise, Meet Estimate; Revenue Falls Short [ORCL]
             RTT News, NY - Mar 26, 2008
             Excluding acquisition costs, employee stock options expense, amortization of intangible assets and other items, non-GAAP net income for the third quarter ...
US*   253 - Resources Connection, Inc. Reports Results for Third Quarter of ...
             PR Newswire (press release), NY - Mar 26, 2008
             ... that do not include stock-based compensation expense related to employee stock options and employee stock purchases, and the income tax effects thereof. ...
CA*   254 - GeneNews announces 2007 year end results
             Canada NewsWire (press release), Canada - Mar 26, 2008
             ... plant and equipment 364 - Proceeds from exercise of employee stock options - 165410 Net proceeds from exercise of 2004 broker warrants - 33452 Proceeds ...
CA*   255 - AGF Management Limited Reports First Quarter Financial Results
             Canada NewsWire (press release), Canada - Mar 26, 2008
             ... 89474827 Dilutive effect of employee stock options 768112 1165907 ------------------------------------------------------------------------- Weighted ...
UK*   256 - Thursday newspaper round-up: Barclays, Marks & Spencer, Debenhams
             ShareCast, UK - Mar 26, 2008
             ... president Bob Diamond was the banks' highest paid executive last year, after receiving £18.5m in cash, bonuses and share options, says the Telegraph. ...
ZA*   257 - Eskom bonuses could cover Aids grant
             Dispatch Online, South Africa - Mar 26, 2008
             ... the exorbitant bonuses already paid to them and decline generous share options that are due to vest to them at the end of this month,” Waters said. ...
US*   258 - Barclays Raises Diamond's Pay in 2007 as Shares Fell (Update2)
             Bloomberg - Mar 26, 2008
             Diamond got 18.1 million pounds ($36.2 million) last year in salary, bonus, benefits and share options, up from the 15.2 million pounds in 2006, ...
UK*   259 - Sir David Tweedie, IASB chairman
             Financial Director, UK - Mar 26, 2008
             Basically, it’s the American standard, but “we did it to make sure the problem of share options [being used as a seemingly cost-free way of paying staff and ...
US*   260 - Siemens Healthcare Launches Molecular Imaging Biomarker Production ...
             RTT News, NY - Mar 26, 2008
             3/26/2008 12:09:51 PM Gushan Environmental Energy Ltd. (GU) on Wednesday said that it has granted share options to 65 officers and employees of the company ...
CA*   261 - AGF Management Limited Reports First Quarter Financial Results
             Canada NewsWire (press release), Canada - Mar 26, 2008
             ... exercise exercise Options price Options price ------------------------------------------------------------------------- Class B share options Balance, ...
IN*   262 - How to pick valuable stocks
             Rediff, India - Mar 26, 2008
             This is the earnings per share of a company after all share options, warrants and convertible securities outstanding at the end of the accounting period are ...
IE*   263 - Today in the press
             RTE.ie, Ireland - Mar 26, 2008
             ... compensation for forfeiting share options and payments if the company achieves "certain milestones in respect of our Alzheimer's disease programme". ...
FR*   264 - Linedata Services : "nous avons démarré l'année avec un excellent ...
             Boursier.com - 26 mar 2008
             ... même si nous l'anticipons plus modérée qu'en 2007, notamment en raison de la fin programmée du projet important de migration en Epargne Salariale qui ...
CA*   265 - Loup rouge ouvre officiellement ses portes
             Bières et Plaisirs - 26 mar 2008
             Pour l’occasion, la coopérative de travailleurs située au centre-ville de Sorel affichait complet. Plusieurs visages connus du monde de la bière tels que ...
FR*   266 - Fuites de données chez Agilent Technologies
             Zataz Mag - 26 mar 2008
             Dans les documents volés, noms, numéro social, adresse et de nombreux détails sur les stock options et autres "stock-related awards" détenus par les ...
FR*   267 - Les députés rétablissent le lundi de Pentecôte férié et chômé
              La Tribune.fr - 26 mar 2008
             La députée socialiste a proposé de taxer à la place les stock-options, ce qui, selon le premier président de la Cour des comptes Philippe Séguin, ...
CO*   268 - Tres proyectos claves en la nueva legislatura
             Cambio - 26 Mar 2008
             ... las contribuciones parafiscales de las cooperativas y pre-cooperativas de trabajo asociado, también radicado e incluido en las sesiones extras; ...
ES*   269 - Seguimiento de medios: prensa, radio, televisión, internet y ...
             acceso.com (Comunicados de prensa) - 26 Mar 2008
             Los socios de cooperativas de trabajo cuando los establezcan los estatutos. - Los administradores, gerentes o consejeros de empresas societarias, ...
AR*   270 - Plan Federal II: piden que investigue la Justicia
             La Voz del Interior - 26 Mar 2008
             Lo más grave es que se entregaron fondos por un 90 por ciento del total a la Cooperativa de Trabajo Pema Limitada (Copema) y el avance de obra no ...
ES*   271 - Dos nuevas pérdidas de datos personales en portátiles robados
             idg.es - 26 Mar 2008
             ... incluyen nombres, direcciones, números de la seguridad social de los afectados, así como información relacionada con sus stock options en Agilent, ...
AT*   272 - "Eine ziemliche Bankrotterklärung"
             derStandard.at - 26. März 2008
             ... sondern auch für "Kleinanleger" befürchtet: "Mitarbeiterbeteiligung und private Pensionsvorsorge werden zusammengehauen. Das ist Unfug. ...
AT*   273 - Neue Steuer entzweit die Wirtschaft
             Die Presse - 26. März 2008
             Das treffe außerdem in erster Linie Kleinanleger und schade sowohl der von der ÖVP geforderten Mitarbeiterbeteiligung sowie der privaten Pensionsvorsorge. ...
AT*   274 - Arbeitsplan 2008 umfasst 95 Themen
             Vienna Online - 26. März 2008
             Im September soll das Universitätsgesetz weiterentwickelt, die Pensionsharmonisierung mit den Ländern in Angriff genommen und die Mitarbeiterbeteiligung ...
IT*   275 - Il mondo alla rovescia
             La Stampa - 26 mar 2008
             Tremonti vuole tassare le stock options. Idea giusta (secondo me), ma è strano che a dirlo sia la destra e non la sinistra. O no? ...
              Seattle Times, United States - Mar 25, 2008
             We have an employee ownership culture where we seek and value the ideas of employees and challenge each other to reach our greatest potential. ...
UK*   277 - Global chief has never forgotten early lessons
             nebusiness.co.uk, UK - Mar 25, 2008
             The trade unions were very supportive and it was just a good structure of employee ownership – we have an employee director on the board even now – I don’t ...
ZA*   278 - Does patronage pay?
             Mail & Guardian Online, South Africa - Mar 25, 2008
             A quarter of the BEE deal will be reserved for an employee share-ownership plan for Vodacom's local workforce. There will also be a retail scheme to sell ...
US*   279 - Black South Africans Offered Shares
             Houston Chronicle, United States - Mar 25, 2008
             ... by South Africans who suffered under apartheid and introduce the largest employee-share ownership initiative in the South African mining sector. ...
DE*   280 - DJ DGAP-Adhoc: BP PLC announces Director/PDMR Shareholding
             VisAvis (Pressemitteilung), Germany - Mar 25, 2008
             ... announces Director/PDMR Shareholding BP plc was informed on 20 March 2008 by the Trustees of the BP Employee Share Ownership Plan that on 17 March 2008, ...
DE*   281 - DGAP-Adhoc: BP PLC announces Director/PDMR Shareholding
             Ad-Hoc-News (Pressemitteilung), Germany - Mar 25, 2008
             ... Trustees of the BP Employee Share Ownership Plans, that the following senior executives (persons discharging managerial esponsibility) received the ...
DE*   282 - DGAP-Adhoc: BP PLC announces Director/PDMR Shareholding
             Vereinigte Wirtschaftsdienste, Germany - Mar 25, 2008
             BP plc was informed on 20 March 2008 by the Trustees of the BP Employee Share Ownership Plan that on 17 March 2008, following an award under the BP Deferred ...
ZA*   283 - Sasol launches South Africa's largest-ever empowerment deal
             Creamer Media's Engineering News, South Africa - Mar 25, 2008
             The Sasol employee shareholding would be through the employee share ownership schemes, and would amount to 25,2-million shares. The number of broad-based ...
US*   284 - SAIC fourth-quarter profit grows 18 percent on strong revenue
             Monterey County Herald, CA - Mar 25, 2008
             He engineered the initial public offering in 2006 after SAIC had grown to be one of the nation's largest employee-owned companies.
CA*   285 - CC&L opens private equity fund
             Globe and Mail, Canada - Mar 25, 2008
             ... classes steadily in recent years, in step with client demand. The employee-owned company is one of Canada's largest remaining independent fund managers.
US*   286 - Pedestrian Shops Harnessing The Energy Of The Sun
             Emediawire (press release), WA - Mar 25, 2008
             Namaste Solar Electric is an employee-owned solar electric company dedicated to the betterment of the planet by bringing clean, reliable and affordable ...
US*   287 - Dimon to Bear Employees: Go Away! Come Here!
             Wall Street Journal Blogs, NY - Mar 25, 2008
             What that means is Bear Stearns’s employee shareholders can’t exactly raise a ruckus. Employees own about 26% of the firm through a trust, although that ...
PH*   288 - PNOC-EDC, Philex to buy back shares
             ABS CBN News, Philippines - Mar 25, 2008
             It will allow PNOC-EDC to implement a proposed employee stock ownership plan and enhance shareholder value since "current market prices do not reflect the ...
US*   289 - Law Offices of Brodsky & Smith, LLC Announces Class Action Lawsuit ...
             CNNMoney.com - Mar 25, 2008
             ... alleging the company violated ERISA laws concerning the management of the Employee Stock Ownership Plan (the "ESOP" or the "Plan") from December 14, ...
US*   290 - Milberg LLP Announces Its Investigation Relating to the Bear ...
             PR Newswire (press release), NY - Mar 25, 2008
             The law firm of Milberg LLP is investigating possible illegal conduct relating to The Bear Stearns Companies Inc. Employee Stock Ownership Plan (the "Plan") ...
US*   291 - Notice of Proposals to Engage in Permissible Nonbanking Activities ...
             Trading Markets (press release), CA - Mar 25, 2008
             First Fontanelle Employee Stock Ownership Plan and Trust, Fontanelle, Iowa; to indirectly engage in insurance agency activities through Corn Belt Insurance ...
IN*   292 - StanChart AMC see rate cut in H2 CY08
             Moneycontrol.com, India - Mar 25, 2008
             Given the fact that very few Indians are exposed to the stock market, very little Employee Stock Ownership Plans (ESOPs) and no retirement money in equities ...
CA*   293 - Fish farms dangled as small-town economy boosters
             The Chronicle Journal, Canada - Mar 25, 2008
             Closer to home, Atikokan‘s Snow Lake Fish Farm was established in 1989 by David Lindsay, who created Atikokan Fish Co-operative Inc., a workers‘ co-op that ...
CA*   294 - Novadaq reports fiscal 2007 year-end and fourth quarter results
             Canada NewsWire (press release), Canada - Mar 25, 2008
             As at March 21, 2008 a total of 1628413 stock options were outstanding under the Company's employee stock option plan. Quarter Ended December 31, ...
IN*   295 - Cochin International Airport Ltd's disinvestment plans slated for 2009
             domain-B, India - Mar 25, 2008
             Of the 26 per cent stake to be disinvested, 20 per cent will be released for public subscription while 6 per cent will be offered as employee stock options.
AU*   296 - Perilya and CBH Merger Implementation Deed
             Sydney Morning Herald, Australia - Mar 25, 2008
             ... implementation deed 251265_8 (2).doc 2 CBH's ESOP means CBH's employee share option plan which was last approved by shareholders on 10 November 2006. ...
US*   297 - Shire plc: IFRS Results for the Year Ending December 31, 2007
             MSN Money - Mar 25, 2008
             ... currency translation 6.0 7.9 ______ ______ Cash and cash equivalents at end of year 762.5 1126.9 ______ ______ (1) Employee Share Option Trust 1. ...
AU*   298 - Issue of Incentive Options
              Sydney Morning Herald, Australia - Mar 25, 2008
             ... further advises that 2000000 employee incentive options exercisable at 29 cents have been cancelled in accordance with the employee share option plan. ...
AU*   299 - Full Year Statutory Accounts
             Sydney Morning Herald, Australia - Mar 25, 2008
             ... 75% (g) risk free interest rate 6.00% Employee Share Option Scheme (h) options were granted for no consideration (i) exercise price of $0.35 (j) grant . ...
AE*   300 - KIPCO eyes KD 110mn profit
             Arab Times, Kuwait - Mar 25, 2008
             Approval to implement employees’ share option scheme, up to a maximum of 5 per cent of the company’s capital (through treasury shares) for its efficient ...
ZA*   301 - Sasol R25billion BEE deal
             Business Day, South Africa - Mar 25, 2008
             NOLITHA FAKUDE: We have looked into that both the share options - the cash scheme and the funded scheme have got minimum periods that people need to hold ...
ZA*   302 - Shares bonanza for Sasol staff
             Business Report, South Africa - Mar 25, 2008
             ... 235 black managers will get shares worth between R2 million and R10 million, depending on their seniority, and on top of their other share options. ...
SG*   303 - Montefiore earned $1.25-1.5m last year
             Business Times Singapore, Singapore - Mar 25, 2008
             Mr Montefiore, 55, was also given 940000 share options last year, the company said in its latest annual report. A year earlier, he was paid a similar salary ...
IE*   304 - Ex-Elan boss’s $3.6m payoff
             IrishExaminer.com, Ireland - Mar 25, 2008
             ... compensation for forfeiting share options and payments if the company achieves “certain milestones in respect of our Alzheimer’s disease programme”. ...
UK*   305 - Northern Rock: Workers 'gutted' at the scale of job losses
             Socialist Party, UK - Mar 25, 2008
              Capitalism has had a deliberate policy of encouraging workers to take share options. This was started by Thatcher as an ideological tool and is now embraced ...
NZ*   306 - $5.6 million bumper pay packet for GPG executive
             Stuff.co.nz, New Zealand - Mar 25, 2008
             ... Sky Network TV chief executive John Fellet picked up nearly $9 million after Sky TV and INL merged and bought 20 years of share options from him. ...
UK*   307 - Yorkshire's subprime losses hit £65m
             This is Money, UK - Mar 25, 2008
             Share options notwithstanding, most society bosses emerged from 2007 better off. The exception was Neville Richardson, chief executive of Britannia, ...
US*   308 - South Africa: JD Mum On PIC Talks
             AllAfrica.com, Washington - Mar 25, 2008
             The meeting was called after JD Group announced it would award directors share options at a 10% discount to the market price. The options do not appear to ...
HK*   309 - Lily Chiang may challenge trial decision
             South China Morning Post (subscription), Hong Kong - Mar 25, 2008
             The ICAC charges against Chiang in connection with an alleged HK$7.5 million share options fraud was heard in the Eastern Magistracy on Tuesday morning. ...
AU*   310 - Perilya and CBH Merger Implementation Deed
             Sydney Morning Herald, Australia - Mar 25, 2008
             CBH Option means an option (other than an option under a CBH Note or the Toho Note) to acquire a CBH Share issued under CBH's ESOP. ...
US*   311 - Who's Worth What in the Independent Agency System?
             Insurance Journal, CA - Mar 25, 2008
             ... pension plan (9.3 percent); stock options (3.7 percent) and ESOP (3.4 percent). Some 11.6 percent reported offering no employee benefit options. ...
FR*   312 - Schneider: augmentation de capital réservée aux salariés en juillet
             Daily Bourse - 25 mar 2008
             Avec ce plan d'actionnariat salarié, Schneider veut "renforcer le lien existant" avec ses salariés "en leur offrant la possibilité d'être plus étroitement ...
             Boursorama - 25 mar 2008
             (Newsmanagers.com) - Inter Expansion, Fongepar et CM-CIC Epargne Salariale ont conclu un partenariat qui consiste à utiliser le même outil de gestion ...
FR*   314 - Epargne salariale, prime et pouvoir d'achat, par Jean-Philippe ...
             Eurojuris - 25 mar 2008
FR*   315 - Helman le Pas de Sécheval Directeur financier du groupe Groupama
             Zonebourse.com - 25 mar 2008
             Nous anticipons en revanche à plus long terme un fort développement des produits d'épargne salariale et de retraite dans les années à venir. ...
FR*   316 - L'Oréal : appel à la grève sur les salaires
             Challenges - 25 mar 2008
             ... salariale avec notamment le recours à des augmentations générales pour tous" au lieu du recours privilégié à l'épargne salariale et l'intéressement. ...
CA*   317 - Économie sociale - Un soutien à un secteur dont le taux de survie ...
             Le Devoir (Abonnement) - 25 mar 2008
             Ainsi la Coopérative de travailleurs CHNC, une station radiophonique gaspésienne, reçoit un investissement de 95 000 $ pour un projet au coût total de 271 ...
FR*   318 - Osiatis améliore ses marges
             ITRManager.com - 25 mar 2008
             La marge opérationnelle (Résultat opérationnel courant avant prise en compte du coût des stock options et attributions gratuites d'actions et amortissements ...
FR*   319 - Il existe une solution à la crise socio-économique mais elle ne ...
             AgoraVox - 25 mar 2008
             Les hauts salaires ont flambé, les dividendes, les stock-options, les parachutes dorés, les rémunérations de la haute administration, les revenus des stars, ...
FR*   320 - L'email de votre ennemi :
             Bakchich (satire) - 25 mar 2008
             Ils n’ont jamais eu de stock-options et de maroquins. De leurs slogans mal compris aujourd’hui comme « Ne travaillez jamais ! » qui signifiait « Créez votre ...
             Radio Amanecer - 25 Mar 2008
             El objetivo de su presencia en Villa Ocampo será la reestructuración de las Cooperativas de Trabajo conformadas en oportunidad de construirse el Centro ...
AR*   322 - El MTC le pidió al gobierno mayor compromiso
             El Civismo - 25 Mar 2008
             El Programa Nacional de Emergencia Habitacional también incluye el armado de cooperativas de trabajo para la construcción de las viviendas. ...
AR*   323 - Neuquén: Estudian la aplicación del monotributo social
             DERF - 25 Mar 2008
             ... beneficiarios del programa Manos a la Obra, asociados a cooperativas de trabajo, pensionados no contributivos y jubilados con pensión mínima. ...
AR*   324 - Los habitantes de la calle siguen siendo los excluidos
             La Opinión Rafaela - 25 Mar 2008
             ... escuelas, ONG's apropiadas y todos los actores sociales, públicos y privados, mancomunados para plasmar microempresas o cooperativas de trabajo, ...
AR*   325 - Un abogado terminó preso en un juicio contra un vigilador
             InfoBan - 25 Mar 2008
             Hay que investigar a la empresa CSI Cooperativa de Trabajo", sostuvo Dalbón. Por su parte, Walter Juan, padre de la víctima, dijo que sentía una ...
AR*   326 - Delegados de la empresa Campo Grande piden su reincorporación
             Diario Jornada - 25 Mar 2008
             ... a un grupo de compañeros que también fueron despedidos. Prestaban servicio a la empresa de Adrián Sánchez a través de una Cooperativa de Trabajo ilegal.
ES*   327 - Los directivos de Gamesa se hacen ricos con las plusvalías de 40 ...
             Bolsacinco.com - 25 Mar 2008
             Ya pueden comenzar a canjear sus suculentas stock options (opciones sobre acciones). Después de la buena marcha de la compañía en bolsa durante los últimos ...
DE*   328 - CSU-Chef Erwin Huber "Mehr Geld für Arbeitnehmer"
             WELT ONLINE - 25. März 2008
             Ich möchte in der Koalition bis Mitte April ein Konzept zu steuerlichen Vergünstigungen bei der Mitarbeiterbeteiligung voranbringen. ...
AT*   329 - Oberbank erhöht Kapital für Mitarbeiterbeteiligung
             derStandard.at - 25. März 2008
             Wien - Die Oberbank setzt ihr Mitarbeiterbeteiligungsprogramm fort: Laut Vorstandsbeschluss vom 10. März wird dafür das Grundkapital von derzeit 75721.153 ...
AT*   330 - Steuerreform: Grüne pochen auf Senkung der SV-Beiträge
             derStandard.at - 25. März 2008
              ... die Gegenfinanzierung, Teuerungsabgeltung, Mitarbeiterbeteiligung - alles Streitfragen zwischen den beiden Regierungspartnern, listete Rossmann auf. ...
DE*   331 - Kritik an Hubers Vorstoß zur Pendlerpauschale
             Frankfurter Allgemeine Zeitung - 25. März 2008
             Daneben wolle er in der Koalition bis Mitte April ein Konzept zur steuerlichen Vergünstigung bei der Mitarbeiterbeteiligung voranbringen und den ...
IT*   332 - Nice: delibere del consiglio di amministrazione
             La Repubblica - 25 mar 2008
             ... ed amministratori esecutivi di Nice e delle società da questa controllate, nell'ambito di piani di stock options per incentivazione agli stessi rivolti. ...
IT*   333 - Warner Music, anche per Lyor Cohen arriva la conferma
             Rockol.it - 25 mar 2008
             ... Cohen sarà anche ricompensato con stock options e azioni legate all’andamento di Borsa della società (che tuttavia, recentemente, è stato disastroso). ...
PT*   334 - Bónus dos gestores exacerbaram a crise do crédito
             Jornal de Negócios - Portugal - 25 Mar 2008
             Charles Prince, ex-presidente do Citigroup (10 milhões de dólares de bónus + 28 milhões em "stock options" + 1,5 milhões anuais para efeitos de reforma), ...
ZA*   335 - Sasol launches South Africa's biggest BEE deal
             Reuters - Mar 24, 2008
             ... investment scheme for black South Africans in which it will issue 18.9 million ordinary shares and broaden employee ownership to almost 27000 employees. ...
US*   336 - At Bear Stearns, resentment and fear abound
             Princeton University The Daily Princetonian,  United States - Mar 24, 2008
             One alumnus faulted Bear’s long-standing culture of employee-ownership, which he said encouraged individuals to take unnecessary risks. ...
US*   337 - When You're Invested Too Much in Work
             U.S. News & World Report, DC - Mar 24, 2008
             Employee ownership seemed to be part of the culture at Bear Stearns. The company's share of employee-owned stock was high among investment banks, ...
US*   338 - Weekly Industry Crib Sheet: Production, Unemployment, Construction...
             ThomasNet Industrial News Room (press release), NY - Mar 24, 2008
             Of all the major investment banks, Bear Stearns probably encouraged employee ownership the most; according to the company’s Web site, employees own an ...
JO*   339 - Lack of Employee Stock Ownership Plans in GCC Detrimental to ...
             Al-Bawaba, Jordan - Mar 24, 2008
             The number of Employee Stock Ownership Plans (ESOPs) companies has grown substantially during the past 10 years, and they are currently estimated to hold ...
US*   340 - Detailed Terms of Sasol Inzalo Black Economic Empowerment ('BEE ...
             PR Newswire (press release), NY - Mar 24, 2008
             Employee participation 6.1 Introduction The employee share ownership schemes that will be established for the benefit of Sasol Employees (the "Employee ...
US*   341 - Detailed Terms of Sasol Inzalo Black Economic Empowerment ('BEE ...
             StreetInsider.com (subscription), MI - Mar 24, 2008
             The employee share ownership schemes that will be established for the benefit of Sasol Employees (the "Employee Scheme") and Black Managers (the "Management ...
US*   342 - Morefocus Group Unveils Release Candidate of Domain Development ...
             Emediawire (press release), WA - Mar 24, 2008
             In a recent conference call that included morefocus group inc's employee-owners, Colin Lucas-Mudd, CEO, reported, "It is appropriate that we should launch ...
US*   343 - Kelly-Moore Paints Announces New VP of Sales
             dBusinessNews New Orleans (press release), LA - Mar 24, 2008
             Headquartered in San Carlos, California, since 1946 the company has grown to be one of the largest employee-owned paint manufacturers in the United States, ...
US*   344 - Bollman Hat to cut more than 90 jobs
             Lancaster Newspapers, PA - Mar 24, 2008
             Employee-owned since 1985 when managers bought the company from the founding Bollman family, the company is a high-end headwear manufacturer that makes some ...
US*   345 - Tribune Appoints Chandler Bigelow Chief Financial Officer
             Broadcast Newsroom, CA - Mar 24, 2008
             TRIBUNE is America's largest employee-owned media company, operating businesses in publishing, interactive and broadcasting. ...
US*   346 - Rosendin Electric Receives Intel’s Preferred Quality Supplier Award
             Business Wire (press release), CA - Mar 24, 2008
             Rosendin Electric, Inc., headquartered in San Jose, California, is a 100% employee owned electrical engineering, power and communications provider that ...
US*   347 - Dix & Eaton Promotes Chas Withers to President, Keith Mabee to ...
             PR Newswire (press release), NY - Mar 24, 2008
             Founded in 1952, Dix & Eaton is the largest employee-owned PR and IR firm in the United States. For more information, visit http://www.dix-eaton.com .
AU*   348 - The Desperation Of The World's Central Banks
             FN Arena News, Australia - Mar 24, 2008
             This lifts the valuation of Bear from US$236m to US$1.2bn, which should make scapegoated non-employee shareholders slightly happier. ...
US*   349 - Bear Bid Revised to $10, Tiffany Surges
             123Jump.com, FL - Mar 24, 2008
             The sharp increase in price has come after severe criticism from employee shareholders who have threatened to block the takeover. ...
IN*   350 - Hannibal management to acquire company from
             SteelGuru, India - Mar 24, 2008
             ... president of Hannibal has acquired Hannibal Industries Inc from parent Mitsui & Co Inc through the formation of an Employee Stock Ownership Plan. ...
JO*   351 - Legal experts want Gulf firms to embrace ESOPs
             Middle East North Africa Financial Network, Jordan - Mar 24, 2008
             (MENAFN - Khaleej Times) Legal experts and human-resource advisers are advocating a "flexible" rule in the creation of an employee stock ownership plan ...
US*   352 - Hagens Berman Sobol Shapiro Files Proposed Class-Action Lawsuit on ...
             PR Newswire (press release), NY - Mar 24, 2008
             The complaint claims Bear Stearns, headquartered in New York, failed to provide due diligence in the management of the employee stock ownership plan and ...
US*   353 - India Fund Announces Final Results Of Semi-annual Repurchase Offer ...
             RTT News, NY - Mar 24, 2008
             ... the company violated ERISA laws concerning the management of the Employee Stock Ownership Plan or ESOP from December 14, 2006 through the present. ...
AE*   354 - IPOs to boost stock-for-staff plans
             Emirates Business 24/7, United Arab Emirates - Mar 24, 2008
             Employee Stock Ownership Plans (ESOPs), which offer staff the chance to buy into their own company, could also help UAE companies as they struggle to retain ...
US*   355 - Management Acquires Hannibal Industries from Mitsui
             Business Wire (press release), CA - Mar 24, 2008
             (USA), Inc. through the formation of an Employee Stock Ownership Plan (ESOP). Financial considerations of the transaction were not disclosed. ...
IN*   356 - Gains from stock appreciation rights taxable
             Economic Times, India - Mar 24, 2008
              This is an important ruling, as it distinguishes the benefit arising from Sar vis-à-vis the benefit arising under an employee stock option plan (ESOP). ...
US*   357 - Visual Mining Completes Significant Stock Repurchase
             Business Wire (press release), CA - Mar 24, 2008
             The repurchased shares will be held as treasury stock to be used for general corporate purposes, or for issuance under the Company’s employee stock option ...
US*   358 - Par Pharmaceuticals Inc Q4 2007 Earnings Call Transcript
             Seeking Alpha, NY - Mar 24, 2008
             In November of 2007, the company issued a tender offer to repurchase certain employee stock options, the tender offer was completed in December of 2007 and ...
AE*   359 - Changes in laws needed to introduce ESOPs
             GulfNews, United Arab Emirates - Mar 24, 2008
             This type of plan should not be confused with employee stock options plans, which are not retirement plans. Instead, employee stock options plans give the ...
US*   360 - Dresner Partners Names Timothy J. Lubbe Manager of Valuation Services
             Market Wire (press release) - Mar 24, 2008
             He joins Dresner Partners from Ernst & Young, Chicago, where he valued business enterprises, intangible assets, employee stock options and publicly traded ...
US*   361 - Blue Square - Israel Ltd. Reports Financial Results for the Fourth ...
             CNNMoney.com (press release) - Mar 24, 2008
             Employee Share Option Plan -------------------------- At their most recent meetings, Blue Square's Board of Directors and its Compensation Committee and ...
US*   362 - Most Recent Article:
             Women's Wear Daily - Mar 24, 2008
             ... in compensation in 2006 while the value of most employees' stock options was decreasing and layoffs of nearly 5000 workers occurred at its AOL division. ...
US*   363 - GHCL will spin off home textiles, retailing
             Home Textiles Today, NY - Mar 24, 2008
             ... (EGM) held last week also approved a revised Employees Stock Options Scheme (ESOP) and the grant of stock options to employees of subsidiary companies. ...
IN*   364 - GHCL to restructure business
             India Infoline.com, India - Mar 24, 2008
             The Company at its Extra Ordinary General Meeting (EGM) held last week has approved the Employees Stock Options Scheme in supercession to earlier scheme ...
CH*   365 - Tickle File
             followthemedia.com (subscription), Switzerland - Mar 24, 2008
             Well, Greg Dubow, Gannett CEO received 43% of his 2007 compensation in Gannett share options which he can exercise at $61.26 each. ...
US*   366 - American Capital Announces Public Offering of Common Stock
             SunHerald.com, MS - Mar 24, 2008
             American Capital, both directly and through its global asset management business, is an investor in management and employee buyouts, private equity buyouts, ...
IN*   367 - Semblance of hope
             Moneycontrol.com, India - Mar 24, 2008
             His only exposure to capital markets is via shares of TV18 and Network18 granted to him as ESOPs by the company and investments in some long-term mutual ...
IN*   368 - GHCL to restructure business
             India Infoline.com, India - Mar 24, 2008
             ... independently and separately listed entity along with increasing its ability to attract and retain high quality talent through implementation of ESOPs. ...
FR*   369 - Disparition programmée de la contribution Delalande
             La Revue - 24 mar 2008
             La loi pour le développement de la participation et de l'actionnariat salarié et portant diverses dispositions d'ordre économique et social a été publiée au ...
FR*   370 - OSIATIS : forte croissance des résultats en 2007
             Boursorama - 24 mar 2008
             (1) La marge opérationnelle est définie par Osiatis comme le Résultat opérationnel courant avant prise en compte du coût des stock options et attributions ...
FR*   371 - « La majorité des patrons sont des gens sérieux »
             Ouest-France - 24 mar 2008
             Ils sont salariés et veulent bénéficier de stock-options, ce n'est pas normal. Ils ne peuvent bénéficier de la protection des salariés et percevoir des ...
PE*   372 - Piden concretar eliminación de "services"
             Coordinadora Nacional de Radio - 24 Mar 2008
             ... eliminar la intermediación laboral que prestan las empresas de servicios complementarios y las cooperativas de trabajo, más conocidas como services, ...
AR*   373 - Mochilas y útiles para los chicos
             Pesca & Puertos - 24 Mar 2008
              Por quinto año consecutivo, la Asociación Mutual (Amcoop) junto a la Federación de Cooperativas de Trabajo de Actividades Portuarias, Pesqueras, ...
AR*   374 - De “autoconvocados” a “indemnizados”
             Pesca & Puertos - 24 Mar 2008
             ... pasaron a estar “indemnizados” a partir de arreglos extrajudiciales que conformaron con cooperativas de trabajo y las empresas que figuran como ...
AR*   375 - “Las empresas integradas no son las malas de la película”
             Pesca & Puertos - 24 Mar 2008
             ... como socios de cooperativas y efectivos bajo el convenio histórico, caso Moscuzza, aunque también se relaciona con cooperativas de trabajo. ...
VE*   376 - Buhoneros exigen locales dignos
             El Nuevo Dia (Venezuela) - 24 Mar 2008
              Ante esto el directivo de la Cooperativa de Trabajadores Bolivarianos del parque Los Tucusitos, Oscar Brusco, expresó que no pueden pensar en trasladarse ...
MX*   377 - Entrevista: Krishna • Trabajadora sexual “La calle pertenece a ...
             Milenio - 24 Mar 2008
             Es integrante de la Red Mexicana de Trabajo Sexual del Distrito Federal, de la Cooperativa de Trabajadores “Los Ángeles en Busca de la Libertad” y promotor ...
AT*   378 - Steuerentlastung durch weitere Steuern?
             Kurier - 24. März 2008
             ... Entlastung der Familien und des Mittelstands, einheitliche Unternehmensbesteuerung, Mitarbeiterbeteiligung und Vereinfachung des Steuersystems.
AT*   379 - Stummvoll: ÖVP steht bei Steuerentlastung zu ihrem Wort
             PR-Inside.com (Pressemitteilung) - 24. März 2008
             Entlastung des Arbeitsmarktes Mitarbeiterbeteiligung als Schlüsselrolle: Als vierten Schwerpunkt müssen die Zukunftsperspektiven am Arbeitsmarkt definiert ...
IE*   380 - Recession takes its grip on the US
             Sunday Business Post, Ireland - Mar 23, 2008
             Bear Stearns was around 30 per cent employee-owned. One person who had been with the company for nine years told the Wall Street Journal that the bulk of ...
US*   381 - Idea of employee-owned GE plant has problems
             The Herald-Times (subscription), IN - Mar 23, 2008
             The idea that a feasibility study should be conducted to see if the GE plant could be run through an employee stock ownership plan after the company pulls ...
UK*   382 - Bear Stearns staff slam Fed over bailout
             Financial News Online US, UK - Mar 23, 2008
             One employee shareholder said: “It is possible to sue the Fed and we are organising ourselves. Top management in New York failed in their fiduciary duty. ...
CA*   383 - Hemp education 101
             Barry's Bay This Week, Canada - Mar 23, 2008
             Robbie Anderman and Errol Francis of the Hemp Workers’ Cooperative, based in the Killaloe area, put together “Hemp – The Environmentally Sustainable ...
TH*   384 - TRC forecasts 28% revenue gain this year
             Bangkok Post, Thailand - Mar 23, 2008
             ... to shareholders based on 2007 results, with the stock dividend worth a total of 81.4 million baht, along with an employee stock option programme (Esop). ...
US*   385 - Pershing Square: Buying Up Borders
             Seeking Alpha, NY - Mar 23, 2008
             The stake would be protected against dilution if Borders were to issue more equity, except for shares issued for employee stock options. ...
NZ*   386 - Top execs' incentive payments under fire
             New Zealand Herald, New Zealand - Mar 23, 2008
             ... a year but $1.75 million of that is linked to short-term performance and a further $1.75 million in share options is linked to long-term performance. ...
UK*   387 - Air Methods CFO grosses $496K through exercising share options
             Rotorhub (press release), UK - Mar 23, 2008
             The story you have selected is not hosted by Rotorhub.com but featured on an external site which is outside the control of Rotorhub.com (ie. we are not ...
TT*   388 - FCIB challenged by first quarter
             Trinidad & Tobago Express, Trinidad and Tobago - Mar 23, 2008
             For the year ended December 31, 2007, the Group produced an EPS, inclusive of unallocated ESOP shares, of TT$1.33, an increase of 1.53 per cent over the ...
DZ*   389 - Algérie : le Fonds de soutien à l'investissement pour l'emploi ...
             Tout sur l'Algérie - 23 mar 2008
             Des formations économiques et financières seront également garanties aux salariés actionnaires, «pour leur permettre d'acquérir une bonne connaissance des ...
PE*   390 - El Crisol de la Política Nº 113
             El Jurado - 23 Mar 2008
             ... acordó por mayoría, eliminar la intermediación laboral que prestan las empresas de servicios complementarios y las cooperativas de trabajo, ...
AR*   391 - Abre el Circuito Nacional de Teatro
             Rio Negro On Line - 23 Mar 2008
             Esta conjunción de arte se denomina "Vórtice", la obra teatral que abre la programación del Circuito Nacional de Teatro organizado la Cooperativa de Trabajo ...
AT*   392 - Ostermärsche gehen mit mehr als 20 Veranstaltungen zu Ende
             Volksstimme - 23. März 2008
             Bis Mitte April wolle er in der Berliner Koalition mit CDU und SPD ein Konzept zu Steuervergünstigungen bei der Mitarbeiterbeteiligung voranbringen, ...
DE*   393 - CSU will Pendler wieder entlasten
             WELT ONLINE - 23. März 2008
             Ich möchte in der Koalition bis Mitte April ein Konzept zur steuerlichen Vergünstigung bei der Mitarbeiterbeteiligung voranbringen. ...
DE*   394 - CSU für alte Pendlerpauschale
             MDR - 23. März 2008
             Zudem soll es steuerliche Vergünstigungen bei der Mitarbeiterbeteiligung geben. "Die Arbeitnehmer brauchen mehr Geld in der Tasche", sagte Huber. ...
DE*   395 - CSU-Chef will mehr Geld für Familien und Normalverdiener durchsetzen
             WELT ONLINE - 23. März 2008
             In der Berliner Koalition will Huber mit CDU und SPD ein Konzept zu steuerlichen Vergünstigungen bei der Mitarbeiterbeteiligung voranbringen. ...
UK*   396 - Nursery chain was first step
             Times Online, UK - Mar 22, 2008
             Thompson has also made his mark on the business in other ways, notably by being an enthusiastic supporter of employee ownership. Seven years ago he started ...
IE*   397 - Contractor 'entitled to ESB shares'
             Irish Independent, Ireland - Mar 22, 2008
             ... and be compensated for not getting a share of the company's Employee Share Ownership Plan (ESOP), according to a landmark ruling by the Labour Court. ...
US*   398 - When feds save greedy firms, economy and morality collide
             Arizona Republic, AZ - Mar 22, 2008
             "This company was 30 percent employee-owned, and these people are taking a huge shock to their personal wealth and will probably lose their jobs," he said. ...
US*   399 - The Peeping Toms At State
             About - News & Issues, NY - Mar 22, 2008
             Stanley, Inc (ASX) says on its website that it is employee-owned but it has had stock under trade since October 2006. Stanley does more than provide ...
US*   400 - Passport reviewers worked for outside contractors
             Muckety, NY - Mar 22, 2008
             Two people who have been fired worked for Stanley Inc., an employee-owned company in Arlington, Va. A third contract worker, whose employee status is under ...
US*   401 - Mike Costello: All About Fairness Opinions
             The Chattanoogan, TN - Mar 22, 2008
             We have also provided fairness opinions in a couple of company sales that involved Employee Stock Ownership Plans. In these cases, our fairness opinions ...
US*   402 - The secret to investing starts with discipline
             Kansas City Star, MO - Mar 22, 2008
             I don’t own any stock directly and haven’t owned any since I sold all shares in my employee stock ownership plan after I retired from full-time work in 2000 ...
US*   403 - O'Neil Printing thrives by changing with times
             AZ Central.com, AZ - Mar 22, 2008
             Participating in an employee stock ownership plan allows employees to have a personal stake in O'Neil's successes and failures. Bill Stevens, an estimator ...
IN*   404 - Understanding your Employee Stock Options
             Sify, India - Mar 22, 2008
             An Employee Stock Option Plan (ESOP) is a scheme whereby a company offers its employees the chance (or option) to purchase a certain number of shares at a ...
DE*   405 - DJ DGAP-CMS: Erste Bank der Oesterreichischen Sparkassen AG: Other ...
             cecu.de, Germany - Mar 22, 2008
             The solely binding language for the Employee Stock Option Plan 2008 is the German language; this document is a non-binding translation for convenience only.
LK*   406 - Ananda Krishnan due in SL
             Sunday Leader (subscription), Sri Lanka - Mar 22, 2008
             ... benefits that these CEOs derived from their firms were possession of a car worth Rs. 8-26 million; employee share option plan worth Rs. 750000 annually; ...
UK*   407 - It's the real economy, stupid
             The Observer, UK - Mar 22, 2008
             One says: 'A lot of my wealth is tied up in Bear share options, but they are underwater and I don't know if I will have a job at the end of next week. ...
UK*   408 - Lord Bilimoria strikes out with Cobra
             Times Online, UK - Mar 22, 2008
             So he still retains 67% of Cobra, a figure that will drop to 51% eventually, when executive share options are vested. “Yes, my financial training helped,” ...
UK*   409 - Bosses who left with millions
             Times Online, UK - Mar 22, 2008
             Chuck Prince, who quit as chief executive of Citigroup, left with a $10m bonus and share options worth $28m. And Angelo Mozilo – chief executive of the ...
US*   410 - Mike Costello: All About Fairness Opinions
             The Chattanoogan, TN - Mar 22, 2008
             In these cases, our fairness opinions provided the ESOP participants “peace of mind” that the transactions were fair, not only to the majority shareholders, ...
IE*   411 - Contractor 'entitled to ESB shares'
             Irish Independent, Ireland - Mar 22, 2008
             ESOPs now have shareholdings worth hundreds of millions of euro in a range of current and former state companies that have been privatised. ...
CO*   412 - Parapolítica, obstáculo para avanzar en las sesiones ordinarias ...
             El Tiempo (Colombia) - 22 Mar 2008
             Esta iniciativa y la que pretende regular las cooperativas de trabajo asociado, pretenden dar mejorías a los asuntos laborales, requisito para impulsar el ...
PE*   413 - CUT: Eliminación de "services" busca evitar aprobación LGT
             Coordinadora Nacional de Radio - 22 Mar 2008
             El dictamen establece un plazo de 30 días para que las empresas usuarias, las empresas especiales de servicios y las cooperativas de trabajadores se adecuen ...
DE*   414 - „Es ging nie um einen Linksruck“
             sz-online - 22. März 2008
             Ich sehe eine realistische Chance, dass die Koalition in diesem Sommer zu einem gemeinsamen Vorschlag für eine Mitarbeiterbeteiligung an Firmenvermögen ...
IT*   415 - Lecce - Tornano i ragazzi del Costa e della Repubblica Salentina ...
             PUGLIALIVE.NET - 22 mar 2008
             Gli InfoBoyz sono i giovanissimi studenti dell'Istituto Tecnico Commerciale "Costa" di Lecce insieme ai neo diplomati uniti nella cooperativa di lavoro ...
             Marlboro College,  USA - Mar 21, 2008
             Millman serves on the Board of Directors of the Vermont Employee Ownership Center and Vermont Businesses for Social Responsibility. ...
US*   417 - Employee-ownership plans increasingly common
             Indianapolis Business Journal, IN - Mar 21, 2008
             “The ultimate goal is to make [the company] completely employee-owned,” said Dillon, 53. He expects to stay involved for at least 10 more years and wants to ...
US*   418 - More growth for Davey Tree
             Akron Beacon Journal, OH - Mar 21, 2008
             Davey, an employee-owned company, has more than 6000 employees in North America. The Davey Tree Expert Co. is continuing a record period of growth, ...
US*   419 - Fed’s quick response spares Galesburg financial hit
             Galesburg.com, IL - Mar 21, 2008
             Carlson muses that regulators may end up taking a look at the safeguards involved in companies that are significantly employee-owned. ...
US*   420 - Indiana Company Educates Community on Livestock Production
             Hoosier Ag Today, IN - Mar 21, 2008
             One Indiana company doing their part is Belstra Milling Company, an employee owned feed manufacturing company in DeMotte which also operates 5 pig farms. ...
             Marlboro College,  USA - Mar 21, 2008
             ... 5:00 pm Entitled “Sustainable Jeopardy,” Millman will discuss the role of community in the success of his employee-owned company in Rockingham, Vermont. ...
US*   422 - Contractors in passport case ID'd
             MSNBC - Mar 21, 2008
             Stanley, Inc., is headquartered in Arlington, Va. and is employee-owned. The State Department awarded it a contract for $164 million in 2006. ...
US*   423 - For whom the Zell tolls
             Variety, CA - Mar 21, 2008
             On the upside, the company is not obligated to pay taxes because of its employee-owned structure. All of its available cash can be used to pay down debt, ...
US*   424 - Ethisphere Institute Honors EOD Technology for Its Government ...
             PR Newswire (press release), NY - Mar 21, 2008
             Employing approximately 400 people worldwide with more than $200 million in revenues for 2007, the employee-owned company is an industry leader for ...
US*   425 - Merrick & Company Wins LiDAR and Digital Imagery Project
             Spatial News (press release), FL - Mar 21, 2008
             The employee-owned company provides these services to municipal, state, federal, and private-sector clients. With approximately 400 employees, ...
US*   426 - CH2M HILL Continues Tradition of Sustainability
             Trading Markets (press release), CA - Mar 21, 2008
             Headquartered in Englewood, Colo., employee-owned CH2M HILL is a global leader in engineering, procurement, construction and operations for government, ...
US*   427 - Insurance agency to be featured on TV
             BlueRidgeNow.com, NC - Mar 21, 2008
             They are employee-owned and have four locations in North Carolina. For more information, visit www.morrowinsurance.com or www.wlos.com.
CA*   428 - Dealers depart Desjardins unit
             Globe and Mail, Canada - Mar 21, 2008
             The new co-heads of sales at Toronto-based Research Capital, an employee-owned dealer, will be Desjardins veterans Pesach (Pace) Goldman and Kristine ...
US*   429 - G&T Industries planning to double size in Blount County
             Maryville Daily Times, TN - Mar 21, 2008
             In 2005, the company became employee owned. In 1982, G & T Industries opened Blount County facility in a 2500-square-foot building in the Blount Industrial ...
US*   430 - Securing a Nest Egg
             Wall Street Journal - Mar 21, 2008
             ... employee-stock ownership plan or simplified employee pension. Insurers generally match your coverage to your previous year's contribution. ...
US*   431 - For whom the Zell tolls
             Variety, CA - Mar 21, 2008
             ... results and share price, the complicated, $34-per-share buyout under an Employee Stock Ownership program left Tribune with $13 billion in debt. ...
US*   432 - What is your exit strategy?
             Milwaukee Small Business Times, WI - Mar 21, 2008
             The event will examine different exit strategies, including recapitalizations, employee stock ownership programs, management buyouts, sale to private equity ...
US*   433 - Job seekers pile in to hear about new plant; idled Ford facility ...
             Toledo Blade, OH - Mar 21, 2008
             ... of parts for auto manufacturers and other customers at the plant, which will be owned by employees under an employee stock ownership plan, or ESOP. ...
US*   434 - Tribune posts $79 million loss
             Chicago Tribune, United States - Mar 21, 2008
             Zell, best known as a real estate investor, led the leveraged buyout that put majority ownership of Tribune into an employee stock ownership plan. ...
US*   435 - Tribune said to be in talks to sell Newsday
             Los Angeles Times, CA - Mar 21, 2008
             The Tribune buyout, led by Chicago billionaire Sam Zell in conjunction with an employee stock ownership plan, left the company with more than $13 billion in ...
US*   436 - Is Executive Compensation Reform Really on the March?
             Law.com (subscription), CA - Mar 21, 2008
             ... developed for freely transferable, market-traded options, appear to significantly overstate the fair value of nontransferable employee stock options. ...
UK*   437 - Bad banking practice should be punished, not backed by our taxes
             Scotsman, United Kingdom - Mar 21, 2008
             Now, not only do all these bankers pay themselves huge bonuses and oblige their companies to write share options with built-in profits, but they squeal like ...
AU*   438 - Woman on a mission
             Melbourne Herald Sun, Australia - Mar 21, 2008
             A large percentage of my package is incentive-based around share options." She adds that while all the details of her pay are not finalised, ...
DE*   439 - American Capital Receives Total Proceeds of $371 Million from Sale ...
             FinanzNachrichten.de, Germany - Mar 21, 2008
             ... management business, is an investor in management and employee buyouts, private equity buyouts, and early stage and mature private and public companies. ...
FR*   440 - A la lumière de 2 textes : Mais Quel Coup ).( nous prépare encore ...
             Bellaciao - 21 mar 2008
             ... la CADAC (YYY, membre de la LCR) ; le CEDETIM (PYd) ; la Confédération générale des SCOP (Purd, membre de la LCR) ; la Confédération paysanne (ALG, ...
CH*   441 - Théâtre: Délivresse
             Le Temps (Abonnement) - 21 mar 2008
             Et, à ses 20 ans, le siècle finissant pensait plus stock-options que débauche inspirée. Un décalage difficile à supporter. Peu avant 40 ans, à Lausanne, ...
FR*   442 - La chute des Bourses réduit les plus-values des stock-options
             Le Monde - 21 mar 2008
             Selon le cabinet Proxinvest, leur rémunération annuelle vient pour moitié de l'attribution de stock-options. Ces instruments financiers leur permettent ...
FR*   443 - Le bénéfice d'Emakina de nouveau sur le bon rail
             Datanews - 21 mar 2008
             Voilà pourquoi elle a notamment renforcé son équipe commerciale, lancé des formations et un plan de 'stock options' en vue de conserver son personnel, ...
BE*   444 - Guy Quaden, presque un smicard
             Trends-Tendances - 21 mar 2008
             On ne parle pas de 470.000 euros mais bien de 3,57 millions, en tenant compte des stock options. Quant à La Poste, son patron, Johnny Thys, ...
PE*   445 - "La eliminación de los 'services' coincide con un ofrecimiento de ...
             El Comercio Perú - 21 Mar 2008
             ... de Trabajo del Congreso acordó eliminar la intermediación laboral que prestan las empresas de servicios complementarios y las cooperativas de trabajo, ...
CO*   446 - Noticias breves de economía
             El Tiempo (Colombia) - 21 Mar 2008
             La Supersolidaria designó seis funcionarios para el registro y vigilancia de las cooperativas de trabajo asociado, que por la intermediación laboral de ...
PE*   447 - Eliminar services atenta contra la Constitución
             Correo (Perú) - 21 Mar 2008
             ... Trabajo del dictamen que elimina la intermediación laboral de las empresas que dan servicios complementarios y las cooperativas de trabajo (services). ...
AR*   448 - Va a juicio oral un vigilador que arrolló a un nene de 4 años en ...
             Clarín.com - 21 Mar 2008
             Walter Juan, el padre, quiere ver a Díaz preso y no descarta "ir por los directivos de las empresas Max Segur SRL y CSI Cooperativa de Trabajo, ...
AR*   449 - María carpintera
             Página 12 - 21 Mar 2008
             ... con guardias y festivales para que no desalojen también la cooperativa de trabajo autogestionado de carpintería, panadería y costurería Manos Obreras. ...
AR*   450 - Buen provecho
             enREDando.org.ar - 21 Mar 2008
             Están integrados a Facta, la Federación Argentina de Cooperativas de Trabajadores Autogestionados, con quienes comparten lógicas y desafíos comunes. ...

AR*   451 - Google te duerme
             Datafull.com - 21 Mar 2008
             ... donde se ofrece a sus empleados Stock Options (opciones de compra de acciones propias) al 99 por ciento de los trabajadores, algo que es muy tentador ...
AT*   452 - Kleine Steuerreform, große Wunschliste
             derStandard.at - 21. März 2008
             Neben der Senkung der Steuertarife und dem späteren Ansetzen des Spitzensteuersatzes wird auch mehr Mitarbeiterbeteiligung verlangt. ...
DE*   453 - (Feiertagswiederholung) Hering bewertet Interesse an ...
             Ad-Hoc-News (Pressemitteilung) - 21. März 2008
             Das Modell der rheinland-pfälzischen Landesregierung zur Mitarbeiterbeteiligung stößt nach einem Bericht des Nachrichtenmagazins «Der Spiegel» nur auf ...
AT*   454 - Erste Bank bietet Mitarbeitern wieder Aktien an
             Boerse-express.com - 21. März 2008
             Wie schon in den Vorjahren, führt die Erste Bank auch heuer ein neues Stock Options Programm durch. "Durch das Mitarbeiterbeteiligungsprogramm soll die ...
ES*   455 - (2º) Retirement Program
             InfoBolsa, Spain - Mar 20, 2008
             (1) The Employee Ownership 100, National Center for Employee Ownership, August 2006. (3) Received Chatham Partners 2006 Best in Class Awards for ...
DE*   456 - DGAP-Adhoc: BP plc: Director/PDMR Shareholding
             Vereinigte Wirtschaftsdienste, Germany - Mar 20, 2008
             BP plc was informed on 19 March 2008 by the Trustees of the BP Employee Share Ownership Plan that on 17 March 2008, performance share awards were made to ...
US*   457 - Marco hands out profits
             St. Cloud Times, MN - Mar 20, 2008
             The employee-owned company said its profits rose 37.2 percent last year compared with 2006. Marco uses an employee stock ownership plan, which allows ...
US*   458 - Kansas City Chamber of Commerce names top 10 small businesses
             Kansas City Star, MO - Mar 20, 2008
             •Cramer Products Inc., a Gardner-based, employee-owned manufacturer/distributor of athletic training, sports medicine, and physical education products. ...
US*   459 - Davey announces three new acquisitions and two new office locations
             Landscape Management, OH - Mar 20, 2008
             ... vegetation management and consulting services throughout North America. Founded in 1880, Davey is employee owned and has more than 6000 employees.
US*   460 - Sentillion Nominated for SYS-CON's "Virtualization Journal Readers ...
             SYS-CON Media, NJ - Mar 20, 2008
             vThere, a packaged desktop virtualization solution designed for the enterprise, enables organizations to allow employee-owned laptops and remote unmanaged ...
US*   461 - Engineering firm focuses on service
             AZ Central.com, AZ - Mar 20, 2008
             ... client satisfaction and the desire to share professional experience with new clients, the employee-owned corporation provides services from nine offices ...
US*   462 - The intersection of insurance and technology-based business is an ...
             VillageSoup Belfast,  USA - Mar 20, 2008
             Serving Midcoast Maine and beyond since 1866, the Allen Agency is an employee-owned company, providing insurance for individuals, families and businesses. ...
US*   463 - Platts visits employee-owned manufacturer in Hanover
             The Evening Sun, PA - Mar 20, 2008
             ... said the ability for employees to directly benefit from quality work is the main reason he supports the concept of employee-owned business. ...
US*   464 - UK's John Lewis weekly dept store sales drop again
             Reuters - Mar 20, 2008
             The employee-owned group, which also owns the upmarket Waitrose supermarket chain, said wet weather and gale force winds had put off department store ...
ES*   465 - John Lewis week to March 8 department store sales down 1.3 pct
             FXstreet.com The Foreign Exchange Market, Spain - Mar 20, 2008
             LONDON (Thomson Financial) - John Lewis Partnership, the employee-owned retailer, said week to March 8 sales at its 26 UK department stores fell 1.3 pct ...
US*   466 - Dimon in the Bear's Den
             Conde Nast Portfolio, NY - Mar 20, 2008
             The promise of such incentives may also help win support from employee shareholders, who hold about a third of Bear's stock. Many might be tempted to vote ...
UK*   467 - A practical guide to the Budget 2008
             SMEweb, UK - Mar 20, 2008
             Employee shareholders should also consider exercising their options to help meet the 5 per cent ownership requirement of Entrepreneurs’ Relief. ...
US*   468 - Arkema: Capital Increase Reserved for the Current and Former Employees
             Business Wire (press release), CA - Mar 20, 2008
             The shares will be subscribed either via direct shareholding or via a French fonds commun de placement d’entreprise (employee shareholding vehicle, ...
US*   469 - Marco hands out profits
             St. Cloud Times, MN - Mar 20, 2008
             Marco uses an employee stock ownership plan, which allows employees to hold company stocks and receive retirement benefits. ...
DE*   470 - DJ DGAP-CMS: Erste Bank der Oesterreichischen Sparkassen AG: Other ...
             Märkische Allgemeine, Germany - Mar 20, 2008
             In the course of the Employee Stock Ownership Programmes employees, and the equity of Erste Bank has been increased accordingly. approve authorised ...
DE*   471 - DJ DGAP-CMS: Erste Bank der Oesterreichischen Sparkassen AG: Other ...
             Ad-Hoc-News (Pressemitteilung), Germany - Mar 20, 2008
             ... available for the Management Board to conduct the planned Management Stock Option Plan 2008 and the Employee Stock Ownership Programme 2008. ...
AT*   472 - Burns & McDonnell Selects the Principal Financial Group for Total ...
             PR-Inside.com (Pressemitteilung), Austria - Mar 20, 2008
             The contract became effective October 1, 2007. been the employee stock ownership plan (ESOP) service provider for Kansas City-based Burns & McDonnell since ...
US*   473 - Tribune Co. posts quarterly loss
             Los Angeles Times, CA - Mar 20, 2008
             Chicago billionaire Sam Zell, who became Tribune chief executive after leading the buyout along with an employee stock ownership plan, said the company had ...
US*   474 - Burns & McDonnell Selects the Principal Financial Group for Total ...
             Business Wire (press release), CA - Mar 20, 2008
             The Principal ® has been the employee stock ownership plan (ESOP) service provider for Kansas City-based Burns & McDonnell since 2003. ...
US*   475 - 2nd UPDATE: Tribune Posts Loss, Says It May Need Asset Sales
             CNNMoney.com - Mar 20, 2008
             31 . The going-private deal was valued at $34 a share. Under the Zell-led buyout, an employee-stock ownership plan is Tribune's majority owner.
US*   476 - Nine in 10 Employers Now Offering Deferred Comp Plans to Their ...
             Market Wire (press release) - Mar 20, 2008
             ... eliminated in the past five years), profit sharing plans (5.5% reduced or eliminated) and employee stock ownership plans (7.6% reduced or eliminated). ...
US*   477 - Platts visits employee-owned manufacturer in Hanover
             The Evening Sun, PA - Mar 20, 2008
             ... company Leonhardt Manufacturing, where Platts visited Wednesday to discuss with company leaders the pros and cons of Employee Stock Ownership Plans. ...
US*   478 - Lawyers probing Bear Stearns
             Cincinnati Enquirer, OH - Mar 20, 2008
             ... relates to the Bear Stearns Employee Stock Ownership Plan and other retirement or deferred compensation plans that purchased or held Bear Stearns stock, ...
US*   479 - Tribune To Sell 'Stamford Advocate,' 'Greenwich Time' Property
             Editor & Publisher - Mar 20, 2008
             This will be the second property transaction since Sam Zell, who made his fortune in real estate, took Tribune private in an employee stock option plan. ...
US*   480 - Alltel Achieves Record Customer Growth for the Fourth Quarter ...
             Trading Markets (press release), CA - Mar 20, 2008
             Excludes $63.8 million of expense resulting from the accelerated vesting of employee stock option and restricted stock awards in connection with the Merger. ...
CA*   481 - Comaplex Minerals Corp. Announces Fourth Quarter and Annual 2007 ...
             Canada NewsWire (press release), Canada - Mar 20, 2008
             ... costs (2069) - Issue of shares under employee stock option plan 638 1104 ------------------------------------------------------------------------- 30306 ...
US*   482 - Brocade executive gets prison in backdating case
             Los Angeles Times, CA - Mar 20, 2008
             ... help Reyes conceal from auditors that employee stock-option grants for newly hired workers had been backdated to increase their value, prosecutors said. ...
CA*   483 - CIBT Education Group Announces Employee Stock Options Plan
             Baystreet.ca, Canada - Mar 20, 2008
             CIBT Education Group Inc. (TSXV: CPT; OTC.BB (US): CBTGF) reports that it intends to grant, pursuant to its stock option plan, stock options to employees ...
ES*   484 - ADDING and REPLACING Genpact Reports 2007 Fourth Quarter and Full ...
             InfoBolsa, Spain - Mar 20, 2008
             ... Genpact s management uses financial statements that do not include stock-based compensation expense related to employee stock options, amortization of ...
US*   485 - Research in Motion: It's Time for a Dividend Policy
             Seeking Alpha, NY - Mar 20, 2008
             Share buybacks have a habit of making employee stock options more valuable. Dividends are the only pure method of returning a portion of a company’s profits ...
CA*   486 - Twin Butte Energy Reports Fourth Quarter & Year End 2007 Results
             Canada NewsWire (press release), Canada - Mar 20, 2008
             ... Weighted average number of basic shares 27752398 19054887 24284620 12762870 Effect of dilutive securities: Employee stock options - - - - Management ...
US*   487 - dELiA*s Announces Fourth Quarter and Year End Fiscal 2007 Results
             StreetInsider.com (subscription), MI - Mar 20, 2008
             ... net of expenses - 19828 Proceeds from exercise of employee stock options 697 2976 ---------------- ---------------- Net cash provided by financing ...
CA*   488 - First Calgary Petroleums announces 2007 Year End Results and ...
             Canada NewsWire (press release), Canada - Mar 20, 2008
             (b) Employee stock options: The Company has up to 10% of its issued and outstanding common shares available for issuance pursuant to its Stock Option Plan. ...
US*   489 - Slammer Time for Ex-Brocade Exec
             bMighty.com, NY - Mar 20, 2008
             Jensen has been sentenced to four months in federal prison and fined $1.25 million for conspiring to backdate employees' stock options and conceal the ...
MY*   490 - Loan recovery avenue for Chase Perdana creditors
             Malaysia Star, Malaysia - Mar 20, 2008
             EHL launched a GO for Chase Perdana's 141.2 million shares and new shares that may be allocated from loan stocks and employee share options at 60 sen each ...
DE*   491 - DJ DGAP-CMS: Erste Bank der Oesterreichischen Sparkassen AG: Other ...
             Ad-Hoc-News (Pressemitteilung), Germany - Mar 20, 2008
             ... the Supervisory Board of Erste Bank der oesterreichischen Sparkassen AG concerning the granting of share options under the management stock option plan. ...
ZA*   492 - John Biccard: Market commentator, Investec Asset Management
             Moneyweb, South Africa - Mar 20, 2008
             Interesting to see on Sens just come out that management there's getting some pretty serious share options - 72 000 for Sifiso Dabengwa, 22 500 for Rob ...
AU*   493 - When too much pay is never quite enough
             Sydney Morning Herald, Australia - Mar 20, 2008
             One popular idea is for marginal tax rates on executive salaries (including share options and bonuses) up to 15 times the wage of the lowest paid, ...
DE*   494 - DJ DGAP-CMS: Erste Bank der Oesterreichischen Sparkassen AG: Other ...
             Märkische Allgemeine, Germany - Mar 20, 2008
             3 of the Stock ('ESOP') 2008 during the year 2008. It is the aim of the Employee Stock and, thus, commit them stronger to the Erste Bank Group. ...
US*   495 - Zell: Need heroes to lead a sea change
             LA Observed, CA - Mar 20, 2008
             Finally, as partners, I want you to know that the 10-K has information about the current value of the 56.5 million shares held by the ESOP. ...
ZA*   496 - Apartheid forces vs Liberation forces in Parliament
             The Times, South Africa - Mar 20, 2008
             No longer do we listen to Esop [Pahad] fables, but to Stofile fables, because everything he said about the South African Defence Force being defeated by ...
FR*   497 - Saint-Gobain et Wendel trouvent un compromis après six mois de ...
             Daily Bourse - 20 mar 2008
             Président de l'association des actionnaires salariés et anciens salariés de Saint-Gobain, Bernard Cusenier s'est d'ailleurs "félicité" de cet accord tout en ...
FR*   498 - Alliance informatique pour Fongépar, Inter Expansion et CM-CIC ...
             L'Argus de l'Assurance - 20 mar 2008
             Les trois partenaires traiteront ainsi plus de 2 millions de salariés en gestion d'épargne salariale. BNP Paribas, Axa, Société Générale et HSBC France ont ...
FR*   499 - À Passerelle rénové, Absalon et Ultramoderne
             maville.com - 20 mar 2008
             Construit en béton compressé juste après guerre pour une coopérative ouvrière de vendeurs de fruits et légumes, devenu ensuite mûrisserie de bananes, ...
FR*   500 - La lettre à la Direction Régional de l'Environnement et la réponse
             20minutes.fr - 20 mar 2008
             ... savoir s'il existe des subventions pour la Création de cette SCOP ( Société Coopérative Ouvrière de production)venant de l’Etat et par votre organisme. ...
FR*   501 - L'AMF borde le cadre juridique des Obsar
             Les Échos (Abonnement) - 20 mar 2008
             Ils peuvent alors servir de « poison pill » pour se protéger des OPA hostiles ou être revendus aux cadres pour faire office de stock-options. ...
FR*   502 - Emakina Group : croissance des ventes (+106%) supérieure aux attentes
             Euronext (persbericht) - 20 mar 2008
             Politique de rétention du personnel par un investissement dans la formation des équipes ainsi que par un plan de stock-options pour tout le personnel ...
FR*   503 - Jusqu'où ira Bernard Arnault
             Challenges - 20 mar 2008
             «Il est respecté et admiré, s'il était plus généreux, il serait adulé», juge un chef d'entreprise qui déplore qu'il s'octroie un quart des stock-options de ...
FR*   504 - Cidron Services veut racheter le finlandais TietoEnator pour 1,1 ...
             L'Agefi (Abonnement) - 20 mar 2008
             fait une offre pour toutes les actions et stock-options de TietoEnator (...), proposant 15,50 euros par titre", a indiqué Cidron Services dans un communiqué ...
PE*   505 - Dan primer paso para eliminar "services"
             La República (Perú) - 20 Mar 2008
             La primera disposición establece un plazo de 30 días para que las empresas usuarias, las empresas especiales de servicios y las cooperativas de trabajadores ...
AR*   506 - Los agrocombustibles en boga: El caso del etanol en Colombia
             Ecoportal.net (Comunicados de prensa) - 20 Mar 2008
             ... se promovieron nuevas formas de contratación, como las Cooperativas de Trabajo Asociado (CTA), las que se han incrementado desde el año 2000. ...
             Radio UNO - 20 Mar 2008
             Tras la aprobación del dictamen que elimina la intermediación laboral que prestan las empresas de servicios complementarios y las cooperativas de trabajo, ...
AR*   508 - La Justicia insiste en que el uso del celular forma parte del salario
             infoBAE profesional - 20 Mar 2008
             (ver nota "Stock options: ratifican pautas para calcular indemnizaciones") Así, concluyen los especialistas que que la problemática que surge, en este marco ...
DE*   509 - Erste Bank der Oesterreichischen Sparkassen AG / Veröffentlichung ...
             Frankfurter Allgemeine Zeitung - 20. März 2008
             Zur Bedienung der Mitarbeiterbeteiligung steht dem Vorstand laut Satzung derzeit bedingtes Kapital in Höhe von Nominale EUR 6.278.142, das entspricht ...
DE*   510 - DGAP-CMS: Erste Bank der Oesterreichischen Sparkassen AG: Sonstige ...
             Vereinigte Wirtschaftsdienste - 20. März 2008
             ... genehmigtes Kapital' in Höhe von 10.000.000 jungen Aktien zum Zwecke der Mitarbeiterbeteiligung mit Zustimmung des Aufsichtsrates zu beschließen. ...
DE*   511 - Becks Modell der Mitarbeiterbeteiligung wenig erfolgreich
             PR-Inside.com (Pressemitteilung) - 20. März 2008
             Hamburg/Mainz (AP) Das von SPD-Chef Kurt Beck maßgeblich entwickelte Modell einer Mitarbeiterbeteiligung an Betrieben hat sich nach einem Bericht des ...
DE*   512 - Becks Modell zur Mitarbeiterbeteilung stößt auf mäßiges Interesse
             Linie1-magazin - 20. März 2008
             Das Modell der rheinland-pfälzischen Landesregierung zur Mitarbeiterbeteiligung, das SPD-Chef und Ministerpräsident Kurt Beck als Vorbild seines sogenannten ...
DE*   513 - Beck-Modell zur Mitarbeiterbeteiligung floppt
             Spiegel Online - 20. März 2008
             Bei der Mitarbeiterbeteiligung sollte Rheinland-Pfalz zum Vorbild für ganz Deutschland werden - doch daraus wird vermutlich nichts. ...
AT*   514 - Grüne stellen Regierung ein Ultimatum
             Vienna Online - 20. März 2008
             Glawischnig nannte etwa ein Abschaffung der Stock Options als Ziel. Zweitens forderte sie ein "Investitionspaket" von der Regierung. ...
IT*   515 - La vendetta finale del Professore
             L'Opinione - 20 mar 2008
             ... il valore delle azioni Alitalia, di cui un bel cucuzzaro è nelle mani dei dipendenti azionisti, ridotto a carta straccia: valore nel concambio con Air ...
US*   516 - KTGY Names Keith Labus & Ken Ryan New Shareholders
             dBusinessNews Cincinnati (press release), OH - Mar 19, 2008
             KTGY’s CEO Tricia Esser said adding these new shareholders reflect the firm’s commitment to employee ownership and management. “We now have 30 shareholders, ...
US*   517 - A sentimental journey ends
             Crosscut, WA - Mar 19, 2008
             CJ Betit, the Guild local's administrative officer, said the union bid for the chain under an employee ownership plan in 1998 and will be exploring a ...
US*   518 - Workers to take over GE plant in Bloomington?
             Indianapolis Business Journal, IN - Mar 19, 2008
             Yesterday, development commission President Greg Travis told The Herald-Times of Bloomington that, while he doubts employee ownership would work, ...
US*   519 - Take a Ride Through New Belgium Brewing's New Virtual World
             PR Web (press release), WA - Mar 19, 2008
             ... corporate role model with progressive programs such as employee ownership, open book management and a commitment to environmental stewardship. ...
UK*   520 - Herman Miller, Inc., Reports 30% Increase in Earnings per Share ...
             Earthtimes, UK - Mar 19, 2008
             We are pleased with the execution by our employee-owners and continue to look for further opportunities to accelerate Herman Miller's strategic growth ...
US*   521 - IPC Honors Paul Harmel
             Picture Business, PA - Mar 19, 2008
             Under Harmel’s leadership, the employee-owned Lifetouch Inc. has grown to over a billion dollars in sales and has become the market leader in professional ...
US*   522 - Bear Stearns Shareholder Math
             Conde Nast Portfolio, NY - Mar 19, 2008
             So there could be a sizeable chunk of Bear's employee-owned shares getting voted in favor. What's more, Bear's non-executive employees might well be selling ...
US*   523 - SpawGlass to Replace Three Systems with CMiC's Integrated Solution
             Web Services Journal, NJ - Mar 19, 2008
             Founded in 1953, SpawGlass is a 100 percent employee owned company with regional offices in Austin, Harlingen, Houston and San Antonio. ...
US*   524 - Black & Veatch Reports Record Growth in 2007 Driven by Strength ...
             Business Wire (press release), CA - Mar 19, 2008
             With $3.2 billion in revenue, the employee-owned company has more than 100 offices worldwide and has completed projects in more than 100 countries on six ...
US*   525 - Black & Veatch posts record revenue
             Kansas City Star, MO - Mar 19, 2008
             The employee-owned company has more than 100 offices worldwide and has completed projects in more than 200 countries on six continents. ...
UK*   526 - Bear Stearns braces for legal battles Johanna Symmons and Cardiff ...
             Financial News Online US, UK - Mar 19, 2008
             The act governs employees’ pension plans, specifically employee stock ownership plans and 401k accounts that hold shares of Bear Stearns. ...
US*   527 - Women's Hall Of Fame Inductee Announced
             Westchester.com, NY - Mar 19, 2008
             About 30 percent of the company is owned by its employees through an Employee Stock Ownership Plan. Eileen Fisher has been recognized for four years in a ...
US*   528 - Keller Rohrback Investigates Against Bear Stearns For Potential ...
             RTT News, NY - Mar 19, 2008
             The investigation focuses on investments in Bear Stearns stock by Bear Stearns Inc. Employee Stock Ownership Plan. Keller Rohrback's investigation involves ...
US*   529 - Keller Rohrback LLP Announces ERISA Investigation of The Bear ...
             Primenewswire (press release), CA - Mar 19, 2008
             The investigation focuses on investments in Bear Stearns stock by The Bear Stearns Companies Inc. Employee Stock Ownership Plan (the "Plan"). ...
US*   530 - Market Report -- In Play (TSH)
             MSN Money - Mar 19, 2008
             In addition, the Company announced that its Employee Stock Ownership Plan Trust purchased an additional 30000 shares, increasing the ESOP's total stock ...
US*   531 - First Financial Northwest Slips To Loss In Q4 - Quick Facts [FFNW]
             RTT News, NY - Mar 19, 2008
             In addition, the Company announced that its Employee Stock Ownership Plan Trust or "ESOP" purchased an additional 30000 shares, increasing the ESOP's total ...
US*   532 - First Financial Northwest, Inc. Reports Fourth Quarter and Year to ...
             Primenewswire (press release), CA - Mar 19, 2008
             ... which was offset by the purchase of Employee Stock Ownership Plan shares of $16.9 million and a net loss of $4.0 million for the year ended December 31, ...
US*   533 - Teche Holding Company Announces Stock Repurchase
             CNNMoney.com - Mar 19, 2008
             In addition, the Company announced that its Employee Stock Ownership Plan Trust ("ESOP") purchased an additional 30000 shares, increasing the ESOP's total ...
UK*   534 - Bear Stearns bid faces challenges as backlash intensifies
             Guardian, UK - Mar 19, 2008
             Some accuse Bear Stearns of encouraging excessive employee stock ownership, while others say the bank fudged about the depth of its plight.
US*   535 - Statman, Harris & Eyrich, LLC Announces Investigation on Behalf of ...
             Trading Markets (press release), CA - Mar 19, 2008
             ... Stearns Employee Stock Ownership Plan and other Company retirement or deferred compensation plans that purchased or held Bear Stearns stock ("Plans"). ...
US*   536 - Wolf Popper LLP Files ERISA Class Action Against the Bear Stearns ...
             SunHerald.com, MS - Mar 19, 2008
             ... Inc. Employee Stock Ownership Plan (the "Plan"), for violations of the federal pension law (ERISA) in connection with the loss in value of The Bear ...
US*   537 - Price pact reported for closed Maumee stamping factory
             Toledo Blade, OH - Mar 19, 2008
             Keith Obey wants to buy the car maker's former Maumee Stamping plant with money raised from employees under a so-called employee stock ownership plan, ...
PH*   538 - PSE engages JP Morgan for its 20% stake divestment
             Manila Bulletin, Philippines - Mar 19, 2008
             ... of the bourse’s stock for the PSE Group Employee Stock Option Plan also as a step towards complying with the 20 percent industry limit under the SRC. ...
IN*   539 - HDFC To Raise Rs 40 Bln Debt Fund In Next 18 Mths
             TopNews, India - Mar 19, 2008
             ... distinctive numbers from 283737283 to 283894318 (both numbers inclusive), pursuant to exercise of stock options under its Employee Stock Option Scheme. ...
UK*   540 - Borders Group Announces Review of Strategic Alternatives and ...
             Earthtimes, UK - Mar 19, 2008
             ... shares of the company on a pro forma basis giving effect to the issuance of the shares underlying the warrants, excluding employee stock options. ...
US*   541 - 2nd former Brocade exec sentenced to prison
             San Francisco Chronicle,  USA - Mar 19, 2008
             ... office and the Securities and Exchange Commission into alleged abuses of backdating, a common method of increasing the value of employee stock options. ...
CA*   542 - Northcore reports Q4 and year-end 2007 results
             Canada NewsWire (press release), Canada - Mar 19, 2008
             EBITDA loss is defined as losses before interest, taxes, depreciation, amortization, employee stock options and discontinued operations. ...
IN*   543 - CIAL to float Rs 2500 crore IPO
             Business Standard, India - Mar 19, 2008
             “Of the 26 per cent, 20 per cent will be for the public and 6 per cent will be given as employee stock options,” said S Bharat, managing director, CIAL. ...
US*   544 - i2 Technologies Q4 2007 Earnings Call Transcript
             Seeking Alpha, NY - Mar 19, 2008
             ... for the fourth quarter was $200000 due mainly to net proceeds from the common stock issuance related to employee stock options during the quarter. ...
DE*   545 - Gemalto Full Year 2007 Results(1)
             WELT ONLINE, Germany - Mar 19, 2008
             ... (45639 ) Total recognized income for 2007 - - - 5592 (18317 ) (50065 ) 4109 (58681 ) Employee share option scheme 3931 3931 Purchase of Treasury shares, ...
IN*   546 - Nava Bharat allots shares under ESOS
             Myiris.com, India - Mar 19, 2008
             The employees stock option scheme remuneration committee of Nava Bharat Ventures allotted 1,09890 equity shares of Rs 2 each under the Employees Stock ...
US*   547 - Uracan Resources Grants Employees Stock Options At C$0.45 Per Share
             Trading Markets (press release), CA - Mar 19, 2008
             (RTTNews) - Wednesday, Uracan Resources Ltd. (URC.V | news | PowerRating | PR Charts ) announced that pursuant to the company's stock option plan, ...
AU*   548 - Annual Report to shareholders, including Notice of AGM
             Sydney Morning Herald, Australia - Mar 19, 2008
             (viii) Executive Share Option Scheme No executive share options have been granted to directors since 1999 and no options are currently exercisable under the ...
US*   549 - Schiffrin Barroway Topaz & Kessler, LLP Files Erisa Fiduciary ...
             Trading Markets (press release), CA - Mar 19, 2008
             The firm has been named lead or co-lead counsel in numerous directly analogous ERISA class cases - including successful actions on behalf of ESOP and/or ...
IN*   550 - Shyamal Majumdar: Esops of a different kind
             Business Standard, India - Mar 19, 2008
             M&M's Rudrapur plant staff used their Esop budget and engineering skills to run a hospital. When Mahindra & Mahindra decided to commit one per cent of its ...
US*   551 - Retiring Daimler exec recalls Chrysler's last big turnaround
             DetNews.com, MI - Mar 19, 2008
             "Helping us to pave the way to get rid of the ESOP." The company didn't like it because with the ownership stake, the United Auto Workers president Owen ...
IN*   552 - Northgate Technologies grants options under ESOP
             Myiris.com, India - Mar 19, 2008
             18, 2008 granted 40000 options under ESOP 2006 having a vesting period of 1 year from the date of grant. The company swung to a loss for the quarter ended ...
IN*   553 - AXIS Bank allots shares under ESOP
             Myiris.com, India - Mar 19, 2008
             ... today that the committee of directors of the bank on Mar.19, 2008, allotted 68980 equity shares of Rs 10 each to the employees of the Bank, under ESOP. ...
IN*   554 - Hindustan Unilever allots shares under ESOP
             Myiris.com, India - Mar 19, 2008
             19, 2008, allotted 59000 equity shares of Re 1 each under ESOP. Therefore, the paid-up capital has increased to 217,79,83566 shares & the issued capital has ...
FR*   555 - Généraliser l’intéressement et le partager équitablement ...
             Indice RH - 19 mar 2008
             Depuis la loi pour le développement de la participation et de l’actionnariat salarié du 30 décembre 2006, toute entreprise disposant d’un plan d’épargne ...
FR*   556 - Fonds : JPMorgan Asset Management recrute
             Boursier.com - 19 mar 2008
             ... sur les thèmes de l'épargne salariale et retraite et de l'actionnariat salarié, et de constituer une force de proposition auprès des pouvoirs publics. ...
FR*   557 - Bear Stearns: le marché entrevoit d'autres scénarios que celui de ...
             AFP - 19 mar 2008
             ... l'investisseur Joseph Lewis (groupe Tavistock), s'apprêterait à voter contre la proposition de JPMorgan, de même que nombre d'actionnaires salariés. ...
FR*   558 - Lefebvre propose la création d'un dividende salarial
             Challenges - 19 mar 2008
             Le secrétaire national de l'UMP en charge de l'économie veut une prime de résultats inspirée du dividende perçu par les actionnaires. ...
FR*   559 - Chronique d’une crise annoncée
             AgoraVox - 19 mar 2008
             ... a conforté son image de nanti par opposition aux petits actionnaires et actionnaires salariés, seules vraies victimes de la chute du titre en bourse. ...
FR*   560 - La Société Générale et le paradoxe de Bâle
             Les Échos - 19 mar 2008
             Pour les salariés actionnaires, dès lors que le montant des engagements de Jérôme Kerviel dépassait largement le niveau des fonds propres de la banque, ...
FR*   561 - Fonds : JPMorgan Asset Management recrute
             Boursier.com - 19 mar 2008
             L'engagement de JPMorgan AM auprès des entreprises et sur la thématique des retraites est notamment illustré par le Club de l'Epargne Salariale créé il ya 7 ...
             Syndicat CFDT de la région de Tours des cheminots - 19 mar 2008
             ... d'abondement qu'elle pensait proposer, et a renvoyé l'ensemble des fédérations syndicales à un rendez vous en fin d'année sur l'épargne salariale. ...
FR*   563 - Investissement dans les PME et les FIP : des obligations déclaratives
             NewsManagers - 19 mar 2008
             Réduction d'ISF : la souscription au capital de PME, de titres participatifs de SCOP ou de FIP implique de répercuter certaines informations au fisc. ...
FR*   564 - Patrimoine : les notaires s’estiment complémentaires des CGPI
             NewsManagers - 19 mar 2008
             A Paris, la donation de stock-options et les donations d’entreprise ont été un de ces domaines d’expertise important pour certains notaires, du moins quand ...
FR*   565 - Yahoo! s'estime en mesure de doubler son cash-flow à 3,7 milliards ...
             AFP - 19 mar 2008
             Il estime aussi que son bénéfice opérationnel avant dépréciations, amortissements et coûts des stock-options sera de 1,72 à 1,97 milliard cette année, ...
FR*   566 - Président de Renault n'a pas vu son salaire augmenter en 2007
             EasyBourse.com - 19 mar 2008
             TO), s'est vu attribuer 200.000 stock options pour Renault, au prix d'exercice de 96,54 euros. En 2007, il a exercé 200.000 options au prix de 40,82 euros. ...
FR*   567 - L'UMP Frédéric Lefebvre défend une "prime de résultat" pour les ...
             Le Monde - 19 mar 2008
             De même, ils bénéficieraient d'une option pour convertir ce dividende salarial en prime défiscalisée, en actions gratuites ou en stock-options. ...
FR*   568 - John McCain, un présidentiable républicain pro-israélien
             Journal Chrétien - 19 mar 2008
             ... des entreprises qui versent des stock-options à en révéler le coût à leurs actionnaires ou en faisant adopter une limitation des dépenses électorales. ...
FR*   569 - Ouverture Paris : le rebond se poursuit
             Boursier.com - 19 mar 2008
             Guillemot a donc atteint son objectif de résultat opérationnel courant après stock options (3,2 ME avant stock options). Le résultat net consolidé bondit à ...
PE*   570 - 'Services' en capilla
             Trome - 19 Mar 2008
             ... eliminar la intermediación laboral que prestan las empresas de servicios complementarios y las cooperativas de trabajo, más conocidas como 'services'. ...
ES*   571 - Verdades a medias y lo que no se dice, del conflicto del gobierno ...
             Rebelión - 19 Mar 2008
             ... de forma mixta con el Estado, del mismo modo se podrían comprar tierras y formar cooperativas de trabajo rural para descomprimir el hacinamiento urbano. ...
AR*   572 - El MTC reclamó que se ponga en marcha el plan de viviendas
             Luján en Línea - 19 Mar 2008
             Señalaron que ya conformaron las cuatro cooperativas de trabajo necesarias para la obra, en la que se emplearán a cincuenta personas. ...
AR*   573 - Piqueteros cortan la Ruta Nacional 3 en la Matanza
             Aninoticias (Comunicados de prensa) - 19 Mar 2008
             Además, advirtió que la CCC tiene problemas con "cinco mil" integrantes de esa agrupación que integran cooperativas de trabajo en todo el país. ...
ES*   574 - La Federación de Asociaciones de Mujeres Rurales (FADEMUR) se ...
             Extremadura al día - 19 Mar 2008
             El objetivo es crear cooperativas de trabajo que cubran la demanda de estos servicios en el medio rural ya la vez ayuden a crear empleo local entre mujeres ...
AR*   575 - Comenzó la construcción del segundo CIC
             Diario Democracia - 19 Mar 2008
             Las cooperativas de trabajo ya se encuentran trabajando en la construcción del nuevo CIC (Centro Integrador Comunitario) en el barrio San José. ...
AR*   576 - El Muelle de Lanchas llevaría el nombre de Antonio Pelle
             NoticiasNet - 19 Mar 2008
             ... constructor de balsas, muelles y atracaderos que surcaban el rio Negro, colaborador de los lancheros y fundador de una cooperativa de trabajo, ...
AR*   577 - Una gestión en positivo
             Agencia la Provincia - 19 Mar 2008
             El trabajo se realizará por cuadrillas de personal agrupado en una cooperativa de trabajo subsidiado por el municipio. Debido a ello, es que el municipio no ...
PE*   578 - Comisión de Trabajo del Congreso aprueba eliminar services
             Radio Programas del Perú (RPP) - 19 Mar 2008
             ... un plazo de 30 días para que las empresas usuarias, las empresas especiales de servicios y las cooperativas de trabajadores se adecuen a la norma. ...
DE*   579 - Einigung bei Mitarbeiterbeteiligung
             Haufe.de - 19. März 2008
              ... haben sich Bundeskanzlerin Angela Merkel (CDU) und der SPD-Vorsitzende Kurt Beck bei der Frage der Mitarbeiterbeteiligung auf einen Kompromiss geeinigt. ...
             Clandestinoweb - 19 mar 2008
             ... per migliorare il potere d'acquisto. Tra queste vi potrebbe essere un'una tantum per tutti e incentivi per facilitare l'azionariato dei dipendenti. (ANSA).
IT*   581 - Avvio al programma di acquisto di azioni proprie Tiscali SpA
             La Stampa - 19 mar 2008
             Il programma è volto ad assicurare la provvista di azioni necessarie a dare esecuzione al piano di stock options approvato dall’Assemblea degli Azionisti ...
IT*   582 - Gruppo Campari, risultati di Bilancio 2007
             Tribuna Economica - 19 mar 2008
             Stock options. Il Consiglio di Amministrazione ha deliberato l'attribuzione di stock option per complessive n. 7.653.738 opzioni a favore di n. ...
US*   583 - A Bear Market for 401(k) Plans
             Motley Fool - Mar 18, 2008
             A 2006 study by the National Center for Employee Ownership found that 25 million Americans own employer stock through ESOPs, options, stock purchase plans, ...
US*   584 - A Lesson From Bear: Don't Hold Large Chunks of Company Stock
             Conde Nast Portfolio, NY - Mar 18, 2008
             Across the country, employee stock ownership is on the rise -- at least through 2007 -- according to The National Center for Employee Ownership. ...
US*   585 - Bear Stearns Employees Bear the Bad News Sternly
             Wired News - Mar 18, 2008
             Of all the major investment banks, Bear Stearns probably encouraged employee ownership the most; according to Bear's website, employees own an estimated ...
US*   586 - Times Co. puts Maine newspapers on market
             Seattle Times, United States - Mar 18, 2008
             The Guild probably will explore the feasibility of employee ownership, he said. Monday's announcement "wasn't completely unexpected, given what's going on ...
US*   587 - Phase One Previews Capture One 4.1 Support for Mamiya Files
             Business Wire (press release), CA - Mar 18, 2008
             Phase One is an employee-owned company based in Copenhagen with offices in New York, London, Tokyo, Cologne and Shanghai. For more information about the ...
US*   588 - Fox River PCB Clean-up Still Long Way From Being Funded
             PR Newswire (press release), NY - Mar 18, 2008
             ... operations in Wisconsin, Ohio, Pennsylvania, Massachusetts and the United Kingdom, employs approximately 3000 people and is 100 percent employee owned. ...
US*   589 - Debenhams Shares Rise Most Since January on Earnings (Update3)
             Bloomberg - Mar 18, 2008
             John Lewis almost tripled store investment during its first half, helping the employee-owned retailer to report a 20 percent gain in annual profit this ...
US*   590 - Pitt Swanson School of Engineering to Honor Alumni at 2008 ...
             University of Pittsburgh News (press release), PA - Mar 18, 2008
             James J. Lombardi is executive vice president of SAI Consulting Engineers, Inc., a Pittsburgh-based, employee-owned transportation design and construction ...
US*   591 - Bobbitt’s Jim Bell to Teach Green Building Class at Wilson ...
             Carolina Newswire (press release), NC - Mar 18, 2008
             ... and construction services under one roof. The employee-owned company has built more than 3000 buildings throughout the Carolinas. www.bobbitt.com.
US*   592 - Valtus Imagery Partners with InSequence to provide Commercial ...
             GISuser.com (press release), MD - Mar 18, 2008
             InSequence, Inc. is an employee owned company based in the expanding Washington Dulles Technology Corridor and St. Louis, Missouri regional area. ...
US*   593 - CANTEST Welcomes New Vice President of Sales and Marketing
             Market Wire (press release) - Mar 18, 2008
             CANTEST, a 100% Canadian, employee-owned company founded in 1969, provides professional analytical services supporting environmental quality, pharmaceutical ...
US*   594 - PCB ruling favors Appleton firm; jury decides insurers should pay ...
             Appleton Post Crescent,  USA - Mar 18, 2008
             The company is employee-owned as the result of a $810 million buyout on Nov. 9, 2001. It purchased the company from RJ Wiggins, with the stipulation that ...
US*   595 - Debenhams Sales Decline as Living Costs Sap Spending (Update1)
             Bloomberg - Mar 18, 2008
             Department store operator John Lewis Partnership Plc almost tripled store investment during its first half, helping the employee-owned retailer to report a ...
US*   596 - Employee-owned handhelds: Security and network policy considerations
             SearchSecurity.com, MA - Mar 18, 2008
             Decisions regarding the use of employee-owned devices in the enterprise require balancing security requirements with practical concerns. ...
US*   597 - Addenda Capital Inc. mails management information circular
             Trading Markets (press release), CA - Mar 18, 2008
             ... to recommend that Shareholders, other than certain senior management and Employee Shareholders and the Fonds de solidarité des travailleurs du Québec ...
US*   598 - Commission plans study of GE alternatives
             The Herald-Times (subscription), IN - Mar 18, 2008
             ... the economic development commission has the power to fund a feasibility study to look into running the plant through an employee stock ownership plan. ...
US*   599 - Bear Stearns hit with lawsuits over stock value, proposed merger
             JURIST - Mar 18, 2008
             ... the same court alleging that directors breached their fiduciary duties to the company's employees in connection with its employee stock ownership plan. ...
US*   600 - Gauging plight of Bear Stearns staff's investments
              MarketWatch - Mar 18, 2008
             More troubling, however, could be the company's employee stock ownership plan. It's also unclear how much that fund was worth when Bear Stearns' troubles ...
US*   601 - BUYINS.NET: (PFG) SqueezeTrigger Price is $50.070. There is ...
             Insurance News Net (press release), PA - Mar 18, 2008
             PFG is also an employee stock ownership plan consultant. It provides non-qualified plans, defined benefit plans and plan termination annuities. ...
US*   602 - Surprise! Market betting Bear bid will be boosted
             FinancialWeek (subscription), NY - Mar 18, 2008
             ... Stearns breached its fiduciary duties to employees by continuing to offer company shares as an investment option in the employee stock ownership plan. ...
US*   603 - Bear Stearns lawsuits start rolling in
             The Daily Deal (subscription), NY - Mar 18, 2008
             Bear Stearns employees also sued the company and management after watching the value of their employee stock ownership plan disappear over the weekend. ...
US*   604 - A Lesson From Bear: Don't Hold Large Chunks of Company Stock
             Conde Nast Portfolio, NY - Mar 18, 2008
              Like many other Wall St. firms, Bear has an employee stock ownership plan and about a third of outstanding stock is held by workers. ...
US*   605 - Notice to All Bear Stearns Shareholders and Employees From the Law ...
             Primenewswire (press release), CA - Mar 18, 2008
             ... duties to employees who participated in the company's Employee Stock Ownership Plan ("ESOP"), profit-sharing plan and deferred-compensation plan. ...
US*   606 - Liner Yankelevitz Investigates Possible Claims Relating to Bear ...
             Primenewswire (press release), CA - Mar 18, 2008
             The investigation focuses on investments in Bear Stearns by the Bear Stearns Companies Inc. Employee Stock Ownership Plan, Profit Sharing Plan, and Deferred ...
US*   607 - Johnson & Perkinson Announces Investigation into Potential Legal ...
             SunHerald.com, MS - Mar 18, 2008
             ... purchasers of Bear Stearns common stock on the open market; and or employees who obtained Company stock through an employee stock option plan, ...
US*   608 - Notice of Annual General Meeting of Carl Lamm AB
             StreetInsider.com (subscription), MI - Mar 18, 2008
             The long-term variable salary component consists of an employee stock option program. Basic pension benefits consist of the Swedish ITP Plan (supplementary ...
US*   609 - Zions Bancorporation Announces Successful Auction of Nearly $67 ...
             CNNMoney.com (press release) - Mar 18, 2008
             The auction platform is also used to price Zions' innovative employee stock option valuation instrument, ESOARS. Zions Direct is a non-bank subsidiary of ...
US*   610 - Annual General Meeting of Swedish Match AB (publ)
             Trading Markets (press release), CA - Mar 18, 2008
             The Board of Directors' motion regarding the 2008 employee stock option program has been prepared by the Compensation Committee. Item 14: According to the ...
UK*   611 - Hutchison Reports Record 2007 Profits on Disposals
             Cellular-News, UK - Mar 18, 2008
             ... at start up operations in Indonesia and Vietnam, and HK$223 million non-cash charge for employee stock options, representing an EBITDA margin of 25.7%. ...
US*   612 - Hutchison Telecom Delivers Return in Transformational Year ...
             PR Newswire (press release), NY - Mar 18, 2008
             ... our start up operations in Indonesia and Vietnam, and HK$223 million non-cash charge for employee stock options, representing an EBITDA margin of 25.7%. ...
IN*   613 - ACC allots shares under ESOS
             Myiris.com, India - Mar 18, 2008
             The committee of the board of ACC, allotted 500 shares against exercise of Employee Stock Options under various ESOS. Consequently, the paid up share ...
MY*   614 - TM issues 137.95m shares in special ESOS
             The Edge Daily, Malaysia - Mar 18, 2008
             ... 137.95 million shares, representing 4% of its existing paid-up capital, under a special employee share option scheme (ESOS) for the group’s employees. ...
IN*   615 - FCS Software Solutions to allot equity shares under ESOS
             Myiris.com, India - Mar 18, 2008
             18, 2008, approved the allotment of 1,57730 equity shares under employees stock option scheme 2005. The company operates in four segments: IT consulting ...
IN*   616 - Short Term Buy Call For ICICI Bank
             TopNews, India - Mar 18, 2008
             On March 11, 2008, ICICI Bank Limited has allotted 7525 equity shares of face value of Rs. 10/- each on March 10, 2008 under the Employees Stock Option ...
AU*   617 - Audited financial report for the year ended 31 December 2007
             Sydney Morning Herald, Australia - Mar 18, 2008
             Share options Director's Option Plan 100000 options were issued to Mr Geoffrey C Wild on 12 December 2007. The options were issued under the Directors ...
AU*   618 - Full Year Statutory Accounts
             Sydney Morning Herald, Australia - Mar 18, 2008
             Share options Share options granted to directors and executives During the financial year no share options were granted by the Company to directors or ...
             Mirror.co.uk, UK - Mar 18, 2008
             He also made a £1.2m profit from the sale of share options before the price plummeted. And RBS, which owns NatWest and Direct Line, put an extra £1.3m into ...
UK*   620 - RBS chiefs lose bonuses again
             Guardian, UK - Mar 18, 2008
             Even so, Sir Fred Goodwin, the chief executive, received £4.2m, up from £3.9m in 2006, and cashed in share options worth almost £1m. ...
UK*   621 - Wall Street exhales: Lehman and Goldman have no liquidity worries
             Guardian, UK - Mar 18, 2008
             ... fortunes for top executives who were expecting to ease towards retirement as multi-millionaires based on share options built up over long careers. ...
UK*   622 - NASDAQ delists Bell Micro for late filing
             Register, UK - Mar 18, 2008
             Bell Micro got itself into this mess because it did not properly account for backdated share options in past filings through to Q4, 2005. ...
UK*   623 - Fed cut raises hopes on Wall Street
             BBC News, UK - Mar 18, 2008
             The share options and pensions that many of its 14000 employees had watched - in effect - evaporate over the weekend, will not be restored any time soon. ...
AU*   624 - Full Year Statutory Accounts
             Sydney Morning Herald, Australia - Mar 18, 2008
             Given the size of PVE, and its focussed nature of the business and shareholdings structure, issues of share options to Non-Executive Directors have ...
ZA*   625 - Electricity bill may rise by 24%
             Independent Online, South Africa - Mar 18, 2008
             I am sure that this 24% requested increase also takes into account their executives outrages bonuses and share options. They have no morals and do not ...
US*   626 - European Capital Declares Q1 Dividend of Euro 0.15 Per Ordinary Share
             SunHerald.com, MS - Mar 18, 2008
             European Capital invests in and sponsors management and employee buyouts, invests in private equity buyouts and provides capital directly to private and ...
CH*   627 - PCE Investment Bankers to Lead Corporate Development Panel at ...
             Epicos.com (press release), Switzerland - Mar 18, 2008
             PCE is experienced in all market sectors and has established several specialty practice areas, including Aerospace & Defense, ESOP, Health Care, ...
US*   628 - Notice to All Bear Stearns Shareholders and Employees From the Law ...
              Primenewswire (press release), CA - Mar 18, 2008
             The fiduciaries of the company's ESOP may have mismanaged and misallocated the assets of the ESOP by investing the assets in BSC stock when it was no longer ...
IN*   629 - AXIS Bank may allot shares under ESOP
             Myiris.com, India - Mar 18, 2008
             19, 2008, to consider allotment of equity shares under ESOP. The bank registered a 66.20% growth in net profit to Rs 3068.30 million for the quarter ended ...
IN*   630 - Networth Stock to issue allot shares under ESOP
             Myiris.com, India - Mar 18, 2008
             18, 2008, decided to issue 1,63305 equity shares of Rs 10 each at par to its employees under ESOP 2005. The company registered a 303 times growth in net ...
FR*   631 - Des stock-options pour tous !
             Les Échos - 18 mar 2008
             L'inégalité est renforcée quand ces entreprises ont mis en place parallèlement des plans d'actionnariat salarié, où la totalité du personnel peut souscrire ...
FR*   632 - Société générale : la part de l’actionnariat salarié passe de 7,03 ...
             Miroir Social - 18 mar 2008
             L’augmentation de capital à laquelle les salariés ne pouvaient pas participer a entraîné une baisse de l’actionnariat salarié. A la faveur de l’augmentation ...
FR*   633 - Un nouvel outil de communication sociale pour réconcilier ...
             Indice RH - 18 mar 2008
             ... qui chiffre de façon synthétique et pédagogique la rémunération globale offerte par l’entreprise : salaires fixe et variable, épargne salariale, ...
FR*   634 - Bruno Rostain Président du directoire d'Aviva France
             Zonebourse.com - 18 mar 2008
             Une des mesures concerne le déblocage de l'épargne salariale et l'autre la transmission de succession. Quel est votre avis sur ces deux mesures ? ...
FR*   635 - Les entreprises mises à contribution
             Le Monde - 18 mar 2008
             Mais une étude de 2004 montre que "seuls 13 % des sommes débloquées de l'épargne salariale ont été consommées, les autres ayant été réépargnées". ...
FR*   636 - La participation risque de devenir une rémunération comme les autres
             La Vie Financière - 18 mar 2008
             Nicolas Sarkozy s'apprête à casser la tirelire de l'épargne salariale pour relancer le pouvoir d'achat. Une remise en cause des mécanismes existants est à ...
FR*   637 - Réduction d’ISF pour investissement dans les PME, mode d'emploi
             NewsManagers - 18 mar 2008
             75 % des versements effectués au titre de souscriptions au capital de PME ou de titres participatifs de Sociétés COopératives de Production (SCOP), ...
CA*   638 - Les Conseillers Trigone présentent leur coopérative de ...
             LBR.ca (Communiqués de presse) - 18 mar 2008
             LBR.ca / - C’est avec fierté que Les Conseillers Trigone ont présenté leur coopérative de travailleurs actionnaire Le Sablier lors d’un cocktail-conférence ...
FR*   639 - Yahoo! confirme ses objectifs de 2008
             Challenges - 18 mar 2008
             Yahoo! attend en outre un bénéfice opérationnel avant dépréciations, amortissements et coûts des stock-options de 1,72 à 1,97 milliard cette année. ...
FR*   640 - Ceinture de sécurité pour tous !
             MediaPart - 18 mar 2008
             Que les stock-options soient réparties entre tous et non pas captées par un seul. Bref je réclame le droit à la ceinture de sécurité pour les salariés et ...
FR*   641 - Guillemot: double son résultat opérationnel courant
             TF1 - 18 mar 2008
             (CercleFinance.com) - Guillemot Corporation a réalisé en 2007 un résultat opérationnel courant après stock options doublé à 2,8 millions d'euros. ...
FR*   642 - Guillemot Corporation : le résultat net bondit à 26,4 ME
             Challenges - 18 mar 2008
             Le groupe a donc atteint son objectif de résultat opérationnel courant après stock options (3,2 ME avant stock options). Le résultat net consolidé bondit à ...
             EasyBourse.com - 18 mar 2008
             Le Groupe a atteint son objectif de 2,8 millions d'euros de résultat opérationnel courant après stock options (3,2 millions d'euros avant stock options). ...
FR*   644 - Yahoo présente un plan de croissance pour 2010
             EasyBourse.com - 18 mar 2008
             Le résultat opérationnel avant dépréciations, amortissements et coûts des stock-options devrait par contre se situer entre 1,72 milliard de dollars (1,09 ...
FR*   645 - Yahoo compte doubler son cash flow en trois ans sans Microsoft et ...
             La Tribune.fr - 18 mar 2008
             Son bénéfice opérationnel avant dépréciations, amortissements et coûts des stock-options devrait quant à lui être compris entre 1,72 milliard et 1,97 ...
AR*   646 - Convocatoria de subvenciones para promover la economía social y la RSE
             ComunicaRSE - 18 Mar 2008
             En total, el Ministerio de Trabajo y Asuntos Sociales destinará 3.015.970 euros a responsabilidad social, autoempleo, sociedades laborales, ...
AR*   647 - Rídiculos y contradictorios 'piqueteros K'
             NotiExpress - 18 Mar 2008
             ... pondrán en marcha los mercados populares, para lo que aportarán sus estructuras barriales y cooperativas de trabajo, según publicó ayer La Nación. ...
CO*   648 - Menos colombianos denuncian a sus jefes por acoso laboral
             El Tiempo (Colombia) - 18 Mar 2008
             ... o la manifestación que hará a la empresa de servicios temporales oa la cooperativa de trabajo de no continuar con la vinculación. ...
AT*   649 - Bures verteidigt Gusenbauer gegen parteiinterne Kritiker
             Die Presse - 18. März 2008
             ... der Steuerpläne der ÖVP: Entlastung des Mittelstandes und von Familien, einheitliche Besteuerung von Unternehmen, Ausbau der Mitarbeiterbeteiligung. ...
AT*   650 - Stummvoll: Steuerreform sachpolitisch, nicht sozialpopulistisch ...
             Live-PR.com (Pressemitteilung) - 18. März 2008
             Da spiele die Mitarbeiterbeteiligung – das Instrument der Beteiligung der Arbeitnehmer am Unternehmenserfolg – eine Schlüsselrolle. ...
UK*   651 - Interview: Independent Fabrication's Matt Bracken
             BikeRadar.com, UK - Mar 17, 2008
             Independent Fabrication (IF) is unlike most other bicycle companies, because it's an employee ownership collective, that grows as a company through group ...
UK*   652 - Mathematica Policy Research and Center on Reinventing Public ...
             Earthtimes, UK - Mar 17, 2008
             The employee-owned company, with offices in Princeton, NJ, Washington, DC, Cambridge, Mass., and Ann Arbor, Mich., has conducted some of the most important ...
US*   653 - SpawGlass Contractors has been selected to build new Fort Sam ...
             Bizjournals.com, NC - Mar 17, 2008
             ... construction management, design/build projects and civil contracting. The company is 100 percent employee owned and has offices in San Antonio and Houston.
US*   654 - Applied Robotics Announces the Addition of a New Distributor: ADiS ...
             Business Wire (press release), CA - Mar 17, 2008
             Applied Robotics Inc., headquartered in Glenville, NY is an ISO-9001 certified, employee-owned company serving the world’s automation market. ...
US*   655 - Landscape Structures Inc. Names New President
             Business Wire (press release), CA - Mar 17, 2008
             Landscape Structures, an employee-owned company, enhances the lives of children through play. The company employs more than 300 employees and has a network ...
US*   656 - AMERICAN SYSTEMS Demonstrates New Class of 3D Virtual Reality ...
             Market Wire (press release) - Mar 17, 2008
             Founded in 1975, AMERICAN SYSTEMS is one of the largest employee-owned companies in the United States, with approximately 1500 employees nationwide. ...
US*   657 - Thumbplay Raises $18 Million in New Funding
             Business Wire (press release), CA - Mar 17, 2008
             Founded in 1975, Salt Lake City based Wasatch Advisors is an employee-owned investment adviser with roughly $7 billion under management. ...
US*   658 - On the move
             Chester DailyLocal.com,  USA - Mar 17, 2008
             Daken J. Vanderburg was named portfolio manager and director of quantitative research at Chartwell Investment Partners, a Berwyn employee-owned investment ...
US*   659 - Bear Stearns faces lawsuit over alleged breach of duty over ...
             CNNMoney.com - Mar 17, 2008
             ... of the Employee Retirement Income Security Act of 1974, focusing on investments in Bear Stearns stock by the bank's employee stock ownership plan. ...
NZ*   660 - Bear Stearns investors bring legal claims
             Stuff.co.nz, New Zealand - Mar 17, 2008
             Another suit, also in Manhattan federal court, was brought by a participant in the company's employee stock ownership plan. The complaint contends the firm ...
US*   661 - Scott+Scott, LLP Investigates Potential ERISA Violations On Behalf ...
             Primenewswire (press release), CA - Mar 17, 2008
             On behalf of Bear Stearns Employee Stock Ownership Plan participants, Scott+Scott, LLP is investigating potential attendant violations of the Employee ...
US*   662 - With Crash in Bear Stearns Shares, Firm’s Staffers Already Dialing ...
             Workforce Management, Ca - Mar 17, 2008
             ... its fiduciary duties to employees who participate in the company’s employee stock ownership plan, profit-sharing plan and deferred-compensation plan. ...
US*   663 - Bear Shareholders Already on the Prowl
             Wall Street Journal - Mar 17, 2008
             ... alleges that Bear and its execs breached their fiduciary duties to participants in the company’s employee stock-ownership plan by allowing their ...
US*   664 - Lawsuit filed against Bear Stearns over employee stock plan
             MarketWatch - Mar 17, 2008
             By Chad Bray , , ) on behalf of the participants in its employee stock-ownership plan in the wake of an agreement to sell the investment bank to JPMorgan ...
US*   665 - A very high cost for big mistakes
             MSN Money - Mar 17, 2008
             The company's employee-stock-ownership plan owned 23% of the shares as of Feb. 14. The shares that day had a market value of $2.18 billion. ...
US*   666 - A good Business Idea Requires Start up Capital According to Matt Bacak
             Emailwire - Mar 17, 2008
             This would be a loan from a credit card, employee stock ownership, home loan refinancing or even purchase order financing. All of these are just glimpses of ...
US*   667 - Nexstar Broadcasting Group Q4 2007 Earnings Call Transcript
             Seeking Alpha, NY - Mar 17, 2008
             In the fourth quarter of ‘06, corporate overhead totaled $4.5 million and included $300000 in employee stock option expense. Free cash flow was $9.8 million ...
US*   668 - Clean Energy Reports 2007 Financial Results
             StreetInsider.com (subscription), MI - Mar 17, 2008
             ... Construction Cost of Sales (1.0) (1.3) (1.0) (4.2) Fuel Tax Credits 3.8 4.3 3.8 17.0 Employee Stock Option Expense, Net of Tax Benefits - (1.9) - (7.2)
US*   669 - Wall Street employee owners shudder as Bear Stearns implodes
             MarketWatch - Mar 17, 2008
             In 2007, 11.2 million Americans held $928 billion in employee stock option plans, stock bonus plans and profit-sharing plans that primarily invest in ...
US*   670 - Cereplast Reports Fiscal 2007 Financial Results, Provides Business ...
             Business Wire (press release), CA - Mar 17, 2008
             The net loss for 2007 includes $7.8 million of non-cash expenses resulting from the issuance of options under the employee stock option plan, ...
IN*   671 - 3i Infotech allots shares under ESOS
             Myiris.com, India - Mar 17, 2008
             17, 2008, to the applicants under Employee Stock Option Scheme, 2000 (ESOS). The company registered a steep drop of 46.43% in net profit of Rs 197.02 ...
US*   672 - Adanac Molybdenum Corporation: Incentive Stock Options
             Market Wire (press release) - Mar 17, 2008
             The Employee stock options are subject to the approval of the regulatory authorities. Adanac Molybdenum Corp. is engaged in the exploration and development ...
CA*   673 - Ensign Energy Services Inc. Reports 2007 Financial Results
             Canada NewsWire (press release), Canada - Mar 17, 2008
             Stock-based (39038) Decrease due to a decline in the price compensation of the Company's common shares and the exercise of employee stock options in the ...
MY*   674 - TM to offer Esos across the board
             Malaysia Star, Malaysia - Mar 17, 2008
             PETALING JAYA: Telekom Malaysia Bhd (TM) will implement a special employee share option scheme (Esos) for all the group’s employees to ensure the success of ...
MY*   675 - TM Offers Special ESOS To Staff
             Bernama, Malaysia - Mar 17, 2008
             KUALA LUMPUR, March 17 (Bernama) -- Telekom Malaysia Bhd (TM) is offering a special Employee Share Option Scheme (ESOS) to all its employees to ensure the ...
IN*   676 - FCS Software Solutions to allot equity shares under ESOS-2005
             Myiris.com, India - Mar 17, 2008
             ... 2008, to consider allotment of equity shares under Employees Stock Option Scheme - 2005 and may also consider and approve the allotment of convertible ...
UK*   677 - Another fine mess for Suffolk Tories
             East Anglian Daily Times, UK - Mar 17, 2008
             ... full and part-time employees could expect to earn well in excess of £1million plus bonuses, share options, private health insurance and a company car. ...
UK*   678 - Comment: A nailbiting day after Bear Stearns implosion
             Times Online, UK - Mar 17, 2008
             Bear bankers, who were paid bonuses largely in share options, have kissed goodbye to $5 billion or so. Rightly, Bear share- holders will still suffer major ...
US*   679 - Dynex Power Grants 150K Stock Options To CEO, CFO At $0.27 Per ...
             RTT News, NY - Mar 17, 2008
             V) on Monday said that it has granted 100 thousand share options to Paul Taylor, the Chief Executive Officer and 50 thousand options to Bob Lockwood, ...
US*   680 - Half of Bear's 14000 Employees May Lose Their Jobs
             CNBC, NJ - Mar 17, 2008
             "A lot of these people are going to lose their jobs, and most of their wealth will have been in share options. They're soon going to be looking for a ...
UK*   681 - Overseas property investment open day
             Principal International, UK - Mar 17, 2008
             ... and others have excellent finance packages available which include 10% rent guarantees for 2 years after completion and 50/50 room rate share options. ...
UK*   682 - Profile: Bear Stearns
             BBC News, UK - Mar 17, 2008
             The news meant that the share options owned by Bear Stearns staff - who own 30% of the bank's stock - were now virtually worthless as well. ...
UK*   683 - Merricks resort in Barbados, price rise good news for investors
             Principal International, UK - Mar 17, 2008
             This luxury resort which comes fully packaged with rent guarantees, room rate share options and a staggeringly low reservation deposit of £1000 has been ...
AU*   684 - Bridges boss to depart
             InvestorDaily, Australia - Mar 17, 2008
              ... executive at the listed firm other than managing director Chris Kelaher, whose total remuneration in 2007 excluding share options was $1.15 million. ...
ZA*   685 - MTA - Metair Investments - Abridged Audited Results For The Year Ended
             McGregor BFA, South Africa - Mar 17, 2008
             ... Adjustment for dilution due to 1 597 1 975 share options ('000) Treasury shares held by the Metair 10 000 Share Incentive Trust ('000) Weighted average ...
BG*   686 - Budget 2008 in Northern Ireland
             PR-USA.net (press release), Bulgaria - Mar 17, 2008
             It will also provide additional Enterprise Capital Funds of £30 million to support this type of provision; * an increase in the value of share options an ...
ZA*   687 - ADH - Advtech Limited - Audited results for the year ended 31 ...
             McGregor BFA, South Africa - Mar 17, 2008
             ... 863) (49 991) Share-based payment expense 1 586 Profit for the year 86 332 Minority interest distribution Share options exercised 3 275 Total recognised ...
ZA*   688 - BEL - Bell Equipment Limited - Audited results for the year ended ...
             McGregor BFA, South Africa - Mar 17, 2008
             ... 257 Net profit for the year - - 236 157 236 157 Total recognised income and expense - 18 569 236 845 255 414 Share options exercised 239 - - 239 Balance ...
AU*   689 - Short Form Prospectus for Employee Options lodged with ASIC
             Sydney Morning Herald, Australia - Mar 17, 2008
             X:\Admin\Reception\ESOP\Employee Option Prospectus - Sec 713 070108.DOC IMPORTANT NOTICE This Prospectus is dated 18 March 2008. A copy of this Prospectus ...
UK*   690 - Author : Hagens Berman Sobol Shapiro LLP
             Earthtimes, UK - Mar 17, 2008
             The investigation is looking into whether fiduciaries of the Company's ESOP knew or should have known that Bear Stearns concealed its exposure to risky ...
US*   691 - Landscape Structures Inc. Names New President
             Business Wire (press release), CA - Mar 17, 2008
             Faust is also, along with Steve King and CFO Fred Caslavka, a trustee for the company’s ESOP program. Landscape Structures, an employee-owned company, ...
FR*   692 - Anvaraly Jiva PDG de Linedata Services
             Zonebourse.com - 17 mar 2008
             Linedata est d'ailleurs la première société en France en termes d'actionnariat salarié. Le mot de la fin pour vos actionnaires. Je souhaite tout d'abord les ...
FR*   693 - Stalaven et le développement durable : plus de 60 ans d’engagement ...
             Indice RH - 17 mar 2008
             ... la mise en place d’équipes autonomes de production ; la création d’un centre de formation interne et externe ; l’actionnariat des salariés ; etc. ...
FR*   694 - Epargne salariale : Naissance du 3e pôle de gestion en France
             LiveActu Capital - 17 mar 2008
             Trois des principaux intervenants du marché de l'épargne salariale : Inter Expansion, Fongepar et CM-CIC Epargne Salariale ont conclu un partenariat ...
FR*   695 - Epargne salariale: naissance du 3e pôle de gestion en France
             Daily Bourse - 17 mar 2008
             Fongépar, Inter Expansion et CM-CIC Epargne Salariale, trois sociétés de gestion spécialisées dans l'épargne salariale, vont s'allier pour former le 3ème ...
FR*   696 - Anvaraly Jiva PDG de Linedata Services
             Zonebourse.com - 17 mar 2008
             Il s'agit en l'occurrence d'une nouvelle plateforme technologique pour les acteurs de l'Epargne Salariale en France. Cette plateforme est actuellement mise ...
FR*   697 - Société Générale : Dresdner Kleinwort croit à une offre de BNP Paribas
             Boursier.com - 17 mar 2008
             Le PDG est même incité à se montrer conciliant compte tenu des actions et des stock-options qu'il détient. Il avait par ailleurs lui-même envisagé un rachat ...
FR*   698 - Communiqués de Presse
              Info-Décideur (Communiqués de presse) - 17 mar 2008
             La société prévoit que ces rachats d’actions compenseront partiellement l’effet dilutif des opérations de l’exercice relatives aux stock-options. ...
FR*   699 - Hector Ruiz perd proportionnellement à la courbe des revenus d’AMD
             The Inquirer - 17 mar 2008
             H. Ruiz s’est payé 1,1 million de salaire pour l’année et a exercé le reste en stock options pour une valeur de 6,2 millions, selon un article de l’agence ...
AR*   700 - El Gobierno dispuso el pase a planta transitoria a 595 contratados ...
             Diario de Madryn - 17 Mar 2008
             ... nosotros planteamos acuérdense –dijo a la prensa- hace dos años sobretodo con el tema de la pesca con las Cooperativas de Trabajo en negro y nosotros ...
CO*   701 - Las apuestas económicas del Gobierno para sesiones ordinarias del ...
             El Tiempo (Colombia) - 17 Mar 2008
              ... reforma financiera, modificación del monopolio rentístico de los juegos de azar, contribuciones parafiscales de las cooperativas de trabajo asociado, ...
AR*   702 - Trabajadores de la construcción se movilizaron al IPV y se ...
             Botella al mar - 17 Mar 2008
             También se advirtió desde el sindicato la inconveniencia de fomentar cooperativas de trabajo o que las obras sean adjudicadas a “empresas chicas, ...
             Radio Amanecer - 17 Mar 2008
              Estuvieron presentes además, concejales y representantes de las Cooperativas de Trabajo. Al respecto, la Arq. Viviana Alincastro señaló que la presencia de ...
             Radio Amanecer - 17 Mar 2008
             El pasado viernes, Cooperativas de Trabajo de Reconquista recibieron los fondos mediante los cuales podrán retomar las tareas en diferentes obras que ...
AR*   705 - crearán mercados populares a cargo de piqueteros
             Ámbito Financiero (Suscripción) - 17 Mar 2008
             Los líderes piqueteros aportarán sus estructuras barriales y cooperativas de trabajo. También intervendrá la Federación Agraria Argentina (FAA) que ...
DE*   706 - Wirtschaftsrat fordert Dialog der Eliten: "Unser ...
             Juraforum.de - 17. März 2008
             Eine erfolgsorientierte Mitarbeiterbeteiligung stärkt die Motivation und die Bindung der Belegschaft an das Unternehmen. Auf Seiten des Managements würde ...
DE*   707 - Flexible Vergütung
             Frankfurter Allgemeine Zeitung - 17. März 2008
             Die Berliner Regierungskoalition will in den nächsten Wochen ein Konzept zur Mitarbeiterbeteiligung an Unternehmen vorlegen. Bundeskanzlerin Angela Merkel ...
NL*   708 - Hanoi is booming
             Nos - 17 maart 2008
             Wij kunnen niet die top-salarissen betalen, maar wij kunnen ze iets bieden wat de grote bedrijven niet kunnen: wij geven ze stock-options. ...
IT*   709 - Mirato: prosegue il buy back
             La Stampa - 17 mar 2008
             ... per porle al servizio del piano di stock options in essere, e sino ad un massimo del 5,5% del capitale sociale da destinarsi ad una sua successiva ...
IT*   710 - Mirato: utile netto cons. 07 sale a 10,72 mln
             Borsa Italiana - 17 mar 2008
             ... nuova autorizzazione per un programma di buy-back fino ad un massimo del 4,5% del capitale da porre al servizio del piano di stock options in essere, ...
BR*   711 - A não Incidência Tributária em Relação aos Fatos Emergentes da ...
             FISCOSoft - 17 Mar 2008
US*   712 - Bad News for Bear Shareholders is Good News for the Markets
             Conde Nast Portfolio, NY - Mar 16, 2008
             One of the more admirable things about Bear Stearns was always its strong culture of employee ownership. And one of the good things about being able to name ...
UK*   713 - CSBC outlines November IPO plans
             Seatradeasia-online (subscription), UK - Mar 16, 2008
             However, up to 35 percent of the planned sale, or 17.85 percent of the shares, may be reserved for CSBC employees, with the final employee ownership ratio ...
IE*   714 - Babcock buyback plan goes to shareholders
             Irish Independent, Ireland - Mar 16, 2008
             The telecom's employee share ownership trust (Esot) owns a further 35pc. B&BC had initially planned to invest its Aus$445m cash pile in a series of ...
             Wisbusiness.com, WI - Mar 16, 2008
             MADISON, Wis., March 14, 2007 – Baird, an employee-owned, international wealth management, capital markets, private equity and asset management firm, ...
UK*   716 - Heady times for John Lewis: interview with chairman Charlie Mayfield
             Times Online, UK - Mar 16, 2008
             These are heady times for the John Lewis Partnership, the employee-owned group that is leaving much of the high street floundering in its wake. ...
US*   717 - Business notes
             Cincinnati Enquirer, OH - Mar 16, 2008
             Cole + Russell Architects Inc. is an employee-owned architectural firm with offices at 537 E. Pete Rose Way, Suite 200, and in Denver, Colo. ...
US*   718 - The Art of the Sale
             Wall Street Journal - Mar 16, 2008
             Many business owners sell their company through employee stock-ownership plans, or ESOPs. They're a complicated option but have some big advantages. ...
IN*   719 - HDFC Bank, DCM Shriram tie up to offer rural banking services
             Livemint, India - Mar 16, 2008
             “Hariyali would be able to offer Esops (employee stock option plans) and (allow) greater management focus,” said Shriram, who declined to comment on a ...
ZA*   720 - ENL - Enaleni Pharmaceuticals Limited - Preliminary reviewed group ...
             McGregor BFA, South Africa - Mar 16, 2008
             ... of share capital 125 000 - Share issue expenses (1 615) (719) Proceeds from the exercise of share options 10 166 - Net proceeds on redeemable preference ...
AU*   721 - Lapse of Share Options
             Sydney Morning Herald, Australia - Mar 16, 2008
             with the terms of issue of the option and the rules of the Option Scheme. The best photography from The Age and The Sydney Morning Herald. more photos Can't ...
FR*   722 - Vivre de ses rentes
             France Info - 16 mar 2008
             L’entreprise de Christelle change de gestionnaire de son épargne salariale. Elle a le droit de retirer ses capitaux, pendant trois mois sans frais. ...
CA*   723 - Les défis de la gestion interne d’une coopérative de solidarité
             Action Nationale - 16 mar 2008
             Ils dénoncent ainsi les revenus sans travail (coopérative de travail) ou le fait que les intermédiaires facturent une surcharge aux prix des produits sans ...
AR*   724 - Manejarán piqueteros ferias de bajos precios
             Lanacion.com (Argentina) - 16 Mar 2008
             Aportarán sus estructuras barriales y cooperativas de trabajo, e intervendrá también la Federación Agraria Argentina (FAA), que entregará y trasladará ...
AR*   725 - Blanqueo para los informales
             Página 12 - 16 Mar 2008
             Según el Gobierno, efector social es una persona física en situación de vulnerabilidad social o una cooperativa de trabajo cuyos integrantes se encuentren ...
DE*   726 - Große Koalition einig über Mitarbeiterbeteiligung
             WELT ONLINE - 16. März 2008
             Kanzlerin Angela Merkel (CDU) und SPD-Chef Kurt Beck haben sich über die Grundzüge der geplanten Mitarbeiterbeteiligung an Firmenvermögen verständigt. ...
DE*   727 - Koalitionsspitzen drücken bei Bahnreform aufs Tempo ...
             PR-Inside.com (Pressemitteilung) - 16. März 2008
             April eine Grundsatzentscheidung zur Mitarbeiterbeteiligung getroffen werden. Dies haben Kanzlerin Angela Merkel (CDU) und SPD-Chef Kurt Beck (SPD) laut ...
US*   728 - This company keeps staff on a solid footing
             Houston Chronicle, United States - Mar 15, 2008
             But he warned small-business owners to make sure they have the right kind of employees before making the move toward employee ownership. ...
IN*   729 - ArcelorMittal Trinidad steel workers protest
             SteelGuru, India - Mar 15, 2008
             The workers said that ArcelorMittal was supposed to establish an Employee Share Ownership Plan under an agreement with the government when it bought the ...
US*   730 - Mercer Capital Analysis Shows that Corporate Balance Sheets May ...
             PR.com (press release), NY - Mar 15, 2008
             Mercer Capital Management, Inc. is an employee-owned business valuation and investment banking firm serving a national and international clientele for over ...
US*   731 - Sticking with our critical manufacturers
             Indianapolis Star, United States - Mar 15, 2008
             But it pays an average of about $19 an hour and, through an employee stock ownership plan, the workers have a stake in the company. ...
US*   732 - Genentech signals strong Avastin sales
             Los Angeles Times, CA - Mar 15, 2008
             That's up from its previous forecast of $3.30 to $3.45, excluding certain expenses such as employee stock options. The company's stock has jumped 18% since ...
MY*   733 - Telecommunication unions to picket on Tuesday
             New Straits Times, Malaysia - Mar 15, 2008
             ... (NUTE) will stage a nationwide picket on Tuesday to protest against Telekom Malaysia’s (TM) implementation of Employees’ Share Option Scheme (ESOS). ...
IN*   734 - Tournament of ESOPs
             Business Line, India - Mar 15, 2008
             Why is office life so frustrating? Why do your colleagues stab you in the back while your boss is paid a fortune for lounging around? ...
             Patrimoinorama - 15 mar 2008
             Disposer d'un important noyau dur d'actionnariat salarié est un mode de financement important pour l'entreprise mais aussi une protection contre les OPA. ...
CA*   736 - L'importance économique des coopératives de solidarité
             Action Nationale - 15 mar 2008
             Quatre d’entre elles étaient des coopératives de producteurs, trois, des coopératives de travail et deux, de consommateurs. Seulement trois coopératives de ...
CA*   737 - Les coopératives de solidarité au Québec :un atout en matière de ...
             Action Nationale - 15 mar 2008
             Par ailleurs, le modèle des coopératives de travail a fait sa marque dans le domaine du transport ambulancier et du secteur forestier. ...
CA*   738 - Ouverture officielle de la brasserie le Loup Rouge
             SorelTracyRegion.net - 15 mar 2008
             Il me fait plaisir de vous présenter les partenaires financiers du Loup rouge, artisan brasseur, coopérative de travailleurs : Madame Josée Plamondon, ...
DE*   739 - Mitarbeiterbeteiligung: Merkel und Beck einig
             Kölnische Rundschau - 15. März 2008
             ... einem Bericht des "Spiegel" bei ihrem jüngsten Vieraugengespräch über die Grundzüge der geplanten Mitarbeiterbeteiligung an Firmenvermögen verständigt. ...
DE*   740 - Merkel und Beck wollen Grundsatzentscheidung zu Investivlohn
             PR-Inside.com (Pressemitteilung) - 15. März 2008
             ... Ende April soll nach dem Willen von Bundeskanzlerin Angela Merkel und SPD-Chef Kurt Beck eine Grundsatzentscheidung zur Mitarbeiterbeteiligung bringen. ...
DE*   741 - Magazin: Bald Entscheidung über Mitarbeiterbeteiligung
             Reuters Deutschland - 15. März 2008
             Berlin (Reuters) - Die Koalition wird nach einem Magazinbericht in Kürze über neue Möglichkeiten zur Beteiligung der Mitarbeiter an Unternehmen entscheiden. ...
DE*   742 - «Spiegel»: Merkel und Beck wollen Mitarbeiterbeteiligung regeln
             Ad-Hoc-News (Pressemitteilung) - 15. März 2008
             Union und SPD wollen mehr Möglichkeiten schaffen, Mitarbeiter an ihren Unternehmen zu beteiligen. Bundeskanzlerin Angela Merkel (CDU) und der ...
AE*   743 - Business Close-up: Petrofac targets Gulf after selling US business
             MEED, United Arab Emirates - Mar 14, 2008
             We have a long history of employee ownership and of making money, which is good for incentivising, retaining and attracting people to the business. ...
ES*   744 - POR AGENCIAS: Agencia IBNW
             InfoBolsa, Spain - Mar 14, 2008
             Stember Feinstein Doyle & Payne, LLC Announces Its Investigation . Relating to the Bear Stearns Employee Stock Ownership Plan, Profit Sharing Relating to ...
UK*   745 - Bear Stearns crisis could hit UK banks
             Telegraph.co.uk, United Kingdom - Mar 14, 2008
             Bear also has one of the highest employee share ownership schemes and many staff will be facing huge paper losses.
             Seattle Times, United States - Mar 14, 2008
             We are employee-owners who aspire to live our core values and we invest in our people, their families, and their life outside of work. ...
UK*   747 - The Paper Mill Store Announces Partnership with Appleton
             Newswire Today (press release), UK - Mar 14, 2008
             Appleton is an employee-owned paper mill located in the Paper Valley region of Wisconsin in the small town of Combined Locks. For generations, Appleton has ...
UK*   748 - Thames Water Appoints CH2M HILL as Programme Manager for Thames ...
             Earthtimes, UK - Mar 14, 2008
             Headquartered in Englewood, Colorado, employee-owned CH2M HILL is an industry-leading programme management, construction management and design firm, ...
US*   749 - Audi, Porsche open up on Portsmouth Avenue, host grand opening event
             Exeter News-Letter, NH - Mar 14, 2008
             ... the general manager of both the Porsche and Audi dealerships, which are operated by International Cars Ltd., an employee-owned family of dealerships. ...
US*   750 - UPDATE 1-John Lewis weekly dept store sales fall 1.4 pct
             Reuters - Mar 14, 2008
             The employee-owned group, which also owns the upmarket Waitrose supermarket chain, said sales in the week to March 8 were held back by unseasonable weather, ...
US*   751 - Media General To Sell Its WMBB-TV, KALB/NALB-TV To Hoak Media ...
             RTT News, NY - Mar 14, 2008
             ... illegal conduct relating to the Bear Stearns Companies Inc. (BSC) Employee Stock Ownership Plan, Profit Sharing Plan and Deferred Compensation Plan. ...
US*   752 - Stember Feinstein Doyle & Payne, LLC Announces Its Investigation ...
             Trading Markets (press release), CA - Mar 14, 2008
             If you have an individual account with the Bear Stearns Employee Stock Ownership Plan, the Bear Stearns Profit Sharing Plan, or the Bear Stearns Deferred ...
ES*   753 - POR AGENCIAS: Agencia IBNW
             InfoBolsa, Spain - Mar 14, 2008
             Relating to the Bear Stearns Employee Stock Ownership Plan, Profit Sharing Relating to the Bear Stearns Employee Stock Ownership Plan, Profit Sharing ...
US*   754 - Stember Feinstein Doyle & Payne, LLC Announces Its Investigation ...
             Business Wire (press release), CA - Mar 14, 2008
             ... conduct relating to the Bear Stearns Companies Inc. Employee Stock Ownership Plan, Profit Sharing Plan and Deferred Compensation Plan (NYSE: BSC). ...
US*   755 - Hewitt pays up
             InvestmentNews, NY - Mar 14, 2008
             ... in a lawsuit settlement over money the workers lost through Enron’s employee stock ownership and 401(k) plans, according to the Associated Press. ...
IN*   756 - A raw deal for India Inc?
             Sify, India - Mar 14, 2008
             Henceforth, FBT paid by employers on employee stock option plans (ESOPs) and recovered from the employee would be treated as tax paid by the employee. ...
ES*   757 - QuadraMed Corporation Announces 2007 Results Updated for Additional .
             InfoBolsa, Spain - Mar 14, 2008
             Non-cash Compensation - the costs of employee stock options and restricted stock; -- Tax benefit, net - the amount recorded in the period resulting from the ...
AU*   758 - Half Yearly Report and Accounts
             Sydney Morning Herald, Australia - Mar 14, 2008
             ... each and expiring 1 December 2011 which were issued pursuant to the Western Uranium Employee Share Option Plan due to the resignation of a contractor. ...
IN*   759 - ICICI Bank allots equity shares under ESOS
             Myiris.com, India - Mar 14, 2008
             10, 2008 under the Employees Stock Option Scheme, 2000 (ESOS). Interest earned rose 35.83% to Rs 79117.70 million for the quarter ended December 2007 from ...
UK*   760 - Best ways for you to keep taxman at bay
             Scotsman, United Kingdom - Mar 14, 2008
             5COMPANY SHARE OPTIONSCheck the vesting period for exercising share options and ensure that action is taken before the vesting period expires. ...
AU*   761 - How to fill your skills gap
             NEWS.com.au, Australia - Mar 14, 2008
             Tip: Give examples of how the fast growth of the company benefits individuals, for example, travel, share options, opportunities for fast promotion. ...
CA*   762 - Petrolifera Petroleum Limited reports 2007 year end results and ...
             Canada NewsWire (press release), Canada - Mar 14, 2008
             Compensation costs attributed to share options granted are measured at fair value at the grant date and expensed over the vesting period with a ...
AU*   763 - Cashed-up CuDeco back in black
             Gold Coast News, Australia - Mar 14, 2008
             The high figure last year was mostly the result of share options exercised by CuDeco executives, which are classed as an expense under accounting procedures ...
ZA*   764 - PAN - Pan African Resources Plc - Directors' dealing
             McGregor BFA, South Africa - Mar 14, 2008
             Following this transaction, Mr. Nelson retains 6 millions share options in the Company. ENDS Enquiries: Pan African Resources Ambrian Partners Limited Jan ...
UK*   765 - Business Control narrows year deficit
             ShareCast, UK - Mar 14, 2008
             Full year losses before tax, taking into account a share options charge of £162000, came in at £399000 versus £684000 a year earlier. ...
UK*   766 - SME employees face tax relief cuts
             Accountancy Age, UK - Mar 14, 2008
             In the Budget chancellor Alistair Darling said he would increase the value of tax-free share options for SME staff with assets worth less than £30m. ...
FR*   767 - Les salariés profitent à plein du déblocage de leur participation
             Les Échos - 14 mar 2008
             C'est parti très fort et le rythme ne faiblit pas ", constate Evelyne Burlot, d'Interexpansion (fonds de gestion de l'épargne salariale). ...
FR*   768 - Jean-Marc Ayrault à l'aube d'un 4e mandat
             maville.com - 14 mar 2008
             ... et qui tireront de ce renoncement à leur quant-à-soi plus d'ennuis que de gloire, et plus de plaintes en justice que de stock-options ». ...
FR*   769 - Citigroup aurait dépensé 216 millions pour recruter Pandit
             Challenges - 14 mar 2008
             ... lors de sa nomination comme directeur général, il a reçu une "prime à la signature" d'environ 48 millions de dollars sous forme de stock-options. ...
FR*   770 - Le débat Alain Mathieu - Philippe Séguin
             Le CRI du Contribuable - 14 mar 2008
             ... des stock-options, de la réforme de la Banque de France, du rapprochement de l’ANPE et de l’UNEDIC ou de la loi sur l’autonomie des universités). ...
FR*   771 - L'actualité du livre et du DVD
             Parutions.com - 14 mar 2008
             si vieux, de devenir adulte, terni par la vie, en couple, marié, avec enfants, crédits, stock options et tutti quanti. Le film s'ouvre sur un miroir où ...
DE*   772 - ID Systems présente ses résultats financiers pour le quatrième ...
             Ad-Hoc-News (Pressemitteilung) - 14 mar 2008
             ... Cash flows from financing activities: Repayment of term loan (199000) (209000) (221000) Proceeds from exercise of stock options 743000 786000 367000 Net ...
AR*   773 - A veces sirve charlar un ratito
             Página 12 - 14 Mar 2008
             Alderete reconoció que su sector está accediendo al pedido oficial de activar cooperativas de trabajo para encontrar una salida genuina al problema de la ...
AR*   774 - Preocupación en el MTC por plan de vivienda
             El Civismo - 14 Mar 2008
             ... Nacional de Emergencia Habitacional, que incluye el armado de cooperativas de trabajo y cuyos fondos provienen del Ministerio de Planificación Federal. ...
             APF Digital - 14 Mar 2008
             ... viviendas”que se ejecuta a través de cooperativas de trabajo y se tiene previsto un nuevo convenio por 16 nuevas viviendas por un monto de $ 752.800.
AR*   776 - Peones de taxis reclaman equidad en el sorteo de licencias
             El Ciudadano (Bariloche) - 14 Mar 2008
             De hecho, hemos creado una cooperativa de trabajo, inicialmente conformada por 60 taxistas, destinada a ser más que una central de taxis, ya que hay otros ...
IT*   777 - Bertinotti: «C'è ancora bisogno di sinistra»
             Corriere della Sera - 14 mar 2008
             ... parificare ad esempio le stock options dei manager (oggi tassate al 12%) al livello di pressione esercitato negli stipendi dei lavoratori dipendenti. ...
BR*   778 - Cooperativa que presta serviços deve pagar ISS
             Consultor Jurídico - 14 Mar 2008
             Os desembargadores rejeitaram recurso apresentado pela Cooperativa de Trabalho dos Profissionais Administrativos e de Apoio Técnico na Área da Saúde contra ...
BR*   779 - Segurado pode ser indenizado por recusa de cobertura
             Consultor Jurídico - 14 Mar 2008
             Em julgamento nesta terça-feira (11/3) a 3ª Turma do STJ condenou a Unimed Natal — Sociedade Cooperativa de Trabalho Médico, do Rio Grande do Norte — ao ...
BR*   780 - Fiscalização encontra precaridade de trabalho em confecções de ...
             24Horas News - 14 Mar 2008
             No final do ano passado, os procuradores do Ofício de Bauru flagraram uma falsa cooperativa de trabalho prestando serviços para uma indústria de confecções ...
             Rádio Progresso de Ijuí - 14 Mar 2008
             Para o desembargador Mário José Gomes Pereira, relator do processo, os profissionais médicos são sócios da Cooperativa de trabalho médico e, nessa qualidade ...
BR*   782 - Cooperativa deve fornecer medicamento a paciente com câncer
             Gazeta Digital - 14 Mar 2008
             A Segunda Câmara Cível do Tribunal de Justiça de Mato Grosso manteve decisão que determinou que a cooperativa de trabalho médico Unimed Cuiabá forneça, ...
BR*   783 - Timor-Leste receberá doação do Ministério do Esporte
             Vermelho - 14 Mar 2008
             Já no Pintando a Cidadania, o trabalho é feito por moradores de comunidades reconhecidamente carentes por meio de cooperativas de trabalhadores. ...
US*   784 - Consider Your Options
             TIME - Mar 13, 2008
             ... total lost value by 2010 will be in the hundreds of billions of dollars, according to estimates from the National Center for Employee Ownership (NCEO). ...
IE*   785 - Privatisation of Bord Gáis not on the agenda
             Irish Examiner, Ireland - Mar 13, 2008
             The proposed Bord Gáis Employee Share Ownership Plan (ESOP) which will give 3.75% of the company to employees, about €36300 per worker, has been approved by ...
US*   786 - Trinidad steel workers protest over money
             Reuters - Mar 13, 2008
             The workers say Arcelor was supposed to establish an Employee Share Ownership Plan (ESOP) under an agreement with the government when it bought the formerly ...
CA*   787 - Eco-tec showcases innovative
             Newsdurhamregion.com, Canada - Mar 13, 2008
             Employees: 100 (company is 80 per cent employee owned -- two thirds are shareholders). PICKERING -- Mike Dejak prefers not to dwell on the loss of his ...
US*   788 - BIM Project Manager
             Archinect - Mar 13, 2008
             CADFORCE is an employee-owned company with venture capital backers. You will have a fast-track to ownership (within the first year) and the chance to make a ...
US*   789 - Ford stamping plant to re-open, says Obey
             13abc.com, OH - Mar 13, 2008
              Keith Obey has been working on a plan to get an employee-owned stamping company organized. It will be called Maumee Authority Stamping. ...
US*   790 - Virtualization Migration Solution Provider Adds New Features to ...
             SYS-CON Media, NJ - Mar 13, 2008
             This capability improves the security posture of the enterprise because it enables employee-owned laptops and remote unmanaged personal computers running ...
US*   791 - Trucking firm to open Springfield hub and hire 50 drivers
             Bizjournals.com, NC - Mar 13, 2008
             O&S, an employee-owned company, has 100 employees at its Missouri home base and 300 drivers. Those 300 consist of company drivers, owner-operators and ...
US*   792 - Strategic IT takes stage at financial services firm
             SearchCIO.com - Mar 13, 2008
             The employee-owned company trades 2.3 billion shares per year that must traverse global digital networks in milliseconds or incur "huge liability," he said. ...
PL*   793 - Warsaw Stock Exchange for sale
             Thenews.pl, Poland - Mar 13, 2008
             In the next three years the state treasury will put another package on sale, encouraging the creation of a stable employee-owned corporation so that the ...
US*   794 - Labor Department says $11M to be restored to Enron fund
             Team 4 News, TX - Mar 13, 2008
             It was the first payment in a lawsuit settlement over money they lost through Enron's employee stock ownership and 401(k) plans. But more than 20000 workers ...
US*   795 - $11M to Be Restored to Enron Fund
             The Associated Press - Mar 13, 2008
             ... about $89 million, the first payment in a lawsuit settlement over money the workers lost through Enron's employee stock ownership and 401(k) plans. ...
PL*   796 - UniCredit: Board of Directors resolutions
             Interia, Poland - Mar 13, 2008
             It is proposed the approval of the new All Employee Stock Ownership Plan of UniCredit Group in order to provide all employees with a tangible sign of the ...
US*   797 - Thompson Creek announces 2007 financial results
             PR Newswire (press release), NY - Mar 13, 2008
             ... beginning of year $ 14953 $ 422 Amortization of fair value of employee stock options 16306 14619 Transferred to common shares on exercise of options ...
DE*   798 - Odyssey Marine Exploration Announces 2007 Financial Results
             WELT ONLINE, Germany - Mar 13, 2008
             ... by operating activity: Tax benefit related to exercise of employee stock options — — 453110 Share based compensation 1337650 928880 38101 Depreciation ...
US*   799 - Trimeris Reports Financial Results for the Fourth Quarter and Year ...
             Genetic Engineering News (press release), NY - Mar 13, 2008
             (4) As a result of the reduction in workforce, in the fourth quarter of 2007, the Company experienced increased forfeitures for employee stock options ...
UK*   800 - ADVENTRX Pharmaceuticals, Inc. Reports Fourth Quarter and Full ...
             Earthtimes, UK - Mar 13, 2008
              ... by a $78000 decrease in non-cash, share-based compensation expense related to non-employee stock options and a $62000 decrease in overall legal fees. ...
AU*   801 - Appendix 3B - Exercise of Options
             Sydney Morning Herald, Australia - Mar 13, 2008
             ... Issue of Shares Please find attached an Appendix 3B for the issue of 5600 shares following the exercise of options under the Employee Share Option Plan. ...
IN*   802 - HDFC allots shares under ESOS
             Myiris.com, India - Mar 13, 2008
             ... Corporation (HDFC) allotted 157036 equity shares of Rs 10 each, pursuant to exercise of stock options under its Employees Stock Option Scheme (ESOS). ...
IN*   803 - ICICI allots shares under Employees Stock Option Scheme
             India PRwire (Press Release), India - Mar 13, 2008
             India's biggest private lender ICICI Bank has allotted 7525 equity shares of face value of Rs.10 each under the Employees Stock Option Scheme, 2000 (ESOS). ...
UK*   804 - Government promises to strengthen northwest economy
             England's Northwest, UK - Mar 13, 2008
             Among the measures aimed at helping small businesses include a new capital fund for businesses run by women and an increase in the value of share options an ...
UK*   805 - VW chief kills ‘world car’ dream
             Financial Times, UK - Mar 13, 2008
             ... fund” – a veiled reference not just to Porsche’s threat that there were no “sacred cows” at VW but also its use of share options to earn big profits. ...
UK*   806 - New limits on firms offering tax break on share options
             Independent, UK - Mar 13, 2008
             In Wednesday's Budget, Alistair Darling said he would extend the value of tax-free share options available to staff at small businesses qualifying for the ...
AU*   807 - Dark cloud over Amazing Loans
             Melbourne Herald Sun, Australia - Mar 13, 2008
             Mr Medich has reduced his $25 million loan to the company to $15 million and has been paid $2.8 million for share options. But while the $2.8 million has ...
ZA*   808 - ARI - African Rainbow Minerals Limited - Directors dealings in ARM ...
             McGregor BFA, South Africa - Mar 13, 2008
             ... Andries Jacobus Wilkens Category of director Executive 1 Date of transaction 11 March 2008 Nature of transaction Exercise of share options and sale of ...
UK*   809 - Fair family business tax is 'mission impossible'
             Accountancy Age, UK - Mar 13, 2008
              ... such as altering the R&D tax credit rules and changing who can claim tax relief on share options, was making life ‘more complicated’ for SMEs. ...
TT*   810 - 'Govt can't force company to pay'
             Trinidad & Tobago Express, Trinidad and Tobago - Mar 13, 2008
             Government cannot force Arcelor Mittal to pay employees the ESOP, Minister in the Ministry of Finance, Mariano Browne stated yesterday. ...
IN*   811 - Heard on the Street
             Economic Times, India - Mar 13, 2008
             ... to take “petty” jobs (which were done free of cost for clients earlier) like issuing asset valuation certificates, Esop approvals and debt mobilisation. ...
TT*   812 - ‘Give us our 10%’
             Trinidad News, Trinidad and Tobago - Mar 13, 2008
             Sancho said 40 percent of the shares in Ispat was to be listed on the stock exchange and ten percent of that was to be held in an ESOP. ...
IN*   813 - Perks lose their charm as taxing times come calling
             Economic Times, India - Mar 13, 2008
             Another major change effected by Finance Act 2007 is the inclusion of ESOPs into the FBT fold. However, in this case also the employer is empowered to ...
FR*   814 - Le casse-tête des entreprises non cotées
             Les Échos - 13 mar 2008
             ... veulent vendre en même temps, le fonds ne dispose pas d'assez de liquidités pour faire face », explique la Fédération des actionnaires salariés (FAS). ...
FR*   815 - L'AMF annonce la publication d'un guide d'élaboration des ...
             Publi-News - 13 mar 2008
             Ce guide concerne, en premier lieu, les OPCVM à vocation générale et ARIA établissant un prospectus complet et, par extension, les OPCVM d’épargne salariale ...
             Boursorama - 13 mar 2008
             ... qu'un large éventail de produits destinés aux entreprises (plan d'épargne retraite, plan d'épargne salariale, gestion de liquidités à moyen terme, etc. ...
FR*   817 - Des salariés en colère menacent de polluer la Meuse à l'acide
             L'Usine Nouvelle - 13 mar 2008
             La société ardennaise Ancos prévoit le maintien de dix emplois, tandis qu'une société coopérative ouvrière de production (Scop), composée d'une trentaine de ...
FR*   818 - Une société de transport jugée pour fraudes
             maville.com - 13 mar 2008
             Enfin, les deux gérants étaient jugés pour avoir usurpé l'appellation de Scop (société coopérative de production). « Nous avons régularisé depuis », note le ...
FR*   819 - Légère hausse à Wall Street
             La Tribune.fr - 13 mar 2008
             Hors impact des stock-options distribuées aux salariés, le résultat par action ressort à 97 cents contre 95 cents attendus par les analystes. ...
FR*   820 - Les Clinton pour une poignée de dollars
             Bakchich (satire) - 13 mar 2008
             En 2005, ce dernier a également signé un contrat pour payer à Bill 1,2 million de dollars supplémentaires et l’a gratifié de 100 000 stock options d’InfoUSA ...
FR*   821 - Jet Multimedia : les résultats 2007 ne progressent pas
             Boursier.com - 13 mar 2008
             Le résultat opérationnel de l'exercice 2007 intègre une charge calculée sur stock-options de 2,2 MEUR dont la comptabilisation a pris fin en octobre 2007, ...
AR*   822 - “No vamos a reprimirlos, pero deben desaparecer”
             Página 12 - 13 Mar 2008
             ... del Estado para ir morigerando los conflictos van a encontrar soluciones: cooperativas de trabajo, participación en planes de vivienda, etc., etc. ...
AR*   823 - Música clásica sobre rieles
             Página 12 - 13 Mar 2008
             Desde entonces se hicieron distintos conciertos en la misma línea: el de la pianista Martha Argerich en la Cooperativa de Trabajo de Los Constituyentes, ...
AR*   824 - Indignación por la "saña" con que atacaron oficina pública
             InfoBAE.com - 13 Mar 2008
             ... ahora tienen que convertirse en generadoras de capital social a partir de creación de cooperativa de trabajo u otro rol", afirmó Bullrich. ...
AR*   825 - El Rich cambia de casa a fines de junio
             Rosario3 - 13 Mar 2008
             El magistrado habría ordenado el desalojo el 30 de abril pero luego les concedió dos meses de prórroga a los integrantes de Rich Cooperativa de Trabajo ...
AT*   826 - Ohne große Begeisterung: Kanzler und Vizekanzler auf dem Weg nach ...
             Wiener Zeitung - 13. März 2008
             Molterer erinnerte auch daran, dass Österreich auch die Mitarbeiterbeteiligung aufs Tapet gebracht habe und für Wettbewerb und Markttransparenz eintrete. ...
BR*   827 - Metalúrgicos do Brasil: a explosão democrática sindical
             Vermelho - 13 Mar 2008
             Da mesma forma, com o crescimento do desemprego, crescem também as cooperativas de trabalho que visam nesse período, em sua maioria, estabelecer um contrato ...
BB*   828 - OCM CEO retiring
             Nation News, Barbados - Mar 12, 2008
             Reynald said that the two major highlights for him was the introduction of the Employee Share Ownership Plan (ESOP), which has effectively made each ...
TT*   829 - OCM CEO moving on
             Trinidad & Tobago Express, Trinidad and Tobago - Mar 12, 2008
             Reynald said the two major highlights of his tenure was the introduction of the Employee Share Ownership Plan (ESOP), which made each employee a shareholder ...
UK*   830 - How will the budget hit the pound in the angel's pocket asks ...
             Business Weekly, UK - Mar 12, 2008
             This is likely to have implications for the employee share ownership schemes that are critical to giving experienced managers the incentives they need to ...
UK*   831 - Budget 2008: CGT set at 18%
             Employee Benefits, UK - Mar 12, 2008
             Fiona Downes, head of employee share ownership at IFS ProShare, said: "This will help people who have got capital gains. But the exemption has been held ...
UK*   832 - Budget 2008: EMI schemes limited to firms with fewer than 250 staff
             Employee Benefits, UK - Mar 12, 2008
             Fiona Downes, head of employee share ownership at IFS ProShare, said: "Larger companies might see this as a negative move, but considering that these ...
UK*   833 - Budget Speech: Long on claims, short on contents
             CityWire.co.uk, UK - Mar 12, 2008
             On business, he pledged to raise tax relief on enterprise investment from £400000 to £500000 and tax-relief for employee share owners will rise from £100000 ...
US*   834 - TCHO breaks into chocolate market
             Daily Review Online, CA - Mar 12, 2008
             There are fresh-faced, denim-clad employee-owners, and a founder, 43-year-old Childs, who barely takes a day off. On the factory floor is a formidable ...
ZA*   835 - More jobs on the line at Da Gama Textiles
             Dispatch Online, South Africa - Mar 12, 2008
             ... and streamlining the company, gave a 45 percent share to employees and 15 percent to management, turning Da Gama into an employee-owned venture. ...
US*   836 - Graybar CEO Bob Reynolds on the economy, private labeling and ...
             Industrial Distribution, MA - Mar 12, 2008
             Graybar is one of the nation's largest employee-owned firms, with nearly 8400 employees in more than 250 North American locations. ...
US*   837 - The Moral Implications Of Raising Livestock
             Hoosier Ag Today, IN - Mar 12, 2008
             Belstra Milling Company is a family- and employee-owned feed manufacturing company in DeMotte, IN. The company manufactures a variety of feed for pigs, ...
US*   838 - From Springfield to Springfield, O&S keeps Trucking
             Springfield News Sun, OH - Mar 12, 2008
             The employee-owned freight trucking company, with headquarters in Springfield, Mo. is expanding to Springfield, Ohio. Beyond the name, Springfield was a ...
AU*   839 - Top Talk: Are we there yet?
             SearchCIO ANZ, Australia - Mar 12, 2008
             The single contact number also removes any need for customers to use personal employee numbers (such as for employee-owned mobiles), thus improving customer ...
UK*   840 - Tharaldson Property Management Inc signs agreement to upgrade 371 ...
             Earthtimes, UK - Mar 12, 2008
             Based in Fargo, North Dakota Tharaldson Property Management, Inc.(TPM) , an employee-owned company is the largest independent hotel property management ...
US*   841 - Alabama Pension Fund Probed by SEC
             Forbes, NY - Mar 12, 2008
             It is an employee-owned company that started with financing from RSA, and RSA has the ability, if it chooses, to acquire 80 percent of Raycom's stock. ...
US*   842 - People on the move: March 12
             SiliconValley.com, CA - Mar 12, 2008
             The San Jose employee-owned firm named Kathy Vowles vice president. She previously sold personal insurance through the California State Automobile ...
UK*   843 - MWH-Led Consortium Develops Desalination Research Forum to Help ...
             Earthtimes, UK - Mar 12, 2008
             Headquartered in Broomfield, Colo., MWH is a private, employee-owned firm with approximately 7000 employees worldwide. The company provides water, ...
US*   844 - Timber Ridge Welcomes First Wave of 20 Residents to Its Resort ...
             Market Wire (press release) - Mar 12, 2008
             LCS is a privately held, employee-owned corporation based in Des Moines, Iowa. For more information, visit www.LCSnet.com.
US*   845 - Eagle Hill Prepares for Rapid Expansion
             Market Wire (press release) - Mar 12, 2008
             Coal Harbor, a Vancouver-based, employee-owned firm, provides communication services to Canadian public companies, primarily in the resource sector. ...
US*   846 - Home field disadvantage
             Chicago Sun-Times, United States - Mar 12, 2008
             The enormous debt was loaded onto an employee stock ownership plan, technically making the employees the company's owners. But if the company prospers, ...
US*   847 - 2007 40 Under 40 Honoree: Doug Lurvey
             Springfield Business Journal, MO - Mar 12, 2008
             ... professional goals involve enhancing the opportunities available for employees through an employee stock ownership plan that was implemented in 2005. ...
US*   848 - PDSi Reports 2007 Fourth Quarter and Year Results
             TMC Net, CT - Mar 12, 2008
             ... 679 Tax benefits from employee stock option plans 170 - Other proceeds from shareholders 2345 - ----------------- ----------------- Net cash (used in) ...
IN*   849 - NIIT allots shares under ESOP
             Myiris.com, India - Mar 12, 2008
             The share allotment committee of the board of directors of NIIT (Q, N,C,F)* allotted 59893 equity shares of Rs 2 each under Employee Stock Option Plan 2005. ...
US*   850 - Stepfanie Romine
             Cincinnati Enquirer, OH - Mar 12, 2008
             The UC team's suggestion: Take a buyout offer from "FriendFund," and if that doesn't work out, start an employee stock option program. ...
AU*   851 - Notice To Attend Annual General Meeting In Net Insight
             ABN Newswire (press release), Australia - Mar 12, 2008
             Almost the entire personnel have some kind of variable remuneration and the entire personnel participate in employee stock option plans. ...
DE*   852 - Orthovita Reports 2007 Fourth Quarter and Year-End Financial Results
             WELT ONLINE, Germany - Mar 12, 2008
             ... 62215311 Current liabilities $ 11281583 $ 8164375 Derivative liability associated with non-employee stock options 352746 1819761 Long-term liabilities, ...
UK*   853 - AFC Reports Financial Results for Fiscal 2007 and Defines New ...
             Earthtimes, UK - Mar 12, 2008
             ... repurchases (39.4) (24.4) Proceeds from exercise of employee stock options 3.3 10.7 Excess tax benefits from stock-based compensation 0.9 1.8 Decrease ...
UK*   854 - Budget 2008 - EIS tax relief threshold increased
             Moneyextra.com, UK - Mar 12, 2008
             EMIs are tax advantaged share options and are designed to help small, higher risk companies recruit and retain employees who have the skills to help them ...
UK*   855 - Budget: Small business reaction
             Oxford Mail, UK - Mar 12, 2008
             He said the tax changes would hit technology-based companies which needed to offer share options to attract highly-skilled staff.
UK*   856 - Highlights of the 2008 Budget
             MSN Money UK, UK - Mar 12, 2008
             An increase in the value of share options an individual can hold under the Enterprise Management Incentive scheme from £100000 to £120000.
UK*   857 - Budget 2008: Stability and opportunity: Building a strong ...
             eGov monitor, UK - Mar 12, 2008
             It will also provide additional Enterprise Capital Funds of £30 million to support this type of provision; * An increase in the value of share options an ...
US*   858 - Tullow Oil plc Reports Full Year 2007 Results
             PR Newswire (press release), NY - Mar 12, 2008
             The number of shares outstanding, however, is adjusted to show the potential dilution if employee share options are converted into ordinary shares. ...
US*   859 - Black Keys drummer Patrick Carney returns fire after Chrissie ...
             Cleveland Scene Weekly, OH - Mar 12, 2008
             ESOP Director Mark Seifert says the two sides are hammering out an agreement to help people escape foreclosure. "It's a good agreement," he tells Punch. ...
US*   860 - 2007 40 Under 40 Honoree: Doug Lurvey
             Springfield Business Journal, MO - Mar 12, 2008
             “Over the last two years, IHS has contributed more than $500000 to the employee ESOP accounts,” Lurvey said. “It is through this particular opportunity that ...
IN*   861 - Cambridge Solutions allots equity shares
             Myiris.com, India - Mar 12, 2008
             The allotment committee of Cambridge Solutions allotted 5000 equity shares of Rs 10 each under Scandent ESOP 2005. Consequent to the above allotment, ...
IN*   862 - CEOs raise issues of concern with FM
             Economic Times, India - Mar 12, 2008
             Stanton Chaise partner R Suresh said FBT and capital gains tax on Esops is a double whammy for managers. “The concerns on Esops are very narrow that don’t ...
FR*   863 - BANQUE - La Société Générale efface l'impact sur ses fonds propres ...
             Le Petit Journal - 12 mar 2008
             En attendant, les actionnaires salariés, qui disposent d'un peu plus de 7 % du capital et qui militent depuis des années pour obtenir une représentation au ...
FR*   864 - Institutions financières : BearingPoint et Fimasys signent un ...
             Info-Décideur (Communiqués de presse) - 12 mar 2008
             ... d’établissements financiers; WebEpargne, progiciel de gestion d’épargne dédié aux compagnies d’assurance et de gestion d’épargne salariale et retraite. ...
FR*   865 - Rasec renforce ses implantations en Russie et en Ukraine
             Les Échos (Abonnement) - 12 mar 2008
             Lorsqu'elle aura été validée par une coopérative ouvrière locale, cette opération permettra d'investir 25 millions d'euros dans une usine de 20.000 m2, ...
FR*   866 - Conflit social - Désespérés, ils menacent de polluer la Meuse
             TF1 - 12 mar 2008
             La Société coopérative ouvrière de production (Scop), lancée par une trentaine de salariés associés issus de Lenoir-et-Mernier, a de son côté été désignée ...
FR*   867 - JET MULTIMEDIA Avis financier Résultats 2007
             La Tribune.fr - 12 mar 2008
             Le résultat opérationnel de l’exercice 2007 intègre une charge calculée sur stock-options de 2,2 M€ dont la comptabilisation a pris fin en octobre 2007, ...
FR*   868 - Parlez-vous le mandarin ?
             Libération - 12 mar 2008
             ... fondus en un milliard et quelques centaines de millions de traders, qui jettent le Petit Livre rouge de papa pour le paradis en stock-options...
FR*   869 - L’audience de Fotolog va de record en record
             La Vie Financière - 12 mar 2008
             Le résultat opérationnel (hors coût des stock options et actions gratuites) a bondi de 109 % à 15,1 millions d’euros (à comparer à un objectif de 15 ...
AR*   870 - Primeras cooperativas
             Diario de Cuyo - 12 Mar 2008
             En el primero de los casos, mediante la constitución de cooperativas de trabajo que elimina el pago de plusvalías; en el segundo, mediante la organización ...
AR*   871 - Remodelan plazoleta en Barrio Ciudad de Nieva
             Diario El Independiente (Jujuy) - 12 Mar 2008
             ... Coronel Arias, General López y Teniente Tuco, que será llevada a cabo por personal de una cooperativa de trabajadores desocupados. ...
ES*   872 - Insiders en Acerinox, Astroc, BBVA, Banesto, Jazztel y Telefónica
             Bolsamania.com - 12 Mar 2008
             JAZZTEL: Al consejero José Luis Navarro se le conceden 75.000 stock options a canjear en 2009 a un precio de 0,43 euros. TELEFÓNICA: El consejero delegado ...
DE*   873 - Kleine Wiener Stadtgeschichte (35)
             taz Berlin - 12. März 2008
             ... zum vollkommenen Glück noch wünscht, ist, dass ihm die kapitalistischen Eigner der Fabrik eine Mitarbeiterbeteiligung an der Rendite zugestehen. ...
DE*   874 - Operatives Ergebnis soll 2008 erneut steigen - Zuversichtlich auch ...
             Börsen-Zeitung - 12. März 2008
             Den Lufthanseaten beschert das gute Abschneiden eine Erhöhung der Mitarbeiterbeteiligung um 81 Mill. Euro bzw. 1,6 %. Auch der dreiköpfige Vorstand ...
BR*   875 - Sebrae-SP credencia consultores para interior do Estado
             Jornal de Itupeva Online - 12 Mar 2008
             ... para cursos de Telesala), experiência na área escolhida e estar vinculado a uma empresa de consultoria e/ou treinamento ou cooperativa de trabalho. ...
IT*   876 - Mozilo difende la sua scelta di ritirare le stock options
             News Italia Press - 12 mar 2008
             Direttore responsabile Maria Margherita Peracchino, Capo della Redazione milanese Arturo Varvelli, Direttore Tecnico Tommaso Crippa, Tamberlow snc. ...
US*   877 - Tribune hires innovator Abrams
             Variety, CA - Mar 11, 2008
             ... stalled some of his plans for the formerly publicly held company he took over in late December as part of a complex, private employee-ownership buyout. ...
US*   878 - XM's Lee Abrams Moves To Tribune Co.
             Washington Post, United States - Mar 11, 2008
             Tribune ended up going private in an employee-ownership plan devised by commercial real estate billionaire Sam Zell, who is now Tribune's chief executive ...
UK*   879 - The big interview: James Parker – Southwest’s special sauce
             Ethical Corporation Magazine, UK - Mar 11, 2008
             This sense of employee ownership, Parker believes, has helped the airline strike hard bargains with its trade unions. “We were intent on not making promises ...
US*   880 - Techware Distribution, Inc
             Twin Cities Business Journal, MN - Mar 11, 2008
             Techware is a highly focused business with employee owners who are on the scene and actively involved. Our size is an advantage. We are not the biggest, ...
US*   881 - Price Cutter closing
             Muskogee Daily Phoenix, OK - Mar 11, 2008
             Harps Food Stores Inc. is an employee-owned and operated company based in Springdale, Ark. It operates 54 Price Cutter and Harps grocery stores in northern ...
US*   882 - Kenroy employees buy Hunter Lighting
             Casual Living, NC - Mar 11, 2008
             “Becoming the first employee-owned lighting company, purchased with our own sweat equity and savings, is a dream come true for the hard-working Kenroy ...
US*   883 - Ripple Effects acquired by large Kansas City firm, hiring
             Pop City, PA - Mar 11, 2008
             Because BarkleyREI is an employee-owned company, it will be easier to attract and retain talent and the entire company will become more integrated as a ...
US*   884 - Appleton posts wider loss; wins favorable trade ruling
             Bizjournals.com, NC - Mar 11, 2008
             Employee-owned Appleton posted a loss of $11.8 million in the fourth quarter, up from a loss of just $477000 the year before. The bulk of the loss was the ...
UK*   885 - CONNECT to Induct Dr. J. Robert Beyster of SAIC into Entrepreneur ...
             Earthtimes, UK - Mar 11, 2008
             Today, SAIC is the largest employee-owned research and engineering company in the United States. Dr. Beyster was Chairman of the Board until his retirement ...
US*   886 - Desk phone inching off desk, toward trash
             SearchSMB.com, MA - Mar 11, 2008
             ... diversity" principles as a means for dealing with the increasing number of employee-owned consumer smartphones being brought into the workplace. ...
US*   887 - UKvisas' ID Checking Slashed from Two Days to 30 Minutes
             Centre Daily Times, PA - Mar 11, 2008
             We are an independent, employee-owned, global firm of 3000 talented individuals, operating from offices across the world, in Europe, North America, ...
US*   888 - Shawmut Continues National Growth, Opens Operations in Las Vegas
             PR Newswire (press release), NY - Mar 11, 2008
             About Shawmut Design and Construction Shawmut Design and Construction is a 100% employee-owned company headquartered in Boston with offices in New York, ...
US*   889 - DA Davidson & Co. Names Pollock as Director for Firm’s Brokerage ...
             Business Wire (press release), CA - Mar 11, 2008
             DA Davidson & Co. is owned by Davidson Companies, an employee-owned financial services holding company that operates in 16 states. ...
US*   890 - BUCA, Inc. Announces 4th Quarter and Full Year 2007 Financial Results
             StreetInsider.com (subscription), MI - Mar 11, 2008
             ... respectively 211 209 Additional paid-in capital 172903 171430 Accumulated deficit (119678) (103503) Notes receivable from employee shareholders (920) ...
US*   891 - The Principal Financial Group at AIFA Midwinter Insurance ...
             Insurance News Net (press release), PA - Mar 11, 2008
             So that's defined contribution, defined benefit, not qualified to pick up as well as the employee stock ownership plan. It includes our Principal funds, ...
CA*   892 - TriStar Oil & Gas Ltd. - Announces Fourth Quarter and Year-End Results
             Canada NewsWire (press release), Canada - Mar 11, 2008
             ... Shares outstanding are stock-based compensation items. d) Stock-based compensation The Company has an employee stock option plan under which employees ...
IN*   893 - Transwarranty Finance to allot shares under ESOP
             Myiris.com, India - Mar 11, 2008
             10, 2008 approved issue of 10,00000 equity shares under Employee Stock Option Plan (ESOP). The company and its subsidiaries provide financial services and ...
IN*   894 - GTL Infra board approves allotment of shares on FCCBs conversion
             Myiris.com, India - Mar 11, 2008
             ... of the board of directors has made an allotment of 1.70 million Options, in terms of Employees Stock Option Scheme 2005 (ESOS 2005) of the company. ...
IN*   895 - Safe and sound
             Frontline, India - Mar 11, 2008
             ICICI Prudential has in fact been giving its employees stock options for the past three years. Mutual fund and IPO forms on a busy Kolkata pavement. ...
UK*   896 - Spotlight: Ray Panza, CFO, SPSS
             Finance Week, UK - Mar 11, 2008
             Career building opportunities have been found to be a better retention tool than share options, which are used only at the top level. ...
CA*   897 - Serica Energy plc ("Serica" or the "Company") - 2007 Annual report ...
             Canada NewsWire (press release), Canada - Mar 11, 2008
             Issued share capital during 2007 was increased by the exercise of 1110001 share options of the Company at prices ranging from Cdn$1.00 to Cdn$2.00. ...
IN*   898 - Hindustan Unilever allots equity shares under ESOP
             Myiris.com, India - Mar 11, 2008
             10, 2008, allotted 1,95013 equity shares of Re 1 each under ESOP. Consequent to the allotment, the paid-up capital of has increased to 217,79,24566 shares. ...
FR*   899 - EXCLUSIF L'Adam souhaite une meilleure représentativité des ...
             Challenges - 11 mar 2008
             Pour l'instant, les actionnaires salariés ne sont pas représentés au conseil d'administration de la banque de la Défense. L’ASSOCIATION nationale des ...
FR*   900 - La Société Générale, remise à flot, peut continuer à se développer ...
             RTL Info.be - 11 mar 2008
             ... a précisé à l'AFP Patrice Leclerc, le président de l'Association des salariés et anciens salariés actionnaires de la Société Générale (Assact).
FR*   901 - Commentaires de l'Urssaf sur les principales dispositions sociales ...
             Net-Iris - 11 mar 2008
             ... de préciser l'incidence des réformes de l'assiette du régime sociale de certains dispositifs d'épargne salariale, des indemnités de mise à la retraite, ...
FR*   902 - Entrez votre email ci-dessus pour vous abonner, vous désabonner ou ...
             PC-InfoPratique - 11 mar 2008
             ... fonds de pension, épargne salariale...) Au sein d'un service informatique de taille humaine, vous intervenez sur des projets majeurs d'informatisation ...
CA*   903 - BFI s'impose en sol américain
             Le Quotidien du Saguenay-Lac-St-Jean - 11 mar 2008
             Directeur général de BFI Énergie Verte, Claude Asselin ajoute que la coopérative de travailleurs établie à Alma a enfin réussi à se positionner comme un ...
FR*   904 - Alten : au moins 8% de croissance organique cette année
             Boursier.com - 11 mar 2008
             Après imputation de l'impact des stock-options, le résultat opérationnel courant croît de 9,9% à 80,3 ME et le résultat opérationnel brut est stable à 73,1 ...
             Investir.fr - 11 mar 2008
             ... Hi-Media annonce un résultat opérationnel avant stock-options et actions gratuites de 15,1 millions d’euros, en hausse de 108,8% et de 72,1% à données ...
CA*   906 - TRANSGENE en 2007 : partenariat et refinancement assurent les ...
             CNW Telbec (Communiqués de presse) - 11 mar 2008
             ... Dépréciation & amortissement des immobilisations corporelles et incorporelles 1 257 1 215 - Amortissement du coût des stock-options 1 053 376 Variation ...
FR*   907 - Hi Media : Le résultat opérationnel flambe de 109%, nouveaux ...
             Trading Sat - 11 mar 2008
             A l'horizon 2012, Hi-Media vise ainsi une marge opérationnelle (mesurée en résultat opérationnel avant coût des stock-options et actions gratuites) ...
FR*   908 - Hi-Media : résultat opérationnel en ligne avec l'objectif
             Boursier.com - 11 mar 2008
             Un coût de 4 ME lié aux actions gratuites et stock-options correspond en normes comptables IFRS à la comptabilisation en charges de la valeur des actions ...
ES*   909 - CEPES-Extremadura confía en el apoyo del nuevo gobierno a la ...
             Extremadura al día - 11 Mar 2008
             También valora como muy importante el impulso de reformas legislativas para adaptar las cooperativas y sociedades laborales a la economía globalizada así ...
CO*   910 - Cooperativas de trabajo asociado y Gobierno Nacional
             Portafolio - 11 Mar 2008
             Según datos preliminares de Confecoop, en el 2007, 1.629 Cooperativas de Trabajo Asociado reportaron sus estados financieros a la SES, pero habían 3.505 CTA ...
AR*   911 - Se dieron a conocer ayer los objetivos y funciones de la ...
             La Auténtica Defensa - 11 Mar 2008
             Es un instrumento de inclusión social ya que la particularidad del mismo es que las obras de infraestura deben estar a cargo de cooperativas de trabajo, ...
AR*   912 - Asentados cortaron la rotonda de Pasco reclamando ayuda
             Perspectiva Sur - 11 Mar 2008
             Pedimos la expropiación de este predio y el mejoramiento de las condicioens del barrio a través de la conformación de cooperativas de trabajo, y así también ...
AR*   913 - Se entregó un subsidio a Cooperativa Quilla Hué
             Roca Digital - 11 Mar 2008
             ... desde abril de 2.002, fecha en que 18 trabajadores deciden tomar las riendas del patio de comidas y constituirse en cooperativa de trabajo. ...
AR*   914 - Ishii pretende llegar a las 10 mil viviendas
             Aquí La Noticia - 11 Mar 2008
             Y no solo de obra pública, sino que impulsó la creación de complejos habitacionales, los primeros, construidos por cooperativas de trabajadores desocupados ...
CL*   915 - Formas de pago alientan una visión cortoplacista y deterioran ...
             Economía y Negocios online - 11 Mar 2008
             A su juicio, luego de Enron surgió un fuerte cuestionamiento al sistema de stock options como herramienta de compensación, lo que permitió revisar todos ...
ES*   916 - Las empresas se aprietan el cinturón
             Expansión.com - 11 Mar 2008
             ... del control del empleado, como las stock options (opciones sobre acciones), están perdiendo protagonismo en favor de sistemas más personalizados. ...
IT*   917 - Casarano. La circonvallazione non parte
             Il tacco d'Italia - 11 mar 2008
             Il "ConsCoop" (Consorzio fra cooperative di produzione e lavoro), con sede in Forlì, difeso dall'avvocato Adriano Tolomeo di Lecce, fonda il proprio ricorso ...
IT*   918 - Cofide: cala utile netto 2007, dividendo invariato a 0015 euro (2)
             La Repubblica - 11 mar 2008
             Il cda ha deliberato di sottoporre all'approvazione dell'Assemblea degli Azionisti un piano di incentivazione (phantom stock options) per il 2008, ...
US*   919 - BetterWorld Telecom Becomes a Founding B Corporation(TM)
             CSRwire.com (press release) - Mar 10, 2008
             ... all leaders within the green, local living economies, employee-ownership, fair trade, organic, and sustainable business movements and from the food, ...
ZA*   920 - Sasol to unveil final terms of R25bn BEE deal this month
             Creamer Media's Engineering News, South Africa - Mar 10, 2008
             Last year, the Department of Trade and Industry raised concerns about Sasol’s proposed employee ownership scheme, saying that it would fall short of the ...
IN*   921 - Are Esops still good for small businessmen?
             Economic Times, India - Mar 10, 2008
             Given in lieu of a lower fixed salary component, ESOPs are a way to encourage employee ownership for many start-ups. But ever since ESOPs were brought under ...
ZA*   922 - BIL - BHP Billiton Plc - Dealings By Offerors, Offeree Companies ...
             McGregor BFA, South Africa - Mar 10, 2008
             ... nature of associate Billiton ESOP Trustee status (Note 10) Limited is the trustee of the BHP Billion Employee Share Ownership Trust (associate) Notes ...
UK*   923 - SocGen rights issue oversubscribed
             Financial News Online US, UK - Mar 10, 2008
             A total of 7% of the bank's stock is held by employees and former employees via the group employee share ownership plan. Other shareholders with more than ...
US*   924 - Vodafone's SAfrican JV delays 7.5 bln rand empowerment stake sale ...
             CNNMoney.com - Mar 10, 2008
             Alongside its black business partners, Vodacom's South African staff will also participate in the deal through an employee share ownership plan which will ...
ZA*   925 - Proposed broad-based BEE transaction with significant public offer
             Moneyweb, South Africa - Mar 10, 2008
             Vodacom South African employees will participate in 25% of the BEE transaction through an employee share ownership plan (“ESOP”). In order to facilitate the ...
ZA*   926 - Vodacom in process of structuring R7,5bn BEE deal
             Mail & Guardian Online, South Africa - Mar 10, 2008
             Vodacom employees will participate in 25% of the BEE transaction through an employee share-ownership plan (ESOP). According to the group, ...
ZA*   927 - TKG - Telkom SA Limited - Statement by Vodacom
             McGregor BFA, South Africa - Mar 10, 2008
             Vodacom South African employees will participate in 25% of the BEE transaction through an employee share ownership plan ("ESOP"). 2 Structure and financing ...
US*   928 - COCO Development, Creator of Web-Based COBRA Software, and ...
             Business Wire (press release), CA - Mar 10, 2008
             “We are excited about our new partnership with John Jenkins and the other employee owners of COCO Development,” said Patrick Duffy, a principal at McCarthy ...
US*   929 - Papermaker Appleton reports sales drop
             Oshkosh Northwestern, WI - Mar 10, 2008
             ... operations in Wisconsin, Ohio, Pennsylvania, Massachusetts and the United Kingdom, employs approximately 3000 people and is 100 percent employee owned.
US*   930 - Company Appleton wins first round in case against unfair imports
             Appleton Post Crescent,  USA - Mar 10, 2008
             The company, formerly known as Appleton Papers, is 100 percent employee owned. Appleton employs about 1300 in the Fox Cities and about 3000 overall.
UK*   931 - First Trust Enhanced Equity Income Fund Declares Quarterly ...
             Earthtimes, UK - Mar 10, 2008
             Chartwell Investment Partners, LP serves as the Fund’s sub-adviser and is an employee-owned investment firm focusing on institutional, sub-advisory, ...
             Wisbusiness.com, WI - Mar 10, 2008
             MILWAUKEE, March 10, 2008 – Baird, an employee-owned, international capital markets, private equity, wealth and asset management firm, announced today it ...
US*   933 - Florida firm awarded $45.2M space center contract
             Bizjournals.com, NC - Mar 10, 2008
             Millennium Engineering & Integration Co. is an employee-owned small business that specializes in space and weapon systems, and advanced technologies.
US*   934 - Frost & Sullivan Lauds Chatsworth Products, Inc. Excellent Brand ...
             TMC Net, CT - Mar 10, 2008
             Employee-owned, CPI's innovations and competitiveness are driven by core company values and have helped it expand its market shares and distribution network ...
US*   935 - AMERICAN SYSTEMS' Susan Smola Named 'Tester of the Year' by ...
             Market Wire (press release) - Mar 10, 2008
             "As an employee-owned company, AMERICAN SYSTEMS takes great pride in our employees' accomplishments. Susan's customer-focused efforts in all elements of the ...
US*   936 - Bayh using pull to save magnet-maker
             Indianapolis Star, United States - Mar 10, 2008
             Today, the company is an employee-owned manufacturer of magnetic materials involved in the aerospace, industrial, defense, oil exploration and medical ...
US*   937 - Sanity check: Should IT support user-owned smartphones?
             TechRepublic, KY - Mar 10, 2008
             Here are a few quotes: Nick Jones: “Make sure you have a strategy in place for employee-owned devices. Most of us can’t afford to say, ‘No. ...
US*   938 - Order Allows Edinburg Bank To Seek Control Over Southside
             Tyler Morning Telegraph, TX - Mar 10, 2008
             The statement also stated FNBG and the Employee Stock Ownership Plan had purchased 1.13 million shares, or about 8.6 percent of Southside's outstanding ...
US*   939 - Landscape leader 'was just one of us’
             Minneapolis Star Tribune (subscription), MN - Mar 10, 2008
             The Kings rejected offers from outsiders in favor of a gradual sale to employees, whom they credit with their success, through an employee stock ownership ...
US*   940 - The Principal Financial Group at Raymond James Annual ...
             Insurance News Net (press release), PA - Mar 10, 2008
             401(k) plans, employee stock ownership plans, non-qualified, defined benefit, planed termination annuities, so again, the wide range of business -- of ...
US*   941 - Global Elites Gone Bonkers
             American Chronicle, CA - Mar 10, 2008
             Nearly every employee stock-ownership plan uses Black-Scholes as its guiding principle. Excuse me: Merton and Scholes received the 1997 Nobel Prize in ...
US*   942 - Option Technique Is Patent Nonsense
             Fairmark, IL - Mar 10, 2008
             The patent document suggests this rule could be applied to the sale of a non-employee stock option to hedge an employee stock option. ...
IN*   943 - 3i Infotech allots shares under ESOS
             Myiris.com, India - Mar 10, 2008
             10, 2008, allotted 140 equity shares to the applicants under Employee Stock Option Scheme, 2000 (ESOS). Net sales quarter rose 30.93% to Rs 1028.37 million ...
IN*   944 - Balrampur Chini allots shares under ESOP
             Myiris.com, India - Mar 10, 2008
             Balrampur Chini Mills allotted 9750 equity shares of Re 1 each at a price of Rs 74.60 a share to the eligible employees under the Employee Stock Option ...
IN*   945 - Reliance Communications announces ESOPs for over 20000 employees
             Equity Bulls, India - Mar 10, 2008
             The initiative in line with the Groups policy to create value for stakeholders — external and internal, the Employee Stock option scheme would cover over ...
IN*   946 - Aban Offshore to raise Rs 194cr
             Business Standard, India - Mar 10, 2008
             The board also approved the issue of 1.25 lakh equity shares under employee stock option scheme to eligible staff including two deputy managing directors.
IN*   947 - Aban Offshore to raise Rs 194 cr
             Hindu, India - Mar 10, 2008
             Besides, the company has granted the issue of 1.25 lakh equity shares under Employee Stock Option Scheme to eligible staff, including two deputy managing ...
IN*   948 - Are Esops still good for small businessmen?
             Economic Times, India - Mar 10, 2008
             With March 15 approaching, the buzz around Fringe Benefit Tax (FBT) on Esops or employee stock options is growing steadily louder, as companies will have to ...
IN*   949 - Reliance Communications announces ESOPs for over 20000 employees
             Equity Bulls, India - Mar 10, 2008
             Reliance Communications Ltd on March 09, 2008 has announced a first of its kind and unique Employee Stock Options Scheme in order to share the growth in ...
US*   950 - Smith & Nephew PLC announces Blocklisting Interim Review
             Market Wire (press release) - Mar 10, 2008
             To: The FSA Date: 10 March 2008 Name of applicant: Smith & Nephew plc Name of scheme: 1991 Overseas Employee Share Option Scheme Period of return: From: 24 ...
IN*   951 - HDFC Bank to allot shares under ESOS
             Myiris.com, India - Mar 10, 2008
             HDFC Bank will allot 92400 equity shares to its employees under the employees stock option scheme (ESOS). The above allotment was approved by the investor ...
IN*   952 - Annual Report to shareholders
             Sydney Morning Herald, Australia - Mar 10, 2008
             SHARE OPTIONS GRANTED TO DIRECTORS AND EXECUTIVES No options were granted to directors or executives during the year. Unissued shares As at 31 December 2007 ...
IN*   953 - Half Year Accounts
             Sydney Morning Herald, Australia - Mar 10, 2008
             ... Employee benefits expenses (538646) (498865) Employee share options expense (702384) (107250) Other expenses from ordinary activities (605525) (777311) ...
IN*   954 - Crackdown on rumours? Better believe it
             The Age, Australia - Mar 10, 2008
             It is also likely that NAB has lent its own stock out via NCS to be shorted by the hedgies, thereby torching the value of NAB executive share options. ...
HK*   955 - On a wing and a fare
             South China Morning Post (subscription), Hong Kong - Mar 10, 2008
             But the politicking that spilled over from the AOL-Time Warner merger was disheartening and in 2001 he cashed in his share options to realise his childhood ...
UK*   956 - Budget glossary
             Financial Times, UK - Mar 10, 2008
             A scheme designed with the aim of helping small higher risk companies attract and retain key employees by rewarding them with share options. ...
UK*   957 - Petromin Launches International Advisory Board
             Earthtimes, UK - Mar 10, 2008
             The advisory board positions are non-compensatory positions however, Petromin will grant incentive share options to each member. ...
ZA*   958 - Argus: did you beat your boss?
             Moneyweb, South Africa - Mar 10, 2008
             No amount of share options will help you climb hills faster, or earn you preferential treatment from psychotic motorists. Despite the humbling nature of the ...
ZA*   959 - BIL - BHP Billiton Plc - Dealings By Offerors, Offeree Companies ...
             McGregor BFA, South Africa - Mar 10, 2008
             KEY INFORMATION Name of person dealing (Note 1) Billiton ESOP Trustee Limited Company dealt in BHP Billiton Plc Class of relevant security to Ordinary ...
IN*   960 - Cairn India to allot shares under ESOP
             Myiris.com, India - Mar 10, 2008
             The board of directors of Cairn India (Q, N,C,F)* approved the allotment of 792240 shares on exercise of options granted under the Cairn India Senior ...
IN*   961 - Balrampur Chini allots shares under ESOP
             Myiris.com, India - Mar 10, 2008
             Balrampur Chini Mills allotted 9750 equity shares of Re 1 each at a price of Rs 74.60 a share to the eligible employees under the Employee Stock Option ...
UK*   962 - First PacTrust Bancorp, Inc. Announces 4th Quarter and Year End ...
             Earthtimes, UK - Mar 10, 2008
             (4) Represents total equity divided by total shares outstanding excluding unearned ESOP shares and unearned stock awards.
IN*   963 - Reliance Communications announces ESOPs for over 20000 employees
             Equity Bulls, India - Mar 10, 2008
             ... cover over 20000 employees of Reliance Communications, and its subsidiaries, making it the largest ESOP rollout by any Indian Telecom Service Provider. ...
IN*   964 - Smaller firms giving fatter pay packs at IIMA
             Economic Times, India - Mar 10, 2008
             Angel securities and Agile offered Rs 20 lakh and Rs 22 lakh per annum apart from ESOPs and bonus. A source close to the development said: “The craze among ...
FR*   965 - Renée Clément, Responsable des Relations Consommateurs de Coca ...
             Grioo.com - 10 mar 2008
             ... m’a proposé le poste de Coordinatrice Relations Consommateurs chez Coca-Cola France ou un poste de Responsable de Service Epargne salariale à la BNP. ...
FR*   966 - Profitez du déblocage exceptionnel de votre participation
             Le Site Immo - 10 mar 2008
             Les salariés peuvent, dès maintenant, faire leur demande de déblocage auprès de l'organisme qui gère leur épargne salariale. ...
FR*   967 - Les femmes chef d’entreprise à l’honneur
             Témoignages.re - 10 mar 2008
             ... assuré cette année avec le soutien du Rotary Club du Tampon (Réunion) et le Prix Espoir (1.500 euros) grâce à la COR Coopérative ouvrière de La Réunion. ...
FR*   968 - Vaux en Velin : un projet 100 % durable pour des entreprises de l ...
             Enviscope - 10 mar 2008
             Union Régionale des SCOP, Fédération des SCOP du Bâtiment, NEF, Biocoop et quatre bureaux d’études s’installeront en 2010 au coeur du Carré de Soie ...
CA*   969 - Produits équitables : une plus grande place sur le marché
             Le Soleil - 10 mar 2008
             La bière est fournie par La Barberie qui est une coopérative de travail. «Au cours des neuf derniers mois, près de 30 000 $ ont été remis aux fournisseurs ...
FR*   970 - Baisse à Wall Street
             La Tribune.fr - 10 mar 2008
             Hors impact des stock-options distribuées aux salariés, le résultat par action ressort à 1.34 dollar, soit un penny de moins que les prévisions des ...
FR*   971 - La prolifération des taxes
             Chrétienté.info - 10 mar 2008
             ... la contribution sociale sur les stock-options ; la taxe générale sur les activités polluantes sur les huiles et lubrifiants à usage perdu. ...
ES*   972 - Exposición solidaria de 38 artistas en Catedral Gallery
             La Verdad (Murcia) - 10 Mar 2008
             ... la Unión de Cooperativas de Trabajo Asociado y el Centro Unesco de Murcia, para la construcción de centros educativos cooperativos en Paraguay. ...
AR*   973 - Denuncian a Martiarena por perjuicio millonario contra el ...
             Jujuy al día - 10 Mar 2008
             ... de Hogar y de la población en general, a través de la continuidad laboral de las Cooperativas de Trabajo formadas para Emergencia habitacional”. ...
             Radio Amanecer - 10 Mar 2008
             ... se estarían depositando los fondos para que varias Cooperativas de Trabajo de esta ciudad retomen sus tareas en diferentes obras que tienen a su cargo. ...
AR*   975 - Gas natural y petróleo en el Chaco
             Datachaco.com - 10 Mar 2008
             ... en el marco del Programa de Construcción de Viviendas por Cooperativas de Trabajo, que hizo adjudicatarios de viviendas a empleados de la cooperativa.
DE*   976 - Unternehmensfinanzierung, Eigenkapitalbeschaffung, Mezzaninekapital
             PresseBox (Pressemitteilung)(abonnement) - 10. März 2008
             In dem Kompakt-Seminar "Unternehmensfinanzierung, Eigenkapitalbeschaffung, Mezzaninekapital, bankenunabhängige Finanzierung und Mitarbeiterbeteiligung" ...
CH*   977 - GDL hat sich durchgesetzt
             Business-News - 10. März 2008
             Ebenso wurde in den letzten beiden Verhandlungsrunden festgelegt, dass die Mitarbeiterbeteiligung für das Jahr 2007 um 50 Prozent erhöht wird. ...
DE*   978 - Homag verbucht Rekordjahr
             WELT ONLINE - 10. März 2008
             Ferner erhöhten sich das EBITDA vor IPO-Kosten und Aufwand aus der Mitarbeiterbeteiligung um rund 21 Prozent auf 103,3 Mio. Euro und das EBT vor IPO-Kosten ...
DE*   979 - Homag Group erzielt Rekordzahlen
             FinanzNachrichten.de - 10. März 2008
             Das operative Ergebnis (EBITDA) vor IPO-Kosten und Aufwand aus der Mitarbeiterbeteiligung verbesserte sich um rund 21 Prozent auf 103,3 Millionen Euro ...
DE*   980 - DGAP-News: HOMAG Group AG mit Rekordjahr
             WELT ONLINE - 10. März 2008
             Somit erhöhte sich das EBITDA vor IPO-Kosten und Aufwand aus der Mitarbeiterbeteiligung vorläufig um rund 21 Prozent auf 103,3 Mio. Euro (Vj.: 85,0 Mio. ...
IT*   981 - Programmi a confronto: lotta alla precarietà. Berlusconi detassa ...
             Schegge di Vetro - 10 mar 2008
             ... assicurazioni, stock options di manager e utilizzazione dei proventi del cosiddetto "signoraggio bancario" finalizzati a: finanziare il mutuo sociale ...
UK*   982 - Activist shareholder targets Irish market
             Financial Times, UK - Mar 9, 2008
             Babcock & Brown Capital, an Australian-listed investment fund, owns 57 per cent of Eircom, having joined with the Employee Share Ownership Trust of ...
IN*   983 - Aban Offshore grants shares under ESOS
             Myiris.com, India - Mar 9, 2008
             Aban Offshore granted 125000 equity shares of Rs 2 each under employee stock option scheme - 2005 to eligible employees including 2 deputy managing ...
IN*   984 - R-Com gives shares to 20000 employees
             Calcutta Telegraph, India - Mar 9, 2008
             Mumbai, March 9: Reliance Communications (R-Com) today offered 17.5 million shares to its staff under an employee stock option scheme (Esop). ...
IN*   985 - RComm announces Esops for over 20000 employees
             Financial Express, India - Mar 9, 2008
             Anil Dhirubhai Ambani, chairman, Reliance Communications said, “The employee stock option scheme truly recognises the efforts of our employees and aims to ...
IN*   986 - RCom to issue 1.75 crore shares under ESOP
             Hindu, India - Mar 9, 2008
             The Employee Stock Option Scheme recognizes the efforts of our employees and aims to reward them for contributing towards the transformation of Reliance ...
IN*   987 - RCom announces ESOP scheme for its 20000 employees
             TelecomTiger, India - Mar 9, 2008
             RCom announced a 1.75 crore employee stock options (ESOP) scheme for its 20000 employees including its subsidiaries. The company said that the scheme was ...
IN*   988 - RCom to offer 17.5 mn shares under ESOP
             Myiris.com, India - Mar 9, 2008
             Reliance Communications (RCOM) will offer 17.5 million equity share to 20000 employees of company and its subsidiaries under the employee stock options ...
IN*   989 - RComm will give Esops to 20000
             Times of India, India - Mar 9, 2008
             MUMBAI: Just when you though employee stock options (Esops) had been given a quiet burial, it seems to be finding its way back. ...
IN*   990 - RCOM opens Esop kitty for 20000 employees
             Economic Times, India - Mar 9, 2008
             MUMBAI: Anil Ambani-promoted Reliance Communications (RCOM) on Sunday announced an employee stock options (Esop) scheme for all 20000 employees of the ...
IN*   991 - Fringe Benefit Tax on ESOPs growing steadily
             Economic Times, India - Mar 9, 2008
             SMEs feel the current market churn may reduce the value of the employees' stock options and again, result in employee dissatisfaction. ...
UK*   992 - 'I'll stay on board Admiral'
             Telegraph.co.uk, United Kingdom - Mar 9, 2008
             There are also the extremely attractive share options. When Admiral floated, 1450 employees enjoyed an average £39000 cash and shares bonanza and millions ...
IN*   993 - Strides Arcolab board approves new ESOP Scheme
             Myiris.com, India - Mar 9, 2008
             The board of directors of Strides Arcolab, (Q, N,C,F)* approved the introduction of a new ESOP Scheme titled `Strides Arcolab ESOP - 2008` for issuance of ...
IN*   994 - Amendments proposed in the Finance Bill, 2008
             Hindu, India - Mar 9, 2008
             ... to employees under the ESOP scheme or as sweat equity, so that an identifiable burden on employees gets shifted effectively to the shareholders. ...
FR*   995 - Métalogik : ACCO
             Agence Bretagne Presse - 9 mar 2008
             Nous avons commencé à 7 » dit M. Halotel « 7 salariés-actionnaires, toujours présents, mais maintenant nous sommes à 30 salariés ». ...
FR*   996 - Le business de la santé ou Les marchands du temple à l’hôpital ...
             20minutes.fr - 9 mar 2008
             Leur modèle est devenu le businessman ; ils rêvent de « stock options ». (…) Néanmoins la majorité des médecins hospitaliers subissent cette réforme avec ...
             Patrimoinorama - 9 mar 2008
             N'envoyez surtout pas votre CV pensant qu'elles offrent des stock-options intéressants ou des avantages sociaux uniques. Non plus simplement, la forme ...
ES*   998 - FADEMUR reclama un cambio radical en la sociedad para avanzar en ...
             InfoCampo (Comunicados de prensa) - 9 Mar 2008
             ... al mercado laboral ya sea por cuenta ajena o propia a través de la creación de empresas de economía social como las cooperativas de trabajo”. ...
             AgroDiario - 9 Mar 2008
             ... tales como Fundaciones, Asociaciones Civiles, Cooperadoras Escolares de escuelas agropecuarias, Cooperativas de Trabajo y otras instituciones de fomento ...
AR*   1000 - Intendentes de Reconquista y Avellaneda dieron informes de sus ...
             El Litoral - 9 Mar 2008
             ... traslado para discapacitados, mientras que en el rubro social mencionó la puesta en funcionamiento de huertas y la formación de cooperativas de trabajo. ...
AR*   1001 - El Estado es el que más aportó para la campaña electoral 2007
             El Litoral - 9 Mar 2008
             Para los legisladores, el monto más importante de dinero lo alcanzó la Cooperativa de Trabajo Manos Productivas, con 33 mil pesos; Establecimiento Don René, ...
US*   1002 - Ethics Awards honor 4 locals
             The Huntsville Times - al.com, AL - Mar 8, 2008
             Judges found that the company "acts fairly and honestly with customers, suppliers, fellow employee-owners and the community." Danny B. Gist, G&G Steel, ...
             Quad City Times, IA - Mar 8, 2008
             We are a 100% employee owned company offering a competitive wage, a complete benefits package as well as top notch co-owners. A pre-employment drug screen ...
UK*   1004 - Case study 1: John Lewis and Waitrose
             Telegraph.co.uk, United Kingdom - Mar 8, 2008
             The John Lewis Partnership, one of Britain's biggest examples of an employee-owned firm, takes its ethical values seriously, so it was an early adopter of ...
UK*   1005 - 69. Rider Levett Bucknall
             Times Online, UK - Mar 8, 2008
             Employee-owned, Rider Levett Bucknall offers its staff a culture of openness and inclusivity where everyone is encouraged to get involved. ...
BG*   1006 - Dexter Laundry is pleased to announce that Daniel Chen has joined ...
             PR-USA.net (press release), Bulgaria - Mar 8, 2008
             Dexter Laundry, Inc. is an employee owned manufacturer based in Fairfield, Iowa, USA Founded in 1894, the company has grown to offer a full line of front ...
US*   1007 - Ethics Awards honor 4 locals
             The Huntsville Times - al.com, AL - Mar 8, 2008
             Dynetics, an employee-owned, Huntsville-based defense and government engineering, science and services company. Judges found that the company "acts fairly ...
US*   1008 - Club Calendar
             Waukegan News Sun, IL - Mar 8, 2008
             Antioch Jr. Woman's Club: 7 pm at First National Bank-Employee Owned, 485 Lake St., Antioch. Details, (847) 395-2160. Breakfast Exchange Club: 7 am at ...
IN*   1009 - Fifty piping hot years of Indian Coffee House
             Economic Times, India - Mar 8, 2008
             The all-India branches are under their respective regional societies, most of which are affiliated to the All India Coffee Workers’ Cooperative Societies’ ...
UK*   1010 - Margareta Pagano: Let them eat scallops - the Tories find they're ...
             Independent, UK - Mar 8, 2008
             My fear is that they will find other means of reward – just like company execs filling their boots with share options instead of taking higher pay. ...
UK*   1011 - 20. Deutsche Bank
             Times Online, UK - Mar 8, 2008
             Everyone has performance-related pay, share options and private healthcare. A fifth of staff have a final salary pension, the rest benefit from a ...
UK*   1012 - From The Sunday Times
             Times Online, UK - Mar 8, 2008
             Everyone benefits from performance-related pay and most get share options. Staff have life assurance, access to loans and childcare vouchers and subsidised ...
UK*   1013 - 85. Robert Half
             Times Online, UK - Mar 8, 2008
             Two-thirds of staff have taken up share options, an employee assistance programme and company discounts. The contributory pension is open to everyone, ...
UK*   1014 - 35. Jobs@pertemps
             Times Online, UK - Mar 8, 2008
             The aim is to take the employees’ joint stake of the firm to about half, and already more than 50% of staff have share options. People feel fully involved ...
UK*   1015 - 37. Pearce Group
             Times Online, UK - Mar 8, 2008
             Everyone at the Bristol-based firm has profit-related pay, critical illness cover, access to loans, a wellness programme and share options (although only 17 ...
UK*   1016 - Paul Killik - He gave us a shares corner shop. Now he serves the rich
             Independent, UK - Mar 8, 2008
             "A lot of workers have share options in companies these days but typically cash them in arbitrarily, meaning they don't get the best prices. ...
IN*   1017 - Info Drive EGM approves raising of US$ 100 Million
             Equity Bulls, India - Mar 8, 2008
             ... Allotment or by way of private Placement in Indian Currency or Foreign Currency or by way of ESOP to raise this capital as per Resolution No. ...
CA*   1018 - Posted By Adam Geller
             Sault Star, Canada - Mar 8, 2008
             ESOP's people are proudly loud and abrasive, and they've long revelled in needling people with pull. But could they get a distant behemoth like Countrywide ...
             La Revue - 8 mar 2008
             Le taux de détention de 95% requis est désormais déterminé sans tenir compte des titres attribués aux salariés afin de favoriser l'actionnariat salarié. ...
FR*   1020 - La mort annoncée de l'hôpital public. Article...
             20minutes.fr - 8 mar 2008
             Président de la Cour des comptes, M. Philippe Séguin a calculé que, si les stock-options étaient normalement assujetties aux cotisations sociales, ...
FR*   1021 - Pile je gagne, face tu perds, par Eric Le Boucher
             Le Monde - 8 mar 2008
             D'un côté, les patrons se paient selon des échelles mondialisées (+ 15% par an pour ceux du CAC 40) et s'octroient des stock-options. ...
FR*   1022 - Subprime: trois ex-PDG stars de Wall Street sur la sellette
             AFP - 8 mar 2008
             "J'ai cofondé Countrywide en y mettant toutes mes économies, et j'ai reçu des rétributions et des stock-options au long de 40 années de service, ...
AR*   1023 - Alicia Kirchner inauguró una escuela santiagueña
             Diario Buenos Aires - 8 Mar 2008
             En un tramo de la inauguración del Colegio Baldán, la ministra Alicia Kirchner, departió con los integrantes de la cooperativa de trabajo que construyó las ...
IT*   1024 - Maxi-stipendi Usa: la Camera incalza
             Il Sole 24 Ore - 8 mar 2008
             ha continuato Waxman, ricordando che Prince ha incassato 10 milioni di bonus e 28 milioni in stock options, O'Neal ha preso 161 milioni quando ha lasciato ...
US*   1025 - Pike's new CEO says he's adding employees, inventory
             Atlanta Journal Constitution,  USA - Mar 7, 2008
             Pike will be a subsidiary of employee-owned Armstrong. After Pike's sales stabilize, employee ownership could be extended to employees here, Kunce said.
US*   1026 - People on the move
             Columbia Business Times, MO - Mar 7, 2008
             Terracon is an employee-owned engineering consulting firm that provides materials and facilities services from 95 nationwide offices. Dr. Terry A. Sanders, ...
UK*   1027 - Key Industry Leaders Adopt McGraw-Hill Construction / Dodge ...
             Earthtimes, UK - Mar 7, 2008
             As an employee- owned company we are all responsible for increasing efficiency and lowering operating costs throughout our organization," said Fred Cardenas ...
US*   1028 - Employees buy Hunter Lighting Group
             Bizjournals.com, NC - Mar 7, 2008
             "Becoming the first employee-owned lighting company, purchased with our own sweat equity and savings, is a dream come true for the hard-working Kenroy ...
DE*   1029 - William Blair & Company Initiates Coverage of SkillSoft PLC With ...
             WELT ONLINE, Germany - Mar 7, 2008
             As an independent, employee-owned firm, our philosophy is to serve our clients' interests first and foremost. For important disclosures and information ...
CA*   1030 - Engineering firm sets up shop in city
             Canada.com, Canada - Mar 7, 2008
             Hatch Ltd., an employee-owned company with 8000 employees and 60 offices around the world, will occupy one floor of a new five-storey office building ...
US*   1031 - Building the world's cleanest city
             CNNMoney.com - Mar 7, 2008
             None of this will be simple to execute but employee-owned CH2M Hill is no stranger to big, complex projects. The firm is managing about $14 billion worth of ...
BG*   1032 - Human Capital Institute to Present 2007 HCS Award of Excellence to ...
             PR-USA.net (press release), Bulgaria - Mar 7, 2008
             Through the leadership and support of Richard Condit, Chief Administrative Officer of this exceptional employee-owned company, and the diligent work of ...
AT*   1033 - Shell: will settle US claims over oil reserves scandal for US$83 ...
             PR-Inside.com (Pressemitteilung), Austria - Mar 7, 2008
             The company paid US$90 million to settle a lawsuit brought by employee shareholders in 2005. In January 2006, investors including the massive Dutch pension ...
US*   1034 - Ferrellgas Partners' Second-Quarter Adjusted EBITDA Declines ...
             FOXBusiness - Mar 7, 2008
             Ferrellgas employees indirectly own more than 20 million common units of the partnership through an employee stock ownership plan. ...
US*   1035 - Colgate-Palmolive CEO gets $8.3M in 2007
             CNNMoney.com - Mar 7, 2008
             In the proxy, the company said it would use the additional shares for general corporate purposes, including stock splits, dividends employee stock option ...
US*   1036 - Santa Fe Metals Corp.: Stock Option Grant
             StreetInsider.com (subscription), MI - Mar 7, 2008
             ... SFM) board of directors has granted 390000 stock options to management and directors of the Company under the terms of the Employee Stock Option Plan. ...
US*   1037 - Region’s manufacturing jobs pay more than statewide average
             Bowling Green Daily News,  United States - Mar 7, 2008
             ... percent) offer a 401(k) plan or defined contribution plan; 17.9 percent offer a defined benefit plan and 10.7 percent offer an employee stock option plan.
CA*   1038 - Fairmount announces grants of stock options to employees ...
             Canada NewsWire (press release), Canada - Mar 7, 2008
             Subject to receipt of required regulatory approval, the Board of Directors has also amended the terms of 60000 previously granted employee stock options. ...
US*   1039 - Q4 2007 HMS HLDGS CORP Earnings Conference Call - Final
             Insurance News Net (press release), PA - Mar 7, 2008
             However, this assumption is based upon continued exercise of employee stock options which the Company does not control. Now I'll just review EBITDA for the ...
             Ad-Hoc-News (Pressemitteilung), Germany - Mar 7, 2008
             ... capital of 520035 shares with anominal value of CHF 2 per share, mainly to cover the 2007convertible bond and the company's employee share option plan. ...
IN*   1041 - ICICI Bank allots shares under ESOS
             Myiris.com, India - Mar 7, 2008
             03, 2008 under the Employees Stock Option Scheme, 2000 (ESOS). The bank registered a 35.18% growth in net profit to Rs 12302.10 million for the quarter ...
FR*   1042 - Manning 2007 - bharatbook.com
             PRMinds (press release), France - Mar 7, 2008
             Companies are giving serious consideration to reviewing their retention policies – there has even been a suggestion reported of offering share options in ...
UK*   1043 - Graduate SEO Assistant - Online Media - London
             Guardian, UK - Mar 7, 2008
             They boast great offices, 28 days holiday, share options, pension and more. This is a fantastic opportunity to use a broad range of existing knowledge, ...
US*   1044 - Talisman's Ex-CEO Buckee Sold Stock for C$19 Million (Update1)
             Bloomberg - Mar 7, 2008
             Including the theoretical value of share options and pension payments, the 48-year-old's total compensation was valued at C$5.52 million. ...
US*   1045 - South Africa: Satrix 40 Finds Favour
             AllAfrica.com, Washington - Mar 7, 2008
             IN MY daily review of the counters in the Private Investor portfolio, I noted that Reunert's executive directors had been given new share options, ...
UK*   1046 - Citigroup and Merrill bosses face grilling over pay
             Times Online, UK - Mar 7, 2008
             Mr Prince's severance package was worth $40 million and included more than $28 million in unvested restricted shares and share options Despite leaving the ...
UK*   1047 - Buy-out hopes for the Tote
              Wigan Today, UK - Mar 7, 2008
             The company will now seek clarification on whether a management/employee buyout would be allowed. The fear is that if any other bookmaker bought it they ...
US*   1048 - Making the decision to sell your business
             San Francisco Chronicle,  USA - Mar 7, 2008
             What about an outright sale, or a leveraged ESOP? When is the right time to sell? And what about valuation? Fentress Seagroves, partner at ...
US*   1049 - AbleNet to Show Proven Special Education Curricula and New ...
             PR Web (press release), WA - Mar 7, 2008
             Located in Roseville, Minnesota, AbleNet is an ESOP company that sells its products through a network of distributors in more than 50 countries. ...
FR*   1050 - M. Sarkozy veut accélérer l'instruction sur les "patrons-voyous ...
             Le Monde - 7 mar 2008
             Mme Alliot-Marie avait rejeté la responsabilité sur le ministère de l'intérieur et parlé de l'actionnariat salarié, comme étant une des réponses à ce type ...
FR*   1051 - VINCI remporte le prix Femino d'argent
             Edubourse.com (Communiqués de presse) - 7 mar 2008
             Elles mettent en scène quatre collaborateurs du groupe, deux femmes et deux hommes, témoignant du modèle social du groupe : un maçon actionnaire salarié ...
FR*   1052 - Jacques RAVOT : "le nombre d'utilisateurs Seniors du service E ...
             le Marché des Seniors.com - 7 mar 2008
             Ce chiffre ne tient pas compte de l’épargne salariale. - La sauvegarde et la conservation de vos principaux documents sont une obligation légale, ...
             20minutes.fr - 7 mar 2008
             ... TOUS LES MARSEILLAIS CONSCIENTS DE L'ENJEU DU RECHAUFFEMENT CLIMATIQUE à soutenir la création d'Une SCOP Societé Coopérative Ouvrière de Production en ...
FR*   1054 - Allemagne d'aujourd'hui (1/4) : un succès économique en trompe-l'œil
             Marianne2.fr - 7 mar 2008
             ... augmentations - d'autant plus que l'on constate que les profits des entreprises augmentent et que le managériat allemand s'est mis aux stock-options. ...
CH*   1055 - Agen: changements à la direction générale et au conseil
             Romandie.com - 7 mar 2008
             Le noeud du problème réside dans la comptabilisation de stock-options accordées à des collaborateurs de Genolier Swiss Medical Network (GSMN). ...
FR*   1056 - Chiffres du chômage: les syndicats sceptiques
             AFP - 7 mar 2008
             "Si on prend l'analyse de la Cour des comptes, et que l'on met de la cotisation sur l'intéressement, la participation, les stock-options, on peut trouver 3 ...
FR*   1057 - Le bloc-notes de Thierry Bogaty
             Blog Patrimoine d'Investir - 7 mar 2008
             Il ya la taxe sur les stock-options, sur les voitures, celle sur les poissons… Et encore, on a échappé de peu à une taxe sur les mobil-homes. ...
FR*   1058 - Mailly : « Il manque une volonté politique du gouvernement »
             RMC - 7 mar 2008
             "Taxer l'intéressement, la participation, les stock-options..." Interviewé par Jean-Jacques Bourdin vendredi 7 mars, Jean-Claude Mailly s'est attaqué au ...
AR*   1059 - Bordet dijo que Cresto “dio cuenta de una realidad sostenida en ...
La Voz 901 Digital - 7 Mar 2008
El programa “Construcción de viviendas por cooperativas de trabajo” dependientes del Ministerio de Desarrollo Social de la Nación, posibilitará que el ...
AR*   1060 - Juzgan a tres abogados que habrían estafado a un cliente
             Los Andes (Argentina) - 7 Mar 2008
             González decidió iniciar acciones legales contra la Cooperativa de Trabajo Radio Taxi por daños y perjuicios y, para ello, contrato los servicios de ...
AR*   1061 - Salideras: Reclaman que el Ejecutivo Comunal controle las normas ...
             0223 Vespertino Digital - 7 Mar 2008
             Dos sujetos que circulaban en moto despojaron de $24.000 al titular de la Cooperativa de Trabajo “Lourdes Ltda.”, Sr. Atilio Décima. ...
MX*   1062 - Niega aspirante republicano a Congreso haber empleado indocumentados
             El Porvenir - 7 Mar 2008
             En un comunicado de prensa, la coalición indicó que junto con la Cooperativa de Trabajadores intervinieron en la presentación de la demanda laboral. ...
IT*   1063 - Via ai lavori per la passerella dell'ospedale
             Libertà - 7 mar 2008
             Ad eseguire i lavori dell'intera struttura, è il Consorzio ravennate delle cooperative di produzione e lavoro, che riunisce oltre cento cooperative del ...
IT*   1064 - Bernabè se ne frega della Borsa
             Zeus News - 7 mar 2008
             Il piano industriale Telecom prevede anche meno stock options per i manager, cioè meno retribuzioni legate all'andamento solo finanziario dell'azienda e più ...
IT*   1065 - Telecom presenta il piano 2008-2010 Previsto un investimento di 15 Mld
             La Stampa - 7 mar 2008
             Vogliamo ridurre il numero di persone in possesso di stock options, riducendo le carte, perchè spesso mi sembra di essere più una società che produce ...
BR*   1066 - Domingo tem Feira do Livro em Rio Claro
             Canal Rio Claro - 7 Mar 2008
             A Cooperativa de trabalho dos catadores de material reaproveitável de Rio Claro - Cooperviva - realiza neste domingo (dia 9) a quarta edição da Feira do ...
ZA*   1067 - AMS - Anglo Platinum - Announcement Relating To The Proposed Anglo
             McGregor BFA, South Africa - Mar 6, 2008
             ... of FirstRand Bank Limited) Tax advisors KPMG Services (Pty) Ltd Sponsor Merrill Lynch South Africa (Pty) Ltd Employee ownership corporate advisors The ...
TT*   1068 - Early morning strike at Mittal Steel
             Trinidad & Tobago Express, Trinidad and Tobago - Mar 6, 2008
             An early morning strike failed to upset the "Global Health and Safety Day" at Mittal Steel, Couva, yesterday. The strike action, described as "bigger than ...
US*   1069 - USA. Hunter Marine enters into branding cooperation with Photo Sails
             BYM News (press release), Spain - Mar 6, 2008
             "Hunter Marine Corporation is the largest sailboat manufacturer in North America, and part of the Luhrs Marine Group, an employee ownership company and is ...
US*   1070 - Suburbs lose in two headquarter moves
             Business Gazette, MD - Mar 6, 2008
             The company is the largest 100 percent employee-owned business products distributor and the largest independent fine paper distributor in the United States. ...
UK*   1071 - British Energy a lonely bright spot in the FTSE gloom
             Scotsman, United Kingdom - Mar 6, 2008
             A record payout for John Lewis staff came with a warning that the employee-owned department store chain expected conditions for 2008 to be as difficult as ...
UK*   1072 - John Lewis pays a record bonus but predicts tougher times ahead
             Times Online, UK - Mar 6, 2008
             Sales of homewares were down 4 per cent, the worst rate at the employee-owned business for four years. Mr Mayfield said: “The conditions we are facing this ...
UK*   1073 - How to keep your staff happy
             Times Online, UK - Mar 6, 2008
             As an employee-owned business it was said to be hamstrung by a lack of equity capital and suffocated by quaint working practices that convenienced staff, ...
US*   1074 - Real Estate Round-Up
             Brooklyn Daily Eagle, NY - Mar 6, 2008
             In Northern Italy, the government helps support small employee-owned and co-op-owned businesses. Whereas in the United States, co-op-owned businesses are ...
US*   1075 - Parson's paper moving operations to county
             Annapolis Capital, MD - Mar 6, 2008
             The company is employee owned through a stock-ownership plan, which allows employees to earn shares of stock in the company as part of their retirement ...
CA*   1076 - New business to 'Hatch' in Innovation Place
             Canada.com, Canada - Mar 6, 2008
             Hatch Ltd., an employee-owned company with 8000 employees and 60 permanent offices around the world, is going to occupy one full floor of the new ...
US*   1077 - London shares close weaker near day's lows; NY drops as financials ...
             Forbes, NY - Mar 6, 2008
             ... of the John Lewis Partnership warned that UK trading conditions could remain tough until 2009 as the employee-owned retailer posted annual results. ...
US*   1078 - Kitamura Machinery Names Tech Image Public Relations Agency of Record
             Business Wire (press release), CA - Mar 6, 2008
             ... company with more than 750 employees. SmithBucklin is 100% employee-owned. Learn more at http://www.techimage.com or call 1-888-4-TECH-PR (1-888-483-2477).
UK*   1079 - New 190000 Square Foot Scheels' All Sports Retail Destination ...
             Earthtimes, UK - Mar 6, 2008
             Scheels is an employee-owned, privately held business that owes its consistent success to its empowered associates, managers and partners who think and make ...
US*   1080 - John Lewis' Mayfield warns trading conditions may stay tough until ...
             Forbes, NY - Mar 6, 2008
             LONDON (Thomson Financial) - Charlie Mayfield, chairman of the John Lewis Partnership, the employee-owned retailer, has warned that UK trading conditions ...
US*   1081 - Scheels store to anchor Schlitterbahn retail portion
             Kansas City Star, MO - Mar 6, 2008
             The employee-owned company is based in Fargo, ND, and operates 23 stores in seven states. Scheels officials said they had looked at the Kansas City market ...
US*   1082 - John Lewis FY profit up 18.7 pct but expects tough conditions in ...
             Forbes, NY - Mar 6, 2008
             LONDON (Thomson Financial) - John Lewis Partnership, the employee-owned retailer, reported an 18.7 pct increase in full-year pretax profit and hiked its ...
US*   1083 - Frank Parsons Paper moving to Hanover
             Baltimore Sun, United States - Mar 6, 2008
             The employee-owned company, which has average salaries of about $60000, will continue to operate small paper stores in Beltsville and Rockville. ...
UK*   1084 - When are business owners "employees"?
             Clickdocs, UK - Mar 6, 2008
             Employment Tribunals only have jurisdiction in cases involving employees who have been continuously employed for at least 12 months. ...
US*   1085 - MNW Partner Recognized in “2008 Women of Influence in Silicon Valley”
             Business Wire (press release), CA - Mar 6, 2008
             Her clients include public and private companies who sponsor plans such as 401(k), pension, employee stock ownership, health and welfare benefit plans. ...
US*   1086 - Exercises with Stock Options of Nokia Corporation
             TAXI Design Network, NY - Mar 6, 2008
             ... 655 shares of Nokia Corporation ("Nokia") were subscribed for between 12.2.2008 - 29.2.2008 based on Nokia's 2003 and 2005 employee stock option plans. ...
US*   1087 - Quest Software receives Well Notice from SEC; CEO Smith among the ...
             Forbes, NY - Mar 6, 2008
             ... the US Securities and Exchange Commission, related to a previously-announced informal probe into historical employee stock option granting practices. ...
UK*   1088 - Sonus Networks Reports Full Financial Results for Fourth Quarter ...
             Earthtimes, UK - Mar 6, 2008
             ... (1) Expense related to the disqualification of ISO status for employee stock options resulting from the stock option review and subsequent restatement. ...
             Sydney Morning Herald, Australia - Mar 6, 2008
             The employee share options are issued in accordance with the Company's applicable Employee Share Option Plan and generally vest over a 30-month period. ...
             ABN Newswire (press release), Australia - Mar 6, 2008
             ... of 520035 shares with a nominal value of CHF 2 per share, mainly to cover the 2007 convertible bond and the company's employee share option plan. ...
NP*   1091 - Laxmi Bank Offers Stock Option
             Media For Freedom, Nepal - Mar 6, 2008
             The bank plans to set aside shares equivalent to one percent of the existing number of shares for the purpose of employees’ stock option, states a press ...
AU*   1092 - Marengo raises $8.8m from share options - 07 Mar, 15:53pm
             WA Business News (subscription), Australia - Mar 6, 2008
             Marengo Mining Ltd has raised $8.8 million in new capital after investors exercised most of the listed options that expired on 28 February. ...
US*   1093 - Desperately Seeking Resolution with USA
             Pokerpages.com - Mar 6, 2008
             Under the deal, PartyGaming agreed to award him 17 million new share options, paid out in monthly installments up to May 2009, as well as bonus incentives. ...
IE*   1094 - ODCE 'reminds' court on DCC/Fyffes case
             RTE.ie, Ireland - Mar 6, 2008
             ... including the grant of share options to some persons in January 2000 when it had information found by the Supreme Court to be price sensitive, he added. ...
UK*   1095 - Hurray! Reports Fourth Quarter and Fiscal Year 2007 Unaudited ...
             Earthtimes, UK - Mar 6, 2008
             As of December 31, 2007, the Company had outstanding 21.7 million basic ADSs and 21.9 million fully diluted ADSs, excluding share options granted above the ...
             ABN Newswire (press release), Australia - Mar 6, 2008
             YIT Corporation has applied for the listing of the Series M share options issued in 2006 on the OMX Nordic Exchange in Helsinki such that trading would ...
UK*   1097 - Share options prove costly!
             Ilford Recorder 24, UK - Mar 6, 2008
             THE points were shared after a hard-fought battle at Oakside on Monday night as Barking and Barkingside cancelled each other out. ...
IN*   1098 - Info Drive to raise upto USD 100 mn via equity shares
             Myiris.com, India - Mar 6, 2008
             ... warrants / convertible securities / global depository receipts (GDRs) in Indian Currency or Foreign Currency or by way of ESOP to raise this capital. ...
ZA*   1099 - AMS - Anglo Platinum - Announcement Relating To The Proposed Anglo
             McGregor BFA, South Africa - Mar 6, 2008
             ... Lynch South Africa (Pty) Ltd Employee ownership corporate advisors The ESOP Shop (Pty) Ltd Corporate law advisors Deneys Reitz Inc Reporting accountants ...
US*   1100 - AbleNet to Showcase New Products and Product Enhancements at the ...
             PR Web (press release), WA - Mar 6, 2008
             Located in Roseville, Minnesota, AbleNet is an ESOP company that employs 35 people and sells its products through a network of distributors in 49 countries. ...
FR*   1101 - «Le premier préoccupé par le pouvoir d'achat, c'est moi»
             Le Figaro - 6 mar 2008
             Enfin, nous proposerons à l'assemblée générale du 15 avril de développer un plan mondial d'actionnariat salarié, qui sera discuté avec les partenaires ...
FR*   1102 - Vers la fin de l'épargne salariale ?
             News Press (Communiqués de presse) - 6 mar 2008
             Rappelons que le principal motif de récupération de l'épargne salariale est en effet depuis longtemps la constitution de l'apport personnel pour achat ...
FR*   1103 - Alain Régnault est nommé manager assurance de Fortis en France
             L'Argus de l'Assurance - 6 mar 2008
             ... de l'activité assurance de Fortis en France : l'assurance vie, l'épargne salariale, la retraite complémentaire et prochainement les risques industriels. ...
FR*   1104 - Deux repreneurs partiels pour l'entreprise ardennaise Lenoir-et ...
             Daily Bourse - 6 mar 2008
             La Société coopérative ouvrière de production (Scop), lancée par une trentaine de salariés associés, a de son côté été désignée pour la reprise de FAV-LCAB, ...
FR*   1105 - A Cause des irresponsables de Gauche et de Droite, une guerre ...
             20minutes.fr - 6 mar 2008
             voir le projet depuis + de 14 ans sur: www.lapetite-annonce.com ( création d'une SCOP pour exploiter l'énergie )solaire aucune réponse du Maire de Marseille ...
FR*   1106 - S’appuyer sur l’innovation et la co-décision
             Les Verts (Communiqués de presse) - 6 mar 2008
             Cependant, l’ESS, désormais bien intégré au paysage économique, a permis le développement d’un entreprenariat collectif avec la création de SCOP, de SCIC, ...
ES*   1107 - Esperanza Aguirre, presidenta de la Comunidad de Madrid
             El Diario Exterior - 6 Mar 2008
             Entre algunas entidades sin fines de lucro que han recibido el apoyo del Gobierno regional destaca la Agrupación de Sociedades Laborales de Madrid (ASALMA), ...
AR*   1108 - Eldorado: anuncian obras por 10 millones y una nueva terminal
             Misiones OnLine - 6 Mar 2008
             "Se han iniciado las gestiones para la adquisición de un terreno en el que se construirán viviendas a través de Cooperativas de Trabajo. ...
AR*   1109 - El intendente Aguirre proyecta obras por más de 10 millones de pesos
             Misiones OnLine - 6 Mar 2008
             Cinco Cooperativas de Trabajo, y con una inversión del gobierno municipal de aproximadamente 150.000 pesos”. La sesión se inició pasadas las 18:00 y ue ...
AR*   1110 - Avellaneda - Marcón presentó el informe 2007 y los principales ...
             Sin Mordaza - 6 Mar 2008
             Acompañamos la formación de 4 cooperativas de trabajo, que construirán y serán beneficiarias de 32 viviendas. Contratamos el servicio de un médico para la ...
AR*   1111 - Urribarri entregó aportes para viviendas en Gualeguaychú y anunció ...
             Análisis Digital - 6 Mar 2008
             Las reparaciones se ejecutan por administración delegada y está previsto el arreglo de otras 60 unidades habitacionales a través de cooperativas de trabajo. ...
ES*   1112 - Las mujeres triunfan en los premios de “iniciativas empresariales”
             Guadalajara Dos Mil - 6 Mar 2008
             Finalmete los 4.000 euros del primer premio han sido para ‘Baomar’, una cooperativa de trabajo asociado formado por cinco mujeres minusválidas.
DE*   1113 - BASF Schwarzheide knackt Umsatz-Milliarde
             Lausitzer Rundschau - 6. März 2008
             «Die Mitarbeiterbeteiligung wird die höchste sein, die je ausgezahlt wurde» , erklärte Petersen ohne konkrete Zahlen zu nennen. In den vergangenen Jahren ...
IT*   1114 - Manicomi chiusi: la riforma Basaglia compie trent'anni
             Varese News - 6 mar 2008
             ... Provincia di Varese, le associazioni dei familiari e degli utenti, le Cooperative di lavoro ed altri soggetti istituzionali direttamente coinvolti. ...
             O Imparcial - São Luís - 6 Mar 2008
             ... para retirar pessoas das ruas são aqueles que buscam a integração social por meio de projetos que incentivem a criação de cooperativas de trabalho. ...
US*   1116 - Leverage your natural style, skills and attitudes to make a ...
             UMN News, MN - Mar 5, 2008
             She has experience building employee ownership and commitment to organizational goals and managing a department during times of rapid change.
US*   1117 - Freeman Adds Four to Corporate Events Team
             Exhibitor Online, MN - Mar 5, 2008
             Founded in 1927, the company remains privately held by the Freeman family as well as the full-time employee owners through an Employee Stock Ownership Plan ...
ES*   1118 - John Lewis week to March 1 dept store sales up 3.7 pct
             FXstreet.com The Foreign Exchange Market, Spain - Mar 5, 2008
             LONDON (Thomson Financial) - John Lewis Partnership, the employee-owned retailer, said week to March 1 sales at its 26 UK department stores increased 3.7 ...
US*   1119 - Peter Basso Makes Personnel Announcements
             Associated Construction Publications, GA - Mar 5, 2008
             Peter Basso Associates is a 100-percent employee-owned mechanical and electrical engineering firm that was founded in 1990. The firm is comprised of highly ...
US*   1120 - Longshoremen selling off harbor land
             Connecticut Post, CT - Mar 5, 2008
             CTC is an employee-owned company that the Longshoreman's Association Local 1398 formed in 1994 to buy the Cilco Terminal in Bridgeport and the old US Steel ...
UK*   1121 - Louisiana City Contracts With CH2M HILL OMI for Comprehensive ...
             Earthtimes, UK - Mar 5, 2008
             Headquartered in Denver, Colo., employee-owned CH2M HILL is a global leader in engineering, procurement, construction and operations for government, civil, ...
US*   1122 - ‘Locavore’ opens gourmet pancake spot
             City Pulse, MI - Mar 5, 2008
             We want to make it employee-owned in a year.” During the years between pancake houses, Sawyer managed several restaurants, including the Allé Eye and Geni’s ...
US*   1123 - Modern Group Ltd. and CNH Capital Offer Innovative Financing Solutions
             CNNMoney.com - Mar 5, 2008
             Modern Group Ltd., based in Bristol, PA, is an employee-owned distributor of more than 400 lines of mobile powered products, specializing in material ...
US*   1124 - New employees hired at Western Bank
             West Fargo Pioneer, ND - Mar 5, 2008
             Western State Bank, a $360 million, employee-owned, community-focused bank, offers superior full-banking services, insurance, investments, real estate to ...
US*   1125 - Airport expanding baggage handling
             Florida Weekly, Florida - Mar 5, 2008
             Parsons is one of the largest employee-owned management, engineering, and construction companies in the US, with revenues exceeding $3.3 billion in 2006. ...
US*   1126 - Frank Parsons Paper leaves Prince George's
             Bizjournals.com, NC - Mar 5, 2008
             Frank Parsons is an employee-owned company and also has distribution facilities, sales offices and retail stores in New Jersey, New York, Pennsylvania and ...
US*   1127 - Wilbur Smith Associates
             Nashville Business Journal, TN - Mar 5, 2008
             Completely employee owned, Wilbur Smith Associates has more than 1000 associates in 56 offices in 8 countries. Since its founding in 1952, ...
US*   1128 - IPhone: CIOs ponder personal tech toys in the office
             SearchSMB.com, MA - Mar 5, 2008
             "I don't think we can or should always resist demand from employees who may want some corporate applications on employee-owned devices. ...
US*   1129 - Houchens Industries branches out to optical
             Bowling Green Daily News,  United States - Mar 5, 2008
             Houchens, one of the nation’s largest employee-owned companies, owns 220 Sav-A-Lots in 13 states. Houchens has been on a shopping spree after selling its ...
UK*   1130 - Texol Technical Solutions in administration
             Business Sale Report, UK - Mar 5, 2008
             KPMG initially plan to conduct a review of the employee-owned business. The company's latest full-year turnover was about £11m. Texol employs 150 staff in ...
US*   1131 - Local insurance agency in top 100
             Mohave Valley News, NV - Mar 5, 2008
             Founded in 1915, the Mahoney Group has grown from a small, family-owned insurance and real estate business to one of the largest employee-owned independent ...
US*   1132 - Broadpoint Securities Group, Inc. Announces Closing of a $20 ...
             Business Wire (press release), CA - Mar 5, 2008
             ... President and COO, said, “In the last six months while other firms are contracting, we have assembled a strong core of employee shareholders. ...
US*   1133 - Essilor : 2007 Results
             PR Newswire (press release), NY - Mar 5, 2008
             ... costs (EUR16.2 million) and costs related to the share price discounts and matching contributions to the Employee Stock Ownership Plan (EUR4 million). ...
US*   1134 - Silicone Pump Tubing is USP Class VI-approved.
             ThomasNet Industrial News Room (press release), NY - Mar 5, 2008
             In 2006, NewAge initiated an ESOP (Employee Stock Ownership Plan) for the benefit of both its employees and customers. AdvantaPure® and NewAge® are ...
US*   1135 - Flint's Mott family named in lawsuit over US Sugar dispute
             MLive.com, MI - Mar 5, 2008
             ... presented to shareholders, including thousands of current and former employees who have a 38 percent stake through an employee stock ownership plan. ...
US*   1136 - United distributes $110 million in profit sharing
             Chicago Tribune, United States - Mar 5, 2008
             Including a onetime special dividend United distributed to its shareholders in January – which paid $20 million to the airline's employee/stockholders – the ...
US*   1137 - Investor Alert: Denver-Based Dyer & Berens LLP Announces Deadline ...
             CNNMoney.com (press release) - Mar 5, 2008
             Backdating occurs where employee stock option grant dates are improperly selected with the benefit of hindsight so that the recipients can take advantage of ...
US*   1138 - ADC Reports Results for First Fiscal Quarter 2008
             StreetInsider.com (subscription), MI - Mar 5, 2008
             Denominator equal to weighted average common shares outstanding for basic EPS plus employee stock options (where dilutive) plus 30.4 million shares assuming ...
US*   1139 - athenahealth, Inc. Reports Fourth-Quarter and Full-Year 2007 Results
             Primenewswire (press release), CA - Mar 5, 2008
             123R, Share-Based Payments, effective January 1, 2006, which requires that share-based payments, including employee stock options, be measured at their fair ...
IN*   1140 - Reliance Retail lines up Esops to retain its staff
             Financial Express, India - Mar 5, 2008
             ... the organised retailing subsidiary of Reliance Industries Ltd (RIL), is understood to be readying a major employee stock options plan (Esop). ...
US*   1141 - Mindray Medical International Q4 Profit Rises 49.1%; Guides FY08
             Trading Markets (press release), CA - Mar 5, 2008
             In addition, the company estimates its total share-based compensation expenses in 2008 to be about RMB70 million, based on the employee share options that ...
AU*   1142 - Half Year Accounts
             Sydney Morning Herald, Australia - Mar 5, 2008
             Since the half-year reporting period, on 31 January 2008, the company issued a further 500000 share options over ordinary shares under its employee option ...
UK*   1143 - City surprised as PartyGaming chief quits
             Guardian, UK - Mar 5, 2008
             Under the deal, PartyGaming agreed to award its chief executive 17m new share options, paid out in monthly instalments up to May 2009. ...
UK*   1144 - Business big shot: Mitch Garber
             Times Online, UK - Mar 5, 2008
             ... its controversial stock market flotation, having pocketed well over £30 million in salary, bonuses, perks and - most lucratively of all - share options. ...
UK*   1145 - Mindray Medical International Announces Full Year and Fourth ...
             Earthtimes, UK - Mar 5, 2008
             The company estimates its total share-based compensation expenses in 2008 will be approximately RMB70 million based on the employee share options that have ...
UK*   1146 - PartyGaming’s next boss must not get a one-way bet
              Financial Times, UK - Mar 5, 2008
             His successor, Mitch Garber, received a signing fee of $6m, “nil-cost” (that is, “free”) share options, plus performance-related incentives. ...
UK*   1147 - Epistem names division director
             Crain's Manchester Business, UK - Mar 5, 2008
             On joining Epistem she has been awarded 71918 share options, equal to 1 per cent of the group’s issued share capital, which will vest according to the sales ...
AU*   1148 - Apple optimistic on iPhone, but no dividends
             Hydrapinion, Australia - Mar 5, 2008
             Jobs said he hoped "that the say on pay proposal will help me with my $1 a year," overlooking the share options than make up his real compensation package. ...
UK*   1149 - Sipps: Your designer pension
             Investors Chronicle, UK - Mar 5, 2008
             A big attraction of a group Sipp for a company like GSK is that employees will be able to transfer the shares and share options they receive as part of ...
ZA*   1150 - Porsche grows with unorthodox strategy
             iAfrica.com, South Africa - Mar 5, 2008
             "The final price will depend on what we pay directly and on VW share options that we hold" already, a Porsche spokesperson said.
IN*   1151 - Second stage of ESOP could begin in late
             SteelGuru, India - Mar 5, 2008
             The second leg will stretch for 2100 kilometers from Skovorodino to the Pacific. It will pump 367.5 million barrels of oil annually. ...
US*   1152 - Colonial Bankshares, Inc. Revises Fourth Quarter and Year End Results
             CNNMoney.com (press release) - Mar 5, 2008
             (2) Shares outstanding do not include unreleased ESOP shares and treasury shares but does include the common share equivalents of stock options and stock ...
IN*   1153 - Bartronics India to issue shares under ESOP
             Myiris.com, India - Mar 5, 2008
             04, 2008 gave its approval to issue 560000 equity shares on exercise of options under ESOP 2007 to the employees of the company. The company registered a ...
US*   1154 - Silicone Pump Tubing is USP Class VI-approved.
             ThomasNet Industrial News Room (press release), NY - Mar 5, 2008
             In 2006, NewAge initiated an ESOP (Employee Stock Ownership Plan) for the benefit of both its employees and customers. AdvantaPure® and NewAge® are ...
IN*   1155 - Punj Lloyd allots shares under ESOP
             Myiris.com, India - Mar 5, 2008
             05, 2008 allotted 13160 equity shares of Rs 2 each to the eligible employees under ESOP 2005 and ESOP 2006 of the company. The company registered a 2.05 ...
IN*   1156 - Reliance Retail lines up Esops to retain its staff
             Financial Express, India - Mar 5, 2008
             The Esops are a part of RRL’s strategy to reward its employees who the company sees as critical to its ambitious retail rollout strategy. ...
IN*   1157 - From hospitality to services
             Business Standard, India - Mar 5, 2008
             ... which can only part finance the company's expansion plans (the top management including Roy are employees, with ESOPs), if it earns a good profit. ...
IN*   1158 - Budget '08: Talking taxes
             Moneycontrol.com, India - Mar 5, 2008
             This one is really the case on the FBT on ESOPs. In the last year’s Budget, ESOPs was brought within the ambit of FBT. But it also amended the law which ...
FR*   1159 - Groupe Banque Populaire : Des performances solides dans la banque ...
             Fininfo (Communiqués de presse) - 5 mar 2008
             La vente des contrats d'épargne salariale est en progrès de plus de 20%. Les encours de crédits aux entreprises atteignent 56 MdE, en hausse de 12%. ...
FR*   1160 - Les plafonds 2008 pour ouvrir ou prolonger un LEP
             Dossier Familial - 5 mar 2008
             Les sommes provenant de la participation sont investies dans un plan d’épargne salariale ou dans un compte courant bloqué. Les montants sont immobilisés ...
FR*   1161 - L'AMF met en ligne un Guide d'élaboration des prospectus des OPCVM
             Net-Iris - 5 mar 2008
             ... levier ou de fonds alternatifs) établissant un prospectus complet et, par extension, les OPCVM d'épargne salariale établissant une notice d'information. ...
FR*   1162 - Carrefour : RN 2007 +1,4%, veut toujours coter son immobilier
             Trading Sat - 5 mar 2008
             Le résultat opérationnel avant éléments non courants et avant coût des stock-options progresse de 3,4% à 3,36 milliards d'euros, contre 3,25 milliards ...
FR*   1163 - BCE, mon amour
             Libération - 5 mar 2008
             ... le PDG de la Société générale - et ex-inspecteur des finances, comme Trichet -, en vendant simplement une partie de ses stock-options. ...
FR*   1164 - Gautier-Sauvagnac a bénéficié de contrats d'assurance-vie payés ...
             Le Monde - 5 mar 2008
             "Il faut aussi se rappeler que les grands patrons d'entreprises ont eux des stock-options qui se comptent en millions. C'est une goutte d'eau par rapport à ...
FR*   1165 - L'UIMM avait contracté des assurances vie au nom de Denis Gautier ...
             nouvelobs.com - 5 mar 2008
             "Les grands patrons des entreprises ont des stock-options qui se comptent en millions. C'est une goutte d'eau par rapport à ces sommes. ...
FR*   1166 - ExonHit Therapeutics : trésorerie de 31,3 ME à fin 2007
             Boursier.com - 5 mar 2008
             ... (PACEO) signé avec la Société Générale, et les augmentations de capital réalisées par exercice de bons de souscription d'actions et de stock-options. ...
FR*   1167 - Exclusif : quand l'UIMM payait les contrats d'assurance vie de ...
             Marianne2.fr - 5 mar 2008
             ... la réalité de ces contrats d'assurance vie expliquant que Denis Gautier-Sauvagnac ne touchait pas de stock options comme nombre de chefs d'entreprises. ...
FR*   1168 - Nicolas Sarkozy affirme vouloir "moraliser le capitalisme
             SenActu - 5 mar 2008
             "Je n’accepte pas les golden parachutes ou les plans de stock-options qu’on se partage à dix dans une entreprise de mille salariés", a déclaré le candidat ...
FR*   1169 - Légère hausse attendue à New York, Ambac et Fannie Mae en vue
             Investir.fr - 5 mar 2008
             ... de dollars au deuxième trimestre de son exercice 2007-2008, le comparable de l’an dernier ayant été grevé par une charge liée à des stock-options. ...
CH*   1170 - ÉTATS-UNIS. Une girouette nommée John McCain
             Le Temps (Abonnement) - 5 mar 2008
             ... projet de loi mettant un terme aux niches fiscales et exigeant des entreprises qui versent des stock-options à en révéler le coût à leurs actionnaires. ...
FR*   1171 - Claude Cherki
             République des lettres - 5 mar 2008
             ... mais aussi stock-options, indemnités de cession, portage d'actions, etc, l'accusant d'avoir dilapidé l'héritage moral de Paul Flamand et Jean Bardet, ...
AR*   1172 - Productiva visita de Alicia Kirchner
             La Página de Tucumán - 5 Mar 2008
             ... de capacitación para oficios y la conformación de dos cooperativas de trabajo (textil y carpintería) que funcionarán en las instalaciones de la fábrica. ...
AR*   1173 - En el marco del programa de mejoramiento del hábitat Municipio ...
             Jujuy al día - 5 Mar 2008
             ... con personal de cooperativas de trabajo ya cargo de la Coordinación General de Obras dependiente de la Secretaria de Obras Públicas e Infraestructura. ...
AR*   1174 - Reconquista - Firman contrato para iniciar obras del CIC II en Bº ...
             Sin Mordaza - 5 Mar 2008
             ... a cargo del intendente Ing. Jacinto Speranza, funcionarios de la provincia y representantes de las dos cooperativas de trabajo que realizarán la obra. ...
AR*   1175 - La Cooperativa de Trabajadores del Bauen le piden a Macri aclaración
             Gente-BA - 5 Mar 2008
             ... cuando en realidad – y las estadísticas lo demuestran-, nosotros como tantas cooperativas de trabajo al igual que otras empresas recuperadas en toda la ...
AR*   1176 - Proyectan reciclar residuos en O´HIggins
             El Urbano - 5 Mar 2008
             La idea de la Sociedad de Fomento es nuclear a los mismos en una cooperativa de trabajo que realice las tareas de separación dentro de un galpón, ...
AR*   1177 - Capacitación para trabajadores
             infoCHUBUT.com - 5 Mar 2008
             ... representada por su Presidente Hugo Morales, y la Cooperativa de Trabajo Alyeray Limitada, representada por su presidenta, María Isabel Castro. ...
PY*   1178 - Incentivan compra en el mercado de Paraguarí
             ABC Color - 5 Mar 2008
             El jefe comunal adelantó también que está iniciando las gestiones para formar una cooperativa de trabajadores del mercado.
PT*   1179 - "Assusta-me o crescimento da Martifer"
             Jornal de Negócios - Portugal - 5 Mar 2008
             Carlos Martins reconhece que as pessoas de topo na Martifer não ganham bem e que, por isso, a empresa vai adoptar um plano de "stock options" no próximo ...
US*   1180 - Deb Peterson
             St. Louis Post-Dispatch,  United States - Mar 4, 2008
             McBride, which markets homes under the McBride and Vantage brands, is employee-owned, which the chief says has a lot to do with the company's performance. ...
US*   1181 - Alion Awarded $9.8M Naval Sea Systems Command Contract
             Business Wire (press release), CA - Mar 4, 2008
             Alion Science and Technology is an employee-owned technology solutions company delivering technical expertise and operational support to the Department of ...
US*   1182 - Robert McNeel & Associates and SpaceClaim Announce Rhino and ...
             Business Wire (press release), CA - Mar 4, 2008
             McNeel, founded in 1980, is a privately-held, employee-owned company with sales and support offices and affiliates in Seattle, Miami, Buenos Aires, ...
US*   1183 - Houchens completes deal for Cohen's optical
             Louisville Courier-Journal, KY - Mar 4, 2008
             Houchens is one of the country's largest 100 percent employee-owned companies, and late last year announced that it would acquire Louisville-based brokerage ...
US*   1184 - Herff Jones buys Florida cap, gown maker
             Indianapolis Business Journal, IN - Mar 4, 2008
             Based at 4501 W. 62 nd St., Herff Jones is entirely employee owned through an employee stock ownership plan, and has 4000 workers at 19 US plants.
US*   1185 - Publix's sales, earnings increase
             Sun-Sentinel.com, FL - Mar 4, 2008
             The Lakeland-based employee-owned firm said quarterly sales were $5.9 billion, up from $5.6 billion. Comparable-store sales, a measure of sales at stores ...
AE*   1186 - Tamweel participates in 10th National Career Exhibition
             AME Info (press release), United Arab Emirates - Mar 4, 2008
             Apart from annual performance incentive schemes, Tamweel has also initiated an Employee Stock Ownership Plan to create an entrepreneurial spirit among ...
IN*   1187 - Here’s how the Budget affects you and me
             Sify, India - Mar 4, 2008
             Besides, those of you working for listed companies should also be abreast of the provisions relating to ESOPs (employee stock option plan) and their ...
US*   1188 - Rothstein Kass Adds Ricky Rahaman as Principal in Tax Practice
             Biloxi Sun Herald,  USA - Mar 4, 2008
             ... of Certified Public Accountants (AICPA) and a frequent speaker at seminars and workshops on the subject of Employee Stock Option Plans (ESOPs). ...
IN*   1189 - a Poll-Influenced Budget
             ChannelTimes.com (press release), India - Mar 4, 2008
             On the other hand, there is no extension on the STPI scheme nor is there any re-look at the Fringe Benefit Tax, especially on employee stock option plans. ...
US*   1190 - Notice of Annual General Meeting in Orexo AB
             Business Wire (press release), CA - Mar 4, 2008
             Proposal regarding the adoption of the employee stock option plan 2008/2018 and the issuance of warrants to subscribe for new shares, and approval of ...
US*   1191 - Ex-Broadcom exec settles options backdating charge
             OCRegister, CA - Mar 4, 2008
             ... arranged improper employee stock options, the first settlement of a civil case involving stock option backdating at the Irvine chipmaking company. ...
DE*   1192 - Arbitron Inc. Chairman and Chief Executive Officer Adopts 10b5-1 ...
             WELT ONLINE, Germany - Mar 4, 2008
             Under the terms of the new plan, Mr. Morris will systematically exercise employee stock options and sell up to 90382 shares of Arbitron stock over a period ...
US*   1193 - Students learn ups, downs of stock market
             Kannapolis Independent Tribune, NC - Mar 4, 2008
             ... experience paying off when he gets older and has real money to invest. Even if he’s not investing, many companies offer employees stock options, he said.
HK*   1194 - KongZhong Corporation Reports Unaudited Fourth Quarter And
             新华美通(新闻发布), Hong Kong - Mar 4, 2008
             ... Net Cash Used in Investing Activities (17916) (18720) Cash Flows From Financing Activities Proceeds from exercise of share options 2214 152 (Increase) ...
UK*   1195 - BP bosses miss out on £10.7m bonuses
             Telegraph.co.uk, United Kingdom - Mar 4, 2008
             Chief executive Tony Hayward failed to qualify for up to £2.3m in share options after a troubled year in which his predecessor Lord Browne resigned and BP ...
UK*   1196 - Jobs laughs off shareholders' vote on salary
             Guardian, UK - Mar 4, 2008
             But the company has been embroiled in a scandal over the improper pricing of share options which prompted a criminal investigation and a public apology from ...
UK*   1197 - Lord Browne and BP top brass share £12m
             Times Online, UK - Mar 4, 2008
             He gained access to another £2.04 million in share options awarded the previous year. Past and present executive directors at BP earned nearly £12 million ...
HK*   1198 - Graftbusters hit Lily Chiang with new fraud counts
             The Standard, Hong Kong - Mar 4, 2008
             She was earlier charged in connection with an alleged share options fraud. Chiang and Shah Tahir Hussain, former executive director of PCH, ...
HK*   1199 - Lily Chiang faces fresh fraud charges
             South China Morning Post (subscription), Hong Kong - Mar 4, 2008
             The ICAC charges are in connection with an alleged share options fraud. Chiang, the former chairwoman of Eco-Tek Holdings, is alleged to have conspired with ...
UK*   1200 - Consolidation: Slowdown boosts growth of M&A
             Financial Times, UK - Mar 4, 2008
             ... for a full takeover by 31 per cent shareholder Porsche, whose chief executive Wendelin Wiedeking has prepared the way by buying up share options. ...
IN*   1201 - Here’s how the Budget affects you and me
             Sify, India - Mar 4, 2008
             Tax exemption limits and income tax rates Deductions allowed wrt: PPF, ELSS, NSC ESOP and its taxation; Short and long-term capital gain tax rate and STT ...
IN*   1202 - Kaashyap Technologies to raise funds
             NDTV.com, India - Mar 4, 2008
             Further, the members have approved amendment of articles of association of the company for facilitating allotment options / shares of the company under ESOP ...
ZA*   1203 - BIL - BHP Billiton Plc - Dealings by offerors, offeree companies ...
             McGregor BFA, South Africa - Mar 4, 2008
             KEY INFORMATION Name of person dealing (Note 1) Billiton ESOP Trustee Limited Company dealt in BHP Billiton Plc Class of relevant security to which the ...
US*   1204 - SE Financial Corp. Announces First Quarter 2008 Results
             StreetInsider.com (subscription), MI - Mar 4, 2008
             ... 196.57% 259.83% ---------------------------------------------------------------------- (1) Shares outstanding does not include unreleased ESOP shares, ...
IN*   1205 - a Poll-Influenced Budget
             ChannelTimes.com (press release), India - Mar 4, 2008
             ... the industry was looking at the least for continuation of section 10A benefits in some modified form and moderation of FBT on ESOPs etc. ...
FR*   1206 - Socotec: des syndicats alertent les salariés des risques de vente ...
             Daily Bourse - 4 mar 2008
             "Il s'agit de 79 % des actions", a nuancé Christian Theys qui dénonce "les fragilités de l'actionnariat salarié". "Les salariés retraités, peu intéressés ...
FR*   1207 - France Télécom : la CGT veut un déblocage immédiat de la participation
             Challenges - 4 mar 2008
             ... au prétexte de retenir l'actionnariat salarié", mais "devant le tollé de toutes les organisations syndicales, (elle) semble avoir abandonné cette ...
FR*   1208 - Confrontations contre Sarkozy : vers l’Acte II
             Unir - 4 mar 2008
             ... de la représentativité syndicale, des ports autonomes, pour développer l’actionnariat salarié, etc. Et cette liste est loin d’être exhaustive. ...
FR*   1209 - L’essentiel
             l'Humanité - 4 mar 2008
             Les actionnaires salariés de SG veulent un actionnariat stable L’Association des salariés et anciens salariés, actionnaires du groupe Société générale ...
             Patrimoinorama - 4 mar 2008
             ... sur les effets de l'acceptation », commente Hubert Marck, directeur juridique assurance vie, assurances collectives et Epargne salariale d’Axa France.
FR*   1211 - Emploi : demain sera pire
             Marianne2.fr - 4 mar 2008
             Ni les gains minimes de pouvoir d'achat, ni le déblocage de l'épargne salariale, ne compenseront la stagnation de l'emploi et le gel des salaires. ...
FR*   1212 - Les co-fondateurs de SYSTEIA quittent le navire
             Boursorama - 4 mar 2008
             Ainsi, Andrew Watson, responsable du métier épargne salariale et membre du comité exécutif de CAAM (poste qu'il conserve), est nommé président du directoire ...
FR*   1213 - La grande forme des sociétés familiales
             Le Figaro - 4 mar 2008
             ... bien encadrés par une famille, ont tendance «à maximiser leur rémunération au bout de plusieurs années de présence, en favorisant leurs stock-options. ...
FR*   1214 - « Il faut repenser toute l'organisation du Medef » Propos ...
             Le Parisien - 4 mar 2008
             Quant aux stock-options et aux actions gratuites, je trouve que c'est un bon système d'intéressement à condition que l'attribution soit fonction des ...
FR*   1215 - UIMM : FO n'entend pas se mêler des affaires du patronat
             Les Échos - 4 mar 2008
             ... des patrons bons enfants et tout se passera bien, non", at-il dit en s'indignant des choses qui se passent "tous les jours", "les stock-options", ...
FR*   1216 - J-13. Les enjeux de l'investigation économique
             MediaPart - 4 mar 2008
             ... de l’affaire du « golden parachute » de Daniel Bernard (Carrefour) jusqu’aux stock-options d’Antoine Zacharias (Vinci), de l’affaire EADS jusqu’aux ...
ES*   1217 - Un nuevo programa facilitará la participación de los jóvenes de ...
             Las Provincias - 4 Mar 2008
             ... ayer en Ontinyent la puesta en marcha de un nuevo programa que facilitará la participación de los trabajadores más jóvenes en las sociedades laborales. ...
ES*   1218 - El Estatuto del Trabajo Autónomo
             Expansión.com - 4 Mar 2008
             ... los socios trabajadores de cooperativas y sociedades laborales o los administradores de sociedades mercantiles que poseen el control efectivo de las ...
AR*   1219 - La Ministra entregó planes y pensiones
             El Siglo de Tucumán - 4 Mar 2008
             ... de capacitación para oficios y la conformación de dos cooperativas de trabajo (textil y carpintería) que funcionarán en las instalaciones de la fábrica.
AR*   1220 - Inicio de obra del CIC en El Carmen
             Diario Jujuy - 4 Mar 2008
             La participación en la construcción del CIC de las cooperativas de trabajo Unión y Nueva Esperanza, de la gente de los barrios: 25 de Mayo, San Juan, ...
AR*   1221 - El IPPV entregó 48 nuevas viviendas a través del programa ...
             ADN (Argentina) - 4 Mar 2008
             En Cinco Saltos la obra se realizó a través de 12 cooperativas de trabajo y en esta primer etapa se alcanzó a una inversión de $1.680.000. ...
AR*   1222 - En Alem se inauguraron las sesiones del Concejo Deliberante
             Misiones OnLine - 4 Mar 2008
             D.Ha, proyecto que posibilitará la ampliación del Programa Nacional Veredas, brindando mano de obra a las Cooperativas de trabajo que construyeron la primer ...
             APF Digital - 4 Mar 2008
             ... etapa) para la construcción, a través de cooperativas de trabajo, de 16 unidades habitacionales (ocho en esta etapa), que tiene un avance del 25 %. ...
AR*   1224 - Alicia Kirchner dio inicio al ciclo lectivo en Santiago del Estero
             Nova - 4 Mar 2008
             ... de 5 mil personas fue el contexto para dejar habilitado el nuevo edificio que fue construido por Cooperativas de trabajo y personal contratado. ...
AR*   1225 - Firmarán convenio con la Obra Social de los Quinieleros
             TerritorioDigital.com - 4 Mar 2008
             ... el presidente del directorio del Instituto de Previsión Social (IPS), Valentín Alsina, e integrantes de la Cooperativa de Trabajo de Quinieleros.
AR*   1226 - A Macri le llegó el cartero
             ADN Ciudad - 4 Mar 2008
             La Cooperativa de Trabajadores del Hotel Bauen le envió este martes una carta al jefe de Gobierno porteño, Mauricio Macri, pidiéndole que aclare el motivo ...
AT*   1227 - Der Austrokanadier und sein ambivalentes Verhältnis zur Heimat
             Wiener Zeitung - 4. März 2008
             Und während in Österreich über Mitarbeiterbeteiligung diskutiert wird, ist dies bei Magna gang und gäbe: 10 Prozent des Gewinns gehen an die Mitarbeiter.
US*   1228 - Ad hoc: NOKIA: Exercises with stock options of Nokia C.
             Stock World - 4. März 2008
             matters / Exercises with stock options of Nokia Corporation Ad hoc announcement according to §15 WpHG processed and transmitted by Hugin ASA. ...
IT*   1229 - Banche, stop ai doppi incarichi
             Il Sole 24 Ore - 4 mar 2008
             ... per i quali si prevede il coinvolgimento dell'assemblea nella definizione di politiche retributive e dei piani di stock options. Prescrizioni specifiche ...
             Strumenti-oggi - 4 mar 2008
             Insomma, si’ alle stock options a patto che siano legate a risultati “effettivi e duraturi”, tornando al concetto di “profitto al netto dei rischi”. ...
UK*   1231 - EOD Technology Wins Regional Employee Stock Ownership (ESOP) Award
             Earthtimes, UK - Mar 3, 2008
             That national trade organization promotes the growth of employee ownership through ESOP participation. The New South Chapter covers the five-state area of ...
US*   1232 - Round Table Pizza Defends the True Meaning of Supreme with the New ...
             PR Newswire (press release), NY - Mar 3, 2008
             Round Table Pizza, Inc. is a private, 100% employee-owned company with corporate offices based in Concord, California.
CA*   1233 - Royal Bank acquiring American broker-dealer Ferris, Baker Watts
             AOL Canada, Canada - Mar 3, 2008
             Ferris, Baker Watts, with US$18.5 billion under administration, is an employee-owned full-service dealer with 42 branches and 15 support services offices in ...
US*   1234 - Parsons Announces Wi-Fi High-Speed Internet Access Service for ...
             Broadband Wireless Exchange (press release), AZ - Mar 3, 2008
             Parsons is one of the largest 100% employee-owned management, engineering, and construction companies in the United States and operates Wi-Fi installations ...
US*   1235 - Co-Managers Added to Two IMS Funds
             Primenewswire (press release), CA - Mar 3, 2008
             IMS Capital Management is an employee-owned investment boutique specializing in relative value investment portfolios. With offices in Portland, Oregon, ...
US*   1236 - Houchens completes acquisition of parent of optical chain
             Eyewitness News, RI - Mar 3, 2008
             Houchens, based in Bowling Green, Kentucky, is 1 of the country's largest 100% employee-owned companies. It did not disclose terms of the cash-deal ...
US*   1237 - Houchens Acquires Optical Chain
             Houston Chronicle, United States - Mar 3, 2008
             Houchens, based in Bowling Green, is one of the country's largest 100-percent employee-owned companies. It did not disclose terms of the Cohen acquisition, ...
US*   1238 - Gartner sees mobile phones becoming less important than mobile ...
             TechRepublic, KY - Mar 3, 2008
             He said that IT departments need to have a strategy to deals with employee-owned devices, beyond just saying ‘No.’ I’ll take up that topic in a separate ...
US*   1239 - Chartwell Investment Partners Launches Quantitative Research Team
             Business Wire (press release), CA - Mar 3, 2008
             (BUSINESS WIRE)--Chartwell Investment Partners, a leading employee owned investment firm, has announced the appointment of Daken J. Vanderburg as Portfolio ...
US*   1240 - Romilly joins Wright-Pierce
             Foster's Daily Democrat, NH - Mar 3, 2008
             Founded in 1947, Wright-Pierce is employee-owned and has a staff of approximately 150 engineers and support professionals located in six offices throughout ...
IE*   1241 - B&BC boss claims tiger economy is a 'pussycat'
             Irish Independent, Ireland - Mar 3, 2008
             The Australian newspaper says that Esot, the employee shareholder trust which owns 35pc of Eircom, has received a report from banker Rothschild which is ...
US*   1242 - Longtime KPly employees wonder about next step
             Peninsula Daily, WA - Mar 3, 2008
             In 1971, the employee shareholders sold their ownership to ITT Rayonier, which operated the mill until 1989. KPly has been owned since May 1989 by Klukwan ...
DE*   1243 - TierOne Corporation Reports Financial Results for Fourth Quarter ...
             WELT ONLINE, Germany - Mar 3, 2008
             ... respectively (105008 ) (105406 ) Unallocated common stock held by Employee Stock Ownership Plan (10159 ) (11664 ) Accumulated other comprehensive loss, ...
US*   1244 - Houchens Acquires Optical Chain
             Houston Chronicle, United States - Mar 3, 2008
             The company is owned by an employee stock ownership plan, or ESOP, which acts as a kind of retirement benefit plan. Under the arrangement, Houchens ...
TH*   1245 - Determining a tax base for Esop
             Bangkok Post, Thailand - Mar 3, 2008
             This is true in case of the Employee Stock Option Plan (Esop) when an employee is offered the right to purchase the shares of his employer or the employer's ...
US*   1246 - Espial Group Inc. Reports 2007 Results
             Trading Markets (press release), CA - Mar 3, 2008
             ... conversion of certain share purchase warrants and the introduction of a new Employee Stock Option Plan immediately prior to our initial public offering. ...
DE*   1247 - Pricer: Notice
             WELT ONLINE, Germany - Mar 3, 2008
             Employee stock options will be issued to employees outside Sweden, primarily in France and Israel, and to employees in Sweden and the US who so wish. ...
CA*   1248 - CEO pay a study in contrasts
             StarPhoenix, Canada - Mar 3, 2008
             Cameco president and CEO Jerry Grandey was paid a base salary of $806000 and received a $600000 cash bonus along with share options that year. ...
ZA*   1249 - FSR - FirstRand - Unaudited Interim Results For The Six Months Ended
             McGregor BFA, South Africa - Mar 3, 2008
             The special purpose vehicles and trusts to which these shares have been issued have been accounted for as share options of Discovery, eliminating the shares ...
PK*   1250 - Sector-wise indices to be introduced in KSE
             PakTribune.com, Pakistan - Mar 3, 2008
             Index Options and Sindh Share Options will be introduced by the next year. Regarding appointment of new chairman of KSE, Adnan Afridi said Security and ...
CA*   1251 - Dundarave Resources - ENPAR proceeds with Optimization and Design ...
             Canada NewsWire (press release), Canada - Mar 3, 2008
             ENPAR announces that 325000 share options have been granted to two consultants and two employees. The options are exercisable at a price of $0.40 per share ...
US*   1252 - Gushing oil prices dip into US economy
             LubbockOnline.com, TX - Mar 3, 2008
             The Bittingers have come to ESOP to try and lower their interest rate for their mortgage. They have owned the home for six years.
IN*   1253 - Stirred but not shaken enough
             Economic Times, India - Mar 3, 2008
             The Finance Bill provides that if FBT is recovered from them in respect of their ESOP plans by their employer, such tax shall be regarded as tax paid by ...
FR*   1254 - La CGT soutient les salariés en lutte
             CGT - 3 mar 2008
             ... loi du 30 décembre 2006 sur la participation et l’actionnariat salarié, qui était censée encourager la reprise des entreprises par leurs salariés. ...
FR*   1255 - Nexans: plan d'actionnariat salarié ouvert le 4 mars
             TF1 - 3 mar 2008
             (Cercle Finance) - Nexans précise que la période de souscription du plan d'actionnariat salarié, annoncé le 31 janvier 2008, aura lieu du 4 mars 2008 au 14 ...
SN*   1256 - Sonatel : le personnel opte pour les stocks options
             Les Afriques - 3 mar 2008
             ... dans un communiqué datant de la mi-février, une cession qui s'effectue « dans le cadre d'un large et ambitieux programme d'actionnariat salarié (. ...
FR*   1257 - Société Générale : l'association des actionnaires salariés réclame ...
             Challenges - 3 mar 2008
             L'association des actionnaires salariés et anciens salariés de la Société Générale (Assact SG) réaffirme son attachement à l'indépendance de la banque de la ...
FR*   1258 - SG : l’augmentation de capital souscrite intégralement
             EasyBourse.com - 3 mar 2008
             Samedi, l’Association des salariés et anciens salariés actionnaires de la Société Générale (Assact) a demandé samedi le renforcement d’un ‘actionnariat ...
FR*   1259 - Sur le web avec
             Libération - 3 mar 2008
             Le Président n’a pas manqué, depuis, de critiquer les abus des stock-options et autre parachutes dorés. Mais il a également donné des gages au Medef, ...
FR*   1260 - Laurence Parisot, la présidente du Medef, s'attaque à la ...
             Le Monde - 3 mar 2008
             Il lui a fallu s'expliquer sur les rémunérations et les stock-options des patrons. Elle s'efforce de justifier le capitalisme financier au moment où des ...
FR*   1261 - Stagiaire Rémunération & Mobilité Internationale
             Studyrama - 3 mar 2008
             Vous participez à la gestion de notre politique en matière de Stock-options, et particulièrement au lancement du plan 2008 et au pilotage de la ...
ES*   1262 - La Comunidad invertirá 11 millones para la creación de empleo social
             El Faro de Cartagena (España) - 3 Mar 2008
             ... 650 nuevas empresas, lo que la convierte en la primera de España en la creación de cooperativas, y en la segunda en creación de sociedades laborales. ...
ES*   1263 - Empleo destina más de 11 millones de euros a
             La Verdad (Murcia) - 3 Mar 2008
             Las empresas de economía social son sociedades cooperativas (en su variada tipología) y sociedades laborales (que pueden ser limitadas y anónimas). ...
AR*   1264 - Si hace el 50% de lo que dijo, es Gardel
             OPI Santa Cruz - 3 Mar 2008
             Se incorporaron a la economía Social 209 familias y se conformaron 8 (ocho) nuevas Cooperativas de Trabajo. En conjunto con la Subsecretaría de Trabajo se ...
AR*   1265 - Inscriben a taller sobre reciclado de plásticos en Eldorado
             TerritorioDigital.com - 3 Mar 2008
             ... dictado por Miguel Rodríguez, representante de la Cooperativa Phie Correntino Limitada (Cooperativa de Trabajo Industrial- Proyecto Hilo Ecológico). ...
AR*   1266 - Argentina: martes 4, movilización frente a la Corporación de ...
             Rojo y Negro - 3 Mar 2008
             ... conformados en cooperativas, quieran continuar con la actividad", como señala la Federación Argentina de Cooperativas de Trabajadores Autogestionados, ...
AR*   1267 - De Vido destacó haber dejado atrás el panorama desolado del Municipio
             AbiertaTV - 3 Mar 2008
             Adelantó, además que durante el año 2008 "se continuará con la ejecución de 200 cuadras las que son ejecutadas por Cooperativas de Trabajadores formadas por ...
DE*   1268 - Porsche umwirbt VW-Belegschaft
             WirtschaftsWoche - 3. März 2008
             Mitarbeiterbeteiligung, Übernahme, Gehaltsverlust. Porsche versucht die Sorgen der Volkswagen-Belegschaft zu zerstreuen und hat dafür eine PR-Kampagne ...
DE*   1269 - SolarWorld beschließt erneute Mitarbeiterbeteiligung
             WELT ONLINE - 3. März 2008
             Bonn (aktiencheck.de AG) - Die SolarWorld AG (ISIN DE0005108401/ WKN 510840), ein Anbieter hochwertiger Solarstromtechnologie, meldete am Montag, ...
DE*   1270 - UPDATE: Porsche-AR stimmt VW-Mehrheitsbeteiligung zu
             Frankfurter Allgemeine Zeitung - 3. März 2008
             April war vor dem Arbeitsgericht eine Anhörung über die Arbeitnehmerbeteiligung angesetzt gewesen. "Unser Bestreben, Mehrheitsaktionär bei Volkswagen zu ...
DE*   1271 - Abschaffung von "Stock Options" ist notwendig
             imzoom.info - 3. März 2008
             Stock-Options sind Vorzugsaktien für ManagerInnen bei Erreichen eines bestimmten Börsenkurses der firmeneigenen Aktien und damit ebenso wie vom ...
AT*   1272 - Leitl gegen Stock-Options für Manager
             WirtschaftsBlatt.at - 3. März 2008
              Wirtschaftskammerpräsident Christoph Leitl ist für die Streichung der Stock-Options für Manager. "Stock-Options halte ich für abschaffungswürdig", ...
IT*   1273 - Cesenatico, va in pensione il passaggio a livello di Zadina
             Romagnaoggi.it - 3 mar 2008
             L’importo contrattuale dell’opera è di 5 milioni di Euro, ad aggiudicarsela è stato il Consorzio Ravennate delle Cooperative di Produzione e Lavoro (di cui ...
IT*   1274 - Tiscali: modifica piano stock options, per Pompei prezzo a 2477
             TGCOM - 3 mar 2008
             (Il Sole 24 Ore Radiocor) - Milano, 03 mar - Tiscali ha modificato il piano di stock option dopo l'aumento di capitale da 150 milioni di euro, conclusosi lo ...
IT*   1275 - Tiscali: prezzo esercizio stock options a 2132 euro per azione
             Borsa Italiana - 3 mar 2008
             CAGLIARI (MF-DJ)--Tiscali ha pubblicato il documento informativo relativo al piano di stock option contenenti le modifiche decise dal Cda del 27 e 28 ...
IT*   1276 - Tiscali: prezzo di esercizio delle stock options rettificato a ...
             Trend-online.com - 3 mar 2008
             Tiscali ha pubblicato in data odierna il documento informativo relativo al piano di stock option, che apporta alcune modifiche rispetto a quello pubblicato ...
IT*   1277 - La prudenza di Buffett
             fondionline.it - 3 mar 2008
             ... affinché i board potessero ricevere stock options senza registrarle tra i costi (occultando così il danno che comportavano per i risultati aziendali). ...
BR*   1278 - Fazenda concorda em não contratar menores
             Regiao Noroeste - 3 Mar 2008
             Todas as contratações, a partir de agora, com registro em carteira, através de cooperativas de trabalho. A Fazenda Santa Brígida é fornecedora exclusiva de ...
BR*   1279 - Fornecedora da Cutrale assina TAC para regularizar relações de ...
             Última Instância - 3 Mar 2008
             ... a cumprir integralmente as normas de segurança fixadas pelo Ministério do Trabalho ea não contratar rurícolas através de cooperativas de trabalho. ...
RO*   1280 - Unitech Scientific LLC Launches 3-hour Z-BrettTM Test Kit for ...
             PRLog.Org (press release), Romania - Mar 2, 2008
             The company is employee-owned, offers UniTAB, UniFLEX and EnzyPLUS enzymatic kits, as well as Analyzers, Meters, Titrators, and Microbiology products. ...
US*   1281 -