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  Much new information about employee ownership in November 2007, with 1.428 articles in this press review (on which 683 involving stock options and 191 about workers' cooperatives). We made a selection of  62 remarkable articles in 16 countries: Austria, Canada, Switzerland, Germany, Spain, France, India, Italy, Kenya, Sri Lanka, Luxemburg, Morocco, Netherlands, UK, USA, South Africa.
Christmas fable for Google's employees. International press reports how Google's employees were lucky to get stock options – you can read the story in English, French, Spanish or German as well. Cum grano sali.
France gave its annual Employee Share Ownership Awards to SCOR (available in all languages). Some major companies launch new employee share ownership plans successfully (Alstom, Axa). Employee savings is now a standard in widest companies. A new ranking is even been set up for administration providers regarding employee share ownership plans. Still many questions about the new additional tax on stock options. On the other hand, a new controversy is growing about President Sarkozy's decision to make employees savings freely available in view of supporting private consumption.
: Vice-Chancellor Molderer and Minister Bartenstein are paving the way to a new legislation for employee ownership.
Canada tells how "passing the keys to key staff".
Germany: Angela Merkel seems progressing fast to a new legislation for employee ownership.
Kenya: Kenya Revenue Authority proposes new rules for employee share plans.
Sri Lanka discusses about ESOP's and Good Governance.
Luxemburg: Prime Minister Juncker pleads for more employee share ownership.
Morocco: New employee share plan for Attijariwafa bank.
United Kingdom: The employee ownership industry attacks Chancellor Alistair Darling's project  regarding taxation on employee share plans.
United States: Employee ownership helps sustain Vermont's economy. Many small, privately owned  businesses provide some kind of stock incentive to their employees.
South Africa: Black economic empowerment is now in place at all of Anglo American's South African operations, where all employees would be active owners through the implementation of the company's employee share ownership plan.
The full press review lists 1.428 articles, on which 396 in the USA, 331 in France, 138 in UK, 90 in Germany, 75 in India, 71 in Argentina, 51 in Spain, 41 in Canada, 38 in Italy, 33 in Australia, 28 in Austria, 22 in Brasil, 20 in South Africa, 17 in Colombia, 9 in Ireland, 9 in Switzerland, 7 in Finland, 5 in New Zealand, 5 in China, 3 in Bulgaria, 3 in Bolivia, 3 in Netherlands, 3 in Venezuela, 2 in Barbados, Sri Lanka, Hong Kong, Morocco, Malaysia, Mexico, and 1 in United Arab Emirates, Belgium, Chile, Denmark, Israel, Luxemburg, Nigeria, Nicaragua, Pakistan, Paraguay, Philippines, Peru, South Korea, Portugal and Taiwan.
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   Beaucoup d'informations nouvelles sur l'actionnariat salarié en novembre 2007, avec 1.428 articles dans cette revue de presse (dont 683 à propos de stock options et 191 à propos de coopératives de travailleurs actionnaires). Notre sélection propose 62 articles remarquables dans 16 pays: Autriche, Canada, Suisse, Allemagne, Espagne, France, Inde, Italie, Kenya, Sri Lanka, Luxembourg, Maroc, Pays-Bas, Grande Bretagne, USA, Afrique du Sud.
Le petit conte de fée googlien de Noël: La presse internationale de tous les pays raconte la chance des employés de  Google qui ont reçu des stock options il y a dix ans. Avec un grain de sel.
France: Distribution du Grand Prix de l'Actionnariat Salarié au Groupe SCOR. Plusieurs grands groupes ont lancé avec succès de nouveaux plans multinationaux (Alstom, Axa…). L'épargne salariale devient un standard dans les grandes entreprises. Une nouvelle notation est lancée concernant les fournisseurs de services de gestion administrative de l'épargne salariale. Encore beaucoup de questions à propos de la taxe supplémentaire sur les stock options votée au mois d'octobre. est companies. Enfin une nouvelle controverse se développe à propos de la décision du Président Sarkozy qui veut débloquer l'épargne salariale aussi vite que possible pour soutenir la consommation privée et le pouvoir d'achat.
: Le Vice-Chancelier Molderer et le Ministre Bartenstein ont mis l'Autriche sur le chemin d'une nouvelle législation pour l'actionnariat salarié.
Allemagne: Les choses s'accélèrent pour Angela Merkel – la perspective d'une nouvelle législation pour l'actionnariat salarié soude le gouvernement.
Kenya: L'administration fiscale propose de nouvelles règles pour les plans d'actionnariat salarié.
Luxembourg: Le Premier Ministre Jean-Claude Juncker plaide en faveur de l'actionnariat salarié.
Maroc: Nouveau plan d'actionnariat pour les salariés de la banque Attijariwafa.
Royaume Uni: Attaques contre le projet du Chancelier Alistair Darling touchant le régime des plans d'actionnariat salarié. 
Etats Unis: L'actionnariat salarié contribue à une économie durable dans l'Etat du Vermont. Beaucoup de petites entreprises non cotées en bourses offrent des plans d'options ou d'actionnariat à leurs salariés.  
Afrique du Sud: Le programme de rééquilibrage économique en faveur de la population noire (black economic empowerment) est désormais en place dans toutes les filiales du Groupe Anglo American, à travers un plan d'actionnariat salarié pour tous les travailleurs du Groupe.
La revue de presse complète compte 1.428 articles, dont 396 aux USA, 331 en France, 138 en Grande Bretagne, 90 en Allemagne, 75 en Inde, 71 en Argentine, 51 en Espagne, 41 au Canada, 38 en Italie, 33 en Australie, 28 en Autriche, 22 au Brézil, 20 en Afrique du Sud, 17 en Colombie, 9 en Irlande, 9 en Suisse, 7 en Finlande, 5 en Nouvelle Zélande, 5 en Chine, 3 en Bulgarie, 3 en Bolivie, 3 aux Pays-Bas, 3 au Venezuela, 2 à la Barbade, au Sri Lanka, Hong Kong, Maroc, Malaysie, Mexique, et 1 aux Emirats Arabes Unis, Belgique, Chili, Danemark, Israel, Luxembourg, Nigeria, Nicaragua, Pakistan, Paraguay, Philippines, Pérou, Corée du Sud, Portugal et Taiwan.
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  Muchas nuevas informaciones sobre accionariado asalariado en noviembre 2007, con 1.428 artículos en esta revista de prensa (cuyos 683 sobre los stock options y 191 sobre cooperativas de trabajadores accionistas). Nuestra selección propone 62 artículos destacados en 16 países : Austria, Canadá, Suiza, Alemania, España, Francia, India, Italia, Kenya, Sri Lanka, Luxemburgo, Marruecos, Países Bajos, Gran Bretaña, EEUU y Africa del Sur.
El pequeño cuento de adas googleaneo de Navidad: La prensa internacional de todos los países cuenta la suerte de los empleados de Google que recibieron stock options hace diez años.
Francia: Distribución del Grand Prix del Accionariado Asalariado al Grupo SCOR. Varios grandes grupos lanzaron con exito nuevos planes multinacionales (Alstom, Axa…). El ahorro asalariado se esta volviendo un standard en las grandes empresas. Ua nueva notación fue lanzada sobre los proveedores de servicios de gestion administrativa del ahorro asalariado. Todavia muchas preguntas sobre la tasa suplementaria de los stock options votada en octubre. Finalmente, nuevas discrepancias sobre la decision del Presidente Sarkozy que quiere desbloquear lo mas rapido posible el ahorro para sostener el consumo y el poder adquisitivo.
: El Vicecanciller Molderer y el Ministro Bartenstein encaminan Austria hacia una nueva legislación en favore del accionariado asalariado.
Alemania: Las cosas se aceleran para Angela Merkel – la perspectiva de una nueva legislación para el accionariado asalariado reune el gobierno.
Kenya: Hacienda propone nuevas reglas para los planes de accionariado asalariado.
Luxemburgo: El Primer Ministro Jean-Claude Juncker en favor del accionariado asalariado.
Marruecos: Nuevo plan de accionariado asalariado para los asalariados del banco Attijariwafa.
Reino Unido: Ataques contra el proyecto del Canciller Alistair Darling sobre los planes de accionariado asalariado. 
Estados Unidos: El accionariado asalariado contribuye a una economia duradera en el estado del Vermont. Muchas pequeñas empresas no cotizadas en bolsa ofrecen planes de opciones o de acciones a sus asalariados.  
Africa del Sur: El programa de ajuste economico en favor de la poblacion negra (black economic empowerment) esta ya en marcha en todas las filiales del Grupo Anglo American, con un plan de accionariado asalariado para los trabajadores del Grupo.
La revista de prensa completa cuenta con 1.428 artículos, cuyos 396 en los Estados Unidos, 331 en Francia, 138 en Gran Bretaña, 90 en Alemania, 75 en India, 71 en Argentina, 51 en España, 41 en Canadá, 38 en Italia, 33 en Australia, 28 en Austria, 22 en Brasil, 20 en Africa del Sur, 17 en Colombia, 9 en Irlanda, 9 en Suiza, 7 en Finlandia, 5 en Nueva Zelandia, 5 en China, 3 en Bulgaria, 3 en Bolivia, 3 en los Países Bajos, 3 en Venezuela, 2 en los Barbados, Sri Lanka, Hong Kong, Marruecos, Malasia, Mejico y 1 en los Emiratos Arabes, Belgica, Chile, Dinamarca, Israel, Luxemburgo, Nigeria, Nicaragua, Pakistan, Paraguay, Filipinas, Perú, Corea del Sur, Portugal y Taiwan.
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   62 selected articles in November 2007 about employee ownership in
Austria, Canada, Switzerland, Germany, Spain, France, India, Italy, Kenya, Sri Lanka, Luxemburg, Morocco, Netherlands, UK, USA, South Africa.

AT*   1335 - Molterer: Die ÖVP ist Österreichs „Verantwortungspartei“
             oevp.at - 3. Nov. 2007
             Ich will auch, dass es noch mehr Eigentümer in Österreich gibt, deshalb wollen wir die Mitarbeiterbeteiligung.“ Der Vizekanzler nahm auch Stellung zur ...
AT*   574 - Regierung forciert Mitarbeiterbeteiligung
             Die Presse - 20. Nov. 2007
             Zum "Front Runner" soll Österreich werden, wenn es um die Mitarbeiterbeteiligung geht, fordert VP-Vizekanzler Wilhelm Molterer und steht damit ganz hinter ...
AT*   572 - Bartenstein: Intelligente Mitarbeiterbeteiligung als Win-Win-Situation
             Österreich Journal - 20. Nov. 2007
             Eine stärkere Mitarbeiterbeteiligung ist die richtige Antwort auf diese soziale und ökonomische Frage - sie schafft eine win-win-Situation", ...
AT*   507 - Mitarbeiterbeteiligung: Langsam, aber doch tut sich was
             WirtschaftsBlatt.at - 21. Nov. 2007
             von Esther Mitterstieler Nicht erst seit den Wirtschaftsgesprächen in Alpbach ist die Mitarbeiterbeteiligung Wilhelm Molterers „Hobby". ...
CA*   1269 - Passing the keys to key staff
             National Post - Canada - Nov 5, 2007
             It also set PCL on a path toward becoming 100% employee-owned. The Poole name continues to be closely associated with PCL, which is proud of its family ...
CA*   45 - Capital régional et coopératif Desjardins dévoile les premiers ...
             CNW Telbec (Communiqués de presse) - 30 nov 2007
             Prix Coopératives Ce prix a été décerné à la Coopérative de travailleurs actionnaire (CTA) TEC de Montréal. La société TEC, détenue à 27 % par cette ...
CH*   167 - Le salariat c’est le vol !
             Le Jura Libertaire - 28 nov 2007
             Il est surtout possible de se passer de patrons (les expériences autogestionnaires et le principe coopératif comme celui des SCOP le montrent). ...
DE*   997 - Google macht Masseuse zur Multimillionärin
             Berliner Morgenpost - 12. Nov. 2007
             Deren durchschnittliche Mitarbeiterbeteiligung liegt laut dem Zeitungsbericht inzwischen bei 685 Anteilsscheinen zu je 475 Dollar. ...
DE*   505 - SCOR erhält Auszeichnung für umfassendes Belegschaftsaktienmodell
             Companynewsgroup (Comunicati Stampa) - 21. Nov. 2007
             ... bestärkt uns in der Überzeugung, dass die Mitarbeiterbeteiligung eine entscheidende Rolle für den dauerhaften Erfolg unseres Unternehmens einnimmt. ...
DE*   244 - Merkel nähert sich dem SPD-Vorschlag
             Stern - 27. Nov. 2007
             In die Diskussion rund um die Mitarbeiterbeteiligung kommt neue Bewegung: Angela Merkel steht dem "Deutschlandfonds" der SPD nicht ablehnend gegenüber. ...
DE*   176 - Mitarbeiterbeteiligung an ihren Firmen
             Hamburger Abendblatt - 28. Nov. 2007
             Union und SPD kommen einer Einigung bei der Mitarbeiterbeteiligung immer näher. Es wird erwartet, dass man sich bis spätestens März auf ein Modell zur ...
DE*   181 - Flirt mit SPD: Angela Merkel plädiert für Mitarbeiterbeteiligung
             Europolitan - 28. Nov. 2007
             Die Bundesrepublik hinkt im internationalen Vergleich beim Thema Mitarbeiterbeteiligung weit hinterher – in Frankreich beteiligen 80 Prozent aller ...
DE*   113 - Mitarbeiterbeteiligung kittet die Koalition
             Handelsblatt - 29. Nov. 2007
             Von Donata Riedel Nach Wochen des Streits haben Union und SPD ein Thema gefunden, das zum Koalitionskitt taugt: Mitarbeiterbeteiligung. ...
ES*   953 - Google hace millonarios a sus empleados
             Cadena Ser - 13 Nov 2007
             ... y que ha repartido decenas de millones de dólares entre sus empleados gracias a las 'stock options' que muchos aceptaron como parte de su salario. ...
FR*   1145 - 1200 millionnaires et… et… et…
             Cluster 21 - 8 nov 2007
             D’après le Journal du Net qui cite différentes études (sans donner leurs références, ce qui n’est pas cool:)), Google aurait, grâce aux stock-options, ...
FR*   935 - Le petit conte de fée googlien de Noël
             Abondance - 13 nov 2007
             Bonnie a quitté l'entreprise avec un bon petit paquet de millions de dollars après avoir touché ses stock-options. Elle vit aujourd'hui dans le Nevada, ...
FR*   933 - Reprise d’entreprise : quand les salariés s’impliquent
             LyonGratuit.com - 13 nov 2007
             Cette reprise par le salarié peut s’effectuer par le biais d’une SA ou d’une Sarl Scop. Transméa, la nouvelle société à capital risque peut booster le ...
FR*   865 - L'actionnariat individuel sauvé par l'épargne salariale
             Les Échos - 14 nov 2007
             Mais ce résultat n'est dû qu'à la progression de l'actionnariat salarié. L'actionnariat salarié a permis l'an dernier à plus de 100.000 Français ...
FR*   715 - Allemagne: le rédacteur en chef du puissant Spiegel poussé vers la ...
             AFP - 16 nov 2007
             "Le Spiegel a besoin d'un nouveau visage, moderne", a justifié Armin Mahler, qui dirige l'association des salariés actionnaires, dans le Financial Times ...
FR*   547 - Possible déblocage de la participation des salariés
             Blog Patrimoine d'Investir - 20 nov 2007
             L’AFG a enfoncé le clou ce matin en affirmant que la vraie relance du pouvoir d’achat passe, selon elle, par l’extension de l’épargne salariale et non par ...
FR*   539 - Stock-options : attention au risque de désinformation
             Les Échos - 20 nov 2007
             Cette réalité de surtaxation des outils d'actionnariat salarié est malheureusement méconnue. C'est ainsi que la mesure envisagée contribuerait : - enfin, ...
FR*   482 - L'épargne salariale devient un standard dans les grandes entreprises
             Les Échos - 21 nov 2007
             Intéressement, participation et épargne salariale sont pratiqués par la plupart des grandes entreprises. Les sommes versées à ce titre en 2005 ont ...
FR*   475 - Epargne salariale : l'AFG s'oppose à toute nouvelle mesure de ...
             Les Échos - 21 nov 2007
             Elle s'oppose à toute nouvelle mesure de déblocage anticipé de l'épargne salariale, qu'elle juge inefficace. "Ce n'est pas en débloquant les encours ...
FR*   473 - Scor : distingué pour son modèle d'actionnariat salarié intégré
             Boursier.com - 21 nov 2007
             (Boursier.com) - Scor a remporté le deuxième prix du Grand Prix de l'Actionnariat Salarié 2007 dans la catégorie des sociétés du SBF 250. ...
FR*   472 - SCOR remporte un prix grâce à son modèle d’actionnariat salarié ...
             Edubourse.com (Communiqués de presse) - 21 nov 2007
             SCOR a remporté le deuxième prix du Grand Prix de l'Actionnariat Salarié 2007 dans la catégorie des sociétés du SBF250. Ce prix a été décerné au Groupe en ...
             Business Wire (press release) - 22 nov 2007
             ALSTOM (Paris:ALO) va mettre en œuvre un plan d’actionnariat réservé aux salariés du groupe dans 19 pays dont la France, soit environ 90% de l’effectif du ...
FR*   379 - Crédit Agricole: des salariés actionnaires mécontents de la baisse ...
             Daily Bourse - 23 nov 2007
             Des salariés du groupe Crédit Agricole ayant participé à une augmentation de capital se sont plaints auprès de la direction de n'avoir pas été suffisamment ...
FR*   332 - Les mots-clés de l'épargne salariale
             Le Monde - 25 nov 2007
             Les stock-options (droits d'achat d'actions à un cours fixé d'avance) constituent une catégorie à part de l'actionnariat salarié réservée à certains cadres ...
FR*   333 - Les avantages de l'épargne salariale
             Le Monde - 25 nov 2007
             La loi du 30 décembre 2006, "pour le développement de la participation et de l'actionnariat salarié" marque plusieurs avancées. Plus d'intéressement. ...
FR*   334 - Devenir actionnaire de son entreprise
             Le Monde - 25 nov 2007
             ... reconnaît Jean-Claude Mothié, président de la Fédération française des associations d'actionnaires salariés (FAS). Cette vaste loi pour le développement ...
FR*   300 - Le bien-fondé des stock-options encore en débat
             Les Échos - 26 nov 2007
             Instruments générant une saine motivation au sein des entreprises pour les uns, les stock-options ne sont pour d'autres qu'un mode de rémunération déguisée. ...
FR*   288 - Le rédacteur en chef du "Spiegel" désavoué par les salariés
             Le Monde - 26 nov 2007
             Les salariés, actionnaires majoritaires du magazine, ont annoncé à l'actuel titulaire du poste, Stefan Aust, qu'il devrait l'abandonner en décembre 2008. ...
FR*   231 - Epargne salariale : la gestion administrative va avoir sa notation
             NewsManagers - 27 nov 2007
             27 Novembre (Newsmanagers.com) - Epsineo propose aux teneurs de comptes, mais aussi aux sociétés de gestion qui offrent des fonds d’épargne salariale, ...
FR*   165 - Selon l'AFG, la relance du pouvoir d’achat passe par l’extension ...
             Publi-News - 28 nov 2007
             Contrairement à une idée reçue, relayée récemment encore par certains organes de presse, ce n’est pas en débloquant les encours existants ou en mettant fin ...
FR*   155 - Succès confirmé du plan d'actionnariat salarié du Groupe AXA en ...
             Edubourse.com (Communiqués de presse) - 28 nov 2007
             Les collaborateurs du Groupe détiennent désormais 5,10 % du capital d’AXA AXA a annoncé le 20 août dernier le lancement de son offre internationale ...
FR*   39 - Lagarde: Débloquer l'épargne salariale
             Le journal du dimanche en ligne - 30 nov 2007
             Le gouvernement veut permettre le déblocage de l'épargne salariale aussi vite que possible, conformément au souhait du président Nicolas Sarkozy, ...
IN*   1385 - Esops could prove taxing for employees
             Economic Times, India - Nov 1, 2007
             In recent times, most employers have been inclined to use employee stock option plans (Esops) to remunerate, motivate and retain employees. ...
IT*   515 - SCOR si aggiudica premio per il proprio modello integrato di
             Companynewsgroup (Comunicados de prensa) - Italy - 21 nov 2007
             L'azionariato dei dipendenti è un elemento molto importante nella cultura aziendale di SCOR e vincere questo premio conferma la nostra convinzione che i ...
KE*   516 - KRA proposes new rules for share plans
             Standard - Nairobi,Kenya - Nov 20, 2007
             By Tom Mogusu Kenya Revenue Authority (KRA) has released guidelines that could see employees pay more taxes through the employee share ownership programmes ...
LK*   650 - ESOP’s and Good Governance
             Daily Mirror (subscription), Sri Lanka - Nov 18, 2007
             The latest budget has given certain incentives to encourage more companies to provide Employee Stock Options which is a very welcome strategy to promote not ...
LU*   996 - Juncker wirbt für Mitarbeiterbeteiligung
             PR-Inside.com (Pressemitteilung) - 12. Nov. 2007
             ... die Sitzungen der Eurogruppe leitet. Auch in Deutschland wird seit einigen Monaten verstärkt über das Instrument der Mitarbeiterbeteiligung diskutiert.
MA*   791 - Télex : Le Maroc à la Foire commerciale de Mons
             Aujourd'hui Le Maroc - 15 nov 2007
             Un communiqué du CDVM précise que cette offre, qui constitue la 2ème tranche du plan d'actionnariat salarié lancé en 2005, porte sur un total de 289.494 ...
NL*   888 - Personeelsparticipatie moet personeel binden en motiveren
             Residentie - 14 nov 2007
             Een toonaangevende studie naar de effecten van werknemersparticipatie in Amerikaanse bedrijven geeft wel kwantitatieve effecten. ...
UK*   1100 - Man who met the challenge
             nebusiness.co.uk, UK - Nov 8, 2007
             In 2000 Eaga became an employee-owned partnership, adopting a structure very similar to the John Lewis model. By 2004 expansion had begun to quicken ...
UK*   1080 - proshare piles on pressure over CGT
             Telegraph.co.uk, United Kingdom - Nov 8, 2007
             By Roland Gribben Employee share ownership groups have added to the pressure on the Chancellor to abandon plans for an 80pc jump in capital gains tax with a ...
UK*   1040 - Employee share owners latest group to attack CGT changes
             CityWire.co.uk, UK - Nov 9, 2007
             The not-for-profit organisation that supports employee share ownership has met with Treasury officials to provide of the negative impact that the proposed ...
UK*   707 - Is your own company a reliable option?
             Guardian Unlimited, UK - Nov 16, 2007
             Sharesave schemes, better known as save as you earn (SAYE) plans, give staff the chance to buy share "options" in the company - often at a 20% discount. ...
UK*   644 - Miller Group in sale talks with suitors
             Scotsman, United Kingdom - Nov 18, 2007
             At present there are more than 280 employee shareholders. If the company is put up for sale following these discussions, these employees could stand to make ...
UK*   371 - French social security law passed with new taxes
             Guardian Unlimited, UK - Nov 23, 2007
             Employees would be liable to pay 2.5 percent on profit they made when exercising the share options. The measure will only apply to options granted after ...
UK*   321 - Alistair Darling faces grilling from MPs over changes to capital ...
             Times Online, UK - Nov 25, 2007
             “We are concerned about the possible detrimental effect that the withdrawal of taper relief could have on small businesses, employee shareholders and ...
UK*   311 - Treasury Select Committee consider Darling's report
             Swindon Advertiser, UK - Nov 25, 2007
             By Leigh Robinson ifs ProShare, the collective voice for the employee share ownership industry, has welcomed today's Treasury Select Committee report into ...
US*   1199 - MY TURN: Employee ownership helps sustain Vermont's economy
             BurlingtonFreePress.com, VT - Nov 6, 2007
             Good for communities: Employee ownership is a key tool in maintaining local ownership of Vermont businesses and the jobs they support and avoiding the ...
US*   1014 - For some, Google shares changed the course of their lives
             Boston Globe, United States - Nov 11, 2007
              Google, like many other Silicon Valley companies, gives each new employee stock options, as well as a smaller number of shares of Google stock, ...
US*   927 - Latest blog posts
             Media Guardian, UK - Nov 13, 2007
             Oh, and she got some share options too. Five years later and Brown has just sold her shares for millions, buying a 3000-square-foot house in Nevada, ...
US*   756 - EDO shareholder opposes takeover
             Newsday, NY - Nov 15, 2007
             The largest is edo's employee stock ownership plan, which has about about 17 percent of the stock. Given the esop's share, the deal will most likely go ...
US*   455 - SCOR wins award for its comprehensive employee share ownership model
             CNNMoney.com - Nov 21, 2007
             Employee share ownership is a very important element of scor's corporate culture and winning this award supports us in our conviction that shareholding ...
US*   412 - Alstom: Employee Shareholding
             Business Wire (press release), CA - Nov 22, 2007
             The voting rights at ALSTOM’s shareholders’ meetings are exercised by employee shareholders when subscription has been carried out via direct shareholding ...
US*   327 - Rosendin Electric Named Sub-Contractor of the Year by Silicon ...
             PR-USA.net (press release), Bulgaria - Nov 25, 2007
             Completely employee-owned since 2000, with more than 2500 employees, Rosendin Electric keeps pace with the rapidly changing construction business, ...
US*   323 - Employees On The Way To Owning Quirk Wire Co.
             Worcester Business Journal, MA - Nov 25, 2007
             Quirk sold the company he started in 1978 to its employees in an ESOP, an Employee Stock Ownership Program. The employees should own the company entirely in ...
US*   122 - Incentives to attract workers
             San Francisco Chronicle,  USA - Nov 28, 2007
             "Lots and lots of closely held companies do it," said Corey Rosen, director of the National Center for Employee Ownership, an Oakland nonprofit. ...
ZA*   6 - All Anglo BEE deals now in place, says CEO Cynthia Carroll
             Mining Weekly, South Africa - Nov 30, 2007
             ... would be active owners through the implementation of the company's employee share ownership plan, CEO Cynthia Carroll said in Johannesburg on Thursday. ...
ZA*   457 - Robert Hunt knows how to build on dynamic tension
             Business Report, South Africa - Nov 21, 2007
             The firm remains privately owned by the family, but the presence of employee stockholders makes for a more egalitarian environment. ...

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Monthly press review covering following items in English, French, German, Spanish, Italian and Portuguese:
Revue de presse sur les thèmes suivants en anglais, français, allemand, espagnol, italien et portugais:

acionistas assalariados - accionariado asalariado - actionnaires salariés - actionnariat salarié - Arbeitnehmerkapitalbeteiligung - azionariato dei dipendenti - azionisti dipendenti - employee buyouts - employee owners - employee ownership - employee share ownership - employee stock ownership - ESOP - financiele werknemersparticipatie - finanzielle Beteiligung der Arbeitnehmer - Mitarbeiterbeteiligung - Mitarbeiterkapitalbeteiligung - partecipazione finanziaria dei lavoratori - participación financiera de los trabajadores - participation financière des travailleurs - salariés actionnaires - sociedades laborales - werknemersaandeelhouders - werknemersparticipatie - coopératives ouvrières de production - SCOP - coopératives de travailleurs actionnaires - cooperativas de trabajo - cooperative di lavoro - workers cooperatives - cooperativas de trabalho

Articles are sorted by dates and countries:
Les articles sont classés par dates et par pays:

Los artículos están ordenados por fecha:

US*   1 - Hilliard Lyons CEO expects firm to grow under employee ownership
             Bizjournals.com, NC – Nov 30, 2007
             Although much remains uncertain about the future of JJB Hilliard, WL Lyons Inc. following its impending change of ownership, CEO James Allen said nothing ...
US*   2 - Business calendar
             Post-Bulletin, MN - Nov 30, 2007
             The presentation will cover Foldcraft's employee ownership structure and various ownership manifestations. Cost is free for MCQ/RACQ members, ...
US*   3 - Skanska: Extraordinary Shareholders’ Meeting Decides on Long-Term ...
             Business Wire (press release), CA - Nov 30, 2007
             A presentation of the ownership program, Skanska Employee Ownership Program, is provided in an earlier press release dated October 19, 2007, ...
US*   4 - TEOCO Wins CARE Award for Family-Friendly Workplace Policies and ...
             Business Wire (press release), CA - Nov 30, 2007
             TEOCO is widely recognized for its commitment to Principled Entrepreneurship, business ethics and employee ownership with a particular emphasis on its core ...
ZA*   5 - SA unit’s BEE-plus makes it charter ready
             Engineering News (press release), South Africa - Nov 30, 2007
             The balance of the shares are held by an employee share ownership programme (ESOP) that was launched in January 2006, with about 5 000 of Mondi's employees ...
ZA*   6 - All Anglo BEE deals now in place, says CEO Cynthia Carroll
             Mining Weekly, South Africa - Nov 30, 2007
             ... would be active owners through the implementation of the company's employee share ownership plan, CEO Cynthia Carroll said in Johannesburg on Thursday. ...
US*   7 - Home Made: Chilcote preserves photo memories
             WKYC-TV, OH - Nov 30, 2007
             Feliciano is one of those employee-owners, and agrees with David Chilcote. She says, "we've been around a hundred years, and we will be around another ...
              Colts.com, IN - Nov 30, 2007
             "The employee-owners of Herff Jones thank the Colts for focusing the youth of America on the importance of a college education,” said Joe Slaughter, ...
US*   9 - FCC appears to favor waivers, clearing way for Tribune sale
             Chicago Tribune, United States - Nov 30, 2007
             The deal involves both an Employee Stock Ownership Plan and what’s known as S Corp status. Martin’s proposal called for waivers would enable the company's ...
UK*   10 - NewAge Industries, Inc. Introduces Flexible Latex Rubber Tubing ...
             Newswire Today (press release), UK - Nov 30, 2007
             In 2006, NewAge Industries initiated an ESOP (Employee Stock Ownership Plan) for the benefit of both its employees and customers. ...
US*   11 - Sheetz, Inc. is Proud to Be Ranked Number One Retailer in Pennsylvania
             Reuters - Nov 30, 2007
             Items like quarterly bonuses, all-expense paid trips to celebratemilestone anniversaries with the company and employee stock ownership programsall ...
UK*   12 - Sheetz, Inc. is Proud to Be Ranked Number One Retailer in Pennsylvania
             Earthtimes, UK - Nov 30, 2007
             Items like quarterly bonuses, all-expense paid trips to celebrate milestone anniversaries with the company and employee stock ownership programs all ...
US*   13 - Tribune sale may get FCC approval by today; Sun could go up for sale
             Baltimore Examiner, MD - Nov 30, 2007
             Company officials insist its leveraged employee buyout is a done deal. That deal foresees retaining its major media properties. ...
US*   14 - Form 4 Oracle: Boston, MA -- Form4Oracle: Insider Trading Report ...
             Trading Markets (press release), CA - Nov 30, 2007
             American Capital Strategies, Ltd. is a principal investment firm specializing in management and employee buyouts, acquisitions, add-on acquisitions, ...
IN*   15 - ACC allots shares under ESOP
             Myiris.com, India - Nov 30, 2007
             The investors grievance committee of the board of ACC allotted 11697 shares against exercise of employee stock options. The company reported a substantial ...
IN*   16 - Satyam Computer allots shares under ESOP
             Myiris.com, India - Nov 30, 2007
             The compensation committee of Satyam Computer (Q, N,C,F)* Services allotted 13677 equity shares under stock option plans of the company. ...
US*   17 - Stuber: Residents need skilled leadership
             Savannah Morning News, GA - Nov 30, 2007
             When I retired last year, the company was entirely employee-owned with everyone, from the secretaries and surveyors to top level engineers, ...
US*   18 - Employees become owners of Daniel B. Stephens & Associates
             Bizjournals.com, NC - Nov 30, 2007
             ... consulting firm with clients nationwide, has closed on an Employee Stock Ownership Plan (ESOP) transaction, making the company employee owned. ...
US*   19 - Advanced Design changes course on expansion plans
             The Central New York Business Journal, NY - Nov 30, 2007
             ADC is currently employee-owned and has no outside investors. Deyhim says he and other company leaders have been considering bringing in outside capital, ...
US*   20 - Merrick & Company Wins Engineering Excellence Award
             Spatial News (press release), FL - Nov 30, 2007
             The employee-owned company provides these services to municipal, state, federal, and private-sector clients. With approximately 400 employees, ...
UK*   21 - International Bedding Engages Mesirow Financial Consulting, LLC
             Earthtimes, UK - Nov 30, 2007
             The firm is independent and employee-owned with more than 1100 employees in locations across the country and in the United Kingdom. ...
US*   22 - Directions Magazine
             DirectionsMag.com (press release), IL - Nov 30, 2007
             The employee-owned DigitalGlobe is the preferred geospatial content partner for imagery enabled commercial applications. We are committed to maintaining the ...
UK*   23 - TFN NEWS BRIEFING: Consumer and retailing highlights to 09:15 GMT
             Hemscott, UK - Nov 30, 2007
             LONDON (Thomson Financial) - John Lewis Partnership, the employee owned retailer, said week to Nov 24 sales at its chain of 187 Waitrose supermarkets ...
CA*   24 - TD likes Goldman strategy, but not at expense of stock
             Globe and Mail, Canada - Nov 30, 2007
             As Genuity Capital Markets closes out a banner year, the employee-owned institutional dealer is broadening its reach. Genuity will start coverage of ...
US*   25 - Changed Number of Shares and Votes in Orexo AB
             Business Wire (press release), CA - Nov 30, 2007
              ... with payment in kind in connection with Orexo’s acquisition of Biolipox AB and exercise of employee stock options entitling to 4000 new shares in Orexo. ...
IN*   26 - ACC allots shares under ESOP
             Myiris.com, India - Nov 30, 2007
             The investors grievance committee of the board of ACC allotted 11697 shares against exercise of employee stock options. The company reported a substantial ...
DE*   27 - Mentor Graphics Reports Third Quarter
             Ad-Hoc-News (Pressemitteilung), Germany - Nov 30, 2007
             Stock-based compensation expenses represent the Fair Value of all share-based payments to employees, including grants of employee stock options, ...
DE*   28 - Ramius Capital Sends Letter to Shareholders of Datascope
             WELT ONLINE, Germany - Nov 30, 2007
             ... and to the overstatement of expenses related to changes under FAS123R regarding the accounting method for employee stock options -- The option ...
UK*   29 - Intel's Otellini nabs $22m in moonlighting fees
             Inquirer, UK - Nov 30, 2007
             Incidentally, Otellini has made in three years roughly one-fifth of what he has made at Intel in share options over the past 16 years. ...
CH*   30 - IT employees will benefit from the skills shortages
             Union Network International, Switzerland - Nov 30, 2007
             In the IT industry, one of the perks used to retain staff is share options. Swain added that “people have seen the big web 2.0 acquisitions and think the ...
US*   31 - Stem Cell Therapeutics Corp. Announces Third Quarter 2007 ...
             Market Wire (press release) - Nov 30, 2007
             At September 30, 2007 there were 68386864 common shares, 6120000 class B shares, 5636889 common share options, and 6937500 common share purchase warrants ...
UK*   32 - Porsche chief’s €70m pay package fuels anger over Germany’s fat cats
             Times Online, UK - Nov 30, 2007
             The packages include share options but not pension arrangements. Apart from Mr Ackermann, the leaders of the DAX pack have been Hennig Kagermann of SAP, ...
UK*   33 - Business in Japan Tuning the hybrid
             Economist, UK - Nov 30, 2007
             Many Japanese companies now provide merit-based pay and share options, for example, but not to the extent that American firms do. There is more shareholder ...
IN*   34 - Kerala HC upholds abkari policy
             Indlaw.com, India - Nov 30, 2007
             ... entrust running of toddy shops in Kannur and Kozhikode districts and various ranges of Ernakulam and Kasargode districts to workers cooperative societies.
FR*   35 - Baisse du pouvoir d'achat : la preuve par les courbes
             De Source Sûre – 30 nov 2007
             ... pour faire baisser les prix de la téléphonie, une extension des heures supplémentaires défiscalisées ou le développement de l’actionnariat salarié. ...
FR*   36 - Un(e) juriste droit des
             Village-Justice - - 30 nov 2007
             ... documentation relative aux assemblées, communication financière) ; suivi des dossiers relatifs à l’épargne salariale. Le village de la justice est le ...
FR*   37 - Natixis AM vise la première place sur le marché français de l’ISR
             NewsManagers - 30 nov 2007
             Avec 4,7 milliards d’actifs sous gestion au 30 juin 2007 en ISR, dont 823 millions en épargne salariale, Natixis Interépargne et Natixis Asset Management ...
FR*   38 - Sarkozy à la télé : Rien, rien de nouveau, que du pire
             Radin Rue - 30 nov 2007
             ... de moins de 50 salariés, accentuation de la concurrence dans la grande distribution, épargne salariale débloquée plus facilement… on verra à la longue. ...
FR*   39 - Lagarde: Débloquer l'épargne salariale
             Le journal du dimanche en ligne - 30 nov 2007
             Le gouvernement veut permettre le déblocage de l'épargne salariale aussi vite que possible, conformément au souhait du président Nicolas Sarkozy, ...
FR*   40 - Sarkozy fait sauter le verrou des 35 heures
             Bellaciao - 30 nov 2007
             Logement, prime défiscalisée dans les sociétés de moins de 50 salariés, accentuation de la concurrence dans la grande distribution, épargne salariale ...
FR*   41 - Les pistes du gouvernement pour améliorer le pouvoir d'achat
             Capital.fr - 30 nov 2007
             ... d'exonération fiscale des heures supplémentaires, "un déblocage de l'épargne salariale" et une "prime à la casse" pour renouveler le parc automobile. ...
FR*   42 - Le pouvoir d’achat par le travail
             Metro France - 30 nov 2007
             ... le gel du prix du gaz, la simplification du dispositif d’exonération fiscale des heures supplémentaires, ou encore le déblocage de l’épargne salariale...
FR*   43 - M. Sarkozy entend jouer sur les 35 heures et les loyers pour ...
             Le Monde - 30 nov 2007
             ... ce qui avait permis d'injecter 5,6 milliards d'euros dans l'économie française, mais avait déplu aux professionnels de l'épargne salariale. ...
CA*   44 - L'esprit de Noël chez Desjardins : la Caisse de Rivière-du-Loup ...
             CRÉBSL (Communiqués de presse) - 30 nov 2007
             ... étudiantes de 1re année, dirigées par Marie-Pierre Côté, étudiante de 3e année, embauchées par la coopérative de travail étudiant Réseau-Boulot. ...
CA*   45 - Capital régional et coopératif Desjardins dévoile les premiers ...
             CNW Telbec (Communiqués de presse) - 30 nov 2007
             Prix Coopératives Ce prix a été décerné à la Coopérative de travailleurs actionnaire (CTA) TEC de Montréal. La société TEC, détenue à 27 % par cette ...
FR*   46 - Orco Property Group : Excellents Résultats neuf mois
             Le Revenu - 30 nov 2007
             ... à rajouter les coûts du plan de stock options (1,5 millions d'euros), le coût des corrections des biens vendus, c'est-à-dire des plus-values réalisés ...
FR*   47 - Tract : Revaloriser le travail - Augmenter les salaires
             Parti Communiste Français - 30 nov 2007
             Mais les salaires des grands patrons du Cac 40 sont fabuleux, sans compter les stock-options et les parachutes en or des PDG. ...
FR*   48 - Pouvoir d'achat: Nicolas Sarkozy laisse les syndicats sur leur faim
             nouvelobs.com - 30 nov 2007
              Mme Dumas "note par ailleurs que Nicolas Sarkozy laisse les détenteurs de stock-options, les chefs d'entreprise tranquilles. Il dispose de leviers, ...
FR*   49 - RTT : M. Sarkozy ouvre la voie au démantèlement
             Le Monde - 30 nov 2007
             Oubliés le treizième mois défiscalisé, les stock-options pour tous ou la hausse de la prime pour l'emploi – autant d'idées à effet immédiat qui avaient ...
FR*   50 - Le Parti socialiste se place sur le pouvoir d’achat
             l'Humanité - 30 nov 2007
             Six milliards d’euros à prélever par une taxation des stock-options, l’abrogation du cadeau fiscal en faveur des plus riches, les profits des compagnies ...
FR*   51 - Ubisoft: Accumuler objectif 60,50€
             Boursorama - 30 nov 2007
             Le chiffre opérationnel courant, avant stock options, publié se trouve également en progression. Il enregistre un bénéfice de 9,1 millions d’euros comparé à ...
FR*   52 - Devoir de riche
             Les Échos - 30 nov 2007
             La financiarisation de l'économie, avec sa panoplie d'outils nouveaux (OPE, stock-options, LBO, etc.) a certes fait surgir une classe de super-riches en ...
FR*   53 - Les propositions des socialistes
             Clicanoo.com - 30 nov 2007
             ... ces mesures seraient financées pour moitié par “une taxation des super-profits pétroliers” et pour l’autre par “une taxation des stock-options”. ...
FR*   54 - CHhargé(e) de registres OPCVM
             Village-Justice - 30 nov 2007
             Il s'agit de la gestion des registres nominatifs, des assemblées générales, du service financier, des plans de stock options et des opérations sur titres. ...
FR*   55 - Le pdg de Volkswagen éclaboussé par des scandales sexuels
             Le Point - 30 nov 2007
             ... jouent au golf avec les principaux dirigeants, les accompagnent dans leurs sorties, bénéficient de salaires similaires, de primes et de stock options. ...
DE*   56 - Bahn hofft auf Einigung mit GDL
             PR-Inside.com (Pressemitteilung) - 30. Nov. 2007
             Außerdem wird die bislang vereinbarte Mitarbeiterbeteiligung für 2007 um 50 Prozent angehoben. Die konkrete Summe orientiert sich am Konzernergebnis: ...
DE*   57 - Die Bahn erkauft sich Frieden
             Tagesspiegel - 30. Nov. 2007
             Außerdem soll die Mitarbeiterbeteiligung um 50 Prozent steigen. Sie ist an den Unternehmenserfolg geknüpft und betrug zuletzt 200 Euro. ...
DE*   58 - Fiedler für stärkere Besteuerung von Vermögen
             Deutschlandradio - 30. Nov. 2007
             Müller: Wir haben auch über Mitarbeiterbeteiligung gesprochen, Sie haben das in die Debatte gebracht, also das alles subsumiert unter der politischen ...
DE*   59 - Mitarbeiterbeteiligung: Union fordert
             Ad-Hoc-News (Pressemitteilung) - 30. Nov. 2007
             Der Chef der CDU-Arbeitnehmerschaft, Karl-Josef Laumann, hat die SPD aufgefordert, sich bei der Mitarbeiterbeteiligung auf die Union zuzubewegen. ...
DE*   60 - Olaf Scholz erbt den Erfolg von Müntefering
             WELT ONLINE – 30. Nov. 2007
             Und auch bei der Frage der Mitarbeiterbeteiligung ist sich Scholz sicher, dass die Koalition schon bald eine Lösung finden wird. ...
ES*   61 - El Departamento de Economía, Hacienda y Empleo destina ocho ...
             Terra España - 30 nov 2007
             ... de trabajadores con minusvalía; para cooperativas y sociedades laborales por la incorporación de socios trabajadores discapacitados; así como para las ...
ES*   62 - Una jornada analiza la importancia de las empresas de economía social
             Madridiario - - 30 nov 2007
             ... Agrupación de Sociedades Laborales de Madrid (ASALMA), y otras pequeñas empresas donde se equilibran los aspectos sociales y económicos, como Nobotek, ...
AR*   63 - Hoy tratarán la Fiscal e Impositiva
             InfoRegión - 30 Nov 2007
             ... de fondos enviados por la Provincia y monitoreará las obras que se proyecten a través de las cooperativas de trabajo que se conformen en el distrito. ...
AR*   64 - Trabajadores protestaron en la Legislatura
             Diario Jornada - 30 Nov 2007
             Pertenecen a la empresa Campos Grandes y obienen sus salarios a través de una cooperativa de trabajo ilegal. Está ubicada en la ruta 50 de Rodeo del Medio. ...
AR*   65 - La Ciudad está en Emergencia Edilicia Educacional
             Noticias Urbanas - 30 Nov 2007
             Además, se aprobaron en primera lectura otorgar: a la Cooperativa de Trabajo "Mate Amargo" Limitada, el uso del inmueble ubicado en Gascón 104 (1° lectura); ...
AR*   66 - Laguna Paiva, una de las opciones para una millonaria inversión iraní
             El Litoral - 30 Nov 2007
             ... la Cooperativa de Trabajo Ferroviaria, "iniciativa que contemplamos con expectativa esperamos que arranquen con la producción de maquinaria agrícola, ...
AR*   67 - En la lucha por la EXpropiación!!!
             Prensa de Frente (Comunicados de prensa) - 30 Nov 2007
             También funciona una Cooperativa de Trabajo Textil, un Taller de Tejido y Telar, un taller de Cerámica, una imprenta, una Pizzería, la Red de Comercio Justo ...
AR*   68 - Abre el primer Mercado de Economía Solidaria en el país
             Perfil.com – 30 Nov 2007
             Así es que contactaron con varias cooperativas de trabajadores para instalar allí un mercado que permita la unión del campo con la ciudad mediante la ...
BO*   69 - Patriotas y Revolucionarios de Nuestra América
             Congreso Bolivariano – 30 Nov 2007
             ... y participaron entre otros la Federación de Cooperativas de Trabajadores Autogestionados (FACTA), el Comedor Los Pibes, la Agrupación Solano Vive, ...
IT*   70 - Fisco: firmato decreto su bonus per incapienti
             Borsa Italiana - 30 Nov 2007
             ... da parte del sostituto d'imposta con riferimento ai lavoratori dipendenti nonche' ai lavoratori soci delle cooperative di produzione e lavoro, ...
IT*   71 - Incapienti, firmato decreto ministeriale per bonus - Visco
             Reuters Italia - 30 Nov 2007
             ... da parte del sostituto d'imposta con riferimento ai lavoratori dipendenti nonché ai lavoratori soci delle cooperative di produzione e lavoro, ...
IT*   72 - Equity Italia: elementi da considerare nella valutazione di un IPO
             SoldiOnline.it - 30 Nov 2007
             Considerare eventuali stock options, lock up.....E, più importante di tutto, se ci sono cause in corso che potrebbero influenzare la redditività future. ...
BR*   73 - Alíquota reduzida: Migração para Plano Simplificado ...
             FISCOSoft - 30 Nov 2007
             ... os motoristas de táxi, os vendedores ambulantes, as diaristas, os pintores, os eletricistas, os associados de cooperativas de trabalho. ...
UK*   74 - Chancellor told to ditch capital gains tax plans
             Belfast Telegraph, United Kingdom - Nov 29, 2007
             ... 'clip the wings' of private equity firms, the effect on small businesses would be catastrophic, never mind the damaging impact on employee shareholders. ...
ES*   75 - UPDATE: German Labor Minister Says Nov Jobless Reached 3.38M
             FXstreet.com The Foreign Exchange Market, Spain - Nov 29, 2007
             ... the conservative Christian Democratic Union and Christian Social Union, have proposed tax incentives to boost employees' shareholdings in companies.
US*   76 - PTFE Hose handles temperatures from -65 to +450°F.
             ThomasNet Industrial News Room (press release), NY - Nov 29, 2007
             In 2006, NewAge initiated an ESOP (Employee Stock Ownership Plan) for the benefit of both its employees and customers. AdvantaPure®, AdvantaLabel® ...
US*   77 - Best places to work are here in Bucks
             phillyBurbs.com, PA - Nov 29, 2007
             Murphy said his company provides good benefits, including an employee stock ownership program, and challenging work to its 100 employees. ...
US*   78 - First Federal goes from Madison St. to Wall St.
             Clarksville Leaf Chronicle, TN - Nov 29, 2007
             ... of First Federal and the bank's employee stock ownership plan, according to a prepared statement Wednesday about the initial public offering. ...
US*   79 - Banking parent turning public
             The Republican - MassLive.com, MA - Nov 29, 2007
             That 3.1 million total also includes 753834 shares to be issued to the company's employee stock ownership plan. In all, United Financial expects that it ...
IN*   80 - HCL Tech allots 33700 shares under ESOP
             Myiris.com, India - Nov 29, 2007
             HCL Technologies allotted 33700 equity shares of Rs 2 each, under the 1999 & 2000 stock option plans (ESOPs) of the company. The aforesaid shares were ...
US*   81 - Entry-Level GIS Technician
             Seattle Times, United States - Nov 29, 2007
             Would you like to be part of an employee owned company that relishes a challenge and integrates interdisciplinary expertise in new ways? ...
UK*   82 - Traffic Engineers & Transport Planners
             Transport Briefing, UK - Nov 29, 2007
             Our client is a well-established, employee-owned international firm providing engineering and project management services to a diverse international client ...
US*   83 - Harris Cos. Acquires Phoenix-based Mechanical Contractor
             Contractor Mag, IL - Nov 29, 2007
             Harris, an employee-owned business, designs, builds and installs piping, plumbing, HVAC and electrical systems for commercial and industrial customers. ...
US*   84 - MWH buys Dutch company
             Bizjournals.com, NC - Nov 29, 2007
             MWH is a private, employee-owned firm with approximately 6000 employees worldwide. The company provides water, wastewater, energy, natural resource, ...
US*   85 - CH2M HILL OMI's Longest O&M Partnership to Continue Another 10 Years
             Web Services Journal, NJ - Nov 29, 2007
             Employee-owned CH2M HILL is a $5 billion global firm providing engineering, construction, operations and related technical services to public and private ...
US*   86 - TEOCO Wins CARE Award for Family-Friendly Workplace Policies and ...
             Business Wire (press release), CA - Nov 29, 2007
             Founded in 1994, TEOCO (The Employee Owned Company) has twice been ranked in Inc. Magazine's List of 500 of the fastest growing privately held companies. ...
US*   87 - MWH Expands in Europe with Dutch Acquisition
             Business Wire (press release), CA - Nov 29, 2007
             “Both companies are employee owned and committed to improving the quality of the communities in which they live in and work through their professional and ...
FI*   88 - GARTNER: Gartner Warn Business Users: Don’t Be Seduced by Consumer ...
             Kauppalehti (press release), Finland - Nov 29, 2007
             Ms Fiering confirmed that Gartner remained an advocate of the emerging trend for employee-owned systems but that such schemes must respect the wider needs ...
US*   89 - Mary Brickell Village To Add 31000-square-foot Publix Supermarket ...
             PR Newswire (press release), NY - Nov 29, 2007
             29 /PRNewswire/ - Mary Brickell Village today announced that Publix Super Markets, the largest and fastest-growing employee-owned supermarket chain in the ...
UK*   90 - Bus 'monsters'
             Preston Citizen, UK - Nov 29, 2007
             ... used dirty and underhand tactics to drive out smaller operators and Stagecoach was trying to kill off the local employee-owned Preston Bus company. ...
UK*   91 - Technical Architect - London
             ComputerWeekly.com, UK - Nov 29, 2007
             You’ll not only have the opportunity to earn significant bonuses; PA is an employee-owned firm, so you you’ll have a stake in our firm and an environment ...
US*   92 - Ferris lists subprime loss on securities
             Baltimore Sun, United States - Nov 29, 2007
             ... Roger L. Calvert, disclosed the loss and the circumstances surrounding the trades in an internal memo to shareholders of the employee-owned firm. ...
IN*   93 - Mkts must consolidate at 18K-20K levels: Kotak Mah Cap
             Moneycontrol.com, India - Nov 29, 2007
             ... these foreign firms, the teams want to move on to Indian firms and get pre-significant stock through ESOPs and that is how they are playing the game. ...
IN*   94 - Acme expects to raise Rs 1200-1400 cr via IPO
             Daily News & Analysis, India - Nov 29, 2007
             It will also issue 2% of the share capital as ESOPs to its employees. “We are a business-to-business company, leading innovation in energy efficiency ...
IN*   95 - HCL Tech allots 33700 shares under ESOP
             Myiris.com, India - Nov 29, 2007
             HCL Technologies allotted 33700 equity shares of Rs 2 each, under the 1999 & 2000 stock option plans (ESOPs) of the company. The aforesaid shares were ...
US*   96 - Treasury tells Congress 10-year-old global dealing rules for ...
             FinancialWeek (subscription), NY - Nov 29, 2007
             ... involves whether participants in a cost-sharing arrangement must include compensatory employee stock options within the pool of costs to be shared. ...
IN*   97 - HCL Infosystems allots shares under ESOS
             Myiris.com, India - Nov 29, 2007
             ... Rs 118.79 and Rs 149.23 per option to the employees on exercise of their stock options under ``HCL Infosystems - Employee Stock Option Scheme``. ...
FR*   98 - L'actionnariat salarié d'Axa se renforce à 5,10
             L'Argus de l'Assurance - 29 nov 2007
             Al'issue de l'augmentation de capital qui leur était réservée dans le cadre d'un plan d'actionnariat salarié, les salariés de l'assureur français Axa ...
FR*   99 - Pouvoir d’achat, vos propositions
             Le Figaro - 29 nov 2007
             ... dans les rangs de l’UMP: le gel du prix du gaz, l’extension des heures supplémentaires défiscalisées, le développement de l’actionnariat salarié. ...
FR*   100 - Tout savoir sur la gestion des fonds d'actionnariat salarié
             Les Échos - 29 nov 2007
             L'Autorité des marchés financiers publie un guide rassemblant 31 questions / réponses sur les FCPE d'actionnariat salarié. La loi pour le développement de ...
FR*   101 - « L'économie, c'est bestial » selon le MEDEF
             Désir d'entreprendre - 29 nov 2007
             ... ne s’agit pas de « dépenser plus qu'on ne produit » mais d’une plus juste répartition de la valeur ajoutée entre les actionnaires, salariés et clients. ...
FR*   102 - Versements sur un perco
             Challenges - 29 nov 2007
             Nous avons aussi un contrat Perco Epargne salariale (toujours auprès de Groupama). Nous aimerions transférer le contrat Fonds de retraite performance sur le ...
FR*   103 - Philippe Auther rejoint BearingPoint France en qualité de Managing ...
             CFO-news.com - 29 nov 2007
             ... la gestion des titres, l'Asset Management, la banque de détail, les services financiers spécialisés, l'épargne salariale et l'assurance. ...
FR*   104 - Natixis : revendique une position de leader dans l'épargne ...
             Le Revenu - 29 nov 2007
             Avec 4,7 Milliards d'Euros d'encours gérés en ISR (Investissement Socialement Responsable) et en épargne solidaire, dont 823 millions en épargne salariale, ...
FR*   105 - pouvoir d'achat Pouvoir d'achat: Nicolas Sarkozy s'exprime ce soir
             La Tribune.fr - 29 nov 2007
             Il envisagerait aussi "un déblocage de l'épargne salariale" ou, selon le Figaro, l'extension au-delà de 2007 du gel des tarifs pratiqués par Gaz de France. ...
FR*   106 - Pouvoir d'achat : Les mesures de Nicolas Sarkozy annoncées à 20h
             Francebourse.com - 29 nov 2007
             Trois pistes ressortent : une simplification du dispositif d’exonération fiscale des heures supplémentaires ; un « déblocage de l’épargne salariale » ...
FR*   107 - Nos Outils : la vie plus facile en un seul click
             PACA Informations Économiques - 29 nov 2007
             Selon nos sources proches du pouvoir le président devrait ce soir annoncer "un déblocage de l'épargne salariale" ou, selon le Figaro, l'extension au-delà de ...
FR*   108 - Natixis Interépargne et Natixis Asset Management confirment leurs ...
             Edubourse.com (Communiqués de presse) - 29 nov 2007
             Respectivement n°2 de la gestion ISR en France 2 et n°1 de l’épargne salariale ISR labellisée par le Comité Intersyndical de l’Epargne Salariale (CIES)3, ...
FR*   109 - Natixis Asset Management crée une nouvelle direction dédiée à la ...
             Edubourse.com (Communiqués de presse) - 29 nov 2007
             ... la gestion d’épargne salariale ISR avec 41,6 % (5) de part de marché et n°1 en gestion d’épargne salariale solidaire avec 58,6 % de part de marché (6). ...
FR*   110 - Vers une protodictature
             Courrier International - 29 nov 2007
              ... de 25 000 conseils communaux qui, aux côtés des coopératives de travailleurs, constituent les organes du nouveau pouvoir populaire en gestation. ...
FR*   111 - Phileas Fogg en prime time
             Le Figaro - 29 nov 2007
             Dès les premières minutes d’antenne, ce Candide au pays des stock-options, lâché sur les routes du monde sans un sou en poche, une équipe télé collée à ses ...
FR*   112 - Ubisoft : le titre de retour proche de ses sommets
             Le Revenu - 29 nov 2007
             ... à savoir un chiffre d'affaires d'environ 825 ME et un résultat opérationnel courant avant stock options d'au moins 9% du chiffre d'affaires. ...
DE*   113 - Mitarbeiterbeteiligung kittet die Koalition
             Handelsblatt - 29. Nov. 2007
              Von Donata Riedel Nach Wochen des Streits haben Union und SPD ein Thema gefunden, das zum Koalitionskitt taugt: Mitarbeiterbeteiligung. ...
DE*   114 - DJ ÜBERBLICK/Politik - 12.30 Uhr-Fassung
             Finanztreff - 29. Nov. 2007
             ... Scholz rechnet damit, dass sich die Koalitionsparteien bei den bislang strittigen Themen Postmindestlohn sowie Mitarbeiterbeteiligung einigen werden. ...
DE*   115 - CSU-Landesgruppe / Dr. Ramsauer: Aufschwung trägt Früchte
             Juraforum.de - 29. Nov. 2007
             Entsprechende Kompromissbereitschaft vorausgesetzt könnten in Kürze Einigungen beim Ausbau der Mitarbeiterbeteiligung und der Reform der Erbschaftsteuer ...
DE*   116 - Scholz sieht Einigung bei Postmindestlohn und Kapitalbeteiligung
             Börse Online - 29. Nov. 2007
             ... Scholz rechnet damit, dass sich die Koalitionsparteien bei den bislang strittigen Themen Postmindestlohn sowie Mitarbeiterbeteiligung einigen werden. ...
DE*   117 - Durchbruch bei Mitarbeiter-Kapitalbeteiligung in Sicht
             Financial Times Deutschland - 29. Nov. 2007
             von Monika Dunkel (Berlin) Union und SPD gehen bei der Mitarbeiterbeteiligung aufeinander zu. Bundeskanzlerin Angela Merkel (CDU) sagte dem Magazin "Stern", ...
DE*   118 - Rede von Bundeskanzlerin Merkel in der Generaldebatte zum Haushalt ...
             Bundesregierung (öffentlicher Dienst) - 29. Nov. 2007
             Wir wollen die Arbeitnehmerbeteiligung in Form des Investivlohns. Wir wollen die Sanierung der öffentlichen Gebäude voranbringen. Wir wollen die Förderung ...
CO*   119 - Colombia, Caña de Azúcar y Palma Aceitera. Biocombustibles y ...
             Ecoportal.net (Comunicados de prensa) - 29 Nov 2007
             ... los sindicatos y tuvo que conformar "cooperativas de trabajo asociado", establecidas como en el caso del azúcar, para desconocer el contrato laboral, ...
AR*   120 - Presentan libro "Nosotros los monos" en Varela
             Perspectiva Sur - 29 Nov 2007
             Fundó la Federación Provincial de la Cooperativa de Trabajo General Mosconi , que también presidió, en 1988. Mi amigo me preguntó ¿Por qué Nosotros los ...
US*   121 - Peter Kiewit Sons', Inc. Announces Amendment and Extension of ...
             Business Wire (press release), CA - Nov 28, 2007
             ... shares of the Company's common stock held by them for interests to be issued under the Peter Kiewit Sons', Inc. Employee Ownership Plan (the "Plan"). ...
US*   122 - Incentives to attract workers
             San Francisco Chronicle,  USA - Nov 28, 2007
             "Lots and lots of closely held companies do it," said Corey Rosen, director of the National Center for Employee Ownership, an Oakland nonprofit. ...
US*   123 - 2nd UPDATE: FCC Chairman: Vote On Tribune Deal Could Come By Friday
             CNNMoney.com - Nov 28, 2007
             In Tribune's case, it would only have two shareholders: the Employee Share Ownership Plan which is exempt from any income taxes, and Zell. ...
US*   124 - The Drinking Game
             Business Tennessee, TN - Nov 28, 2007
             The company's employee-owners bought Blue Ridge in 1999 and following the sale to Hart, United Steelworkers International President Leo Gerard said, ...
US*   125 - Herman Miller eliminates 120 local jobs
             Grand Haven Tribune, MI - Nov 28, 2007
             "The actions that we are taking will significantly improve our operating performance ... and create a more prosperous future for both our employee-owners ...
US*   126 - Herman Miller Comments on Strategic Growth Initiatives; Raises EPS ...
             WebWire (press release), GA - Nov 28, 2007
             ... enable us to achieve our growth objectives more quickly, and create a more prosperous future for both our employee-owners and shareholders" The company ...
US*   127 - Crop Quest, Inc. named ESOP Company of the Year semi-finalist
             Dodge City Daily Globe, KS - Nov 28, 2007
             One hundred percent of Crop Quest employee owners participate in the ESOP after their first six months of employment. They become fully vested owners within ...
US*   128 - Milberg Weiss Announces Its Investigation Relating to the Merrill ...
             Reuters - Nov 28, 2007
             ... Retirement Accumulation Planand/or Employee Stock Ownership Plan, and your account holds MerrillLynch common stock, you may have legal claims under ...
DE*   129 - Milberg Weiss Announces Its Investigation Relating to the Merrill ...
             WELT ONLINE, Germany - Nov 28, 2007
             ... Inc. 401(k) Savings and Investment Plan, Retirement Accumulation Plan and/or Employee Stock Ownership Plan, and your account holds Merrill Lynch common ...
US*   130 - FCC Chairman Proposes Ownership Waiver for Tribune (Update3)
             Bloomberg - Nov 28, 2007
             A group led by Sam Zell and an employee stock ownership plan is buying the company, publisher of the Los Angeles Times and Chicago Tribune, for $8.2 billion ...
US*   131 - First Advantage Bancorp to Close IPO
             Motley Fool - Nov 28, 2007
             First Advantage Bancorp said about 5.3 million shares were sold at $10 per share to certain depositors of the bank and its employee stock ownership plan. ...
US*   132 - Martin Proposes Waiver in Tribune Deal
             Television Week, MI - Nov 28, 2007
             Investor Sam Zell and an employee stock ownership plan are trying to close their $8.2 billion acquisition of Tribune Co., by year end, but have been on hold ...
US*   133 - The Drinking Game
             Business Tennessee, TN - Nov 28, 2007
             ... a result of the acquisition ... the company's employee-owners are receiving nearly $30 million of cash in their Employee Stock Ownership Plan accounts. ...
US*   134 - First Advantage Bancorp Announces Anticipated Closing Date of ...
             Trading Markets (press release), CA - Nov 28, 2007
             ... common stock were sold at $10.00 per share in the subscription offering to certain depositors of the Bank and the Bank's employee stock ownership plan. ...
US*   135 - Time Warner Cable promotes VP
             Variety, CA - Nov 28, 2007
             ... the deal for real estate tycoon Sam Zell to take over the company as part of a complex employee-buyout of the company could easily unravel, ...
US*   136 - Crop Quest, Inc. named ESOP Company of the Year semi-finalist
             Dodge City Daily Globe, KS - Nov 28, 2007
             Crop Quest, Inc., was named the 2007 ESOP Semi-Finalist Company of the Year during the ESOP Heart of America Annual Meeting on October 9 in Kansas City, Mo. ...
IN*   137 - NIIT`s board allots equity shares under ESOP
             Myiris.com, India - Nov 28, 2007
             28, 2007, allotted 750 equity shares of Rs 2 each to employees of the company in accordance with the terms of ESOP 2005. Recently, the company had announced ...
IN*   138 - Suzlon Energy allots shares under ESOP
             Myiris.com, India - Nov 28, 2007
             ... granted 103900 options to the eligible employees of the company and its subsidiaries under Employee Stock Option Plan - 2006 (ESOP). ...
IN*   139 - Eicher Motor`s members approve grant of options
             Myiris.com, India - Nov 28, 2007
             ... price of Rs 462 an option under ESOP. The company`s principal activity is to manufacture and sell commercial vehicles, tractors, two wheelers and gears. ...
UK*   140 - A Dollar Intervention in the Making
             Earthtimes, UK - Nov 28, 2007
             Founded in 1937, we are an independent employee-owned firm with offices across the country and in the United Kingdom. With expertise in Investment ...
US*   141 - Tech Image’s Boivin Honored by State of Illinois for Volunteer Program
             Business Wire (press release), CA - Nov 28, 2007
             ... company with more than 750 employees. SmithBucklin is 100% employee-owned. Learn more at www.techimage.com or call 1-888-4-TECH-PR (1-888-483-2477).
CA*   142 - Genuity adds consumer products analyst
             Globe and Mail, Canada - Nov 28, 2007
             As Genuity Capital Markets closes out a banner year, the employee-owned institutional dealer is broadening its reach. Genuity will start covering consumer ...
US*   143 - Peter Kiewit Sons', Inc. Announces Amendment and Extension of ...
             Business Wire (press release), CA - Nov 28, 2007
             Headquartered in Omaha, Nebraska, the employee-owned company operates through a network of subsidiaries in the United States and Canada. ...
US*   144 - Fortified Holdings Appoints Navy IT Strategist Admiral Jerry ...
             CNNMoney.com - Nov 28, 2007
             Previous executive positions were as president of REL-TEK Systems & Design (now Savantage Financial Services), an employee-owned software development firm; ...
US*   145 - Camber buys Complex Solutions
             The Huntsville Times - al.com, AL - Nov 28, 2007
              Founded in 1990, Camber is an employee-owned company with 1400 workers, about 300 of those in Huntsville. It has more than 70 locations worldwide. ...
US*   146 - Business park coming to Valley
             Mohave Valley News, NV - Nov 28, 2007
             A family and employee-owned business based in Dallas, Freeman produces expositions, conventions, corporate events, and exhibits, according to Business Week. ...
UK*   147 - Japanese mission in visit to jobs agency
             nebusiness.co.uk, UK - Nov 28, 2007
             SES is already well-known among Japanese academics for its expertise in starting and supporting social enterprises (employee-owned businesses) in ...
IN*   148 - Budget `09...Corp tax rate cut will boost investment, compliance
             India Infoline.com, India - Nov 28, 2007
             Besides, it feels that there is need to bring greater clarity in levy of FBT on ESOPs in case employer company does not issue shares but the foreign parent ...
IN*   149 - Suzlon Energy allots shares under ESOP
             Myiris.com, India - Nov 28, 2007
             ... granted 103900 options to the eligible employees of the company and its subsidiaries under Employee Stock Option Plan - 2006 (ESOP). ...
US*   150 - Pulte Homes Sticks to Its Plan
             Builder Magazine, DC - Nov 28, 2007
             19, Roger A. Cregg, the company CFO, purchased 182400 shares of Pulte's common stock through the exercise of employee stock options. ...
MY*   151 - MAS core results below forecast on provisions
             The Edge Daily, Malaysia - Nov 28, 2007
             Staff costs also rose due to payment of the interim bonus and RM20 million of employee share option scheme related costs. Nonetheless, these are one-off ...
AU*   152 - Appendix 3B
             Sydney Morning Herald, Australia - Nov 28, 2007
             1 +Class of +securities issued or to be issued Employee Share Options (Unlisted) 2 Number of +securities issued or to be issued (if known) or maximum ...
NZ*   153 - Sealegs Reports Revenue Up 71% for Half-Year
             Scoop.co.nz, New Zealand - Nov 28, 2007
             ... meant that the profit from operations of NZ$46893 was adversely affected by unexercised share options of NZ$592800, resulting in a NZ$545907 loss. ...
UK*   154 - Still on the way up. A lot of buying at 29
             Life Style Extra, UK - Nov 28, 2007
             The Company has also been advised that Mr Garber has today exercised his share options granted to him and exercisable at nil cost under the Plan in respect ...
FR*   155 - Succès confirmé du plan d'actionnariat salarié du Groupe AXA en ...
             Edubourse.com (Communiqués de presse) - 28 nov 2007
             Les collaborateurs du Groupe détiennent désormais 5,10 % du capital d’AXA AXA a annoncé le 20 août dernier le lancement de son offre internationale ...
FR*   156 - Salaire des patrons: une baisse en trompe-l'œil
             L'Express - 28 nov 2007
             Chez Vinci, aujourd'hui exemplaire, Antoine Zacharias, avant d’être contraint de quitter le groupe, avait perdu deux résolutions sur l’actionnariat salarié ...
FR*   157 - Pouvoir d'achat : le casse-tête de Sarkozy
             L'Express - 28 nov 2007
             ... la généralisation de l’intéressement à toutes les entreprises, le développement de l’actionnariat salarié et de la participation. ...
FR*   158 - Massacre du code du travail !
             Bellaciao - 28 nov 2007
             Au forcing, l’UMP a glissé dans la loi "sur le développement de l’actionnariat salarié", publiée le 30 décembre 2006, un "cavalier parlementaire"(1), ...
FR*   159 - Pouvoir d'achat: le talon d’Achille de l’exécutif ?
             Les Infos - 28 nov 2007
             ... développer l’actionnariat salarié et la participation, la baisse du prix du gaz, de l’électricité, des abonnements à la téléphonie mobile, ...
FR*   160 - Selon l'AFG, la relance du pouvoir d’achat passe par l’extension ...
             Publi-News - 28 nov 2007
             ... conformément à la loi du 30 décembre 2006 sur le développement de la participation et de l’actionnariat salarié, le gouvernement doit remettre au ...
FR*   161 - Pouvoir d'achat : Sarkozy cherche la recette
             Metro France - 28 nov 2007
             ... afin de faire en sorte que les 6 milliards d’euros mis au pot soient effectivement utilisés ; «un déblocage de l’épargne salariale», mesure déjà adoptée ...
FR*   162 - Sarkozy attendu jeudi sur les fronts de la sécurité et du pouvoir ...
             AFP - 28 nov 2007
             Selon cette même source, l'exécutif étudie également "un déblocage de l'épargne salariale", une mesure déjà adoptée en 2004 quand Nicolas Sarkozy était à ...
FR*   163 - Les pistes des politiques pour le pouvoir d'achat
             La Croix - 28 nov 2007
             Pour le reste, on peut trouver des mesures non coûteuses pour le budget de l’État : l’assouplissement des règles de sortie de l’épargne salariale, ...
FR*   164 - Pouvoir achat: Courson (NC) pour l'assouplissement de l'épargne ...
             Boursorama - 28 nov 2007
             "On peut assouplir les critères de sortie (de l'épargne-salariale)", a déclaré à la presse le député de la Marne, rappelant que cette mesure ne coûterait ...
FR*   165 - Selon l'AFG, la relance du pouvoir d’achat passe par l’extension ...
             Publi-News - 28 nov 2007
             Contrairement à une idée reçue, relayée récemment encore par certains organes de presse, ce n’est pas en débloquant les encours existants ou en mettant fin ...
FR*   166 - Nouveaux membres à la PFCE
             Politis - 28 nov 2007
             En premier lieu, la Scop Ethiquable, distributeur de produits alimentaires équitables, principalement en grandes surfaces, a été reconnue membre titulaire. ...
CH*   167 - Le salariat c’est le vol !
             Le Jura Libertaire - 28 nov 2007
             Il est surtout possible de se passer de patrons (les expériences autogestionnaires et le principe coopératif comme celui des SCOP le montrent). ...
FR*   168 - Salon de l’Habitat Sain 2007 & des energies renouvelables!
             Le blog du portail le-bois.com - 28 nov 2007
             Trophée Mise en œuvre : ELIOME, Scop proposant des solutions favorisant la maison saine, économique et peu énergivore. Trophée Association : la CIVAM44 qui ...
FR*   169 - « On ne peut pas augmenter le pouvoir d'achat d'un coup de ...
             Les Échos - 28 nov 2007
             La seconde, c'est ce que j'appelle « les stock-options pour tous », dans le privé comme dans la fonction publique. Il s'agit en fait d'instaurer un système ...
FR*   170 - Nicolas Sarkozy face au casse-tête du pouvoir d'achat
             nouvelobs.com - 28 nov 2007
             ... d'heures supplémentaires, l'augmentation de la prime pour l'emploi (PPE) ou l'octroi de stock-options à tous les salariés d'entreprises cotées. ...
FR*   171 - Pouvoir d'achat : le casse-tête de Sarkozy
             L'Express - 28 nov 2007
             Ou encore, la distribution de stock-options à tous les salariés des sociétés cotées. Autres piste, la limitation des prix du gaz et de l’électricité, ...
FR*   172 - Avec Nicolas Sarkozy, c'est gagner moins et payer plus
             République des lettres - 28 nov 2007
             Le Parti Socialiste chiffre l'ensemble de ces mesures à six milliards d'euros qui seraient obtenus en taxant les profits pétroliers et les stock-options. ...
FR*   173 - Le PS grille Sarkozy sur le pouvoir d’achat
             20minutes.fr - 28 nov 2007
             ... ces mesures seraient financées pour moitié par «une taxation des super-profits pétroliers» et pour l'autre par «une taxation des stock-options», ...
FR*   174 - Selon l'AFG, la relance du pouvoir d’achat passe par l’extension ...
             Publi-News - 28 nov 2007
             L’AFG a pris ainsi bonne note de la proposition du Ministre de l’Economie, des Finances et de l’Emploi selon laquelle la mise en place de stock-options ...
DE*   175 - Motivation, die sich auszahlt
             Hamburger Abendblatt - 28. Nov. 2007
             Die Kompromissbereitschaft, die Bundeskanzlerin Angela Merkel beim Thema Mitarbeiterbeteiligung erkennen lässt, kann die Menschen hoffnungsvoll stimmen. ...
DE*   176 - Mitarbeiterbeteiligung an ihren Firmen
             Hamburger Abendblatt - 28. Nov. 2007
             Union und SPD kommen einer Einigung bei der Mitarbeiterbeteiligung immer näher. Es wird erwartet, dass man sich bis spätestens März auf ein Modell zur ...
DE*   177 - Wulff: Verfassung ist die Leitkultur
             Ad-Hoc-News (Pressemitteilung) - 28. Nov. 2007
             Die Bindung an einen Betrieb sei «das Wesen der Mitarbeiterbeteiligung», sagte Wulff. «Dies muss bei der Fondslösung gesichert sein.»
DE*   178 - "Rente mit 67 bleibt"
             WELT ONLINE - 28. Nov. 2007
             Außerdem bin ich zuversichtlich, dass wir in der Koalition schon Anfang des Jahres ein Positionspapier zum Thema Mitarbeiterbeteiligung am ...
DE*   179 - "Eine große Koalition ist einfach komplizierter"
             FR-online.de - 28. Nov. 2007
             Beim Thema Mitarbeiterbeteiligung kommt Kanzlerin Merkel der SPD entgegen und zeigt Sympathien für ein sozialdemokratisches Fondsmodell. Sie auch? ...
DE*   180 - Deutschland: Häme über schwarz-roten Kuschelkurs
             Die Presse - 28. Nov. 2007
             Während die Kanzlerin ihre China-Politik verteidigte, ging sie in den Streitfragen des Post-Mindestlohns und der Mitarbeiterbeteiligung auf die SPD zu und ...
DE*   181 - Flirt mit SPD: Angela Merkel plädiert für Mitarbeiterbeteiligung
             Europolitan - 28. Nov. 2007
             Die Bundesrepublik hinkt im internationalen Vergleich beim Thema Mitarbeiterbeteiligung weit hinterher – in Frankreich beteiligen 80 Prozent aller ...
AT*   182 - WKÖ-Präsidium zieht erfolgreiche Halbzeitbilanz (2)
             Live-PR.com (Pressemitteilung) - 28. Nov. 2007
             Mitarbeiterbeteiligung sei für die Betriebe ein Thema. So lange aber Prämien, die an Mitarbeiter ausgezahlt werden, nicht steuerlich begünstigt werden, ...
AT*   183 - Kommentar: Eine Frage der Kultur
             Computerwelt - 28. Nov. 2007
             Wir arbeiten alle zusammen an einem gemeinsamen Projekt, und aufgrund unserer Mitarbeiterbeteiligung können auch alle am Erfolg partizipieren. ...
DE*   184 - Bundestag streitet um den Aufschwung
             Financial Times Deutschland - 28. Nov. 2007
             Als Projekte der Regierung für mehr Beschäftigung nannte die Kanzlerin den Ausbau der Mitarbeiterbeteiligung, die Fortführung des Gebäudesanierungsprogramms ...
DE*   185 - Merkel offen für Fondslösung bei Mitarbeiterbeteiligung
             Reuters Deutschland - 28. Nov. 2007
             Berlin (Reuters) - Bundeskanzlerin Angela Merkel hat Hoffnungen auf eine baldige Einigung der Großen Koalition auf ein Modell zur Mitarbeiterbeteiligung an ...
DE*   186 - Merkel stellt Einigung bei Post-Mindestlohn in Aussicht
             Spiegel Online - 28. Nov. 2007
             Erst äußerte sie sich wohlwollend zur Mitarbeiterbeteiligung, jetzt kommt Kanzlerin Merkel der SPD auch beim Post-Mindestlohn entgegen - und lobt im ...
DE*   187 - „Aufschwung kommt bei den Menschen an“
             Handelsblatt - 28. Nov. 2007
             Als Projekte der Regierung für mehr Beschäftigung nannte die Kanzlerin den Ausbau der Mitarbeiterbeteiligung, die Fortführung des Gebäudesanierungsprogramms ...
DE*   188 - Streit um Mitarbeiterbeteiligung: Union auf Kompromisskurs in ...
             Netzeitung - 28. Nov. 2007
             Im Bemühen um ein gemeinsames Konzept für die Mitarbeiterbeteiligung ist Bundeskanzlerin Angela Merkel der SPD entgegen gekommen. ...
CO*   189 - El Congreso mueve más impuestos
             Portafolio - 28 Nov 2007
             ... sino que plantea, en un proyecto del Ministerio de la Protección Social, que también empiecen a pagarlas las cooperativas de trabajo asociado. ...
AR*   190 - Extienden las cloacas
             El Urbano - 28 Nov 2007
             Allí se encuentran trabajando los integrantes de la Cooperativa de Trabajo Los Topos. Las tareas se están llevando a cabo sobre la acera impar de la calle. ...
AR*   191 - Reserva Yabotí: Advierten que hay "desenfrenada ocupación ilegal y ...
             Misiones OnLine - 28 Nov 2007
             Hace referencia en su proyecto de Resolución, entre otras cosas, a la denuncia que por delito ambiental formulara la Cooperativa de Trabajo Restauradora de ...
             Il Domani online - 28 nov 2007
             Inoltre c’è da considerare l’occupazione derivante dalla costituzione di una cooperativa di lavoro costituita da persone del luogo. ...
             Agenzia Giornalistica Italia - 28 nov 2007
             Il "progetto di scissione della cooperativa di lavoro Team Service e la nascita delle Cooperative e del Consorzio Stabile", e' stato presentato dal ...
AT*   194 - GlobalCrossroadsCapital.com Exhorts Plan to Increase $134B in ...
             Live-PR.com (Pressemitteilung), Austria - Nov 27, 2007
              In anticipation of the increasing demand for estate planning, asset protection , employee-share ownership pensions and other money management issues; www. ...
US*   195 - Burns & McDonnell expands lease, will add 100 employees
             Washington Business Journal, DC - Nov 27, 2007
             The additional space will accommodate as many as 150 employee-owners, Dick said. The firm will move about 80 employees who constitute its Business and ...
CA*   196 - Wellington West close to planner purchase
             Globe and Mail, Canada - Nov 27, 2007
             For the employee-shareholders of Wellington West, the issue of just when roll out an IPO now looms large. The firm doesn’t need capital. ...
UK*   197 - Fresh pressure on government over taxes
             24dash, UK - Nov 27, 2007
             ... yesterday that the abolition of taper relief from next April will especially hit employee shareholders and small business owners close to retirement. ...
UK*   198 - CBI to pressure Darling into tax climbdown
             This is Money, UK - Nov 27, 2007
             The all-party Treasury select committee also warned yesterday that the tax hikes, due to come into force from next April, would hit employee shareholders ...
US*   199 - United Financial Bancorp, Inc. Announces the Results of Its Stock ...
             CNNMoney.com - Nov 27, 2007
             ... offering and the community offering portion of its second-step conversion, including 753834 shares to be issued to the employee stock ownership plan. ...
US*   200 - Ferrellgas Partners, LP Declares First Quarter Distribution
             CNNMoney.com - Nov 27, 2007
             Ferrellgas employees indirectly own more than 20 million common units of the partnership through an employee stock ownership plan. ...
US*   201 - Supreme Court may allow suits over retirement funds
             Fort Worth Star Telegram, TX - Nov 27, 2007
             ... retirement programs -- a category that includes 401(k), employee stock-ownership and profit-sharing plans. Those accounts hold $3.3 trillion in assets. ...
US*   202 - American Capital Invests $11 Million in SIXNET for Add-On Acquisition
             CNNMoney.com - Nov 27, 2007
             American Capital, both directly and through its global asset management business, is an investor in management and employee buyouts, private equity buyouts, ...
US*   203 - Retailers reducing plastic bag use
             Mt. Pleasant News, IA - Nov 27, 2007
             Des Moines-based Hy-Vee, an established employee owned US grocery retail food company, is proactively reducing plastic bag use and has switched a growing ...
US*   204 - GreenChill Refrigeration Partners Help Cool the Planet
             Environment News Service - Nov 27, 2007
             The 10 GreenChill founding partners include the natural foods grocery chain Whole Foods Market; the employee owned southeast chain Publix Super Markets Inc. ...
UK*   205 - Pacific Growth Equities Expands Healthcare Research Focus
             Earthtimes, UK - Nov 27, 2007
             Employee owned, Pacific Growth Equities offers a full range of investment banking and brokerage services including public equity offerings, private equity ...
US*   206 - PrivateBancorp, Inc. Announces $200 Million Private Placement of ...
             CNNMoney.com - Nov 27, 2007
             Founded in 1937, the firm is independent and employee-owned with offices across the country and in London. With expertise in investment management, ...
CA*   207 - MOSAID Announces Second Quarter Results for Fiscal 2008 and Dividend
             CNW Telbec (Communiqués de presse), Canada - Nov 27, 2007
             ... Dividends - - - (5558) - (5558) ------------------------------------------------------------------------- Employee Stock Option Program 147558 1893 ...
CN*   208 - Computershare Releases Express Options(TM) Application, 8.0
             金融界, China - Nov 27, 2007
             The Express Options(TM) product enables companies to self-administer their employee stock option and restricted stock award plans. ...
IN*   209 - Aftek allots shares under ESOS
             Myiris.com, India - Nov 27, 2007
             27, 2007 allotted 11026 numbers of equity shares of Rs 2 each to employees on exercise of stock options granted under employee stock option scheme (ESOS). ...
IN*   210 - Sterlite Optical allots 2.8 mn shares on conversion of warrants
             Myiris.com, India - Nov 27, 2007
             The company also allotted 2200 equity shares to some of the company`s employees, as under employee stock option scheme, 2006. Shares of the company gained ...
US*   211 - Backdating case: a conspiracy?
             Boston Globe, United States - Nov 27, 2007
             ... Systems Inc. conspired to falsify records to cover up backdating of employee stock-option grants, prosecutors told a federal jury yesterday. ...
US*   212 - Accounting is cleaner since Enron, but it's not perfect
             USA Today - Nov 27, 2007
             Then, there was a separate scandal related to the accounting for employee stock options that snared many companies. To this day, companies continue to ...
US*   213 - Paetec Holding Receives FCC Approval For Proposed Acquisition Of ...
             RTT News, NY - Nov 27, 2007
             The company also noted that it will convert McLeodUSA's employee stock options, of which 2.7 million are outstanding, into options to purchase Paetec shares ...
UK*   214 - SEC Amends Rule 144 And Approves Disclosure Relief For Smaller ...
             Mondaq News Alerts (subscription), UK - Nov 27, 2007
             Create two new exemptions for compensatory employee stock options so that the registration requirements under Section 12(g) of the Securities Exchange Act ...
DE*   215 - Activision Raises Third Quarter and
             Ad-Hoc-News (Pressemitteilung), Germany - Nov 27, 2007
             ... to employee stock options, employee stock purchase plans, restricted stock rights and other equity-based compensation and the associated tax benefits. ...
US*   216 - Options trial opens for second former Brocade exec
             San Francisco Chronicle,  USA - Nov 27, 2007
             The Brocade trials are noteworthy in the controversy over the use of backdating to increase the value of employee stock options. Reyes, convicted in August, ...
US*   217 - ASML Issues Update of Share Buyback Program Announced on October 17
             American Digital Networks (press release), MD - Nov 27, 2007
             The repurchased shares will be used to cover outstanding employee stock options. ASML is the world's leading provider of lithography systems for the ...
AU*   218 - Employee Share Option Plan Rules
             Sydney Morning Herald, Australia - Nov 27, 2007
             19 MKR:88976:Employee share option plan rules final 20 July 2007.DOC PLAN RULES RULES OF THE K2 EMPLOYEE SHARE OPTION PLAN Adopted by the board of directors ...
AU*   219 - Appendix 3B - Award of Options
             Sydney Morning Herald, Australia - Nov 27, 2007
             ... this page) SUBJECT: Award of Options Please find attached an Appendix 3B for the issue of 1314921 options under the Employee Share Option Plan. ...
US*   220 - UK tech staff not job-hopping
             ZDNet Asia, Asia - Nov 27, 2007
             One of the reasons IT staff may have become less keen to move on could be due to the increasing value of share options they have acquired, it added. ...
US*   221 - PartyGaming CEO cancels share sales
             PokerListings.com - Nov 27, 2007
             Not only is Garber retaining the shares he currently owns, he's adding to his holdings by again exercising his share options. He will receive 3.5 million ...
UK*   222 - IT jobs market in Christmas slowdown
             Contractor UK, UK - Nov 27, 2007
             “Many organisations have reinstated the retention policies for IT workers, such as share options, which were shelved at the end of the dot com boom,” the ...
US*   223 - South Africa: The Art of Rewarding Appropriately
             AllAfrica.com, Washington - Nov 27, 2007
             Share options and bonus schemes are intended to ensure that organisations get the best talent. "Experts" claim to define what and how value will be created, ...
UK*   224 - Tempus comment: Pay day
             Times Online, UK - Nov 27, 2007
             Inmarsat is insistent that its executives have plenty of shares but the vast majority of these are yet-to-vest share options and not stock directors have ...
US*   225 - Signet Reports Third Quarter Results
             PR Newswire (press release), NY - Nov 27, 2007
             ... 5.2 70.8 73.2 266.0 Weighted average number of shares in issue (million) 1703.6 1729.4 1703.8 1736.3 1727.6 Dilutive effect of share options (million) ...
US*   226 - Holidays see spike in abuse reports
             Jackson Sun, TN - Nov 27, 2007
             WRAP will share options with a victim when they call and they can help them implement a plan to leave. Robertson was arraigned Monday morning. ...
FR*   227 - Pouvoir d’achat : la boîte à idées des élus UMP
             Le Figaro - 27 nov 2007
             ... «la meilleure piste» est de généraliser le système d’intéressement à toutes les entreprises, de développer l’actionnariat salarié et la participation. ...
FR*   228 - Précisions de l'AMF sur les innovations apportées aux FCPE d ...
             Net-Iris - 27 nov 2007
             Les fonds communes de placement d'entreprise (FCPE) d'actionnariat salarié, ont connu trois innovations majeures depuis l'entrée en vigueur de la loi de ...
             Bellaciao - 27 nov 2007
             2 – La partie salaire et tous les dispositifs d’intéressement et d’épargne salariale étaient séparés : le salaire figurait dans le Livre intitulé ...
FR*   230 - Réunica et Groupama officialisent leurs projets communs
             L'Argus de l'Assurance - 27 nov 2007
             conçus par Groupama et distribués par Réunica, tandis que les produits d'épargne salariale (PEE, Perco) resteront fournis par Groupama. ...
FR*   231 - Epargne salariale : la gestion administrative va avoir sa notation
             NewsManagers - 27 nov 2007
             27 Novembre (Newsmanagers.com) - Epsineo propose aux teneurs de comptes, mais aussi aux sociétés de gestion qui offrent des fonds d’épargne salariale, ...
FR*   232 - Concours Fondation Macif, 3 lauréats récompensées pour leurs ...
             Actualités News Environnement - 27 nov 2007
             Cette société coopérative de production (Scop) située à Roanne dans la Loire, confectionne des vêtements de prêt-à-porter en coton biologique. ...
CA*   233 - Centre d'hébergement Nouvelle convention collective au Pavillon ...
             CSN (Communiqués de presse) - 27 nov 2007
             La vingtaine de syndiquées CSN du Pavillon Beauharnois, une coopérative de travail qui héberge plus d’une quarantaine de personnes âgées autonomes et ...
FR*   234 - La rémunération des grands patrons en baisse en 2006
             Capital.fr - 27 nov 2007
             La rémunération globale (salaires, stock-options, actions gratuites comprises) des équipes dirigeantes des 120 premières sociétés françaises a baissé de 7 ...
FR*   235 - Pouvoir d’achat : la boîte à idées des élus UMP
             Le Figaro - 27 nov 2007
             Jérôme Chartier penche, lui, en faveur de mesures pour permettre la distribution de stock-options à tous les salariés dans les sociétés cotées. ...
FR*   236 - Le retour de saint Nicolas
             Clicanoo.com - 27 nov 2007
             ... alors qu’une taxation sur les stock-options pourrait rapporter quelque 3 milliards mais qu’il a été décidé d’y surseoir jusqu’au 16 octobre… ...
FR*   237 - 'Paolo' assiste virtuellement les clients de Web@bank
             Silicon.fr - 27 nov 2007
             En France, sur le site de la Société Générale dédiée aux stock options, Eva et William guident l’internaute, mais dans un parcours. Et, la silhouette d’Eva, ...
FR*   238 - Quand la propriété devient le viol
             L'Express - 27 nov 2007
             ... pour le plus grand bénéfice de leurs propres stock options ; et aux fournisseurs d’accès, qui, une fois de plus, auront réussi à éviter de reverser aux ...
FR*   239 - Pouvoir d'achat : le PS présente dix propositions !
             Come4News - 27 nov 2007
             ... de Dijon précise que ces mesures, d'un coût de six milliards d'euros, seraient financées par une taxation des profits pétroliers et des stock-options. ...
FR*   240 - Pouvoir d'achat: le PS fait dix propositions, dont une hausse des ...
             AFP - 27 nov 2007
             ... ces mesures seraient financées pour moitié par "une taxation des super-profits pétroliers" et pour l'autre par "une taxation des stock-options", ...
FR*   241 - La rémunération des dirigeants français a baissé en 2006
             Les Échos - 27 nov 2007
             Ce sont les salaires qui baissent et non plus uniquement les revenus liés aux stock-options La rémunération globale des dirigeants des 120 plus grandes ...
FR*   242 - Les patrons du CAC 40 gagnent de moins en moins
             Le Monde - 27 nov 2007
             Selon la presse anglo-saxonne, il est parti avec 159 millions d'indemnités de retraites et de stock-options. Pour Proxinvest, la baisse des salaires des ...
DE*   243 - Merkel umwirbt die SPD
             Spiegel Online - 27. Nov. 2007
             Kuschelklima in der Großen Koalition: Kanzlerin Merkel hat sich in einem Interview wohlwollend zur Mitarbeiterbeteiligung geäußert - eine Kernforderung der ...
DE*   244 - Merkel nähert sich dem SPD-Vorschlag
             Stern - 27. Nov. 2007
             In die Diskussion rund um die Mitarbeiterbeteiligung kommt neue Bewegung: Angela Merkel steht dem "Deutschlandfonds" der SPD nicht ablehnend gegenüber. ...
DE*   245 - Was kann man der SPD noch glauben?
             Neue Rheinische Zeitung - 27. Nov. 2007
             Von Franz Kersjes Je nachdem welcher Politumfrage man glaubt, ist die SPD in der vergangenen Woche seit ihrem Parteitag bei ihren WählerInnen auf 24 Prozent ...
DE*   246 - Wie krank sind die Staatsfinanzen?
             FR-online.de - 27. Nov. 2007
             ... die Investitionen in Kinderbetreuung, die Hilfen für die Krankenkassen oder auch die geplante stärkere Förderung der Mitarbeiterbeteiligung. ...
DE*   247 - Fachanwalt, Agenda-Mann, Minister
             Derwesten.de - 27. Nov. 2007
             Für die SPD verhandelte er mit der Union zum Beispiel über eine Mitarbeiterbeteiligung am Unternehmensvermögen. Im Zweifel kennt sich Scholz in vielen ...
DE*   248 - Stärkung der Mitarbeiterbeteiligung
             Frankfurter Allgemeine Zeitung - 27. Nov. 2007
             Die Diskussion um eine Stärkung der Mitarbeiterbeteiligung in Deutschland war vor knapp zwei Jahren durch Äußerungen des Bundespräsidenten Horst Köhler ...
DE*   249 - Interview: Lars Haferkamp
             vorwärts - 27. Nov. 2007
             Der CSU-Vorsitzende Erwin Huber und ich leiten eine Koalitions-Arbeitsgruppe, die ein gemeinsames Konzept für mehr Mitarbeiterbeteiligung erarbeiten soll. ...
AR*   250 - Continúan el hormigonado y las tareas de base en Olavarría
             168 Horas (Comunicados de prensa) - 27 Nov 2007
             En la actualidad y en forma simultánea la Cooperativa de Trabajo “Obras Olavarría” continúa con el hormigonado y la empresa privada contratada con el ...
ES*   251 - Sinaí Jiménez: "Podemos enfrentarnos violentamiente o dialogadamente"
             Faro de Vigo - 27 Nov 2007
              ... consultarnos nada, por la que, de 130 familias que forman una cooperativa de trabajo asociado, nos dicen que elijamos a 3 y el resto será expulsado". ...
AR*   252 - Para la Justicia, gastos por celular y viáticos integran el salario
             infoBAE profesional - 27 Nov 2007
             (ver nota "Stock options: ratifican pautas para calcular indemnizaciones") La problemática que surge, en este marco, pasa por el hecho de que ninguno de ...
IT*   253 - Legacoop: Lombardia nel 2007 ricavi per 4,3 mld
             Vita - 27 nov 2007
             Per quanto riguarda il sistema delle cooperative di lavoro di Legacoop Lombardia, formato dall'Associazione Lombarda Cooperative di Servizi e Turismo e da ...
IT*   254 - Legacoop Lombardia: +4,5% a/a valore produzione 2007
             Borsa Italiana - 27 nov 2007
             Le cooperative di lavoro si confermano un sistema capace di generare lavoro stabile: nel corso del 2007 sono stati infatti creati oltre 1.000 nuovi posti di ...
IT*   255 - Il frutto dell’amore è il servizio
             Tele Radio Padre Pio - 27 nov 2007
             ... la costituzione di cooperative di lavoro, l'erogazione di microcrediti per avviare o potenziare piccole attività economiche e di Microimprenditoria. ...
IT*   256 - crescita moderata nel 2007 per il movimento cooperativo toscano ...
             Nove da Firenze - 27 nov 2007
             Interessante notare è che nelle cooperative di Lavoro la percentuale di dipendenti soci è la maggioranza (circa il 70% nel 2007): questo è un indicatore ...
             Alice News - 27 nov 2007
             In particolare, le cooperative di lavoro (dette anche dei soci lavoratori) in Lombardia sono oltre 500 e danno lavoro a quasi 30mila persone (1.000 i posti ...
BR*   258 - Hortolândia mantém a maior média salarial da RMC
             Portal Novidade - 27 Nov 2007
             ... políticas de apoio à micro e pequenos empresários, medidas para estimular a formação de cooperativas de trabalho e projetos de qualificação profissional ...
US*   259 - Gear Company Makeover
             American Machinist, OH - Nov 26, 2007
             The need for a new identity was one of the action items that came as a part of the company’s shift to 100 percent employee ownership.
UK*   260 - Polly Toynbee
             Guardian Unlimited, UK - Nov 26, 2007
             ... to undermine the principle of capital gains tax in the same way, pretending it's about small investors, small businesses or employee-share owners. ...
US*   261 - Food Pyramid launches $3 generic prescription program
             Bartlesville Examiner Enterprise, OK - Nov 26, 2007
             “As an employee-owned company, we realize how important it is to pass that savings on to our customers and to our employee-owners. ...
FR*   262 - Editoweb: UK today, 26 nov 2007
             EditoWeb Magazine, France - Nov 26, 2007
             ... committee urged Alistair Darling to take action to reduce the impact of the abolition of taper relief on small businesses and employee shareholders. ...
UK*   263 - CGT battle to add to Government woes
             Money Marketing, UK - Nov 26, 2007
             The Treasury select committee has warned the Government of its concern over the effect its CGT changes could have on small business, employee shareholders ...
UK*   264 - McFall asks Govt. to consult on CGT changes
             ifaonline.co.uk, UK - Nov 26, 2007
             ... that will come from a simplified CGT regime, but is concerned the changes might affect long-term investment, employee shareholders and small businesses. ...
US*   265 - Business people in the news
             The Journal News / Lohud.com, NY - Nov 26, 2007
             HDR is an employee-owned architectural, engineering and consulting firm. "People in the News" appears Mondays and Tuesdays. Send information about new jobs, ...
US*   266 - Food Pyramid launches $3 generic prescription program
             Bartlesville Examiner Enterprise, OK - Nov 26, 2007
             “As an employee-owned company, we realize how important it is to pass that savings on to our customers and to our employee-owners. ...
US*   267 - Sharp and Namaste Solar Electric Deliver Sharp Solar Arrays to ...
             Business Wire (press release), CA - Nov 26, 2007
             Namaste Solar Electric is a values-based, employee owned solar electric company dedicated to the betterment of the planet by bringing clean, reliable, ...
US*   268 - AMERICAN SYSTEMS Launches Specialized Web Site for US Department ...
             Business Wire (press release), CA - Nov 26, 2007
             Founded in 1975, AMERICAN SYSTEMS is one of the largest employee-owned companies in the United States, with approximately 1500 employees nationwide. ...
US*   269 - TEC Helps Paint Manufacturer Simplify its Software Evaluation and ...
             PR Web (press release), WA - Nov 26, 2007
             Montreal, QC (PRWEB) November 26, 2007 -- Kelly-Moore Paints, the largest employee-owned paint company in the US, recently engaged the services of software ...
IN*   270 - Cracker of an ESOP notification
             Economic Times, India - Nov 26, 2007
             Gopal lamented about the imposition of FBT on ESOPs. Here is why. Gopal works for a listed Indian company. Had Gopal exercised the options prior to April ...
US*   271 - Russia's X5 Retail Group Q3 net up 22 pct
              Reuters - Nov 26, 2007
             Excluding the costs of the employee stock option programme, EBITDA was $113 million, up 51 percent, with the EBITDA margin of 8.9 percent versus 9.0 percent ...
AU*   272 - Capital Reconstruction
             Sydney Morning Herald, Australia - Nov 26, 2007
             ... immediately exercisable options to purchase shares of Common Stock issued pursuant to our Amended and Restated 1998 Key Employee Stock Option Plan. ...
US*   273 - Pulte Homes Reaffirms 4th Quarter Preimpairment View
             International Business Times, NY - Nov 26, 2007
             Using his employee stock options, Roger Cregg, CEO of the company, increased his shares in the company from 368090 to 398, 190.
US*   274 - Pulte Homes Reconfirms Q4 Outlook Of Pre-Impairment Earnings, Cash ...
             RTT News, NY - Nov 26, 2007
             ... of 182400 shares of its common stock by Executive Vice President and Chief Financial Officer Roger Cregg, exercising the employee stock options. ...
US*   275 - Pulte Homes Comments Prior to JP Morgan Homebuilding and Building ...
             CNNMoney.com - Nov 26, 2007
             ... Executive Vice President and Chief Financial Officer, purchased 182400 shares of Pulte's common stock through the exercise of employee stock options. ...
CH*   276 - Employees’ ownership and equal pay: solutions to the skill shortages?
             Union Network International, Switzerland - Nov 26, 2007
             The concept is also gaining importance in developing countries such as India, where a new tax law on employee stock options should favor the adoption of ...
ZA*   277 - PRIVATE INVESTOR: Why we’re glad to hold Reunert
             Business Day, South Africa - Nov 26, 2007
             These, diluted correctly by the cost of share options, rose 14% to 562c from 490,9c, much as expected when we bought the shares for the portfolio. ...
US*   278 - Kenya: Are CEOs' High Salaries Aligned to Performance?
             AllAfrica.com, Washington - Nov 26, 2007
             In the IDS report, top bosses in FTSE 250 firms earned £737000, but this reached the three million mark when incentives, bonuses and share options were ...
US*   279 - Dori Media Group Acquires Majority Stake in Paran Productions
              World Screen News, NY - Nov 26, 2007
             TEL AVIV, November 26: Dori Media Group (DMG) has purchased a 75-percent stake in Paran Productions for $1.6 million and 75000 DMG share options. ...
UK*   280 - IT skills shortage forces employers to train staff
             ComputerworldUK, UK - Nov 26, 2007
             Many organisations have reinstated the retention policies for IT workers, such as share options, which were shelved at the end of the dot com boom, ...
CA*   281 - Pine Cliff Energy Ltd. Announces Third Quarter Results
             Canada NewsWire (press release), Canada - Nov 26, 2007
             ... average number of shares outstanding of 36758479 (2006 - 36473441) plus 1498552 (2006 - 1323939) shares related to the dilutive effect of share options. ...
BG*   282 - Millicom International Cellular: Millicom Share Dealing
             PR-USA.net (press release), Bulgaria - Nov 26, 2007
             Marc Beuls will use the entire proceeds from today’s sale plus additional funds to finance the exercise of Share Options in December, 2007 which will ...
UK*   283 - TFN NEWS BRIEFING: Oil and utilities highlights to 15:45 GMT
             Hemscott, UK - Nov 26, 2007
             ... Wolfgang Ruttenstorfer's exercise of share options in advance of the company's offer for Hungarian rival MOL Nyrt, Austrian weekly profil reported. ...
UK*   284 - Fewer IT pros looking for work
             IT PRO, UK - Nov 26, 2007
             Indeed, one reason IT workers are staying put is better retention policies, such as offering share options - many of which ended after the dot com boom went ...
UK*   285 - McClaren sacking is a lesson for business, says law firm DWF
             SourceWire (press release), UK - Nov 26, 2007
             ... calculate how much they would have to pay the executive on termination, assess his or her pension rights and the position in respect of share options. ...
US*   286 - OMV CEO's share dealings ahead of MOL offer probed by Austrian ...
             Forbes, NY - Nov 26, 2007
             Under the terms of OMV's share options programme, Ruttenstorfer exercised 42000 options on Sept 6. The dealings were reported to the FMA and published on ...
UK*   287 - Stead workers lobby former bosses
             News & Star, UK - Nov 26, 2007
             Workers say they have been betrayed by John Lewis - which styles itself as workers co-operative. Alan McGuckin, regional industrial organiser for the Unite ...
FR*   288 - Le rédacteur en chef du "Spiegel" désavoué par les salariés
             Le Monde - 26 nov 2007
             Les salariés, actionnaires majoritaires du magazine, ont annoncé à l'actuel titulaire du poste, Stefan Aust, qu'il devrait l'abandonner en décembre 2008. ...
FR*   289 - Le dernier rapport du COR prépare pour 2008 l’offensive contre ...
             Actuchomage.org - 26 nov 2007
             ... ne pas augmenter la part patronales des cotisations retraites et pour faire une large place au soleil à l’épargne salariale et aux fonds de pension. ...
FR*   290 - Nouvel essor pour l’économie solidaire
             Novethic - 26 nov 2007
             Depuis le démarrage effectif de l’épargne salariale solidaire en 2004, qui ne concernait que les PERCO, l’encours des Fonds communs de placement solidaires ...
FR*   291 - Jean-Marc Coly, directeur général d'UFG REM
             Actusite - 26 nov 2007
             Il sera également disponible au travers d’unités de compte de contrats d’assurance vie et devrait intégrer l’actif des OPCVM, de l’épargne salariale et de ...
FR*   292 - Pour être alerté lors de prochaines publications sur le même sujet ...
             LExpansion.com - 26 nov 2007
             BNP Paribas propose en outre des stock-options à 3 000 nouveaux collaborateurs chaque année. Une pratique assidue du tennis. Cela fait trente-cinq ans que ...
FR*   293 - Pouvoir d'achat: avant Sarkozy, l'Assemblée planche sur la ...
             AFP - 26 nov 2007
             ... généralisation des stock-options, affectation des surplus de croissance (s'il y en a en 2008) à la baisse des charges et non au désendettement. ...
FR*   294 - Entre Sarkozy et Besancenot, que reste-t-il ?
             Le Figaro - 26 nov 2007
             Les socialistes se sont donc contentés de réclamer une moralisation des stock-options, une posture morale que pouvait reprendre à son compte la droite ...
FR*   295 - Relancer le pouvoir d'achat sans aggraver le déficit : le ...
             Le Monde - 26 nov 2007
             L'autre piste concerne l'extension du système des stock-options ou de l'intéressement aux résultats. Et la possibilité pour les salariés de pouvoir les ...
FR*   296 - Les dispositions du PLFSS pour 2008 concernant le monde du travail
             Net-Iris - 26 nov 2007
             Al'article 13, une contribution patronale et salariale sur les stock-options et les attributions gratuites d'actions est instituée, à compter du 16 octobre ...
FR*   297 - Projet de loi de financement de la Sécurité sociale pour 2008 ...
             Boursorama - 26 nov 2007
             Parmi les mesures votées figurent la mise en place d'une contribution sociale sur les stock-options et les actions gratuites attribués à compter du 16 ...
FR*   298 - "Les femmes, objets de consensus", par Vincent Beaufils (Challenges)
             Challenges - 26 nov 2007
             ... Mercedes Erra se souvient qu'au jeu des stock-options elle a largement été moins dotée à son arrivée à Euro RSCG que ses associés masculins. ...
FR*   299 - Amaury Eloy, dirigeant de PME et membre du comité directeur de ...
             Actusite - 26 nov 2007
             Les stock-options représentent le seul outil d’attractivité et de fidélisation pour les petites et moyennes structures. C’est grâce aux plans d’options ...
FR*   300 - Le bien-fondé des stock-options encore en débat
             Les Échos - 26 nov 2007
             Instruments générant une saine motivation au sein des entreprises pour les uns, les stock-options ne sont pour d'autres qu'un mode de rémunération déguisée. ...
AT*   301 - Mehr Arbeit für bescheidenen Lohn
             Die Presse - 26. Nov. 2007
             So wird in Österreich, aber auch in anderen EU-Staaten über neue Formen der Arbeitnehmerbeteiligung diskutiert. Der Nachteil einer niedrigen Lohnquote ist ...
DE*   302 - » ZdK verabschiedet Erklärung zu Sozialstaatsreformen
             Verbände Forum (Pressemitteilung) - 26. Nov. 2007
             ... Arbeitnehmerbeteiligung am Unternehmen, Solidarisches Bürgergeld, ganzheitliche Bildung, Pflegeversicherung und Ausbau der Kinderbetreuung.
ES*   303 - Hoy será noticia: previsiones informativas del martes
             Radio Granada - 26 Nov 2007
             La Federación Andaluza de Empresas y Cooperativas de Trabajo Asociado (Faecta) presenta en Granada su directorio verde de actividades. ...
AR*   304 - Noticias de Tafí Viejo
             Tucumán Hoy - 26 Nov 2007
             ... que hoy se hará la entrega de insumos y herramientas a las cooperativas de trabajo que realizan mejoras habitacionales dentro del Programa Mejor Vivir. ...
AR*   305 - “Harriet SA intenta desprestigiar al Estado para volver a operar ...
             Misiones OnLine - 26 Nov 2007
             Funcionarios del Ministerio de Ecología de Misiones salieron al cruce de las denuncias que se publicaron originadas por la Cooperativa de Trabajo ...
AR*   306 - Aspirando el presupuesto
             0223 Vespertino Digital - 26 Nov 2007
             Y se indica que “en el primer llamado a licitación, la única oferta válida correspondiente a la firma Cooperativa de Trabajo Gral. ...
ES*   307 - Los hombres de Pepe Triana
             Terra España - 26 Nov 2007
             ... tiene que dar la 'jeta' en determinados momentos, pero todos son exactamente igual de currantes, como deben ser las buenas cooperativas de trabajadores. ...
ES*   308 - El tratamiento de las opciones sobre acciones en los despidos
             Expansión & Empleo - 26 Nov 2007
             ¿Cómo computan las stock options ejercitadas por un trabajador antes del despido? Una sentencia determina que, con independencia del momento en que se ...
BR*   309 - Veja o noticiário jurídico dos jornais desta segunda
             Consultor Jurídico - 26 Nov 2007
             De acordo com o jornal DCI, as cooperativas de trabalho terão um selo de conformidade para identificar quais atuam corretamente. ...
BR*   310 - Unimed tem de pagar medicamento de câncer de mama
             Consultor Jurídico - 26 Nov 2007
             Com este entendimento, a juíza Adair Julieta da Silva, titular da 17ª Vara Cível da Comarca de Cuiabá, mandou a Cooperativa de Trabalho Médico Unimed Cuiabá ...
UK*   311 - Treasury Select Committee consider Darling's report
             Swindon Advertiser, UK - Nov 25, 2007
             By Leigh Robinson ifs ProShare, the collective voice for the employee share ownership industry, has welcomed today's Treasury Select Committee report into ...
UK*   312 - Pressure grows for Darling to amend flat-rate CGT plan
             Guardian Unlimited, UK - Nov 25, 2007
             ... shareholders will lose out as the changes stand, according to ProShare, a not-for profit organisation that promotes employee share ownership schemes. ...
UK*   313 - Capital gains tax change concern
             Grimsby Evening Telegraph, UK - Nov 25, 2007
             They also urged Chancellor of the Exchequer Alistair Darling to take action to soften its impact on small businesses and employee shareholders. ...
UK*   314 - Brown pledges economic reform
             Guardian Unlimited, UK - Nov 25, 2007
             ... that the withdrawal of taper relief on the tax could have "detrimental effects" on small businesses, employee shareholders and long-term investment. ...
US*   315 - Treasury Select Committee chides UK govt for lack of consultation ...
             Forbes, NY - Nov 25, 2007
             ... the reform of the capital gains tax regime announced will affect small businesses and employee shareholders and could affect longer-term investment. ...
UK*   316 - Alistair Darling's tax plan 'could hit small firms'
             Telegraph.co.uk, United Kingdom - Nov 25, 2007
             ... the possible detrimental effects that the withdrawal of taper relief could have on small businesses, employee shareholders and long-term investment. ...
UK*   317 - Gordon Brown launches fight on nuclear power and Heathrow after ...
             This is London, UK - Nov 25, 2007
             A report by the Treasury Committee today urges Mr Darling to take action to soften its impact on small businesses and employee shareholders.
UK*   318 - Firms 'rush' to sell-up before CGT rise
             Contractor UK, UK - Nov 25, 2007
             The Sunday Telegraph also claimed the proposed reversal would cover employee shareholders, but the party plans not to extend it to private equity captains, ...
UK*   319 - Pressure grows for Darling to amend flat-rate CGT plan
             Guardian Unlimited, UK - Nov 25, 2007
             ... today that the abolition of taper relief from April will hit especially hard employee shareholders and small business owners close to retirement. ...
UK*   320 - Brown launches plea to judge him on delivering ‘long-term stability’
             The Herald, UK - Nov 25, 2007
             ... the Chancellor of the Exchequer, to take action to soften the impact of the capital gains changes on small businesses and employee shareholders. ...
UK*   321 - Alistair Darling faces grilling from MPs over changes to capital ...
             Times Online, UK - Nov 25, 2007
             “We are concerned about the possible detrimental effect that the withdrawal of taper relief could have on small businesses, employee shareholders and ...
US*   322 - Retirement-Fund Case at Top US Court May Bolster Right to Sue
             Bloomberg - Nov 25, 2007
             Critics say the lower court ruling would leave participants in defined-contribution plans -- a category that also includes employee stock ownership and ...
US*   323 - Employees On The Way To Owning Quirk Wire Co.
             Worcester Business Journal, MA - Nov 25, 2007
             Quirk sold the company he started in 1978 to its employees in an ESOP, an Employee Stock Ownership Program. The employees should own the company entirely in ...
IN*   324 - Common stock option scheme unviable for oil PSUs
             Hindu Business Line, India - Nov 25, 2007
             New Delhi, Nov 25 The Petroleum Ministry, which is looking at a common employees stock option (ESOP) policy for State-owned oil companies, may have to allow ...
US*   325 - More local business
             The Herald-Times (subscription), IN - Nov 25, 2007
             Bender Lumber is an employee-owned, family business, based in Bloomington. BLOOMINGTON — Stepping Stones, a transitional housing program for teens, ...
US*   326 - Look Who's Talking
             Cincinnati Enquirer, OH - Nov 25, 2007
             Kathman, who has led the world's largest employee-owned brand design firm (formerly known as Libby Perszyk Kathman) for a decade, says the design business ...
BG*   327 - Rosendin Electric Named Sub-Contractor of the Year by Silicon ...
             PR-USA.net (press release), Bulgaria - Nov 25, 2007
             Completely employee-owned since 2000, with more than 2500 employees, Rosendin Electric keeps pace with the rapidly changing construction business, ...
IN*   328 - Common stock option scheme unviable for oil PSUs
             Hindu Business Line, India - Nov 25, 2007
             “The varying equity structures of these companies would make it difficult for them to adopt a common scheme for offering ESOPs as the move could dilute ...
IN*   329 - MF horizon
             Calcutta Telegraph, India - Nov 25, 2007
             The company allotted me 100 shares in 1994 under its employee stock option scheme. In June this year, I got 100 bonus shares. Do I have to pay capital gains ...
UK*   330 - Industry body recommends fiscal bundle to encourage investment
             Monsters and Critics.com, UK - Nov 25, 2007
             It also suggested measures to ensure that fringe benefit tax on employee stock option scheme is eligible for tax credits under the DTAA. ...
ZA*   331 - Creditors' one-way bets may be called in
             Business Report, South Africa - Nov 25, 2007
             And the former head of Citigroup, Charles Prince, got $29.5 million in share awards, share options and pension entitlements. The people who pay the penalty ...
FR*   332 - Les mots-clés de l'épargne salariale
             Le Monde - 25 nov 2007
             Les stock-options (droits d'achat d'actions à un cours fixé d'avance) constituent une catégorie à part de l'actionnariat salarié réservée à certains cadres ...
FR*   333 - Les avantages de l'épargne salariale
             Le Monde - 25 nov 2007
             La loi du 30 décembre 2006, "pour le développement de la participation et de l'actionnariat salarié" marque plusieurs avancées. Plus d'intéressement. ...
FR*   334 - Devenir actionnaire de son entreprise
             Le Monde - 25 nov 2007
             ... reconnaît Jean-Claude Mothié, président de la Fédération française des associations d'actionnaires salariés (FAS). Cette vaste loi pour le développement ...
             Patrimoinorama - 25 nov 2007
             Majeue parte des sommes versées par les employeurs ou les salariés dans le cadre de l'épargne salariale sont placées dans des fonds communs de placement ...
FR*   336 - Natixis - Résultats du troisième trimestre 2007 de Natixis
             Edubourse.com (Communiqués de presse) - 25 nov 2007
             En épargne salariale ils progressent de 10% à 18,5 milliards d’euros. Les actifs conservés atteignent 2 506 milliards d’euros, soit +7%. ...
FR*   337 - Autogestion : En route pour l’espoir
             Bellaciao - 25 nov 2007
             Coopératives de travailleurs, coopératives de consommation, organisations alternatives d’achats directs de produits agricoles, crèches parentales ou ...
FR*   338 - Vieillissement rime mal avec libéralisme
             La Tribune.fr - 25 nov 2007
             ... ce n'est pas le choix des décideurs, qui ne souhaitent pas non plus faire cotiser significativement plus les revenus du capital ou les stock-options. ...
FR*   339 - Des solutions pour le pouvoir d’achat ?
             France Soir - 25 nov 2007
             De son côté, la droite prône une augmentation de la prime pour l’emploi, une généralisation des stock-options, y compris pour les fonctionnaires, ...
FR*   340 - Les riches promesses des LBO
             Les Échos - 25 nov 2007
             Certains préfèrent passer de la détention de stock-options au coactionnariat. « Des dirigeants, des membres de comités exécutifs m'appellent pour participer ...
FR*   341 - Stock-options versus actions gratuites
             Les Échos - 25 nov 2007
             L'attribution de stock-options s'assimile à une prime de résultat, qui vise à retenir et à fidéliser les salariés bénéficiaires. ...
FR*   342 - Nicolas Sarkozy attendu sur le pouvoir d'achat cette semaine
             Le Monde - 25 nov 2007
             De son côté, le secrétaire national à l'Economie du parti présidentiel, Frédéric Lefebvre, est favorable à une généralisation des stock-options, ...
FR*   343 - Qui a des solutions miracles?
             Le journal du dimanche en ligne - 25 nov 2007
             ... UMP Frédéric Lefebvre, ancien proche collaborateur de Nicolas Sarkozy, plaide pour une généralisation à l'ensemble des salariés des stock-options. ...
FR*   344 - "De l'origine des inégalités croissantes parmi les hommes ...
             Come4News - 25 nov 2007
             ... profit réalisé lors de l’exercice des stock-options, contributions aux assurances-santé et retraite…) a augmenté de plus de 300% entre 1990 et 2001. ...
AT*   345 - "Das Erwachen wird bitter sein"
             derStandard.at - 25. Nov. 2007
             Veit Sorger: Ein wichtiger Beitrag ist die Mitarbeiterbeteiligung, wobei wir vor allem die Ergebnisbeteiligung wollen. Ich trete dafür ein, dass die Mittel ...
AR*   346 - Distintos frentes de obras ejecutándose en forma simultánea en ...
             168 Horas (Comunicados de prensa) - 25 Nov 2007
             Pavimentación de la avenida Pellegrini entre Del Valle y Avellaneda: la misma se está realizando con hormigón a través de la Cooperativa de Trabajo Obras ...
AR*   347 - Piden informes a la Nación por la depredación en Yabotí
             Misiones OnLine - 25 Nov 2007
             La Cooperativa de Trabajo Restauradora de la Selva Paranaense denunció por "delito ambiental" ante la Fiscalía de Investigaciones Ambiental de la Nación. ...
CO*   348 - El 14 de diciembre vence la segunda convocatoria de las ...
             El Tiempo (Colombia) - 25 Nov 2007
             De 28 miembros, la Cooperativa de Trabajo Asociado Agroindustral y Comercial del Cauca, Coagroica, pasó en cuatro años a 170 afiliados. ...
AR*   349 - Complejo panorama para el transporte
             Diario La República - 25 Nov 2007
             ... trabajadores de Expreso Ciudad de Posadas iniciaron los trámites para convertirla en una empresa recuperada con el formato de cooperativa de trabajo. ...
IT*   350 - Tutte le conseguenze del passaggio all’euro
             Corriere della Sera - 25 nov 2007
             E le stock options? Non si potrebbero più esercitare, i valori di borsa si sgonfierebbero come per incanto. La verità è che un tasso "finto" d'inflazione fa ...
ZA*   351 - The Bad ...
             The Times, South Africa - Nov 24, 2007
             The retailer said its black economic empowerment employee share ownership scheme would reduce non-comparable first-half earnings by 36 million rand (5,3 ...
UK*   352 - Tories to unveil capital gains tax reforms
             Telegraph.co.uk, United Kingdom - Nov 24, 2007
             By Melissa Kite, Deputy Political Editor Thousands of small business owners, savers and employee shareholders will escape Labour's crackdown on capital ...
US*   353 - Granite expands Pacific Northwest reach
             Santa Cruz Sentinel, CA - Nov 24, 2007
             WATSONVILLE -- Granite Construction is expanding its reach into the Pacific Northwest area with a decision to buy out minority employee-shareholders of ...
US*   354 - Radio explosion: more stations, more choices
             North Platte Bulletin, NE - Nov 24, 2007
             KOOQ, an employee owned Eagle Radio Station, is the most powerful AM station in Lincoln County at 5000 watts daytime, 500 nighttime. ...
BG*   355 - William Blair & Company Initiates Coverage of Duff & Phelps ...
             PR-USA.net (press release), Bulgaria - Nov 24, 2007
             As an independent, employee-owned firm, our philosophy is to serve our clients' interests first and foremost. We place a high value on the enduring nature ...
US*   356 - Earnings Calls: Broadcom Third Quarter Earnings Call
             123Jump.com, FL - Nov 24, 2007
             The firm generated strong positive cash flow from operations of $212 million and had some benefit from proceeds from employee stock option exercise of $65 ...
FR*   357 - Un nouveau cadeau aux plus fortunés ( encore )
             20minutes.fr - 24 nov 2007
             Ce n'est que dans quatre ans que les détenteurs de stock-options se verront imposés. Quand, comme l'ex-PDG de Vinci Antoine Zacharias, on part avec une ...
FR*   358 - Le Thatcher français face au pouvoir d’achat
             Solidarité et Progrès - 24 nov 2007
             ... Galland qui encadre les prix de la grande distribution), voire des stock-options pour tous ou l’élargissement de la distribution d’actions gratuites. ...
FR*   359 - Les dangers de l'aspartame
             Le Post - 24 nov 2007
             À cette date, les stock-options dont il disposes ont par ailleurs estimés à au moins quatre millions de dollars. Voici une émission de radio sur "radio ici ...
AR*   360 - ESTE LUNES 26
             Corrientes Noticias - 24 Nov 2007
             ... en el tramo de la Actualización Jurídica, los abogados Juan Meza y Gustavo Chamorro se referirán a la Ley de Cooperativas y Cooperativas de Trabajo. ...
AR*   361 - Luz Sapag recibiría la comuna con un juicio millonario
             Rio Negro On Line - 24 Nov 2007
             ... a una cooperativa de trabajo que ya funciona en la ciudad, asegurándoles empleo pero con ingresos menores a los que perciben en la actualidad. ...
             Spaziofilm - 24 nov 2007
             ... il caro Buddy boy vuole forse tornare a dormire sonni più tranquilli, contare si le pecore, ma senza farne stock options e obbligazioni. ...
US*   363 - Director/PDMR Shareholding
             Trading Markets (press release), CA - Nov 23, 2007
             *This figure excludes shares held by the Trustees of the All Employee Share Ownership Plan and shares subject to LTIP awards, but includes an interest in ...
US*   364 - Bread with your latte?
              Baltimore Sun, United States - Nov 23, 2007
             The employee-owners of Red Emma's, which opened three years ago, said they attract a different clientele than Starbucks and weren't worried about losing ...
US*   365 - David Dreman Buys Hercules Inc., Sybase Inc., StanCorp Financial ...
             GuruFocus.com, TX - Nov 23, 2007
             American Capital Strategies, Ltd. is a principal investment firm specializing in management and employee buyouts, acquisitions, add-on acquisitions, ...
UK*   366 - Finance Analyst
             GAAPweb Finance and Accounting News, UK - Nov 23, 2007
             We are an independent, employee-owned, Global firm of 3000 talented individuals, operating from offices across the world. We have won numerous awards for ...
US*   367 - Eurocommercial Properties to start buyback to cover employee stock ...
             Forbes, NY - Nov 23, 2007
             AMSTERDAM (Thomson Financial) - Eurocommercial Properties NV said it will start a buyback programme to cover employee stock options. ...
             ABN Newswire (press release), Australia - Nov 23, 2007
             Employee stock options On 8 November 2007 the 676000 outstanding employee stock options, granted in 2004, vested, giving option holders the right to ...
UK*   369 - $100 oil: the terrible truth
             Guardian Unlimited, UK - Nov 23, 2007
             Oil executives have traditionally avoided talk of geological constraints - no doubt mindful of the value of their share options - but now even they admit ...
ZA*   370 - Hoisting sales on the waters of life
             Financial Mail (subscription), South Africa - Nov 23, 2007
             So if your ship has come in, in the shape of cashed share options or a bonus from the financial services sector, you could do worse than charter a yacht for ...
UK*   371 - French social security law passed with new taxes
             Guardian Unlimited, UK - Nov 23, 2007
             Employees would be liable to pay 2.5 percent on profit they made when exercising the share options. The measure will only apply to options granted after ...
UK*   372 - Employee share schemes: share and share alike
              Accountancy Age, UK - Nov 23, 2007
             The right to exercise share options often occurs on an event such as a sale or flotation, meaning that the employee will be able to exercise and sell all or ...
UK*   373 - Rewards for failure - why fat cats still leave with millions
             This is Money, UK - Nov 23, 2007
             Incentives such as bonuses and share options now make up 60% of earnings of an average FTSE boss. And firms are demanding clearer performance targets: ...
UK*   374 - TFN NEWS BRIEFING: Mergers and acquisitions highlights to 09:20 GMT
             Hemscott, UK - Nov 23, 2007
             ... 75000 DMG share options saying the deal further improves its overall production abilities and broadens its exposure to other forms of TV programming. ...
UK*   375 - Dori Media strengthens presence with Paran deal
             SmallCapNews.co.uk, UK - Nov 23, 2007
             ... to purchase a 75% stake in Paran Productions for a total consideration of US$1.6 million (£0.8 million) and 75000 DMG share options. ...
BB*   376 - Credit unions join CARIFS
             Nation News, Barbados - Nov 23, 2007
             OVER 80 000 credit union customers from the City of Bridgetown (COB) credit union and the Barbados Public Workers Co-operative Credit Union Limited, ...
PH*   377 - 270 workers of closed firm face blue Christmas
             Sun.Star, Philippines - Nov 23, 2007
             In Compostela, Sumifru capitalized on "workers cooperatives" as precondition to employment. This meant that workers, being virtual owners of cooperatives ...
FR*   378 - DCNS : L'ouverture du capital aux salariés repoussée à 2008
             Meretmarine.com - 23 nov 2007
             ... la loi de décembre 2004 sur l'ouverture du capital de l'ex-Direction des Constructions Navales, l'actionnariat salarié doit porter sur 2.78% du capital. ...
FR*   379 - Crédit Agricole: des salariés actionnaires mécontents de la baisse ...
             Daily Bourse - 23 nov 2007
             Des salariés du groupe Crédit Agricole ayant participé à une augmentation de capital se sont plaints auprès de la direction de n'avoir pas été suffisamment ...
FR*   380 - Les salaires restent tabous
             l'Humanité - 23 nov 2007
             Un déblocage anticipé de l’épargne salariale (« coup » déjà joué en 2004) serait envisagé, mais cela ne concernerait, inégalement, qu’une minorité de ...
FR*   381 - Salaires : ce qui vous attend en 2008
             Capital.fr - 23 nov 2007
             Intéressement, participation et épargne salariale sont pratiqués par la plupart des grandes entreprises. Mais si ces pratiques de rémunérations sont jugées ...
FR*   382 - France : trou d'air pour la consommation des biens manufacturés
             Boursorama - 23 nov 2007
             La presse a évoqué certaines pistes comme le versement d'un treizième mois sans charge, le déblocage de l'épargne salariale ou le rachat des jours de repos ...
FR*   383 - Des performances à la traîne
             La Tribune.fr - 23 nov 2007
             Il ya débat sur la facturation de l'épargne salariale auprès des entreprises : les comptes en Francesont facturés 10 ou 20 euros, alors qu'ils sont de 30 ou ...
FR*   384 - Pouvoir d'achat : Sarkozy parlera plus tard
             France 3 - 23 nov 2007
             Sont notamment évoqués: le versement d'un treizème mois sans charges, la possibilité de débloquer l'épargne salariale, la revalorisation de la prime pour ...
FR*   385 - Eloi Monod, un souffle d’air et de fraternité
             le Patriote - 23 nov 2007
             Un cadre du Parti communiste, Jean-Louis Fayard, vient à la verrerie en proposant une coopérative ouvrière, là aussi, Eloi Monod est d’accord, ...
FR*   386 - Pierre philosophale
             l'Humanité - 23 nov 2007
             Des stock-options pour les salariés… Faire baisser les marges de la grande distribution… Depuis des années, les exonérations de charges qui se sont ...
FR*   387 - Terrasse: "Le budget de la Sécu n'est pas réaliste"
             Le journal du dimanche en ligne - 23 nov 2007
             Nous pensons par exemple à la taxation des parachutes dorés, des stock-options. La taxation des stock-options a été incluse dans le projet. ...
FR*   388 - Sécu, le budget est prescrit
             Le journal du dimanche en ligne - 23 nov 2007
             Autres sources de revenus pour l'Etat, la mise en place d'une contribution patronale de 2,5% sur l'attribution de stock-options et de 10% sur l'attribution ...
FR*   389 - Pouvoir d'achat : pourquoi pas une généralisation des stock-options ?
             Challenges - 23 nov 2007
             Frédéric Lefebvre (UMP) s'est déclaré, vendredi 23 novembre, favorable à une généralisation des stock-options, y compris dans le secteur public sous la ...
FR*   390 - Sept jours en politique
             nouvelobs.com - 23 nov 2007
             Des stock-options pour tous? Nicolas Sarkozy tranchera le débat lors de son intervention télévisée attendue pour mercredi ou jeudi prochain. ...
FR*   391 - Le Parlement adopte le budget 2008 de la Sécu
             Challenges - 23 nov 2007
             Un amendement instaure une contribution patronale de 2,5% sur l'attribution de stock-options et de 10% sur les attributions gratuites d'actions. ...
FR*   392 - Réforme constitutionnelle : des lois sans principes
             Fondation de service politique - 23 nov 2007
             L’affaire des stock-options relève de la même analyse. Le code fiscal et celui de la Sécurité sociale regorgent de « niches », des exceptions à la règle ...
FR*   393 - Budget 2008 de la Sécu : c'est voté !
             Pipelette - 23 nov 2007
             L'autre mesure phare de ce budget concerne la taxation des stock-options. Le texte prévoit d'instaurer une contribution sur les indemnités de mise à la ...
             Bellaciao - 23 nov 2007
             La Cour des comptes elle-même fait état de ce que l’exonération de cotisations sociales sur les stock-options se monte à 3 milliards d’euros pour la seule ...
FR*   395 - « La grève s'achève... la négociation continue »
             20minutes.fr - 23 nov 2007
             On parle de primes pour l'emploi, de généralisation des stock-options ou même de 13ème mois sans charges ». Un qui aurait mieux fait de mieux traiter son ...
FR*   396 - Adoption par le Parlement du budget 2008 de la Sécurité sociale
             La Tribune.fr - 23 nov 2007
             ... le déficit à 8,8 milliards d'euros l'an prochain, instaure les franchises médicales et met en place une contribution sociale sur les stock-options. AP.
FR*   397 - Le PLFSS définitivement adopté
             Challenges - 23 nov 2007
             Ce projet de loi pour 2008 instaure entre autres les franchises médicales, et une contribution sociale sur les stock-options. Le Parlement a définitivement ...
FR*   398 - Le Parlement adopte définitivement le budget 2008 de la Sécurité ...
             AFP - 23 nov 2007
             Le PLFSS entend contenir le déficit de la Sécu à 8,8 milliards d'euros et met en place une contribution sociale sur les stock-options, payable à partir de ...
FR*   399 - Le PLFSS 2008 adopté à l'Assemblée nationale
             Infirmiers.com - 23 nov 2007
             ... compte des nouvelles dispositions sur les recettes (suppression de la taxe sur les boissons sucrées, modification du prélèvement sur les stock-options). ...
DE*   400 - Umfangreiche Agenda des neuen Ministers
             Wiesbadener Kurier - 23. Nov. 2007
             Ein persönliches Lieblingsthema hat Scholz ins Ministerium mitgenommen: Die Förderung der Mitarbeiterbeteiligung. Er leitet mit CSU-Chef Erwin Huber dazu ...
ES*   401 - Pacto de TINELL. [2] Nuevo impulso económico. 3.- Pimes, autónomos ...
             Paz digital - 23 Nov 2007
             Favorecer el desarrollo del sector de economía social (sociedades laborales y cooperativas) con medidas de apoyo en materia de formación, ...
ES*   402 - El PSOE de Granada inicia los primeros contactos para el ...
             Granada digital - 23 Nov 2007
             Respecto a las Sociedades Laborales, en Granada se mantienen 961, de las cuales 361 se han creado en los últimos cuatro años, junto a 3.000 empleos, ...
ES*   403 - La Generalitat impulsará una red de información y apoyo a la ...
             Panorama Actual - 23 Nov 2007
             Para el director general de Trabajo, Cooperativismo y Economía Social "es necesario que las cooperativas y las sociedades laborales, sigan trabajando para ...
ES*   404 - Las empresas de la Economía Social ponen en práctica la primera ...
             Discapnet (Comunicados de prensa) - 23 Nov 2007
             Todas son confederaciones nacionales o autonómicas y grupos empresariales específicos, que representan los intereses de Cooperativas, Sociedades Laborales, ...
ES*   405 - Los alicantinos cobran al año 4.200 euros más que ellas
             20 minutos - 23 Nov 2007
             Y el presidente de la Federación Valenciana de Empresas de Economía Social, Miguel Millana, dijo ayer que en las sociedades laborales no existe la ...
IT*   406 - Le reazioni dei sindacati
             RassegnaOnline - 23 nov 2007
             ... di una forma di contratto a tempo indeterminato, mi sembra una contraddizione visto anche che era l'unica alternativa alle false cooperative di lavoro'. ...
BR*   407 - Unimed deve fornecer remédio contra câncer de mama a paciente
             O Documento - 23 Nov 2007
             A Cooperativa de Trabalho Médico Unimed Cuiabá deve fornecer o medicamento TIKERB 250MG-150CPS, sempre que necessário ea critério do médico, a uma paciente ...
UK*   408 - Keith Miller: Family row has ‘damaged the business’
             Building.co.uk (subscription), UK - Nov 22, 2007
             Commenting on his cousin’s role in the affair, Miller said: “It’s very disappointing that a former chairman, one who set up the employee share ownership ...
ZA*   409 - Credit Act empties Woolworths' basket
             Business Report, South Africa - Nov 22, 2007
             On another note, Woolworths said that the implementation of its BEE employee share ownership scheme would reduce non-comparable earnings by R36 million for ...
ZA*   410 - Woolworths says 21-week sales up 15.9 pct
             Reuters South Africa, South Africa - Nov 22, 2007
             Woolworths said its black economic empowerment employee share ownership scheme would reduce non-comparable earnings by 36 million rand.
DE*   411 - DJ DGAP-Adhoc: BP plc: Director/PDMR Shareholding
             cecu.de, Germany - Nov 22, 2007
             BP plc was advised on 18 September 2007, by BP Employee Share Schemes (Jersey) Ltd., Trustees of the BP Employee Share Ownership Plans that on 4 September ...
US*   412 - Alstom: Employee Shareholding
             Business Wire (press release), CA - Nov 22, 2007
             The voting rights at ALSTOM’s shareholders’ meetings are exercised by employee shareholders when subscription has been carried out via direct shareholding ...
US*   413 - Business Owner Should Plan for the Unexpected ; Develop a ...
             Black Enterprise, NY - Nov 22, 2007
             An employee stock ownership plan, or ESOP, can enable existing employees to buy the company and provide a fair value to the business owner or to his or her ...
US*   414 - Briefcase: Nov. 22, 2007
             South Bend Tribune, IN - Nov 22, 2007
             The company converted to an ESOP, or Employee Stock Ownership Plan, it announced Wednesday in a statement. Additionally, former owner and chief executive ...
IN*   415 - Kotak Mahindra Bank allots shares under ESOP
             Myiris.com, India - Nov 22, 2007
             The ESOP allotment committee of Kotak Mahindra Bank, at its meeting held on Nov 22, 2007, allotted 84459 equity shares of Rs 10 each, pursuant to exercise ...
US*   416 - Investment firm set to change hands
             Knoxville News Sentinel, TN - Nov 22, 2007
             "That's something that every firm looks for, and we'll also be employee-owned." Donaldson said the transaction will be seamless and that clients won't see ...
US*   417 - Buy Kentucky Proud
             Cincinnati Enquirer, OH - Nov 22, 2007
             The eight-store chain of employee-owned stores has been a big supporter of Kentucky Proud. Kentucky Proud is a state-supported initiative to support local ...
IN*   418 - In City Today
             Deccan Herald, India - Nov 22, 2007
             Bangalore Chamber of Industry and Commerce: Seminar on ‘Implications of FBT on ESOPs,’ BCIC Direct Taxes Committee Chairman KR Girish participates, ...
HK*   419 - Edelweiss prices IPO at the top
             FinanceAsia, Hong Kong - Nov 22, 2007
             ... company employees owned 11.3% of the company before the IPO and another 9% has been set aside to cover its employee stock option programme. ...
UK*   420 - QinetiQ sale made £107m for 10 top civil servants
             Guardian Unlimited, UK - Nov 22, 2007
              Ordinary workers received free share options worth £80 on the day. The scale of largesse revealed in the report shows the top 10 people between them ...
AU*   421 - Austrian Airlines to buy back shares
             eTravelBlackboard - Asia Edition, Australia - Nov 22, 2007
             Austrian Airlines will next Tuesday start to buy back up to 3 percent of its own stock, or up to 2.6 million shares, to cover employee share options and for ...
ZA*   422 - Prakash Desai: CEO, Johncom
             Moneyweb, South Africa - Nov 22, 2007
             Have you got any plans to address that issue, because surely at some point in time the shareholders are going to say "enough already with share options". ...
UK*   423 - A/S Dampskibsselskabet TORM: Third Quarter Report 2007 ...
             Earthtimes, UK - Nov 22, 2007
             ... 2.5 Exercise of share options - - - - Total changes in equity Q1-Q3 2007: 0.0 0.0 421.3 -73.9 Equity at 30 September 2007 61.1 -18.1 995.8 0.0 Million ...
US*   424 - SEC EYE ON HILL $$ MAN
             New York Post, NY - Nov 22, 2007
             Additional allegations against Gupta include one that he improperly awarded 100000 share options to Bill Clinton without board approval. ...
             Business Wire (press release) - 22 nov 2007
             ALSTOM (Paris:ALO) va mettre en œuvre un plan d’actionnariat réservé aux salariés du groupe dans 19 pays dont la France, soit environ 90% de l’effectif du ...
FR*   426 - Dominique Cyrot, gérante d'AGF Aequitas : "je mise sur l ...
             NewsManagers - 22 nov 2007
             "Nous avons un critère quantitatif, celui de l’actionnariat salarié à plus de 3 % du capital. Sans critère quantitatif, nous regardons les sociétés ...
FR*   427 - L’urgence
             Libération - 22 nov 2007
             Mais ces actions-là sont soit très coûteuses (le treizième mois), soit peu efficaces (l’épargne salariale concerne un seul ménage sur six en France). ...
FR*   428 - La Revue de presse économique
             Challenges - 22 nov 2007
             ... de charges à la négociation salariale, favoriser l'épargne salariale et enfin autoriser les entreprises à accorder un treizième mois sans charges. ...
FR*   429 - Les retraites du privé en marche vers 41 années de cotisation
             La Croix - 22 nov 2007
             ... sociales sur les stock-options coûtent entre 2,2 et 3 milliards à la Sécurité sociale et celles sur l’épargne salariale entre 3,8 et 5,2 milliards. ...
FR*   430 - Epargne salariale : Le comité intersyndical s'oppose à tout ...
             Les Échos - 22 nov 2007
             Évoqué pour relancer le pouvoir d'achat, le déblocage exceptionnel des sommes portées sur l'épargne salariale rencontre de vives oppositions. ...
FR*   431 - Retraites : le COR s'inquiète de la dégradation des comptes
             Challenges - 22 nov 2007
             Ces niches avaient été évoquées par la Cour des comptes dans son rapport sur la Sécurité sociale, et concernent les mécanismes d'épargne salariale, ...
FR*   432 - Vincent Bolloré [Bolloré] veut motiver les cadres d'Havas avec des ...
             PerformanceBourse.com - 22 nov 2007
             Il s'agit d'un système alternatif aux stock options ouvert à un plus grand panel de cadres du groupe. Juridiquement, c'est une obligation un peu spéciale ...
FR*   433 - Retraites : le COR creuse le sillon de la réforme Fillon
             l'Humanité - 22 nov 2007
             ... plaide pour un examen des exonérations de cotisations sociales et fiscales (sur les salaires et autres revenus comme les stock-options), ...
FR*   434 - Un enjeu de civilisation
             l'Humanité - 22 nov 2007
             La taxation des stock-options et des produits financiers à hauteur des cotisations sur les salaires comblerait - et plus encore - les déficits de la ...
FR*   435 - L’UMP cherche des idées
             Libération - 22 nov 2007
             Deuxième idée qui fleurit à droite, la généralisation des stock-options. «Certains voulaient les tuer, note un député UMP. On se rend bien compte qu’on a ...
FR*   436 - Désir d'argent
             Les Échos - 22 nov 2007
             ... dividendes, loyers et intérêts perçus, plus-values sur valeurs mobilières, sans même parler des stock-options), prennent au niveau des individus une ...
FR*   437 - La Sécu est excédentaire
             Actuchomage.org - 22 nov 2007
             Pour le Parti communiste, au-delà des stock-options, c’est l’ensemble des revenus des financiers des entreprises, estimés en 2006 à 255 milliards d’euros et ...
FR*   438 - À chacun ses privilèges
             Témoignages.re - 22 nov 2007
             ... ceux qui explosent en ces temps de capitalisme débridé » : les golden parachutes, les salaires à six chiffres, les stock options, les plus-values du Cac ...
FR*   439 - Taxe sur les stock-options : la Sécu attendra !
             Actuchomage.org - 22 nov 2007
             Les bénéficiaires de stock-options se voient ainsi accorder un délai d'au moins 4 ans, correspondant à la période d'indisponibilité fiscale de cette forme ...
FR*   440 - Retraites : "avis divergents" sur l'allongement de la durée de ...
             Challenges - 22 nov 2007
             ... la Sécurité sociale comprise entre 3,8 et 5,2 milliards d'euros en 2005, ainsi que les stock-options, responsables elles de 2,2 à 3 milliards de pertes. ...
FR*   441 - Google et le problème Facebook
             Abondance - 22 nov 2007
             Mais, aujourd'hui, certains ne sont-ils pas tentés de partir, toucher leurs stock-options et recréer un nouveau challenge, cette fois en combattant leur ...
FR*   442 - Les principaux points du PLFSS
             Challenges - 22 nov 2007
             qui doit générer des recettes de 1,3 milliard d'euros - contribution patronale de 2,5% sur l'attribution des stock-options. - contribution salariale de 2,5% ...
FR*   443 - Feu vert des députés aux franchises médicales avant le vote ...
             AFP - 22 nov 2007
             Outre les franchises, les députés ont également donné leur accord à la taxation des stock-options mais, comme l'avait décidé le Sénat, ils en ont repoussé ...
AT*   444 - Mitarbeiterbeteiligung bleibt Wunschtraum
             ORF.at - 22. Nov. 2007
             Steiermarkweit kann sich durchschnittlich nur jeder siebente über eine Mitarbeiterbeteiligung freuen. Zählt man Weihnachtsprämien, Geschenkgutscheine und ...
AT*   445 - AUA will sich eigene Aktien ins Depot legen
             Wiener Zeitung - 22. Nov. 2007
             Geplant ist, die Aktien für eine Mitarbeiterbeteiligung oder einen Aktienoptionsplan für die Vorstände zu verwenden – oder über die Börse mit Gewinn wieder ...
DE*   446 - Mit kühlem Kopf und "liebevoller Art"
             Deutschlandradio - 22. Nov. 2007
             ... als da wären: Reform der Erbschaftssteuer, der Pflegeversicherung, der Mitarbeiterbeteiligung oder der Umsetzung der anspruchsvollen Klimaschutzziele, ...
DE*   447 - LVZ: Prägende Größe
             news aktuell (Pressemitteilung) - 22. Nov. 2007
             Besser wäre es schon, beispielsweise mit dem Megathema Arbeitnehmerbeteiligung am Produktivvermögen zu punkten:Eine Spur mehr Gerechtigkeit ist nie verkehrt ...
DE*   448 - Umicore kündigt Programm zum Rückkauf von Aktien im Wert von ...
             inar.de (Pressemitteilung) - 22. Nov. 2007
             Alle noch verbleibenden Bezugsrechte im Rahmen der Stock Options-Programme wurden gestrichen und für alle künftigen Stock Options stehen ab sofort ...
AR*   449 - Una sesión marcada por las ausencias
             InfoRegión - 22 Nov 2007
             ... de puestos de flores en la vía pública y la creación y reglamentación de Cooperativas de Trabajo, integradas por propietarios de carros a caballo. ...
AR*   450 - Estacionamiento medido para el centro de Villa Constitución
             La Capital (Rosario) - 22 Nov 2007
             La recaudación será para una cooperativa de trabajo que nuclea a discapacitados Villa Constitución. — Autoridades municipales revelaron que ya es una ...
             Alice News - 22 nov 2007
             Secondo Angeletti, lo staff leasing "era la soluzione migliore per le false cooperative di lavoro". Tornando sugli usuranti, il numero uno della Uil ha ...
IT*   452 - La magia del cioccolato
             Diregiovani - 22 nov 2007
             Dal Paese africano sono arrivati infatti alcuni espositori rappresentanti di centinaia di cooperative di produzione del cacao ivoriano.
AU*   453 - Sustainability Report
             Sydney Morning Herald, Australia - Nov 21, 2007
             The company's constitution provides that the bonus can be (and often has been) satisfied by the issue of shares, under the employee share ownership scheme. ...
DE*   454 - DJ DGAP-Adhoc: BP plc: Director/PDMR Shareholding
             VisAvis (Pressemitteilung), Germany - Nov 21, 2007
             ... by BP Employee Share Schemes (Jersey) Ltd., Trustees of the BP Employee Share Ownership Plans that on 4 September 2007, Mr PBP Bevan received interests ...
US*   455 - SCOR wins award for its comprehensive employee share ownership model
             CNNMoney.com - Nov 21, 2007
             Employee share ownership is a very important element of scor's corporate culture and winning this award supports us in our conviction that shareholding ...
US*   456 - Import duty savings lauded
             SunJournal.com (subscription), ME - Nov 21, 2007
             The employee "owners" and their teams are responsible for the operation and maintenance of each piece of equipment. Together they make Tampax and Pearl ...
ZA*   457 - Robert Hunt knows how to build on dynamic tension
             Business Report, South Africa - Nov 21, 2007
             The firm remains privately owned by the family, but the presence of employee stockholders makes for a more egalitarian environment. ...
US*   458 - Foreclosure rescue: Saving a home
             CNNMoney.com - Nov 21, 2007
             She showed up on a Wednesday - "intake day" - when ESOP offers group and individual counseling for borrowers trapped in bad loans. With qualified borrowers ...
IN*   459 - Logix Microsystems to consider issue of shares
             Myiris.com, India - Nov 21, 2007
             Further the board will also take decision on issuing warrants on preferential basis to strategic investors and issuing shares under ESOP. ...
IN*   460 - NIIT Tech allots equity shares
             Myiris.com, India - Nov 21, 2007
             The share allotment committee of the board of directors of NIIT Technologies (Q, N,C,F)* on Nov.21, 2007 allotted 12190 equity shares of Rs 10 under ESOP. ...
US*   461 - John Lewis to double number of stores - report
             Forbes, NY - Nov 21, 2007
             LONDON (Thomson Financial) - John Lewis Partnership, the employee-owned retailer, has identified 30 locations for new department stores as part of an ...
US*   462 - $3 generic drug program is expanded
             Joplin Independent, MO - Nov 21, 2007
             A locally based, employee-owned company is set to celebrate the successful one-year anniversary of its $3 generic drug program by expanding its services. ...
US*   463 - Fighting 'superbugs' presents a growing market
             Michigan Business Review - MLive.com, MI - Nov 21, 2007
             The employee-owned company serves Michigan, Indiana, Ohio, Northern Kentucky, and Western Pennsylvania. It engineers indoor environmental solutions ...
US*   464 - Dexter Laundry Announces Third Online Winner of T-400 Washer 20th ...
             PR.com (press release), NY - Nov 21, 2007
             Dexter Laundry, Inc. is an employee owned manufacturer based in Fairfield, Iowa, USA. Founded in 1894, the company has grown to offer a full line of front ...
US*   465 - Market Report -- In Play (GTLS)
             MSN Money - Nov 21, 2007
             Under the plan, Mr. Biehl intends to exercise up to 127347 employee stock options and sell up to 94347 of the related underlying Chart shares, beginning Dec ...
US*   466 - AUA to buy back up to 3 pct of own stock
             Reuters - Nov 21, 2007
             ... to 3 percent of its own stock, or up to 2.6 million shares, to cover employee share option programmes and for other purposes, it said late on Wednesday. ...
ZA*   467 - Adjust your sails
             Fin24, South Africa - Nov 21, 2007
             Let us see if there is any impact on the remuneration of anybody, perhaps the directors feel obliged to hand back some of their lucrative share options to ...
AT*   468 - euro adhoc: Austrian Airlines AG / Buybacks / Publication subject ...
             Boerse-express.com, Austria - Nov 21, 2007
             The number and distribution of share options granted to employees, managers and members of the Board within the framework of Stock Options Plans (SOP), ...
CA*   469 - metrobridge Engages Linear Capital Corp. - Investor Relations and ...
             Canada NewsWire (press release), Canada - Nov 21, 2007
             As partial compensation for its services, metrobridge will grant Linear 300000 share options priced at $0.45, vesting in four equal stages over a 12-month ...
FR*   470 - Epargne salariale : l'AFG s'oppose à toute nouvelle mesure de ...
             Les Échos - 21 nov 2007
             ... conformément à la loi du 30 décembre 2006 sur le développement de la participation et de l'actionnariat salarié, le gouvernement doit remettre au ...
FR*   471 - Pouvoir d’achat : le dilemme du gouvernement
             Le Figaro - 21 nov 2007
             Les professionnels de l’épargne salariale et de l’actionnariat salarié s’attendent à ce que l’Élysée annonce un déblocage anticipé d’une partie de la ...
FR*   472 - SCOR remporte un prix grâce à son modèle d’actionnariat salarié ...
             Edubourse.com (Communiqués de presse) - 21 nov 2007
             SCOR a remporté le deuxième prix du Grand Prix de l'Actionnariat Salarié 2007 dans la catégorie des sociétés du SBF250. Ce prix a été décerné au Groupe en ...
FR*   473 - Scor : distingué pour son modèle d'actionnariat salarié intégré
             Boursier.com - 21 nov 2007
             (Boursier.com) - Scor a remporté le deuxième prix du Grand Prix de l'Actionnariat Salarié 2007 dans la catégorie des sociétés du SBF 250. ...
FR*   474 - SCOR remporte un prix grâce à son modèle d'actionnariat salarié ...
             TF1 - 21 nov 2007
             ... en place pour le favoriser, notamment à travers l'Association Internationale des Salariés Actionnaires de SCOR (AISAS) et du site web qui lui est dédié. ...
FR*   475 - Epargne salariale : l'AFG s'oppose à toute nouvelle mesure de ...
             Les Échos - 21 nov 2007
             Elle s'oppose à toute nouvelle mesure de déblocage anticipé de l'épargne salariale, qu'elle juge inefficace. "Ce n'est pas en débloquant les encours ...
FR*   476 - Pouvoir d’achat : le dilemme du gouvernement
             Le Figaro - 21 nov 2007
             Les professionnels de l’épargne salariale et de l’actionnariat salarié s’attendent à ce que l’Élysée annonce un déblocage anticipé d’une partie de la ...
FR*   477 - France : demain, on rase gratis…
             ACDEFI - 21 nov 2007
             ... sur le déblocage de l’épargne salariale) qui ont certes soutenu la consommation pendant quelques mois mais n’ont absolument pas relancé la croissance. ...
FR*   478 - Nouveaux dispositifs législatifs pour favoriser le développement ...
             Novethic - 21 nov 2007
             Areva, Axa et Carrefour ont apporté près de 300 millions d’euros en 2006, soit 73 % des encours d’épargne salariale solidaire. Le gisement est important ...
FR*   479 - Sarkozy et le pouvoir d’achat : l’heure du désenchantement
             Bellaciao - 21 nov 2007
             Il l’avait déjà fait avec un certain succès en 2004, en autorisant le déblocage de l’épargne salariale par anticipation. Il prendra probablement de nouveau ...
FR*   480 - Le Conseil d'Orientation de Retraites veut serrer la vis
             News Press (Communiqués de presse) - 21 nov 2007
             Enfin, selon le COR le développement de l'épargne salariale serait un élément de réponse à la dégradation du niveau des retraites ; cette analyse ignore le ...
FR*   481 - L'augmentation des salaires des cadres s'érode
             L'Usine Nouvelle - 21 nov 2007
             Plus de 81 % des grandes sociétés proposent une offre d'intéressement et 94 % une épargne salariale. Les entreprises plus petites (moins de 40 cadres) sont ...
FR*   482 - L'épargne salariale devient un standard dans les grandes entreprises
             Les Échos - 21 nov 2007
             Intéressement, participation et épargne salariale sont pratiqués par la plupart des grandes entreprises. Les sommes versées à ce titre en 2005 ont ...
FR*   483 - 23,6 % des Français détiennent des valeurs mobilières
             Boursorama - 21 nov 2007
             L'étude constate une progression de l'épargne salariale (+19 % de l'encours au 31.12.06 par rapport au 31.12.05). Par ailleurs, la proportion d'utilisateurs ...
FR*   484 - Le BTP ouvre son site Internet des Métiers et des Qualifications
             CyberBTP.com - 21 nov 2007
             ... la Fédération Nationale des Travaux Publics (FNTP), la Fédération Nationale des SCOP du Bâtiment et des Travaux Publics, la CFDT Construction et Bois, ...
CA*   485 - Un guichet unique pour les mamans
             Journal Le Jacques Cartier - 21 nov 2007
             À elles trois, les membres de la coopérative de travail, Claudie, Émilie et Julie, comptent neuf enfants et sont donc bien placées pour comprendre les ...
CA*   486 - Le modèle coopératif…
             LBR.ca (Communiqués de presse) - 21 nov 2007
             La coopérative de travailleurs-actionnaires est particulièrement adaptée pour assurer la continuité d’entreprises locales tout en préservant le pouvoir et ...
FR*   487 - Freinons des quatre fers*
             Politis - 21 nov 2007
             Cette doctrine est professée par une caste cynique de prétendus experts qui considèrent sans doute les stock-options comme un modèle d’équité. ...
FR*   488 - La taxation des stock-options ne sera pas rétroactive
             Le Figaro - 21 nov 2007
             Ainsi, les nouveaux prélèvements sur les stock-options (2,5 % de contribution employeur lors de la distribution, 2,5 % de contribution salariée sur la plus ...
FR*   489 - Chute attendue à Paris
             Le Figaro - 21 nov 2007
             Le résultat opérationnel courant avant stock options s’établit à 9,1 millions d’euros (3,4% du chiffre d'affaires) contre une perte de 33,6 millions d’euros ...
FR*   490 - La Bourse de Paris dévisse
             Le Figaro - 21 nov 2007
             Le résultat opérationnel courant avant stock options s’établit à 9,1 millions d’euros contre une perte de 33,6 millions d’euros, un an plus tôt.
FR*   491 - Financer les retraites, oui… mais touche pas à mes stock-options !
              Marianne2.fr - 21 nov 2007
             J'étais pour qu'on taxe les stock-options déjà distribuées. Il ne me paraît pas anormal que les plus riches et les cadres dirigeants payent un peu pour la ...
FR*   492 - Sécurité sociale : pour le gouvernement, pas si grave, le déficit
             Lutte Ouvrière - 21 nov 2007
             ... de considérer les avantages liés à la distribution de stock-options aux dirigeants et hauts cadres des entreprises comme une partie de leur salaire, ...
FR*   493 - Dans la manif des buralistes, des gérants de "bars à chicha"
             Rue89 - 21 nov 2007
             Benoit Hamon donne quatre pistes pour sans tout faire peser tout l'effort sur les salariés: taxer les stock-options, prévoir des prélèvements sur l'épargne, ...
FR*   494 - Clôture Paris : le marché déprime toujours
             Le Revenu - 21 nov 2007
             Le résultat opérationnel courant avant stock options s'élève à 9,1 ME et le résult at opérationnel à 12,5 ME (dont un gain de 7,5 ME suite à la conclusion ...
FR*   495 - Le Cac 40 perd plus de 2%, les financières chutent
             Investir.fr - 21 nov 2007
             Le résultat opérationnel courant avant paiement des stock-options ressort à 9,1 millions d’euros, contre un déficit de 35,3 millions. ...
FR*   496 - Pourquoi le PS est inaudible...
             Nouvel Observateur - 21 nov 2007
             ... ceux des agriculteurs, des commerçants et des artisans, ou les autres sources possibles de financement, les parachutes dorés, les stock-options, etc. ...
FR*   497 - UBISOFT annonce ses résultats pour le premier semestre 2007-08
             Euroinvestor - 21 nov 2007
             Le résultat opérationnel courant avant stock options s´établit à 9,1 ME (3,4% du chiffre d´affaires), en forte amélioration par rapport à la perte de 33,6 ...
FR*   498 - Stock-options : la fin de l'âge d'or
             Les Échos - 21 nov 2007
             Au même titre que les parachutes dorés des grands patrons, les stock-options ont défrayé la chronique ces derniers mois. Pour boucler son projet de loi de ...
FR*   499 - Les salaires devraient augmenter de 3,1 % en 2008
             NetPME.fr - 21 nov 2007
             65 % des entreprises offraient des plans de stock options en 2000. Elles ne sont plus que 51 % en 2007. Leur fiscalité peu incitative conduit les employeurs ...
FR*   500 - La Bourse boude Ubisoft malgré ses bons résultats semestriels
             La Tribune.fr - 21 nov 2007
             Même chose pour le résultat opérationnel courant (avant stock options) qui sort du rouge pour s'établir à 9,1 millions d'euros contre une perte de 33,6 ...
FR*   501 - Jean François Kahn : « que les gens qui gagnent 600 fois le SMIC ...
             Contre Info - 21 nov 2007
             Je suis pour qu’il soit interdit de se bourrer les poches avec des actions qu’on n’a même pas besoin eu besoin d’acheter, les stock-options. ...
FR*   502 - Pouvoir d'achat : le casse-tête du gouvernement
             La Tribune.fr - 21 nov 2007
             A été également évoqué la généralisation des stock-options à un grand nombre de salariés. Même si cette solution ne procure pas immédiatement de pouvoir ...
FR*   503 - 21/11/07 09:30 Ouverture Paris : 39 valeurs du CAC40 dans le rouge !
             Challenges - 21 nov 2007
             Le résultat opérationnel courant avant stock options s'élève à 9,1 ME et le résultat opérationnel à 12,5 ME (dont un gain de 7,5 ME suite à la conclusion ...
DE*   504 - Scholz in Amt und Würden
             Arbeit und Arbeitsrecht - 21. Nov. 2007
             Schwerpunktthemen werden auch unter ihm, so ist zu hören, der Mindestlohn und die Mitarbeiterbeteiligung bleiben. Bei der Mitarbeiterbeteiligung spricht er ...
DE*   505 - SCOR erhält Auszeichnung für umfassendes Belegschaftsaktienmodell
             Companynewsgroup (Comunicati Stampa) - 21. Nov. 2007
             ... bestärkt uns in der Überzeugung, dass die Mitarbeiterbeteiligung eine entscheidende Rolle für den dauerhaften Erfolg unseres Unternehmens einnimmt. ...
DE*   506 - Olaf Scholz: Neuer Minister - alte Aufgaben
             SWR Nachrichten - 21. Nov. 2007
             Eines der Themen, das Scholz besonders am Herzen liegt, dürfte neben dem Mindestlohn die Mitarbeiterbeteiligung sein. Auch bei dieser Debatte spielt das ...
AT*   507 - Mitarbeiterbeteiligung: Langsam, aber doch tut sich was
             WirtschaftsBlatt.at - 21. Nov. 2007
             von Esther Mitterstieler Nicht erst seit den Wirtschaftsgesprächen in Alpbach ist die Mitarbeiterbeteiligung Wilhelm Molterers „Hobby". ...
DE*   508 - Es droht ein Dauerwahlkampf
             Schwäbische Zeitung - 21. Nov. 2007
             Allenfalls könnte die Koalition noch mit einem wirklich parteiübergreifenden Konzept für eine stärkere Arbeitnehmerbeteiligung punkten. ...
DE*   509 - "Sie werden mir fehlen!"
             Gießener Anzeiger - 21. Nov. 2007
             ... großen Koalition, die bemüht ist, auch demnächst noch zu regieren (Bildungsoffensive, Arbeitnehmerbeteiligung in Betrieben, allerlei Steuerfragen). ...
CH*   510 - Veröffentlichung gemäß § 82 Abs 9 iVm § 82 Abs 10 Börsegesetz und ...
             news aktuell Schweiz (Pressemitteilung) - 21. Nov. 2007
             Anzahl und Aufteilung der eingeräumten Aktienoptionen im Rahmen von Stock Options Plänen (SOP) auf Arbeitnehmer, leitende Angestellte und Organmitglieder ...
AR*   511 - El Gobierno provincial entregó un aporte a Coceramic para la ...
             La Voz 901 Digital - 21 Nov 2007
             175 pesos, que serán destinados a la compra de una retroexcavadora, entregó hoy el gobernador Jorge Busti a integrantes de Coceramic Cooperativa de Trabajo ...
ES*   512 - Los accionistas de Apple podrán volver a presentar demandas por el ...
             faq-mac.com - 21 Nov 2007
             Los accionistas de Apple planean presentar de nuevo su caso contra la compañía de Cupertino sobre las opciones a compra de acciones incorrectamente ...
ES*   513 - Investigación judicial al Jazztel de Varsavsky
             El País (España) - 21 Nov 2007
             La investigación quiere aclarar la desaparición de 4,2 millones de stock options, una presunta alteración de la contabilidad depositada en los registros ...
IT*   514 - Fiorenzuola, via Roma riapre al traffico
             Libertà - 21 nov 2007
             I lavori dell'ampliamento dell'ospedale sono affidati all'associazione temporanea di imprese tra il Consorzio ravennate delle cooperative di produzione e ...
IT*   515 - SCOR si aggiudica premio per il proprio modello integrato di
             Companynewsgroup (Comunicados de prensa) - Italy - 21 nov 2007
             L'azionariato dei dipendenti è un elemento molto importante nella cultura aziendale di SCOR e vincere questo premio conferma la nostra convinzione che i ...
KE*   516 - KRA proposes new rules for share plans
             Standard - Nairobi,Kenya - Nov 20, 2007
             By Tom Mogusu Kenya Revenue Authority (KRA) has released guidelines that could see employees pay more taxes through the employee share ownership programmes ...
UK*   517 - View from the Chamber
             Manchester Evening News, UK - Nov 20, 2007
             ... make it more difficult for start-ups and growing businesses to attract development capital and make employee share ownership schemes less attractive. ...
US*   518 - Business News & Events
             The Salinas Californian, CA - Nov 20, 2007
             Watsonville-based Granite Construction Inc. has announced that the minority employee-shareholders of Wilder Construction Co. have approved the sale of their ...
US*   519 - EDO urges employee holders to OK merger with ITT Corp.
             MarketWatch - Nov 20, 2007
             By Gee L. Lee , , ) on Tuesday disclosed it has urged its employee shareholders to approve the proposed acquisition of the company by ITT Corp. ...
UK*   520 - Family Strife
             Glasgow Daily Record, UK - Nov 20, 2007
             Keith Miller said: "We have got 280 employee shareholders who feel they have been kicked in the groin this morning. "They don't understand why the family ...
US*   521 - Wood-Mizer finishes sale to employees
             Indianapolis Business Journal, IN - Nov 20, 2007
             Co-founders Don Laskowski and Dan Tekulve sold 53.9 percent of Wood-Mizer to an employee stock ownership plan, or ESOP, in June 2004. ...
US*   522 - Use of Auto Features Triples in One Year at Principal
             Planadviser.com, CT - Nov 20, 2007
             ... core retirement plan designs: defined contribution, including 401(k) and 403(b); defined benefit; nonqualified; and Employee Stock Ownership Plan (ESOP).
US*   523 - United Natural Foods Announces Diluted EPS of $0.32 and Revenues ...
             CNNMoney.com - Nov 20, 2007
             ... 2007 Additional paid-in capital 164649 163473 Unallocated shares of Employee Stock Ownership Plan (1162) (1203) Treasury stock (6092) (6092) Accumulated ...
ZA*   524 - Impala's Brown positive on Zim
             Mining MX, South Africa - Nov 20, 2007
             Meanwhile, plans may be hatched to replicate at Zimplats the ESOP Impala launched in South Africa. The fact of the matter is that Zimbabwe represents too ...
US*   525 - Small Business' Employees: Five Ways to Get Them Acting Like Owners
             NewsReleaseWire.com (press release) - Nov 20, 2007
             Whether your employees have stock, profit sharing, or are an ESOP, only you are in the position to: 3. Live for results while even your senior management ...
US*   526 - Carver Bancorp, Inc. Announces Second Quarter 2008 Results
             CNNMoney.com - Nov 20, 2007
             ... 2007, respectively 25 25 Additional paid-in capital 24062 23996 Retained earnings 28919 27436 Unamortized awards of common stock under ESOP and MRP (4) ...
IN*   527 - Gruh Finance to grant option under ESOP
             Myiris.com, India - Nov 20, 2007
             The compensation committee of directors of Gruh Finance (Q, N,C,F)* at its meeting held on Nov. 20, 2007 approved the grant of 7,94979 options in respect of ...
US*   528 - Alaska Power & Telephone Brings Broadband to Rural Village
             TMCnet - Nov 20, 2007
             “Coming together with the Village of Kasaan on this project was a natural extension of who we are as an employee-owned Alaskan company, ...
US*   529 - CFO Health and Wellness Provider
             CFO.com Magazine, NY - Nov 20, 2007
             Knowledge of various equity transactions, including esops, stock options plans, venture capital, and IPO’s. • Ability to provide form and direction to the ...
IN*   530 - HDFC allots equity shares under ESOS
             Myiris.com, India - Nov 20, 2007
             ... (HDFC) allotted 49602 equity shares of Rs 10.00 each, pursuant to exercise of stock options under its Employee Stock Option Schemes (ESOS) on Nov. ...
IN*   531 - Gruh Finance to grant option under ESOP
             Myiris.com, India - Nov 20, 2007
             20, 2007 approved the grant of 7,94979 options in respect of 7,94979 equity shares, at a price of Rs 164.65 per option under employee stock option plan. ...
IN*   532 - Arshiya International hikes its authorised share capital
             Myiris.com, India - Nov 20, 2007
             It also approved the issue of stocks under the employee stock option plan. The company, an integrated supply chain management company, posted 20% qoq growth ...
US*   533 - Whole Foods Market Reports Fourth Quarter Results
              CNNMoney.com - Nov 20, 2007
             ... Share-based compensation 13175 9432 Deferred income tax benefit (27203) (15521) Excess tax benefit related to exercise of employee stock options (12839) ...
AE*   534 - Curbs on job changes fading out
             Gulf News, United Arab Emirates - Nov 20, 2007
             If you spend a lot of money on training them and you want them to be there in the long term, the only way is through share options and profit-sharing, ...
UK*   535 - S&N draws up battle lines in bid defence
             Times Online, UK - Nov 20, 2007
             ... partly owing to rising interest rates, and an extra £6 million in share payments as the recent share price rise triggered management share options. ...
AU*   536 - Investors vent their spleen over pay rises
             Sydney Morning Herald, Australia - Nov 20, 2007
             Mr Spathis said boards also seemed to be placating executives unhappy at having to meet demanding performance hurdles to get their share options by paying ...
UK*   537 - Blacks takes on Esporta boss as new chief
             This is Money, UK - Nov 20, 2007
             He may find Gillis, who gets share options over 2.3% of the equity, a tougher opponent than his predecessors. Blacks posted a loss in the half year to ...
UK*   538 - UPDATE 1-Blacks Leisure says Neil Gillis to be new CEO
             Reuters.uk, UK - Nov 20, 2007
             L: Quote, Profile , Research) said on Tuesday it had appointed Neil Gillis as its new chief executive, granting him share options potentially worth nearly ...
FR*   539 - Stock-options : attention au risque de désinformation
             Les Échos - 20 nov 2007
             Cette réalité de surtaxation des outils d'actionnariat salarié est malheureusement méconnue. C'est ainsi que la mesure envisagée contribuerait : - enfin, ...
FR*   540 - Le sénat à voté un amendement pénalisant les entreprises qui n ...
             Le Blog Finance - 20 nov 2007
             Sa suppression été voté par la loi n° 2006-1770 du 30 décembre 2006 pour le développement de la participation et de l'actionnariat salarié et portant ...
FR*   541 - 11 millions de porteurs de valeurs mobilières
             Actusite - 20 nov 2007
             Dans le détail, le nombre d'actionnaires en direct se stabilise à 6,7 millions (actionnariat salarié compris), soit 14,5% des Français âgés de 15 ans et ...
FR*   542 - La relance du pouvoir d'achat passerait par l'épargne salariale
             Reuters.fr - 20 nov 2007
             PARIS (Reuters) - La relance du pouvoir d'achat passe par l'extension de l'épargne salariale et non par le déblocage de la participation, ...
FR*   543 - Une association met en garde contre un nouveau déblocage de la ...
             Daily Bourse - 20 nov 2007
             L'AFG plaide au contraire pour une extension de l'épargne salariale aux salariés des PME de moins de 50 salariés (dont seulement 8% bénéficient d'accords de ...
FR*   544 - À lire dans le Bleu de Profession politique du mercredi 21 novembre
             Profession Politique (subscription) - 20 nov 2007
             ... plus de 80 % des entreprises solidaires en France, annonce que le gouvernement va prendre des mesures en faveur de l'épargne salariale solidaire. ...
FR*   545 - Le marché alternatif bientôt en marche De notre correspondante ...
             L'Économiste - 20 nov 2007
             ... l’investissement en Bourse, font toujours défaut sur la place, à l’instar de l’assurance vie, la retraite complémentaire ou encore l’épargne salariale. ...
FR*   546 - "Consolider" la retraite par répartition: la Cnav veut plus de ...
             Boursorama - 20 nov 2007
             ... Sécurité sociale, dont les mécanismes d'épargne salariale ou les stocks-options, à l'origine d'une perte de recettes de plusieurs milliards d'euros en 2005.
FR*   547 - Possible déblocage de la participation des salariés
             Blog Patrimoine d'Investir - 20 nov 2007
             L’AFG a enfoncé le clou ce matin en affirmant que la vraie relance du pouvoir d’achat passe, selon elle, par l’extension de l’épargne salariale et non par ...
FR*   548 - Point avant l'ouverture
             Capital.fr - 20 nov 2007
             Le résultat opérationnel courant avant stock-options a atteint 9 millions d'euros, en hausse de 43 millions d'euros. Aujourd'hui, les statistiques ...
FR*   549 - La taxation des boissons sucrées écartée
             Les Échos - 20 nov 2007
             Ils ont validé les modalités de taxation des stock-options adoptées par le Sénat : la contribution salariale de 2,5 % sur les plus-values d'acquisition ne ...
FR*   550 - Stock-options : attention au risque de désinformation
             Les Échos - 20 nov 2007
             En effet, contrairement à l'idée répandue, l'attribution de « stock-options ou d'actions gratuites (AGA) » reste dans le champ du régime des cotisations ...
FR*   551 - L'Assemblée nationale adopte l'ensemble du projet de budget 2008
             AFP - 20 nov 2007
             ... cette année le projet de loi Sécu prévoyait des mesures bien plus politiques que le budget général (taxation des stock-options, franchises médicales. ...
FR*   552 - Ubisoft renoue avec les bénéfices et confirme ses objectifs
             Le Monde - 20 nov 2007
             ... donnant un résultat opérationnel courant avant stock options de 9,1 millions après une perte de 33,6 millions au premier semestre 2006. ...
FR*   553 - Captation des rentes mondiales par le capital financier
             Avenir d'Attac - 20 nov 2007
             Le dirigeant gestionnaire devient un salarié de luxe, mais éjectable à tout moment par le Conseil d’Administration (avec garantie de stock-options). ...
FR*   554 - Ubisoft renoue avec les bénéfices au premier semestre
             Daily Bourse - 20 nov 2007
             Le résultat opérationnel courant (avant stock-options) s'est élevé à 9,1 millions d'euros, contre une perte de 33,6 millions au premier semestre précédent. ...
FR*   555 - BOURSE DE PARIS - Les valeurs à suivre demain
             Boursorama - 20 nov 2007
             Le résultat opérationnel courant avant stock-options a atteint 9 millions d'euros, en hausse de 43 millions d'euros.
FR*   556 - Stock-options : la nouvelle taxation de 2,5% ne sera pas rétroactive
             Les Échos - 20 nov 2007
             La nouvelle taxation de 2,5% applicable aux plus-values d'acquisition des stock-options ne sera pas rétroactive. Elle devrait s'appliquer uniquement aux ...
FR*   557 - UBISOFT a renoué avec les bénéfices au premier semestre 2007/08
             Boursorama - 20 nov 2007
             Le résultat opérationnel courant avant stock-options a atteint 9 millions d'euros, en hausse de 43 millions d'euros. Yves Guillemot, PDG d'Ubisoft a ...
FR*   558 - Ubisoft: RN S1 2007-2008 à EUR30,6 mlns (-EUR20,5 mlns)
             EasyBourse.com - 20 nov 2007
             Le résultat opérationnel courant - avant coût des stock-options - est pour sa part ressorti à 9,1 millions d'euros, contre une perte de 33,6 millions ...
FR*   559 - a la une
             Cercle Finance - 20 nov 2007
             Le résultat opérationnel courant avant stock options est lui aussi revenu dans le vert, avec un bénéfice de 9,1 millions d'euros, contre une perte de 33,6 ...
             CompanynewsGroup (Communiqués de presse) - 20 nov 2007
             Le résultat opérationnel courant avant stock options s'établit à 9,1 M€ (3,4% du chiffre d'affaires), en forte amélioration par rapport à la perte de 33,6 ...
FR*   561 - Retraites : la Cnav avancera de nouvelles pistes
             Challenges - 20 nov 2007
             Elle propose notamment de mettre à contribution des "éléments annexes de rémunération", comme les stock-options. Elle explique sa demande dans une ...
MA*   562 - Enquête Diorh-Mercer sur les salaires : Les cadres sup seront ...
             Jeunes du Maroc - 20 nov 2007
             Dans la panoplie de compléments de salaires, les stock-options et l’intéressement ne sont pas intégrés dans l’enquête, du fait de la rareté dans les ...
FR*   563 - "Consolider" la retraite par répartition: la Cnav veut plus de ...
             Boursorama - 20 nov 2007
             ... le système de retraite par répartition, proposant notamment de mettre à contribution des "éléments annexes de rémunération", comme les stock-options. ...
FR*   564 - Accord en CMP sur le projet de budget 2008 de la Sécurité sociale
             Boursorama - 20 nov 2007
             La CMP, composée de 14 députés et sénateurs, a maintenu l'amendement des sénateurs au dispositif de taxation des stock-options et distributions d'actions ...
FR*   565 - Grève: le Nouveau centre lance un appel "à la responsabilité ...
             AFP - 20 nov 2007
             Les idées que nous avons portées ont été entendues", at-il déclaré en citant la taxation des stock-options ou l'installation de missions sur les niches ...
FR*   566 - Le prix de la stratégie
             Échos Judiciaires Girondins - 20 nov 2007
             Il est plutôt ici question des grands patrons de l’industrie et de la finance, grassement rémunérés, dopés aux stock-options, aux intéressements, ...
AT*   567 - Leitartikel: Molterers Bekenntnis hat zu wenig Inhalt
             WirtschaftsBlatt.at - 20. Nov. 2007
             Denn viel Konkretes war nicht zu hören, ausser der Ankündigung Molterers, die Mitarbeiterbeteiligung frühestens 2010 steuerlich zu fördern. ...
AT*   568 - ÖVP will „zusätzliche Butter auf das Brot der Arbeitnehmer“
             Neues Volksblatt - 20. Nov. 2007
             Bis zum Jahr 2010 will Finanzminister Wilhelm Molterer das Ausmaß der Mitarbeiterbeteiligung von derzeit sechs auf zwölf Prozent verdoppeln. ...
AT*   569 - Entlohnung: ÖVP und SPÖ streiten wegen Gewinnbeteiligung
             Die Presse - 20. Nov. 2007
             Bei einer vom Wirtschaftsministerium in Auftrag gegebenen Umfrage hatte sich aber gezeigt, dass die Mehrheit der Österreicher die Mitarbeiterbeteiligung ...
AT*   570 - zu Mitarbeiterbeteiligung: "Butter aufs Brot" wird zur "Karotte ...
             gruene.at - 20. Nov. 2007
             ... zur polemisierenden Abdrängung der Pensionsvorsorge auf die Kapitalmärkte - für alles wird der Ausbau der Mitarbeiterbeteiligung als Ausrede genutzt. ...
AT*   571 - Sager des Tages
             be24 - 20. Nov. 2007
             „Österreich soll bei der Frage der Mitarbeiterbeteiligung Front Runner sein.“ „kmus sind nicht nur das Rückgrat der österreichischen, sondern der gesamten ...
AT*   572 - Bartenstein: Intelligente Mitarbeiterbeteiligung als Win-Win-Situation
             Österreich Journal - 20. Nov. 2007
             Eine stärkere Mitarbeiterbeteiligung ist die richtige Antwort auf diese soziale und ökonomische Frage - sie schafft eine win-win-Situation", ...
AT*   573 - Diskussion um Mitarbeiterbeteiligung
             Die Presse - 20. Nov. 2007
             Die Bundesregierung möchte Mitarbeiterbeteiligung in Österreich verstärken. Jeder fünfte Mitarbeiter soll bis 2010 am Unternehmenserfolg teilhaben, ...
AT*   574 - Regierung forciert Mitarbeiterbeteiligung
             Die Presse - 20. Nov. 2007
             Zum "Front Runner" soll Österreich werden, wenn es um die Mitarbeiterbeteiligung geht, fordert VP-Vizekanzler Wilhelm Molterer und steht damit ganz hinter ...
DE*   575 - Das flexible Unternehmen
             Flexibles Unternehmen - 20. Nov. 2007
             Modelle der Mitarbeiterbeteiligung sind in unterschiedlichen Ausprägungsgraden möglich. Charakteristisch für die Beteiligungslandschaft in Deutschland ist ...
AT*   576 - Wettbewerbsvorteil für österreichische Arbeitnehmer/innen
             oevp.at - 20. Nov. 2007
             Der Schlüssel dazu: Mitarbeiterbeteiligung Nötig wird die Mitarbeiterbeteiligung vor allem deswegen, da zuletzt die Gewinnquoten der Unternehmen stärker ...
ES*   577 - El Ayuntamiento organiza una jornada para informar a los ...
             Este de Madrid - 20 Nov 2007
             ... directora gerente de AMESAL (Asociación de Mujeres Emprendedoras y Empresarias de Sociedades Laborales) han repasado la situación de estos empleados ...
ES*   578 - ASATA elige Gijón para mostrar una campaña de apoyo a las empresas ...
             El Comercio Digital (Asturias) - 20 Nov 2007
             Bajo el eslogan 'Cooperativas y Sociedades Laborales: la solución para tu futuro laboral', cuenta con la colaboración del Ayuntamiento y una aportación del ...
AR*   579 - SADOP y UDT, en campaña contra el acuerdo salarial docente
             Tucumán Hoy - 20 Nov 2007
             La crítica que hace la CCC es que cuando ellos hicieron cooperativas de trabajo para acceder a obras públicas, el gobierno los discriminó y no le dio nada.
ES*   580 - La Consejería de Agricultura regula nuevas ayudas agroambientales
             Teleprensa World - 20 Nov 2007
             Si el beneficiario es una entidad asociativa (cooperativas de Trabajo Asociado y de Explotación Comunitaria de la Tierra y Sociedad Agraria de ...
AR*   581 - El programa del Emergencia Habitacional visitó el interior de la ...
             Diario C - 20 Nov 2007
             Recordemos, que las obras se ejecutan a través de Cooperativas de Trabajo que se conforman con 16 miembros c/u (12 Jefes y Jefas de Hogar y 4 Desocupados) ...
AR*   582 - Espinoza firmó contrato de ejecución de obras de agua potable y ...
             Diario NCO - 20 Nov 2007
             152678.03 Ejecución 37 Buenos Aires GONZALEZ CATAN COOPERATIVA DE TRABAJO MALVINAS ARGENTINAS LTDA. $ 167034.42 Ejecución 38 Buenos Aires GONZALEZ CATAN ...
AR*   583 - Cajas de Navidad, producidas por desocupados
             168 Horas (Comunicados de prensa) - 20 Nov 2007
             La cooperativa de trabajadores del barrio La Juanita, pertenece al Movimiento de Trabajadores Desocupados (MTD) de La Matanza. ...
ES*   584 - Jazztel cae más de un 10% por las ´stock options´
             Periódico Mediterráneo - 20 Nov 2007
             Los pequeños accionistas de Jazztel están aplicando un duro castigo a la operadora de telecomunicaciones desde que este diario publicó el pasado 16 de ...
IT*   585 - Criticando Fiat
             Il Legno Storto - 20 nov 2007
             Va ricordato che il CEO della Fiat è a fine mandato ed ha un bel po’ di stock options, sottoscritte all’entrata a Mirafiori, da far fruttare. ...
BR*   586 - Campinas entra no clima de Natal
             Cosmo Online - 20 Nov 2007
             Aproximadamente 120 pessoas de cooperativas de trabalho foram formadas por 15 monitores que receberam capacitação de artesãos de Gramado. ...
US*   587 - Dynamic Earth adds Kansas City location
             Springfield Business Journal, MO - Nov 19, 2007
             The company is beginning the move to an employee-ownership model in 2008 in order to keep expansion moving ahead, O’Reilly said. “The No. ...
US*   588 - Kenya: KRA Proposes New Rules for Share Plans
             AllAfrica.com, Washington - Nov 19, 2007
             Kenya Revenue Authority (KRA) has released guidelines that could see employees pay more taxes through the employee share ownership programmes (esops). ...
US*   589 - NAMES & FACES
             Maui News, HI - Nov 19, 2007
             Roberts Hawaii Inc. has hired LORI YOSHIOKA as the director of the Employee Stock Ownership Plan, the largest such plan in the state. ...
DE*   590 - Use of Automatic Retirement Savings Tools Triples in One Year
             WELT ONLINE, Germany - Nov 19, 2007
             ... covers the four most common retirement plan designs: defined contribution, defined benefit, nonqualified and employee stock ownership plans (esops). ...
US*   591 - Houchens Industries Buys Hilliard Lyons
             On Wall Street, NY - Nov 19, 2007
             It's entirely owned by its 11500 employees through an employee stock ownership plan. With headquarters in Bowling Green, Ky., Houchens operates a network of ...
IN*   592 - ICSA India allots shares upon conversion of stock options
             Myiris.com, India - Nov 19, 2007
             20, 2007, approved the allotment of 45000 equity shares of Rs 2 each, on conversion of 15% of the Employee Stock options issued under ESOP 2005 scheme. ...
AU*   593 - Appendix 3B - ESOP
             Sydney Morning Herald, Australia - Nov 19, 2007
             Attached is an Appendix 3B in relation to the grant of options under the Company's ESOP. I also advise of the cancellation of 75480 options under the ...
AU*   594 - Performance Rights and ESOP Grant
             Sydney Morning Herald, Australia - Nov 19, 2007
             Under heartware's Employee Share Option Plan ("ESOP") the Company is also issuing 2.9 million options to 31 heartware employees. Included in this number are ...
IN*   595 - Axis Bank to recruit 4500 this year
             Daily News & Analysis, India - Nov 19, 2007
             “Unlike most companies where esops are given only to senior level employees, we have a broad-based ESOP scheme where everybody is eligible on the basis of ...
US*   596 - NAMES & FACES
             Maui News, HI - Nov 19, 2007
             Yoshioka will oversee the transition and management of the new ESOP, which became effective in January when ROBERT IWAMOTO JR., the chairman and chief ...
IN*   597 - Emco allots shares under ESOP
             Myiris.com, India - Nov 19, 2007
             The board of directors of Emco approved allotment of 34100 equity shares of the company under employee stock option plan. The company is engaged in the ...
IN*   598 - igate Global allots equity shares under ESOP
             Myiris.com, India - Nov 19, 2007
             The share transfer committee of the board of directors of igate Global (Q, N,C,F)* Solutions at its meeting held on Nov. 19, 2007 allotted 47552 equity ...
US*   599 - Newsmakers: Nov. 20, 2007
             Terre Haute Tribune Star, IN - Nov 19, 2007
             Hanson is an employee-owned consulting firm providing architectural, engineering and management services from its headquarters in Springfield, Ill., ...
UK*   600 - Accenture to acquire defence consulting firm MAXIM Systems
             Consultant News, UK - Nov 19, 2007
             Accenture has agreed to acquire MAXIM Systems, Inc., an employee-owned defence consulting firm that provides advanced engineering and technical services in ...
UK*   601 - Graybar Recognized for Excellent Performance by National Group ...
             Earthtimes, UK - Nov 19, 2007
             Graybar, a Fortune 500 corporation and one of the largest employee-owned companies in North America, is a leader in the distribution of high quality ...
US*   602 - Alaska Power & Telephone Takes the High Ground: Bringing Wireless ...
              Trading Markets (press release), CA - Nov 19, 2007
             "Coming together with the Village of Kasaan on this project was a natural extension of who we are as an employee-owned Alaskan company, ...
US*   603 - Cleanup of contaminated soil begins at plant
             Arkansas Democrat Gazette, AR - Nov 19, 2007
             The employee-owned company operates two plants in Pine Bluff. It has about 730 employees, but announced recently it would lay off 100 workers, ...
US*   604 - Kenya: KRA Proposes New Rules for Share Plans
             AllAfrica.com, Washington - Nov 19, 2007
             Kenya Revenue Authority (KRA) has released guidelines that could see employees pay more taxes through the employee share ownership programmes (esops). ...
DE*   605 - Use of Automatic Retirement Savings Tools Triples in One Year
             WELT ONLINE, Germany - Nov 19, 2007
             ... covers the four most common retirement plan designs: defined contribution, defined benefit, nonqualified and employee stock ownership plans (esops). ...
AU*   606 - Seabird Exploration Group Interim Results Third Quarter 2007
             ABN Newswire (press release), Australia - Nov 19, 2007
             Approximately USD 0.4 million of the cost for Q3 2007 is non-cash cost related to the employee stock option incentive plan. The weakening USD has a negative ...
US*   607 - qualitystocks.net "Top Movers and Shakers" for 11/19/2007
             TransWorldNews (press release), GA - Nov 19, 2007
             The company reported a $318388 Net loss for the quarter, which reflects a one time accounting charge for the 2007 Employee Stock Option Plan. ...
US*   608 - virtra Systems' Third Quarter Revenues Up 164%
             CNNMoney.com - Nov 19, 2007
             Net loss for the quarter was ($318388), or $0.00 per share, and reflects a one time accounting charge for the 2007 Employee Stock Option Plan of $413455; ...
IN*   609 - Emco allots shares under ESOP
             Myiris.com, India - Nov 19, 2007
             The board of directors of Emco approved allotment of 34100 equity shares of the company under employee stock option plan. The company is engaged in the ...
IN*   610 - igate Global allots equity shares under ESOP
             Myiris.com, India - Nov 19, 2007
             19, 2007 allotted 47552 equity shares of par value of Rs 4 a share under Employee Stock Option Plan. The company provides services such as consulting, ...
IN*   611 - ICSA India allots shares upon conversion of stock options
             Myiris.com, India - Nov 19, 2007
             20, 2007, approved the allotment of 45000 equity shares of Rs 2 each, on conversion of 15% of the Employee Stock options issued under ESOP 2005 scheme. ...
US*   612 - Atna and Canyon Agree to Merge
             CNNMoney.com - Nov 19, 2007
             All outstanding Canyon employee stock options will be cancelled and all outstanding warrants and convertible debentures of Canyon will be assumed by Atna ...
US*   613 - CFO: New SEC Rules Offer a Small-Biz Boost .
             Lessors Network (press release), GA - Nov 19, 2007
             ... in registering shares and issuing reports if they have fewer than 500 option holders, giving them more flexibility when issuing employee stock options. ...
AU*   614 - Performance Rights and ESOP Grant
             Sydney Morning Herald, Australia - Nov 19, 2007
             Under heartware's Employee Share Option Plan ("ESOP") the Company is also issuing 2.9 million options to 31 heartware employees. Included in this number are ...
US*   615 - Hurray! Q3 2007 Earnings Call Transcript
             Seeking Alpha, NY - Nov 19, 2007
             As of September 30, 2007, the company had outstanding 21.7 million basic ADS and 21.8 million fully diluted ADS, excluding share options granted above the ...
UK*   616 - Accountancy crisis fuelled by oil price hike
             Accountancy Age, UK - Nov 19, 2007
             ... offer from the oil companies who can offer high base salaries together with lucrative benefits packages including share options, The Scotsman reports. ...
AU*   617 - Annual Report to shareholders
             Sydney Morning Herald, Australia - Nov 19, 2007
             Short-term variable remuneration is normally delivered as a cash bonus, while long term variable remuneration is planned to be in the form of share options. ...
US*   618 - kongzhong Corporation Reports Unaudited Third Quarter 2007 ...
             CNNMoney.com - Nov 19, 2007
             ... Activities (17748) (18128) Cash Flows From Financing Activities Exercised employee share options 1538 144 Net Cash Provided by Financing Activities 1538 ...
US*   619 - Hurray! Reports Third Quarter 2007 Unaudited Financial Results
             PR Newswire (press release), NY - Nov 19, 2007
             As of September 30, 2007, the Company had outstanding 21.7 million basic ADSs and 21.8 million fully diluted ADSs, excluding share options granted above the ...
US*   620 - Hurray! Reports Third Quarter 2007 Unaudited Financial Results
              CNNMoney.com - Nov 19, 2007
             As of September 30, 2007, the Company had outstanding 21.7 million basic adss and 21.8 million fully diluted adss, excluding share options granted above the ...
US*   621 - Millicom International Cellular: Millicom Share Dealing
             Trading Markets (press release), CA - Nov 19, 2007
             Marc Beuls will use the entire proceeds from today's sale plus additional funds to finance the exercise of Share Options in December, 2007 which will ...
FR*   622 - Le gouvernement envisage de légiférer en faveur de l'économie ...
             Localtis.info - 19 nov 2007
             L'association espère, pour y parvenir, lever des fonds auprès de ses partenaires, mais aussi compter plus largement sur l'épargne salariale solidaire, ...
FR*   623 - Epargne salariale : les FCPE actions Euroland prennent la tête sur ...
             Les Échos - 19 nov 2007
             ... Communs de Placement Entreprises investis en actions Euroland ont pris la première place des différentes catégories de placement en épargne salariale. ...
FR*   624 - Le gouvernement s'engage sur des mesures en faveur de l'économie ...
             Les Échos - 19 nov 2007
             Figurerait notamment l'obligation pour tous les plans d'épargne salariale de proposer un fonds salarial solidaire L'association France Active, ...
             Bellaciao - 19 nov 2007
             Il reçut des compensations en argent cash et en stock options. Commentaire : mais QUEL « HASARD » ! Comme le monde est petit ! Nous retombons A NOUVEAU sur ...
FR*   626 - BOURSE DE PARIS - Les valeurs à suivre demain
             Boursorama - 19 nov 2007
             Sur le premier semestre, Ubisoft anticipe un résultat opérationnel courant avant stock options positif, à comparer à une perte de 33,6 millions au premier ...
FR*   627 - Havas voudrait émettre à nouveau des OBSAAR
             La Tribune.fr - 19 nov 2007
             Havas n'est pas le seul à faire usager de cette alternative aux stock options. En juin 2007, Radiall a levé ainsi 39,5 millions d'euros, Bonduelle, ...
FR*   628 - Le COR anticipe de nouveaux efforts pour équilibrer les retraites
             Les Échos - 19 nov 2007
             Parmi les ressources nouvelles, il privilégie " la mise à plat " des niches sociales : exonérations de cotisations sur la participation, les stock-options, ...
FR*   629 - Suez : une 'levée programmée' des stock options
             EasyBourse.com - 19 nov 2007
             (Easybourse.com) Suez annonce la mise en place d'un système de levée programmée des stock-options détenues par les membres de son comité exécutif. ...
BE*   630 - Bourse de Paris: le CAC 40 en légère hausse, spéculation sur Clarins
             RTL Info.be - 19 nov 2007
             ... français à instaurer un système collectif de ce type", a fait valoir le groupe alors que l'affaire EADS a relancé la polémique sur les stock-options. ...
FR*   631 - Merrill Lynch versera 15 millions de dollars de bonus à son ...
             La Tribune.fr - 19 nov 2007
             Merrill compensera en outre les pertes subies par son nouveau patron lorsqu'il a renoncé aux stock-options et aux titres NYSE Euronext en quittant ce ...
AT*   632 - Gewinnbeteiligung: Betriebe würden zehn Prozent vom Gewinn auszahlen
             Die Presse - 19. Nov. 2007
             Die Mitarbeiter wiederum glauben, dass die Betriebe gar keine Mitarbeiterbeteiligung wollen: 44 Prozent der befragten Arbeitnehmer sind dieser Ansicht. ...
ES*   633 - Huelva lidera la creación de empresas de economía social
             Huelva Información - 19 Nov 2007
             En cuanto al empleo, la economía social proporciona trabajo a 10.498 personas en la provincia (6.985 en cooperativas y 3.513 en sociedades laborales). ...
AR*   634 - Intenso operativo para detectar fileteros no registrados
             La Capital Mar del Plata - 19 Nov 2007
             Además, dice que las cooperativas de trabajo de ningún modo pueden actuar como agencias de servicios eventuales (colocando personal) ni como proveedora de ...
CO*   635 - Modelo económico colombiano privilegia el crecimiento del capital ...
             El Tiempo (Colombia) - 19 Nov 2007
             Entre los aspectos destacables de dicho estudio está la recomendación de meter en cintura las tales cooperativas de trabajo asociativo, que no son otra cosa ...
AR*   636 - Los empleados municipales tuvieron su fiesta
             La Verdad de Junín - 19 Nov 2007
             Las cooperativas de trabajo que levantaron el CIC, y que actualmente tienen la tarea de construir cordón cuneta, continúan con la actividad ya en los ...
ES*   637 - El compromiso, fuente de beneficios para las empresas
             Expansión & Empleo - 19 Nov 2007
             El estudio destaca una conclusión que quizá a algunos sorprenda: los salarios altos, las stock options y los beneficios sociales, no son la llave maestra ...
AR*   638 - Trends Consulting Releva Las Remuneraciones En El Área De ...
             ebizLatam PointCast - 19 Nov 2007
             ... entre otros, las coberturas médicas, la entrega de vehículos, el pago de gastos del automóvil, el pago de club, pension plan y stock options.
AR*   639 - Sueldo de altos ejecutivos, ¿nuevo culpable de la crisis en EEUU?
             infoBAE profesional - 19 Nov 2007
              ... los consejeros delegados cuyas retribuciones están hechas en mayor medida de stock options, es decir, la posibilidad de comprar acciones a un precio ...
IT*   640 - Nel mercato globale mancano le risorse
             Rosso di Sera - 19 nov 2007
             Da qui muove il lavoro della Cooperativa di produzione e ricerca “Sensibili alle foglie”, diretta da Renato Curcio. Il primo passo è stato quello di ...
IT*   641 - Forlì, inaugurato il primo lotto della nuova tangenziale
             Romagnaoggi.it - 19 nov 2007
              CONSORZIO FRA COOPERATIVE DI PRODUZIONE E LAVORI – COOPERATIVA BRACCIANTI RIMINESE SCARL. Si tratta di una variante della SS9 via Emilia della lunghezza ...
IT*   642 - Il «Sole» sbarca in Piazza Affari ed è pronto a fare shopping
             il Giornale - 19 nov 2007
             Nell’ambito dell’aumento di capitale al servizio dell’operazione saranno distribuite stock options ai dirigenti e azioni gratuite a tutti i dipendenti, ...
US*   643 - Homestead: GM teams race quotes
             Motorsport.com, Florida - Nov 18, 2007
             I can't thank NASCAR, Nextel and first and foremost Lowe's and all their employee owners for everything they do for us. It is just such a special time for ...
UK*   644 - Miller Group in sale talks with suitors
             Scotsman, United Kingdom - Nov 18, 2007
             At present there are more than 280 employee shareholders. If the company is put up for sale following these discussions, these employees could stand to make ...
US*   645 - Ecke farming out his poinsettia crop
             North County Times, CA - Nov 18, 2007
             Armstrong Growers, a subsidiary of employee-owned Armstrong Garden Centers Inc., will grow the plants to maturity at nurseries in Fallbrook and San Juan ...
US*   646 - AMA Spreading Word On Free Market Health Care
             West Virginia MetroNews, WV - Nov 18, 2007
             mckinney says the delegates voted last week for the group's board of directors to immediately beginning a marketing campaign promoting employee-owned health ...
CH*   647 - Alion to Demonstrate Advanced Modeling, Simulation and Training ...
             Epicos.com (press release), Switzerland - Nov 18, 2007
             Alion Science and Technology is an employee-owned technology solutions company delivering technical expertise and operational support to the Department of ...
US*   648 - John Lewis week to Nov 17 department store sales up 7 pct
             Forbes, NY - Nov 18, 2007
             LONDON (Thomson Financial) - John Lewis Partnership, the employee-owned retailer, said department store sales in the week to Nov 17 rose 7 pct year-on-year ...
IN*   649 - Yogesh Agarwal,IDBI chief
             Economic Times, India - Nov 18, 2007
             We are drawing up a scheme of offering esops across the board. Once we have the scheme in place, we will seek the government approval. ...
LK*   650 - ESOP’s and Good Governance
             Daily Mirror (subscription), Sri Lanka - Nov 18, 2007
             The latest budget has given certain incentives to encourage more companies to provide Employee Stock Options which is a very welcome strategy to promote not ...
AU*   651 - Annual Report to shareholders
             Sydney Morning Herald, Australia - Nov 18, 2007
             In addition, the Nomination and Remuneration Committee makes determinations as required of it under the rules of St.George's employee share/option plans. ...
IN*   652 - Why restrict borrowings from abroad?
             Business Line, India - Nov 18, 2007
             ... unlisted needs to follow the guidelines laid down by SEBI (Securities and Exchange Board of India) relating to ESOS (Employee Share Option Scheme). ...
AU*   653 - Make top staff stick around
             NEWS.com.au, Australia - Nov 18, 2007
             He said many enticements were performance driven and were in the form of share options rather than a bonus. "This offers a financial outcome, ...
HK*   654 - Watchdog warns state firms over share incentives
             South China Morning Post (subscription), Hong Kong - Nov 18, 2007
             Bank chairman Qin Xiao saw the value of his 300000 H share options inflated to HK$9.97 million based on last Friday's closing price of HK$33.25, ...
UK*   655 - Shop may rise 'from ashes'
             York Press, UK - Nov 18, 2007
             Managers from Out Of This World want to start over again by creating a workers' cooperative - with a working title of Phoenix. ...
FR*   656 - Dans l’actu
             l'Humanité - 18 nov 2007
             ... moderne, et de récupérer un lectorat jeune ainsi que des idées bonnes et fraîches », a déclaré l’un des porte-parole des salariés actionnaires. Voici. ...
FR*   657 - l’équité ou l’escroquerie démographique !
             Indymedia Lille - 18 nov 2007
             ... retraites et de l’autre, ils encaissent l’argent des salariés qui devront se constituer une retraite par capitalisation, la fameuse épargne-salariale. ...
FR*   658 - Sommes-nous devenus des moutons ?
             Betapolitique - 18 nov 2007
             ... d’ici 2010 (Airbus), et empochant près de 11 millions d’euros d’indemnités et de stock-options (que le gouvernement refuse de taxer substantiellement). ...
FR*   659 - Merrill versera 15 millions de dollars de bonus à Thain en 2007
             Journal du Net - 18 nov 2007
             Thain recevra ce bonus de 15 millions dès cette année et il se verra attribuer une prime de signature incluant 1,8 million de stock-options et 500.000 ...
FR*   660 - Suppression de l'impôt de Bourse d'ici 2009
             La Tribune.fr - 18 nov 2007
             Les bénéficiaires de stock-options se voient ainsi accorder un délai d'au moins quatre ans, correspondant à la période d'indisponibilité fiscale de cette ...
             Patrimoinorama - 18 nov 2007
             ... la loi en faveur du travail, de l'emploi et du pouvoir d'achat (TEPA) appelé " paquet fiscal " a notablement durci la fiscalité sur les stock-options. ...
AR*   662 - Ilusiones para seguir “zafando”
             Pesca & Puertos - 18 Nov 2007
             ... un cambio en el modelo de relación laboral y así dejar el trabajo asociado ligado a las cooperativas de trabajo y abrazar la relación de dependencia. ...
AR*   663 - Pesqueros mantienen tomada sede del Ministerio de Trabajo
             La Capital (Rosario) - 18 Nov 2007
             ... en la “regularización los trabajadores que procesan el pescado, los que cobran el salario en negro por pertenecer a pseudo cooperativas de trabajo”. ...
AR*   664 - Gestiones de Fernández en Capital
             Diario Democracia - 18 Nov 2007
             ... importantes convenios que tienen que ver con la continuidad laboral de las cooperativas de trabajo, en este caso en el rubro Herrería y Soldaduras. ...
ES*   665 - Investigan a Jazztel por delitos económicos
             BandaAncha.st - 18 Nov 2007
             ... la policía investiga las cuentas de Jazztel, de las que supuestamente habrían desaparecido más de cuatro millones de "stock options" en las cuentas de ...
IT*   666 - «Il secondo padiglione pronto nel primo semestre 2009»
             Libertà - 18 nov 2007
             L'investimento è ingente: il valore dell'appalto (aggiudicato dal Consorzio ravennate delle cooperative di produzione e lavoro) era di 16 milioni e mezzo di ...
IT*   667 - Cui Prodest?
             La Voce d'Italia - 18 nov 2007
             Legando gli stipendi alle performance della società dando loro partecipazioni e stock options. Nel 2001 più dei due terzi dei guadagni dei “top executives” ...
US*   668 - Workers face tough choices about their future
             Bloomington Pantagraph,  USA - Nov 17, 2007
             Like some other CNH employees, Allen thinks his old plant started to change for the worse after its employee-owned predecessor, DMI, was bought out in 1998 ...
US*   669 - Miller Health System buys Bradner
             Marion Chronicle Tribune, IN - Nov 17, 2007
             "The residents of Bradner Village will be served by a well-respected employee owned and operated company that has a commitment to quality patient care," ...
US*   670 - Hilliard Lyons sale in works
             Kentucky.com, KY - Nov 17, 2007
             Houchens Industries, the largest employee-owned company in the country, and Pittsburgh-based PNC Financial Services Inc., which has owned Hilliard Lyons ...
IN*   671 - A dull episode
             Business Standard, India - Nov 17, 2007
             Says SSKI’s Vora, “Retaining people will mean more costs in terms of both salaries and esops. “Adds Zee TV’s Mehra,” People are a challenge but we’re trying ...
IN*   672 - Air India's employee stock option may precede IPO
             domain-B, India - Nov 17, 2007
             Mumbai: National carrier Air India is likely to give stock options to employees ahead of its initial public offer before 2009 by when it merges with other ...
US*   673 - Google executives wait at the judge's table
             San Jose Mercury News,  USA - Nov 17, 2007
             Its experiments range from granting employee stock options that can be sold to outside investors to running more effective meetings. ...
UK*   674 - Oil boom fuels jobs crisis for accountants
             Scotsman, United Kingdom - Nov 17, 2007
             ... and packages on offer from the oil companies who can offer high base salaries together with lucrative benefits packages including share options. ...
FR*   675 - Le Sénat adopte le budget 2008 pour la Sécurité sociale
             nouvelobs.com - 17 nov 2007
             Parmi les autres mesures importantes du texte figurent la taxation à hauteur de 2,5% des stock-options, une taxation alourdie des préretraites, ...
CH*   676 - Suez met en place une "levée programmée" des stock-options de ses
             Romandie.com - 17 nov 2007
             ... français à instaurer un système collectif de ce type", a fait valoir le groupe, alors que l'affaire EADS a relancé la polémique sur les stock-options. ...
FR*   677 - Cotiser plus pour gagner moins
             Bellaciao - 17 nov 2007
             ... en faisant des cadeaux fiscaux aux ménages les mieux dotés, en taxant à la marge les stock options d’un ridicule 2,5%, en continuant d’autoriser des ...
ES*   678 - La firma 'Activa Sistemas' gana el 'Premio Arco Iris' a la mejor ...
             Terra España - 17 Nov 2007
             ... sobre la situación en materia societaria y fiscal de las cooperativas de trabajo asociado andaluzas, desarrollada en cooperativas de Faecta'. ...
US*   679 - New Belgium Brewing's 2º Below Welcomes Winter with Style and ...
             PR Web (press release), WA - Nov 16, 2007
             ... corporate role model with progressive programs such as employee ownership, open book management and a commitment to environmental stewardship. ...
CA*   680 - Garda moves to quell speculation
             ReportonBusiness.com, Canada - Nov 16, 2007
             Measured against Garda's public float of 23.3 million shares – as calculated by Bloomberg to exclude such holders insiders and employee share ownership ...
ZA*   681 - Lonmin and Solidarity grapple with salary increase
             Mineweb, South Africa - Nov 16, 2007
             Disappointment about the wage negotiations was compounded by the company's rejection of an employee share ownership scheme ("Esop") on the grounds that it ...
US*   682 - California firm buys Everett's Wilder Construction
             HeraldNet, WA - Nov 16, 2007
             Granite Construction Inc., centered in Watsonville, Calif., said the deal was approved by Wilder's employee shareholders. Through a subsidiary, Granite ...
US*   683 - United Financial Bancorp, Inc. Increases Maximum Purchase ...
             CNNMoney.com - Nov 16, 2007
             ... in the subscription and community offering, totaling 2344028 shares (not including shares to be purchased by the employee stock ownership plan). ...
US*   684 - The celebrated stock option: The Holy Grail for tech?
             WTN News, WI - Nov 16, 2007
             Employee Stock Ownership Plans (esops) - Not often found in start-up companies, these Employee Retirement Income Security Act (ERISA) plans are designed to ...
IN*   685 - Tech Mahindra`s committee approves allotment of equity shares
             Myiris.com, India - Nov 16, 2007
             ... the employee stock option plan 2000 (ESOP 2000) and 675 equity shares, on exercise of stock options under employee stock option plan 2006 (ESOP 2006). ...
IN*   686 - Rolta India increases authorised capital
             Myiris.com, India - Nov 16, 2007
             The members have approved issue of 2400000 equity shares to employees of the company and subsidiary companies etc., under ESOP scheme. ...
IN*   687 - Air India's IPO only after integration but esops may precede
             Hindu Business Line, India - Nov 16, 2007
             If the recommendations of the concept document are acce pted, it is quite likely that ESOP could be given before the IPO, he indicated. As per the proposal, ...
UK*   688 - Cry, freedom
             Guardian Unlimited, UK - Nov 16, 2007
             There was no reason to stop at social institutions: Mill believed employee-owned firms "would combine the freedom and independence of the individual, ...
US*   689 - High Touch to move downtown
             Charlotte Business Journal, NC - Nov 16, 2007
             The firm is 75 percent employee owned, with Chambers and founder Mark Lenz owning the remaining shares. High Touch will make the move downtown in the spring ...
US*   690 - Trade Commission ruling supports Appleton's 'dumping' charges
             Bizjournals.com, NC - Nov 16, 2007
             The investigations were prompted by allegations from Appleton, an employee-owned producer of lightweight thermal paper based in Appleton. ...
US*   691 - PNC dumps Hilliard Lyons
             The Deal Blogs, NY - Nov 16, 2007
             The buyer is employee-owned grocery store chain Houchens Industries Inc., which Forbes ranks as number 140 on its list of largest private companies. ...
US*   692 - Give us the Wal-Mart Supercenter we voted for
             Lodi News-Sentinel, CA - Nov 16, 2007
             Winco is employee owned. Lodi should have been smart and let them build here then maybe the Walmart issue would go away. " " IF YOU THINK YOU WANT A WALMART ...
UK*   693 - Appleton Applauds International Trade Commission's Preliminary ...
             Earthtimes, UK - Nov 16, 2007
             ... operations in Wisconsin, Ohio, Pennsylvania, Massachusetts and the United Kingdom, employs approximately 3200 people and is 100 percent employee owned. ...
US*   694 - Spalding dedecker Associates Hires Joseph Muller, PE
             Amerisurv (press release), MD - Nov 16, 2007
             With offices in Detroit, Rochester Hills, and Brighton, Michigan, and field offices in Trenton and Farmington Hills, Michigan, SDA is an employee-owned and ...
US*   695 - New Rule on Who Pays for Safety Gear
             HR.BLR.com - Nov 16, 2007
             The final rule also clarifies osha's requirements regarding payment for employee-owned PPE and replacement PPE. While these clarifications have added ...
             Winnipeg Free Press, Canada - Nov 16, 2007
             Founded in 1993, employee-owned Wellington West has become one of the fastest-growing independent, full-service investment firms in Canada, with more than ...
ES*   697 - John Lewis week to Nov 10 department store sales up 1.8 pct UPDATE
             FXstreet.com The Foreign Exchange Market, Spain - Nov 16, 2007
             LONDON (Thomson Financial) - John Lewis Partnership, the employee-owned retailer, said week to Nov 10 sales at its 26 department stores increased 1.8 pct ...
US*   698 - The celebrated stock option: The Holy Grail for tech?
             WTN News, WI - Nov 16, 2007
             Employee Stock Ownership Plans (esops) - Not often found in start-up companies, these Employee Retirement Income Security Act (ERISA) plans are designed to ...
IN*   699 - Air India's IPO only after integration but esops may precede
             Hindu Business Line, India - Nov 16, 2007
             If the recommendations of the concept document are acce pted, it is quite likely that ESOP could be given before the IPO, he indicated. As per the proposal, ...
US*   700 - Cisco to Buy Back $10B in Stock
             The Associated Press - Nov 16, 2007
             Cisco's decision highlights the dilemma many companies face in trying to reduce the dilution caused by generous employee stock option plans. ...
IN*   701 - Tech Mahindra`s committee approves allotment of equity shares
             Myiris.com, India - Nov 16, 2007
             ... the employee stock option plan 2000 (ESOP 2000) and 675 equity shares, on exercise of stock options under employee stock option plan 2006 (ESOP 2006). ...
US*   702 - Oracle Content Without BEA
             InternetNews.com - Nov 16, 2007
             Excluding costs related to employee stock options, BEA earned 19 cents a share in the quarter, considerably more than the 14 cents a share most analysts had ...
US*   703 - Cathay General Bancorp (CATY) Announces 1M Share Buyback Plan
             StreetInsider.com (subscription), MI - Nov 16, 2007
             Shares repurchased are expected to be used for employee stock options and other business purposes. Cathay completed its most recent stock buyback program on ...
US*   704 - Cathay General Begins 1M Share Buyback
             CNNMoney.com - Nov 16, 2007
             The shares bought back will be used for employee stock options and other corporate needs, the company said. Cathay General said it had 49.8 million shares ...
US*   705 - Cathay General Bancorp Authorizes Additional Stock Repurchase
             CNNMoney.com - Nov 16, 2007
             Shares repurchased are expected to be used for employee stock options and other business purposes. Cathay had 49816286 shares of common stock outstanding at ...
US*   706 - Contra Costa Times
             Contra Costa Times, CA - Nov 16, 2007
             If not for expenses for employee stock options and items unrelated to its ongoing business, BEA said it would have earned 19 cents per share. ...
UK*   707 - Is your own company a reliable option?
             Guardian Unlimited, UK - Nov 16, 2007
             Sharesave schemes, better known as save as you earn (SAYE) plans, give staff the chance to buy share "options" in the company - often at a 20% discount. ...
ZA*   708 - Gooderson fires 6% of staff over wages
             Business Report, South Africa - Nov 16, 2007
             The decision to list again - this time on the jse's alternative exchange for small companies, altx - was to retain good staff with share options and raise ...
UK*   709 - Barclays calculates £1.3bn sub-prime loss
             Guardian Unlimited, UK - Nov 16, 2007
             The Massachusetts native is now the highest paid director in the FTSE 100, earning £23m in 2006, of which £12m was made up of share options. ...
US*   710 - Options rich for Navteq chief
             Chicago Tribune, United States - Nov 16, 2007
             Other executives hold significantly smaller numbers of the $1.40-a-share options, the proxy says. Chief Financial Officer David Mullen has 94286 such ...
UK*   711 - Superb outlets for culinary gems in the North-East
             nebusiness.co.uk, UK - Nov 16, 2007
             As a radical workers’ co-operative, Suma has dedicated the last 30 years to providing quality products and unparalleled customer service backed up with a ...
UK*   712 - Wool co-operative is shortlisted for award
             Cumberland News, UK - Nov 16, 2007
             The wool workers cooperative, based in Caldbeck, has 15 members each running their own business. Hill farmer, textile producer and Wool Clip member Pam Hall ...
FR*   713 - Les petits épargnants français restent rétifs à l'investissement ...
             Le Monde - 16 nov 2007
             et les plans d'actionnariat-salarié ont fait gonfler l'épargne populaire en actions, mais la Bourse reste encore réservée à une minorité. ...
FR*   714 - Sociétés Overlap/IB: 'nous attendons une forte participation aux ...
             Cercle Finance - 16 nov 2007
             Notons que beaucoup de salariés-actionnaires se montrent favorables à l'opération et que le comité d'entreprise ad'ores et déjà donné son feu vert au projet ...
FR*   715 - Allemagne: le rédacteur en chef du puissant Spiegel poussé vers la ...
             AFP - 16 nov 2007
             "Le Spiegel a besoin d'un nouveau visage, moderne", a justifié Armin Mahler, qui dirige l'association des salariés actionnaires, dans le Financial Times ...
FR*   716 - Campagne pour les élections municipales
             Ile-de-groix.info - 16 nov 2007
             J’ai appris depuis que de plus en plus d’entreprises utilisaient ce mode de gestion : en SAPO, Société Anonyme à Participation Ouvrière, ou en SCOP, ...
FR*   717 - Une Coopérative de Travail Associé en Colombie : Farmaverde
             Tela Botanica - 16 nov 2007
             YANN-OLIVIER HAY a le plaisir de vous présenter la Coopérative de Travail Associé FARMAVERDE située à Usme dans le sud de Bogota en Colombie. ...
FR*   718 - Le Sénat adopte le projet de budget 2008 de la Sécurité sociale
             AFP - 16 nov 2007
             Les sénateurs n'ont amendé qu'à la marge le dispositif ajouté au projet de loi par les députés, qui soumet les stock-options et distributions d'actions ...
FR*   719 - La grève n'est pas la solution face à la mondialisation
             Marianne2.fr - 16 nov 2007
             Nos managers et nos jeunes Mozart de la finance ont engrangé stock-options et bonus. Quelques professions ont fait de très bonnes affaires. ...
FR*   720 - Sécu: projet de loi de financement adopté
             France 3 - 16 nov 2007
             Il doit ramener le déficit de la Sécurité sociale à 8,8 milliards d'euros, grâce à de nouvelles franchises médicales et à la taxation des stock-options. ...
FR*   721 - « La vraie bataille qui s’annonce »
             l'Humanité - 16 nov 2007
             ... évidemment : les cheminots ne sont pas des privilégiés ; les privilégiés, on le sait, ce sont ceux qui ramassent les millions de stock-options, etc. ...
FR*   722 - Sondage EURO RSCG C&O: les actionnaires contre les stock options
             Boursorama - 16 nov 2007
             Le sujet des stock options est ainsi problématique: les résultats de l'enquête prouvent que la volonté de changement des actionnaires individuels est plus ...
FR*   723 - Ann Taylor: relève ses prévisions de bénéfice 2006.
             Cercle Finance - 16 nov 2007
             Cette prévision inclut une charge estimée à 0,06$ liée aux dépenses de stock options. Hors cet impact, le bénéfice annuel est attendu entre 2,13 et 2,18$ ...
FR*   724 - Des régimes très spéciaux…, par Aristote
             Respublica - 16 nov 2007
             ... qui exonèrent pour une large part de cotisations les stock options et autres formes de rémunération développées par le capitalisme financier ? ...
FR*   725 - Pour être alerté lors de prochaines publications sur le même sujet ...
             LExpansion.com - 16 nov 2007
             Entre-temps, la valeur boursière des sociétés exposées au subprime a fondu, et avec elle les bonus et stock-options des patrons qui les dirigent! ...
FR*   726 - Pré-ouverture Wall Street : rebond attendu après deux séances de ...
             Challenges - 16 nov 2007
             Sur une base non-GAAP, c'est à dire hors éléments (effets d'imposition, stock options, gains ou pertes sur investissements, charges de restructuration, . ...
FR*   727 - Cheminots : des garanties, plus de paroles
             Rennes Infhonet - 16 nov 2007
             Les stock-options devraient être soumis à cotisation pour le financement des retraites. Il faut une taxation sur les revenus du capital. ...
FR*   728 - Suez : met en place un système contrôlé pour les stock-options des ...
             Boursier.com - 16 nov 2007
             (Boursier.com) - Suez est le premier groupe français à mettre en place d'un système de levée programmée des options de souscription et d'achat d'actions ...
FR*   729 - Une majorité d'actionnaires individuels opposés aux stock-options
             Challenges - 16 nov 2007
             Le gouvernement planche en novembre sur une réforme du système des stock-options. Cette mesure a notamment été accélérée depuis la révélation du délit ...
FR*   730 - La Revue de presse économique
             nouvelobs.com - 16 nov 2007
             Plus d'un actionnaire sur deux (52%) est favorable à la suppression des stock-options, au moment où le gouvernement prépare une réforme de ces options ...
FR*   731 - cramnp : grève le 20/11 pour nos salaires, l’emploi, le sécu...
             Indymedia Lille - 16 nov 2007
             ... mais ce sont seulement les actionnaires et les dirigeants d’entreprise qui se gavent à coups de dividendes, de stock-options et de parachutes dorés. ...
DE*   732 - DGAP-DD: Archer Daniels Midland Company deutsch
             Arbeitsgemeinschaft Finanzen - 16. Nov. 2007
             ... Exercise of stock options Angaben zum veröffentlichungspflichtigen Unternehmen Emittent: Archer Daniels Midland Company 4666 Faries Parkway - Decatur, ...
AR*   733 - Un gremio atacó a piedrazos al intendente de Mar del Plata
             Clarín.com - 16 Nov 2007
             La protesta se enmarca en un largo reclamo de los trabajadores, quienes pertenecen a cooperativas de trabajo de dudoso origen. A mediados de julio, ...
CO*   734 - Misión de la OIT hará presencia en Colombia
             La F.M. - 16 Nov 2007
             ... AGROINDUSTRIA DE LA CAÑA DE AZÚCAR EN EL VALLE DEL CAUCA, muestra seudo cooperativas de trabajo asociado para eliminar la relación de trabajo, ...
AR*   735 - La Legislatura reprobó veto de Solá y favoreció a cooperativa de ...
             Nova - 16 Nov 2007
             Entre los fundamentos que expuso la diputada, se menciona expresamente que "las cooperativas de trabajo en la Argentina datan de los años ‘30 y se han ...
AR*   736 - Mientras avanzan las obras se hará un replanteo interno
             El Sureño - 16 Nov 2007
             ... ingrese en el presupuesto 2007 de la Nación para poder comenzar a realizarlo a principios del próximo año, a través de cooperativas de trabajo locales. ...
AR*   737 - Aseguran que la minería será uno de los ejes de la industria ...
             La Opinión Austral - 16 Nov 2007
             “Pero lo más importante – subrayó – fue la noticia de que logramos conformar una Cooperativa de Trabajo y Vivienda; la cual ya firmó un convenio marco con ...
AR*   738 - A defender La Toma
             enREDando.org.ar - 16 Nov 2007
             La Federación Argentina de Cooperativas de Trabajadores Autogestionados (FACTA) participará el martes 20 de noviembre, del encuentro convocado por la ...
ES*   739 - Marihuana contra la crisis hipotecaria
             Levante - 16 Nov 2007
             ... y un colchón de stock options, o si también mitigará el trauma de quienes compraron una vivienda y ahora conocen el significado de la asfixia económica. ...
VE*   740 - Senado francés aprueba proyecto de presupuesto 2008 de la ...
             Globovisión - 16 Nov 2007
             Entre las demás medidas importantes del texto figuran una imposición del 2,5% sobre los stock-options, otra imposición onerosa sobre las prejubilaciones y ...
ES*   741 - Bankinter brilla por rumores corporativos
             El Mundo Bursátil - 16 Nov 2007
             ... contable en el periodo comprendido entre 1999-2003 y que estaría relacionado con la desaparición en el balance de 4,2 millones de stock options. ...
              Discapnet (Comunicados de prensa) - 16 Nov 2007
             ... empresa con el objeto de aclarar la presunta desaparición del balance de la compañía de 4,2 millones de euros de opciones sobre acciones ("stock options").
ES*   743 - Jazztel niega el supuesto desfase contable investigado por el Juzgado
             Finanzas.com - 16 Nov 2007
             La documentación del registro mercantil refleja que Jazztel declaró tener 205.000 'stock options' en 1999, por su parte el juzgado laboral cifró las ...
ES*   744 - Jazztel: La ocultación de stock options podría llegar a 420 ...
             Bolsamania.com - 16 Nov 2007
             La presunta ocultación de 4,2 millones de stock options en Jazztel de 1999 a 2004 tendría un valor aproximado de 420 millones de euros, en base al precio al ...
ES*   745 - Respuesta de Jazztel a la CNMV: “No tenemos ningún desfase en la ...
             Bolsamania.com - 16 Nov 2007
             (BMS) - Jazztel: La ocultación de stock options podría llegar a 420 millones de euros... [+] (BMS) - Jazztel, investigada por ocultar 4,2 millones de stock ...
ES*   746 - Recuerden hoy que tenemos Vencimientos de Futuros
             Bolsamania.com - 16 Nov 2007
             Por otro lado, Jazztel es noticia porque se ha publicado que está siendo investigada por ocultar 4,2 millones de stock options de 1999 a 2004, e Iberia, ...
ES*   747 - Ibex 35: Tanteando el primero de los soportes
             Tiscali - 16 Nov 2007
             [+] (BMS) - Jazztel, investigada por ocultar 4,2 millones de stock options de 1999 a 2004... [+] (BMS) - Altadis gana hasta septiembre 386,8 millones de ...
ES*   748 - ¿Ocultación millonaria en Jazztel? La Justicia busca 4,2 millones ...
             elEconomista.es - 16 Nov 2007
             La empresa de telefonía esta siendo investigada por la desaparición de 4,2 millones de stock options de balance. La brigada de delitos económicos de la ...
IT*   749 - Apple, il caso delle stock option è archiviato
             WebNews - 16 nov 2007
             Si risolve con un nulla di fatto l'affare "stock options" di Apple: sembra infatti che dato il mancato calo delle azioni Apple nel periodo in considerazione ...
BR*   750 - Legislação trabalhista Responsabilidade pelo desemprego não é da CLT
             Consultor Jurídico - 16 Nov 2007
             Fato é que nosso Ordenamento Jurídico já prevê, há tempos, o chamado “banco de horas”, a contratação por cooperativas de trabalhadores, a contratação pela ...
US*   751 - Milbank Mills: Celebrating 140 years in Chillicothe
             Chillicothe Constitution Tribune,  United States - Nov 15, 2007
             ... has been continuously operated by members of the Milbank family, joined in recent years by employee ownership through an employee stock ownership plan. ...
             UKPRwire (press release), UK - Nov 15, 2007
             ... can improve business performance, in a one-day conference organised by the Institute of Directors and the Employee Ownership Centre on 9 October 2007. ...
US*   753 - REFILE-Granite Construction to buy remaining stake in unit
             Reuters - Nov 15, 2007
             N: Quote, Profile, Research) said it will acquire the remaining stake in Wilder Construction Co from the employee-shareholders for $28 million in cash. ...
US*   754 - Granite Says Wilder Construction To Become Wholly Owned Subsidiary ...
             RTT News, NY - Nov 15, 2007
             11/15/2007 4:46:00 PM Granite Construction Inc. () on Thursday said that the minority employee-shareholders of Wilder Construction Company approved the ...
US*   755 - Wilder Construction Company to Become Wholly Owned Subsidiary of ...
             CNNMoney.com - Nov 15, 2007
             15 /prnewswire-firstcall/ -- Granite Construction Incorporated today announced that the minority employee-shareholders of Wilder Construction Company have ...
US*   756 - EDO shareholder opposes takeover
             Newsday, NY - Nov 15, 2007
             The largest is edo's employee stock ownership plan, which has about about 17 percent of the stock. Given the esop's share, the deal will most likely go ...
US*   757 - fcstone Group, Inc. Announces Record Fourth Quarter and Fiscal ...
             CNNMoney.com - Nov 15, 2007
             ... interest 3607 -- Redeemable common stock held by employee stock ownership plan (ESOP) 6079 -- Stockholders' equity: Common stock, $0.0001 par value, ...
CN*   758 - 【页面调色版
             金融界, China - Nov 15, 2007
             American Capital, both directly and through its global asset management business, is an investor in management and employee buyouts, private equity buyouts, ...
US*   759 - Fixing foreclosure's ground zero
             CNNMoney.com - Nov 15, 2007
             By Les Christie, cnnmoney.com staff writer esop's Mark Seifert with houses stripped of their aluminum siding in the foreclosure-devastated neighborhood of ...
US*   760 - Entry to Mid-Level GIS Specialist
             Spatial News (press release), FL - Nov 15, 2007
             DTA is an employee-owned firm (ESOP) that offers benefits which include 401(k); medical, dental and disability insurance; flexible spending plans; holidays; ...
UK*   761 - Xinhua Finance Limited (TSE: 9399) Reports Steady Growth for the ...
             Earthtimes, UK - Nov 15, 2007
             Under IFRS, proforma EBITDA, adjusted to exclude non-cash ESOP expenses and one-time items, was US$38.3 million, representing an increase of 57% over ...
UK*   762 - homestreet Bank Contributes to Two Maui Organizations
             Earthtimes, UK - Nov 15, 2007
             Founded in 1921, family- and employee-owned homestreet Bank is one of the largest privately owned banks in the Northwest and Hawaii. ...
US*   763 - Local business briefs: ritemade Paper building new KCK headquarters
             Kansas City Star, MO - Nov 15, 2007
             ritemade Paper, an employee-owned paper-converting and printing company, is building a new headquarters at Cambridge Circle in Kansas City, Kan., ...
UK*   764 - BDP profit slumps as staff costs soar £5m
             Building.co.uk (subscription), UK - Nov 15, 2007
             Other companies may look at the bottom line, but we are an employee-owned company and we can operate on a different approach.” BDP employs 1110 staff in 10 ...
US*   765 - Entry to Mid-Level GIS Specialist
             Spatial News (press release), FL - Nov 15, 2007
             DTA is an employee-owned firm (ESOP) that offers benefits which include 401(k); medical, dental and disability insurance; flexible spending plans; holidays; ...
US*   766 - Maurice Flanagan's Emirates Airline: Flying High and Treating ...
             Knowledge@Wharton (subscription), PA - Nov 15, 2007
             He cited the situation at employee-owned United Airlines where pilots received 40% raises in a four-year contract in 2000, triggering a rise in labor costs ...
US*   767 - Accenture Buys Military Consulting Firm
             Houston Chronicle, United States - Nov 15, 2007
             Maxim is employee-owned and based in San Diego. Accenture said it will integrate the company with its Accenture National Security Services LLC unit.
US*   768 - ritemade will make new home in KCK
             Bizjournals.com, NC - Nov 15, 2007
             ritemade, an employee-owned company, said it expects to reach about $50 million in 2007 annual sales. The company has 125 employees at facilities in Kansas ...
US*   769 - SDA Makes Personnel Announcements
             Associated Construction Publications, GA - Nov 15, 2007
             With offices in Detroit, Rochester Hills and Brighton, and field offices in Trenton and Farmington Hills, SDA is an employee-owned and ISO certified ...
US*   770 - Accenture Buying Maxim Systems
             San Diego Business Journal, CA - Nov 15, 2007
             Maxim is an employee-owned firm providing engineering and technical services to US military and intelligence agencies. Accenture is a publicly traded ...
UK*   771 - Learning Light brings e-learning business intelligence to its members
             Training Press Releases (press release), UK - Nov 15, 2007
             An employee-owned spin-off of SRI International (formerly the Stanford Research Institute), SRIC-BI taps into a history of technology innovation that ...
US*   772 - OSHA Issues Final PPE Rule
             Occupational Hazards, OH - Nov 15, 2007
             The final rule also clarifies OSHA’s requirements regarding payment for employee-owned PPE and replacement PPE. While these clarifications have added ...
US*   773 - Reston’s Accentrue acquiring defense consulting firm
             TechJournal South, NC - Nov 15, 2007
             RESTON, VA-- Accenture (NYSE: ACN) has agreed to acquire MAXIM Systems, Inc., an employee-owned defense consulting firm that provides advanced engineering ...
US*   774 - BEA Reports Third Quarter Results; Achieves Net Income of $56 ...
             CNNMoney.com - Nov 15, 2007
             Non-GAAP results exclude the after-tax effects of certain acquisition-related expenses, employee stock option expenses, net gains or losses on investments ...
IN*   775 - In the red, but still doling out dividends
             Livemint, India - Nov 15, 2007
             It was due to the charges related to the employee stock option scheme introduced by the company. So, despite showing a loss on book, the company is strong ...
NZ*   776 - SEC Votes To Adopt Three Rules To Improve Regulation Of Smaller ...
             Lawfuel (press release), New Zealand - Nov 15, 2007
             ... employee stock options so that the Exchange Act registration requirements will not be triggered solely by a company’s compensation decisions. ...
US*   777 - Salesforce.com Q3 Profit Rises 74%; Raises FY08 Outlook -Update
             Trading Markets (press release), CA - Nov 15, 2007
             Excluding acquisition costs, employee stock options expense, amortization of intangible assets and other items, non-GAAP net income for the first quarter ...
US*   778 - Profit May Not Ease Sting For BEA Investors
             Forbes, NY - Nov 15, 2007
             It was forced to suspend filing financial statements while it cleaned up accounting problems created by improper handling of employee stock options. ...
US*   779 - SEC oks Rules on Small Businesses
             MSN Money - Nov 15, 2007
             Firms that issue employee stock options would get a break as well, as the SEC agreed to create new exemptions from requirements to register shares and issue ...
DE*   780 - Agilent Technologies Reports Fourth Quarter 2007 Results
             WELT ONLINE, Germany - Nov 15, 2007
             123(R) of $36 million and $21 million, respectively, related to employee stock options and employee stock purchases. The preliminary income statement is ...
US*   781 - US SEC action to help small firms raise capital
             Reuters - Nov 15, 2007
             Another change made by the agency will give companies more flexibility to grant compensatory employee stock options. (Reporting by Rachelle Younglai; ...
DE*   782 - Green Mountain Coffee Roasters, Inc.
             Ad-Hoc-News (Pressemitteilung), Germany - Nov 15, 2007
             The increase is primarily due to employee stock options assumed by the Company in its acquisition of Keurig. The Company?s operating income was $7.5 million ...
IN*   783 - Oracle improbable to persist with BEA
             The Money Times, India - Nov 15, 2007
             The company has struggled with sliding sales and accounting headaches due to its past mishandling of employee stock options, making it more vulnerable to a ...
MY*   784 - LKT investors should take up MGO offer
             The Edge Daily, Malaysia - Nov 15, 2007
             Kenanga Research said LKT had made more provisions on inventory obsolescence, allowance for doubtful debt and employee share option scheme (ESOS) payment as ...
ZA*   785 - Oh crumbs ...
             Mail & Guardian Online, South Africa - Nov 15, 2007
             He was well rewarded for his efforts, taking home R39,3-million in salary, bonuses and cashed share options, according to the Mabili directors’ remuneration ...
CA*   786 - Wrangler West Drilling Adds Volumes, Delivers Strong Revenue
             Canada NewsWire (press release), Canada - Nov 15, 2007
             SHARE CAPITAL (a) Stock options Common share options outstanding at September 30 ...
ZA*   787 - As good as theft
             Mail & Guardian Online, South Africa - Nov 15, 2007
             The Mabili report shows that the six Tiger Brands executive directors took home a combined R72-million in salaries, bonuses and cashed-in share options ...
US*   788 - Q3 2007 MLP AG Earnings Conference Call - Final
             Insurance News Net (press release), PA - Nov 15, 2007
             And I'm wondering whether you plan to give some -- to implement share options for Feri employees from now up until 2011. I don't know whether if you could ...
US*   789 - Tyco International Reports Fourth Quarter Earnings From Continuing ...
             CNNMoney.com - Nov 15, 2007
             ... (599) Cash Flows from Financing Activities: Net repayments of debt (2) (9) (5928) (1090) Proceeds from exercise of share options 18 45 406 249 Dividends ...
UK*   790 - Sainsbury's reports 20% leap in half-year profits
             Guardian Unlimited, UK - Nov 15, 2007
             ... but denied that morale among staff and senior managers, who stood to make windfall gains from share options, had been hit by the deal falling apart. ...
MA*   791 - Télex : Le Maroc à la Foire commerciale de Mons
             Aujourd'hui Le Maroc - 15 nov 2007
             Un communiqué du CDVM précise que cette offre, qui constitue la 2ème tranche du plan d'actionnariat salarié lancé en 2005, porte sur un total de 289.494 ...
FR*   792 - Eiffage : le succès de la guerre de tranchée du "poilu" Roverato ...
             La Tribune.fr - 15 nov 2007
             ... cédé les rênes opérationnelles à son dauphin Benoit Heitz) s'est retranché derrière le solide mur constitué dans son capital par l'actionnariat salarié. ...
FR*   793 - Inventer une nouvelle forme de capitalisme
             Les Échos - 15 nov 2007
             En étant représenté dans deux types d'instance, celle de la négociation et celle de la participation, le salarié-actionnaire pourra les réconcilier dans une ...
FR*   794 - Info à l’usage du Privé sur les grèves
             AgoraVox - 15 nov 2007
             Il manque 2,5 milliards pour les retraites au titre de l’épargne salariale et 1 milliard au titre des stock-options. Les premières mesures gouvernementales ...
FR*   795 - Semaine du BTP dans la région Paca
             Fil Info sur l'emploi - 15 nov 2007
             ... en collaboration avec la CAPEB Pacac, la Fédération Française du Bâtiment Paca, la Fédération des Travaux Publics Paca, SCOP BTP Paca et l'ANPE, ...
FR*   796 - Steve Jobs va-t-il (enfin) gagner plus ?
             Mac Generation - 15 nov 2007
             Le rapport rappelle que Jobs dispose d'environ 5,5 millions d'actions et 120 00 stock options. Il souligne également l'excellente performance du cours ...
FR*   797 - Stock-options, Apple souffle
             MacPlus - 15 nov 2007
             ... actionnaire d’Apple, s’est vu signifier que les pratiques d’Apple dans le domaine des stock-options antidatées n’ayant pas influé sur la valeur du titre ...
FR*   798 - De l'éthique financière à l'hôpital
             Les Échos - 15 nov 2007
             Quel bénéfice tirerait en effet la société d'être éclairée de manière aussi indépendante et approfondie sur la grève dans les transports, les stock-options, ...
FR*   799 - Les actionnaires doivent revoir leur copie
             Mac Generation - 15 nov 2007
             Suite à la ténébreuse affaire des stock-options, plusieurs actionnaires, dont le fond de pension New York City Employees Retirement System qui possède un ...
FR*   800 - EXCLUSIF Affaire EADS : les enquêteurs allemands saisis d’un ...
             Challenges - 15 nov 2007
             ... d’EADS est au centre de l’enquête sur les délits d’initiés, plusieurs d’entre eux ayant levé leurs stock-options dans le courant du mois de mars 2006.
FR*   801 - « Régimes spéciaux » ou défense des droits sociaux ?
             Monde Diplomatique - 15 nov 2007
             (1) Alors que l’exonération de cotisations sociales des « stock options » fait perdre 3 milliards d’euros par an (soit le tiers environ du déficit actuel), ...
FR*   802 - 3 QUESTIONS A... "Un capitalisme de barbichette"
             Challenges - 15 nov 2007
             C'est le cas notamment des stock-options. Mais, d'un autre côté, nous n'avons pas importé la contrepartie de ce mode de fonctionnement qui se veut très ...
FR*   803 - Avancées douteuses
             Le Jeudi - 15 nov 2007
             ... quand des millions habitent des logements vétustes et que quelques centaines se partagent dividendes, stock-options et autres cachets faramineux. ...
AT*   804 - Erb- und Schenkungssteuer laufen fix aus
             OÖNachrichten - 15. Nov. 2007
             ... wachsenden Gewinnquote und der im Vergleich dazu schwachen Lohnquote will Molterer durch erfolgsabhängige Mitarbeiterbeteiligung ausgeglichen wissen. ...
DE*   805 - DAX Schluss Auf Talfahrt, Deutsche
             Ad-Hoc-News (Pressemitteilung) - 15. Nov. 2007
             Dank eines konsequenten Kostenmanagements stieg das EBITDA vor IPO-Aufwand und Aufwand aus der Mitarbeiterbeteiligung um 17 Prozent. ...
DE*   806 - Homag Group will Ziele übertreffen
             FinanzNachrichten.de - 15. Nov. 2007
             ... Steuern und Abschreibungen (EBITDA) ohne Berücksichtung der Kosten aus dem Börsengang und des Aufwands aus der Mitarbeiterbeteiligung stieg um 17% auf ...
DE*   807 - Kurzer Höhenflug für Homag
             ARD - 15. Nov. 2007
             So stieg das Ebitda (Ergebnis vor Zinsen, Steuern und Abschreibungen) vor IPO-Aufwand und Aufwand aus der Mitarbeiterbeteiligung zwischen Juli und September ...
DE*   808 - Homag peilt Rekordjahr an
             WELT ONLINE - 15. Nov. 2007
             Dank eines konsequenten Kostenmanagements stieg das EBITDA vor IPO-Aufwand und Aufwand aus der Mitarbeiterbeteiligung um 17 Prozent auf 29,6 Mio. ...
DE*   809 - Homag-Aktie sieht relativ günstig aus
             Frankfurter Allgemeine Zeitung - 15. Nov. 2007
             Das Ergebnis vor Steuern, Zinsen und Sonderaufwendungen im Rahmen des Börsengangs und für Mitarbeiterbeteiligungen legte um knapp 17 Prozent auf 29,6 ...
CO*   810 - ¿Por qué son pobres los pobres?
             Portafolio - 15 Nov 2007
             ... lo más escandaloso es el surgimiento de las Cooperativas de Trabajo Asociado, que redujeron en más de un 30 por ciento los costos laborales para los ...
CO*   811 - La problemática del mercado laboral: ¿el triciclo nuevo del gobierno?
             Equinoxio - 15 Nov 2007
             De otra parte, una señal del incremento de la informalidad laboral es el auge de las CTA (Cooperativas de Trabajo Asociado), las cuales, ...
AR*   812 - Organizan jornadas de Actualización Cooperativa
             Mega24 - 15 Nov 2007
             El segundo tramo del día, referido a cuestiones jurídicas, abarcará: Ley de Cooperativas y Cooperativas de Trabajo, por los doctores Juan Meza y Gustavo ...
AR*   813 - Se constituyó la primera Cooperativa de Trabajo
             La Opinión Rafaela - 15 Nov 2007
             Así es como el pasado miércoles por la tarde quedó formalmente establecida la "Cooperativa de Trabajo Hersilia Limitada", que tendrá a su cargo la ...
ES*   814 - La justicia busca en Jazztel un posible fraude de 420 millones de ...
             Hispanidad - 15 Nov 2007
             ... examina las cuentas de Jazztel desde 1999 al 2004 para esclarecer la desaparición de 4,2 millones de opciones sobre acciones (stock options) del balance ...
ES*   815 - La policía investiga una ocultación millonaria en las cuentas de ...
             El Periódico - 15 Nov 2007
             Según la documentación oficial del registro mercantil, Jazztel tenía hasta el 31 de diciembre de 1999 unas 205.000 stock options mientras que en el juzgado ...
IT*   816 - Telecom fissa i limiti agli spagnoli in consiglio
             Il Sole 24 Ore - 15 nov 2007
             Davanti a una situazione che resta ancora confusa anche i 2.500 dipendenti ed ex dipendenti azionisti riuniti nell'associazione Asati, lunedì hanno preso ...
IT*   817 - D'Amora Francesco
             Diritto & Diritti - 15 nov 2007
             ... Imprese Generali (AGI), dell’Associazione Nazionale Costruttori Edili (ANCE) e dell’Associazione Nazionale Cooperative di Produzione e Lavoro (ANCPL). ...
             Diritto-oggi - 15 nov 2007
             Quanto alla sua liquidazione, Arpe la quantifica in “30 milioni lordi piu’ le stock options che non ho ancora esercitato. Ai prezzi attuali, molto inferiori ...
IT*   819 - ies: Natali. preoccupato per buon esito assemblea
             Borsa Italiana - 15 nov 2007
             Lo statuto sociale di ies prevede che per l'approvazione dell'ordine del giorno relativo alle stock options si formi una maggioranza di almeno il 50% piu' ...
             Alice News - 15 nov 2007
             "E' pubblico - ribadisce - 30 milioni lordi più le stock options che non ho ancora esercitato; ai prezzi attuali, molto inferiori a quelli prima della mia ...
US*   821 - Sodexho Announces Strong Improvement in Results for Fiscal 2007
             Business Wire (press release), CA - Nov 14, 2007
             To associate our employees with our growth, we intend to launch during 2008 a new international employee share ownership plan in 25 countries. ...
US*   822 - Alion to Demonstrate Advanced Modeling, Simulation and Training ...
             TMC Net, CT - Nov 14, 2007
             Based in mclean, Virginia, Alion employee-owners are located at major offices, customer sites and laboratories worldwide. ...
US*   823 - Durex has new owner
             Inter-County Leader, WI - Nov 14, 2007
             Employee shareholders of Durex, which was 100-percent employee-owned, voted in mid-October to sell their company and controlling interest in an agreement ...
CN*   824 - mcrae Industries, Inc. Reports Earnings for Fiscal 2007
             金融界, China - Nov 14, 2007
             Financing activities used approximately $940000 of cash for dividend payments and the repurchase of company stock from eligible employee stock ownership ...
US*   825 - Sleepy Hollow Bank to merge with Mahopac National
             White Plains Journal News, NY - Nov 14, 2007
             About 55 shareholders at Sleepy Hollow also will vote on the deal; Hughes said his family and the bank's employee stock ownership plan hold most of the ...
US*   826 - Year after fatal plane crash, Two Rivers grieves yet grows
             DesMoinesRegister.com, IA - Nov 14, 2007
             The company is owned by six staff members and an employee stock ownership plan. "There's a good culture at work there," said Mike Schreurs, chief executive ...
US*   827 - San Luis Trust Bank Announces 30 Percent Increase in Dividends
             Primenewswire (press release), CA - Nov 14, 2007
             In a related story, the Bank announced that its ESOP Plan had purchased over 20000 shares of its common stock over the past 3 weeks. ...
US*   828 - ZAGG Reports Third Quarter Financial Results
             TMC Net, CT - Nov 14, 2007
             ... non-cash expenses related to charges for the issuance of common stock to employees and key vendors prior to the adoption of the Company's ESOP plan. ...
IN*   829 - AXIS Bank`s cod to mull allotment of equity shares
             Myiris.com, India - Nov 14, 2007
             15, 2007 for the purpose of considering the allotment of equity shares under ESOP. The bank registered a substantial jump of 60.46% in net profit for the ...
IN*   830 - India Infoline`s compensation committee grants stock options
             Myiris.com, India - Nov 14, 2007
             14, 2007 granted 465000 employee stock options under the ESOP plan 2007. These options were granted to the eligible employees, as per ESOP scheme, ...
US*   831 - ZAGG Reports Third Quarter Financial Results
             Business Wire (press release), CA - Nov 14, 2007
             ... non-cash expenses related to charges for the issuance of common stock to employees and key vendors prior to the adoption of the Company’s ESOP plan. ...
IN*   832 - Deccan Aviation allots equity shares under ESOP
             Myiris.com, India - Nov 14, 2007
             14, 2007, allotted 73710 equity shares of Rs 10 each under ESOP - 2005. The company disclosed that loss for the quarter ended September 2007 widened. ...
IN*   833 - Solectron Centum`s board approves ESOP
             Myiris.com, India - Nov 14, 2007
             ... given an `in principle` approval for an employee stock option plan (ESOP) and recommended the same to be placed before the shareholders for approval. ...
US*   834 - Six Big Wireless Arguments
             NetworkWorld.com, MA - Nov 14, 2007
             Six of these pertain to mobile and wireless, and here are a few thoughts for your consideration: Corporate-controlled devices vs. employee-owned devices ...
US*   835 - Appleton Accepts Government Order to Paper Companies to Begin Fox ...
             PR Newswire (press release), NY - Nov 14, 2007
             ... operations in Wisconsin, Ohio, Pennsylvania, Massachusetts and the United Kingdom, employs approximately 3100 people and is 100 percent employee owned. ...
US*   836 - Durex has new owner
             Inter-County Leader, WI - Nov 14, 2007
             Employee shareholders of Durex, which was 100-percent employee-owned, voted in mid-October to sell their company and controlling interest in an agreement ...
CN*   837 - PA Consulting Group Survey Finds that Financial Services ...
             金融界, China - Nov 14, 2007
             We are an independent, employee-owned, global firm of 3000 talented individuals, operating from offices across the world, in Europe, North America, ...
US*   838 - DC OSHA equiptment
             Insurance News Net (press release), PA - Nov 14, 2007
             The final rule also clarifies oshas requirements regarding payment for employee-owned PPE and replacement PPE. While these clarifications have added several ...
DE*   839 - API Selected as the Exclusive
             Ad-Hoc-News (Pressemitteilung), Germany - Nov 14, 2007
             SEM Products, Inc. is a Charlotte, NC based, employee owned company. Founded in 1948, SEM manufactures a broad array of specialty aerosols, adhesives and ...
US*   840 - Allstate Introduces Environmentally Friendly Insurance Option
             North American Windpower - Nov 14, 2007
             Allstate will immediately begin to offset annual energy usage of its corporate headquarters and business miles traveled by employee-owned and company ...
US*   841 - GS agrifuels Engages Fieldstone Partners Capital Group
             Business Wire (press release), CA - Nov 14, 2007
             Fieldstone is an independent, employee owned global boutique investment banking firm providing financial advisory services to the energy and infrastructure ...
US*   842 - Whitney Announces Stock Repurchase Program
             CNNMoney.com - Nov 14, 2007
             ... as needed, for general corporate purposes, which include reissuances in connection with employee stock option exercises or other employee stock plans. ...
US*   843 - cytrx Reports Third Quarter 2007 Financial Results
             Business Wire (press release), CA - Nov 14, 2007
             ... (ii) $294000 in increased employee stock option expense associated with new hires; (iii) $158000 in consulting expenses related primarily to rxi’s ...
CA*   844 - Comaplex Minerals Corp. Announces Nine Month 2007 Results
             Canada NewsWire (press release), Canada - Nov 14, 2007
             ... ACTIVITIES Issue of shares pursuant to private placement - - 26700000 - Issue of shares under employee stock option plan - 926000 638000 966000 Share ...
IN*   845 - Solectron Centum`s board approves ESOP
             Myiris.com, India - Nov 14, 2007
             Solectron Centum Electronics announced that the board of directors of the company has given an `in principle` approval for an employee stock option plan ...
US*   846 - Spectrum throws a party to celebrate its successes
             Daily Press, VA - Nov 14, 2007
             To allow some founders to cash out, a significant part of Spectrum will be given to workers through an employee stock-option plan next year. ...
US*   847 - Ellison: Oracle Unlikely to Pursue BEA
             The Associated Press - Nov 14, 2007
             ... more vulnerable to a takeover as it struggled with sliding sales and accounting headaches stemming from its past mishandling of employee stock options. ...
US*   848 - AFC Reports Financial Performance for Third Quarter 2007
             CNNMoney.com - Nov 14, 2007
             ... from exercise of employee stock options 3.2 9.4 Excess tax benefits from stock-based compensation 1.0 1.3 Stock repurchases (31.6) (24.4) Other, ...
DE*   849 - Mace Security International Reports
             Ad-Hoc-News (Pressemitteilung), Germany - Nov 14, 2007
             SG&A costs also include non-cash compensation (employee stock options) expense of approximately $767000 and $778000 in the three months ended September 30, ...
CA*   850 - Advantex announces fiscal 2008 Q1 results
              Canada NewsWire (press release), Canada - Nov 14, 2007
             STOCK OPTIONS As at September 30, 2007 there were 8500000 employee stock options outstanding at exercise prices between $0.045 to $0.20, expiring between ...
US*   851 - Media Sciences Reports Q1 Results on Record Net Revenues
             CNNMoney.com - Nov 14, 2007
             ... activities: Depreciation and amortization 248106 218932 Deferred income taxes (415034) 32500 Tax benefits from employee stock options 125058 Provision ...
US*   852 - BEA Systems Plans To File Delinquent Periodic Reports Tomorrow ...
             RTT News, NY - Nov 14, 2007
             The delay, which results from a lengthy effort to clean up accounting problems tied to the company's mishandling of employee stock options, makes it more ...
IN*   853 - India Infoline`s compensation committee grants stock options
             Myiris.com, India - Nov 14, 2007
             14, 2007 granted 465000 employee stock options under the ESOP plan 2007. These options were granted to the eligible employees, as per ESOP scheme, ...
US*   854 - Channell Announces 2007 Third Quarter Results
             PR Newswire (press release), NY - Nov 14, 2007
             ... credit facilities 6172 6954 Repayment of obligations under capital lease (94) (80) Exercise of employee stock options 2 - Net cash provided by financing ...
IE*   855 - Irish base executive pay to rise by 4.5% in 2008
             FinFacts Ireland, Ireland - Nov 14, 2007
             Mary mcdermott, Senior Consultant at Mercer noted that there has been a pronounced shift away from share options to restricted stock and performance related ...
DK*   856 - Global stock broker to open Nordic office in Copenhagen
             Copenhagen Capacity, Denmark - Nov 14, 2007
             ... hedge funds and professional investors, however, Cantor will especially focus on trade with share options and futures contracts, an area where according ...
NZ*   857 - Davies signs up as CER group director
             New Zealand Herald, New Zealand - Nov 14, 2007
             Davies, who has emerged among skycity's top 10 shareholders due to share options, will help drive transtasman growth at the $30 million market cap company. ...
CA*   858 - Serica Energy plc - ("Serica" or the "Company") - Third quarter ...
             Canada NewsWire (press release), Canada - Nov 14, 2007
             Whilst further share options have been granted in 2007, the incremental charge generated from those options has been offset by the decline in charge of the ...
CA*   859 - Moss Lake issues stock options to directors and officers
             The Northern Miner (subscription), Canada - Nov 14, 2007
             TORONTO, Nov. 14 /CNW/ - Moss Lake Gold Mines Ltd. ("Moss Lake") is pleased to announce that on November 7, 2007, it issued an aggregate of 450000 stock ...
IE*   860 - Wednesday Newspaper Review - Irish Business News and International ...
             FinFacts Ireland, Ireland - Nov 14, 2007
             ... including the grant of share options to some people in January 2000 when it had information found by the Supreme Court to be price sensitive. ...
UK*   861 - Porsche profits raise eyebrows
             Motor Trader, UK - Nov 14, 2007
             Porsche said that €3.6bn (£2.5bn) of its €5.8bn pre-tax profit in the year to July was from share options. Without the profit made from revaluing its stake ...
UK*   862 - Friends boss out of door after bid failure
             This is Money, UK - Nov 14, 2007
             His total package last year was worth £636000, and he has share options under long-term incentive plans worth about £700000. The company will now be headed ...
FR*   863 - Contribution Delalande: on peut déjà éviter de la payer
             L'Entreprise - 14 nov 2007
             Instituée en 1987, elle a finalement été abrogée par la loi du 30 janvier 2006 sur le développement de la participation et de l’actionnariat salarié. ...
FR*   864 - L’épargne salariale sauve la bourse de Paris
             Boursorama - 14 nov 2007
             Sans tenir compte de l'actionnariat salarié, le taux de détention des actions en direct ressort aujourd'hui à 13,3 % seulement de la population active ...
FR*   865 - L'actionnariat individuel sauvé par l'épargne salariale
             Les Échos - 14 nov 2007
             Mais ce résultat n'est dû qu'à la progression de l'actionnariat salarié. L'actionnariat salarié a permis l'an dernier à plus de 100.000 Français ...
FR*   866 - L'espagnol Sacyr lance une offre publique d'échange sur Eiffage
             Le Monde - 14 nov 2007
             ... le cadre approprié de l'affrontement auquel se sont livrés M. Roverato, soutenu par ses actionnaires salariés et quelques institutionnels français, ...
FR*   867 - Retraite : les pistes pour compléter vos revenus
             Les Échos - 14 nov 2007
             ... savent qu'il s'agit d'un placement qui a les caractéristiques de l'épargne retraite tout en présentant les avantages fiscaux de l'épargne salariale. ...
FR*   868 - Philippe Crevel, secrétaire général du Cercle des Epargnants
             Actusite - 14 nov 2007
             S’agissant du PERCO qui n’est qu’un prolongement du Plan d’Epargne Entreprise, je m’interroge sur le bien-fondé de transformer un outil d’épargne salariale ...
FR*   869 - L’épargne salariale sauve la bourse de Paris
             Boursorama - 14 nov 2007
             (Newsmanagers.com) - Selon la dernière enquête réalisée par TNS Sofres pour le compte de Nyse Euronext, le nombre d'actionnaires en direct est resté stable, ...
FR*   870 - L'actionnariat individuel recule en France
             EditoWeb Magazine - 14 nov 2007
             Le nombre de porteurs de valeurs mobilières - 11 millions - ne parvient à se stabiliser qu'avec le soutien du développement de l'épargne salariale. ...
FR*   871 - L'actionnariat individuel sauvé par l'épargne salariale
             Les Échos - 14 nov 2007
             L'actionnariat individuel peut remercier l'épargne salariale. Sans elle, le nombre de particuliers détenteurs d'actions se serait sensiblement érodé depuis ...
FR*   872 - Librairie Flammarion du Centre Pompidou
             Il était une fois le cinéma - 14 nov 2007
             Certes, le temps est loin de Camarades et de Coup pour coup, et l’empire MK2 n’a rien d’une coopérative ouvrière, mais voir guerroyer contre les subventions ...
FR*   873 - Retraites / grèves :La forte mobilisation des salariés contraint ...
             Bellaciao - 14 nov 2007
             Le combat des LIP en 73 ou de Strike bike (en allemagne), les expériences des SCOP, des écovillages, ecohameaux, de la recherche de l’autonomie, ...
FR*   874 - Stock-options : les contributions salariale et patronale ne ...
             Boursorama - 14 nov 2007
             Ces contributions ne seraient désormais exigibles que sur les nouveaux plans de stock-options et d'actions gratuites attribués à compter du 16 octobre 2007. ...
FR*   875 - Genesys: résultat opérationnel en hausse 76% au T3 2007
             TF1 - 14 nov 2007
             En outre, la société a revu également à la hausse son objectif d'EBITDA, hors charges de rémunération liées aux stock options, initialement prévu entre 21 ...
FR*   876 - Genesys : Ne déçoit pas, la rentabilité fait un bond
             Trading Sat - 14 nov 2007
             L'EBITDA, hors charges liées aux stock options, a grimpé de 41.2% à 7.2 millions d'euros au troisième trimestre 2007. Le bénéfice opérationnel a bondi de ...
FR*   877 - Financer les retraites exige une autre réforme
             l'Humanité - 14 nov 2007
             ... les revenus financiers des entreprises et des banques et tous les éléments de rémunérations qui y échappent actuellement, tels que les stock-options. ...
FR*   878 - Genesys Conferencing : 4,5 ME de bénéfice net au troisième trimestre
             Boursier.com - 14 nov 2007
             L'EBITDA, hors charges liées aux stock options, s'est établi à 7,2 ME au troisième trimestre 2007 contre 5,1 ME un an plus tôt. Le bénéfice opérationnel a ...
DE*   879 - DJ Homag hebt Prognosen für 2007 an
             Finanztreff - 14. Nov. 2007
             "Beim EBITDA vor IPO-Aufwand und Aufwendungen aus der Mitarbeiterbeteiligung könnte bei einem weiterhin positiven Verlauf des vierten Quartals 2007 ...
DE*   880 - DJ Homag profitiert im 3Q von hoher Auslastung (zwei)
             Finanztreff - 14. Nov. 2007
             So kletterte das EBITDA vor IPO-Kosten und Aufwand aus der Mitarbeiterbeteiligung zwischen Juli und September um 17% auf 29,6 (25,3) Mio EUR. ...
DE*   881 - DGAP-News: HOMAG Group AG steuert auf Rekordjahr zu
              Frankfurter Allgemeine Zeitung - 14. Nov. 2007
             So stieg das EBITDA vor IPO-Aufwand und Aufwand aus der Mitarbeiterbeteiligung zwischen Juli und September um 17 Prozent auf 29,6 Mio. Euro (Vj.: 25,3 Mio. ...
AT*   882 - Energie AG: Auch Betriebsräte streiten
             OÖNachrichten - 14. Nov. 2007
             In 13 Veranstaltungen zur Mitarbeiterbeteiligung habe es auch "keine einzige Wortmeldung" gegen den Börsegang gegeben, die Beschäftigten seien in der ...
AT*   883 - Kampf um Börsegang der Energie AG wird immer härter
             WirtschaftsBlatt.at - 14. Nov. 2007
             In 31 Veranstaltungen zur Mitarbeiterbeteiligung habe es „keine einzige Wortmeldung" gegen ein IPO gegeben. Für einen der Initiatoren des IPO, ...
DE*   884 - Firmengewinne und Spitzenbezüge steigen: SCHALLE ...
             PR-Inside.com (Pressemitteilung) - 14. Nov. 2007
             Schalle verweist in diesem Zusammenhang auf Großbritannien wo bereits 24 Prozent der Unternehmen eine Mitarbeiterbeteiligung praktizieren oder auf ...
DE*   885 - Streik bei der Bahn: Verkehr interruptus
             POLIXEA Portal - 14. Nov. 2007
             Zusätzlich gibt es eine erhöhte Mitarbeiterbeteiligung für dieses Jahr in Höhe von 600 Euro. Darauf aufsattelnd können Arbeitnehmer in diesem Jahr 1.400 ...
AT*   886 - cominvest Deutsche Privatanleger sind risikofreudiger als gedacht
             FondsProfessionell.at - 14. Nov. 2007
             Gut zwei Drittel der Befragten wünscht sich explizit diese Form der Mitarbeiterbeteiligung. Dabei präferiert die Mehrheit eine indirekte Beteiligung über ...
DE*   887 - Alle wollen Beck in Mainz
             Spiegel Online - 14. Nov. 2007
             ... lobte der Arbeitsmarktexperte Ralf Brauksiepe (CDU), der gemeinsam mit Scholz gerade am Gesetzesvorhaben zur Mitarbeiterkapitalbeteiligung feilt. ...
NL*   888 - Personeelsparticipatie moet personeel binden en motiveren
             Residentie - 14 nov 2007
             Een toonaangevende studie naar de effecten van werknemersparticipatie in Amerikaanse bedrijven geeft wel kwantitatieve effecten. ...
CO*   889 - Empleo, el gran problema pero baja la preocupación
             Portafolio - 14 Nov 2007
             ... el crecimiento vigoroso de las Cooperativas de Trabajo Asociado, a muchas de las cuales se les responsabiliza de haber deteriorado el ingreso de los ...
AR*   890 - Alcorta, un pueblo que hizo historia
             La Capital (Rosario) - 14 Nov 2007
             Con una cooperativa de trabajo que es todo un ejemplo, la comunidad mocoví construye sus propias viviendas, genera microemprendimientos y despliega su labor ...
PY*   891 - Diputado asegurado que contrato de ACEPAR no se cumple
             Portal Paraguayo de Noticias - 14 Nov 2007
             Además, con ese contrato aparentemente la empresa privada y cooperativa de trabajadores quieren pagar por adelantado para cancelar la deuda y hacerse cargo ...
IT*   892 - Alerion: ok assemblea a piano incentivazione 07-09
             Borsa Italiana - 14 nov 2007
             ... del Comitato per la Remunerazione ed i Piani di Stock Options tenutisi in data 21 febbraio 2007, che hanno approvato gli elementi essenziali del piano. ...
BR*   893 - Veja o noticiário jurídico dos jornais desta quarta
             Consultor Jurídico - 14 Nov 2007
             ... Regional Federal da 2ª Região que favorecia a Cooperativa de Trabalho dos Profissionais em Recursos Humanos do Estado do Rio de Janeiro (Cooperarh).
UK*   894 - PRESS DIGEST-Australian General News - Nov 14
             Reuters UK, UK - Nov 13, 2007
             Employee shareholders from five aviation unions and retail investors may question the board of Qantas Airways (QAN.AX: Quote, Profile, Research) about plans ...
US*   895 - Tribune Chairman fitzsimons: Can't Tell How FCC Cross-Ownership ...
             Editor & Publisher - Nov 13, 2007
             ... any of its four investment banks -- to swing the deal at the $34 per share offer in Zell's $8.2 billion employee stock ownership plan-based transaction. ...
US*   896 - Martin’s Proposal May Force Tribune to Sell Off Hartford Property
             Television Week, MI - Nov 13, 2007
             s $8.2 billion buyout by investor Sam Zell and an employee stock ownership plan by year end. “It clears the brush for Tribune to go through,” said Blair ...
US*   897 - Tidbits for Cape and Islands foodies
             Cape Cod Times, MA - Nov 13, 2007
             Since 1996, King Arthur Flour has been employee-owned. Bush’s Beans and Allrecipes.com are challenging cooks across the country to get creative with their ...
IN*   898 - Blue Ridge, Tiger, JM Fin to invest in Shriram venture
             Sify, India - Nov 13, 2007
             The Shriram group is unique as it is an employee-owned company, with Shriram Holding Madras Ltd - the holding company- owned 51 per cent by the employees ...
DE*   899 - Black & Veatch Management Consulting
             Ad-Hoc-News (Pressemitteilung), Germany - Nov 13, 2007
             With more than $2 billion in revenue, the employee-owned company has more than 100 offices worldwide and has completed projects in more than 100 countries ...
US*   900 - Allstate Pays To Offset Customer Auto Emissions
             Environmental Leader, CO - Nov 13, 2007
             On the corporate side, Allstate says it will begin to offset annual energy usage of its corporate headquarters and business miles traveled by employee-owned ...
US*   901 - Phase One and Mamiya Digital Imaging Form Strategic Alliance to ...
             Business Wire (press release), CA - Nov 13, 2007
             Phase One is an employee-owned company based in Copenhagen with offices in New York, London, Tokyo, Cologne and Shanghai. For more information about the ...
US*   902 - Corporate Design: The Missing Issue of the Day
             CSRwire.com (press release) - Nov 13, 2007
             ... as government-chartered Fannie Mae, the family-controlled New York Times, the cooperative Organic Valley, and the employee-owned John Lewis Partnership. ...
US*   903 - CVG Receives $6 Million Defense Subcontract
             Market Wire (press release) - Nov 13, 2007
             Headquartered in Chantilly, Virginia together with its wholly owned subsidiary Avtec Systems, Inc. (Avtec), employee-owned CVG provides secure, robust, ...
             Chicago Tribune, United States - Nov 13, 2007
             Employee-owned heritagebanc is based in Frankfort, with branches in Chicago Heights, Mokena and New Lenox. Miller Brewing Co.'s Latin-inspired brew is ...
US*   905 - Raycom to air SEC games
             The Birmingham News - al.com, AL - Nov 13, 2007
             The transaction means employee-owned Raycom will produce and air broadcasts for one of the marquee sports conferences in the country, whose members include ...
US*   906 - Microsoft May Reaccelerate
             Barron's - Nov 13, 2007
             At $33.73, Microsoft shares trade at 17 times our calendar 2008 estimated earnings per share of $1.93 (including employee stock-option expenses, esos). ...
US*   907 - Derma Sciences Announces 2007 Third Quarter Financial Results
             Business Wire (press release), CA - Nov 13, 2007
             ... nine months of 2007 and 2006 includes share-based compensation expense of $402572 and $146191 respectively, related to employee stock option awards. ...
US*   908 - Derma Sciences Announces 2007 Third
             Ad-Hoc-News (Pressemitteilung), Germany - Nov 13, 2007
             ... nine months of 2007 and 2006 includes share-based compensation expense of $402572 and $146191 respectively, related to employee stock Option awards. ...
US*   909 - EQT: Cash Offer by ESML Intressenter of SEK 26.00 Per Share in ...
             Business Wire (press release), CA - Nov 13, 2007
             ESML Intressenter is familiar with Securitas Direct’s existing employee stock option and other employee retention schemes and will work with Securitas ...
US*   910 - Guidance Software Q3 2007 Earnings Call Transcript
             Seeking Alpha, NY - Nov 13, 2007
             This increase is a result of a seasonal increase in cash collection and exercises of employee stock options offset by purchases of property and equipment. ...
US*   911 - Jovian Issues Employee Stock Options
             Canada NewsWire (press release), Canada - Nov 13, 2007
             TORONTO, Nov. 13 /CNW/ - Jovian Capital Corporation (Jovian) (JOV: TSX) announces that it has issued a total of 2425000 stock options to a total of 36 ...
US*   912 - Guidance Software Achieves Profitability With Pre-Tax Earnings Per ...
             CNNMoney.com - Nov 13, 2007
             ... Payroll taxes on employee stock options and restricted stock grants 10 -- -- 90 ------- ------- ------- ------- Total share-based compensation expense ...
US*   913 - Northcore reports third quarter 2007 results
             Canada NewsWire (press release), Canada - Nov 13, 2007
              EBITDA loss is defined as losses before interest, taxes, depreciation, amortization, employee stock options and discontinued operations. ...
US*   914 - Solar Power, Inc. Announces Record 2007 Third Quarter Revenues
             Business Wire (press release), CA - Nov 13, 2007
             ... professional fees associated with the start-up of the photovoltaic solar business and stock compensation from the issuance of employee stock options. ...
US*   915 - Banks to Consolidate 144A Trading on Nasdaq Platform
             Wall Street & Technology, NY - Nov 13, 2007
             ... trading platform for trading restricted stocks – including public companies that issue private placements, employee stock options and warrants. ...
IN*   916 - Holcim`s open offer to Ambuja Cements begins tomorrow
             Zee News, India - Nov 13, 2007
             Further, Ambuja Cements said pursuant to the issue of shares on account of exercise of employee stock options, the fully paid-up equity capital of the ...
CA*   917 - First Calgary Petroleums Ltd. Announces 2007 Third Quarter Results
             Canada NewsWire (press release), Canada - Nov 13, 2007
             (b) Employee stock options: The Company has up to 10% of its issued and outstanding common shares available for issuance pursuant to its Stock Option Plan. ...
US*   918 - Sucampo Pharmaceuticals Reports Financial Results for the Third ...
             Business Wire (press release), CA - Nov 13, 2007
             ... and higher rent expense for new leased office space, partially offset by a decline in stock-based compensation expense from employee stock options. ...
US*   919 - EXL Reports 2007 Third Quarter Results
             CNNMoney.com - Nov 13, 2007
             ... exl's management uses financial statements that do not include stock-based compensation expense related to employee stock options and amortization of ...
US*   920 - Lev Reports Third Quarter 2007 Financial Results
             Business Wire (press release), CA - Nov 13, 2007
             ... respectively, was primarily due to increases in payroll and related benefits, share based compensation for employee stock options, marketing, ...
             ABN Newswire (press release), Australia - Nov 13, 2007
             ... of 527535 shares with a nominal value of CHF 2 per share, mainly to cover the 2007 convertible bond and the company's employee share option plan. ...
AU*   922 - Porsche's luck can't last
             Business Spectator, Australia - Nov 13, 2007
             Porsche's sketchy preliminary full-year report shows 85 per cent of earnings came from share-options trading, implying a flat year for the Porsche ...
IE*   923 - Appleby to seek to have Flavin struck off
             Irish Times, Ireland - Nov 13, 2007
             ... including the grant of share options to some persons in January 2000 when it had information found by the Supreme Court to be price sensitive, he said. ...
AU*   924 - Lambert makes 07/08 count
             InvestorDaily, Australia - Nov 13, 2007
             ... Lambert and Western Australia non-executive director Alden Halse at the meeting. Attendees also voted to issue Perkovic with 100000 share options.
UK*   925 - OTPP makes Railpower offer
             Global Pensions, UK - Nov 13, 2007
             Depending on the share options taken, the C$106bn pension fund would have different voting rights concerning the company management. ...
CA*   926 - Great Plains Reports Third Quarter 2007 Financial and Operational ...
             Canada NewsWire (press release), Canada - Nov 13, 2007
             ... 2007 the estimated weighted average fair value of share options of $0.36 per option was determined using the Black-Scholes model using the following ...
UK*   927 - Latest blog posts
             Media Guardian, UK - Nov 13, 2007
             Oh, and she got some share options too. Five years later and Brown has just sold her shares for millions, buying a 3000-square-foot house in Nevada, ...
FI*   928 - Lassila & Tikanoja Oyj: Lassila&tikanoja corporate action ...
             Kauppalehti (press release), Finland - Nov 13, 2007
             In 2008, the increases in the share capital on the basis of the subscriptions made pursuant to Lassila & Tikanoja 2005A share options will be carried out as ...
ZA*   929 - Porsche net profit triples - dividends way up
             Motoring, South Africa - Nov 13, 2007
             Part of that figure was a cash value and part was the capital gains value of VW share options that Porsche still held. The statement said Porsche directors ...
UK*   930 - Preston shows the potential for Respect to build strong roots
             Socialistworker.co.uk, UK - Nov 13, 2007
             Meanwhile Stagecoach is attempting to muscle in on bus routes run by Preston Buses, a workers’ co-operative, by picking off the most profitable routes. ...
US*   931 - “War of Position”: Anti-Capitalist Attrition as a Revolutionary ...
             ZNet, MA - Nov 13, 2007
             This means taking very seriously the task of building up the so-called “social economy” (also known as the “solidarity economy”): workers’ co-operatives, ...
FR*   932 - l'actualité [ brèves de ville ] De La Rochelle à l'île de Ré : RV ...
             Ubacto - 13 nov 2007
             Samedi, les SCOP, sociétés coopératives de production sont en congrès régional à La Rochelle. Bientôt : la première "Semaine des petits bonheurs" imaginée ...
FR*   933 - Reprise d’entreprise : quand les salariés s’impliquent
             LyonGratuit.com - 13 nov 2007
             Cette reprise par le salarié peut s’effectuer par le biais d’une SA ou d’une Sarl Scop. Transméa, la nouvelle société à capital risque peut booster le ...
CA*   934 - La chapelle du Collège de Saint-Césaire n’est plus. (Photo ...
             Journal de Chambly - 13 nov 2007
             En 1991, les Frères ont vendu le collège à une coopérative de travailleurs dont les dettes ont forcé la fermeture du collège en juillet 1998. ...
FR*   935 - Le petit conte de fée googlien de Noël
             Abondance - 13 nov 2007
             Bonnie a quitté l'entreprise avec un bon petit paquet de millions de dollars après avoir touché ses stock-options. Elle vit aujourd'hui dans le Nevada, ...
FR*   936 - Le Sénat entérine la contribution sur les stock-options
              Challenges - 13 nov 2007
             ... dans le projet de loi de financement de la Sécurité sociale (PLFSS) pour 2008, instaurant une contribution sociale de 2,5% sur les stock-options. ...
             Le Revenu - 13 nov 2007
             L'EBITDA1, hors charges liées aux stock options, s'est établi à 7,2 millions d'euros au troisième trimestre 2007 contre 5,1 millions d'euros au troisième ...
FR*   938 - Sur le web avec
             Libération - 13 nov 2007
             Et nul «chapeau» doré, nulle attribution secourable de stock-options ne vient améliorer ce modeste ordinaire. Certes ces retraités-là sont moins à plaindre ...
FR*   939 - 3. Des réformes comme à Gravelotte
             Les Échos - 13 nov 2007
             Universités, régimes spéciaux de retraite, Constitution, droit de la concurrence, brevets, stock-options, traité européen, heures supplémentaires, ...
FR*   940 - Stock-options : une bataille perdue, mais le combat continue !
             CFO-news.com - 13 nov 2007
             Malgré les appels répétés de croissanceplus, l'amendement du Député Yves Bur, qui soumet les stock-options à cotisations sociales, a été voté à l'Assemblée ...
FR*   941 - Grève : égalité,équité,solidarité .
             20minutes.fr - 13 nov 2007
             L’argent coule à flot pour les dividendes des actionnaires, les stock options des grands patrons, la spéculation financière tous azimuts. ...
FR*   942 - Grève générale - Bloquons tout !
             Bellaciao - 13 nov 2007
             On a du mal à accepter ce sacrifice économique quand on voit les patrons qui se goinfrent ostensiblement de stock-options et de parachutes dorés et les ...
DE*   943 - Porsche umwirbt VW-Belegschaft
             WirtschaftsWoche - 13. Nov. 2007
             Mitarbeiterbeteiligung, Übernahme, Gehaltsverlust. Porsche versucht die Sorgen der Volkswagen-Belegschaft zu zerstreuen und hat dafür eine PR-Kampagne ...
AT*   944 - "Alfred Delp wollte Kirche und Gesellschaft Beine machen"
             Stephanscom.at - 13. Nov. 2007
             Delp hat dabei auch schon die wegweisenden Forderungen nach einem Familienlohn oder der Mitarbeiterbeteiligung am Firmeneigentum in den Raum gestellt", ...
DE*   945 - Mit starkem 3. Quartal 2007 auf Erfolgskurs
             GSC Research - 13. Nov. 2007
             Einschließlich der Aufwendungen für das Management-Stock-Options-Programm und dem Saldo aus sonstigen betrieblichen Erträgen abzüglich sonstiger ...
CO*   946 - La relación laboral se ha precarizado
             latinpyme.com.co - 13 Nov 2007
             Calidad del empleo e informalidad, formas atípicas de contratación y cooperativas de trabajo asociado, son los tres bloques temáticos que componen el ...
AR*   947 - Golpes, disparos y detenciones para los campesinos santiagueños
             Página 12 - 13 Nov 2007
             ... y el allanamiento de la sede de la organización (en Quimilí), donde funciona una radio comunitaria, una cooperativa de trabajo y una escuela campesina. ...
BO*   948 - Embajador Arévalo Méndez explicó tipos de propiedad planteados en ...
             Agencia Bolivariana de Noticias - 13 Nov 2007
             ... el jefe de la misión diplomática se reunió con la comunidad estudiantil y sostuvo un encuentro con integrantes de la cooperativa de trabajo Mate Amargo, ...
VE*   949 - Académicos y sindicales argentinos dan visto bueno a Reforma ...
             RNV - 13 Nov 2007
             En tal sentido sostuvo un encuentro con integrantes de la cooperativa de trabajo Mate Amargo de la Facultad de Ciencias Sociales, proyecto de comunicación ...
AR*   950 - Un nuevo espacio cultural en Devoto
             Devoto Magazine - 13 Nov 2007
             ... de la mitad del personal, un grupo de trabajadores se conformó en una cooperativa de trabajo, para impedir una mayor reducción de los puestos laborales. ...
NI*   951 - Nicaragua Hoy - Revista Informativa
             Nicaragua Hoy - 13 Nov 2007
             PANAMÁ, 13 Nov 2007 (AFP) - Una cooperativa de trabajadores bananeros en la provincia de Chiriquí, 500 km al noreste de la capital de Panamá, suspendió la ...
AR*   952 - Argentinos exigen respetar debate del pueblo venezolano
             RNV - 13 Nov 2007
             Federación Argentina de Cooperativas de Trabajadores Autogestionados, FACTA, Fabio Recino y José Avelli 5. Federación de Tierra y Vivienda, Jorge Mora, ...
ES*   953 - Google hace millonarios a sus empleados
             Cadena Ser - 13 Nov 2007
             ... y que ha repartido decenas de millones de dólares entre sus empleados gracias a las 'stock options' que muchos aceptaron como parte de su salario. ...
ES*   954 - El equilibrio entre vida personal y profesional, importante factor ...
             IS-Portal (Comunicados de prensa) - 13 Nov 2007
             Otra serie de factores, como las conocidas stock options, que tuvieron su boom alrededor del año 2000, siguen permaneciendo sobre todo en el ámbito ...
IT*   955 - Sator per saperne di più
             Iniziativa - 13 nov 2007
             Per quanto riguarda la compagine societaria, guida il gruppo Matteo Arpe, che grazie ai 40-50 milioni ricevuti da Capitalia, tra stock-options e buona ...
UK*   956 - Automated cell brings machining back in-house
             Manufacturing Talk, UK - Nov 12, 2007
             ... as it covers additional functions, including maintenance, process engineering and training management to make employee ownership really mean something. ...
IE*   957 - In the papers 12 November
             ElectricNews.net, Ireland - Nov 12, 2007
             The Sunday Business Post reports that the Eircom employee share ownership trust (ESOT) is considering making a triple payment to its 12000 members in 2009. ...
US*   958 - Kochis Fitz Merges with Quintile Wealth Management
             WebCPA, NY - Nov 12, 2007
             Eighteen new principals from the two firms were named equity participants in the combined entity, giving Kochis Fitz/Quintile a total of 32 employee-owners. ...
US*   959 - San Francisco wealth manager Kochis Fitz teams up with la's Quintile
             Bizjournals.com, NC - Nov 12, 2007
             ... 18 new principals from both Kochis Fitz and Quintile were named equity participants in the combined firm, which now has 32 employee-owners. ...
US*   960 - Kochis Fitz/Quintile Merge
             Financial-Planning.com, NY - Nov 12, 2007
             The firms have extended their equity pool as well, naming 18 new equity participants to the new firm, totaling 32 “employee-owners” at Kochis Fitz/Quintile. ...
US*   961 - Wealth Management Firms Merge
             Examiner.com - Nov 12, 2007
             The firm also named 18 new principals from both Kochis Fitz and Quintile as equity participants, giving the company 32 employee-owners.
US*   962 - videocast * Checker Auto Parts 500K Press Conference
             Insider Racing News - Nov 12, 2007
             I don't want to go without thanking them as well as all the employee/owners at Lowe's. "I am terrible at playing defense. I just have to go out and do my ...
US*   963 - Leading Independent Wealth Management Firms Merge
             Business Wire (press release), CA - Nov 12, 2007
             ... in the combined firm, giving Kochis Fitz/Quintile 32 employee-owners one of the largest proportions of owner/operators among wealth management firms. ...
US*   964 - Economists to discuss national, local markets
             Louisville Courier-Journal, KY - Nov 12, 2007
             The half-day workshop will address employee stock ownership programs as an alternative for business owners who want to sell the stock in their business ...
US*   965 - Appleton earnings up 44% on lower overhead
             Milwaukee Journal Sentinel (subscription), WI - Nov 12, 2007
             Appleton, the employee-owned company formerly called Appleton Papers Inc., improved its earnings 44.3% on flat sales in the third quarter, thanks in large ...
US*   966 - Company's expansion to use environmentally friendly construction
             WDBJ7.com, VA - Nov 12, 2007
             We are an employee owned company so it's important for us to spend our money wisely." A leading highway and bridge contractor, Lanford Brothers is working ...
US*   967 - Appleton reports slight profit growth The Business Journal of ...
             Bizjournals.com, NC - Nov 12, 2007
             The employee-owned specialty paper manufacturing company, which does business as Appleton, reported net income of $7.3 million in the third quarter, ...
US*   968 - Raycom Acquires Lincoln Financial Group TV, Sports
             WXIX, OH - Nov 12, 2007
             Raycom, headquartered in Montgomery, Alabama, is an employee-owned company and currently owns or operates 42 television stations including 5 ABC, 8 CBS, ...
US*   969 - Economists to discuss national, local markets
             Louisville Courier-Journal, KY - Nov 12, 2007
             Keynote speaker: Spencer Coates, president of Houchens Industries, one of the nation's largest esops. Initial cost: $69 members, $79 nonmembers. ...
US*   970 - Clean Energy Fuels Q3 2007 Earnings Call Transcript
             Seeking Alpha, NY - Nov 12, 2007
             If you take out our non-cash employee stock option compensation charges, we broke even for the quarter. And, of course, you know that we had derivative ...
US*   971 - Tri-S Security Announces Results For the 3rd Quarter Ended ...
             American Digital Networks (press release), MD - Nov 12, 2007
             ... (1225) (3356) Common shares issued in exchange for services and interest - 44 Non-cash employee stock option expense 164 300 Non-cash interest expense ...
IN*   972 - 3i Infotech allots shares under ESOS
             Myiris.com, India - Nov 12, 2007
             12, 2007, allotted 30275 equity shares to the applicants under Employee Stock Option Scheme, 2000 (ESOS). During the quarter, the company saw a rise in net ...
DE*   973 - DGAP-Adhoc: Colonia confirms net profit after three quarters with ...
             Vereinigte Wirtschaftsdienste, Germany - Nov 12, 2007
             ... extraordinary costs for the capital increase in the amount of EUR 1.6mn and additional EUR 1.8mn IFRS valuation of the employee stock option program. ...
DE*   974 - Genpact Limited Reports Third Quarter 2007 Results
             WELT ONLINE, Germany - Nov 12, 2007
             ... Genpact’s management uses financial statements that do not include stock-based compensation expense related to employee stock options, amortization of ...
UK*   975 - Singapore Exchange to ease listing rules
             Monsters and Critics.com, UK - Nov 12, 2007
             Among the changes are cutting the trading-halt requirement from one hour to 30 minutes and making the granting of employee stock options more transparent ...
US*   976 - International Isotopes Inc. Announces Third Quarter and Nine ...
             CNNMoney.com - Nov 12, 2007
             ... are the result of newly included depreciation expense and implementation of new accounting standard costing requirements for employee stock options. ...
CA*   977 - Viceroy Homes announces second quarter results
             Canada NewsWire (press release), Canada - Nov 12, 2007
             ... The Company has an Employee Share Option Plan (the "Option Plan") to purchase Class A shares. At September 30, 2007, 736276 (March 31, 2007 - 736276) of ...
ZA*   978 - Brain drain cannot be reversed
             Independent Online, South Africa - Nov 12, 2007
             "Salaries and benefits like performance bonuses and share options are set internationally and top men and women in the boardroom earn much the same across ...
UK*   979 - It’sa Porsche — no, it’sa hedge fund
             FT Alphaville, UK - Nov 12, 2007
             The German luxury sports carmaker said €3.6bn ($5.2bn) of its €5.86bn pre-tax profit in the year to July was from share options. Stripping out the €521m it ...
IE*   980 - Passengers face chaos in Aer Lingus staff action
             Irish Examiner, Ireland - Nov 12, 2007
             “On the other hand, Aer Lingus chief executive Dermot Mannion stands to gain €581400 in share options if he succeeds in pushing through the airline’s €20 ...
AU*   981 - Porsche profit triples to $7bn
             The Australian, Australia - Nov 12, 2007
             That figure comprised both cash value and capital gains value, of VW share options that Porsche continued to hold when the fiscal year ended. ...
UK*   982 - koolconnect Announces Significant Equity Investment by Major ...
             Earthtimes, UK - Nov 12, 2007
             ... Hong Kong, Dubai and Caribbean. koolconnect's solutions are available in a variety of flexible business models including complete revenue share options.
US*   983 - Share options put Porsche on a faster path to profit
             MSNBC - Nov 12, 2007
             The German luxury sports car maker said €3.6bn ($5.2bn) of its €5.86bn pre-tax profit in the year to July was from share options. Stripping out the €521m it ...
US*   984 - Porsche net profit triples
             AFP - Nov 12, 2007
             The spokesperson said part of that figure was a cash value and part was the capital gains value of VW share options that Porsche continued to hold when the ...
US*   985 - Flexcar Means Discounts to College Kids Without Rides
             New University Online, CA - Nov 12, 2007
             Flexcar, which just merged with Zipcar, a company that offers similar car-share options, is a natiowide company. This means that a student with a membership ...
UK*   986 - Bosses paid more than their firms' value
             Guardian Unlimited, UK - Nov 12, 2007
             Bob Diamond, the head of investment banking at Barclays and the highest paid director in the FTSE 100, earned £12m last year alone from share options which ...
UK*   987 - case-da celebrates 25 year birthday
             Loughborough News, UK - Nov 12, 2007
             The business started as a 2 person enterprise and has grown to a workers’ co-operative of over 100 workers, providing quality homecare to their elderly and ...
             Patrimoinorama - 12 nov 2007
             Actionnariat salarié, cotation en Bourse, vente, transmission aux héritiers, les solutions sont multiples. Un impératif : préparer soigneusement l'opération ...
FR*   989 - Akio accompagne le Groupe AGRICA dans la gestion de ses emails ...
             Edubourse.com (Communiqués de presse) - 12 nov 2007
             Depuis 2004, il propose des solutions d'épargne salariale grâce à sa société de gestion de portefeuilles, Agrica Epargne. Compte tenu de la forte croissance ...
CA*   990 - 3 M$ pour l’entrepreneurship chez les artistes et les créateurs de ...
             Gouv. du Québec (Communiqués de presse) - 12 nov 2007
             Cette aide sera dédiée à plusieurs regroupements notamment les coopératives de travail, de producteurs et de solidarité afin d’assurer de meilleurs ...
VE*   991 - Les essais (et erreurs) d’Hugo Chavez
             RISAL - 12 nov 2007
             De tous les programmes lancés sous Chavez, les nouvelles coopératives de travailleurs présentent un bilan des plus mitigés. En 2004, le gouvernement a créé ...
FR*   992 - Interview de... Louis Giscard d'Estaing (commission des Finances ...
             Challenges - 12 nov 2007
             Puis nous avons élargi nos investigations aux cessions de stock-options par des dirigeants d’EADS, au rôle du Trésor, et aux conditions de création du pacte ...
FR*   993 - CSG contre TVA sociale, par Claire Guélaud
             Le Monde - 12 nov 2007
             M. Marini est opposé à la taxation des stock-options et à des prélèvements nouveaux, contrairement à M. Vasselle. Ce dernier propose d'instaurer une flat ...
FR*   994 - Une masseuse devenue multimillionnaire grâce à Google
             France Matin - 12 nov 2007
             On lui a offert un travail à temps partiel avec un salaire de départ de 450 dollars par semaine, mais il y avait un paquet de stock options inclus dans le ...
FR*   995 - Airbus a livré 374 appareils à fin octobre
             Boursorama - 12 nov 2007
             Parfait, nous allons alors bientôt pouvoir vendre nos stock options. En attendant quand on sait ce que coûte tout retard de livraison, on a quand même du ...
DE*   996 - Juncker wirbt für Mitarbeiterbeteiligung
             PR-Inside.com (Pressemitteilung) - 12. Nov. 2007
             ... die Sitzungen der Eurogruppe leitet. Auch in Deutschland wird seit einigen Monaten verstärkt über das Instrument der Mitarbeiterbeteiligung diskutiert.
DE*   997 - Google macht Masseuse zur Multimillionärin
              Berliner Morgenpost - 12. Nov. 2007
             Deren durchschnittliche Mitarbeiterbeteiligung liegt laut dem Zeitungsbericht inzwischen bei 685 Anteilsscheinen zu je 475 Dollar. ...
DE*   998 - Google macht Masseurin zur Multimillionärin
             WELT ONLINE - 12. Nov. 2007
             Page und Brin, die Chefs von einem etwa 40-köpfigen Laden namens Google, legten noch stock options drauf: Das waren Aktienanteile, die sie später zu Geld ...
AR*   999 - Los ediles se pondrán al frente del reclamo pesquero
             La Verdad de Junín - 12 Nov 2007
             Los fileteros trabajan en cooperativas de trabajo truchas que a su vez “venden” sus servicios a las empresas del sector que, de este modo, logran abaratar ...
ES*   1000 - Los mensajes urgentes viajan en bicicleta
             Expansión.com - 12 Nov 2007
             Trèvol se constituyó en cooperativa de trabajo asociado en 1984. Según Javier Palos, consejero delegado de la empresa, “la gran apuesta era la conversión de ...
AR*   1001 - Denuncian a Brasil por la tala indiscriminada en la selva
             InfoBAE.com - 12 Nov 2007
             ... la Cooperativa de Trabajo Restauradora de la Selva Paranaense solicitó la urgente intervención del fiscal de Investigación Ambiental de la Nación, ...
ES*   1002 - Namibia aplaza de nuevo el caso del fugitivo del software
             elEconomista.es - 12 Nov 2007
             ... Comverse Technology, es requerido por Estados Unidos por varios cargos relacionados con un supuesto plan de alterar unas 'stock options' en Comverse. ...
BR*   1003 - MPF quer que sindicatos e ongs devolvam R$ 31 milhões ao FAT
             Jornal do Estado - 12 Nov 2007
             Para executar as ações de qualificação, a SDS sub-contratou três organizações não governamentais: o Instituto Gente; a Qualivida ea Cooperativa de Trabalho ...
BR*   1004 - MPF propõe ação para recuperar R$ 31 milhões desviados do FAT
             Última Instância - 12 Nov 2007
             Para executar as atividades, a SDS contratou três ongs (organizações não governamentais): Instituto Gente, Qualivida e Cooperativa de Trabalho para ...
BR*   1005 - Autorizada criação de comissão especial de agente de segurança privado
             Rondoniaovivo - 12 Nov 2007
             A matéria prevê ainda, a constituição de cooperativas de trabalho para a categoria, desde que os profissionais tenham registro no órgão competente a mais de ...
US*   1006 - Intelligrated debuts at 64th
             Cincinnati Enquirer, OH - Nov 11, 2007
             Another key in the company's growth is employee ownership. About 30 key managers have equity in the company, which also boasts equity investments by Gryphon ...
US*   1007 - People on the Move
             Lihue Garden Island, HI - Nov 11, 2007
             Lori Yoshioka was hired as director of the employee stock ownership Plan at Roberts Hawaii Inc., a transportation and entertainment company. ...
             Charlotte Observer, NC - Nov 11, 2007
             The von Drehle Corp. recently announced that it has implemented an employee stock ownership plan. Under the plan, a share of the company will be distributed ...
US*   1009 - Your Money’s Worth By Steven J. Bailey, CFP, CLU , chfc
             SalemNews.net, OH - Nov 11, 2007
             ... another company you may have to decide what you want to do with your employer sponsored retirement plan (ie 401(k), SEP, ESOP, or profit sharing plan). ...
US*   1010 - Don’t Be An Ostrich: Managing Employee Digital Misbehavior
             San Fernando Valley Business Journal Online (subscription), CA - Nov 11, 2007
             This can keep the risks of harm from employee-owned, or other malicious software, to a minimum. • Consider deployment of software tools to control the ...
US*   1011 - Jackson's Commonwealth Associates has found niche in energy field
             MLive.com, MI - Nov 11, 2007
             Marketing coordinator Monica Collett said another aspect to Commonwealth that makes it such a great place to work is that it's an employee-owned company.
IN*   1012 - Bloom and prosper
             Business Standard, India - Nov 11, 2007
             Edelweiss Capital has tackled this problem by issuing shares and esops to employees, which will account for just under 20 per cent of the company’s ...
IN*   1013 - Edelweiss Capital: Invest at cut-off
             Sify, India - Nov 11, 2007
             The promoter holding will stand at 34.98 per cent of the post-offer capital, while institutional investors and employees (through esops) will hold another ...
US*   1014 - For some, Google shares changed the course of their lives
             Boston Globe, United States - Nov 11, 2007
             Google, like many other Silicon Valley companies, gives each new employee stock options, as well as a smaller number of shares of Google stock, ...
AU*   1015 - Kimberley Diamond shareholders get more time to accept takeover bid
             ABC Online, Australia - Nov 11, 2007
             Shareholders have until November 23 to decide whether to accept the offer and until November 26 to accept an offer on share options. ...
NZ*   1016 - Tech sector needs to be sexier
             Stuff.co.nz, New Zealand - Nov 11, 2007
             Staff can also buy into the company with share options, which gives them an added incentive to help SLI do well, Garrett says. ...
UK*   1017 - Curbs for fat cat pay-offs
             This is Money, UK - Nov 11, 2007
             ... investor groups will try to insist that pay-offs should be restricted to basic pay and that lucrative bonuses and share options should be excluded. ...
AU*   1018 - Senior execs take big bite of Apple
             The Age, Australia - Nov 11, 2007
             ... has been charged by the US Securities and Exchange Commission over advice she gave on the backdating of share options issued by Apple to various senior ...
             Patrimoinorama - 11 nov 2007
             Le troisième canal d'investissement solidaire concerne l'entreprise et l'épargne salariale. Il existe aujourd'hui cinq FCP d'entreprises solidaires (FCPE ...
ES*   1020 - El anteproyecto de Presupuestos de Navarra para 2008 asciende a ...
             Terra España - 11 Nov 2007
             De la misma forma, no se tributará la ayuda directa otorgada para comprar acciones en sociedades laborales. Finalmente, se incluye un nuevo tratamiento ...
CO*   1021 - Falsas Cooperativas de Trabajo Asociado precarizaron la actividad ...
             El Tiempo (Colombia) - 11 Nov 2007
             ... (Confecoop) y de Saludcoop, Carlos Gustavo Palacino, al instalar el pasado jueves el XV Encuentro Nacional de Cooperativas de Trabajo Asociado (CTA). ...
ES*   1022 - El PP recogerá las propuestas de UCOMUR en su programa nacional
             El Faro de Cartagena (España) - 11 Nov 2007
             ... y la diputada nacional por Murcia Lourdes Méndez se reunieron ayer con el presidente de la Unión de Cooperativas de Trabajo Asociado de la Región ...
AR*   1023 - Más viviendas para San Javier
             Sin Mordaza - 11 Nov 2007
             ... con el Barrio Central, al norte con el barrio San Francisco Javier y al oeste con la Cooperativa de Trabajo San Francisco Javier y Barrio San Antonio. ...
IE*   1024 - Triple tax-free windfall likely for Eircom staff
             Sunday Business Post, Ireland - Nov 10, 2007
             The Eircom employee share ownership trust (Esot) is considering making a triple payment to its 12000 members in 2009, which could accelerate the winding ...
US*   1025 - Cox Interior named manufacturer of the year
             Central Kentucky News Journal, KY - Nov 10, 2007
             Campbellsville-based and family/employee-owned Cox Interior was founded in 1983. The company has since evolved into an industry leader in product offerings, ...
UK*   1026 - Buy into Cameron’s co-op
             Times Online, UK - Nov 10, 2007
             Similar things are true of other shared ownership organisations, including mutual societies, employee-owned companies and credit unions. ...
US*   1027 - Everest Group/TCN Worldwide Announced 2 New Partners
             CoStar Group, MD - Nov 10, 2007
             The Everest Group Inc. is a privately held, employee-owned, Cincinnati-based real estate brokerage firm formed in 1987. Everest specializes in the sale and ...
UK*   1028 - New head of Time Warner to earn more than 10 million dollars
             Monsters and Critics.com, UK - Nov 10, 2007
             He is also due to receive share options currently worth nearly 16.5 million dollars. Bewkes is to replace company head Richard Parsons in the new year, ...
CA*   1029 - Philom Bios sale positive: owner
             StarPhoenix, Canada - Nov 10, 2007
             As well, about 20 current and some retired employees held shares, while other current employees had share options, Sonntag noted.
US*   1030 - SEC Brings 14 Percent More Cases Amid Options Probe (Update1)
             Bloomberg - Nov 10, 2007
             More than 220 companies have disclosed internal or federal investigations into whether they backdated employee stock options to lock in profits for ...
             Euroinvestor - 10 nov 2007
             3 619 titres - Couverture d´options d´achat d´actions ou autre système d´actionnariat des salariés :............. 0 - Couverture de valeurs mobilières ...
FR*   1032 - De République à Jaurès, par L’envoyée Spéciale
             Respublica - 10 nov 2007
             ... rappelant le pourcentage « ridicule» de taxation sur les stock-options qui a réduit les 3,5 milliards d’euros attendus pour financer ce plan, ...
             El Adelantado de Segovia - 10 Nov 2007
             La creación de sociedades laborales en Castilla y León cayó un 55,5 por ciento en los últimos cinco años, al pasar de las 295 puestas en funcionamiento en ...
AR*   1034 - Volvieron a reprimir a los trabajadores portuarios
             La Verdad de Junín - 10 Nov 2007
             Los manifestantes trabajan como fileteros en cooperativas de trabajo truchas que a su vez “venden” sus servicios a las empresas del sector que, ...
AR*   1035 - Una cooperativa jabonera ya exporta sus productos
             La Capital (Rosario) - 10 Nov 2007
             Aunque todavía quedan grandes desafíos por delante, la Cooperativa de Trabajo Jabonera Cañada Rosquín Limitada, una empresa recuperada, conquistó mercados ...
US*   1036 - Best Bosses
             Sonoma Index-Tribune, CA - Nov 9, 2007
             The National Center for Employee Ownership estimates that 9225 companies were offering stock-option plans, stock bonus plans, and profit-sharing plans as of ...
UK*   1037 - Save As You Earn employees could lose out thanks to Capital Gains ...
             Fair Investment Company, UK - Nov 9, 2007
             According to ifs ProShare, the not-for-profit organization that supports employee share ownership, around 1.7million employees in the UK use SAYE schemes ...
CA*   1038 - Bioniche Reports Fiscal 2008 First Quarter
             Canada NewsWire (press release), Canada - Nov 9, 2007
             ... 2006 39198140 60794185 167 161000 Net loss for the period - - Issued under employee share ownership plan 54332 41291 - - Stock-based compensation ...
UK*   1039 - 272000 face share scheme CGT hit
             Financial Director, UK - Nov 9, 2007
             The not-for-profit organisation which supports employee share ownership said it had met with Treasury officials to discuss the negative impact the CGT ...
UK*   1040 - Employee share owners latest group to attack CGT changes
             CityWire.co.uk, UK - Nov 9, 2007
             The not-for-profit organisation that supports employee share ownership has met with Treasury officials to provide of the negative impact that the proposed ...
CN*   1041 - FINANCIÃ;E SPIE Files Criminal Case Against PAI Partners on ...
             金融界, China - Nov 9, 2007
             He was behind the Employee Buyout (EBO) which took place in 1997, and presided over the repositioning of SPIE''s strategy which has made it Europe''s number ...
US*   1042 - Capitol Federal Financial Reports Fiscal Year 2007 Results
             CNNMoney.com - Nov 9, 2007
             The unvested shares in the ESOP receive dividends that are recorded through compensation expense. MHC has waived its right to dividends. ...
UK*   1043 - How much did the tip say this share may go?
             Life Style Extra, UK - Nov 9, 2007
             Options cashed in 65000 ordinary shares have been alloteted, pursuant to the ESOP 2006.trading in these shares will commence 17th November. ...
US*   1044 - Birkenstock brothers buy Novato shoe distributor
             Marin Independent-Journal, CA - Nov 9, 2007
             Birkenstock Distribution USA, the employee-owned Marin importer and distributor of Birkenstock footwear, has been sold to members of the family that has ...
UK*   1045 - Business profile: Plenty more openings in store
             Telegraph.co.uk, United Kingdom - Nov 9, 2007
             John Lewis has ambitious expansion plans for the employee-owned business which will see it open at least 10 department stores in the next 10 years. ...
US*   1046 - For Graybar chief, the employees are the business
             St. Louis Post-Dispatch,  United States - Nov 9, 2007
             It was to be independent and employee-owned. My number one issue is around people. People make companies. Companies don't make people. ...
ES*   1047 - John Lewis week to Nov 3 Waitrose sales up 4.3 pct; dept store ...
             FXstreet.com The Foreign Exchange Market, Spain - Nov 9, 2007
             LONDON (Thomson Financial) - John Lewis Partnership, the employee-owned retailer, said sales at its 185 Waitrose supermarkets increased by 4.3 pct to 76.7 ...
US*   1048 - Uranium Resources Q3 2007 Earnings Call Transcript
             Seeking Alpha, NY - Nov 9, 2007
             During the third quarter of '07, we showed positive cash from those activities and that was comprised primarily from employee stock option exercises and the ...
CA*   1049 - Claude Resources Announces Third Quarter Results
             Canada NewsWire (press release), Canada - Nov 9, 2007
             ... equity issue and employee stock option and warrant exercises offset by the renunciation of the tax benefit from the prior year's flow-through shares. ...
US*   1050 - Avocent Adds Three Million Shares to Share Repurchase Program
             Business Wire (press release), CA - Nov 9, 2007
             Shares repurchased also will reduce the impact on outstanding shares from restricted stock and performance share awards and employee stock option exercises. ...
US*   1051 - Ampco System Parking Gets Contract Renewal With Dallas/Fort Worth ...
             RTT News, NY - Nov 9, 2007
             Under the plan, Haverty intends to exercise 549634 of his employee stock options and sell the related shares. The options are scheduled to expire in July ...
DE*   1052 - KCS Chairman and Chief Executive Officer Adopts 10b5-1 Trading Plan
             WELT ONLINE, Germany - Nov 9, 2007
             ... with Rule 10b5-1 of the Securities Act of 1934 by which he intends to exercise 549634 of his employee stock options and sell the related shares. ...
US*   1053 - Motorcar Parts of America, Inc. Announces Strong Second Quarter ...
             CNNMoney.com - Nov 9, 2007
             ... obligations (790000) (744000) Exercise of stock options 187000 208000 Excess tax benefit from employee stock options exercised 115000 166000 Proceeds ...
CA*   1054 - Claude Resources Announces Third Quarter Results
             Canada NewsWire (press release), Canada - Nov 9, 2007
             ... to the Company's Employee Share Purchase Plan, the exercise of 270000 employee stock options and the exercise of 2174000 common share purchase warrants. ...
US*   1055 - Who's Failing Us With Bad Information?
             Seeking Alpha, NY - Nov 9, 2007
             ... accounting for employee stock options) or so out-of-touch with actual business practices that the change does more harm then good (ie, hedge accounting ...
US*   1056 - VIVUS Reports Third Quarter 2007 Financial Results and Highlights
             Business Wire (press release), CA - Nov 9, 2007
             ... taxes includes $3.5 million of Federal and State taxes currently payable and a non-cash expense of $904000 for tax benefits for employee stock options. ...
UK*   1057 - Prince will live like royalty on pay-off
             Scotsman, United Kingdom - Nov 9, 2007
             The troubled bank revealed Prince would receive $29.5m in share awards, share options and pension entitlements. He is also entitled to an incentive bonus ...
US*   1058 - tpm's Ultimate Kerik Scandal List!
             TPMElectionCentral.com, NY - Nov 9, 2007
             In 2004, Kerik was nominated to the board of Taser, giving him access to a large number of share options. On October 18th, 2004, selections of a government ...
UK*   1059 - When DIY becomes a $100m tale of risk
             Times Online, UK - Nov 9, 2007
             Howell announced the move last month, so his salary package, share options, etc, etc, have been approved. The options will presumably vest at the price when ...
UK*   1060 - Friday morning's business news
             nebusiness.co.uk, UK - Nov 9, 2007
             Citigroup has already confirmed Charles Prince will receive £15m ($29.5m) in share awards, share options and pension entitlements. ...
UK*   1061 - Office, car and share options as Prince agrees deal
             Bobsguide (press release), UK - Nov 9, 2007
             Charles Prince, former chairman of Citigroup, is set to receive an office, an assistant, a car and a driver for five years as part of his severance package. ...
AU*   1062 - Protect your shares from $A dazzler
             The Age, Australia - Nov 9, 2007
             ... in a growth option (many of which have a 25 to 35 per cent exposure in international shares) or have executive share options in an overseas company. ...
UK*   1063 - Sophos to float on stockmarket
             Oxford Mail, UK - Nov 9, 2007
             ... could also reap a windfall - spokesman Graham Cluley said a share-purchase scheme had been set up for staff, and share options had also been awarded. ...
ZA*   1064 - MTN tops pay stakes
             ITWeb, South Africa - Nov 9, 2007
             It provides company-specific insight into the basic remuneration, benefits, bonuses, other remuneration and share options paid to executives. ...
UK*   1065 - Rio Tinto's chiefs hit paydirt in BHP offer
              This is Money, UK - Nov 9, 2007
             ... and long-term investment plan holdings which could be worth £5m but also a whole tranche of share options worth, at current prices, in excess of £20m. ...
UK*   1066 - Ex-Citigroup boss 'to get $90m'
             BBC News, UK - Nov 9, 2007
             Citigroup confirmed Charles Prince would receive $29.5m in share awards, share options and pension entitlements. He is entitled to an incentive bonus based ...
             Companynewsgroup (Comunicati Stampa) - 9 nov 2007
             3 619 titres - Couverture d'options d'achat d'actions ou autre système d'actionnariat des salariés :............. 0 - Couverture de valeurs mobilières ...
FR*   1068 - Reprise d’entreprise : quand les salariés s’impliquent
             LyonGratuit.com - 9 nov 2007
             Ainsi les actionnaires s’engagent à promouvoir la formation économique et gestionnaire de tous les salariés, et à développer l'épargne salariale dès le ...
FR*   1069 - Banques - La démission dorée du PDG de Citigroup
             France Soir - 9 nov 2007
             Vérifications faites, Charles Prince recevra 29,5 millions de dollars (20 millions d’euros) au titre de sa retraite et en stock-options, notamment. ...
FR*   1070 - Cisco annonce les résultats financiers du premier trimestre
             Earthtimes - 9 nov 2007
             ... l’impact des coûts de ventes à partir des ajustements de comptabilité d’achat jusqu’aux stocks, les taxes salariales sur les exercices de stock options, ...
FR*   1071 - L’oligarchie, le Parti socialiste et Bernard-Henri Lévy
             Bellaciao - 9 nov 2007
             En 2006, LVMH a attribué 1 789 359 stock-options, dont 450 000 pour le patron du groupe, soit 25,15 % (2). Enfin, le Parlement vient de lui voter de ...
FR*   1072 - À la pêche aux sar- aux sarkozades, couplet 2
             France démocrate - 9 nov 2007
             J’ai rêvé de véhicules ne roulant plus aux indirects, de feuilles d’impôts rétablissant l’abattement de 20% mais n’épargnant pas les stock-options des ...
ES*   1073 - La Junta premia a las empresas que fomentan la economía social
             Tribuna de Salamanca - 9 Nov 2007
             ... los premios se fundaron con un espíritu de “culminación de reconocimiento social” a fórmulas de economía social en cooperativas o sociedades laborales, ...
AR*   1074 - Cine INCAA Gratis
             Diario Buenos Aires - 9 Nov 2007
             ... Claudio Corbelli, Horacio Grinberg y la Cooperativa de Trabajo Felei Ltda., realizada en coproducción con Luna producciones (de España) y con el apoyo ...
AR*   1075 - Yabotí: el grito de auxilio de una reserva en constante amenaza
             OberaOnline - 9 Nov 2007
             PRIMERA EDICION abordó la travesía a partir de la invitación de la Cooperativa de Trabajo Restauradora de la Selva Paranaense, organización que durante el ...
IT*   1076 - Ora tocca al prete anti-mafia
             Libero.it - 9 nov 2007
             ... a promuovere cooperative di lavoro nella regione con la più alta disoccupazione d'Italia, per sottrarre dal bisogno potenziali manovali del crimine. ...
IT*   1077 - Bacchettate/ Fai un buco in bilancio? A Wall Street puoi ottenere ...
             Affari Italiani - 9 nov 2007
             L’ex numero uno Citigroup Ceo, Charles “Chuck” Prince, riceverà tra stock options, diritti e altri benefit un controvalore di circa 29,5 milioni di dollari ...
BR*   1078 - Unimed deve indenizar paciente com câncer de mama
             Consultor Jurídico - 9 Nov 2007
             Com esse entendimento, o juiz Yale Sabo Mendes condenou a Unimed Cuiabá - Cooperativa de Trabalho Médico a pagar R$ 14 mil de indenização por dano moral a ...
BR*   1079 - Unimed deve indenizar paciente que não recebeu medicamentos
             O Documento - 9 Nov 2007
             Nesse entendimento o juiz Yale Sabo Mendes condenou a Unimed Cuiabá - Cooperativa de Trabalho Médico a indenizar uma cooperada a título de danos morais em ...
UK*   1080 - proshare piles on pressure over CGT
             Telegraph.co.uk, United Kingdom - Nov 8, 2007
             By Roland Gribben Employee share ownership groups have added to the pressure on the Chancellor to abandon plans for an 80pc jump in capital gains tax with a ...
UK*   1081 - Old Mutual urges rethink on capital gains plans
             Times Online, UK - Nov 8, 2007
             His call for a Treasury rethink on the tax change came as proshare, the not-for-profit lobby group for employee share ownership, laid out its opposition to ...
UK*   1082 - Tax changes to hit 272K employee shareholders
             MyFinances.co.uk, UK - Nov 8, 2007
             As many as 272000 Brits will face higher tax bills when they sell assets gained from employee share ownership schemes under new capital gains tax (CGT) ...
UK*   1083 - Ifs proshare slams capital gains tax proposals
             FT Adviser, UK - Nov 8, 2007
             Ifs proshare, the not-for-profit organisation that supports employee share ownership, has met with Treasury officials to provide evidence of the negative ...
UK*   1084 - Tax changes to hit 272K employee shareholders
             MyFinances.co.uk, UK - Nov 8, 2007
             ... but the not-for-profit organisation ifs proshare estimates it will also hit 272000 employee shareholders, who save through a Save As You Earn (SAYE) ...
NG*   1085 - The IPO route to going public
             Business Day, Nigeria - Nov 8, 2007
             This makes it possible to implement things like employee stock ownership plans, which help to attract top talent. Being on a major stock exchange carries a ...
US*   1086 - Telecom Argentina SA Announces Consolidated Nine-Month Period ...
             CNNMoney.com - Nov 8, 2007
             (*) Employee Stock Ownership Program For more information, please contact the Financial Planning & Investor Relations Department: Pedro Insussarry Mariano ...
US*   1087 - Old Second buying heritagebanc
             Chicago Daily Herald, IL - Nov 8, 2007
             Heritage has operated under an Employee Stock Ownership Plan since 1995, in which employees own a majority of the bank's stock and share in its profits, ...
US*   1088 - Principal Tool Simplifies Financial Liability Forecasting for esops
             Planadviser.com, CT - Nov 8, 2007
             The Principal Financial Group has a new tool that makes financial liability forecasting for Employee Stock Ownership Plans (esops) easier and more efficient ...
US*   1089 - The Principal Financial Group Eases Fiduciary Responsibilities for ...
             Trading Markets (press release), CA - Nov 8, 2007
             DES MOINES, Iowa, Nov 08, 2007 (BUSINESS WIRE) -- PFG | charts | news | powerrating -- Administering an Employee Stock Ownership Plan (ESOP) brings complex ...
DE*   1090 - The Principal Financial Group
             Ad-Hoc-News (Pressemitteilung), Germany - Nov 8, 2007
             Administering an Employee Stock Ownership Plan (ESOP) brings complex and time consuming fiduciary responsibilities particularly in the critical task of ...
SK*   1091 - Bidding War Kicks Off for Ssangyong Construction
             Korea Times, South Korea - Nov 8, 2007
             They also won approval from creditors for the employee stock ownership system, and acquired the right to buy an additional 24.72 percent stake in Ssangyong. ...
US*   1092 - Eastern Insurance Holdings, Inc. Announces Third Quarter 2007 Results
             CNNMoney.com - Nov 8, 2007
             ... respectively; outstanding - 10728422 and 11351048, respectively -- -- Unearned ESOP compensation (6539) (7101) Additional paid in capital 109727 108502 ...
UK*   1093 - Merrill Lynch hits back at claims
             Global Pensions, UK - Nov 8, 2007
             A spokesperson for Merrill Lynch said: "In recent days, outside law firms have commenced 'investigations' into the Merrill Lynch 401(k), ESOP and Retirement ...
US*   1094 - Old Second buying heritagebanc
              Chicago Daily Herald, IL - Nov 8, 2007
             Employee-owned heritagebanc is a $350 million asset bank based in Frankfort, with branches in Chicago Heights, Moneka and New Lenox. ...
US*   1095 - Ten Asset Hires Dennis Roy for Newly Created Position of Senior ...
             Market Wire (press release) - Nov 8, 2007
             Ten Asset Management is an employee owned quantitative equity investment manager that manages approximately $1 billion for institutional clients in long ...
UK*   1096 - Intermediate - Senior Hydrogeologist (Physical)
             Nature.com (subscription), UK - Nov 8, 2007
             Employee-owned since our formation in 1960, we have created a unique culture with pride in ownership, resulting in long-term organizational stability. ...
US*   1097 - Lippert, three companies win Kentucky industry awards
             Reliable Plant Magazine, OK - Nov 8, 2007
             With annual sales revenues of more than $100 million, Campbellsville-based and family/employee-owned Cox Interior was founded in 1983. ...
DE*   1098 - servepath Ranked Number 11 in
             Ad-Hoc-News (Pressemitteilung), Germany - Nov 8, 2007
             The employee-owned company has been in business for six years and operates its own San Francisco data center. servepath also provides colocation services ...
NL*   1099 - General Interest : Fed Will Help Economy Avoid Worst of Crisis
             Prudent Press Agency (press release), Netherlands - Nov 8, 2007
             Founded in 1937, we are an independent employee-owned firm with offices across the country and in Europe. With expertise in Investment Management, ...
UK*   1100 - Man who met the challenge
             nebusiness.co.uk, UK - Nov 8, 2007
             In 2000 Eaga became an employee-owned partnership, adopting a structure very similar to the John Lewis model. By 2004 expansion had begun to quicken ...
US*   1101 - Humana's New Consumer-Directed Product Limits Employer Risk by ...
             Atlantic Information Services, Inc., DC - Nov 8, 2007
             One employer client that spoke with ICDC has used the money it saved in lower premiums to fund employee-owned hsas. Ken Neyer Plumbing, Inc. in Cincinnati ...
US*   1102 - Solar power energizes the ’burbs
             Pueblo Chieftain, CO - Nov 8, 2007
             Credits and incentives "are hugely important" for the industry, said Stephen Kane of Boulder-based Namaste, an employee-owned solar electric company that is ...
IN*   1103 - UTI AMC looks to foreign banks for pre-IPO deal
             Economic Times, India - Nov 8, 2007
             The board of UTI AMC has also approved esops for its employees. The public offering is expected to be completed before the end of this fiscal.
US*   1104 - Principal Tool Simplifies Financial Liability Forecasting for esops
             Planadviser.com, CT - Nov 8, 2007
             The Principal Financial Group has a new tool that makes financial liability forecasting for Employee Stock Ownership Plans (esops) easier and more efficient ...
US*   1105 - S1 Corporation Q3 2007 Earnings Call Transcript
             Seeking Alpha, NY - Nov 8, 2007
             Year-to-date, we have taken out approximately $10 million in cash from the issuance of stock for employee stock option exercises and you are aware that the ...
US*   1106 - American Israeli Paper Mills Ltd. Reports Financial Results For ...
             CNNMoney.com - Nov 8, 2007
             ... were issued during the reported period (dilution of 0.4%), on account of the exercise of 35425 options out of the Company's employee stock option plan. ...
US*   1107 - Endeavor's 'American Apparel' Buyout Revised Higher (EDA)
             24/7 Wall St., NY - Nov 8, 2007
             Endeavor will also increase the employee stock option and stock plans to 7.71 million shares from 2.71 million shares in the original agreement. ...
US*   1108 - Jupitermedia Corporation Reports Results for Its Third Quarter ...
             American Digital Networks (press release), MD - Nov 8, 2007
             ... does not include estimated non-cash stock-based compensation expense relating to employee stock options in the amount of $0.01 per share for Q4 2007. ...
US*   1109 - 99 Cents Only Stores(R) Announces a $5.2 Million Loss for the ...
             American Digital Networks (press release), MD - Nov 8, 2007
             ... benefit from exercise of non qualified employee stock options 252 928 Changes in assets and liabilities associated with operating activities: Accounts ...
CA*   1110 - Twin Butte Energy Reports Third Quarter 2007 Results
             Canada NewsWire (press release), Canada - Nov 8, 2007
             ... 26726855 18041441 23115992 10643595 Effect of dilutive securities: Employee stock options - 274000 - - Management warrants - 141000 - 52939 Flow-through ...
US*   1111 - Nabi Biopharmaceuticals Announces Third Quarter 2007 Financial ...
             PR Newswire (press release), NY - Nov 8, 2007
             ... activities: Repayments of capital leases (224) (116) Proceeds from exercise of employee stock options 673 1238 Net cash provided by financing activities ...
DE*   1112 - Borland Reports Financial Results for the Third Quarter of 2007
             WELT ONLINE, Germany - Nov 8, 2007
             These expenses consist of expenses for employee stock options and employee stock purchases under SFAS 123R. Prior to the adoption of SFAS 123R in fiscal ...
UK*   1113 - Sonus Networks Reports 2007 Third Quarter Financial Results
             Earthtimes, UK - Nov 8, 2007
             ... (1) Expense related to the disqualification of ISO status for employee stock options resulting from the stock option review and subsequent restatement. ...
CA*   1114 - Kingsway Reports Net Income of $23.6 Million in Third Quarter
             Canada NewsWire (press release), Canada - Nov 8, 2007
             As the Company's employee stock options have characteristics significantly different from those of traded options, and because changes in the subjective ...
US*   1115 - ICOP Digital Reports Record Revenue of $3.75 Million for 2007 ...
             CNNMoney.com - Nov 8, 2007
             ... $933000 in proceeds from the issuance of stock under our employee stock purchase plan and the exercise of warrants and employee stock options. ...
UK*   1116 - Calian Reports Fourth Quarter Results: Annual Earnings Increase by ...
             Earthtimes, UK - Nov 8, 2007
             ... average number of shares - basic 8367714 8425263 8387663 8465246 Addition to reflect the dilutive effect of employee stock options - 7830 - 10381 Shares ...
US*   1117 - Research symposium set for Nov. 17
             Princeton University, NJ - Nov 8, 2007
             Research topics will include: secrets about a centuries-old shipwreck; valuation of employee stock options; bribery in classical Athens; the social life of ...
US*   1118 - Perficient Reports Third Quarter 2007 Results
             TMC Net, CT - Nov 8, 2007
             Accordingly, management excludes stock-based compensation related to employee stock options and restricted stock awards, the amortization of purchased ...
US*   1119 - Perfect World Announces Third Quarter 2007 Financial Results
             CNNMoney.com - Nov 8, 2007
             ... outing and the share- based compensation expenses incurred for share options granted to two independent directors and some other employees in 3Q07. ...
NZ*   1120 - Ex-Australian bank CIO sues
             Computerworld New Zealand, New Zealand - Nov 8, 2007
             ... 2007 The former CIO of the National Australia Bank is suing the bank for $A15 million (NZ$19 million), for unpaid share options and for compensation for ...
UK*   1121 - Darby: Trade must unite to survive
             Morning Advertiser, UK - Nov 8, 2007
             Isn't it beautifully ironic that Giles Thorley realised his share options at £11m just as the credit crunch exposes the Pub Co model as being little less ...
UK*   1122 - No chips to be cashed in at Sainsbury's
             Retail Bulletin, UK - Nov 8, 2007
             ... futures having been given a sniff of something different (through the cashing in of their share options) before being denied it at the last minute. ...
UK*   1123 - can you spare us £30 billion quid
             Times Online, UK - Nov 8, 2007
             It was motivated by greed for profits, greed for bonuses, greed for share price performance (funnily enough, these same people have share options too) ...
AU*   1124 - Information officer wants $20 million for termination
             Melbourne Herald Sun, Australia - Nov 8, 2007
             1 million a year, plus share options. He argues in the writ that he would never have left the London job had he known that his tenure at NAB would have ...
UK*   1125 - Telstra dismisses Future Fund vote
             Global Pensions, UK - Nov 8, 2007
             The report includes an incentive scheme for around 260 senior executives who become eligible for share options if they meet certain criteria, ...
AU*   1126 - Morgan's pay reaches $10m
             Sydney Morning Herald, Australia - Nov 8, 2007
             But the details of his final severance terms, including a variety of performance rights and share options granted to him, will not be made public until the ...
AU*   1127 - Westpac's $10m man set to bank on more
             The Age, Australia - Nov 8, 2007
             But the details of his final severance terms, including a variety of performance rights and share options, will not be made public until the release of next ...
US*   1128 - Lexington Realty Trust Reports Third Quarter 2007 Results
             CNNMoney.com - Nov 8, 2007
             ... 63458167 52279750 65735321 52081514 Add incremental shares representing: Shares issuable upon exercise of employee share options - - - - Shares issuable ...
FI*   1129 - Lassila & Tikanoja Oyj: Lassila&tikanoja corporate action ...
             Kauppalehti (press release), Finland - Nov 8, 2007
             Pursuant to the 2002C share options issued in 2002, 32745 new shares were subscribed for after the previous entry in the Trade Register on 9 August 2007. ...
US*   1130 - South Africa: Growth in Directors' Pay Packages Slows
             AllAfrica.com, Washington - Nov 8, 2007
             The research showed that 89 companies had directors who received gains from share options, up from 75 in the previous report. Average gains for the entire ...
UK*   1131 - Hmmmm Mr. Gyrus PLC and Son (CICS). http://www.gyrusplc.com ...
             Life Style Extra, UK - Nov 8, 2007
             ... should stay in I feel that the shares will go up to 13p as the executive management who have held on need this price to make any money on share options. ...
UK*   1132 - 4SC Publishes Results for the Third Quarter
             Earthtimes, UK - Nov 8, 2007
             This was due to essential new recruitments in the course of the year and increased personnel expenses arising from share options, albeit not affecting cash ...
IN*   1133 - CBI probe sought into airport trolley contract
             Hindu, India - Nov 8, 2007
             Thiruvananthapuram: The Kerala Civil Aviation General Workers Cooperative Society has demanded a Central Bureau of Investigation (CBI) probe into the ...
FR*   1134 - Alstom, lanterne rouge malgré des semestriels en hausse
             EasyBourse.com - 8 nov 2007
             ... plus de 2500 ingénieurs et cadres), le lancement d'un nouveau plan d’actionnariat salarié « Alstom Sharing 2007 » prévu pour le mois de novembre 2007. ...
FR*   1135 - (1) Chiffres non audités
             TF1 - 8 nov 2007
             ... principalement par la poursuite jusqu'à la fin d'année du surcroît ponctuel d'activité lié au développement de la solution NOEE en épargne salariale. ...
FR*   1136 - De l'art de tirer élégamment sa révérence
             Les Échos - 8 nov 2007
             Un montant de stock-options loin d'être insignifiant puisqu'il s'élève à 131 millions de dollars dans le cas de Stan O'Neal, le patron de Merrill Lynch, ...
FR*   1137 - Le PDG de Citigroup partira avec des indemnités de 95 millions de ...
             La Tribune.fr - 8 nov 2007
             Charles Prince, qui a annoncé sa démission dimanche, recevra 29,5 millions de dollars (20 millions d'euros) au titre de sa retraite et en stock-options, ...
FR*   1138 - Les principaux points du "paquet fiscal"
             Challenges - 8 nov 2007
             L'octroi de stock-options sera subordonné à la consultation du comité d'entreprise. Elles seront attribuées aux dirigeants d'entreprise si des dispositifs ...
FR*   1139 - Pénurie des compétences: C’est la métastase!
             L'Économiste - 8 nov 2007
             ... les prêts pour aide sociale, les stock-options notamment dans les filiales des firmes américaines, la prise en charge des formations diplômantes, ...
FR*   1140 - Philippe Marini veut fiscaliser le Livret A
             Le Blog Finance - 8 nov 2007
             Le député de la majorité s'étonne par ailleurs de la proposition de la Cour des Comptes de taxer les stock-options, estimant que l'institution présidée par ...
FR*   1141 - La leçon de poker
             Challenges - 8 nov 2007
             ... d'études médicales IMS en 1981, dont il devient rapidement le patron, Robert Louis-Dreyfus obtient des stock-options, mais achète également des actions. ...
FR*   1142 - Le Sénat souhaite « ouvrir le débat » sur les niches sociales
             Le Figaro - 8 nov 2007
             Néanmoins, la commission a validé la taxation des stock-options votée par les députés, cotisation salariale incluse (lire nos éditions du 26 octobre). ...
FR*   1143 - Ubisoft : le titre se joue toujours du marché, nouveau sommet touché !
             Boursier.com - 8 nov 2007
             Pour l'exercice complet, Ubisoft a confirmé un chiffre d'affaires d'environ 825 ME et un résultat opérationnel courant avant stock options d'au moins 9% du ...
FR*   1144 - Franchises médicales : la fièvre monte !
             AgoraVox - 8 nov 2007
             Philippe Séguin, président de la Cour des comptes ad’ailleurs proposé de soumettre les stock-options aux mêmes cotisations sociales que les autres revenus. ...
FR*   1145 - 1200 millionnaires et… et… et…
             Cluster 21 - 8 nov 2007
             D’après le Journal du Net qui cite différentes études (sans donner leurs références, ce qui n’est pas cool:)), Google aurait, grâce aux stock-options, ...
FR*   1146 - Mini traité européen: "les socialistes tombent une nouvelle fois ...
             Libération - 8 nov 2007
             L'ensemble des revenus du travail, y compris les stock options, doivent être mis également à contribution. Enfin, il faut désormais asseoir le financement ...
DE*   1147 - Änderungen im Einkommensteuerrecht der Schweiz
             News Steuerrecht, Wirtschaftsrecht, Rechnungswesen aus dem NWB Verlag - 8. Nov. 2007
             In IWB F. 5 Schweiz Gr. 2 S. 655 geht sie dabei insbesondere auf die Ehepaar- und Familienbesteuerung, die Regelungen der Mitarbeiterbeteiligung, ...
AR*   1148 - Tiempo Cumplido
             0223 Vespertino Digital - 8 Nov 2007
             Ya que hace 17 años vienen siendo explotados de forma inhumana por estas pseudo cooperativas de trabajo, sin asignaciones familiares, vacaciones, aguinaldo, ...
AR*   1149 - Senado bonaerense aprobó la prórroga de la expropiación de la ...
             Impulso Baires - 8 Nov 2007
             ... ya sea impulsando leyes de expropiación a favor de las cooperativas de trabajo o presentando leyes para prorrogar la vigencia de estas. ...
BO*   1150 - Organizaciones argentinas piden respetar debates sobre reforma y ...
             Agencia Bolivariana de Noticias - 8 Nov 2007
             ... dirigentes y representantes de ATE Nacional, Cooperativa Hotel Bauen Recuperado, Federación Argentina de Cooperativas de Trabajadores Autogestionados, ...
IT*   1151 - Il vescovo che voleva svuotare la 'ndrangheta
             La Repubblica - 8 nov 2007
             Partendo dai bisogni della gente, aveva dato vita alle cooperative di lavoro in Aspromonte. Nelle Serre della cooperativa del Bomanico, a pochi chilometri ...
US*   1152 - State pursues Anaheim firm
             Los Angeles Times, CA - Nov 7, 2007
             Company lawyer Heywood Friedman contends that under pacifistaff's plan the workers would become employee-owners, who voluntarily give up their rights to be ...
US*   1153 - Methodist symposium: Economist offers hope
             FayObserver.com, NC - Nov 7, 2007
             The general manager of Riverside Mattress Co., Lucas helped the company convert to an Employee Stock Ownership Plan. The company is now 100 percent owned by ...
AT*   1154 - CORRECTING and REPLACING Cohen Milstein Investigates Potential ...
             PR-Inside.com (Pressemitteilung), Austria - Nov 7, 2007
             ... Inc., Employee Stock Ownership Plan (the "ESOP") (collectively the "Plans") may have engaged in potential violations of the Employee Retirement Income ...
IN*   1155 - Firstsource to raise funds via FCCB route
             Moneycontrol.com, India - Nov 7, 2007
             A: We currently have about 469 million shares outstanding and an additional ESOP pool of 47 million, which is waiting shareholder approval. ...
UK*   1156 - Loch Fyne Oysters Awarded Business of the Year
             Farming UK, UK - Nov 7, 2007
             Loch Fyne Oysters is an employee owned and run company employing 142 individuals. In addition to rearing oysters and mussels, Loch Fyne provides fresh fish, ...
US*   1157 - Mortgage Loan Officers
             Seattle Times, United States - Nov 7, 2007
             homestreet Bank, one of the largest family and employee-owned financial services firms in the Pacific Northwest and Hawaii, has been making a name for ...
US*   1158 - amerenue Selects Contractors to Rebuild Taum Sauk Plant, Assuming ...
             CNNMoney.com - Nov 7, 2007
             Over its 80-year history, Fred Weber has grown from a small family-owned business to a 1650 employee-owned company with mining, aggregate processing and ...
US*   1159 - Western State Bank announces plans to enter Arizona market
              West Fargo Pioneer, ND - Nov 7, 2007
             Western State Bank, a $365 million, employee-owned, community-focused bank, offers superior full-banking services, insurance, investments, real estate to ...
US*   1160 - Western State Bank promotes Mattson
             West Fargo Pioneer, ND - Nov 7, 2007
             Western State Bank, a $330 million, employee-owned, community-focused bank, offers superior full-banking services, insurance, investments, real estate to ...
US*   1161 - Valero Net Falls and Puts Refinery on Block and exxonmobil Breaks ...
             Financial News USA (press release), CA - Nov 7, 2007
             Holloman Corporation is one of the largest entirely employee owned engineering, procurement and construction companies in the United States. ...
US*   1162 - winco Succeeds By Knowing and Serving Its Customers
             RetailWire (subscription), NJ - Nov 7, 2007
             The employee-owned company, headquartered in Boise, has succeeded by not attempting to be all things to all people. Instead winco has focused on cutting ...
US*   1163 - Publix confirmed for High Point
             Montgomery Advertiser, AL - Nov 7, 2007
             Publix Super Markets, Inc. employs more than 143000 associates and is the largest employee-owned supermarket chain in the United States, according to the ...
US*   1164 - cryptologic Grows Revenue, Earnings in Q3
             CNNMoney.com - Nov 7, 2007
             Had compensation expense been determined based on the fair value of the employee stock option awards for 2002 grants at the grant dates in accordance with ...
US*   1165 - Universal Corporation Announces Second Quarter Results
             CNNMoney.com - Nov 7, 2007
             ... expense as a result of funds provided by tobacco operations, the sale of its non-tobacco businesses, asset sales, and employee stock option exercises. ...
US*   1166 - Exent Technologies Ltd. Announces Third Quarter 2007 Results
             Business Wire (press release), CA - Nov 7, 2007
             44, "Accounting for Certain Transactions Involving Stock Compensation" ("FIN 44") in accounting for its employee stock option plans, using the intrinsic ...
US*   1167 - CRM Holdings, Ltd. Announces Third Quarter Results
             CNNMoney.com - Nov 7, 2007
             ... credit facilities (32) (38) Issuance of common shares - employee stock option purchase plan 64 - Retirement of common shares - share-based compensation ...
US*   1168 - Virgin Media Reports Third Quarter 2007 Results
             CNNMoney.com - Nov 7, 2007
             ... net of financing fees 874.5 8923.9 Principal payments on long term debt and capital leases (966.8) (7064.7) Proceeds from employee stock option ...
US*   1169 - opentv Reports Third Quarter Results
             PR Newswire (press release), NY - Nov 7, 2007
             ... financing activities: Repurchase of employee stock options (167) - Capital contribution from the controlling shareholder 5395 - Proceeds from issuance ...
US*   1170 - First Solar, Inc. Announces 2007 Third Quarter Financial Results
             CNNMoney.com - Nov 7, 2007
             ... Total liabilities 116844 196337 Commitments and contingencies Employee stock options on redeemable shares 50226 -- Stockholders' equity: Common stock, ...
US*   1171 - Sport Chalet Reports Second Quarter Results
             CNNMoney.com - Nov 7, 2007
             ... stock options 201605 651079 Optionee withholding taxes from exercise of stock options - (890264) Tax benefit on employee stock options 268798 958159 Net ...
US*   1172 - HLTH Corporation Announces Third Quarter Financial Results
             CNNMoney.com - Nov 7, 2007
             ... capital structure, including as a result of sales of WHC equity securities by WHC or HLTH or as a result of exercise of WHC employee stock options. ...
US*   1173 - Discovery Holding Company Third Quarter Earnings Release
             CNNMoney.com - Nov 7, 2007
             ... outstanding shares of DISCA and DISCB and 4.2 million shares of DISCA and DISCB reserved for issuance pursuant to warrants and employee stock options. ...
FI*   1174 - OKO Pankki Oyj: Oko pankki oyj quarterly report op-pohjola group's ...
             Kauppalehti (press release), Finland - Nov 7, 2007
             ... Number of share options | - | - | - | -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- | Number of shares | - | 81114 ...
UK*   1175 - Finance Manager
             Financial Times (subscription), UK - Nov 7, 2007
             ... holiday (increase with length of service) Healthcare (after Qualifying period) Pension (after Qualifying period) EMI share options Yearly bonus linked ...
US*   1176 - NICE Systems Sets New Records for Third Quarter 2007
             TMC Net, CT - Nov 7, 2007
             ... from issuance of shares upon exercise of share options and ESPP, net 3082 4887 15794 16627 Proceeds from issuance of shares upon public offering, ...
UK*   1177 - OPD says Imprint recommends its offer; has
             Hemscott, UK - Nov 7, 2007
             OPD said the offer values each Imprint share at 108.9 pence and the existing issued share capital and in the money share options of Imprint at about 42.78 ...
CA*   1178 - GMP Capital Trust reports results for third quarter 2007
             Canada NewsWire (press release), Canada - Nov 7, 2007
             The first plan, the trust unit option plan, governs the options issued in exchange for share options as part of the conversion of GMP Capital Corp. into the ...
UK*   1179 - Colombia: Farm workers co-operative's leader threatened with death
             Amnesty International UK, UK - Nov 7, 2007
             ... Oscar Maussa has received death threats and Amnesty International believes that he and other members of the workers' co-operative may be in grave danger ...
US*   1180 - Walking The Beat: Florence refuge on the Underground Railroad ...
             Daily Hampshire Gazette (subscription), MA - Nov 7, 2007
             So on a rainy Wednesday, I walked up to Florence to meet Strimer at his Main Street workplace, Collective Copies - a workers cooperative. ...
CH*   1181 - Alstom: le bénéfice semestriel bondit, la rentabilité progresse encore
             Romandie.com - 7 nov 2007
             Quelque 4.800 personnes ont été embauchées au premier semestre, a encore indiqué Alstom, précisant qu'un nouveau plan d'actionnariat salarié serait lancé en ...
FR*   1182 - Avec de bonnes performances au premier semestre 2007/08, Alstom ...
             Boursier.com (Communiqués de presse) - 7 nov 2007
             Un nouveau plan d’actionnariat salarié « Alstom Sharing 2007 » sera lancé en novembre 2007. Parallèlement, les dépenses de recherche et développement ont ...
CH*   1183 - AIG: le bénéfice net T3 recule, moins bon qu'attendu
             Romandie.com - 7 nov 2007
             En données ajustées - c'est à dire en excluant une charge pour financer un plan de stock-options maison -, le bénéfice revient à 3,49 milliards, ...
FR*   1184 - Le retour du « Old Labour », une chance pour le redressement français
             Les Échos - 7 nov 2007
             ... brouiller la portée de cette réforme par la multiplication de mesures contraires sur la fiscalité des stock-options, des dividendes ou des plus-values. ...
FR*   1185 - Une année en or... pour les patrons
             Lutte Ouvrière - 7 nov 2007
             Le mensuel Capital du mois de novembre fait le point sur les revenus (salaires, avantages et stock-options) des grands patrons français, pour qui 2006 a été ...
FR*   1186 - Completel : Résultats T3 2007
             Companynewsgroup (Comunicados de prensa) - 7 nov 2007
             L'excédent de trésorerie généré au cours du trimestre est lié à la variation positive de besoin en fonds de roulement et à l'exercice de stock options. ...
FR*   1187 - Le Sénat propose de taxer niches sociales et boissons sucrées
             Le Point - 7 nov 2007
             ... de 400 à 500 millions d'euros qui viendrait s'ajouter à l'initiative prise par l'Assemblée nationale d'une taxe sur les stock options et les actions ...
FR*   1188 - 3 QUESTIONS A... "Le système de compensation va s'épuiser d'ici ...
             Challenges - 7 nov 2007
             La taxe sur les stock-options est également une idée. En revanche, faire rentrer de l'argent par le biais de l'impôt irait à l'encontre du principe de ...
DE*   1189 - Merkel verspielt die Erfolge Schröders
             NZZ Online - 7. Nov. 2007
             Neu eingeführte, dauerhafte Staatsausgaben wie das Elterngeld, die Subventionierung der Kinderkrippen, Pläne für eine Mitarbeiterbeteiligung oder den Ausbau ...
DE*   1190 - Bitte keine Erotik
             Thüringer Allgemeine - 7. Nov. 2007
             Ebenfalls schlechte Noten bekam die Absicht der Regierung zur Mitarbeiterbeteiligung bei mittelständischen Unternehmen. Während eine direkte und freiwillige ...
AR*   1191 - Entregaron viviendas del programa “Mejor Vivir”
             Noticias Mercedinas - 7 Nov 2007
             Fueron construidas por las cooperativas de trabajo La Tuca, La Primera y Unidad y Progreso. Continuando con una serie de entregas de refaccionadas viviendas ...
AR*   1192 - Los intrusos avanzan con la depredación en Yabotí
             Misiones OnLine - 7 Nov 2007
             Por este motivo, tres meses atrás, la Cooperativa de Trabajo Restauradora de la Selva Paranaense hizo una presentación legal ante la Unidad Fiscal de ...
MX*   1193 - Apasco y Cemex frente a frente, ahora en Sonora
             Dossier Político - 7 Nov 2007
             La cooperativa de trabajadores Cruz Azul es otro participante con poco más de 15% de participación de mercado. Otros participantes en el mercado cementero ...
ES*   1194 - ¡En pie somos más fuertes, juntos somos invencibles!
             kaosenlared.net - 7 Nov 2007
             El problema de las jubilaciones es un problema sólo porque la mayoría de los recursos, los dividendos, las stock-options y otros regalos no esta sujeto a ...
ES*   1195 - 25 millones de dólares por trabajar en Apple
             faq-mac.com - 7 Nov 2007
             ... la anterior consejera general de Apple era Nancy Heinen, que fue demandada por el SEC por las irregularidades del antedatado de Stock Options, ...
IT*   1196 - Incentivi imprese Coop
             Telereggio S.R.L. - Reggio Calabria Television - 7 nov 2007
             ... l'ammodernamento del sistema legislativo della cooperazione, attraverso una legge che possa incentivare le imprese cooperative di produzione, ...
BR*   1197 - Juiz manda Unimed implantar marcapasso em segurado
             Portal Nacional de Seguros - 7 Nov 2007
             ... concedeu liminar a Manoel Moreira e determinou à Unimed Goiânia - Cooperativa de Trabalho Médico a imediata implantação de novo marcapasso no aposentado ...
BR*   1198 - Nova Laranjeiras impulsiona o desenvolvimento da agricultura ...
             Correio do Povo do Paraná - 7 Nov 2007
             O movimento cooperativo naquela região é um dos mais fortes e desenvolvidos do mundo, é constituído por cooperativas de trabalho associado, formando hoje um ...
US*   1199 - MY TURN: Employee ownership helps sustain Vermont's economy
             BurlingtonFreePress.com, VT - Nov 6, 2007
             Good for communities: Employee ownership is a key tool in maintaining local ownership of Vermont businesses and the jobs they support and avoiding the ...
US*   1200 - Timberland Bancorp, Inc. Earnings per Share Increase 10% to Record ...
             CNNMoney.com - Nov 6, 2007
             ... Additional paid in capital 10315 11425 20888 Unearned shares- Employee Stock Ownership Plan (3040) (3106) (3305) Unearned shares- Management Recognition ...
US*   1201 - Zell comment raises speculation about paper
             Allentown Morning Call, PA - Nov 6, 2007
             Tribune, the nation's second-largest newspaper publisher, would be owned by Zell and its 21000 employees through a new employee stock ownership plan. ...
US*   1202 - “Gas Terminals can be a solution to Europe’s energy woes” – Dinu ...
             Daily Georgian Times, Georgia - Nov 6, 2007
             Rompetrol was privatized through management and employee buyout (MEBO) and turnover dropped below USD 6 million in the years following privatization. ...
US*   1203 - European Capital Reports euro 0.21 NOI and euro 0.21 Realised ...
             PR Newswire (press release), NY - Nov 6, 2007
             European Capital invests in and sponsors management and employee buyouts, invests in private equity buyouts and provides capital directly to private and ...
DE*   1204 - Albany International Reports Third-Quarter Earnings
             WELT ONLINE, Germany - Nov 6, 2007
             ... of life insurance (2146 ) (2562 ) Unrealized currency transaction gains and losses (273 ) 2112 Shares contributed to ESOP 4065 5209 Stock option expense ...
US*   1205 - First Federal of Northern Michigan Bancorp, Inc. Announces Third ...
             CNNMoney.com - Nov 6, 2007
             ... respectively) (2963918) (1565359) Unallocated ESOP (986560) (1059130) Unearned compensation (445477) (528987) Accumulated other comprehensive loss ...
IN*   1206 - Bharti Airtel allots 128367 shares
             Myiris.com, India - Nov 6, 2007
             Out of the total, the directors allotted 42967 equity shares upon conversion of USD 230000 fccbs and 85400 equity shares to the employees under ESOP. ...
US*   1207 - ablenet Inc., Announces ablenet Research Consortium
             PR Web (press release), WA - Nov 6, 2007
             Located in Roseville, Minnesota, ablenet Inc., is an ESOP company that employs 35 people and sells its products through a network of distributors in 49 ...
US*   1208 - Tribune/Zell Deal in the Bag: No Longer 'If' - Just When?
             Seeking Alpha, NY - Nov 6, 2007
             For months now, dozens of articles have been written asserting that the Zell/ESOP Tribune (TRB) deal was running out of ink. In two previous articles, ...
US*   1209 - Building from ground up
             In-Forum (subscription), ND - Nov 6, 2007
             He owned and operated it for 20 years before it became an employee-owned company. He built the shop and office building at 4101 38th St. SW in 1991 and ran ...
UK*   1210 - The Company Appleton to Host Plaza Dedication and Tree-Lighting Event
             Earthtimes, UK - Nov 6, 2007
             Now as an employee-owned company since 2001, we feel our roots here have grown deeper than ever. We hope this plaza will serve as a lasting sign of how ...
US*   1211 - New Hy-Vee opens today
             Newton Daily News, IA - Nov 6, 2007
             This company has been employee-owned since 1930, and there are no short-term decisions.” The new store, directly south of the old Hy-Vee East and Newton ...
CA*   1212 - New CNQ Dealer - Pollitt & Co. Inc.
             Canada NewsWire (press release), Canada - Nov 6, 2007
             Inc. is an employee-owned brokerage firm serving institutional and private clients for over 20 years. For additional information about Pollitt please ...
US*   1213 - CVG Enables Coast Guard Satellite-Based Broadband Communications
             Market Wire (press release) - Nov 6, 2007
             Headquartered in Chantilly, Virginia, together with its wholly owned subsidiary Avtec Systems, Inc. (Avtec), employee-owned CVG provides secure, robust, ...
US*   1214 - Former Penn’s Best employees angry, some still without work
             The Citizen's Voice, PA - Nov 6, 2007
             A pallet repairing and sorting operation at employee-owned Penn’s Best has been taken over by an Ohio-based company and some of the around 130 employees ...
US*   1215 - Concentrated media ownership threatens democracy, protesters say
             Workday Minnesota, MN - Nov 6, 2007
             ... the conglomerate even though an employee stock option plan will hold most of the shares--a continued waiver to allow Tribune keep its Chicago paper, ...
DE*   1216 - CORRECTING and REPLACING peoplesupport Reports Record Third ...
             WELT ONLINE, Germany - Nov 6, 2007
             ... Deferred income taxes (425 ) 1511 Tax benefits from employee stock option exercises (37 ) (621 ) Changes in operating assets and liabilities: Accounts ...
US*   1217 - Providence Service Corporation Signs Definitive Agreement to ...
             CNNMoney.com - Nov 6, 2007
             The $220 million purchase price consists primarily of cash with approximately $13.9 million in logisticare employee stock options that are being cancelled ...
US*   1218 - Macrovision Q3 Profit Surges On Revenue Growth, Cost Controls ...
             RTT News, NY - Nov 6, 2007
             The results included stock-based compensation expenses of $5.98 million, $413 thousand in expenses for employee stock options that were converted to cash ...
US*   1219 - ipass Reports Third Quarter 2007 Financial Results
             CNNMoney.com - Nov 6, 2007
             Equity plan-related compensation expenses represent the fair value of all share-based payments to employees, including grants of employee stock options, ...
US*   1220 - CV Therapeutics Reports 2007 Third Quarter Financial Results
             CNNMoney.com - Nov 6, 2007
             ... which included severance benefits, stock-based compensation expense related to accelerated vesting of employee stock options and forfeiture of certain ...
US*   1221 - Natural Gas Services Group Announces a 41% Increase in Net Income ...
             CNNMoney.com - Nov 6, 2007
             ... to net cash provided by operating activities: Depreciation and amortization 4135 5448 Deferred taxes 2215 2259 Employee stock options expensed 218 292 ...
US*   1222 - Westport Reports Second Quarter Fiscal 2008 Financial Results
             Market Wire (press release) - Nov 6, 2007
             ... of Clean Energy shares in the first quarter and $0.8 million in proceeds received on the issuance of shares on conversion of employee stock options. ...
CA*   1223 - Bowater Announces Third Quarter 2007 Financial Results
             Canada NewsWire (press release), Canada - Nov 6, 2007
             123R requires the measurement of all employee share-based payments, including grants of employee stock options, using a fair-value-based method and the ...
US*   1224 - Kellwood Announces Long-Term Financial Plans
             CNNMoney.com - Nov 6, 2007
             ... cash flows. e) 2008 Guidance assumes 21.4 million average diluted shares outstanding and the issuance of 0.4 million of employee stock options. ...
US*   1225 - Cognizant Reports Record Third Quarter Results
             CNNMoney.com - Nov 6, 2007
             ... we use financial statements that do not include stock-based compensation expense related to employee stock options and employee stock purchases for ...
US*   1226 - Countrywide extends employee stock options: report
              Reuters - Nov 6, 2007
             NEW YORK (Reuters) - Countrywide Financial Corp (CFC.N: Quote, Profile, Research) is giving several thousand employees more time to exercise stock options, ...
LK*   1227 - Sri Lanka highest rated finance company keeps 'A+ (lka)' rating
             Lanka Business Online, Sri Lanka - Nov 6, 2007
             Now, 22.39 percent of equity is held by an employee share option plan and 20.48 percent by the Wijenaike family. CF has a 20 percent interest in Nations ...
FI*   1228 - INCAP: Incap Group Interim Teport January-September 2007
             Kauppalehti (press release), Finland - Nov 6, 2007
             Share options The Incap Group currently runs a share option scheme that was introduced in 2004 and commits key employees to long-term share ownership. ...
FI*   1229 - Sampo Oyj: Sampo quarterly report sampo group´s results for ...
             Kauppalehti (press release), Finland - Nov 6, 2007
             ... equity-settled share options | 0 | 0 | -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- | Granted cash-settled share ...
             ABN Newswire (press release), Australia - Nov 6, 2007
             There are a total of 630000 share options, entitling their holders to subscribe for an equal number of shares. The share options are divided into A, ...
AU*   1231 - Telstra defies rejection of pay deal
             The Age, Australia - Nov 6, 2007
             Under the incentive scheme, 260 senior executives become eligible for share options if total shareholder returns exceed 11.5 per cent for four years running ...
AU*   1232 - Australia's Telstra shareholders vote against executive ...
             Forbes, NY - Nov 6, 2007
             Trujillo's new salary package is worth 9 million Australian dollars plus a potential 20.64 million share options until June 2009. ...
AU*   1233 - Telstra shareholders reject executive pay rises
             ABC Online, Australia - Nov 6, 2007
             The report included a chief executive officer's salary package worth $9 million plus a potential 18 million share options by June 2009. ...
AU*   1234 - Telstra pay rejected
             Sky News Australia, Australia - Nov 6, 2007
             The structure proposed would make 118 million share options available to 260 senior executives if they help the company achieve 11.5 per cent annual growth ...
AU*   1235 - Telstra ignores shareholders over pay
             NEWS.com.au, Australia - Nov 6, 2007
             Under the structure, which was revealed at Telstra's annual profit announcement in August, 118 million share options will be available to 260 senior ...
AU*   1236 - Telstra defends executive pay at AGM
             The Age, Australia - Nov 6, 2007
             To gain share options, they must improve total shareholder wealth by 11.5 per cent per year by June 2010. If the minimum 11.5 per cent per annum target is ...
CA*   1237 - Savanna Announces Quarterly Results
             Canada NewsWire (press release), Canada - Nov 6, 2007
             ... Price Share (per share) Share (per share) Options $ Options $ ------------------------------------------------------------------------- Outstanding, ...
US*   1238 - Tongjitang Chinese Medicines Company Announces Third Quarter 2007 ...
             Business Wire (press release), CA - Nov 6, 2007
             ... limited number of restricted shares and share options under its 2006 Share Incentive Plan (the “2006 Plan”) to certain management members and employees. ...
AU*   1239 - Scientist's success thesis: start small, but think big
              The Australian, Australia - Nov 6, 2007
             In the latter company I have share options. What is the best investment decision you've made? To start small but think big. ...
CA*   1240 - Top Driving Stories
             National Post, Canada - Nov 6, 2007
             Their income totals $92.5 million, thanks to a share options exercise worth a little more than $90 million. If that number looks familiar, it is - that same ...
UK*   1241 - BEA opens books to Icahn
             Computer Business Review, UK - Nov 6, 2007
             The company has not filed full financial reports with the Securities and Exchange Commission for over a year due to a share options investigation, ...
UK*   1242 - Time to be different
             St. Albans Observer, UK - Nov 6, 2007
             The conference is organised in partnership with First Question, a workers co-operative specialising in imaginative education programmes. ...
IN*   1243 - Charges fly against trolley contract
             Newindpress, India - Nov 6, 2007
             T'PURAM: The Kerala Civil Aviation General Workers’ Cooperative Society has alleged malpractices in awarding contract for operating the trolley at the ...
FR*   1244 - Derrière l’ouverture de l’actionnariat
             L'express.mu - 6 nov 2007
             Entre les efforts pour une représentation du “peuple” au sein des conseils d’administration, l’actionnariat salarié et une ouverture du capital des ...
FR*   1245 - Lorsque les intentions butent sur des résistances
             L'express.mu - 6 nov 2007
             Il ya aussi la possibilité de l’actionnariat salarié. Ou encore la participation au fond du SIT. Aujourd’hui, afin de pousser la logique plus loin, ...
FR*   1246 - Crédit Mutuel met le cap sur l'Italie
             Le Figaro - 6 nov 2007
             La banque coopérative cherche un allié depuis fin juin, lorsque les salariés actionnaires se sont opposés à son projet de fusion avec la Banca Popolare ...
FR*   1247 - Banca Popolare di Milano envisage une alliance avec le Crédit Mutuel
             L'Agefi (Abonnement) - 6 nov 2007
             ... depuis l'échec fin juin de son projet de fusion avec la Banca Popolare dell'Emilia Romagna (BPER) en raison de l'opposition des salariés actionnaires. ...
FR*   1248 - EUROFINS SCIENTIFIC Eurofins bien orienté au T3 2007
             La Tribune.fr - 6 nov 2007
             EBITAS – EBIT before the non-cash items: amortisation of goodwill and accounting for stock options, linked to recent IFRS standard changes. ...
FR*   1249 - La santé de la sécurité sociale s'est dégradée en 2007
             Le Blog Finance - 6 nov 2007
             ... 2 euros sur les transports en ambulance ou en taxi, le tout étant plafonné à 50 euros par an. Le projet prévoit également la taxation des stock-options.
FR*   1250 - Hausse à Wall Street
             La Tribune.fr - 6 nov 2007
             Hors impact des stock-options distribuées aux salariés, le résultat par action ressort à 2 cents contre une perte de 1 penny pressentie par les ...
FR*   1251 - Wall Street devrait ouvrir dans le vert
             Le Figaro - 6 nov 2007
             Hors frais liés aux stock-options, coûts d'exploitation du service d'hébergement en ligne de vidéo et dépréciation d'actifs, le bénéfice s’envole de 73% à 5 ...
FR*   1252 - Un gros chat sans griffes ?, par Dominique Dhombres
             Le Monde - 6 nov 2007
             Il en voulait pour preuve l'affaire de la fiscalité des stock-options. La Cour des comptes coûte chaque année 200 millions d'euros à l'Etat. ...
FR*   1253 - Franchises médicales : c'est toujours franchement non !
             News Press (Communiqués de presse) - 6 nov 2007
             Les contributions sur les stock-options, également prévues par le PLFSS 2008, apparaissent en revanche comme un premier pas vers la réduction du déficit. ...
FR*   1254 - « L’arrogance ou la division ne peuvent tenir lieu de politique »
             l'Humanité - 6 nov 2007
             Ce sont les bénéficiaires de stock-options qui n’ont pas à s’inquiéter de la taxation à 2,5 % que l’Assemblée vient de voter, même si c’est un premier pas. ...
ES*   1255 - ORMEX suscribe un acuerdo con CEPES para iniciar su proceso de ...
             Región Digital - 6 Nov 2007
             ... asistirá, acompañando a la presidenta de Ormex, la presidenta de la Asociación de Mujeres Empresarias de Sociedades Laborales de Andalucía (AMESAL A), ...
CO*   1256 - Afiliados a cooperativas de trabajo se multiplicaron por 12 en ...
             Portafolio - 6 Nov 2007
             El XV Encuentro Nacional de las Cooperativas de Trabajo Asociado (CTA), que comienza hoy en Bogotá, se realizará en medio de los fuertes señalamientos de ...
CO*   1257 - Ingresos de afiliados a Cooperativas de Trabajo Asociado son ...
             El Tiempo (Colombia) - 6 Nov 2007
             Al 31 de diciembre pasado, los asociados a las CTA sumaban 451.869, según el Observatorio del Mercado de Trabajo y la Seguridad Social de la Universidad ...
AR*   1258 - Operativos en "gran escala": Clausuran establecimientos industriales
             Impulso Baires - 6 Nov 2007
             "Otro de los establecimientos afectados fue la planta de faena de aves cuya titularidad detenta la firma COOPERATIVA DE TRABAJO OBRERA MAXIMO PAZ LIMITADA, ...
AR*   1259 - Las viviendas sin terminar del barrio Cooplabor estarían por ser ...
             Diario NCO - 6 Nov 2007
             ... estarían por ser entregadas en esas condiciones por dicha cooperativa de trabajo a otras personas que no son los reales adjudicatarios. ...
AR*   1260 - Se realizan tareas de mejoras en el basural municipal
             Diario de Madryn - 6 Nov 2007
             Asimismo, recordó que en su momento se firmó un convenio con la cooperativa de Trabajadores Informales “ La Nueva Esperanza ”, “donde ellos se encargaban de ...
ES*   1261 - El Diario Co Latino y yo
             El Diario CoLatino - 6 Nov 2007
             ... pero la voluntad de los trabajadores se impuso y se creó la Cooperativa de Trabajadores del Diario Latino, nombre del que se origina su actual nombre Co ...
AR*   1262 - Renacer cerca de la escrituración de las plantas
             Botella al mar - 6 Nov 2007
             ... el Banco Central, es la única entidad que aún no finalizó el trámite tendiente a la escrituración a nombre de la cooperativa de trabajadores. ...
CL*   1263 - Phantom stock
             Diario Financiero - 6 Nov 2007
             ... abrieron espacio para ofrecer “stock options” a sus ejecutivos y hoy manifiestan una alta retención de ejecutivos y un destacado desempeño económico. ...
ES*   1264 - Baile de cabezas en los grandes bancos de Wall Street
             Cotizalia.com - 6 Nov 2007
             ... podría suponer un desembolso para Merrill Lynch de unos 110 millones de euros –como mínimo-, entre prestaciones de retiro, acciones y stock options. ...
IT*   1265 - RIMINI - Viabilità, la Giunta approva percorso pedonale in zona ...
             Romagnaoggi.it - 6 nov 2007
             L'intervento, dal costo di 50.000 euro, sarà realizzato attraverso il Global service e affidato al Consorzio Ravennate Cooperative di Produzione e Lavoro di ...
BR*   1266 - Justiça obriga Unimed a pagar cirurgias
             Expresso da Noticia - 6 Nov 2007
             ... Marcus Vinícius Alves de Oliveira concedeu duas liminares e determinou à Unimed Goiânia – Cooperativa de Trabalho Médico a realização de angioplastias. ...
BR*   1267 - Serviço: Contribuir para o INSS garante benefícios e ...
             FISCOSoft - 6 Nov 2007
             ... exceto o doméstico, o trabalhador avulso eo contribuinte individual, quando cooperado filiado à cooperativa de trabalho ou de produção Os dependentes do ...
BR*   1268 - Projeto proíbe exclusividade de médicos em cooperativas
             Agência Câmara - 6 Nov 2007
             A Câmara analisa o Projeto de Lei 1506/07, que proíbe as cooperativas de trabalho médico de exigirem exclusividade dos profissionais filiados a elas. ...
CA*   1269 - Passing the keys to key staff
             National Post - Canada - Nov 5, 2007
             It also set PCL on a path toward becoming 100% employee-owned. The Poole name continues to be closely associated with PCL, which is proud of its family ...
US*   1270 - eircom to restructure EUR4 billion debt
             TeleGeography, DC - Nov 5, 2007
             B&B and the Employee Share Ownership Trust (ESOT), which owns 35% of eircom, have already issued paper debt worth EUR425 million, allowing the two ...
US*   1271 - Idaho supermarket succeeds by not appealing to everybody
             Twin Falls Times-News, ID - Nov 5, 2007
             ... founders died in the early 1980s, Long, several other executives and a group of employees negotiated a buyout through an employee stock ownership trust. ...
US*   1272 - Law Firm Launches Investigation into Merrill Lynch ESOP
             Planadviser.com, CT - Nov 5, 2007
             ... Inc. Employee Stock Ownership Plan "…for violations of the Employee Retirement Income Security Act of 1974 (ERISA) in relation to the handling of ...
US*   1273 - Want to Buy a Business? Your Timing is Right
             Kiplinger.com, DC - Nov 5, 2007
             One option that's growing more popular is selling to employees -- either a management buyout or employee stock ownership plan (ESOP). ...
US*   1274 - NU Reports Third Quarter Results, Updates Earnings Guidance ...
             CNNMoney.com - Nov 5, 2007
             ... paid in 1463520 1449586 Deferred contribution plan - employee stock ownership plan (28501) (34766) Retained earnings 914622 862660 Accumulated other ...
US*   1275 - Day in the Life with Jack Stack
             Springfield Business Journal, MO - Nov 5, 2007
             A quarter-century ago, Stack refused to give up on his folding employer and spearheaded an employee buyout. The rest is history, and for Stack, ...
US*   1276 - Sun Hydraulics Double Digit Growth Continues With Third Quarter ...
             CNNMoney.com - Nov 5, 2007
             ... Income taxes $ 8884 $ 5226 Supplemental disclosure of noncash transactions: Common stock issued to ESOP through accrued expenses and other liabilities ...
ÏN*   1277 - Suzlon Energy allots shares under ESOP
             Hindu Business Line, India - Nov 5, 2007
             MUMBAI: Suzlon Energy Ltd has informed the BSE that the ESOP-2005 Committee of the board of directors at its meeting held on November 5 has allotted 900 ...
US*   1278 - Cirrus Logic Inc. says SEC has opened formal investigation; Los ...
             Austin American-Statesman, TX - Nov 5, 2007
             ... Monday that the US Securities and Exchange Commission has opened a formal investigation into its past practices involving employee stock option grants. ...
IN*   1279 - 3i Infotech allots shares under ESOS
             Myiris.com, India - Nov 5, 2007
             5, 2007 to the applicants under employee stock option scheme, 2000 (ESOS). 3i Infotech is a global IT company which offers a comprehensive range of software ...
CA*   1280 - Ensign Energy Services Inc. - 2007 Third Quarter Earnings
             Canada NewsWire (press release), Canada - Nov 5, 2007
             For the nine months ended September 30, 2007, cash received on employee stock option exercises totaled $1.9 million and dividends totaled $36.6 million. ...
US*   1281 - Content Management: Interwoven Announces Close Of Optimost
             ECM Connection (press release), PA - Nov 5, 2007
             ... Interwoven will pay approximately $52M in cash for all outstanding shares of Optimost and assume certain existing employee stock options. ...
US*   1282 - Castle Gold Announces New Chief Financial Officer
             Market Wire (press release) - Nov 5, 2007
             ... and all areas of corporate governance. The Corporation also announces the grant of 175000 employee stock options in connection with these appointments.
US*   1283 - BEA to Give Confidential Info to Icahn
              The Associated Press - Nov 5, 2007
             The delay, which results from a lengthy effort to clean up accounting problems tied to bea's mishandling of employee stock options, makes it more difficult ...
DE*   1284 - Cutera Reports Third Quarter 2007 Results
             WELT ONLINE, Germany - Nov 5, 2007
             ... Stock based compensation 1517 1234 4305 3231 Tax benefit from employee stock options 911 - 2408 - Excess tax benefit related to stock-based compensation ...
US*   1285 - MIND CTI Reports Cash Flow From Operating Activities of Over $2 ...
             CNNMoney.com - Nov 5, 2007
             ... (2767) (390) (245) (3136) -------- -------- -------- -------- -------- CASH FLOWS FROM FINANCING ACTIVITIES: Employee stock options exercised and paid ...
CA*   1286 - Ensign Energy Services Inc. - 2007 Third Quarter Earnings
             Canada NewsWire (press release), Canada - Nov 5, 2007
             Other financing activities during the third quarter of 2007 include the receipt of $0.3 million on the exercise of employee stock options and the payment of ...
UK*   1287 - ROUNDUP Sainsbury shares plummet as Delta Two abandons takeover
             Hemscott, UK - Nov 5, 2007
             ... to have missed out on a potential windfall of about 12 mln stg that he would have received for his shares and share options if the deal had proceeded. ...
UK*   1288 - On-Line FY pretax loss widens due to investment write-offs
             Hemscott, UK - Nov 5, 2007
             ... with the adoption of FRS 20 relating to expensing the value of share options it operating loss would actually have been a 4000 stg operating profit.
UK*   1289 - Groenink gets big payout
             Bobsguide (press release), UK - Nov 5, 2007
             Mr Groenink's share options, amounting to $37.6 million are in addition to the severance package which includes a bonus and 22 months salary. ...
CA*   1290 - Northgate reports strong quarterly production and record low cash ...
             Canada NewsWire (press release), Canada - Nov 5, 2007
             The fair value of the share options granted during 2007 was estimated using the Black-Scholes pricing model with the following assumptions: For Options ...
CA*   1291 - The Churchill Corporation Reports Third Quarter Results
             Canada NewsWire (press release), Canada - Nov 5, 2007
             During the quarter ended September 30, 2007, no new share options were issued and 155000 share options were exercised. On October 4, 2007 the Corporation ...
UK*   1292 - Q&A: Citigroup
             4Music News, UK - Nov 5, 2007
             Prince is entitled to a severance package and share options worth up to $87m according to some reports. Sir Win Bischoff, Citi's European chairman, ...
FR*   1293 - 29 propositions pour gagner la bataille des centres de décision
             Territorial.fr - 5 nov 2007
             Le rapport a également souligné l’importance du volet social et, notamment, l’intérêt d’un développement de l’actionnariat salarié, ainsi que d’un ...
CA*   1294 - Les coopératives lanaudoises récompensées
             L'Écho d'Autray - 5 nov 2007
             ... la Coopérative de travail La Vie rurale, la Coopérative de travailleurs-actionnaires de Dessert et Passion, la Coopérative des producteurs de porcs ...
FR*   1295 - Stock-options : une contribution patronale adoptée
             Témoignages.re - 5 nov 2007
             Nicolas Sarkozy avait évoqué, mercredi 3 octobre au soir, la possibilité d’une « certaine contribution des stock-options au financement de la protection ...
FR*   1296 - Polémique sur les indemnités du patron d'ABN Amro
             Le Monde - 5 nov 2007
             ... financières d'ABN en 2007 et 26 millions d'euros que l'ancien numéro un de la banque a engrangés grâce à la revente de ses actions et stock-options. ...
NL*   1297 - PPM Stimulans
             Financieel management - 5 nov 2007
             ... het kader van snelle groei, investeringen, management buy-outs, opvolgingstrajecten in familieondernemingen of introductie van werknemersparticipatie. ...
AR*   1298 - ¿Es febrero de 2002?
             0223 Vespertino Digital - 5 Nov 2007
             ... entubado de arroyos para impedir inundaciones, asfaltado de calles y construcción de viviendas a través de las Cooperativas de Trabajo. ...
CO*   1299 - Crece tensión por reajuste del salario mínimo
             Portafolio - 5 Nov 2007
             ... por lo cual se responsabiliza a las falsas cooperativas de trabajo asociado, cada día es más intenso y el Dane sigue sin publicar las cifras de la ...
CO*   1300 - Congreso Agrario Nacional
             Portafolio - 5 Nov 2007
             Confecoop y Ascoop con el apoyo de la ACI y el Comité Nacional de Trabajo Asociado, efectuarán el XV Encuentro Nacional de Cooperativas de Trabajo Asociado, ...
CO*   1301 - Concertación de salario mínimo para 2008 será ardua por el actual ...
             El Tiempo (Colombia) - 5 Nov 2007
             ... a las falsas cooperativas de trabajo asociado) cada día se hace más intenso, mientras que el Dane sigue sin publicar la situación de la informalidad, ...
AR*   1302 - El Municipio entregó dos viviendas en el barrio de los Municipales
             168 Horas (Comunicados de prensa) - 5 Nov 2007
             Las viviendas fueron construidas por la Cooperativa de Trabajo “San Vicente”, a través del Plan de Emergencia Habitacional. Se destacó que los beneficiarios ...
AR*   1303 - Dos nuevas viviendas para el barrio municipal de Olavarría
              Agencia la Provincia - 5 Nov 2007
             Ambas fueron construidas por la Cooperativa de Trabajo “San Vicente”, a través del Plan de Emergencia Habitacional. Se destacó que los beneficiarios fueron ...
IT*   1304 - Consumatori: "Noi inquiniamo, a noi tocca ripulire"
             Alternativ@Mente - 5 nov 2007
             A Volumi invenduti con quale ricchezza retribuire salari, stipendi, profitti, stock options, pure tasse e balzelli? Ennò Signori, solo l'intervento dei ...
BR*   1305 - Justiça estadual julga ação de cooperativa de trabalho
             Consultor Jurídico - 5 Nov 2007
             Os ministros determinaram ser competência da Comarca de Lucélia (SP), o julgamento de processo movido contra a Cooperativa de Trabalho Multiprofissional de ...
BR*   1306 - Ação por cargo de diretor em cooperativa voltará para a Justiça ...
             Última Instância - 5 Nov 2007
             ... que é competência do Juízo de Direito de Lucélia (SP) o julgamento de processo movido contra uma Cooperativa de Trabalho Multiprofissional do Município. ...
BR*   1307 - Justiça estadual julga ação de cooperativa de trabalho
             Consultor Jurídico - 5 Nov 2007
             Cabe à Justiça Estadual e não à Justiça do Trabalho julgar ação sobre as relações entre cooperativas de trabalho e seus associados. ...
BR*   1308 - A politização dos empregos
             Brasil Wiki! - 5 Nov 2007
             Alguém acha que o Paulinho teria a idéia de criar o programa de stock options para estimular a produtividade? Alguém acha que o pessoal da CUT teria ...
UK*   1309 - Soap box: John Rutherford
             The Herald, UK - Nov 4, 2007
             Employee shareholders who sell shares in their employer and would otherwise have been treated as holding business assets for taper relief purposes will lose ...
US*   1310 - Master plumber prepares for future
             Oshkosh Northwestern, WI - Nov 4, 2007
             "(Lee's Plumbing) is governed by employee shareholders; all employees are encouraged to buy into the company and join the management team at any time," said ...
US*   1311 - 40 years of low prices pay off for winco; Eagle store opens
             IdahoStatesman.com, ID - Nov 4, 2007
             In 1985, Long said he and the other executives and a group of employees negotiated a buyout through an employee stock ownership trust. ...
US*   1312 - Company's first e-book looks at role of blacks in sports
             Urbana/Champaign News-Gazette, IL - Nov 4, 2007
             The value of the company has increased since Human Kinetics was sold to its employees in 2005 as part of an employee stock ownership plan (ESOP). ...
IN*   1313 - Suzlon Energy allots shares under ESOP
             Myiris.com, India - Nov 4, 2007
             The board of directors of Suzlon Energy at its meeting held on Nov. 05, 2007, allotted 900 equity shares of Rs 10 each to the option grantees. ...
US*   1314 - Fixed Assets Manager, Fixed Assets Business Analys
             Kingsport Times News, TN - Nov 4, 2007
             KVAT Food Stores offers a very competitive salary, plus a great benefits package to include Medical, Dental, and Prescription Coverage, ESOP, 401K with a 3% ...
IE*   1315 - Ryanair reports record half year after tax profits of €408m - a 24 ...
             FinFacts Ireland, Ireland - Nov 4, 2007
             Staff costs rose by 29% to €146.3m due to volume growth, an employee share option charge of €9.1m, and increased cabin crew ratios. ...
UK*   1316 - Citigroup chief quits amid credit crisis
             Independent, UK - Nov 4, 2007
             But the Citi boss's departure could be sweetened by a severance package and share options worth up to 87 million US dollars (£41.6 million), according to ...
US*   1317 - Lucia Mar board to discuss its search for new superintendent
             Santa Maria Times, CA - Nov 4, 2007
             ... the company contracted to conduct the search, will present information and share options related to the search process at the meeting. ...
UK*   1318 - Boomerang takes Aim and flies into the stock market
              ic Wales, United Kingdom - Nov 4, 2007
             ... with the company over the coming years as it seeks to implement this growth strategy.” Boomerang, which employs nearly 100, operates share options schemes.
IE*   1319 - Citigroup boss quits as mortgage crunch bites
             Irish Independent, Ireland - Nov 4, 2007
             But the Citi boss's departure could be sweetened by a severance package and share options worth up to $87m (€59.8m), it has been reported. ...
UK*   1320 - Markets set for crisis as Prince poised to quit
             Scotsman, United Kingdom - Nov 4, 2007
             It has been reported that Prince might get a severance package and share options worth up to $87m. O'Neal got some $160m. Citigroup employs more than 300000 ...
US*   1321 - Citigroup boss 'close to quitting'
             The Press Association - Nov 4, 2007
             But the Citi boss's departure could be sweetened by a severance package and share options worth up to 87 million US dollars (£41.6 million), ...
BB*   1322 - Credit Union to access all atms
             Caribbean Broadcasting Corporation, Barbados - Nov 4, 2007
             The Barbados Public Workers' Co-operative Credit Union Limited is linking its ATM machines to that of local banks. This will significantly increase the ...
FR*   1323 - Smoby : MGA cherche à rester dans la course
             Le Figaro - 4 nov 2007
             Selon l'Américain, il s'agissait d'une avance sur des