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  Much new information about employee ownership in September 2006, with 1.507   articles in our press review (on which 280 about workers' co-operatives).
We made a selection of 50 remarkable articles in 15 countries: Austria, Australia, China, Germany, Spain, France, Ireland, Italy, Jamaica, Kenya, Mali, Malaysia, UK, US, South Africa.
The scandals about stock options got new developments in France and the US (561 articles). France developed a hot political debate about restraining or even forbidding  stock options in the future. Similar reactions appeared in other countries. Other information came from abroad. Much noise about nothing?
Austria: Following recent elections, things could be more open for new employee ownership developments.
China opens its doors: two of China's top four commercial banks, will initiate employee stock ownership plans in the near future.
France was the hottest place regarding employee ownership in September (354 articles in the press). The new legislation is now going to be voted by the Parliament.  Germany: Political parties of the big coalition are both working about employee ownership and the future of  German "Mitbestimmung" (co-decision).
Ireland:  Air company Aer Lingus is being privatised bringing wider place for employee ownership.
Jamaica: Digicel grants share options to all its 2.000 employees.
Mali: employee share ownership is developing in the telecoms.
USA: SAIC - one of the biggest employee-owned company in the world (43.000 workers) is going public. A remarkable article tells about trade unions in employee-owned companies: Why Can't We Just Get Along? 
The full press review lists 1.507 articles, on which 376 in the USA, 354 in France, 149 in Argentina, 95 in UK, 84 in South Africa, 65 in Spain, 51 in Germany, 51 in Ireland, 46 in Italy, 35 in India, 34 in Brazil, 32 in Canada, 26 in Austria, 23 in Australia, 11 in Colombia, 9 in Brunei, 9 in Thailand, 6 in Venezuela, 5 in China, 5 in New Zealand, 4 in Malaysia, 4 in The Netherlands, 3 in Finland, 3 in Jamaica, 3 in Kenya, 3 in Poland, 2 in Luxemburg, Mexico, Qatar and Uruguay, 1 in Belgium, Bolivia, Cayman Islands, Cyprus, Ecuador, Indonesia, Israel, Japan, Panama, Philippines, Russia, Singapore,  Trinidad & Tobago.

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   Beaucoup d'informations nouvelles sur l'actionnariat salarié en septembre 2006, avec 1.507 articles dans cette revue de presse (dont 280 à propos de coopératives de travailleurs actionnaires).
Notre sélection propose 50 articles remarquables dans 15 pays: Autriche, Australie, Chine, Allemagne, Espagne, France, Irlande, Italie, Jamaïque, Kenya, Mali, Malaysie, Grande Bretagne, Etats-Unis, Afrique du Sud.
Les scandales des stock options ont connu de nouveaux développements en France et aux Etats-Unis (561 articles). Le débat politique s'est emballé en France, visant à  limiter ou même interdire les stock options. Des réactions similaires se sont exprimées dans d'autres pays. Des informations contradictoires aussi. Beaucoup de bruit pour rien?
Autriche: A la suite des élections, les choses pourraient bien être plus ouvertes pour l'actionnariat salarié.
Chine: les portes s'ouvrent: deux des quatre plus grandes banques commerciales s'appêtent à mettre en place des plans d'actionnariat salarié.
La France a été la place la plus chaude pour l'actionnariat salarié au mois de septembre (354 articles de presse). La nouvelle législation devrait être votée tout prochainement au Parlement. 
Allemagne: les deux grands partis politiques de la coalition travaillent tous deux sur l'actionnariat salarié et l'avenir de la "Mitbestimmung" à l'allemande (co-décision).
Irlande:  La compagnie aérienne irlandaise Aer Lingus est en cours de privatisation; celle-ci va donner une place plus solide à l'actionnariat salarié.
Jamaïque: Digicel offre des options sur actions à l'ensemble de ses 2.000 travailleurs.
Mali: Actionnariat salarié en développement dans les télécoms.
USA: SAIC – une des grande entreprises contrôlées par son actionnariat salarié (43.000 personnes) s'apprête à entrer en bourse. Un remarquable article sur les syndicats dans les entreprises d'actionnariat salarié Why Can't We Just Get Along? 
La revue de presse complète compte 1.507 articles, dont 376 aux USA, 354 en France, 149 en Argentine, 95 en Grande Bretagne, 84 en Afrique du Sud, 65 in Espagne, 51 en Allemagne, 51 en Irlande, 46 en Italie, 35 en Inde, 34 au Brésil, 32 au Canada, 26 en Autriche, 23 en Australie, 11 en Colombie, 9 à Brunei, 9 en Thaïlande, 6 au Venezuela, 5 en Chine, 5 en Nouvelle Zélande, 4 en Malaisie, 4 aux Pays-Bas, 3 en Finlande, 3 en Jamaïque, 3 au Kenya, 3 en Pologne, 2 aux Luxemburg, Mexique, Quatar et Uruguay, 1 en Belgique, Bolivie, Iles Cayman, Chypre, Equateur, Indonésie, Israël, Japon, Panama, Philippines, Russie, Singapour, Trinidad & Tobago.
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  Muchas nuevas informaciones sobre accionariado asalariado en septiembre 2006, con 1.507 artículos en esta revista de prensa (cuyos 280 en torno a las cooperativas de trabajadores accionistas).
Nuestra selección propone 50 artículos notables en 15 países : Austria, Australia, China, Alemania, España, Francia, Irlanda, Italia, Jamaica, Kenya, Mali, Malasia, Gran Bretaña, EE.UU, Africa del Sur.
Los escandalos de los stock options conocieron nuevos desarrollos en Francia y en EE.UU (561 artículos). El debate político se acelero en Francia, pidiendo en limitar o prohibir los stock options. Reacciones similares fueron expresadas en otros países. Informaciones contradictorias tambien. ¿Mucho ruido para nada ?
Austria: despues de las elecciones, las cosas podrian ser mas abiertas para el accionariado asalariado.
China: las puertas se abren: dos de los cuatro mas grandes bancos comerciales estan listos para poner en pie planes de accionariado asalariado.
Francia fue la plaza mas caliente para el accionariado asalariado este mes de septiembre (354 artículos de prensa). La nueva legislación deberia ser votada muy pronto en el Parlamento.
Alemania : los dos grandes partidos políticos de la coalición trabajan sobre el accionariado asalariado y por el futuro de la « Mitbestimmung » a la alemana (codecision).
Irlanda : la companía aerea irlandesa Aer Lingus esta en fase de privatización ; esto dará mas peso al accionariado asalariado.
Jamaica :Digicel ofrece opciones sobre acciones al conjunto de sus 2.000 trabajadores.
Mali : accionariadoasalariado en desarrollo en los telecoms.
EEUU : SAIC-una de las mas grandes empresas controladas por su accionariado asalariado (43.000 personas) va entrar en bolsa. Un destacado artículo sobre los sindicatos en las empresas de accionariado asalariado Why Can't We Just Get Along? 
La revista de prensa completa cuenta 1.507 artículos, cuyos 376 EE.UU, 354 en Francia, 149 en Argentina, 95 en Gran Bretaña, 84 en Africa del Sur, 65 en España, 51 en Alemania, 51 en Irlanda, 46 en Italia, 35 en India, 34 en Brasil, 32 en Canadá, 26 en Austria, 23 en Australia, 11 en Colombia, 9 en Brunei, 9 en Tailandia, 6 en Venezuela, 5 en China, 5 en Nueva Zelandia, 4 en Malasia, 4 en los Países Bajos, 3 en Finlandia, 3 en Jamaica, 3 au Kenya, 3 en Polonia, 2 en el Luxemburgo, Mejico, Quatar y Uruguay, 1 en Bélgica, Bolivia, Islas Caimanes, Chipre, Ecuador, Indonesia, Israel, Japon, Panama, Filipinas, Rusia, Singapour, Trinidad y Tobago.

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   50 articles in Austria, Australia, China, Germany, Spain, France, Ireland, Italy, Jamaica, Kenya, Mali, Malaysia, UK, US, South Africa.

313 - SPÖ, Grüne und auch FPÖ votieren für
          Wiener Zeitung - 25. Sept. 2006
          ... Dabei profitieren sollen vor allem die Mitarbeiter – durch einen weiteren Ausbau der Mitarbeiterbeteiligung nach dem Vorbild der Voest und der Post. ...
AT  780 - In Österreich werden rund 160.000 Mitarbeiter am Kapital des ...
          Wiener Zeitung - 15. Sept. 2006
          ... Aufschluss über Rahmenbedingungen und über mögliche weitere Entwicklungen bei der Mitarbeiterkapitalbeteiligung ergab die Befragung jener Betriebe und ...
AU  583 - Labor vows double-hit relief
          The Australian, Australia - Sep 19, 2006
          ... Ms Fabro said. Mr Swan said a Kim Beazley government would also examine new measures to boost employee share ownership. "If share ...
AU  1272 - NZ Telecom abandons staff share options
          Sydney Morning Herald, Australia - Sep 6, 2006
          NZ Telecom has abandoned share options to incentivise its top employees after the 27 per cent slump in its share price since May rendered most options worthless ...
CN  1317 - China's top banks plan employee share schemes
          Xinhua, China - Sep 5, 2006
          6 -- Bank of China and China Construction Bank, two of China's top four commercial banks, will initiate employee stock ownership plans in the near future as ...
DE  579 - Zypries stützt die Mitbestimmung
          Frankfurter Allgemeine Zeitung - 20. Sept. 2006
          Die Arbeitnehmerbeteiligung in Aufsichtsräten, die seit dreißig Jahren für Unternehmen mit mindestens 2000 Mitarbeitern obligatorisch ist, stärke deshalb ...
DE  1299 - IAB-Studie zur Gewinn- und Kapitalbeteiligung von Arbeitnehmern ...
          innovations report - 6. Sept. 2006
          ... Dies gilt für alle Betriebsgrößen. "Insofern wirkt sich die stärkere Verbreitung von Systemen der Mitarbeiterbeteiligung in anderen Ländern auch auf ...
DE  1419 - CDU will Mitarbeiterbeteiligungen im Unternehmen stärken
          Reuters Deutschland - 4. Sept. 2006
          ... "Damit besteht für Unternehmen und Mitarbeiter die Möglichkeit, diejenige Form der Mitarbeiterbeteiligung zu wählen, die ihren Präferenzen und ihrer ...
DE  1498 - SPD öffnet sich Mitarbeiterbeteiligung
          Financial Times Deutschland - 1. Sept. 2006
          von Kai Beller. Der Bundespräsident und die Bundeskanzlerin sind dafür, ebenso die CDU und die Arbeitgeber. Nun wollen die Sozialdemokraten ...
ES  567 - Eiffage sube en un 4,6%, hasta los 75 euros
          Bolsamania.com - 20 Sep 2006
          ... con el 32% de las acciones. Los accionistas asalariados del grupo poseen el 22,7% de las acciones. El grupo de construcción se ...
ES  571 - Francia limita la venta de «stock options» para evitar ...
          ABC - 20 Sep 2006
          PARÍS. El Gobierno francés promoverá un proyecto de ley en el que se limita la venta de «stock options» (planes de opciones sobre acciones) por parte de ...
ES  1082 - "Bye, bye, blue bird"
          Libertad Digital - 8 Sep 2006
          ... defendemos un capitalismo libre de trabas estatales y burocráticas, un capitalismo popular, con un importante accionariado asalariado, en democracias mucho ...
ES  1296 - La SEC investiga las 'stock options' de más de 100 empresas
          Cinco Días - 6 Sep 2006
           La SEC, el regulador de los mercados de EE UU, está investigando posibles violaciones legales en el periodo de emisión de stock options (opciones sobre ...
FR  98 - L'épargne salariale accroît les écarts de rémunérations
          Le Monde - 28 sep 2006
          Loin de réduire les écarts de salaires, l'épargne salariale les accentue. Dans une étude rendue publique, jeudi 28 septembre ...
FR  189 - PS : les propositions des prétendants
          Universal Press Agency - 27 sep 2006
          ... de gaz. - Suppression des avantages fiscaux des stock-options, sauf pour les entreprises de moins de cinq ans. - Large opération ...
FR  363 - Le projet de loi pour le développement de la participation et de ...
          Les Échos - 22 sep 2006
          ... être versées sur un " plan d'épargne-entreprise " , devraient contribuer au renforcement du capital de l'entreprise en renforçant l'actionnariat salarié. ...
FR  380 - Patrick Artus veut un débat sur "les vrais sujets" pour 2007
          Challenges - 22 sep 2006
          ... "Il est plus facile de dire qu'on va reconduire à la frontière les clandestins ou supprimer les stock-options des grands patrons. ...
FR  432 - Breton "toujours réservé" pour légiférer sur les stock-options
          Challenges - 21 sep 2006
          ... a confirmé que le gouvernement "réfléchissait" à un amendement sur ce point dans le cadre du projet de loi sur la participation et l'actionnariat salarié. ...
FR  501 - France plans new curbs on executive stock options
          Biloxi Sun Herald,  USA - Sep 20, 2006
          ... The government-backed compromise will be introduced as an amendment to long-planned legislation intended to encourage employee share ownership, by extending ...
FR  533 - Stock-options : une réforme en option
          Libération - 20 sep 2006
          ... avec le ministre de l'Economie, Thierry Breton, le texte présenté (inclus dans le projet de loi sur la participation et l'actionnariat salarié) ne prévoit ...
FR  544 - La réforme des stock-options ne convainc pas les patrons
          Le Figaro - 20 sep 2006
          LA RÉDACTION définitive de l'amendement sur les stock-options qui sera ajouté au projet de loi déjà fort chargé sur la participation a fait l'objet, hier ...
FR  618 - Thierry Breton pour une détention contrôlée des stock-options
          Capital.fr - 19 sep 2006
          ... était auditionné mardi par la Commission des Affaires sociales de l'Assemblée nationale sur le projet de loi sur la participation et l'actionnariat salarié ...
FR  727 - Stock-options : supprimer ou légiférer, telle n'est pas la ...
          Débat2007.fr - 17 sep 2006
          Menacer (à gauche ou à droite) les stock-options d'une suppression, c'est imaginer que la France pourrait vivre en circuit totalement fermé, mais rester ...
FR  937 - Sauver le libéralisme
          Les Échos - 12 sep 2006
          ... La proposition dont je suis l'auteur n'a nullement pour objet d'empêcher le développement de l'actionnariat salarié, mais tout au contraire de le mettre à l ...
FR  1027 - Le sort de Safran entre les mains de l'Etat
          Le Figaro - 10 sep 2006
          ... de Sagem. L'État risque également d'entrer en conflit avec les salariés actionnaires qui détiennent 19,2 % du capital. La CGE ...
IE  1 - Flotation helps Irish airline reach new heights
          Sunday Herald, UK – Sep 30, 2006
          ... Present and past employees have subscribed for 2.2% of the shares and the Aer Lingus Employee Share Ownership Trust will take a 9.9% stake. ...
IE  902 - Aer Lingus sets cautious IPO price range
          MSNBC - Sep 12, 2006
          ... said the Irish government, which currently owns 85.1 per cent of its equity (the workforce owns 14.9 per cent through an employee share ownership trust) was ...
IE  1439 - Eircom union in row over Meteor
          The Sunday Times, UK - Sep 2, 2006
          ... mobile subsidiary. Eircom, which is 35% owned by an employee share ownership trust, acquired Meteor almost a year ago. Under its ...
          Greenplanet.net - 2 set 2006
          ... E nel maggio scorso in Auchan abbiamo finalmente lanciato l'azionariato dei dipendenti, una cosa molto innovativa in Italia, anche se in Francia esiste già da ...
IT  1506 - Prima assemblea BNL dopo l'OPA targata BNP Paribas
          Azione BNL - 30 set 2006
IT  1507 - Coordinare le associazioni dei piccoli soci
          Azione BNL - 30 set 2006
JM  1019 - Digicel grants share options to all its employees
          Jamaica Observer, Jamaica - Sep 10, 2006
          ... during his visit to the country on Thursday, September 7, to announce the introduction of its first of its kind in the region employee share option programme. ...
KE  139 - Kenya: How to Save the Farmer From Sharks
          AllAfrica.com, Washington - Sep 27, 2006
          ... I claim no authority in this area, but I think that the idea of creating a sugarcane farmers stock ownership vehicle - an employee ownership plan (Esops ...
ML  612 - Télécommunications : LA RÉVOLUTION QUOTIDIENNE
          L'Essor - 19 sep 2006
          ... Les dirigeants de Ikatel ont intronisé fin 2004, l'actionnariat salarié qui permet au personnel de prendre part au capital de l'entreprise. ...
MY  1326 - Unwise to remove tax on ESOS
          Malaysia Kini, Malaysia - Sep 5, 2006
          I can fully understand Yusof Hussein's lament about taxes being imposed on the benefits accruing from Employee Share Option Schemes, after all, who does not ...
UK  28 - Options make villains of heroes
          Times Online, UK - Sep 29, 2006
          ... But many of the companies that are now combing through their books for share option fiddles are successful and the last thing investors want is their chief ...
UK  929 - Ten Ways To Win With Shares
          Motley Fool UK, UK - Sep 12, 2006
          ... The most popular of these is Sharesave, also known as Save As You Earn (SAYE) or Savings-Related Share Option scheme, which has over 2½ million participants. ...
US  10 - Why Can't We Just Get Along?
          Dollars & Sense, MA - Sep 29, 2006
          ... But would the workers really cooperate with management as employee owners, and would management really cooperate with them and empower them to make decisions ...
US  123 - SAIC shareholders vote to clear the way for IPO
          San Diego Union Tribune, United States - Sep 27, 2006
          ... work. Robert Beyster, the company founder who retired in 2004, made employee ownership his most sacred management principle. Under ...
US  226 - Karl's electronics expands
          Sioux Falls Argus Leader, SD - Sep 26, 2006
          ... the board of directors. All his employees, through an employee stock option plan, have a stake in the company. Karl said the company ...
US  266 - Alion names first COO
          FCW.com, VA - Sep 25, 2006
          ... technology. Based in McLean, Va., Alion has more than 3,700 employee-owners at major offices, customer sites and laboratories worldwide.
US  270 - Workers to own local construction firm
          Arizona Daily Star, AZ - Sep 25, 2006
          ... Under the employee stock ownership plan now in place, the company's stock will be transferred to KE&G employees over a five- to 10-year period beginning next ...
US  284 - Those Options Could Cost You
          BusinessWeek - Sep 25, 2006
          The executives responsible for backdating employee stock options are in big trouble, facing everything from shareholder lawsuits and tax audits to possible ...
          Newsweek - Sep 23, 2006
          By Jane Bryant Quinn. Oct. 2, 2006 issue - You may remember that employee stock options were supposed to make everybody rich. Well ...
US  355 - US cable firm gave share options to dead executive
          Independent, UK - Sep 22, 2006
          ... The company said it had discovered an inappropriate share option grant to a director understood to be Marc Lustgarten, a former vice-chairman, who died from ...
US  406 - It's That Time of the Saison: New Belgium Brewing Introduces ...
          Emediawire (press release), WA - Sep 21, 2006
          ... Progressive programs like employee ownership, open book management and a trip to Belgium after five years employment are all part of the corporate culture. ...
US  663 - Employee-owned engineering firm TKDA takes off on a new course
          Monterey County Herald, CA - Sep 18, 2006
          ... "People really need to feel that they can affect the outcome," says Deitner. As employee-owners, he says, they sense that they can.
US  1014 - Backdating Gains Found Modest
          Los Angeles Times, CA - Sep 10, 2006
          ... Corey Rosen, director of the Oakland-based National Center for Employee Ownership, a group that tracks option trends, said that regardless of the dollar ...
US  1108 - Bush administration proposes agreement to settle claims against ...
          SouthCoastToday.com, MA - Sep 7, 2006
          ... Lay also was sued as a member of Enron's board of directors for failing to properly appoint and monitor a trustee to oversee the employee stock ownership plan. ...
ZA  13 - Solidarity welcomes Kumba ESOP
          Moneyweb, South Africa - Sep 29, 2006
          ... The ESOP (Employee Share Ownership Plan) was announced in the JSE’s SENS today, in which Kumba confirmed the stipulations of black economic empowerment and ...
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Monthly press review covering following items in English, French, German, Spanish, Italian and Portuguese:
Revue de presse sur les thèmes suivants en anglais, français, allemand, espagnol, italien et portugais:

acionistas assalariados - accionariado asalariado - actionnaires salariés - actionnariat salarié - Arbeitnehmerkapitalbeteiligung - azionariato dei dipendenti - azionisti dipendenti - employee buyouts - employee owners - employee ownership - employee share ownership - employee stock ownership - ESOP - financiele werknemersparticipatie - finanzielle Beteiligung der Arbeitnehmer - Mitarbeiterbeteiligung - Mitarbeiterkapitalbeteiligung - partecipazione finanziaria dei lavoratori - participación financiera de los trabajadores - participation financière des travailleurs - salariés actionnaires - sociedades laborales - werknemersaandeelhouders - werknemersparticipatie - coopératives ouvrières de production - SCOP - coopératives de travailleurs actionnaires - cooperativas de trabajo - cooperative di lavoro - workers cooperatives - cooperativas de trabalho

Articles are sorted by dates:
Les articles sont classés par dates:

Los artículos están ordenados por fecha:

1 - Flotation helps Irish airline reach new heights
        Sunday Herald, UK – Sep 30, 2006
       ... Present and past employees have subscribed for 2.2% of the shares and the Aer Lingus Employee Share Ownership Trust will take a 9.9% stake. ...
2 - Virinchi Technologies approves 5% dividend
       Myiris.com, India – Sep 30, 2006
       ... Hyderabad as auditors of the company. The board has also approved amendments to the ESOP Scheme, 2004. The members approved the the ...
3 - Register offers staff severance packages to cut costs as ad sales ...
       OCRegister, CA – Sep 30, 2006
       ... do not include potential accounting changes and expenses related to the Santa Ana company's investigation of the possible backdating of employee stock options. ...
4 - Prufrock: Diamond’s deal for ‘helping out’
       The Sunday Times, UK – Sep 30, 2006
       Six weeks ago The Sunday Times revealed that staff at BGI scooped a staggering £1.26 billion through a share-option scheme introduced in 2000. ...
5 - Kobi Alexander – not who you thought
       Ynetnews, Israel – Sep 30, 2006
       ... Christopher Cox told Congress that his team is investigating over 100 companies, and some estimate the number at 2,200, for backdating share option granted to ...
6 - Torch River Resources Ltd.
       CNW Telbec (Communiqués de presse), Canada - Sep 30, 2006
       29 /CNW/ - Torch River Resources Ltd. ("Torch") announced today that the Board of Directors have approved the issue of 570,000 share options to certain ...
7 - Vente aux enchères des matériels de l'imprimerie d'emballages ...
       Graphiline – 30 sep 2006
       ... à la mise en redressement puis au plan de cession partielle décidé le 23 juin dernier par le tribunal de commerce de Carpentras concernant cette Scop de 240 ...
8 - Dos mil cooperativas de trabajo debatieron su futuro
       Diario Hoy (Argentina) – 30 Sep 2006
       Unas 2.000 cooperativas de trabajo de todo el país comenzaron a analizar hoy los problemas que las afectan, en el marco de un encuentro multitudinario que ...
9 - Rosario: La economía solidaria suma
       DERF – 30 Sep 2006
       ... Además de los integrantes de redes de trueque, empresas recuperadas, cooperativas de trabajo y consumo, centros barriales y movimientos de desocupados ...
10 - Why Can't We Just Get Along?
       Dollars & Sense, MA - Sep 29, 2006
       ... But would the workers really cooperate with management as employee owners, and would management really cooperate with them and empower them to make decisions ...
11 - The ESOP Association is Pleased to Announce New Tradeshow at ...
       Yahoo! News (press release) - Sep 29, 2006
       ... Founded in 1978, The ESOP Association represents over 1,400 ESOP companies and over 1 million employee owners who believe that employee ownership will improve ...
12 - Schroder family takes £411 million hit
       CityWire.co.uk, UK - Sep 29, 2006
       ... The Employee Share Ownership Plan, a pot of 3.1 million shares, has tumbled from £39.9 million at the stock’s peak on 21 March 2006 to £27.7 million on 20 ...
13 - Solidarity welcomes Kumba ESOP
       Moneyweb, South Africa - Sep 29, 2006
       ... The ESOP (Employee Share Ownership Plan) was announced in the JSE’s SENS today, in which Kumba confirmed the stipulations of black economic empowerment and ...
       LaCrosse Tribune, WI - Sep 29, 2006
       Trane offers a competitive wage and a full range of benefits including 401K, employee stock ownership (ESOP), vacation, holidays, dental, medical, & life ...
15 - $20 for first-time OCM share issue
       Trinidad & Tobago Express, Trinidad and Tobago - Sep 29, 2006
       ... issue, it recommended that the offer price of $20, along with OCM's forecasted EPS (earnings per share), inclusive of ESOP (employee stock ownership plan) of ...
16 - The value of valuations
       Professional Roofing - Sep 29, 2006
       ... its assets? Also, is the valuation for gifting purposes, business planning, a sale, employee stock ownership plan, etc.? The type ...
17 - Greatland retirement plan converted
       Oshkosh Northwestern, Wisconsin - Sep 29, 2006
       ASHWAUBENON — Greatland Corp., which has offices in Grand Rapids, Mich., and Ashwaubenon, said Thursday it has converted to an employee stock ownership plan. ...
18 - Greatland retirement plan converted
       Green Bay Press Gazette, WI - Sep 29, 2006
        ASHWAUBENON — Greatland Corp., which has offices in Grand Rapids, Mich., and Ashwaubenon, said Thursday it has converted to an employee stock ownership plan. ...
19 - Kotak Mahindra Bank allots 26,152 shares
       Myiris.com, India - Sep 29, 2006
       The ESOP allotment committee of Kotak Mahindra Bank allotted 26,152 equity shares of Rs 10 each, pursuant to exercise of employees stock options granted under ...
20 - (PRN) - Medicare Releases Data on 2007 Drug Plan Options ... [+]
       Bolsamania.com, Spain - Sep 29, 2006
       (PRN) - The ESOP Association is Pleased to Announce New Tradeshow at Annual Las Vegas Conference ... [+. PRN) - CPSC Welcomes Sears ...
21 - Niall Carroll (CEO, Royal Bafokeng Holdings) and Cathie Markus ...
       Mineweb, South Africa - Sep 29, 2006
       ... that that was the correct thing to do, to enable those employees who do not participate currently, or before the introduction of the so-called ESOP, in the ...
22 - Stocks Watch: Alpharma, Accenture, Lockheed Martin, Research in ...
       Minyanville.com, New York - Sep 29, 2006
       ... Research In Motion (RIMM) said an internal probe of its employee stock-option accounting may cause it to restate financial results, but its stock surged in ...
23 - Global Payments Reports First Quarter Earnings
       PR Newswire (press release), NY - Sep 29, 2006
       ... Relates to the company's adoption of SFAS 123(R) on June 1, 2006, which requires the recognition of compensation expense resulting from employee stock options. ...
24 - Research in Motion Rallies on Strong Outlook
       Smartmoney.com - Sep 29, 2006
       ... The stock gains came even though the firm said an internal probe of its past accounting practices for employee stock options may lead to a restatement of some ...
25 - RIM shares surge on results, forecast
       MarketWatch - Sep 29, 2006
       ... The rise came even though the firm said an internal probe of its past accounting practices for employee stock options may lead to a restatement of some prior ...
26 - Gold explorer Glencar reveals share options charge of $640k
       Irish Independent, Ireland - Sep 29, 2006
       ... 2006, Glencar said $0.64m of this related to "the imputed cost of the issue of share options to directors and others under the company's share option scheme". ...
27 - BG CEO Sells Half Of His BG Shares For GBP2.9 Million
       Easy Bourse (Communiqués de presse), France - Sep 29, 2006
       ... The company also said Chief Financial Officer Ashley Almanza exercised options under a BG share option scheme and sold the 269,526 shares arising from this ...
28 - Options make villains of heroes
       Times Online, UK - Sep 29, 2006
        ... But many of the companies that are now combing through their books for share option fiddles are successful and the last thing investors want is their chief ...
29 - BG CFO flogs a major portion of stock
       Accountancy Age, UK - Sep 29, 2006
       ... The FD, who was appointed to his present role in 2002, exercised options under the BG Group Company Share Option Scheme over a total of 269,526 ordinary shares ...
30 - ISEQ slips into negative territory
       Ireland Online, Ireland - Sep 29, 2006
       ... year. The loss includes the cost of the issue of share options to directors and others under the company's share option scheme. ...
       Accountancy Ireland, Ireland - Sep 29, 2006
       ... Most industries have been affected in the areas of financial instruments, derivatives, hedge accounting, deferred tax and share options. ...
32 - South Africa: Roger Kebble Strikes R1,5m Plea Bargain
       AllAfrica.com, Washington - Sep 29, 2006
       ... The state also claims Kebble received income from gains on share options exercised from Durban Roodepoort Deep during the 1999 and 2002 tax periods and failed ...
       ic NorthWales, UK - Sep 29, 2006
       ... The position offers excellent career prospects for the right candidate. We will be offering an attractive package including share options.
34 - Intel sees the future, HP wants to forget the past, and Apple's ...
       Register, UK - Sep 29, 2006
       ... Namibia. He faces extradition to the US to face charges of backdating share options and illegally removing $57m from the US to Israel. ...
35 - Circle Oil Interim Results and Overview of Operations
       OilVoice (press release), UK - Sep 29, 2006
       ... FRS 20 requires an estimate of the non-cash costs associated with the issuing of share options to be charged to the profit and loss account. ...
36 - NextGen 1H revenue down, loss widens; sees first shoots of better ...
       Silicon Fen Business Report, UK - Sep 29, 2006
       ... costs grew 25% to £1.6m, mainly due to the increase in the US sales force, costs of being an AIM listed company and the fair value of share options granted in ...
37 - Sarbanes-Oxley Will Make Little Difference
       Mondaq News Alerts (subcription), UK - Sep 29, 2006
       ... performance. The granting of share options, which are just a one-way bet, should be avoided or, at the very least, expensed immediately. ...
38 - Scruton Smears Chomsky
       ZNet, MA - Sep 29, 2006
        ... The same Hugo Chavez who has been encouraging democracy to move from the political sphere - to the economic - by fostering workers cooperatives and various ...
39 - Léger mieux salarial grâce au smic
       l'Humanité - 29 sep 2006
       ... Enfin, l’Insee publie aujourd’hui une étude sur le rôle joué par l’épargne salariale dans l’évolution des salaires. ...
40 - Clôture Wall Street : Nasdaq -0,51%; Dow Jones -0,34%
       Voila.fr - 29 sep 2006
       ... RIM qui mène encore une revue volontaire des pratiques historiques d'attributions de stock options, mais pense que l'impact potentiel d'éventuelles ...
41 - Au salon de l'autoconsternation, je m'expose tous les jours
       Figaro Magazine - 29 sep 2006
       ... mission ? - Qu'est devenu Noël Forgeard, l'ex-grand manitou d'EADS ? Quelles indemnités at-on ajouté à ses stock-options ? Et ...
42 - Wall Street: oscillations étroites autour de l'équilibre
       Cercle Finance - 29 sep 2006
       ... Le fabricant du BlackBerry a fait état jeudi soir d'un résultat net hors dépenses liées aux stock-options de 145,1 millions de dollars, soit 77 cents par ...
43 - La valeur du jour à Wall Street - RIM sur ses plus hauts ...
       Boursorama - 29 sep 2006
       Research In Motion a publié, au titre du deuxième trimestre (juin-août 2006), un bénéfice net intégrant les charges liées aux stock-options de 140,8 ...
44 - HP : les dirigeants savaient, accuse un employé
       Monde Informatique - 29 sep 2006
       ... investigations. Sa présidente, Ann Beskins, démissionnaire partie avec 3,7 M$ d'indemnités en stock-options, a refusé de témoigner.
45 - Stabilité initiale, AMD et RIM recherchés
       Boursorama - 29 sep 2006
        ... Hors coûts liés aux stock-options, le résultat s'établit à 77 cents par action, contre 71 cents estimés, en moyenne, par les analystes. ...
46 - Tibco Software : malmené après des comptes décevants
       Boursier.com - 29 sep 2006
       ... sur son 3ème trimestre 2006 un bénéfice érodé, à 11,3 M$ et 5 cents par titre, du fait de charges de compensations pesantes liées aux stock options. ...
47 - RESEARCH IN MOTION attendu en forte hausse après ses résultats
       Boursorama - 29 sep 2006
       Le fabricant canadien du Blackberry a fait état d'un bénéfice par action hors charges liées aux stock-options en hausse de 37,5% à 0,77 dollar. ...
48 - Gil Knight : " Prudence "
       Les Échos - 29 sep 2006
       ... en raison de la volonté de la Securities and Exchange Commission (SEC) d'élargir sans cesse le champ de ses enquêtes sur la "manipulation" des stock-options ...
49 - La suspension du titre Dell au NASDAQ se précise
       Génération NT - 29 sep 2006
       ... années, n'aurait pas un peu trafiqué ses comptes pour y masquer des sommes perçues par certains de ses employés et cadres au titre des stock-options. ...
50 - Hi-Media : 3ème séance de correction
       Voila.fr - 29 sep 2006
       ... Le résultat opérationnel (avant prise en compte des stock options et actions gratuites) devrait atteindre 7 Millions d'euros selon les nouvelles prévisions. ...
51 - Pamco Industries lâchée par CF2M
       L'Usine Nouvelle - 29 sep 2006
       ... offre est portée par 110 d’entre eux, tant cadres que techniciens et ouvriers regroupés en association pour créer une coopérative ouvrière de production ...
52 - Se lancer en affaires - Le modèle «coopérative de travail»
       Arrondissements.com - 29 sep 2006
       ... La coopérative de travail en tant que forme collective d'entrepreneuriat permet de partager les risques, de multiplier les expertises et de s'appuyer sur des ...
53 - El Ayuntamiento abre una nueva convocatoria de subvenciones I+E ...
       Canarias 24 horas - 29 Sep 2006
       ... forma jurídica, siempre que contemplen la creación de puestos de trabajo o bien la incorporación de socios en el caso de cooperativas o sociedades laborales ...
54 - Desfile, música y homenajes para festejar los 73 años
       Rio Negro On Line - 29 Sep 2006
       ... Belgrano. Y un reconocimiento al esfuerzo y perseverancia para las cooperativas de trabajo "Jardín de Valle Medio" y "El Progreso". ...
55 - Primer Encuentro Nacional de Cooperativas de Trabajo
       AbiertaTV - 29 Sep 2006
       Este viernes desde las 19, tendrá lugar el acto de apertura del 1º Encuentro Nacional de Cooperativas de Trabajo, que se realizará entre el 29 de septiembre ...
56 - Gioja, a los elogios por lo social en la Rosada
       Diario de Cuyo - 29 Sep 2006
       ... más postergados e incluirlos socialmente, a través de la atención primaria de salud, la consolidación y sostenimiento de las cooperativas de trabajo y la ...
57 - El Merval acompañó a los índices americanos que alcanzaron los ...
       InvertirOnline - 29 Sep 2006
       ... de BlackBerry anunciaba ganancias para su segundo trimestre mejores de lo esperado, pese a que también mencionó que reverá sus prácticas de stock options. ...
58 - Auslandsaktien überwiegend positive Geschichten
        Finanztreff - 29. Sept. 2006
       ... Das Unternehmen habe in Q2 einen Gewinn von 74 US-Cent je Aktie erwirtschaftet, unter Abzug des Stock-Option-Programms sogar 77 US-Cent, die höchsten ...
59 - Wall Street: Knapp behauptet, Research In Motion schießt nach ...
       Finanzen.net - 29. Sept. 2006
       ... 6 Cents je Aktie auf 11,3 Mio. Dollar bzw. 5 Cents je Aktie. Bereinigt um die Effekte aus Stock-Option-Programmen hätte sich das EPS auf 7 Cents belaufen. ...
60 - MPT pode propor ação para impedir fraude em contratação
       Último Segundo - 29 Set 2006
       ... trabalho. A empresa alegou que se tratavam de associados de cooperativa de trabalho rural, porém não comprovou a afirmação. ...
61 - MPT pode propor ação para impedir fraude em contratação
       Consultor Jurídico - 29 Set 2006
       ... trabalho. A empresa alegou que se tratavam de associados de cooperativa de trabalho rural, porém não comprovou a afirmação. ...
62 - TST reconhece legitimidade de MPT em ação civil pública
       DireitoNet - 29 Set 2006
       ... Trabalho. A empresa alegou que se tratavam de associados de cooperativa de trabalho rural, porém não comprovou tal afirmativa. ...
63 - Tibco Software: recupera dopo un esordio difficile su scia conti
       La Repubblica - 29 set 2006
       ... La società ha annunciando infatti un calo dell'utile del 19% per effetto delle spese connesse con l'esercizio dlele stock options, ma al netto di questa ...
64 - Secretive contractor restructures for IPO
       Baltimore Sun, United States - Sep 28, 2006
       ... work. Robert Beyster, the company founder who retired in 2004, made employee ownership his most sacred management principle. Under ...
65 - CEO at Interaction Associates Named One of America’s Best Bosses
       PR Web (press release), WA - Sep 28, 2006
       ... "Nearly all of this year’s winners — including Linda Dunkel — run companies with some sort of employee ownership and practice open book management. ...
66 - CEO at Interaction Associates Named One of America’s Best Bosses
       Emediawire (press release), WA - Sep 28, 2006
       ... “Nearly all of this year’s winners — including Linda Dunkel — run companies with some sort of employee ownership and practice open book management. ...
67 - BHP Billiton Plc - Notification of interests of directors
       Finance24, South Africa - Sep 28, 2006
       ... BHP Billiton Plc announces the following transactions, made by Billiton ESOP Trustee Limited as trustee of the Billiton Employee Share Ownership Trust, in ...
68 - Bioniche Reports Fiscal Year-End Results
       CNW Telbec (Communiqués de presse), Canada - Sep 28, 2006
       ... Foreign exchange gain (543,011) - Share, option, and warrant compensation 331,486 212,164 Share bonus - (102,357) Employee share ownership plan 544,872 597,715 ...
69 - Bafokeng set to emerge as largest Implats shareholder as R12,1bn ...
       Mining Weekly, South Africa - Sep 28, 2006
       ... holding in the company - together with the empowerment credits due as a result of the Incwala transaction and Implats' Employee Share Ownership Plan - would ...
       Free Market News Network, FL - Sep 28, 2006
       ... holding in the company – together with the empowerment credits due as a result of the Incwala transaction and Implats' Employee Share Ownership Plan – will ...
71 - Implats revises BEE deal
       Sunday Times, South Africa - Sep 28, 2006
       ... 7.44% in Implats. Implats shareholders also approved the creation of an Employee Share Ownership Programme (ESOP). The ESOP has ...
72 - Home >> Sections >> PGMs >> Implats Sells $680M in Shares to Royal ...
       Resource Investor, VA - Sep 28, 2006
       ... The third component of the deal is an employee share ownership program for our staff that currently don’t participate in any share programs - so it’s the ...
73 - Bioniche Reports Fiscal Year-End Results
       PR Newswire (press release), NY - Sep 28, 2006
       ... Foreign exchange gain (543,011) - Share, option, and warrant compensation 331,486 212,164 Share bonus - (102,357) Employee share ownership plan 544,872 597,715 ...
74 - Impala alters BEE deal on royalty fear
       Mining MX, South Africa - Sep 28, 2006
       ... The original transaction also included an employee share ownership scheme to transfer two million shares to workers or 4.4% of its shares. ...
75 - Royalty doubts forces Implats to alter BEE deal
       Mining MX, South Africa - Sep 28, 2006
       ... The original transaction also included an employee share ownership scheme to transfer two million shares to workers or 4.4% of its shares. ...
76 - Aer Lingus climbs on debut
       Belfast Telegraph, United Kingdom - Sep 28, 2006
       ... A further 12 per cent will be in the hands of staff, either through an employee share ownership trust or employees subscribing to the offer. ...
77 - Bioniche Reports Fiscal Year-End Results
       Canada NewsWire (press release), Canada - Sep 28, 2006
       ... Foreign exchange gain (543,011) - Share, option, and warrant compensation 331,486 212,164 Share bonus - (102,357) Employee share ownership plan 544,872 597,715 ...
78 - Implats/RBH/RBN - Joint announcement regarding a revised BEE ...
       Finance24, South Africa - Sep 28, 2006
       ... the IRS Transaction"). Implats shareholders also approved the creation of an Employee Share Ownership Programme ("ESOP"). The ESOP ...
79 - Aer Lingus Climbs on Debut
       Black Enterprise, NY - Sep 28, 2006
       ... A further 12 per cent will be in the hands of staff, either through an employee share ownership trust or employees subscribing to the offer. ...
80 - With growth in mind, Alion appoints a chief operating officer
       Washington Business Journal, DC - Sep 28, 2006
       ... In 2002, he was instrumental in Alion's employee buyout of a nonprofit organization to form the current company, which is 100 percent employee owned. ...
81 - Niall Carroll (CEO, Royal Bafokeng Holdings) and Cathie Markus ...
       Moneyweb, South Africa - Sep 28, 2006
       ... that that was the correct thing to do, to enable those employees who do not participate currently, or before the introduction of the so-called ESOP, in the ...
82 - ‘I feel that the Indian markets are currently overvalued’
       Financial Express, India - Sep 28, 2006
       ... ownership to our people. Fourteen percent of our stake is owned by our people. Basically, it is like an ESOP. On the other hand, the ...
83 - TIBCO Software Reports Third Quarter Financial Results
       PR Newswire (press release), NY - Sep 28, 2006
       ... and losses on equity investments, costs related to formal restructuring plans, stock-based compensation related to employee stock options, the amortization of ...
84 - AGF Management Limited Reports Third Quarter Financial Results
       CNW Telbec (Communiqués de presse), Canada - Sep 28, 2006
       ... Denominator Weighted average number of shares - basic 89,055,124 89,615,145 89,083,057 90,496,185 Dilutive effect of employee stock options 402,797 300,474 ...
85 - The Dark Side of Stock Buybacks
       Motley Fool - Sep 28, 2006
       ... buybacks became de facto dilution-control schemes, as management bought back shares in amounts roughly equal to shares being issued for employee stock options. ...
86 - Kagiso Media - Audited results for the year ended 30 June 2006
       Finance24, South Africa - Sep 28, 2006
       ... R"000) (Audited) (Audited) Equity at the beginning of the year 270,273 196,082 Ordinary shares issued in terms of the 2,696 2,278 Share Option Scheme Asset ...
87 - Roger Kebble strikes R1,5m plea bargain
       Business Day, South Africa - Sep 28, 2006
       ... The state also claims Kebble received income from gains on share options exercised from Durban Roodepoort Deep during the 1999 and 2002 tax periods and failed ...
88 - Astrapak's CEO gets sizeable pay increase
       Moneyweb, South Africa - Sep 28, 2006
       ... Ray Crewe-Brown received R4,5m in compensation in the last fiscal year, an increase of more than two-thirds over the year before, as he exercised share options ...
89 - Richard Middleton: Market watcher, Stanlib
       Moneyweb, South Africa - Sep 28, 2006
       ... It's a fascinating insight into a guy who cheated the Americans through share options, back-dating, made tens of millions of dollars, snuck off to Namibia ...
90 - East versus west
       Economist (subscription), UK - Sep 28, 2006
       ... Silicon Valley's resistance to improved corporate governance is also reflected in the slapdash attitude to accounting for share options that has resulted in ...
91 - Cape Empowerment Trust - Reviewed interim results: six months ...
       Finance24, South Africa - Sep 28, 2006
       ... earnings (R"000) 21 891 4 423 13 368 Reconciliation of diluted number of shares Number of shares in issue 175 767 125 858 175 767 ("000) Share options - 29 421 ...
92 - BOC in share options scheme
       Financial Mirror, Cyprus - Sep 28, 2006
       The Board of Directors of Bank of Cyprus Public Company Ltd decided at its meeting held on 14 September 2006 to issue Share Options 2006/2007 to the Group ...
93 - Allied Technologies Limited - Notice of Share Dealings
       Finance24, South Africa - Sep 28, 2006
       ... at: R55.10 per share Strike price: R20.35 per share Date: 28 September 2006 Nature of interest: Direct beneficial interest - exercise of share options in the ...
94 - Asia Standard to issue rights share
       China Knowledge Online, Singapore - Sep 28, 2006
       ... If all outstanding share options are exercised, and if convertible bonds due to expire next year are converted in full before the Oct. ...
95 - Backdating comes to the fore
       VNUNet.com, UK - Sep 28, 2006
       ... Around the time US management teams and boards were conspiring to inflate share options for top executives in the late 1990s, performance conditions were ...
       Accountancy Ireland, Ireland - Sep 28, 2006
       ... Most industries have been affected in the areas of financial instruments, derivatives, hedge accounting, deferred tax and share options. ...
97 - You can be sure you won't be bored listening to Venezuelan ...
       VHeadline.com, IL - Sep 28, 2006
       ... has used oil revenues to finance infrastructure development, conduct literacy programs and create scores of small-scale workers' cooperatives in agriculture ...
98 - L'épargne salariale accroît les écarts de rémunérations
       Le Monde - 28 sep 2006
       Loin de réduire les écarts de salaires, l'épargne salariale les accentue. Dans une étude rendue publique, jeudi 28 septembre ...
99 - Linedata Services : le marché en veut plus
       Voila.fr - 28 sep 2006
       Marge. Le solde des ventes provient d'outils destinés au monde de l'assurance et de la gestion de l'épargne salariale ainsi que du crédit financement. ...
100 - Wall Street en hausse
       La Tribune.fr - 28 sep 2006
       ... Les bénéfices sont en baisse en raison de l'impact des stock-options distribuées aux salariés à 11 millions de dollars contre 15.1 millions de dollars un ...
101 - Le bloc-notes politique
       Le Point - 28 sep 2006
       ... de nombreux chefs d'entreprise sur ce dossier, est arrivé à la conclusion que la sanction des abus par un encadrement des stock-options pour contenir les ...
102 - Je suis contre une loi sur les stock-options
       Challenges - 28 sep 2006
       Je suis en faveur des stock-options, qui contribuent à un transfert patrimonial des actionnaires vers les managers en alignant leurs inté­rêts. ...
103 - Le PDG de Suez veut faire profiter ses salariés des dividendes ...
       Le Monde - 28 sep 2006
       ... des années 1980 lorsque celui-ci était ministre de l'économie, il aime rappeler qu'il est à l'origine de la loi introduisant les stock-options en France. ...
104 - La tourbière des Rauzes s’ouvre au grand public
       SOM-Millau - 28 sep 2006
       En partenariat avec le Conservatoire régional des espaces naturels de Midi-Pyrénées (Cren), la scop Sagne élève sur cette tourbière de plus de douze ...
105 - La coopérative Régate veut s’étendre en Aveyron
       SOM-Millau - 28 sep 2006
       ... Car, outre l’hébergement juridique et social du candidat-entrepreneur et la prise en charge de sa comptabilité, la Scop propose au fur et à mesure du ...
106 - «Cuando todo va bien no hace falta talento para hacer dinero»
       Diario de Burgos - 28 Sep 2006
       ... Qué estrategia seguir para cambiar lo que ya funciona? Hay que hacer protagonistas del cambio a los trabajadores, a toda la sociedad laboral. ...
107 - Lanzaron la 2ª etapa de los Centros Integradores Comunitarios
       El Sol de Quilmes - 28 Sep 2006
       ... la construcción del edificio y dotación de equipamiento; la conformación, consolidación y sostenimiento de las cooperativas de trabajo como modelo de ...
108 - Presentaron la Segunda Etapa de los Centros Integradores ...
       168 Horas (Comunicados de prensa) - 28 Sep 2006
       ... la construcción del edificio y dotación de equipamiento; la conformación, consolidación y sostenimiento de las cooperativas de trabajo como modelo de ...
       Séptima Digital - 28 Sep 2006
       ... la construcción del edificio y dotación de equipamiento; la conformación, consolidación y sostenimiento de las cooperativas de trabajo como modelo de ...
       Impulso Baires - 28 Sep 2006
       ... El 29 y 30 de septiembre y el 1º de octubre tendrá lugar en Chapadmalal el Primer Encuentro Nacional de Cooperativas de Trabajo: La autogestión debate su ...
111 - Primer Encuentro Nacional de Cooperativas de Trabajo
       0223 Vespertino Digital - 28 Sep 2006
       El 29 y 30 de septiembre y el 1º de octubre tendrá lugar en Chapadmalal el Primer Encuentro Nacional de Cooperativas de Trabajo: La autogestión debate su ...
112 - Primer Encuentro Nacional de Cooperativas de Trabajo
       Gente-BA - 28 Sep 2006
       ... Nacional de Asociativismo y Economía Social (INAES) y se prevé la asistencia de más de dos mil representantes de cooperativas de trabajo, además de ...
       APF Digital - 28 Sep 2006
       ... demorando las respuestas administrativas para la comunidad, especialmente los trámites para pagos a los proveedores, las cooperativas de trabajo y los ...
       APF Digital - 28 Sep 2006
       ... demorando las respuestas administrativas para la comunidad, especialmente los trámites para pagos a los proveedores, las cooperativas de trabajo y los ...
115 - Mañana comienza el Primer Encuentro Nacional de Cooperativas
       Edición Central (Radio LV12) - 28 Sep 2006
       ... de Acción Cooperativa y Mutual (IPACYM), adelantó que 60 cooperativas de Tucumán participarán del Primer Encuentro Nacional de Cooperativas de Trabajo. ...
116 - NorCom Kapitalerhöhung durch Ausübung von Aktienoptionsrechten ...
       AktienCheck - 28. Sept. 2006
       München (aktiencheck.de AG) - Im Rahmen des Stock Option Programms 2001/2006 der NorCom Information Technology AG (ISIN DE0005250302 / WKN 525030) wurden ...
117 - Prefeitura economizará R$ 1 milhão com uso de biodisel
       Cosmo Online - 28 Set 2006
       ... ambiente. Cooperativas de trabalho serão montadas para recolher os produtos nos cerca de 58 mil imóveis existentes no município. ...
118 - Penati avverte Prodi che il centrosinistra sta per colpire i suoi ...
       Il Foglio - 28 set 2006
       ... E’ mancata la possibilità di interloquire col governo su questioni che ci riguardano. Poi ci sono pericolosi segnali come quello sulle stock-options. ...
119 - Manodopera clandestina cinese
       Corriere di Novara - 28 set 2006
       Novara - Manodopera cinese clandestina, alle dipendenze di una società cooperativa di lavoro interinale, al lavoro in un’azienda manifatturiera di Veruno. ...
120 - Intanto l’Inps eroga assegni alle seconde mogli dei musulmani
       La Padania - 28 set 2006
       ... responsabile della gestione operativa di Cooperlavoro (Fondo Pensione Complementare dei lavoratori, soci e dipendenti delle cooperative di lavoro), e Graziano ...
121 - Ozieri: al via i bandi per la coltivazione del mandorlo e per i ...
       Sviluppo Italia - 28 set 2006
       ... delle risorse sono gli imprenditori agricoli singoli o associati, le imprese di trasformazione e commercializzazione, cooperative di produzione, consorzi ed ...
122 - SAIC shareholders clear way for IPO
       North County Times, CA - Sep 27, 2006
       ... work. Robert Beyster, the company founder who retired in 2004, made employee ownership his most sacred management principle. Under ...
123 - SAIC shareholders vote to clear the way for IPO
       San Diego Union Tribune, United States - Sep 27, 2006
       ... work. Robert Beyster, the company founder who retired in 2004, made employee ownership his most sacred management principle. Under ...
124 - SAIC shareholders vote to clear the way for IPO
       Kansas.com, KS - Sep 27, 2006
       ... work. Robert Beyster, the company founder who retired in 2004, made employee ownership his most sacred management principle. Under ...
125 - SAIC shareholders vote to clear the way for IPO
       Worcester Telegram, MA - Sep 27, 2006
       ... work. Robert Beyster, the company founder who retired in 2004, made employee ownership his most sacred management principle. Under ...
126 - SAIC shareholders vote to clear the way for IPO
       SiliconValley.com, CA - Sep 27, 2006
       ... work. Robert Beyster, the company founder who retired in 2004, made employee ownership his most sacred management principle. Under ...
127 - SAIC shareholders vote to clear the way for IPO
       Columbus Ledger-Enquirer, GA - Sep 27, 2006
       ... work. Robert Beyster, the company founder who retired in 2004, made employee ownership his most sacred management principle. Under ...
128 - SAIC shareholders vote to clear the way for IPO
       Biloxi Sun Herald,  USA - Sep 27, 2006
       ... work. Robert Beyster, the company founder who retired in 2004, made employee ownership his most sacred management principle. Under ...
129 - SAIC shareholders vote to clear the way for IPO
       Kansas City Star, MO - Sep 27, 2006
       ... work. Robert Beyster, the company founder who retired in 2004, made employee ownership his most sacred management principle. Under ...
130 - SAIC Shareholders Vote To Clear The Way For IPO
       Easy Bourse (Communiqués de presse), France - Sep 27, 2006
       ... work. Robert Beyster, the company founder who retired in 2004, made employee ownership his most sacred management principle. Under ...
131 - SAIC shareholders vote to clear the way for IPO
       Lakeland Ledger, FL - Sep 27, 2006
       ... work. Robert Beyster, the company founder who retired in 2004, made employee ownership his most sacred management principle. Under ...
132 - SAIC shareholders vote to clear the way for IPO
       Fort Worth Star Telegram, TX - Sep 27, 2006
       ... work. Robert Beyster, the company founder who retired in 2004, made employee ownership his most sacred management principle. Under ...
133 - SAIC shareholders clear the way for IPO
       Hemscott, UK - Sep 27, 2006
       ... work. Robert Beyster, the company founder who retired in 2004, made employee ownership his most sacred management principle. Under ...
134 - SAIC shareholders vote to clear the way for IPO
       San Luis Obispo Tribune, CA - Sep 27, 2006
       ... work. Robert Beyster, the company founder who retired in 2004, made employee ownership his most sacred management principle. Under ...
135 - SAIC shareholders vote to clear the way for IPO
       San Jose Mercury News,  USA - Sep 27, 2006
       ... work. Robert Beyster, the company founder who retired in 2004, made employee ownership his most sacred management principle. Under ...
136 - SAIC shareholders vote to clear the way for IPO
       Contra Costa Times, CA - Sep 27, 2006
       ... work. Robert Beyster, the company founder who retired in 2004, made employee ownership his most sacred management principle. Under ...
137 - SAIC shareholders vote to clear the way for IPO
       Monterey County Herald, CA - Sep 27, 2006
       ... work. Robert Beyster, the company founder who retired in 2004, made employee ownership his most sacred management principle. Under ...
138 - SAIC Shareholders Clear the Way for IPO
       Houston Chronicle, United States - Sep 27, 2006
       ... work. Robert Beyster, the company founder who retired in 2004, made employee ownership his most sacred management principle. Under ...
139 - Kenya: How to Save the Farmer From Sharks
       AllAfrica.com, Washington - Sep 27, 2006
       ... I claim no authority in this area, but I think that the idea of creating a sugarcane farmers stock ownership vehicle - an employee ownership plan (Esops ...
140 - Aer Lingus sets offering at low end of range, will raise €502 ...
       ATWOnline, MD - Sep 27, 2006
       ... The Aer Lingus Employee Share Ownership Trust will hold just under 10% and could gain a further 2.8% from the government holding during the next five years ...
141 - Aer Lingus climbs on debut
       Independent, UK - Sep 27, 2006
       ... A further 12 per cent will be in the hands of staff, either through an employee share ownership trust or employees subscribing to the offer. ...
142 - Aer Lingus prices IPO
       Globe and Mail, Canada - Sep 27, 2006
       ... said the government would initially retain a 28 per cent stake but had agreed to set aside 2.8 per cent for potential sale to an employee share-ownership trust ...
143 - Aer Lingus IPO set at a cautious €2.20
       MSNBC - Sep 27, 2006
       ... The Aer Lingus employee share ownership trust will still own a stake of 9.9 per cent after the IPO, and could gain a further 2.8 per cent from the government ...
144 - Aer Lingus IPO set at a cautious €2.20
       Euro2day, Greece - Sep 27, 2006
       ... The Aer Lingus employee share ownership trust will still own a stake of 9.9 per cent after the IPO, and could gain a further 2.8 per cent from the government ...
145 - Irish airline Aer Lingus sets IPO share price at US$2.79, at lower ...
       Edmonton Journal (subscription), Canada - Sep 27, 2006
       ... said the government would initially retain a 28 per cent stake but had agreed to set aside 2.8 per cent for potential sale to an employee share-ownership trust ...
146 - Irish airline Aer Lingus sets IPO share price at US$2.79, at lower ...
       CBC News, Canada - Sep 27, 2006
       ... said the government would initially retain a 28 per cent stake but had agreed to set aside 2.8 per cent for potential sale to an employee share-ownership trust ...
147 - Irish airline Aer Lingus sets IPO share price at US$2.79, at lower ...
       680 News, Canada - Sep 27, 2006
       ... said the government would initially retain a 28 per cent stake but had agreed to set aside 2.8 per cent for potential sale to an employee share-ownership trust ...
148 - Irish airline Aer Lingus sets IPO share price at US$2.79, at lower ...
       Canadian Business, Canada - Sep 27, 2006
       ... said the government would initially retain a 28 per cent stake but had agreed to set aside 2.8 per cent for potential sale to an employee share-ownership trust ...
149 - Irish airline Aer Lingus sets IPO share price at US$2.79, at lower ...
       Calgary Sun, Canada - Sep 27, 2006
       ... said the government would initially retain a 28 per cent stake but had agreed to set aside 2.8 per cent for potential sale to an employee share-ownership trust ...
150 - Aer Lingus IPO Priced At Lower End Of Range
       Airwise - Sep 27, 2006
       ... Around 2.8 percent of the share capital held by the government is subject to a call in favor of the Aer Lingus Employee Share Ownership Trust. ...
151 - Aer Lingus sets IPO price at 2.20 euros
       ABCmoney.co.uk, UK - Sep 27, 2006
       ... Of the government owning, nearly 2.8 per cent is subject to a call in favour of the Aer Lingus Employee Share Ownership Trust, which will hold around 9.9 per ...
152 - Irish airline Aer Lingus sets IPO price
       BusinessWeek - Sep 27, 2006
       ... said the government would initially retain a 28 percent stake but had agreed to set aside 2.8 percent for potential sale to an employee share-ownership trust. ...
153 - Irish Airline Aer Lingus Sets IPO Price
       Houston Chronicle, United States - Sep 27, 2006
       ... _ said the government would initially retain a 28 percent stake but had agreed to set aside 2.8 percent for potential sale to an employee share-ownership trust ...
154 - Aer Lingus IPO starts with 10% rise in share price
       FinFacts Ireland, Ireland - Sep 27, 2006
       ... The Aer Lingus Employee Share Ownership Trust will hold around 9.9 per cent of the airline at listing, while employees and former employees have agreed to ...
155 - Aer Lingus IPO price comes in low
       CNN - Sep 27, 2006
       ... Around 2.8 percent of the share capital held by the government is subject to a call in favor of the Aer Lingus Employee Share Ownership Trust. ...
156 - Aer Lingus Sets Flotation Share Price
       Houston Chronicle, United States - Sep 27, 2006
       ... _ said the government would initially retain a 28 percent stake but had agreed to set aside 2.8 percent for potential sale to an employee share-ownership trust ...
157 - Aer Lingus IPO price comes in low
       CNN International - Sep 27, 2006
       ... Around 2.8 percent of the share capital held by the government is subject to a call in favor of the Aer Lingus Employee Share Ownership Trust. ...
158 - V&A Waterfront gets new owner
       eProp.co.za, South Africa - Sep 27, 2006
       ... Maphai. The 25% BEE component sets aside 2% for an employee share ownership plan (Esop) for black employees of the V&A Waterfront. ...
159 - Aer Lingus Sets Flotation Share Price
       MSN Money - Sep 27, 2006
       ... would initially retain a 28 percent stake in the company but had agreed to set aside 2.8 percent for potential sale to an employee share-ownership trust. ...
160 - Aer Lingus sets flotation share price at €2.20
       International Herald Tribune, France - Sep 27, 2006
       ... would initially retain a 28 percent stake in the company but had agreed to set aside 2.8 percent for potential sale to an employee share-ownership trust. ...
161 - Aer Lingus IPO takes off
       Telegraph.co.uk, United Kingdom - Sep 27, 2006
       ... pc of the shares. The Aer Lingus Employee Share Ownership Trust will hold 9.9pc of the company. Ireland's transport minister Martin ...
162 - Aer Lingus Sets Flotation Share Price
       Houston Chronicle, United States - Sep 27, 2006
       ... would initially retain a 28 percent stake in the company but had agreed to set aside 2.8 percent for potential sale to an employee share-ownership trust. ...
163 - San Ramon receives piece of Zachary's pie
       Contra Costa Times, CA - Sep 27, 2006
       ... Zachary's Chicago Pizza Inc. is changing into an employee stock ownership plan whereby the majority stock ownership will be transferred to long-term employees. ...
164 - SAIC votes to go public
       San Diego Daily Transcript (subscription), CA - Sep 27, 2006
       ... will proceed with its previously announced initial public offering, after putting the proposal to a vote at a special meeting of its employee-stockholders. ...
165 - Berry content to stay private
       Kansas.com, KS - Sep 27, 2006
       ... "We definitely see the advantages of being a private company.". The company is part employee-owned, through an ESOP established several years ago. ...
166 - Count scraps employee option limit
       Money Management, Australia - Sep 27, 2006
       Count has scrapped a 2.5 per cent limit on issued capital to employees under an amendment to its Employee Share Option Plan (ESOP). ...
167 - Sensex closes 45.72 pts up at 12,366.91
       Times of India, India - Sep 27, 2006
       ... 00 pm: NIIT Ltd rose 0.3% to Rs 327.05 on alloting 26,600 equity shares of Rs 10 each to 16 employees of the company under NIIT Employee Stock Option Plan 2005 ...
168 - Duff & Phelps Opens New Office in Tokyo
       PR Newswire (press release), NY - Sep 27, 2006
       ... assets. In addition, valuations will also be required for goodwill impairment testing and the issuance of employee stock options. ...
169 - Resources Connection, Inc. Reports First Quarter Results
       Boursorama, France - Sep 27, 2006
       ... process, Resources' management uses financial statements that do not include stock-based compensation expense related to employee stock options and employee ...
170 - Acciones EEUU suben por datos viviendas, petróleo limita alzas
       Reuters América Latina, UK - Sep 27, 2006
       ... 5.85 reais. The company on Tuesday approved a program to buy back 3.5 million shares for its employee stock options plan. Credit ...
171 - Extreme Delisting Notice
       TheStreet.com - Sep 27, 2006
       ... Clara, Calif., networking gear shop said this month that it had formed a special committee to review grant dates and the accounting for employee stock options. ...
172 - Trial by Fire
       Smartmoney.com - Sep 27, 2006
       ... More than 100 companies are conducting internal reviews or facing more formal scrutiny from regulators over the timing and pricing of employee stock options. ...
173 - Harmony - Harmony"s Annual Report for the year ended 30 June 2006
       Finance24, South Africa - Sep 27, 2006
       ... The Company issues equity- settled instruments to certain qualifying employees under an Employee Share Option Scheme to purchase shares in the Company"s ...
174 - Comstar UTS approves share option programme
       Telecom Paper (subscription), Netherlands - Sep 27, 2006
       ... UTS), provider of integrated communications services in Moscow, Russia, has seen its extraordinary general meeting (EGM) approve a share option programme that ...
175 - Cyan Holdings Plc: Interim Results
       Market Wire (press release) - Sep 27, 2006
       ... set out in the statutory financial statements of Cyan Holdings plc for the year ended 31 December 2005 with the exception of accounting for share options. ...
176 - Wayne McCurrie and Roy Shough (Deloitte)
       Moneyweb, South Africa - Sep 27, 2006
       ... salary. And also, their awarding of share options or staff-participatory shares is also tied to earnings per share growth plus 10%. ...
177 - South Africa: All Roads Still Lead to ROAM, Or Ruin
       AllAfrica.com, Washington - Sep 27, 2006
       ... Cumulative value destruction is massive and its downward momentum is unstoppable. More share options for management won't matter a jot. ...
178 - FSA moves to crackdown on share options
       The Sunday Times, UK - Sep 27, 2006
       By Miles Costello. The Financial Services Authority, the chief City regulator, has given warning that it will crack down on companies ...
179 - Barratt forward sales soar 27% in firm housing market
       CityWire.co.uk, UK - Sep 27, 2006
       ... million. But earnings per share were flat at 115.3p which Pretty says reflects the share options being exercised by management. ...
180 - Chavez and Bush on a collision course
       The Japan Times, Japan - Sep 27, 2006
       ... has used oil revenues to finance infrastructure development, conduct literacy programs and create scores of small-scale workers' cooperatives in agriculture ...
181 - Quelle relation lie Sassou N'guesso (Pdt de l'UA) à Chirac: Le ...
       Congoplus.info - 27 sep 2006
       ... Tarallo. Autre coïncidence, on retrouve l'ancien représentant des actionnaires salariés d'Elf dans l'une de ces officines. Les ...
182 - "Libération" : Rothschild joue la carte de l'apaisement
       Le Figaro - 27 sep 2006
       ... de Rothschild aurait souhaité l'abandon par la Société civile des personnels de Libération (SCPL) - qui représente les salariés actionnaires du journal ...
183 - L'épargne solidaire française rencontre de plus en plus de ...
       Actusite - 27 sep 2006
       ... euros. Moteur de ce développement, l'épargne salariale qui représente aujourd'hui une large part de l'épargne solidaire. Sur ...
184 - Un nouveau souffle pour l’économie solidaire ?
       Novethic - 27 sep 2006
       ... via le commerce équitable et le recours aux entreprises d’insertion, aux salariés d’épargner solidaire en plaçant leur épargne salariale dans des ...
185 - Prévisions du service économique du mercredi 27 septembre ...
       Le Monde - 27 sep 2006
       ... salaires de 1998 à 2005 (PAPIER GENERAL) 600 mots 17H00 ATTENTION - PUBLIABLE JEUDI A 00H01 /// Social-salaires-Insee-X% PARIS L'épargne salariale, qui vise ...
186 - Le donneur de leçons
       Nouvel Observateur - 27 sep 2006
       ... de Total. Sans état d'âme, il quitte le groupe pétrolier avec 300 millions de francs (indemnités et stock-options). L'affaire ...
187 - Wall Street en hausse
        La Tribune.fr - 27 sep 2006
       ... Jabil Circuit précise qu'il publiera l'ensemble de ses résultats après avoir évalué ses pratiques comptables sur les stock-options. ...
188 - Clôture Wall Street : Nasdaq +0,09%; Dow Jones +0,17%
       Voila.fr - 27 sep 2006
       ... pour les sociétés cotées concernant différents points liés aux évaluations des process historiques d'attributions de stock options des sociétés. ...
189 - PS : les propositions des prétendants
       Universal Press Agency - 27 sep 2006
       ... de gaz. - Suppression des avantages fiscaux des stock-options, sauf pour les entreprises de moins de cinq ans. - Large opération ...
190 - La résurrection de Hewlett-Packard
       LExpansion.com - 27 sep 2006
       ... Pour cela, il a fait appel à Randall Mott, le directeur informatique de Dell, débauché pour 15,3 millions de dollars (salaire, stock-options et divers bonus ...
191 - Wall Street : la tendance
       Capital.fr - 27 sep 2006
       ... composants électroniques ne publiera ses résultats que le 14 novembre prochain, en raison d'une enquête de la SEC sur la comptabilisation des stock-options. ...
192 - Nike : le titre en garderait sous le pied
       Boursier.com - 27 sep 2006
       ... Cependant, les résultats T1 2007 comprenaient 41 M$ de dépenses nettes d'impôt liées aux coûts de stock options, qui ont réduit le bpa dilué de 16 cents ...
193 - Jabil Circuit : Credit Suisse peu choqué par l'absence des ...
       Boursier.com - 27 sep 2006
       ... Le Groupe n'est cependant pas capable pour l'heure de fournir des résultats détaillés, du fait de la revue menée concernant les pratiques de stock options. ...
194 - En Jujuy doce municipios tendrán Centros Integradores ...
       Jujuy al día - 27 Sep 2006
       ... fijado para la construcción de este CIC es de $520.000, con este monto se construye el edificio, pagando la mano de obra a la Cooperativas de Trabajo y se ...
195 - Acuerdo por Centro Integrador
       Diario El Independiente (Jujuy) - 27 Sep 2006
       ... significará la reinserción laboral de hombres y mujeres beneficiarios de planes nacionales de empleo o desocupados, organizados en cooperativas de trabajo. ...
196 - Acuerdo entre nación y provincia por los Centros de Integración ...
       Diario Jujuy - 27 Sep 2006
       ... significará la reinserción laboral de hombres y mujeres beneficiarios de planes nacionales de empleo o desocupados, organizados en cooperativas de trabajo. ...
197 - Trabajadores detrás de vidrios blindados
       Rebanadas de Realidad (Comunicados de prensa) - 27 Sep 2006
       ... Nuestros estatutos prevén la afiliación también de pensionados, miembros de Cooperativas de Trabajo Asociado (CTA) y empleados del Estado bajo distintas ...
198 - Cooperar para trabajar mejor
       AbiertaTV - 27 Sep 2006
       Las cooperativas de trabajo es uno de los sectores más dinámicos de la economía nacional. El próximo fin de semana se realizará ...
199 - Javier Estévez recorrió las viviendas del Plan Federal
       La Verdad de Junín - 27 Sep 2006
       El secretario de Acción Social, licenciado Javier Estévez, recorrió el predio donde tres cooperativas de trabajo están construyendo viviendas del Plan ...
200 - Perú: La CIOLS presenta queja a OIT por abusos de Telefónica
       Rebanadas de Realidad (Comunicados de prensa) - 27 Sep 2006
       ... Los demás, lejos de pasar a planilla fueron trasladados a las cooperativas de trabajo realizando funciones principales en la empresa como siempre lo vinieron ...
201 - 60 Cooperativas de Tucumán participan del Primer Encuentro ...
       Edición Central (Radio LV12) - 27 Sep 2006
       ... y Mutual (IPACYM), adelantó a nuestro medio que 60 cooperativas de Tucumán participarán del Primer Encuentro Nacional de Cooperativas de Trabajo, que se ...
202 - Continúan las denuncias contra talleres textiles
       La Prensa (Argentina) - 27 Sep 2006
       La acción penal fue promovida por el presidente de la Cooperativa de Trabajo 20 de Diciembre, Gustavo Vera, quien sostuvo que los obreros que se desempeñan ...
203 - San Javier pretende desarrollar más la agricultura y el turismo
       El Litoral - 27 Sep 2006
       ... está cerrado. Pasó a ser una cooperativa de trabajo, que se quedó con la maquinaria del molino, que es lo que menos importa... Lo ...
204 - Nueva denuncia contra marcas de ropa por supuesto trabajo esclavo ...
       DERF - 27 Sep 2006
       La acción penal la promovió el presidente de la Cooperativa de Trabajo 20 de Diciembre, Gustavo Vera, quien sostuvo que los obreros que se desempeñan en ...
205 - Denuncian por “reducción a la servidumbre" a talleres textiles ...
       Canal 26 - 27 Sep 2006
       La acusación fue presentada por el presidente de la Cooperativa de Trabajo 20 de Diciembre, Gustavo Vera, ante el fiscal federal Patricio Evers. ...
206 - Nueva denuncia contra marcas de ropa por supuesto trabajo esclavo ...
       Clarín.com - 27 Sep 2006
       ... La acción penal la promovió el presidente de la Cooperativa de Trabajo 20 de Diciembre, Gustavo Vera, quien sostuvo que los obreros que se desempeñan en ...
207 - Rucar y el municipio acudirán al Ministerio de Transporte
       La Opinión Semanario - 27 Sep 2006
       ... Una denuncia efectuada ante el Ministerio de Transporte de la Provincia de Buenos Aires, por parte de la Cooperativa de Trabajo Ramallo Limitada, hizo que ...
208 - El fraude en 'stock options' ‘cuesta’ 6.220 millones en Wall ...
       AmericaEconomica.com - 27 Sep 2006
       La plaga de escándalos por stock options ha marcado en más de 6.220 millones de euros la capitalización de las empresas afectadas en Wall Street, según la ...
209 - Caso Enron: la ley penal argentina, en línea con normas de EEUU
       infoBAE profesional - 27 Sep 2006
       ... por dos economistas acusa a más de 2.200 empresas de aquel país de haber cometido fraude manipulando su información financiera en el pago de stock options. ...
210 - Carlos Lareau, ¿de Ceo de Burson a jefe de prensa?
       PR Noticias (Comunicados de prensa) - 27 Sep 2006
       ... en nuevos proyectos, fruto del cansancio acumulado durante 15 años al máximo nivel, o por el contrario para poder ejecutar las stock options que poseía de ...
211 - Ambulante Pflegekräfte häufiger krank
       CareLounge - 27. Sept. 2006
       ... Erfreulich ist, dass wichtige Ressourcen für die gesundheitsförderliche Gestaltung von Veränderungsprozessen, wie etwa Mitarbeiterbeteiligung und eine ...
212 - BZÖ-Kurs "abstrus"
       Vorarlberg Online - 27. Sept. 2006
       ... Für die Arbeitnehmer kann sich Leitl eine Mitarbeiterbeteiligung am Erfolg des Unternehmens vorstellen, für die Mittelständische Wirtschaft bekräftigte er ...
213 - Wall Street-Schluss: Dow Jones schließt unter 11.700 Punkten
       OptionsscheineCheck - 27. Sept. 2006
       ... Das Unternehmen hatte aufgrund von Aufwendungen für Stock-Option-Pläne einen Gewinneinbruch auf 12,0 Mio. Dollar bzw. 5 Cents je Aktie hinnehmen müssen. ...
214 - Wall Street: Dow Jones knapp unter Allzeithoch, Red Hat bricht ein
       Finanzen.net - 27. Sept. 2006
       ... Der amerikanische Linux-Anbieter musste dabei aufgrund von Aufwendungen für Stock-Option-Pläne einen Gewinneinbruch hinnehmen. ...
215 - Brescia, dal Cfi 400mila euro per la cooperazione sociale
       Vita - 27 set 2006
       Il consiglio di amministrazione di CFI-Cooperazione Finanza Impresa, investitore istituzionale dedicato alle imprese cooperative di produzione-lavoro e sociali ...
216 - How to save the farmer from sharks
       Daily Nation (subscription), Kenya - Sep 26, 2006
       ... I claim no authority in this area, but I think that the idea of creating a sugarcane farmers stock ownership vehicle - an employee ownership plan (Esops ...
217 - BHP Billiton Plc - Notification of interests of directors
       Finance24, South Africa - Sep 26, 2006
       ... BHP Billiton Plc announces the following transactions, made by Billiton ESOP Trustee Limited as trustee of the Billiton Employee Share Ownership Trust, in ...
218 - Catcher Holdings Announces Orders From Raytheon, ImageWare, Sol ...
       Yahoo! News (press release) - Sep 26, 2006
       ... Building on almost 70 years of R&D and engineering experience, Alion's 2,600 employee-owners bring innovation and insight to multiple business areas including ...
219 - Embezzlement Probe at PBSJ Leads to Campaign Donation Questions
       Construction.com, New York - Sep 26, 2006
       ... Although privately held, PBSJ Corp. files financial reports with the SEC due to the high number of employee shareholders. Auditing ...
220 - Arrowhead ex-president fails to pay former employees, lawsuit says
       Duluth News Tribune, MN - Sep 26, 2006
       ... and part-owner, seeks the distribution of $123,267 that the Department of Labor says should have been paid to participants in an employee stock ownership plan. ...
221 - Sensex closes 147.28 points up at 12,321
       Times of India, India - Sep 26, 2006
       ... Geometric Software Solutions Company Ltd rose 0.8% to Rs 109 on alloting 155,725 equity shares on the exercise of vested stock options under ESOP Scheme 2001 ...
222 - Mastek allots 16,387 shares under ESOP
       Myiris.com, India - Sep 26, 2006
       Mastek (Q, N,C,F)* has alloted 16,387 shares under the Employees` Stock Option Plan (ESOP). On September 15,2006, the company had ...
223 - Geometric Software allots 1,55,725 equity shares under ESOP
       Myiris.com, India - Sep 26, 2006
       Geometric Software (Q, N,C,F)* Solutions has allotted 1,55,725 equity shares on the exercise of vested stock options under ESOP Scheme 2001 and ESOP Scheme 2003 ...
224 - Zensar Tech declares 26% dividend
       Myiris.com, India - Sep 26, 2006
       ... announced that the allotment would be carried out under 2006 Employees Stock Option Plan or such other Employees Stock Option Plan (`2006 ESOP`) created by the ...
225 - All eyes on lender
       Cleveland Plain Dealer, OH - Sep 26, 2006
       ... ESOP should keep the pressure on. And if Argent can't or won't improve its performance, it should feel the wrath of the feds, just like Ameriquest.
226 - Karl's electronics expands
       Sioux Falls Argus Leader, SD - Sep 26, 2006
       ... the board of directors. All his employees, through an employee stock option plan, have a stake in the company. Karl said the company ...
227 - US fund to invest Rs 45 crore in Eastern Condiments
       Business Standard, India - Sep 26, 2006
       ... has already planned to enter the capital market with an IPO within the next 36 months as part of its huge expansion plan with an employee stock option scheme. ...
228 - Nice Quarter by Nike: Fool by Numbers
       Motley Fool - Sep 26, 2006
       ... 9% to $1.47 per share. Most of the downfall was because Nike began expensing employee stock options. Nike continues to buy back ...
229 - United States: Amendments To Ohio’s Business Entity Statutes ...
       Mondaq News Alerts (subcription), UK - Sep 26, 2006
       ... Delaware corporate law authorizes directors to delegate to officers the authority to grant employee stock options. 29 House Bill ...
230 - Lapp Plats awards 2.25 pct stake to Michael Nolan as director's ...
       Hemscott, UK - Sep 26, 2006
       ... representing 2.25 pct. He also has options over 160,000 shares exercisable at 5 pence each under the company's Share Option Scheme.
231 - Home Moving Advisor, Customer Services Manager, Office Based Home ...
       News Shopper, UK - Sep 26, 2006
       ... team. HABITVS THE HOME CONDITION EXPERT Home Moving Advisor - Team Leaders Salary £25K OTE £30K plus share option scheme. Location ...
232 - All roads still lead to ROAM, or ruin
       Business Day, South Africa - Sep 26, 2006
       ... Cumulative value destruction is massive and its downward momentum is unstoppable. More share options for management won’t matter a jot. ...
233 - Options put Jobs in peril
       Australian IT, Australia - Sep 26, 2006
       ... Jobs had been given a $US90 million Gulfstream V jet by Apple, and was getting extraordinarily rich (on paper, at least) from share options -- the options that ...
234 - No soft landing
       Times Online, UK - Sep 26, 2006
       ... He exercised 1.7 million share options last year with a gross gain of £3.7 million and sold 936,000 to fund the exercise of the option. ...
235 - Options scandal puts Apple boss in peril
        The Australian, Australia - Sep 26, 2006
       ... Jobs had been given a $US90 million Gulfstream V jet by Apple, and was getting extraordinarily rich (on paper, at least) from share options - the options that ...
236 - Who wants to be a multi-millionaire?
       The Australian, Australia - Sep 26, 2006
       ... affairs slot. Mr Leckie's pay was down from $3.2 million the previous year because he cashed in some share options. Network Ten ...
237 - Bonus profit plunge
       Courier Mail, Australia - Sep 26, 2006
       ... His share options for the 2005-06 year were cancelled after the organisation failed to meet a performance indicator based on return on equity. ...
238 - Controversial Chavez is a champion of the poor
       Gulf Times, Qatar - Sep 26, 2006
       ... used oil revenues to finance infrastructure development, conduct literacy programmes and create scores of small-scale workersco-operatives in agriculture ...
239 - Projet loi sur actionnariat salarié étudié du 3 au 12/10
       Easy Bourse (Communiqués de presse) - 26 sep 2006
       ... Après le débat sur GdF (1020848.FR), les députés examineront du 3 au 12 octobre le projet de loi sur la participation et l'actionnariat salarié, at-on ...
240 - Gaz de France : Projet loi sur actionnariat salarié étudié du 3 ...
       Zonebourse.com - 26 sep 2006
       ... Après le débat sur GdF (1020848.FR), les députés examineront du 3 au 12 octobre le projet de loi sur la participation et l'actionnariat salarié, at-on ...
241 - Le projet de loi sur la participation examiné à partir du 3 ...
        Nouvel Observateur - 26 sep 2006
       PARIS (AP) -- Après le débat sur GDF, les députés examineront du 3 au 12 octobre le projet de loi sur la participation et l'actionnariat salarié, at-on ...
242 - Les archives de l'Humanité Libre échanges ! / Faites découvrir ...
       l'Humanité - 26 sep 2006
       ... proposition de loi sur les stock-options, proposition par la suite transformée en amendement au projet de loi sur la participation et l’actionnariat salarié ...
243 - Le capital de «Libération»
       Libération - 26 sep 2006
       La SCPL (Société civile des personnels de Libération) représente les salariés-actionnaires du journal. Elle détient 18,45 ...
244 - PLFSS 2007 : une politique qui est loin d’être à la hauteur ...
       Ressources Solidaires - 26 sep 2006
       ... patronales au niveau du SMIC pour les entreprises de moins de 20 salariés et refusant toute soumission à cotisations de l’épargne salariale (ce qui était ...
245 - PLFSS 2007 : une politique qui est loin d’être à la hauteur ...
       CGT - 26 sep 2006
       ... patronales au niveau du SMIC pour les entreprises de moins de 20 salariés et refusant toute soumission à cotisations de l’épargne salariale (ce qui était ...
246 - Les Français et l’épargne solidaire
       Ipsos - 26 sep 2006
       ... systématique, par le conseiller bancaire, des produits existants (8%, sans changement) ou le placement d'une partie de l'épargne salariale, de la ...
247 - "Je dirige une Scop mais je suis un patron (presque) comme les ...
       L'Entreprise - 26 sep 2006
       ... lorsque j'ai pris la direction générale de Laballery après avoir répondu à une annonce, l'univers des sociétés coopératives ouvrières de production ...
248 - "Je dirige une Scop mais je suis un patron (presque) comme les ...
       L'Entreprise - 26 sep 2006
       ... pris la direction générale de Laballery après avoir répondu à une annonce, l'univers des sociétés coopératives ouvrières de production (Scop) m'était ...
249 - Suplemento Especial
       El Siglo de Tucumán - 26 Sep 2006
       ... en la Residencia Turística de Chapadmalal, desde el 29 del corriente mes hasta el 1 de octubre el primer Encuentro Nacional de Cooperativas de Trabajo. ...
250 - Suplemento Especial
       El Siglo de Tucumán - 26 Sep 2006
       ... Según Temkin: “Este hecho es muy importante porque en su ejecución estarán comprometidas las cooperativas de trabajo de planes Jefes de Hogar Desocupados ...
       Impulso Baires - 26 Sep 2006
       ... de la descentralización de fondos para que las delegaciones puedan dar respuestas y trabajar conjuntamente con cooperativas de trabajo, manteniendo visiones ...
252 - En Venezuela se ha dado una explosión en la creación de ...
       Diario el Tiempo (Venezuela) - 26 Sep 2006
       ... colombiana. Hay un importante número en Cooperativas de Trabajo; y en menor proporción en el sector agrícola... Básicamente ...
253 - Primer Encuentro Nacional de Cooperativas de Trabajo
       Edición Central (Radio LV12) - 26 Sep 2006
       ... Cooperativa y Mutual (IPACYM), adelantó a LV12 que 60 cooperativas de Tucumán participarán del Primer Encuentro Nacional de Cooperativas de Trabajo, que se ...
254 - Participarán 60 Cooperativas de Tucumán en el Primer Encuentro ...
       Edición Central (Radio LV12) - 26 Sep 2006
       ... Cooperativa y Mutual (IPACYM), adelantó a LV12 que 60 cooperativas de Tucumán participarán del Primer Encuentro Nacional de Cooperativas de Trabajo, que se ...
255 - Investigador del CINEP, columnista de Actualidad Colombiana
       Actualidad Colombiana - 26 Sep 2006
       ... Nuestros estatutos prevén la afiliación también de pensionados, miembros de Cooperativas de Trabajo Asociado (CTA) y empleados del Estado bajo distintas ...
256 - Gioja va por 5 millones para Centros Comunitarios
       Diario de Cuyo - 26 Sep 2006
       ... Todos se están levantando a través de un novedoso sistema que contempla la contratación de cooperativas de trabajo, conformadas por 10 jefes de hogar y 2 ...
257 - No todas las oficinas de la CSS se van a Clayton
       La Prensa (Panamá) - 26 Sep 2006
       ... Las autoridades ya están haciendo contacto con la Cooperativa de Trabajo y Servicio de Autobuses del Corregimiento de Ancón para ampliar las rutas de buses ...
258 - Omar Enrique García Bolívar// Buena la negra, pero hay mejores
       El Universal (Venezuela) - 26 Sep 2006
       ... empresa petrolera que se trate, se puede mantener fijo por cierto tiempo, en términos similares a lo que ocurre con las opciones de acciones o "stock options ...
259 - "Geld holen, wo es zu holen ist"
       Die Presse.com - 26. Sept. 2006
       ... Magna setzt auf die Mitarbeiterbeteiligung. Das wird das Zukunftsmodell schlechthin sein. Das BZÖ fordert einen gesetzlichen Mindestlohn. In welcher Höhe? ...
260 - Ambulante Pflegekräfte häufiger krank – Rückenleiden und ...
       Businessportal24 (Pressemitteilung) - 26. Sept. 2006
       ... Erfreulich ist, dass wichtige Ressourcen für die gesundheitsförderliche Gestaltung von Veränderungsprozessen, wie etwa Mitarbeiterbeteiligung und eine ...
261 - Terugtrekking van Novell bij Nasdaq
       Computerworld.be - 26 sept 2006
       Zoals vele andere grote actoren uit de spitstechnologie is Novell ook verwikkeld in het schandaal over de toekenning van stock-options. ...
262 - I giovani guardano alla legalità
       Il Giornale di Calabria - 26 set 2006
       ... Una legge comunque positiva che ha permesso di aprire cooperative di lavoro grazie ai beni confiscati alla mafia”. Risultati? ...
263 - RAVENNA - Appalto da 5,5 mln di euro per manutenzione degli ...
       Romagnaoggi.it - 26 set 2006
       RAVENNA - Il Consorzio ravennate delle cooperative di produzione e lavoro, riunito, in qualità di capogruppo, in Associazione temporanea di impresa con il ...
264 - Forli-Cesena - Firmato il contratto delle cooperative edili
       Casa-FC.it - 26 set 2006
       ... «La conclusione della trattativa - afferma Valdes Onofri, responsabile cooperative di produzione lavoro di Legacoop Forlì-Cesena - ha rappresentato un punto ...
265 - Summit has cause for celebration
       Minneapolis Star Tribune (subscription), MN - Sep 25, 2006
       ... "Our direction is toward employee ownership," said Stutrud, who owns 16 percent of the shares. Employees own about 5 percent now. ...
266 - Alion names first COO
       FCW.com, VA - Sep 25, 2006
       ... technology. Based in McLean, Va., Alion has more than 3,700 employee-owners at major offices, customer sites and laboratories worldwide.
267 - Alion Names Stacy Mendler Chief Operating Officer
       Business Wire (press release), CA - Sep 25, 2006
       ... Based in McLean, Virginia, Alion has more than 3700 employee-owners at major offices, customer sites and laboratories worldwide. ...
268 - Patricia A. Shlonsky, Partner & Chair of Employee Benefits Group ...
       PR.com (press release), NY - Sep 25, 2006
       ... with establishment, qualification and consultation regarding all types of employee benefit plans, including 401(k), employee stock ownership plans, defined ...
269 - Success, family style
       Milwaukee Journal Sentinel (subscription), WI - Sep 25, 2006
       ... of state-based companies with $50 million or more in annual sales that have a majority ownership by an individual, family or employee stock-ownership program. ...
270 - Workers to own local construction firm
       Arizona Daily Star, AZ - Sep 25, 2006
       ... Under the employee stock ownership plan now in place, the company's stock will be transferred to KE&G employees over a five- to 10-year period beginning next ...
271 - With growth in mind, Alion appoints a chief operating officer
       Milwaukee Business Journal, WI - Sep 25, 2006
       ... In 2002, he was instrumental in Alion's employee buyout of a nonprofit organization to form the current company, which is 100 percent employee owned. ...
272 - With growth in mind, Alion appoints a chief operating officer
       San Antonio Business Journal, TX - Sep 25, 2006
       ... In 2002, he was instrumental in Alion's employee buyout of a nonprofit organization to form the current company, which is 100 percent employee owned. ...
273 - With growth in mind, Alion appoints a chief operating officer
       Phoenix Business Journal, AZ - Sep 25, 2006
       ... In 2002, he was instrumental in Alion's employee buyout of a nonprofit organization to form the current company, which is 100 percent employee owned. ...
274 - With growth in mind, Alion appoints a chief operating officer
       Charlotte Business Journal, NC - Sep 25, 2006
       ... In 2002, he was instrumental in Alion's employee buyout of a nonprofit organization to form the current company, which is 100 percent employee owned. ...
275 - With growth in mind, Alion appoints a chief operating officer
       Bizjournals.com, NC - Sep 25, 2006
       ... In 2002, he was instrumental in Alion's employee buyout of a nonprofit organization to form the current company, which is 100 percent employee owned. ...
276 - Alion names first COO
       FCW.com, VA - Sep 25, 2006
       ... administrative officer. She was instrumental in the company’s 2002 employee buyout of a not-for-profit company to form Alion. The ...
277 - Mendler rises to become Alion COO
        Washington Technology, DC - Sep 25, 2006
       ... Mendler was part of the company’s 2002 employee buyout from a not-for-profit company to form Alion as an employee-owned company. ...
278 - With growth in mind, Alion lands a chief operating officer
       Washington Business Journal, DC - Sep 25, 2006
       ... In 2002, he was instrumental in Alion's employee buyout of a nonprofit organization to form the current company, which is 100 percent employee owned. ...
279 - Alion Names Stacy Mendler Chief Operating Officer
       Business Wire (press release), CA - Sep 25, 2006
       ... In that position she was instrumental in the company’s 2002 employee buyout of a not-for-profit company to form Alion as a 100% ESOP company. ...
280 - American Capital Invests $34 Million in Add-On Acquisition for ...
       PR Newswire (press release), NY - Sep 25, 2006
       ... American Capital invests in and sponsors management and employee buyouts, invests in private equity buyouts, provides capital directly to early stage and ...
281 - D1 chief won't buy back shares but questions silent-period ...
       Bangkok Post, Thailand - Sep 25, 2006
       ... capital by issuing 350 million new shares, 200 million for a private placement and the rest for warrant exercise under an employee stock option plan (Esop). ...
282 - Counts scraps employee option limit
       Money Management, Australia - Sep 25, 2006
       ... Count has issued options to employees under ESOP at the board’s discretion since 2001, subject to the provisions of the Corporations Act and the ASX listing ...
283 - Walgreen profit jumps 25 percent
       Reuters - Sep 25, 2006
       ... The latest quarter included $18.8 million in pretax employee stock option expenses and $7.3 million in pretax litigation gains, while results from a year ...
284 - Those Options Could Cost You
       BusinessWeek - Sep 25, 2006
       The executives responsible for backdating employee stock options are in big trouble, facing everything from shareholder lawsuits and tax audits to possible ...
285 - Counts scraps employee option limit
       Money Management, Australia - Sep 25, 2006
       Count has scrapped a 2.5 per cent limit on issued capital to employees under an amendment to its Employee Share Option Plan. Scrapping ...
286 - ISoft chief nets £700,000 payoff in face of bad news
       Times Online, UK - Sep 25, 2006
       ... committee. The committee also agreed to declare Mr Whiston a “good leaver” for the purposes of the group’s share option scheme. ...
287 - FSA backs funds over fears of inside deals
       Times Online, UK - Sep 25, 2006
       ... The FSA’s latest market conduct letter to compliance officers also spells out that share option abuses of the type exposed recently in the United States ...
288 - Nautical Petroleum posts 7.3 mln stg pretax loss for 18 months to ...
       Life Style Extra, UK - Sep 25, 2006
       The loss for oil exploration and production company included a 5.1 mln stg write-off of goodwill and a 1.3 mln stg charge for share option costs. ...
289 - Corporations rush to hire Hispanic executives
        Houston Chronicle, United States - Sep 25, 2006
       ... job board Web sites and attending graduate fairs, offering the right candidates packages, including five-figure sign-on deals, share options and salaries up to ...
290 - Directors' awards subject to 'market abuse' regime
       Guardian Unlimited, UK - Sep 25, 2006
       ... Share options allow holders to buy shares at a predetermined price. They make profits for executives if the price rises above the award level. ...
291 - France leans toward tightening stock options rules
       Reuters - Sep 25, 2006
       ... France is under pressure to reform rules on share options after scandals involving options for top managers at aerospace group EADS (EAD.PA: Quote, Profile ...
292 - Minister sells controversial stake in procurement tech firm
       SupplyManagement.com, UK - Sep 25, 2006
       ... his position.". She added Byrne declared in the register of members' interests that he has share options in the firm. EGS operates ...
293 - Brilliance China Automotive Holdings Limited Announces Interim ...
       Auto Spectator - Sep 25, 2006
       ... loss during the first half of 2006 and 2005, potentially dilutive stocks from conversion of the convertible bonds and outstanding share options were excluded ...
294 - Groupe Steria : adapte sa structure et sa gouvernance
       Boursier.com - 25 sep 2006
       ... Il est aussi Président de Soderi SAS associé commandité Gérant (personne morale) représentant l'ensemble des salariés actionnaires de Steria. ...
295 - AGF estime disposer de "marges de progrès très importantes"
       Capital.fr - 25 sep 2006
       ... France. Le groupe veut également devenir un " acteur majeur " de l'épargne salariale. -AGF défend son statut de valeur de rendement. ...
296 - AGF estime disposer de "marges de progrès très importantes"
       Boursorama - 25 sep 2006
       ... France. Le groupe veut également devenir un " acteur majeur " de l'épargne salariale. -AGF défend son statut de valeur de rendement. ...
297 - Forte croissance des finances solidaires, selon Finansol
       Publi-News - 25 sep 2006
       ... L’épargne salariale solidaire est le moteur principal de cette progression puisque la majorité des épargnants sont solidaires grâce à leur épargne ...
298 - Quel candidat pour défendre le projet socialiste en 2007 ?
       Démocratie et Socialisme - 25 sep 2006
       ... Tous les candidats aujourd’hui déclarés sont responsables des allègements fiscaux sur les hauts revenus et les stock-options ou des privatisations. ...
299 - Stock options : l'amendement Balladur pourrait couvrir les actions ...
       TF1 - 25 sep 2006
       Thierry Breton a annoncé lundi sur LCI que le texte déposé par l'ancien Premier ministre serait "un bon compromis". Le gouvernement ...
300 - Ubisoft confirme ses objectifs pour l'exercice 2006-2007
       La Tribune.fr - 25 sep 2006
       PARIS (Reuters) - Ubisoft confirme ses objectifs de chiffre d'affaires et de résultat opérationnel courant avant stock options pour l'ensemble de l'exercice ...
301 - TELEPERFORMANCE : Résultats 1er semestre 2006
       Fininfo (Communiqués de presse) - 25 sep 2006
       ... Ce taux est affecté par les écritures de consolidation liées à l'application des normes IFRS (stock options, OCEANE, swap de taux, charges financières sur ...
302 - Dell pourrait être exclu du NASDAQ
       l'Informaticien - 25 sep 2006
       ... Et suite à l’affaire des stock-options antidatées, Dell a repoussé la publication de ses résultats financiers au deuxième trimestre. ...
303 - Le dossier politique
       Profession Politique (subscription) - 25 sep 2006
       ... du marché du travail. Une manière de peser sur la précampagne pour 2007. Compromis sur les stock-options. Un dispositif un peu ...
304 - Hi-Media : toujours aussi attaqué
       Voila.fr - 25 sep 2006
       ... Le résultat opérationnel (avant prise en compte des stock options et actions gratuites) devrait atteindre 7 Millions d'euros selon les nouvelles prévisions. ...
305 - Dell menacé d'un retrait du NASDAQ ?
       Clubic - 25 sep 2006
       ... entreprises américaines de haute technologie, a repoussé la publication de ses résultats du second trimestre suite à l'affaire des stock-options antidatées ...
306 - Flanqueada por Solanas y Busti, la ministra Kirchner inauguró un ...
       Cronista Digital - 25 Sep 2006
       ... Su construcción está a cargo de las cooperativas de trabajo Floresta Sur Limitada, Floresta Norte Paraná Limitada, Antártida Argentina Paraná Limitada ...
307 - FTA-UGT, convocará una huelga general en el sector de mataderos ...
       Eurocarne - 25 Sep 2006
       ... Eliminar del Convenio Colectivo toda limitación al uso de Contratos Temporales, de ETTs., de Cooperativas de Trabajo Asociado, etc. ...
308 - Las cooperativas piden apoyo económico del Gobierno regional para ...
       La Verdad (Murcia) - 25 Sep 2006
       Los presidentes de la Federación de Cooperativas Agrarias FECOAM, Santiago Martínez, y de la Unión de Cooperativas de Trabajo Asociado (UCOMUR), Juan ...
309 - Programa Educativo de Fomento a Emprendedores
       La Opinión Rafaela - 25 Sep 2006
       ... verde, para efectuar la donación de la misma a favor de la DP de V. y U. para la construcción de 10 viviendas a través de Cooperativas de Trabajo, en el ...
310 - Alicia Kirchner inaugura obras hoy en Paraná
       El Diario de Paraná - 25 Sep 2006
       ... múltiples, patio interno y estacionamiento. Los trabajos están a cargo de cinco cooperativas de trabajo. El acto de inauguración ...
311 - Cartas de lectores
       Lanacion.com (Argentina) - 25 Sep 2006
       ... quien manifiesta disconformidad con la gestión realizada por la CNRT ante un reclamo contra la empresa «Cooperativa de Trabajo Transportes Automotores de ...
312 - Todos muertos
       Rebelión - 25 Sep 2006
       ... no se entierran, para qué, allí desaparecen de variadas causas generando ingresos, ONG´s, capital circulante, fijo y variable, stock-options para los ...
313 - SPÖ, Grüne und auch FPÖ votieren für
       Wiener Zeitung - 25. Sept. 2006
       ... Dabei profitieren sollen vor allem die Mitarbeiter – durch einen weiteren Ausbau der Mitarbeiterbeteiligung nach dem Vorbild der Voest und der Post. ...
314 - Poupatempo realiza mais de mil atendimentos no primeiro dia
       Jornal da Cidade - Baurú - 25 Set 2006
       ... Em setembro de 2004, 14 psicólogos e 34 médicos formaram a Cooperativa de Trabalho de Médicos e Psicólogos Peritos de Trânsito de Bauru, que recentemente ...
315 - Il Risparmio dolosamente tradito dalla politica : la Class Action
       Osservatorio sulla legalità - 25 set 2006
       ... violazione della fiducia dell'investitore risparmiatore; per esempio recentemente molti investitori possono agire contro le cd Stock Options retrodatate. ...
316 - Monday Newspaper Review - Irish Business News and International ...
       FinFacts Ireland, Ireland - Sep 24, 2006
       ... than expected, with a group of pilots clubbing together to place orders beyond what they are entitled to as members of the Employee Share Ownership Trust (Esot ...
317 - GBS more than management firm, handling documents, filing, more
       Akron Beacon Journal, OH - Sep 24, 2006
       ... He was named president and chief executive officer in August 2005. How has the employee stock ownership plan worked out for GBS? It's been just great for us. ...
318 - Dragon One case underlines importance of vigilance for investors
       Bangkok Post, Thailand - Sep 24, 2006
       ... board to issue 350 million new shares, 200 million for a private placement and the rest reserved for warrant exercise under an employee stock option plan (Esop ...
319 - Les dividendes d’aujourd’hui font-ils les emplois de demain ?
       l'Humanité - 24 sep 2006
       ... Tout en rappelant que l’actionnariat salarié pèse lourd dans le capital des entreprises, Laurent Batsch se dit « favorable à ce qu’à chaque fois qu ...
320 - Wall Street: parcours hebdomadaire négatif.
       Boursorama - 24 sep 2006
       ... trimestre 2006, justifiant ce retard par l'audit interne actuellement mené sur les pratiques comptables employées par KB Home en matière de stock options. ...
321 - Wall Street clôture en baisse
       La Tribune.fr - 24 sep 2006
       ... de dollars contre 3.86 milliards de dollars l'année dernière à la même époque Les bénéfices, en raison de l'impact des stock-options distribuées aux ...
322 - Éditorial par ar Claude Cabanes
       l'Humanité - 24 sep 2006
       ... amour de la vérité qu’il proclame urbi et orbi, il n’ira pas jusqu’à admettre que sa proposition concernant l’obscénité des stock-options n’est ...
323 - Cléonide Desjardins
       La Voix du Sud - 24 sep 2006
       ... donne maintenant des cours de sculpture, en solo, aux personnes qui en font la demande, tout en se perfectionnant à la Coopérative de travail artistique du ...
324 - Festejo por los 95 años de Lisandro Olmos
       Diario Hoy (Argentina) - 24 Sep 2006
       ... del Centro Comercial de la localidad, y recordó que se están ejecutando 23 kilómetros de red de agua potable a través de cooperativas de trabajo. ...
325 - Lisandro Olmos festejó su 95º aniversario con un desfile cívico ...
       Diario Hoy (Argentina) - 24 Sep 2006
       ... del Centro Comercial de la localidad y recordó que se están ejecutando 23 kilómetros de red de agua potable a través de cooperativas de trabajo, al tiempo ...
       Impulso Baires - 24 Sep 2006
       ... del Centro Comercial de la localidad y recordó que se están ejecutando 23 kilómetros de red de agua potable a través de cooperativas de trabajo, al tiempo ...
327 - Los chicos de la calle y un plan del municipio
       El Litoral - 24 Sep 2006
       ... Actualmente, el gobierno municipal ha decidido encarar de modo integral este problema a través de un proyecto que incluye cooperativas de trabajo que permitan ...
328 - Aer Lingus pilots to buy extra €20m in shares
       Sunday Business Post, Ireland - Sep 23, 2006
       ... According to the Aer Lingus prospectus, the employee share ownership trust (Esot), which represents the shareholding of all the staff, has already agreed to ...
329 - Irish Agenda: Irish farmers had better hope the sun hasn’t set ...
       The Sunday Times, UK - Sep 23, 2006
       ... to employees. Maoiliosa O’Culachain, who used to run the Eircom employee share ownership plan, clearly thinks so. O’Culachain ...
330 - Through the years
       Berkshire Eagle, MA - Sep 23, 2006
       ... 1996: Jack retires from company and institutes an employee stock ownership program, giving employees all of his shares in the company (roughly 40 percent). ...
331 - Fender Musical chief dies
       East Valley Tribune, AZ - Sep 23, 2006
       ... shop. Schultz led an employee buyout of the company in 1985, when then-owner CBS had let the legendary guitar business languish. ...
332 - Fender Musical chief dies
       East Valley Tribune, AZ - Sep 23, 2006
       ... shop. Schultz led an employee buyout of the company in 1985, when then-owner CBS had let the legendary guitar business languish. ...
       Newsweek - Sep 23, 2006
       By Jane Bryant Quinn. Oct. 2, 2006 issue - You may remember that employee stock options were supposed to make everybody rich. Well ...
334 - The Week Ahead: Ex-Sportingbet chief waits for the wheel of ...
       Independent, UK - Sep 23, 2006
       ... It is concerned that the initiative, which is intended to replace the company's existing share-option scheme, does not appear to have any information attached ...
335 - Mashatile's R96 000 dinner bill 'not unusual'
       Sunday Independent (subscription), South Africa - Sep 23, 2006
       ... The high-spending Mashatile was embroiled in controversy several years ago after a report that he held share options in GSSC. "He ...
336 - FTSE pay spirals out of control
       Telegraph.co.uk, United Kingdom - Sep 23, 2006
        ... 2,864,282. The figure includes salary, bonuses, share options and other long-term incentive plans that have vested during the year. ...
337 - CA junks port workers’ plea
       Bohol Chronicle, Philippines - Sep 23, 2006
       ... The port workerscooperative was already assured by some local banks to support the bidding requirements, such as cash bond, while they have the capability ...
338 - Les clubs professionnels français pourront être cotés en bourse
       Canada.com - 23 sep 2006
       ... une lettre rectificative au projet de loi de Thierry Breton, ministre de l'Economie et des Finances, sur la participation et l'épargne salariale, qui devrait ...
339 - Les clubs professionnels français pourront être cotés en bourse
       CorusNouvelles.com - 23 sep 2006
       ... une lettre rectificative au projet de loi de Thierry Breton, ministre de l'Economie et des Finances, sur la participation et l'épargne salariale, qui devrait ...
340 - Les clubs professionnels français pourront être cotés en bourse
       TQS.ca - 23 sep 2006
       ... une lettre rectificative au projet de loi de Thierry Breton, ministre de l'Economie et des Finances, sur la participation et l'épargne salariale, qui devrait ...
341 - Les clubs professionnels français pourront être cotés en bourse
       Info 690 - 23 sep 2006
       ... une lettre rectificative au projet de loi de Thierry Breton, ministre de l'Economie et des Finances, sur la participation et l'épargne salariale, qui devrait ...
342 - Les clubs professionnels français pourront être cotés en bourse
       Le Soleil - 23 sep 2006
       ... une lettre rectificative au projet de loi de Thierry Breton, ministre de l'Economie et des Finances, sur la participation et l'épargne salariale, qui devrait ...
343 - Les clubs professionnels français pourront être cotés en bourse
       Cyberpresse - 23 sep 2006
       ... une lettre rectificative au projet de loi de Thierry Breton, ministre de l'Economie et des Finances, sur la participation et l'épargne salariale, qui devrait ...
344 - Plus de 200 000 Français séduits
       Le Monde - 23 sep 2006
       ... Finansol : www.finansol.org. La forte croissance de l'épargne salariale explique pour une bonne partie cette progression. En effet, 132 ...
345 - Les clubs professionnels français pourront être cotés en bourse
       LesAffaires.com - 23 sep 2006
       ... une lettre rectificative au projet de loi de Thierry Breton, ministre de l'Economie et des Finances, sur la participation et l'épargne salariale, qui devrait ...
346 - Les clubs français en bourse
       RDS - 23 sep 2006
       ... une lettre rectificative au projet de loi de Thierry Breton, ministre de l'Economie et des Finances, sur la participation et l'épargne salariale, qui devrait ...
347 - Conflicto de taxis
       Noticias y Protagonistas - 23 Sep 2006
       ... temor a que ese texto abriera las puertas a los empresarios del transporte público de pasajeros para imitarlo y armarse en diferentes cooperativas de trabajo. ...
348 - Destinan fondos para fortalecer el ecoturismo en Andresito
       Diario Línea Capital - 23 Sep 2006
       El Gobierno de Misiones y la Cooperativa de Trabajo Selva Adentro, responsable de la gestión del proyecto ecoturístico Cabure-í en Andresito, firmaron esta ...
349 - Laguna Paiva rendirá homenaje a su fundador Reynaldo Cullen
       El Litoral - 23 Sep 2006
       ... Este punto geográfico, que alcanzó una fuerte trascendencia con la actividad ferroviaria, hoy tiene a la Cooperativa de Trabajo Industrial Laguna Paiva ...
350 - Ensaladilla rusa en EADS
       ABC - 23 Sep 2006
       Forgeard ya no está (salpicado por un escándalo de venta de acciones de su programa de «stock options») y España sigue como estaba, con una participación ...
351 - Anglo American plc - Anglo American Employee Share Ownership Plan
       Finance24, South Africa - Sep 22, 2006
       ANAAL Anglo American plc - Anglo American Employee Share Ownership Plan Anglo American plc (Incorporated in the United Kingdom) Registration number: 3564138 ...
352 - France sets rules to allow soccer club listings
       Reuters South Africa, South Africa - Sep 22, 2006
       ... he said. The bill, part of wider legislation on employee shareholding, is expected to be passed before the year's end. In Britain ...
353 - Law firm questions Oneida Ltd. retirement plans
       Utica Observer Dispatch, NY - Sep 22, 2006
       ... law by Oneida Ltd. in the company’s management of its 401K Savings and Employee Stock Ownership plans. The Keller Rohrback law ...
354 - Nike Answers Doubts With Solid Sales Gains
       Smartmoney.com - Sep 22, 2006
       ... challenging gross margin comparisons." But said spending on brand marketing such as Nike air, Nike pro and Nike + as well as employee stock options will likely ...
355 - US cable firm gave share options to dead executive
       Independent, UK - Sep 22, 2006
       ... The company said it had discovered an inappropriate share option grant to a director understood to be Marc Lustgarten, a former vice-chairman, who died from ...
356 - Tax debate is about ‘how’, not ‘how much’
       Times Online, UK - Sep 22, 2006
       ... not be surprised that Marc Lustgarten, vice-chairman of Cablevision, the country’s fifth-largest cable TV operator, was loaded up with share options after he ...
357 - Tax: Focus by SARS on high net worth inviduals
       Moneyweb, South Africa - Sep 22, 2006
       ... somebody that SARS has identified as being a director of a major listed company, and someone that they have identified who has, say, share options and possibly ...
358 - Pro-G is now hiring!
       Pro-G, UK - Sep 22, 2006
       ... and travel expenses paid for. You will also get share options and bonuses based on company performance. If you're interested, head ...
359 - State of the Nation's management: running to stand still
       Accountancy Age, UK - Sep 22, 2006
       ... In 2001, when Marconi’s share price was falling fast, the board asked shareholders to let them reprice their executive share options, which by then were ...
360 - Le conseil des ministres approuve l'introduction en Bourse des ...
       Le Monde - 22 sep 2006
       ... de l'emploi, Jean-Louis Borloo, dans une "lettre rectificative au projet de loi pour le développement de la participation et de l'actionnariat salarié". ...
361 - Les clubs sportifs en bourse
       France Matin - 22 sep 2006
       ... de l'emploi, Jean-Louis Borloo, dans une "lettre rectificative au projet de loi pour le développement de la participation et de l'actionnariat salarié".
362 - Les clubs sportifs en bourse
       Universal Press Agency - 22 sep 2006
       ... de l'emploi, Jean-Louis Borloo, dans une "lettre rectificative au projet de loi pour le développement de la participation et de l'actionnariat salarié".
363 - Le projet de loi pour le développement de la participation et de ...
       Les Échos - 22 sep 2006
       ... être versées sur un " plan d'épargne-entreprise " , devraient contribuer au renforcement du capital de l'entreprise en renforçant l'actionnariat salarié. ...
364 - au conseil d`administration ou de surveillance
        Challenges - 22 sep 2006
       ... a confirmé que le gouvernement "réfléchissait" à un amendement sur ce point dans le cadre du projet de loi sur la participation et l'actionnariat salarié. ...
365 - L'épargne solidaire continue de progresser
       Les Échos - 22 sep 2006
       ... fédérant les acteurs du secteur, " les nouveaux épargnants sont essentiellement des salariés qui ont rendu leur épargne salariale solidaire (132.000 ...
366 - L’épargne salariale se tourne vers les ONG
       l'Humanité - 22 sep 2006
       ... Outre le succès des livrets solidaires, cette évolution est surtout due à la performance de l’épargne salariale : 132 000 de ces 200 000 épargnants sont ...
367 - Novell menacé de retrait du Nasdaq
        Distributique - 22 sep 2006
       Comme nombre de grands acteurs de la haute technologie, Novell est empêtré dans le scandale des allocations de stock-options. ...
368 - Clôture Wall Street : Nasdaq -0,84%; Dow Jones -0,22%
       Voila.fr - 22 sep 2006
       ... Les profits ont cependant décliné au 1er trimestre fiscal 2007, affectés par des coûts élevés de stock options et des dépenses en marketing. ...
       Investir.fr - 22 sep 2006
       ... de dollars contre 3.86 milliards de dollars l'année dernière à la même époque Les bénéfices, en raison de l'impact des stock-options distribuées aux ...
370 - KB Home : le titre évolue désormais contre la tendance !
       Boursier.com - 22 sep 2006
       ... immobilier n'a pas été en mesure de publier ses résultats complets en raison d'une révision en interne de son programme d'allocation de stock options. ...
371 - La mi-séance à Wall Street
       Capital.fr - 22 sep 2006
       ... Certes le spécialiste des articles de sport a annoncé une baisse de ses bénéfices en raison d'une charge liée aux stock-options et du renchérissement des ...
372 - Novell menacé de retrait du Nasdaq
       Réseaux-Télécoms.net - 22 sep 2006
       Comme nombre de grands acteurs de la haute technologie, Novell est empêtré dans le scandale des allocations de stock-options. ...
373 - Nike : sa virgule garde la cote
       Boursier.com - 22 sep 2006
       ... Cependant, les résultats T1 2007 comprenaient 41 M$ de dépenses nettes d'impôt liées aux coûts de stock options, qui ont réduit le bpa dilué de 16 cents ...
374 - Palm: +4% sur le Nasdaq après T1 meilleur que prévu.
       TF1 - 22 sep 2006
       ... tôt. Le recul du résultat s'explique par un changement de méthode comptable et la prise en compte de dépenses de stock options. ...
375 - Dell et Novell menacés d'être exclus du Nasdaq
       01net - 22 sep 2006
       ... plusieurs d'entre elles sont contraintes de mener des enquêtes internes sur la manière dont elles ont, par le passé, attribué des stock-options à leurs ...
376 - Wall Street : la tendance
       Capital.fr - 22 sep 2006
       ... dollar par action. Ce recul s'explique notamment par une charge de 40,8 millions de dollars liée aux stock-options. Hormis cette ...
377 - Dell : les stock options de Michael Dell sous l'eau ?
       Boursier.com - 22 sep 2006
       ... action Dell Inc. a baissé de 60%, mettant sous l'eau ses 9,4 millions de stock options" (celles de Michael Dell donc). Le surdoué ...
378 - PERNOD RICARD : Goldman Sachs ajuste à la baisse son objectif de ...
       Les Échos - 22 sep 2006
       ... ses prévisions de résultats de 2007 à 2009 afin de prendre notamment en compte une hausse des dépenses de marketing et l'impact des stock options sur le ...
379 - Nike : excellente surprise au 1er trimestre
       Boursier.com - 22 sep 2006
       ... Cependant, les résultats T1 2007 comprenaient 41 M$ de dépenses nettes d'impôt liées aux coûts de stock options, qui ont réduit le bpa dilué de 16 cents ...
380 - Patrick Artus veut un débat sur "les vrais sujets" pour 2007
       Challenges - 22 sep 2006
       ... "Il est plus facile de dire qu'on va reconduire à la frontière les clandestins ou supprimer les stock-options des grands patrons. ...
381 - Hi-Media : vers une semaine totalement rouge ?
       Voila.fr - 22 sep 2006
       ... Le résultat opérationnel (avant prise en compte des stock options et actions gratuites) devrait atteindre 7 Millions d'euros selon les nouvelles prévisions.
       Andalucía24horas - 22 Sep 2006
       ... Eliminar del Convenio Colectivo toda limitación al uso de Contratos Temporales, de ETTs., de Cooperativas de Trabajo Asociado, etc. ...
383 - Se puso en marcha el programa Cloaca más Trabajo
       Edición Central (Radio LV12) - 22 Sep 2006
       ... de 180 días las obras se realizarán con la supervisión técnica de la SAT y su ejecución estará a cargo de las cooperativas de trabajo constituídas por ...
384 - Nación y provincias evaluaron la marcha de políticas de empleo
       El Diario de Paraná - 22 Sep 2006
       ... Con relación a la “lucha contra todas las formas de empleo no registrado”, advirtió que “las denominadas cooperativas de trabajo constituyen uno de los ...
385 - Noticias del mundo sin patrón
       enREDando.org.ar - 22 Sep 2006
       ... y acopiadora de granos que pertenecía a Nutrimento SA, la misma compañía que era propietaria de la actual Cooperativa de Trabajadores Avícola Moreno, una ...
386 - «Somos la patronal de la empresa social»
       El Comercio Digital (Asturias) - 22 Sep 2006
       ... Es la única agrupación de trabajo asociado de Asturias donde representamos a las cooperativas de trabajadores, es decir, a las empresas donde los empresarios ...
387 - La norteamericana Cablevisión concedió ''stock options'' a un ...
       Diario Directo - 22 Sep 2006
       La operadora norteamericana Cablevisión admitió haber concedido ''stock options'' a uno de sus ejecutivos después de que éste ya hubiera fallecido. ...
388 - Nike reduce sus beneficios trimestrales un 13% por las stock ...
       Bolsacinco.com - 22 Sep 2006
       ... en el beneficio neto trimestral por costes extraordinarios de 40,8 millones de dólares (31,8 millones de euros) derivados de sus planes de stock options. ...
389 - Se solicita información a Electronic Arts sobre sus stock options
       TheGameTribune - 22 Sep 2006
       ... septiembre a Electronic Arts para investigar las posibles prácticas ilícitas relacionadas con el régimen de compensación basado en stock-options que gran ...
       TheGameTribune - 22 Sep 2006
       ... a la investigación que actualmente la SEC estadounidense está realizando sobre las prácticas llevadas a cabo por Take 2 en el ámbito de las stock-options. ...
391 - Wer macht den nächsten Zug in der E-Wirtschaft?
       OÖNachrichten - 22. Sept. 2006
       ... verlängert werden). Neben Tirol bleiben eben die noch offene Verbund-Option oder ein Börsegang samt Mitarbeiterbeteiligung. Und ...
392 - Wäre ich ein Linker, würde die ganze Emanzentruppe vor mir flach ...
       ceiberweiber.at - 22. Sept. 2006
       ... bei sozialdemokratischen Themen der Igel sein, der immer vorm Hasen da ist: Man muss mehr tun in Richtung Umverteilen, die Mitarbeiterbeteiligung fördern, die ...
393 - Wall Street: Weiter abwärts, Nike überrascht positiv
       FinanzNachrichten.de - 22. Sept. 2006
       ... 1,61 Dollar je Aktie im Vorjahreszeitraum. Dabei sind im aktuellen Ergebnis Sondereffekte aus einem Stock Option-Programm in Höhe von 40,8 Mio. Dollar bzw. ...
394 - Secretário defende uso do poder de compra do Estado para o ...
       ti inside - 22 Set 2006
       ... O propósito da lei é ampliar a participação desse segmento e de setores sensíveis da economia, como cooperativas de trabalhadores, no processo de compras ...
395 - Usina de biodiesel da Petrobras recebe licença ambiental
       Informe Sergipe - 22 Set 2006
       ... outros projetos em várias regiões do País em parceria com diferentes investidores, desde grandes grupos econômicos até cooperativas de trabalhadores rurais ...
       G1.com.br - 22 Set 2006
       ... projetos em várias regiões do país, em parceria com diferentes investidores, desde grandes grupos econômicos até cooperativas de trabalhadores rurais.
397 - Usina de biodiesel da Petrobras recebe licença ambiental
       clicabrasilia.com.br - 22 Set 2006
       ... projetos em várias regiões do país, em parceria com diferentes investidores, desde grandes grupos econômicos até cooperativas de trabalhadores rurais.
398 - Usina de biodiesel recebe licença ambiental
       Gazeta do Povo (Assinatura) - 22 Set 2006
       ... projetos em várias regiões do país, em parceria com diferentes investidores, desde grandes grupos econômicos até cooperativas de trabalhadores rurais.
399 - Usina de biodiesel recebe licença ambiental
       O Globo (Assinatura) - 22 Set 2006
       ... projetos em várias regiões do país, em parceria com diferentes investidores, desde grandes grupos econômicos até cooperativas de trabalhadores rurais.
400 - Usina de biodiesel da Petrobras recebe licença ambiental
       Último Segundo - 22 Set 2006
       ... projetos em várias regiões do país, em parceria com diferentes investidores, desde grandes grupos econômicos até cooperativas de trabalhadores rurais.
401 - Usina de biodiesel da Petrobras recebe licença ambiental
       Reuters Brasil - 22 Set 2006
       ... projetos em várias regiões do país, em parceria com diferentes investidores, desde grandes grupos econômicos até cooperativas de trabalhadores rurais.
402 - Per chi deve produrre un’azienda?
       Aprile Online - 22 set 2006
       ... il profitto a breve termine, l’unico che conti vista la volatilità degli investimenti azionari; in altre parole, la politica delle stock options, per cui il ...
403 - BORSA: commento di chiusura -2-
       MSN.it - 22 set 2006
       ... discesa per Benetton (-3,98%), dopo che ieri la societa' ha annunciato di avere autorizzato l'esercizio della prima tranche del piano di stock options 2004/07 ...
404 - Epifani: D'Alema poteva evitare il temine 'aberrante' su diritto ...
       Cani Sciolti - 22 set 2006
       ... alla fine tocchera' ai lavoratori dipendenti pagare le pensioni ai dirigenti di impresa, che sulla parte forte del loro reddito, le 'stock options', non pagano ...
405 - MarshMac puts Putnam up for sale
       Financial News Online US, UK - Sep 21, 2006
       ... Employee ownership peaked at 14% about three years ago but had declined to less than 3% last year after a number of senior departures, said consultants. ...
406 - It's That Time of the Saison: New Belgium Brewing Introduces ...
       Emediawire (press release), WA - Sep 21, 2006
       ... Progressive programs like employee ownership, open book management and a trip to Belgium after five years employment are all part of the corporate culture. ...
407 - It's That Time of the Saison: New Belgium Brewing Introduces ...
       PR Web (press release), WA - Sep 21, 2006
       ... Progressive programs like employee ownership, open book management and a trip to Belgium after five years employment are all part of the corporate culture. ...
408 - BHP Billiton Plc - Notification of interests of directors
       Finance24, South Africa - Sep 21, 2006
       ... BHP Billiton Plc announces the following transactions, made by Billiton ESOP Trustee Limited as trustee of the Billiton Employee Share Ownership Trust, in ...
409 - V&A in foreign hands
       Finance24, South Africa - Sep 21, 2006
       ... Limited trading as Western Cape Women's Investment Alliance has 6%, Kgontsi Investments (Proprietary) Ltd has 2.5%, Employee share ownership will have 2%, Tsa ...
410 - France to curb exec stock options
       Cay Compass, Cayman Islands - Sep 21, 2006
       ... backed compromise will be introduced later this year as an amendment to long–planned legislation intended to encourage employee share ownership, by extending ...
411 - France sets rules to allow soccer club listings
       Reuters.uk, UK - Sep 21, 2006
       ... he said. The bill, part of wider legislation on employee shareholding, is expected to be passed before the year's end. In Britain ...
412 - France sets rules to allow soccer club listings
       Guardian Unlimited, UK - Sep 21, 2006
       ... he said. The bill, part of wider legislation on employee shareholding, is expected to be passed before the year's end. In Britain ...
413 - Source: Keller Rohrback LLP
       PrimeZone (press release), CA - Sep 21, 2006
       401K Savings Plan and the Employee Stock Ownership Plan. SEATTLE, Sept. ... 401K Savings Plan and the Oneida Ltd. Employee Stock Ownership Plan (the "Plans"). ...
414 - Keller Rohrback LLP Announces Investigation on Behalf of ...
       PrimeZone (press release), CA - Sep 21, 2006
       ... The investigation focuses on investments in Oneida stock by the Oneida Ltd. 401K Savings Plan and the Oneida Ltd. Employee Stock Ownership Plan (the "Plans"). ...
415 - Going Fully Public
       Hartford Courant, United States - Sep 21, 2006
       ... The conversion includes an "employee stock ownership plan" that typically provides direct grants, some of them handsome, to high-level executives. ...
416 - European Capital Invests in Add-On Acquisition for Portfolio ...
       netPR.pl (komunikaty prasowe), Poland - Sep 21, 2006
       ... European Capital invests in and sponsors management and employee buyouts, invests in private equity buyouts and provides capital directly to private and mid ...
       ITNews, Italy - Sep 21, 2006
       ... European Capital invests in and sponsors management and employee buyouts, invests in private equity buyouts and provides capital directly to private and mid ...
418 - European Capital Invests in Add-On Acquisition for Portfolio ...
       PR Newswire (press release), NY - Sep 21, 2006
       ... European Capital invests in and sponsors management and employee buyouts, invests in private equity buyouts and provides capital directly to private and mid ...
419 - Market strong as Fed steady, oil cheaper
       Times of India, India - Sep 21, 2006
       ... NIIT Technologies Ltd fell 0.2% to Rs 328 on alloting 3150 equity shares of Rs 10 each to 6 employees of the company in accordance with the terms of ESOP 2005.
420 - DB&G, former exec settle lawsuit
       Jamaica Observer, Jamaica - Sep 21, 2006
       ... It was reported at the time that Walters was offered an employee share offer plan (ESOP) of 1.8 million shares at a price of $0.75 per share. ...
421 - Retire Before Your Boss
       Motley Fool - Sep 21, 2006
       ... In the second scenario, you work for a large company that offers employee stock option programs -- a company such as Procter & Gamble (NYSE: PG), Cisco Systems ...
422 - Report: Venture capital financing held steady in first half of ...
       Central Valley Business Times, CA - Sep 21, 2006
       ... time, the VCs got about one-third of the company, the founders held on to a third, and another third was set aside for employee stock options,” Mr. Fulton ...
423 - QLogic Receives Distribution Industry's Rising Star Award
       PrimeZone (press release), CA - Sep 21, 2006
       ... strategic business combinations; the ability to attract and retain key personnel; recognition of compensation expense related to employee stock options and the ...
424 - Cooley Godward Report Shows Venture Capital Financing Held Steady ...
       Market Wire (press release) - Sep 21, 2006
       ... for the first time, the VCs got about one-third of the company, the founders held on to a third, and another third was set aside for employee stock options. ...
425 - Cintas Corporation Reports First Quarter Fiscal 2007 Revenue and ...
       dBusinessNews Cincinnati (press release), OH - Sep 21, 2006
       ... This statement requires all share based payments to employees, including grants of employee stock options, to be recognized as an expense in the statement of ...
426 - France moves to curb share option excess
       Management-Issues, UK - Sep 21, 2006
       France has launched a crack-down on the exercising of employee share options in the wake of a series of high profile scandals over executive pay and ...
427 - Prezzo director Jonathan Kaye sells shares
       Hemscott, UK - Sep 21, 2006
       ... Additionally, Michael Carlton and Kuldip Sehmi, both directors of the company, have today exercised share options over 263,160 and 600,000 ordinary shares ...
428 - Intrawest sale worth a fortune to executives
       Vancouver Sun (subscription),  Canada - Sep 21, 2006
       ... The circular said Intrawest employees who are not senior officers or directors hold about 15 per cent of the outstanding share options, worth an estimated $4.7 ...
429 - Training Officer / NVQ Assessor
       Watford Observer, UK - Sep 21, 2006
       ... Hours are 37.5 per week, Monday to Frida. Benefits include pension, annual bonus, share options, Xmas closure and 25 days holiday.
430 - Merck Buys Majority Serono Stake; Bidding For Remainder-2
       Easy Bourse (Communiqués de presse), France - Sep 21, 2006
       ... Merck's offer values Serono at a total of CHF16.6 billion, with share options included in the calculation, a Merck spokeswoman told Dow Jones Newswires. ...
431 - La Bourse bientôt sur le terrain
       Libération - 21 sep 2006
       ... se contente en effet de faire passer un article dans le projet de loi sur le «développement de la participation et de l'actionnariat salarié», examiné cet ...
432 - Breton "toujours réservé" pour légiférer sur les stock-options
       Challenges - 21 sep 2006
       ... a confirmé que le gouvernement "réfléchissait" à un amendement sur ce point dans le cadre du projet de loi sur la participation et l'actionnariat salarié. ...
433 - Le compte rendu du Conseil des ministres
       Profession Politique (subscription) - 21 sep 2006
       ... Logement, Jean-Louis BORLOO, a présenté une lettre rectificative au projet de loi pour le développement de la participation et de l’actionnariat salarié. ...
434 - Football: la Bourse ouverte aux clubs français
       Challenges - 21 sep 2006
       ... Une lettre rectificative au projet de loi pour le développement de la participation et de l'actionnariat salarié modifie ainsi l'article 13 de la loi du 16 ...
435 - Football: la Bourse ouverte aux clubs français
       Euroinvestor - 21 sep 2006
       ... Une lettre rectificative au projet de loi pour le développement de la participation et de l'actionnariat salarié modifie ainsi l'article 13 de la loi du 16 ...
436 - La bourse, c'est fait
       Lensois.com - 21 sep 2006
       ... Ce texte devrait passer le mois prochain au Parlement dans le cadre du projet de loi pour le développement de la participation et de l'actionnariat salarié.
437 - Football: la Bourse ouverte aux clubs français
       Le Point - 21 sep 2006
       ... Une lettre rectificative au projet de loi pour le développement de la participation et de l'actionnariat salarié modifie ainsi l'article 13 de la loi du 16 ...
438 - Football: la Bourse ouverte aux clubs français
        Boursorama - 21 sep 2006
       ... Une lettre rectificative au projet de loi pour le développement de la participation et de l'actionnariat salarié modifie ainsi l'article 13 de la loi du 16 ...
439 - Football: la Bourse ouverte aux clubs français
       Capital.fr - 21 sep 2006
       ... Une lettre rectificative au projet de loi pour le développement de la participation et de l'actionnariat salarié modifie ainsi l'article 13 de la loi du 16 ...
440 - Football: la Bourse ouverte aux clubs français
       Nouvel Observateur - 21 sep 2006
       ... Une lettre rectificative au projet de loi pour le développement de la participation et de l'actionnariat salarié modifie ainsi l'article 13 de la loi du 16 ...
441 - Football: la Bourse ouverte aux clubs français
       Reuters.fr - 21 sep 2006
       ... Une lettre rectificative au projet de loi pour le développement de la participation et de l'actionnariat salarié modifie ainsi l'article 13 de la loi du 16 ...
442 - Football: la Bourse ouverte aux clubs français
       La Tribune.fr - 21 sep 2006
       ... Une lettre rectificative au projet de loi pour le développement de la participation et de l'actionnariat salarié modifie ainsi l'article 13 de la loi du 16 ...
443 - Les clubs en bourse, c'est fait
       Football.fr - 21 sep 2006
       ... Ce texte devrait passer le mois prochain au Parlement dans le cadre du projet de loi pour le développement de la participation et de l'actionnariat salarié. ...
444 -

Les clubs en bourse, c'est fait
       Sports.fr - 21 sep 2006
       ... Ce texte devrait passer le mois prochain au Parlement dans le cadre du projet de loi pour le développement de la participation et de l'actionnariat salarié.
445 - Le conseil des ministres approuve l'introduction en Bourse des ...
       Le Monde - 21 sep 2006
       ... de l'emploi, Jean-Louis Borloo, dans une "lettre rectificative au projet de loi pour le développement de la participation et de l'actionnariat salarié". ...
446 - Lettre rectificative au projet de loi pour le développement de la ...
       PM France (Communiqués de presse) - 21 sep 2006
       ... sociale et du Logement a présenté une lettre rectificative au projet de loi pour le développement de la participation et de l’actionnariat salarié. ...
447 - Aval de la commission des Affaires économiques au projet de loi
       Challenges - 21 sep 2006
       ... Affaires économiques de l'Assemblée nationale s'est dite favorable, mercredi 20 septembre, au projet de loi sur la participation et l'actionnariat salarié. ...
448 - La participation aux bénéfices des entreprises doit-elle être ...
       AgoraVox - 21 sep 2006
       ... que l’Assemblée s’apprête à examiner prochainement le projet de loi pour le développement de la participation et de l’actionnariat salarié, la CGPME ...
449 - Breton "toujours réservé" pour légiférer sur les stock-options
       Challenges - 21 sep 2006
       ... a confirmé que le gouvernement "réfléchissait" à un amendement sur ce point dans le cadre du projet de loi sur la participation et l'actionnariat salarié. ...
450 - France: adoption du projet sur l'introduction en Bourse des clubs
       Le Monde - 21 sep 2006
       ... ministre de l'Emploi Jean-Louis Borloo, dans une "lettre rectificative au projet de loi pour le développement de la participation et de l'actionnariat salarié ...
451 - Adoption du projet sur l'introduction en Bourse des clubs
       TSR.ch - 21 sep 2006
       ... ministre de l'Emploi Jean-Louis Borloo, dans une "lettre rectificative au projet de loi pour le développement de la participation et de l'actionnariat salarié ...
452 - Thierry Breton préfère l'autorégulation
       Nouvel Observateur - 21 sep 2006
       ... L'encadrement des stock-options doit faire l'objet d'un amendement au projet de loi sur la participation et l'actionnariat salarié, qui sera examiné par le ...
453 -

France/stock-options: il faut légiférer a minima, estime Thierry ...
       Le Monde - 21 sep 2006
       ... L'encadrement des stock-options devrait faire l'objet d'un amendement au projet de loi sur la participation et l'actionnariat salarié, qui sera examiné par ...
454 - Clubs de football en Bourse : un texte plus souple qu'attendu
       Les Échos - 21 sep 2006
       Inséré dans le projet de loi sur la participation et l'épargne salariale, le dispositif visant à lever l'interdiction faite aux clubs de football de s ...
       Nouvel Observateur - 21 sep 2006
       ... Sports Jean-François Lamour sera rattaché sous la forme d'une lettre rectificative au projet de loi sur la participation et l'épargne salariale, qui devrait ...
456 - Manifeste de l'économie solidaire
       Le Monde - 21 sep 2006
       ... On doit aller bien au-delà. A deux conditions : assurer la promotion de l'épargne salariale solidaire et améliorer sa réglementation. ...
457 - Les clubs professionnels pourront être cotés en bourse
       Nouvel Observateur - 21 sep 2006
       ... une lettre rectificative au projet de loi de Thierry Breton, ministre de l'Economie et des Finances, sur la participation et l'épargne salariale, qui devrait ...
458 - Feu vert du conseil des ministres à l'entrée en Bourse des clubs ...
       La Tribune.fr - 21 sep 2006
       ... Inscrit dans le cadre du projet de loi sur la participation et l'épargne salariale, ce projet de loi devrait être discuté en première lecture à l ...
459 - Les Français et l’épargne solidaire
       Ipsos - 21 sep 2006
       ... systématique, par le conseiller bancaire, des produits existants (8%, sans changement) ou le placement d'une partie de l'épargne salariale, de la ...
460 - Le bénéfice net de Nike en baisse de 13% au 1er trimestre
       Nouvel Observateur - 21 sep 2006
       ... semestre de l'année. Les stock-options ont amputé le BPA du trimestre écoulé de 16 cents par action, a ajouté Nike. En ôtant ces ...
461 - Les marchés US virent au rouge
       Journal des Finances - 21 sep 2006
       ... a annoncé mercredi avoir reçu un courrier de la SEC lui réclamant certains documents et informations relatifs à ses pratiques en matière de stock-options. ...
462 - Cintas Corporation annonce ses résultats financiers pour le ...
       Business Wire (press release) - 21 sep 2006
       ... Selon cette norme, toutes les rémunérations sous forme d’actions faites aux employés, dont l’octroi de stock-options aux salariés, doivent être ...
463 - Joseph Stiglitz, l'idole des altermondialistes
       Le Point - 21 sep 2006
       ... Pour l'instant, les actionnaires ont fait des patrons leurs complices, grâce au système lucratif des stock-options, les amenant à tout sacrifier à la ...
464 - Duo de choc : Edouard Balladur député UMP et Thierry Breton ...
       Challenges - 21 sep 2006
        ... ministre, surprend autant qu’il agace les milieux patronaux avec son amendement qui vise à limiter et à encadrer l’usage des stock-options par les ...
465 - Breton "toujours réservé" pour légiférer sur les stock-options
       Challenges - 21 sep 2006
       ... de l'Economie et des Finances, Thierry Breton, s'est prononcé, jeudi 21 septembre sur i>télé, pour une réforme "a minima" concernant les stock-options. ...
466 - Clôture Paris : légère hausse de 0,3%
       Voila.fr - 21 sep 2006
       ... Kleinwort estime que les synergies confirmées à 300 ME sur l'exercice 2006-2006 (hors les 30 ME de coûts non cash liés aux stock options) sont plutôt ...
467 - Les marchés US ouvrent sur une légère hausse
       Journal des Finances - 21 sep 2006
       ... annoncé mercredi avoir reçu un courrier de la SEC lui réclamant certains documents et informations relatifs à ses pratiques en matière de stock-options. ...
468 - Sarkozy et son clan
       e-torpedo.net - 21 sep 2006
       ... C’est odieux encore lorsqu’on songe aux bénéficiaires des « stock options » ou des salaires indécents de bon nombre de patrons de grandes entreprises. ...
469 - EADS: Christof Ehrhart nouveau directeur de la communication
       Le Monde - 21 sep 2006
        ... EADS, plongé dans la tourmente par des retards importants du programme de l'avion géant A380 et une polémique sur l'exercice de stock-options par plusieurs ...
470 - Poursuite de la hausse attendue, FedEx en vue
       Boursorama - 21 sep 2006
       ... Ces deux éléments sont liés au retard de la publication de ses résultats trimestriels à la suite d'une enquête sur l'attribution de stock-options. ...
471 - Les retards d`EADS
       Challenges - 21 sep 2006
       ... ses enfants et plusieurs dirigeants français et allemands du groupe, vendent des actions pour plusieurs millions d'euros après avoir levé des stock-options. ...
472 - Pernod Ricard : Dresdner Kleinwort ajuste finalement sa ...
       Voila.fr - 21 sep 2006
       ... estime néanmoins que les synergies confirmées à 300 ME sur l'exercice 2006-2006 (hors les 30 ME de coûts non cash liés aux stock options) sont plutôt ...
473 - Thierry Breton préfère l'autorégulation
       Nouvel Observateur - 21 sep 2006
       A propos des Stock-options, Thierry Breton, ministre de l'Economie et des Finances, a déclaré jeudi 21 septembre sur les plateaux de i-Télévision, qu'il ...
474 - France/stock-options: il faut légiférer a minima, estime Thierry ...
       Le Monde - 21 sep 2006
       ... français de l'Economie et des Finances, Thierry Breton, s'est dit partisan de légiférer "a minima" sur l'encadrement des stock-options, expliquant qu'il ...
475 - PERNOD RICARD : Résultats annuels 2005/2006
       Euroinvestor - 21 sep 2006
       ... d´abaisser le ratio frais de structure sur CA aux environs de 16% (soit le gain de 300pb annoncé), hors les 30 M? de coûts non cash liés aux stock options. ...
476 - « Notre entreprise brûle et renaît de ses cendres »
       Economie Matin - 21 sep 2006
       Cette scop - société coopérative - compte 36 associés salariés. ... Nous avons donc changé de statut. L’ancienne scop SARL est devenue scop SA. ...
477 - En carrera por una curul
       El Comercio (Ecuador) - 21 Sep 2006
       ... Por ejemplo, uno para crear sociedades laborales anónimas, para que el 49 por ciento de acciones de la empresa pase a ser de los trabajadores y el 51 por ...
478 - Un 12% de la población activa española ya trabaja en la ...
       La Verdad (Murcia) - 21 Sep 2006
       ... Bajo CEPES se agrupan 26.146 cooperativas, 20.279 sociedades laborales, 74 entidades de economía social con otras formas jurídicas, 60 empresas de inserción ...
479 - Las empresas de economía social ya emplean al 12% de la ...
       Cinco Días - 21 Sep 2006
       ... Cepes agrupa ya a 26.146 cooperativas, 20.279 sociedades laborales, 60 empresas de inserción, 760 centros especiales de empleo, 74 empresas de economía ...
480 - El número de empresas de economía social creció un 10% en 2005
       Solidaridad Digit@l - 21 Sep 2006
       ... Bajo el paraguas de Cepes se agrupan ya 26.146 cooperativas, 20.279 sociedades laborales, 60 empresas de inserción, 760 centros especiales de empleo, 74 ...
481 - Un 12% de la población activa española ya trabaja en la ...
       La Voz de Galicia - 21 Sep 2006
       ... Bajo CEPES se agrupan 26.146 cooperativas, 20.279 sociedades laborales, 74 entidades de economía social con otras formas jurídicas, 60 empresas de inserción ...
482 - Economía/Macro.- Más del 12% de la población activa está ...
       Fuerteventura Digital - 21 Sep 2006
       ... Del total delas compañías que se agrupan bajo Cepes, un 51,61% son cooperativas, un 40,03% sociedades laborales, un 5,72% son asociaciones del sector de la ...
483 - Más del 12% de la población activa está empleada en empresas de ...
       Terra España - 21 Sep 2006
       ... Del total delas compañías que se agrupan bajo Cepes, un 51,61% son cooperativas, un 40,03% sociedades laborales, un 5,72% son asociaciones del sector de la ...
484 - Más del 12% de la población activa está empleada en empresas de ...
       Diario Directo - 21 Sep 2006
       ... Del total delas compañías que se agrupan bajo Cepes, un 51,61% son cooperativas, un 40,03% sociedades laborales, un 5,72% son asociaciones del sector de la ...
485 - Economía/Macro.- Más del 12% de la población activa está ...
       Hispanidad - 21 Sep 2006
       ... Del total delas compañías que se agrupan bajo Cepes, un 51,61% son cooperativas, un 40,03% sociedades laborales, un 5,72% son asociaciones del sector de la ...
486 - Economía/Macro.- Más del 12% de la población activa está ...
       elEconomista.es - 21 Sep 2006
       ... Del total delas compañías que se agrupan bajo Cepes, un 51,61% son cooperativas, un 40,03% sociedades laborales, un 5,72% son asociaciones del sector de la ...
487 - La economía social da empleo a más de dos millones de personas
       Capital (España) - 21 Sep 2006
       ... Las empresas agrupadas en este tipo de economía son cooperativas, sociedades laborales, mutualidades, centros especiales de empleo y empresas de inserción ...
488 - La economía social da empleo a más de dos millones de personas
       Capital (España) - 21 Sep 2006
       Las empresas agrupadas en este tipo de economía son cooperativas, sociedades laborales, mutualidades, centros especiales de empleo y empresas de inserción ...
489 - Empresas economía social facturaron en 2005 7% PIB, según Cepes
       Terra España - 21 Sep 2006
       ... como los de la facturación confirman la 'buena salud' de las empresas de economía social', que incluyen cooperativas, sociedades laborales, empresas de ...
490 - Organizaciones barriales y piqueteras tomaron terreno desocupado ...
       NotiExpress - 21 Sep 2006
       ... Alegan que por esa razón decidieron tomar el predio y que se les aporten recursos para poder organizarse como cooperativas de trabajo y comenzar un plan de ...
491 - El IPLyC promocionará el ticket consumo en la Feria Forestal que ...
       Misiones OnLine - 21 Sep 2006
       ... los trabajadores. En el mismo stand expondrá su trabajo la Cooperativa de Trabajo de Quinieleros y Otros Servicios Limitada. En ...
492 - Los salarios de los españoles crecerán un 4,3% en 2007
       Bolsacinco.com - 21 Sep 2006
       ... Entre los incentivos a largo plazo, la concesión de opciones sobre acciones (stock options) registran un descenso generalizado en todas las categorías ...
493 - Juiz determina que cooperativa médica forneça equipamento à ...
       O Documento - 21 Set 2006
       ... Juiz Yale Sabo Mendes, titular do Juizado Especial do Planalto (Cuiabá), deferiu liminar favorável a uma associada da cooperativa de trabalho médico Unimed ...
494 - Le telecomunicazioni portano sfiga al centro-sinistra
       Carmilla - 21 set 2006
       ... Qualcosa s'è rovinato nel rapporto fra i due. Colaninno si è arricchito con le stock options di Olivetti. Ormai gioca in proprio. ...
495 - Wall Street poco mossa in avvio, acquisti su FedEx
       Milano Finanza - 21 set 2006
       ... dalle contrattazioni, per via dei ritardi nella divulgazione delle comunicazioni di bilancio, a loro volta dovuti all'inchiesta in corso sulle stock-options. ...
496 - Doctor fulfills dream with new Andover hospital
       El Dorado Times, KS - Sep 20, 2006
       ... Dr. Idbeis reports the staff will be healthcare professionals who work for the patients and an “employee ownership” concept will be fostered at the facility ...
497 - V&A Waterfront gets new owner
       Business Day, South Africa - Sep 20, 2006
       ... Maphai. The 25% BEE component sets aside 2% for an employee share ownership plan (Esop) for black employees of the V&A Waterfront. ...
498 - Unions clear the way for Aer Lingus business plan
        IrishExaminer.com, Ireland - Sep 20, 2006
       ... Counting of a second ballot bythe Irish Congress of Trade Unions on funding the Employee Share Ownership Trust had been suspended until the issues with the ...
499 - Unions clear the way for Aer Lingus business plan
       Irish Examiner, Ireland - Sep 20, 2006
       ... Counting of a second ballot bythe Irish Congress of Trade Unions on funding the Employee Share Ownership Trust had been suspended until the issues with the ...
500 - France Outlines New Stock Options Rules
        Houston Chronicle, United States - Sep 20, 2006
       ... backed compromise will be introduced later this year as an amendment to long-planned legislation intended to encourage employee share ownership by extending ...
501 - France plans new curbs on executive stock options
       Biloxi Sun Herald,  USA - Sep 20, 2006
       ... The government-backed compromise will be introduced as an amendment to long-planned legislation intended to encourage employee share ownership, by extending ...
502 - France plans new curbs on executive stock options
       Centre Daily Times, PA - Sep 20, 2006
       ... The government-backed compromise will be introduced as an amendment to long-planned legislation intended to encourage employee share ownership, by extending ...
503 - France plans new curbs on executive stock options
       San Jose Mercury News,  USA - Sep 20, 2006
       ... The government-backed compromise will be introduced as an amendment to long-planned legislation intended to encourage employee share ownership, by extending ...
504 - Dubai interest has 24% in V&A
       Sunday Times, South Africa - Sep 20, 2006
       ... Limited trading as Western Cape Women's Investment Alliance has 6%, Kgontsi Investments (Proprietary) Ltd has 2.5%, Employee share ownership will have 2%, Tsa ...
505 - France plans new curbs on executive stock options
       Pioneer Press, MN - Sep 20, 2006
       ... The government-backed compromise will be introduced as an amendment to long-planned legislation intended to encourage employee share ownership, by extending ...
506 - France plans new curbs on executive stock options
       SiliconValley.com, CA - Sep 20, 2006
       ... The government-backed compromise will be introduced as an amendment to long-planned legislation intended to encourage employee share ownership, by extending ...
507 - France plans new curbs on executive stock options
       International Herald Tribune, France - Sep 20, 2006
       ... backed compromise will be introduced later this year as an amendment to long-planned legislation intended to encourage employee share ownership, by extending ...
508 - Herman Miller, Inc., Orders Accelerate to Highest Level in More ...
        Yahoo! News (press release) - Sep 20, 2006
       ... Brian Walker, Chief Executive Officer, stated, "We are very pleased with the performance of our employee-owners and dealer partners around the globe. ...
509 - Herman Miller, Inc., Orders Accelerate to Highest Level in More ...
       MSN Money - Sep 20, 2006
       ... Brian Walker, Chief Executive Officer, stated, "We are very pleased with the performance of our employee-owners and dealer partners around the globe. ...
510 - Herman Miller, Inc., Orders Accelerate to Highest Level in More ...
       PR Newswire (press release), NY - Sep 20, 2006
       ... Brian Walker, Chief Executive Officer, stated, "We are very pleased with the performance of our employee-owners and dealer partners around the globe. ...
511 - People's Bank Plans Changeover To Stock
       TheDay (subscription), CT - Sep 20, 2006
       ... People's said it will also establish the People's Community Foundation, a charitable foundation, and will establish an employee stock ownership plan, known as ...
512 - People's Mutual, bank to convert
       Hemscott, UK - Sep 20, 2006
       ... endowment for communities. People's Mutual and People's Bank also plan to establish an employee stock ownership plan. The reorganization ...
513 - People's Mutual, Bank to Convert
       Houston Chronicle, United States - Sep 20, 2006
       ... Foundation, an endowment for communities. People's Mutual and People's Bank also plan to establish an employee stock ownership plan.
514 - People's Mutual Holdings and People's Bank Announce Plan to ...
       PR Newswire (press release), NY - Sep 20, 2006
       ... shareholders. Additionally, People's Bank and MHC also intend to establish an Employee Stock Ownership Plan in connection with the offering. ...
515 - People's Mutual Holdings and People's Bank Announce Plan to ...
       Yahoo! News (press release) - Sep 20, 2006
       ... shareholders. Additionally, People's Bank and MHC also intend to establish an Employee Stock Ownership Plan in connection with the offering. ...
516 - Firms accelerating stock-option availability
       Kitsap Sun (Subscription),  United States - Sep 20, 2006
       ... report published in January by Bear Stearns found 749 companies accelerating options, wiping out "over $6 billion of employee stock option expense" from future ...
517 - France to Curb Executive Stock Options
       Houston Chronicle, United States - Sep 20, 2006
       PARIS — French Finance Minister Thierry Breton outlined plans Wednesday to tighten restrictions on the exercise of employee stock options in the wake of a ...
518 - ELEKTA Annual General Meeting 2006
       Genetic Engineering News (press release), NY - Sep 20, 2006
       ... The Meeting decided in accordance with the proposal on the issue of employee stock options in accordance with the Elekta AB 2004 Share Unit Plan and to approve ...
       Irish Independent, Ireland - Sep 20, 2006
       ... For a chief executive the beauty of old-style options is that, with the stock market in a relatively buoyant state, most share option packages are doing ...
520 - Malcolm Gray: Investec Asset Management
       Moneyweb, South Africa - Sep 20, 2006
       ... MALCOLM GRAY: Look, they’ve also got an option scheme and we would encourage business to have a share-option scheme of this nature. ...
521 - RMBH - Summarised audited results announcement, year ended 30 June ...
       Finance24, South Africa - Sep 20, 2006
       ... the - - - - year Dividend paid - - - - Income of associated - 1 733 - - companies retained Capital invested by - - - - minorities Share option expense - - 1 ...
522 - Edgars Consolidated Stores Limited - Dealing in securities by a ...
       Finance24, South Africa - Sep 20, 2006
       ... Ordinary shares of 1 cent each Number of Shares : 44 680 Nature of interest : Directly beneficial Option Strike Price : 580 cents per share Option Strike Date ...
523 - Sallies - Preliminary results for the financial year ended 30 June ...
       Finance24, South Africa - Sep 20, 2006
       ... CONSOLIDATED STATEMENT OF CHANGES IN EQUITY Share Accum- Share Share option ulated R000 capital premium reserve (loss) Total Balance at 30 Jun 2004 257 88 910 ...
524 - Expomedia posts H1 loss; sees profitable 2007
       Life Style Extra, UK - Sep 20, 2006
       ... mln stg from a loss 1.9 mln last time, while losses on continuing operations before tax, exceptionals, depreciation, amortisation and share option costs were ...
525 - DRDGold Limited - Provisional condensed annual financial ...
       Finance24, South Africa - Sep 20, 2006
       ... balance at the beginning of the year 483.1 462.7 Share capital issued 209.8 506.5 for acquisition finance and cash 199.9 522.6 for share options exercised 3.5 ...
526 - Standard Life exit leaves difficult gap
       Times Online, UK - Sep 20, 2006
       ... Oriel Securities, said: “There’sa shortage of insurance FDs, but Standard Life’s more attractive than it used to be because it can offer share options now ...
527 - Malcolm Gray: Investec Asset Management
       Moneyweb, South Africa - Sep 20, 2006
       ... MONEYWEB: Malcolm, there's been a lot of controversy around the share options that have been gifted to executives of companies in the past. ...
528 - Suitors queue to acquire Mayne
       Courier Mail, Australia - Sep 20, 2006
       ... a cash salary of $1.34 million, incentive payments of $1 million, non-monetary benefits of $836,000, superannuation of $267,000 and $402,000 in share options. ...
529 - Amendments To The FRSSE
       Mondaq News Alerts (subcription), UK - Sep 20, 2006
       ... It is hoped that the ASB will weigh up the costs and benefits of these proposals for those small companies that do grant share options, which might be achieved ...
530 - France to unveil new rules on share options
       MSN Money - Sep 20, 2006
       French company directors will be obliged to keep all or part of their share options unconverted so long as they remain in office, under a planned new law. ...
531 - Mayne Pharma CEO earns $3.8m since split
       The Age, Australia - Sep 20, 2006
       ... a cash salary of $1.34 million, incentive payments of $1 million, non-monetary benefits of $836,000, superannuation of $267,000 and share options worth $402,000 ...
532 - Une mesure pour encadrer les stock-options
       TF1 - 20 sep 2006
       ... que le gouvernement "réfléchissait" à un amendement sur ce sujet dans le cadre du projet de loi sur la Participation et l'actionnariat salarié qui sera ...
533 - Stock-options : une réforme en option
       Libération - 20 sep 2006
       ... avec le ministre de l'Economie, Thierry Breton, le texte présenté (inclus dans le projet de loi sur la participation et l'actionnariat salarié) ne prévoit ...
534 - Participation et actionnariat: avis favorable de la Commission ...
        Le Monde - 20 sep 2006
       ... économiques de l'Assemblée nationale a accordé mercredi un avis favorable au projet de loi sur la participation et l'actionnariat salarié, après avoir ...
535 - Le gouvernement réforme les stock-options pour éviter une mise ...
       Le Monde - 20 sep 2006
       ... à l'occasion de son audition devant la commission des affaires sociales qui l'entendait sur le projet de loi sur la participation et l'actionnariat salarié. ...
       NextNews (Communiqués de presse) - 20 sep 2006
       Comme chaque année, Veolia Environnement envisage la mise en place d'une offre réservée aux salariés* dont le principe a été arrêté par le conseil d ...
537 - Bientôt une loi sur les stock-options
       Portage emploi - 20 sep 2006
       ... était auditionné mardi par la Commission des Affaires sociales de l'Assemblée nationale sur le projet de loi sur la participation et l'actionnariat salarié ...
538 - Eiffage : le titre au sommet !
       Voila.fr - 20 sep 2006
       ... Rappelons que l'actionnaire de référence d'Eiffage reste l'Espagnol Sacyr Vallehermoso avec 32% des parts, suivi des actionnaires salariés à hauteur de 22,7 ...
539 - Eiffage : le titre au sommet !
       Boursier.com - 20 sep 2006
       ... Rappelons que l'actionnaire de référence d'Eiffage reste l'Espagnol Sacyr Vallehermoso avec 32% des parts, suivi des actionnaires salariés à hauteur de 22,7 ...
540 - Les frais cachés de l'épargne salariale revélés par l'analyse ...
       Les Échos - 20 sep 2006
       ... de publier la première édition de son Argus des FCPE (Fonds Communs de Placement d'Entreprise), principaux véhicules de placement de l'épargne salariale. ...
541 - Finansol livre un nouvel état des lieux des finances solidaires ...
       Publi-News - 20 sep 2006
       ... L’épargne salariale solidaire est le moteur principal de cette progression puisque la majorité des épargnants sont solidaires grâce à leur épargne ...
542 - AGF a confirmé ses résultats semestriels
       Boursorama - 20 sep 2006
       ... France. Le groupe veut également devenir un " acteur majeur " de l'épargne salariale. -AGF défend son statut de valeur de rendement. ...
543 - Ultimes arbitrages pour la Sécu
       Le Figaro - 20 sep 2006
       C'est tranché : les stock-options et l'intéressement ne supporteront pas de cotisations sociales. RECADRÉS au travers de l'amendement ...
544 - La réforme des stock-options ne convainc pas les patrons
       Le Figaro - 20 sep 2006
       LA RÉDACTION définitive de l'amendement sur les stock-options qui sera ajouté au projet de loi déjà fort chargé sur la participation a fait l'objet, hier ...
545 - Une mesure pour encadrer les stock-options
       TF1 - 20 sep 2006
       ... de l'assemblée générale des actionnaires ou du conseil d'administration, aura le pouvoir de fixer le pourcentage de stock-options temporairement bloquées. ...
546 - «Vendez en même temps que les patrons !»
       Libération - 20 sep 2006
       ... d'amendement déposé par Edouard Balladur. La distribution de stock-options doit-elle être encadrée ? Oui. Comme on l'a vu avec ...
547 - Stock-options : une réforme en option
       Libération - 20 sep 2006
       ... Alors que plus de 170 députés UMP sous la direction d'Edouard Balladur demandaient à encadrer sévèrement les stock-options ­ système typique des excès ...
548 - Madame Wong aime le tango
       Nouvel Observateur - 20 sep 2006
       ... irrépressible pour la danse. Elle ne veut plus entendre parler de stock-options ou des comptes aux îles Vierges. Quand on habite ...
549 - L’Oréal: Le profit... sans fard
       Lutte Ouvrière - 20 sep 2006
       ... encore en 2005, il était le patron le mieux payé de France avec 6,5 millions d’euros de salaire direct et plus de 16 millions de stock-options. ...
550 - L'A380, un avion nommé désir
       20minutes.fr - 20 sep 2006
       ... ses enfants et plusieurs dirigeants français et allemand du groupe vendent des actions pour plusieurs millions d'euros après avoir levé des stock-options. ...
551 - Le gouvernement met les stock-options sous surveillancepar ...
       L'Express - 20 sep 2006
       Thierry Breton a annoncé mercredi que le gouvernement allait légiférer sur les stock-options. ... Il y aura bien une loi sur les stock-options. ...
552 - Le point sur les stock-options
        Challenges - 20 sep 2006
       - Le principe: Les stock-options sont ouverts aux dirigeants ou aux cadres d'une entreprise. La société à laquelle ils appartiennent ...
553 - Le gouvernement réforme les stock-options pour éviter une mise ...
       Le Monde - 20 sep 2006
       Edouard Balladur et Thierry Breton ont trouvé un terrain d'entente sur l'encadrement des stock-options, comme l'ancien premier ministre l'a annoncé dans les ...
554 - Bourse de Wall Street : Rebond attendu avant la Fed, Morgan ...
       Zonebourse.com - 20 sep 2006
        ... semi-conducteurs doit reformuler ses comptes afin d'intégrer 1,5 milliard de dollars de coûts liés à des irrégularités dans l'attribution de stock options ...
555 - Hi Media : Citigroup dégrade son objectif de 28%, coûts en ...
       Zonebourse.com - 20 sep 2006
       ... entraîné des hausses assez importantes des coûts d'exploitation, et plus particulièrement au niveau des frais de personnel et des dépenses en stock options ...
556 - Oracle: attendu en forte hausse après les trimestriels.
       Le Figaro - 20 sep 2006
       ... trimestre 2007, Oracle a fait état d'un bénéfice net hors éléments exceptionnels (qui comprennent notamment les dépenses liées aux stock options) de 18 ...
557 - Bientôt une loi sur les stock-options
       Portage emploi - 20 sep 2006
       Le gouvernement devrait proposer une réforme sur les stock-options aux députés dans les semaines qui viennent, pour répondre à la polémique née il ya ...
558 - Stock-options: Breton confirme étudier une disposition obligeant ...
       Euroinvestor - 20 sep 2006
       Le ministre de lEconomie Thierry Breton a confirmé mercredi quune nouvelle disposition sur les stock-options devrait être introduite dans le projet de loi ...
559 - Les stock-options des patrons sous contrôle
       RTL.fr - 20 sep 2006
       Les stock-options des patrons sous contrôle. Le gouvernement devrait proposer une réforme aux députés dans les semaines qui ...
560 - 20/09/2006 : GDF, Airbus, Motorola, Chrysler ...
       L'Usine Nouvelle - 20 sep 2006
       ... Selon La Tribune et Les Echos, il pourrait obliger les dirigeants à conserver leurs stock-options tant qu'ils restent en fonction, ou fixer un pourcentage ...
561 - Jet Multimedia en baisse après ses résultats semestriels
       Capital.fr - 20 sep 2006
       ... Le spécialiste de services multimedia online a expliqué que le résultat opérationnel avait été impacté par des charges sur stock-options et assimilés ...
562 - Une loi va mieux encadrer les stock-options, annonce "La Tribune"
       France 3 - 20 sep 2006
       ... Edouard Balladur. Ce texte entendait interdire aux chefs d'entreprise de "lever" des stock-options tant qu'ils sont en poste. Une ...
563 - Francia limitará la venta de ‘stock options’ por los ...
       Cinco Días - 20 Sep 2006
       ... la emisora de radio France Inter que se estudia la posibilidad de enmendar el proyecto de ley sobre la participación y el accionariado asalariado para incluir ...
564 - Francia limitará la venta de ‘stock options’ por los ...
       El País (España) - 20 Sep 2006
       ... la emisora de radio France Inter que se estudia la posibilidad de enmendar el proyecto de ley sobre la participación y el accionariado asalariado para incluir ...
565 - Directivos no podrán vender todas sus stock options en su mandato
       Terra España - 20 Sep 2006
       ... emisora de radio 'France Inter' que se estudia la posibilidad de enmendar el proyecto de ley sobre la participación y el accionariado asalariado para incluir ...
566 - La Diputación y 16 organizaciones forman 'Xertatu Taldea', "para ...
       Deia (Suscripción) - 20 Sep 2006
       ... el grupo la Cámara de Comercio de Bilbao, Universidad de Deusto, Asociación Izaite, Fundación Novia Salcedo, Asociación Sociedades Laborales de Euskadi ...
567 - Eiffage sube en un 4,6%, hasta los 75 euros
       Bolsamania.com - 20 Sep 2006
       ... con el 32% de las acciones. Los accionistas asalariados del grupo poseen el 22,7% de las acciones. El grupo de construcción se ...
568 - El Municipio capacitará para la realización de Obras en el ...
       La Auténtica Defensa - 20 Sep 2006
       ... le presentan a aquellos que no poseen agua potable, a través de la ejecución de obras de expansión que serán ejecutadas por cooperativas de trabajo locales ...
       El Diario de Posadas - 20 Sep 2006
       ... finalizar el encuentro en Iguazú, los participantes asistieron a la firma de un convenio entre el Estado provincial y la Cooperativa de Trabajo Selva Adentro ...
570 - Proyectan el primer Parque Agroalimentario y Agroindustrial de la ...
       La Opinión Austral - 20 Sep 2006
       ... Se refirió además al aporte que realizará el Ejecutivo provincial a la Cooperativa de Trabajo radicada en Los Antiguos, que en la actualidad procesa 150 mil ...
571 - Francia limita la venta de «stock options» para evitar ...
       ABC - 20 Sep 2006
       PARÍS. El Gobierno francés promoverá un proyecto de ley en el que se limita la venta de «stock options» (planes de opciones sobre acciones) por parte de ...
572 - Quieres ser CEO? . No Gracias. Ni que estuviera loco
       gato encerrado.net - 20 Sep 2006
       ... Por eso, las corporaciones norteamericanas no dudan en ofrecer a su CEO multi millonarios paquetes salariales que incluyen acciones y stock-options. ...
573 - Francia limitará la venta de 'stock options' tras el escándalo ...
       AmericaEconomica.com - 20 Sep 2006
       Los escándalos derivados de los programas de stock options se han convertido en toda una plaga para EADS. En este contexto, el ...
574 - El Gobierno francés limitará la venta de 'stock options' por ...
       Terra España - 20 Sep 2006
       El Gobierno francés promoverá un proyecto de ley en el que se limita la venta de 'stock options' por parte de directivos durante su mandato, anunció hoy el ...
575 - Economía/Empresas.- El Gobierno francés limitará la venta de ' ...
       Finanzas.com - 20 Sep 2006
       Esta medida, que será examinada en octubre, impedirá que se repitan casos como los de EADS y Vinci. El retoque legislativo "remplazará ...
576 - Francia limitará la venta de ‘stock options’ por los ...
       Cinco Días - 20 Sep 2006
       ... francés prepara un proyecto de ley que impedirá que los directivos puedan vender la totalidad de sus opciones sobre acciones (stock options) mientras dure su ...
577 - Studie: Jeder zehnte Betrieb beteiligt seine Mitarbeiter am Erfolg
       Wirtschaft & Weiterbildung - 20. Sept. 2006
       ... Dies gelte für alle Betriebsgrößen. "Insofern wirkt sich die stärkere Verbreitung von Systemen der Mitarbeiterbeteiligung in anderen Ländern auch auf ...
578 - Viele kleine Kapitalisten
        Die Presse.com - 20. Sept. 2006
       ... überraschend viele Arbeitnehmer im Zuge der großen Privatisierungen Aktien "ihrer" Unternehmen erworben haben, steckt die Mitarbeiterbeteiligung hier zu ...
579 - Zypries stützt die Mitbestimmung
       Frankfurter Allgemeine Zeitung - 20. Sept. 2006
       Die Arbeitnehmerbeteiligung in Aufsichtsräten, die seit dreißig Jahren für Unternehmen mit mindestens 2000 Mitarbeitern obligatorisch ist, stärke deshalb ...
580 - EOH - Audited Financial Report and dividend declaration
       Finance24, South Africa - Sep 19, 2006
       ... TRANSFORMATION The Mthombo Trust is now fully operational. With the implementation of this PDI employee ownership trust, EOH now has 26% black ownership. ...
581 - Glenrand MIB - Announces 2006 annual financial results
       Finance24, South Africa - Sep 19, 2006
       ... a stake in the business to a range of BEE investors, including Ayavuna Women"s Investment, Matemeku Investments, the Makgulong Employee Ownership Scheme Trust ...
582 - Commodity boom puts temptation in traders’ way
       Financial Times, UK - Sep 19, 2006
       ... Glencore, like its smaller rivals Vitol and Trafigura, has an employee share ownership scheme open to its best traders and managers. ...
583 - Labor vows double-hit relief
       The Australian, Australia - Sep 19, 2006
       ... Ms Fabro said. Mr Swan said a Kim Beazley government would also examine new measures to boost employee share ownership. "If share ...
584 - Workers should get share of the action, forum told
        The Age, Australia - Sep 19, 2006
       ... benefit. About two-thirds were managers, but the growth in employee share ownership among non-managerial employees was notable. ...
585 - Labor to encourage overseas investment
       Sydney Morning Herald, Australia - Sep 19, 2006
       ... "In my view the arguments for change are compelling," Mr Swan said. He also indicated Labor would look at ways to encourage employee share ownership. ...
586 - Labor to encourage overseas investment
       The Age, Australia - Sep 19, 2006
       ... "In my view the arguments for change are compelling," Mr Swan said. He also indicated Labor would look at ways to encourage employee share ownership. ...
587 - Labor to encourage overseas investment
       Ninemsn, Australia - Sep 19, 2006
       ... "In my view the arguments for change are compelling," Mr Swan said. He also indicated Labor would look at ways to encourage employee share ownership. ...
588 - Placon Corp. takes Wisconsin 75 honor
       The Capital Times, WI - Sep 19, 2006
       ... top public and privately held companies headquartered in Wisconsin that have a majority ownership by individuals, families or employee stock ownership programs ...
589 - Mayberry owners, managers buying up company stock
       Jamaica Gleaner, Jamaica - Sep 19, 2006
       ... Peart told Wednesday Business that with shareholders approving a proposed employee stock option plan at last July's annual general meeting - which will set ...
590 - Broadcom's CFO out
       OCRegister, CA - Sep 19, 2006
       Broadcom's Chief Financial Officer is retiring immediately in connection with the company's investigation of its employee stock option awards, the Irvine ...
591 - ITC allots 9,20,800 shares under ESOS
        Myiris.com, India - Sep 19, 2006
       ... on September 18, 2006, allotted 9,20,800 ordinary shares of Re 1 each, upon exercise of 92,080 options by optionees under the ITC employee stock option scheme. ...
592 - New Research Shows Personalized Education Dramatically Increases ...
       Business Wire (press release), CA - Sep 19, 2006
       ... the company's StockOpter(R) Corporate Services, have been shown to dramatically increase the value employees attribute about their employee stock option awards ...
593 - Aftek Infosys allots equity shares under ESOS
       Myiris.com, India - Sep 19, 2006
       ... C,F)* allotted 13,794 numbers of equity shares of Rs 2 each to employees on exercise of stock options granted under the Aftek employee stock option scheme 2004 ...
594 - Ultratech Expands Advanced-Packaging Offerings with New Low-Cost ...
       Yahoo! News (press release) - Sep 19, 2006
       ... resulting costs to attract or retain sufficient personnel to achieve our targets for a particular period; dilutive effect of employee stock option grants on ...
595 - Aurobindo Pharma declares 30% dividend
       Myiris.com, India - Sep 19, 2006
       ... The company is likely to come up with a special resolution giving its consent to the introduction of Employee Stock Option Scheme, 2006 not exceeding 7,99,050 ...
596 - American Tower to restate earnings
       Boston Business Journal,  USA - Sep 19, 2006
       ... that a spscial committee of independent directors found inconsistencies in actual measurement dates and record grant dates of employee stock options grants. ...
597 - Oversight Systems Launches Oversight 4.2 with Automated Continuous ...
       Emediawire (press release), WA - Sep 19, 2006
       ... and stock option administration systems to ensure compliance in every step of the process for granting, executing and accounting for employee stock options. ...
598 - Glenrand MIB - Reviewed Year-end Results and Renewal of Cautionary
       Finance24, South Africa - Sep 19, 2006
       ... Share-based payments The Group has elected not to apply the provisions of IFRS 2 Share-based payments to employee share option scheme awards granted on or ...
599 - Investec Limited/Investec plc - Directors dealings
       Finance24, South Africa - Sep 19, 2006
       ... DR3.1.4R(1)(a) and DR3.1.4R(1)(b) in terms of: Nature of transaction Disposal of shares held in terms of the Investec Limited Share Option and Purchase Scheme ...
600 - BCHEM: Extraordinary announcement - notification of VCP Divestment ...
       Bankier.pl, Poland - Sep 19, 2006
       ... by the Option Holder) at its discretion in the period between the date of the Agreement and 31 October 2006 (Option Period) at a per share option price of HUF ...
601 - EOH - Audited Financial Report and dividend declaration
       Finance24, South Africa - Sep 19, 2006
       ... amortised accordingly. IFRS 2 (Share-based payments) requires that a company expense the cost of share options granted to employees. The ...
602 - South Africa's wage gap is widening
       Sunday Times, South Africa - Sep 19, 2006
       ... in 2005. telecommunications, mining, paper, retail and transport sectors, excluded payments made from share options. The survey ...
603 - Staff share options wipe $13b from UK profits
       New Zealand Herald, New Zealand - Sep 19, 2006
       Some £4.6 billion ($13 billion) was wiped off the profits of Britain's biggest listed companies last year as a result of new accounting rules which require ...
604 - IP Group chairman buys shares
       Life Style Extra, UK - Sep 19, 2006
       ... 0.06 pct. Additionally, Norwood has today exercised unapproved share options over 4,750,000 ordinary shares in the company. In order ...
605 - Techie share perks hit by accountants
       Silicon.com, UK - Sep 19, 2006
       According to PricewaterhouseCoopers (PwC), the advent of International Financial Reporting Standard 2 (IFRS2) - which saw all share options, not just ...
606 - Directors' pay rockets to R4.6m
       iAfrica.com, South Africa - Sep 19, 2006
       ... chemicals, banking and financial, information and telecommunications, mining, paper, retail and transport sectors, excluded payments made from share options. ...
607 - Share awards wipe £4.6bn from profits of UK’s biggest companies
       Belfast Telegraph, United Kingdom - Sep 19, 2006
       ... He said share options were “expensive compared with the benefits they deliver”. A share options scheme, now charged against ...
608 - Une réforme des stock-options dans la loi sur la participation
       Le Figaro - 19 sep 2006
       ... et - dorénavant - l'introduction en bourse des clubs de foot (voir ci-dessous), le projet de loi sur la participation et l'actionnariat salarié, qui sera ...
609 - Breton va légiférer les stock-options
       Challenges - 19 sep 2006
       ... était auditionné mardi par la Commission des Affaires sociales de l'Assemblée nationale sur le projet de loi sur la participation et l'actionnariat salarié ...
       Nouvel Observateur - 19 sep 2006
       ... était auditionné mardi par la Commission des Affaires sociales de l'Assemblée nationale sur le projet de loi sur la participation et l'actionnariat salarié ...
611 - AXA annonce le prix de souscription des actions à émettre dans ...
       RiskAssur.com - 19 sep 2006
       ... Le prix de souscription des actions à émettre dans le cadre de l’opération d’actionnariat salarié 2006 (Shareplan 2006) a été arrêté par le ...
612 - Télécommunications : LA RÉVOLUTION QUOTIDIENNE
       L'Essor - 19 sep 2006
       ... Les dirigeants de Ikatel ont intronisé fin 2004, l'actionnariat salarié qui permet au personnel de prendre part au capital de l'entreprise. ...
613 - Thierry Breton pour une détention contrôlée des stock-options
       Euroinvestor - 19 sep 2006
       ... était auditionné mardi par la Commission des Affaires sociales de l'Assemblée nationale sur le projet de loi sur la participation et l'actionnariat salarié ...
614 - Thierry Breton pour une détention contrôlée des stock-options
       Challenges - 19 sep 2006
       ... était auditionné mardi par la Commission des Affaires sociales de l'Assemblée nationale sur le projet de loi sur la participation et l'actionnariat salarié ...
615 - Thierry Breton pour une détention contrôlée des stock-options
       Nouvel Observateur - 19 sep 2006
       ... était auditionné mardi par la Commission des Affaires sociales de l'Assemblée nationale sur le projet de loi sur la participation et l'actionnariat salarié ...
616 - Thierry Breton pour une détention contrôlée des stock-options
       Boursorama - 19 sep 2006
       ... était auditionné mardi par la Commission des Affaires sociales de l'Assemblée nationale sur le projet de loi sur la participation et l'actionnariat salarié ...
617 - Thierry Breton pour une détention contrôlée des stock-options
       Reuters.fr - 19 sep 2006
       ... était auditionné mardi par la Commission des Affaires sociales de l'Assemblée nationale sur le projet de loi sur la participation et l'actionnariat salarié ...
618 - Thierry Breton pour une détention contrôlée des stock-options
       Capital.fr - 19 sep 2006
       ... était auditionné mardi par la Commission des Affaires sociales de l'Assemblée nationale sur le projet de loi sur la participation et l'actionnariat salarié ...
619 - AXA : Détails de l'opération d'actionnariat salarié 2006
       Capital.fr - 19 sep 2006
       (AOF) - AXA (CS) a détaillé aujourd'hui son augmentation de capital réservée à ses salariés d'un montant nominal de plus de 111 millions d'euros pour 48 ...
620 - AXA : Détails de l'opération d'actionnariat salarié 2006
       Boursorama - 19 sep 2006
       (AOF) - Axa a détaillé aujourd'hui son augmentation de capital réservée à ses salariés d'un montant nominal de plus de 111 millions d'euros pour 48 645 ...
621 - Le Medef pour la suppression du principe de rétroactivité
       Challenges - 19 sep 2006
       ... Medef. Le débat sur le projet de loi sur la participation et l'actionnariat salarié doit débuté au Parlement début octobre.
622 - AXA : fixe le prix de souscription de 'Sharep...
       Zonebourse.com - 19 sep 2006
       ... avoir fixé à 22,88 euros le prix de souscription des actions à émettre dans le cadre de son offre classique d′actionnariat salarié 2006 (′Shareplan ...
623 - AXA: fixe le prix de souscription de 'Shareplan 2006'.
       TF1 - 19 sep 2006
       ... avoir fixé à 22,88 euros le prix de souscription des actions à émettre dans le cadre de son offre classique d'actionnariat salarié 2006 ('Shareplan 2006 ...
624 - Entreprise France
       Le Figaro - 19 sep 2006
       ... avoir fixé à 22,88 euros le prix de souscription des actions à émettre dans le cadre de son offre classique d'actionnariat salarié 2006 ('Shareplan 2006 ...
625 - AXA: fixe le prix de souscription de 'Shareplan 2006'.
       Boursorama - 19 sep 2006
       ... avoir fixé à 22,88 euros le prix de souscription des actions à émettre dans le cadre de son offre classique d'actionnariat salarié 2006 ('Shareplan 2006 ...
626 - AXA: fixe le prix de souscription de 'Shareplan 2006'.
       Easy Bourse (Communiqués de presse) - 19 sep 2006
       ... avoir fixé à 22,88 euros le prix de souscription des actions à émettre dans le cadre de son offre classique d'actionnariat salarié 2006 ('Shareplan 2006 ...
627 - A la Une
       Cercle Finance - 19 sep 2006
       ... avoir fixé à 22,88 euros le prix de souscription des actions à émettre dans le cadre de son offre classique d'actionnariat salarié 2006 ("Shareplan 2006 ...
628 - Axa : les salariés connaissent le prix de souscription des ...
       Voila.fr - 19 sep 2006
       Le Directoire d'Axa a fixé le prix de souscription des actions à émettre dans le cadre de l'opération d'actionnariat salarié 2006. ...
629 - Bonnes nouvelles de l’épargne solidaire
       Novethic - 19 sep 2006
       ... réinsertion des personnes en difficulté. L’un des enjeux est l’information des salariés actionnaires. C’est en sachant ...
630 - Le Medef vent debout contre la "fiscalité rétroactive"
       LExpansion.com - 19 sep 2006
       ... Laurence Parisot s'est par ailleurs prononcée contre la présence des salariés actionnaires dans le conseil d'administration de l'entreprise, lorsque ces ...
631 - AGF a confirmé ses résultats semestriels
       Capital.fr - 19 sep 2006
       ... France. Le groupe veut également devenir un " acteur majeur " de l'épargne salariale. -AGF défend son statut de valeur de rendement. ...
632 - France: l'épargne solidaire augmente grâce à l'épargne ...
       Quotidien du Peuple - 19 sep 2006
       L'épargne solidaire progresse fortement en France, notamment grâce à l'épargne salariale, indique le baromètre Finansol/Ipsos/La Croix publié mardi. ...
633 - « Baromètre des finances solidaires - Finansol - la Croix ...
       Ressources Solidaires - 19 sep 2006
       ... L’épargne salariale solidaire est le moteur principal de cette progression puisque la majorité des épargnants sont solidaires grâce à leur épargne ...
634 - L'épargne solidaire remporte du succès en France
       L'Argus de l'Assurance - 19 sep 2006
       Le baromètre Finansol/Ipsos/La Croix indique que grâce à l'épargne salariale, plus de 200 000 personnes ont investi dans des produits d'épargne solidaire ...
635 - Baromètre des finances solidaires : nouvelle édition
       Place Publique - 19 sep 2006
       L’épargne salariale solidaire est le moteur principal de cette progression puisque la majorité des épargnants sont solidaires grâce à leur épargne ...
636 - Clubs en bourse: La loi présentée jeudi
       Chelsea FC - 19 sep 2006
       ... publique. Ce texte devrait être inclu dans le projet de loi du ministre de l'Economie Thierry Breton relatif à l'épargne salariale. ...
637 - Clubs en bourse: La loi présentatée jeudi
       Football.fr - 19 sep 2006
       ... publique. Ce texte devrait être inclu dans le projet de loi du ministre de l'Economie Thierry Breton relatif à l'épargne salariale. ...
638 - Une loi sur la cotation boursière
       Sports.fr - 19 sep 2006
       ... publique. Ce texte devrait être inclu dans le projet de loi du ministre de l'Economie Thierry Breton relatif à l'épargne salariale. ...
639 - Sport: le gouvernement prêt à ouvrir l'accès à la Bourse aux ...
       Nouvel Observateur - 19 sep 2006
       ... sera rattaché au projet de loi de Thierry Breton, le ministre de l'Economie et des Finances, sur la participation et l'épargne salariale, qui devrait passer ...
640 - Les clubs de foot bientôt en bourse ?
       Le Figaro - 19 sep 2006
       ... Le texte serait intégré dans le projet de loi du ministre de l’Economie et des Finances sur la participation et l’épargne salariale, qui doit être ...
641 - Accélération du calendrier pour l'entrée en Bourse des clubs de ...
       La Tribune.fr - 19 sep 2006
       ... Il sera inscrit dans le cadre du projet de loi sur la participation et l'épargne salariale, présenté par Thierry Breton, ministre de l'Economie et des ...
642 - Plus de 200.000 personnes ont investi dans l'épargne solidaire en ...
       France 2 - 19 sep 2006
       ... des salariés", selon Finansol. L'épargne salariale investie en épargne solidaire a progressé de 92% en un an. L'encours de l ...
643 - L'épargne solidaire progresse en France grâce à l'épargne ...
       Le Monde - 19 sep 2006
       ... des personnes en difficulté et à la protection de l'environnement, progresse fortement en France, notamment grâce à l'épargne salariale, indique le ...
644 - Football : les clubs bientôt cotés ?
        Le Point - 19 sep 2006
       Cette disposition serait rattachée au projet de loi de Thierry Breton sur la participation et l'épargne salariale qui sera soumise à l'Assemblée au mois d ...
645 - Football : les clubs bientôt cotés ?
       Capital.fr - 19 sep 2006
       Cette disposition serait rattachée au projet de loi de Thierry Breton sur la participation et l'épargne salariale qui sera soumise à l'Assemblée au mois d ...
646 - Une plate-forme pour valoriser les sociétés coopératives en ...
       Alter Business News - 19 sep 2006
       ... Cinq thématiques ont été identifiées : gestion participative, participation financière des travailleurs, actionnariat, composition du Conseil d ...
647 - ExonHit Therapeutics : Resultats Du Premier Semestre 2006
       PR Newswire UK (press release) - 19 sep 2006
       ... Suite à la perte nette enregistrée, et malgré l'exercice de BSA et de stock-options qui s'est traduit par une augmentation de la prime d'émission et du ...
       Le Monde - 19 sep 2006
       ... en Thailande Les difficultés de DaimlerChrysler La loi sur GDF débloquée grâce à un accord entre partis politiques LES ECHOS Stock-options: les patrons ...
649 - Stock-options : parier sur la transparence
       Les Échos - 19 sep 2006
       ... chez Vinci, soupçon de délit d'initié sur lequel les autorités boursières enquêtent chez EADS -, ont relancé le débat sur les stock-options avant l ...
650 - Thierry Breton pour une détention contrôlée des stock-options
       La Tribune.fr - 19 sep 2006
       PARIS (Reuters) - Le ministre de l'Economie se dit favorable à ce que les bénéficiaires de stock-options en conservent une partie jusqu'à leur départ de l ...
651 - GAMELOFT : prend plus de 2%, résultats la sem...
       Zonebourse.com - 19 sep 2006
       ... s′attendre à une perte opérationnelle de l′ordre de 1 million d′euros (hors cession de jeuxvideo.com et comptabilisation des stock options) au 1er ...
652 - Déjà une bougie pour le Bistro In Vivo
       Nouvelles de l'Est - 19 sep 2006
       La coopérative de travail fondée par trois jeunes femmes sur la rue Sainte-Catherine Est invite les résidants du quartier à souligner cet anniversaire ...
653 - Definiciones para inaugurar el centro comunitario en Boca
       La Voz del Pueblo - 19 Sep 2006
       ... La obra se concretó con aportes de la Nación y tiene además como finalidad capacitar a cooperativas de trabajo para la construcción. ...
654 - El Intendente recorrió las obras del Barrio La Ilusión
       El Urbano - 19 Sep 2006
       (EL URBANO DE CHACABUCO) El Intendente Rubén Darío Golía recorrió ayer por la mañana los terrenos donde cooperativas de trabajo levantan 12 viviendas, en ...
655 - La historia del hombre que "sopla y hace botellas"
       InfoBAE.com - 19 Sep 2006
       Lleva 40 años desafiando al dicho popular. Hijo del fundador de la primera cooperativa de trabajadores del vidrio de la Argentina, enseña hoy su técnica. ...
656 - Mehr Lohn bei gutem Gewinn
       newsclick.de - 19. Sept. 2006
       ... Mit verstärkter Mitarbeiter-Beteiligung steht VW nicht allein da. ... Laut BDI praktizieren schon mehr als 66 000 Betriebe die Mitarbeiter-Beteiligung. ...
657 - Grupo médico condenado
       Jornal do Comércio Manaus - 19 Set 2006
       Com esse entendimento, a 5ª Câmara Cível do TJRS, manteve condenação a Unimed Vale dos Sinos-Sociedade Cooperativa de Trabalho Médico ao pagamento de ...
658 - Nel web con
       Napoli.com - 19 set 2006
       ... che, oltre a corsi di Abbigliamenti e Moda, e di Elettricisti Installatori per Impianti di BT , è anche sede di una cooperativa di lavoro che rilascia ...
659 - Pension Funds and Asset Managers Need to Better Connect on ...
       CNW Telbec (Communiqués de presse), Canada - Sep 18, 2006
       ... company. T. Rowe Price Group, Inc. is publicly traded with substantial employee ownership and is included in the S&P 500 Index. With ...
660 - Pension Funds and Asset Managers Need to Better Connect on ...
       Canada NewsWire (press release), Canada - Sep 18, 2006
       ... company. T. Rowe Price Group, Inc. is publicly traded with substantial employee ownership and is included in the S&P 500 Index. With ...
661 - "You might as well invest money where it counts, which is people"
       Canadian Business, Canada - Sep 18, 2006
       ... sized firms. "Right from the beginning, we've had group RRSPs, employee share ownership and a bonus scheme," she says. Cooke also ...
662 - Anglo American plc - Employee Share Ownership Plan
       Finance24, South Africa - Sep 18, 2006
       ANAAL Anglo American plc - Employee Share Ownership Plan Anglo American plc (Incorporated in the United Kingdom) Registration number: 3564138 Share code: AGL ...
663 - Employee-owned engineering firm TKDA takes off on a new course
       Monterey County Herald, CA - Sep 18, 2006
       ... "People really need to feel that they can affect the outcome," says Deitner. As employee-owners, he says, they sense that they can.
664 - Source: Charles H. Johnson & Associates
       PrimeZone (press release), CA - Sep 18, 2006
       ... the Dell, Inc. Employees Savings and Investment Plan and the Dell Employee Stock Ownership Plan (the "Plans"). Charles H. Johnson's ...
665 - American Capital Invests in One Stop Buyout(TM) of Axygen
       PR Newswire (press release), NY - Sep 18, 2006
       ... American Capital invests in and sponsors management and employee buyouts, invests in private equity buyouts, provides capital directly to early stage and ...
666 - American Capital Invests in One Stop Buyout(TM) of Axygen
       Drug Newswire (press release), CT - Sep 18, 2006
       ... American Capital invests in and sponsors management and employee buyouts, invests in private equity buyouts, provides capital directly to early stage and ...
667 - American Capital Invests in One Stop Buyout(TM) of Axygen
       Yahoo! News (press release) - Sep 18, 2006
       ... American Capital invests in and sponsors management and employee buyouts, invests in private equity buyouts, provides capital directly to early stage and ...
668 - American Capital Invests $54 Million in Recapitalization of ...
       PR Newswire (press release), NY - Sep 18, 2006
       ... American Capital invests in and sponsors management and employee buyouts, invests in private equity buyouts, provides capital directly to early stage and ...
669 - Satyam, Aussie varsity ink internship deal
       Business Standard, India - Sep 18, 2006
       ... Stock Exchange (BSE) that at the extra-ordinary general meeting (EGM), held on September 16, formulation of a new Employee Stock Option Scheme (ESOP) for issue ...
670 - Cranes Software approves 60% dividend for 2005-06
       Myiris.com, India - Sep 18, 2006
       ... company. Moreover, the members have approved an ESOP scheme to the employees of the company and employees of subsidiary companies. ...
671 - Bangkok Metro sells out its IPO
       Nation Multimedia, Thailand - Sep 18, 2006
       ... Investment. Apart from the 50 million shares, the company will issue 5 million warrants through an employee stock-option program. ...
672 - Genentech's Generous Outlook
       Barron's (subscription) - Sep 18, 2006
       ... is lower than the industry average. Our EPS forecast includes employee-stock-option expenses. The companies mentioned in Hot Research ...
673 - Panera Bread Second Quarter Earnings Call
       123Jump.com, FL - Sep 18, 2006
       ... In the second quarter as well the company generated $25.4 million of cash from operations and employee stock option exercise, with capital expenditures of ...
674 - 3i Infotech allots 14,900 shares under ESOS
       Myiris.com, India - Sep 18, 2006
       3i Infotech (Q, N,C,F)* has allotted 14,900 equity shares on September 18, 2006 to the applicants under Employee Stock Option Scheme 2000 (ESOS). ...
675 - Stock Buybacks at 'Unprecedented Level'
        CFO.com Magazine, NY - Sep 18, 2006
       ... Interestingly, S&P points out that traditionally, companies re-issued shares as a way to cover existing employee stock options. ...
676 - Record Buyback Activity Results in Reduced Share Count for Eight ...
       Black Enterprise, NY - Sep 18, 2006
       ... While the re-issuance of shares to cover existing employee stock options was the traditional use, Standard & Poor's has noted the increasing tendency among ...
677 - Wipro to issue shares under WESOP
       Myiris.com, India - Sep 18, 2006
       ... allot 15,200 equity shares of Rs 2 each pursuant to exercise of the stock options by the eligible employees under the Wipro Employee Stock Options Plans, WESOP ...
678 - Reasons for unconditionally approving Kumba merger.
       Mineweb, South Africa - Sep 18, 2006
       ... 20% stake in SIOC. An Employee Share Option Plan and a Community SPV will hold 3% each post merger. Ultimately though, Anglo American ...
679 - Shire plc: IFRS Information - First Half of 2006
       PR Newswire (press release), NY - Sep 18, 2006
       ... Unrealized loss on available-for-sale securities (1.4) (27.1) Profit for the period 147.5 241.7 Dividends (22.6) (19.1) Employee share option scheme: - value ...
       LinuxWorld.au, Australia - Sep 18, 2006
       ... The MOU also provides that the Vendor will grant a share option to some of the current shareholders of the Vendor and the number of shares comprising such ...
681 - Tenaga at 21-month high
       The Edge Daily, Malaysia - Sep 18, 2006
       ... Analysts said the employees share option scheme (ESOS) and also the conversion of the five-year guaranteed exchangeable bonds were almost completed, ending the ...
682 - Newspaper round-up
       Reuters.uk, UK - Sep 18, 2006
       ... FTSE 350 firms' profits were last year cut by 4.6 billion pounds due to new international accounting rule, IFRS2, which stipulates that share options handed to ...
683 - Coles cuts from top in restructure
       The Australian, Australia - Sep 18, 2006
       ... source said attention had focused on senior roles because they included base salaries of at least $250,000, bonuses of up to 40 per cent, and share options. ...
684 - Control Instruments - Acceptance Of Share Options By Director
       Finance24, South Africa - Sep 18, 2006
       CNL Control Instruments - Acceptance Of Share Options By Director CONTROL INSTRUMENTS GROUP LIMITED (Incorporated in the Republic of South Africa ...
685 - Johnnic Communications Limited - Dealing in securities by ...
       Finance24, South Africa - Sep 18, 2006
       ... period Options vest in three years subject to the fulfilment of a performance condition Nature of transaction Grant and acceptance of share options in terms of ...
686 - Time For Progressives To Get Straight On Venezuela, Part II
       Venezuelanalysis.com, Venezuela - Sep 18, 2006
       ... with him in downtown Caracas, our delegation went across town to a so-called “Endogenous Center of Development” housing workerscooperatives and a ...
687 - Axa : les salariés connaissent le prix de souscriptions des ...
       Boursier.com - 18 sep 2006
       (Boursier.com) - Le Directoire d'Axa a fixé le prix de souscription des actions à émettre dans le cadre de l'opération d'actionnariat salarié 2006. ...
688 - Énergie : bras de fer autour des tarifs
       Le Figaro - 18 sep 2006
       ... Or, l'association EDF Actionnariat Salarié (EAS) ainsi que l'Adam (Association de défense des actionnaires minoritaires) sont montés au créneau pour ...
689 - Agenda des conférences de presse et événements économiques des ...
       Le Monde - 18 sep 2006
       ... de Jean Louis Borloo, Thierry Breton et Gérard Larcher sur le projet de loi pour le développement de la participation et de l'actionnariat salarié - 33 quai ...
690 - L`actionnariat salarié, facteur déterminant du dialogue social ...
       Challenges - 18 sep 2006
       ... UMP de la commission des Affaires économiques de l'Assemblée nationale, Patrick Ollier, a jugé, lundi 18 septembre, que "l'actionnariat salarié" était "un ...
691 - Participation: "plus grande sécurité" pour entreprises ...
       Le Monde - 18 sep 2006
       ... président UMP de la commission des Affaires économiques de l'Assemblée nationale, Patrick Ollier, a estimé lundi que "l'actionnariat salarié" était "un ...
692 - L'ancrage des CGPI
       Actusite - 18 sep 2006
       ... en assurance vie, les CGPI ont encore du mal à pénétrer, malgré une réelle appétence pour le marché de la retraite et de l'épargne salariale. ...
693 - Coup de semonce des professions de santé avant les ultimes ...
       Le Figaro - 18 sep 2006
       ... Reste en lice l'idée de prélever sur les stock options les mêmes cotisations patronales que sur les salaires (45 %) : mais outre que l'assiette est très ...
694 - L'Oreal : plus d'1 million d'actions rachetées en août
       Voila.fr - 18 sep 2006
       ... l'AMF. 138.500 titres L'Oreal ont été transférés sur la période dans le cadre de l'exercice de stock-options. Cours différés ...
695 - Un nouveau départ : pour l’accord de place et l’Observatoire ...
       Témoignages.re - 18 sep 2006
       ... La création, en février 1992, de la Coopérative ouvrière de La Réunion (COR) a, à l’époque, fait baisser de moitié le coût de la manutention, resté ...
696 - Le nombre de Scop a atteint son plus haut niveau en 2005
       Défi Création - 18 sep 2006
       On comptait en 2005 1 707 Scop (sociétés coopératives de production), le plus haut nombre jamais atteint par ce statut d'entreprise coopérative, créé en ...
697 - Continúa la pulseada por las cooperativas de taxis
        AbiertaTV - 18 Sep 2006
       ... la implementación de la nueva ordenanza, que autoriza a los titulares a ceder licencias de taxis para que se constituyan cooperativas de trabajo, se incurre ...
698 - goya: Colonia Carolina
       Corrientes Noticias - 18 Sep 2006
       ... Precisó que tanto la construcción del piso como del nuevo escenario se realizaron con mano de obra de Cooperativas de trabajo contratadas por el Municipio. ...
699 - Bahnfahrzeuge aus der Lausitz bereichern Innotrans
       Lausitzer Rundschau - 18. Sept. 2006
       ... Güterwagenproduzent aus der Oberlausitz 2005 vom kanadischen Konzern Bombardier abnabelte und mit etwa 25 Prozent Mitarbeiter-Beteiligung seine eigenen Wege ...
700 - "Wollen Umverteilung von oben nach unten"
       OÖNachrichten - 18. Sept. 2006
       ... Zudem fordern wir ein Grundeinkommen für alle von 1000 Euro plus Miete. OÖN: Was halten Sie vom VP-Vorschlag, die Mitarbeiterbeteiligung zu verstärken? ...
701 - Mitarbeiterbeteiligung als Chance für Mittelstand und Gründer
       MittelstandDirekt - 18. Sept. 2006
       ... mittelständische Unternehmer und potentielle Gründer sind die direkten Nutznießer von besseren Rahmenbedingungen für die Mitarbeiterbeteiligung. ...
702 - Schenz: Kapitalmarkt "europareif", die Offensive muss aber ...
       Wiener Zeitung - 18. Sept. 2006
       ... deponiert. Ein Ziel sollte sein, die Mitarbeiter-Beteiligung von derzeit sechs Prozent der Unselbständigen zumindest zu verdoppeln. ...
703 - Juristen wollen Mitbestimmungsgesetz für Verhandlungen öffnen
       Frankfurter Allgemeine Zeitung - 18. Sept. 2006
       ... Mit der obligatorischen Arbeitnehmerbeteiligung, die seit dreißig Jahren besteht, beschäftigt sich derzeit auch eine Kommission unter der Leitung des ...
704 - Hessen-CDU nominiert Koch, Wolff und Jung für Bundesvorstand
       Rhein Main Presse - 18. Sept. 2006
       ... beteiligt an den Leitanträgen zur frühkindlichen Bildung und an einer zweiten solchen Vorlage zu einer stärkeren Arbeitnehmerbeteiligung an Gewinn und ...
705 - Hessen-CDU nominiert Koch, Wolff und Jung für Bundesvorstand
       Main-Spitze - 18. Sept. 2006
       ... beteiligt an den Leitanträgen zur frühkindlichen Bildung und an einer zweiten solchen Vorlage zu einer stärkeren Arbeitnehmerbeteiligung an Gewinn und ...
706 - Hessen-CDU nominiert Koch, Wolff und Jung für Bundesvorstand
       Fuldainfo - 18. Sept. 2006
       ... beteiligt an den Leitanträgen zur frühkindlichen Bildung und an einer zweiten solchen Vorlage zu einer stärkeren Arbeitnehmerbeteiligung an Gewinn und ...
707 - Telecom fa i dispetti a Romano Prodi
       PeaceLink - 18 set 2006
       ... abbia i soldi, meglio se veri) viene considerato un valore e una garanzia, perché spinge i manager a darsi da fare, sennò perdono il posto le stock options.
708 - Employee-owned engineering firm TKDA takes off on a new course
       Fort Worth Star Telegram, TX - Sep 17, 2006
       ... exempted ESOPs from paying federal income taxes if they reincorporated to become "Subchapter S" corporations and moved up to 100 percent employee ownership. ...
709 - Employee-owned engineering firm TKDA takes off on a new course
       Fort Wayne Journal Gazette, IN - Sep 17, 2006
       ... exempted ESOPs from paying federal income taxes if they reincorporated to become "Subchapter S" corporations and moved up to 100 percent employee ownership. ...
710 - Employee-owned engineering firm TKDA takes off on a new course
       Kansas.com, KS - Sep 17, 2006
       ... exempted ESOPs from paying federal income taxes if they reincorporated to become "Subchapter S" corporations and moved up to 100 percent employee ownership. ...
711 - Employee-owned engineering firm TKDA takes off on a new course
       Pioneer Press, MN - Sep 17, 2006
        ... exempted ESOPs from paying federal income taxes if they reincorporated to become "Subchapter S" corporations and moved up to 100 percent employee ownership. ...
712 - Employee-owned engineering firm TKDA takes off on a new course
       The State, SC - Sep 17, 2006
       ... exempted ESOPs from paying federal income taxes if they reincorporated to become "Subchapter S" corporations and moved up to 100 percent employee ownership. ...
713 - Employee-owned engineering firm TKDA takes off on a new course
       Biloxi Sun Herald,  USA - Sep 17, 2006
       ... exempted ESOPs from paying federal income taxes if they reincorporated to become "Subchapter S" corporations and moved up to 100 percent employee ownership. ...
714 - Employee-owned engineering firm TKDA takes off on a new course
       Centre Daily Times, PA - Sep 17, 2006
       ... exempted ESOPs from paying federal income taxes if they reincorporated to become "Subchapter S" corporations and moved up to 100 percent employee ownership. ...
715 - Employee-owned engineering firm TKDA takes off on a new course
       Fort Wayne News Sentinel, IN - Sep 17, 2006
       ... exempted ESOPs from paying federal income taxes if they reincorporated to become "Subchapter S" corporations and moved up to 100 percent employee ownership. ...
716 - Employee-owned engineering firm TKDA takes off on a new course
       Akron Beacon Journal, OH - Sep 17, 2006
       ... exempted ESOPs from paying federal income taxes if they reincorporated to become "Subchapter S" corporations and moved up to 100 percent employee ownership. ...
717 - Employee-owned engineering firm TKDA takes off on a new course
       Miami Herald, FL - Sep 17, 2006
       ... exempted ESOPs from paying federal income taxes if they reincorporated to become "Subchapter S" corporations and moved up to 100 percent employee ownership. ...
718 - Employee-owned engineering firm TKDA takes off on a new course
       Duluth News Tribune, MN - Sep 17, 2006
       ... exempted ESOPs from paying federal income taxes if they reincorporated to become "Subchapter S" corporations and moved up to 100 percent employee ownership. ...
719 - Employee-owned engineering firm TKDA takes off on a new course
       Charlotte Observer, NC - Sep 17, 2006
       ... exempted ESOPs from paying federal income taxes if they reincorporated to become "Subchapter S" corporations and moved up to 100 percent employee ownership. ...
720 - Community connection
       Milwaukee Journal Sentinel (subscription), WI - Sep 17, 2006
       ... of state-based companies with $50 million or more in annual sales that have a majority ownership by an individual, family or employee stock ownership program. ...
721 - Three firms trigger alarm
       Bangkok Post, Thailand - Sep 17, 2006
       ... approval of key agenda items, including changes in capital structure and business strategy and introduction of employee stock option programmes (Esop). ...
722 - The world according to GAAP
       Business Standard, India - Sep 17, 2006
       ... may be differences. And the nitty-gritty of ESOP expensing and provisioning of derivative positions is also different. There is ...
723 - Redoing the Family Office
       Barron's (subscription) - Sep 17, 2006
       ... For $149.95 a year, you get a personalized forecast and portfolio monitoring, advice on tax-deferred accounts, and forecasts for employee stock options and non ...
724 - Who is Steve Cohen and why is he betting on art supplies?
       Blogging Stocks - Sep 17, 2006
       ... stores in the Eastern US and on July 20 it posted a second quarter loss of $1.8 million -- which included expenses for employee stock options, recruitment and ...
725 - Shares are OK, but real money might be nicer
       Boston Herald, United States - Sep 17, 2006
       ... For example, between 2002 and last year, Times company documents show, Sulzberger was given share options “worth” $4.1 million at the time. ...
726 - Agenda des conférences de presse et événements économiques des ...
       Le Monde - 17 sep 2006
       ... de Jean Louis Borloo, Thierry Breton et Gérard Larcher sur le projet de loi pour le développement de la participation et de l'actionnariat salarié - 33 quai ...
727 - Stock-options : supprimer ou légiférer, telle n'est pas la ...
       Débat2007.fr - 17 sep 2006
       Menacer (à gauche ou à droite) les stock-options d'une suppression, c'est imaginer que la France pourrait vivre en circuit totalement fermé, mais rester ...
728 - Introductions : résultat de l'opération Xiring aujourd'hui
       Boursier.com - 17 sep 2006
       ... 319.185 actions pouvant provenir de l'exercice des stock-options et BSA attribuées, 749.064 actions nouvelles maximum, susceptibles d'êtres émises dans le ...
729 - Une semaine à la loupe [17.09.2006 ]
       Mac Generation - 17 sep 2006
       ... Dans l’affaire des stock options antidatées, Steve Jobs tentait cette semaine de faire taire les esprits chagrins en déclarant qu’aucune investigation ...
730 - El precio de la independencia
       Europa Sur - 17 Sep 2006
       ... frente a las multinacionales. Necesitan esos medios para agruparse en grandes sociedades laborales y cooperativas. Los autónomos no ...
731 - Breves de la ciudad
       La Calle Online - 17 Sep 2006
       ... La agenda incluye, entre otros temas, el trabajo en negro, las cooperativas de trabajo y el funcionamiento de las obras sociales.
732 - "Hay que volver a la tierra y hay que decirlo"
       Rebelión - 17 Sep 2006
       ... gráfico que cuenta con una tirada de 3000 ejemplares y que se distribuye en las provincias de cada región, es impreso en una cooperativa de trabajo de Chaco ...
733 - Los Antiguos podría aumentar notoriamente el procesamiento de ...
       La Opinión Austral - 17 Sep 2006
       ... de Los Antiguos, el ministro de Economía y Obras Públicas, Juan Bontempo, se reunió con productores frutihortícolas agrupados en una cooperativa de trabajo ...
734 - A new medical center opens at Andover in early October
       Augusta Daily Gazette, KS - Sep 16, 2006
       ... Dr. Idbeis reports the staff will be healthcare professionals who work for the patients and an “employee ownership” concept will be fostered at the facility ...
735 - Aer Lingus float attracts soaring level of interest
       Business Online, UK - Sep 16, 2006
       ... The Irish government’s share of the business will be slashed from 85% to only a quarter, while the Employee Share Ownership Trust (ESOT) will keep its 15 ...
736 - Employee attrition & retention strategies
       Financial Express, India - Sep 16, 2006
       ... In addition some of the mutual funds have announced plans to institute a stock ownership program and are looking at employee stock option plans (ESOPs) as part ...
737 - Red Shed execs in the pink
       Stuff.co.nz, New Zealand - Sep 16, 2006
       ... the organisation. Shareholders would be unlikely to approve a share option deal that would give executives similar benefits. The ...
738 - Hands up if you want to be sold
       Independent, UK - Sep 16, 2006
       ... "That's the story that is running out there, but we have a variety of incentive schemes, not just [share] options." He concedes that the drop-off in floats is ...
739 - Eircom's McRedmond to leave in December
       The Sunday Times, UK - Sep 16, 2006
       ... 200,000 bonus. He is believed to have earned about €7m in total with the company through remuneration and share options. Former ...
740 - Le NASDAQ pourrait suspendre la cotation du titre Dell
       Génération NT - 16 sep 2006
       ... de New-York dans les prochains jours, sur fond de retard dans la fourniture de rapports financiers et de possible malversations autour des stock-options. ...
741 - Développement économique - Quand le gouvernement s'en mêle
       Le Devoir (Abonnement) - 16 sep 2006
       ... En 2002, en excluant les coopératives de travailleurs, les coopératives financières, les mutuelles d'assurance et les deux plus grandes coopératives ...
742 - Se inauguró en Colonia Carolina la Expo Agricultor
       Mega24 - 16 Sep 2006
       ... en la realización de las obras que momentos después se inaugurarían, entre ellos a los integrantes de las Cooperativas de Trabajo, Loteria Correntina. ...
743 - Mehr Anreize für Betriebs-Übernehmer
       wienweb.at - 16. Sept. 2006
       ... Mittelbetriebe (KMU) vor. Laut Wiens ÖVP-Chef Johannes Hahn müssen mehr Anreize für eine Mitarbeiterbeteiligung gesetzt werden. 12.300 KMUs ...
744 - Laumann fordert Gewinnbeteiligung von Arbeitnehmern
       Deutschlandradio - 16. Sept. 2006
       ... Der Titel: "Soziale Kapitalpartnerschaft für mehr Arbeitnehmerbeteiligung an Gewinn und Kapital". Haben wir das richtig verstanden? ...
745 - Dallo sportello Bnl alle stock options: ecco il fedele Buora
        il Giornale - 16 set 2006
       Gli uomini che stanno al vertice del gruppo più indebitato d'Italia sono, in realtà, dei milionari (in euro). Prendiamo Carlo ...
746 - People making news
       Detroit Free Press, United States - Sep 15, 2006
       ... ESOP Association. The association is a national organization of companies that sponsor employee stock-ownership programs. Saper ...
747 - American Capital Invests in Recapitalization of Marina Medical ...
       PR Newswire (press release), NY - Sep 15, 2006
       ... American Capital invests in and sponsors management and employee buyouts, invests in private equity buyouts, provides capital directly to early stage and ...
748 - American Capital Invests in Recapitalization of Marina Medical ...
       PR Newswire (press release), NY - Sep 15, 2006
       ... American Capital invests in and sponsors management and employee buyouts, invests in private equity buyouts, provides capital directly to early stage and ...
749 - Mastek allots 10,412 shares under ESOP
       Myiris.com, India - Sep 15, 2006
       Mastek (Q, N,C,F)* allotted 10,412 shares under the Employees` Stock Option Plan (ESOP), at the meeting of its committee of directors held on September 15, 2006 ...
750 - Kotak Mahindra Bank allots shares under ESOP
       Myiris.com, India - Sep 15, 2006
       The ESOP allotment committee of Kotak Mahindra Bank allotted 20,212 equity shares of Rs 10 each, pursuant to the exercise of Employees Stock Options granted ...
751 - SCB committed to Shin
       Bangkok Post, Thailand - Sep 15, 2006
       ... Another five million shares and 21.25 million warrants will be offered to directors and staff under an employee stock option programme later this year, raising ...
752 - Geodesic Information Systems to allot equity shares
       Myiris.com, India - Sep 15, 2006
       ... Systems decided to allot 4,356 equity shares of Rs 2 each, upon exercise of 4,356 options by optionees under the Geodesic Employee Stock Option Plan 2002 ...
753 - HDFC Bank allots shares under ESOS
       Myiris.com, India - Sep 15, 2006
       ... 2006. The bank also allotted 4,659 equity shares of Rs 10 each under its employee stock option scheme (ESOS) on 6th September. On ...
754 - World: AMCC to restate profits
       Ottawa Citizen,  Canada - Sep 15, 2006
       ... Corp., a California chip company with Ottawa operations, said it will restate profits back to 1999 to add $200 million US in employee stock-option costs. ...
755 - Investec - Directors dealings
       Finance24, South Africa - Sep 15, 2006
       ... DR3.1.4R(1)(a) and DR3.1.4R(1)(b) in terms of: Nature of transaction Disposal of shares held in terms of the Investec Limited Share Option and Purchase Scheme ...
756 - Charities Bulletin, September 2006
       Mondaq News Alerts (subcription), UK - Sep 15, 2006
       ... It is hoped that the ASB will weigh up the costs and benefits of these proposals for those small companies that do grant share options, which might be achieved ...
757 - Top hat plan
       British Industry, UK - Sep 15, 2006
       ... But to what extent should executives be looking beyond pensions and towards long-term incentives such as performance shares and share options to provide wealth ...
758 - Sasol - Notice of grant of Share Options
       Finance24, South Africa - Sep 15, 2006
       SOL Sasol - Notice of grant of Share Options Sasol Limited (Incorporated in South Africa) (Registration number: 1979/003231/06) ISIN Code: ZAE000006896 Share ...
759 - Growth prospects excite Renewable Energy
       ShareCast, UK - Sep 15, 2006
       ... m for the year ended 30 June versus a £1.39m loss a year earlier after charging £1m in respect of project task costs written off, share options expense and ...
760 - Agenda des conférences de presse et événements économiques des ...
       Le Monde - 15 sep 2006
       ... de Jean Louis Borloo, Thierry Breton et Gérard Larcher sur le projet de loi pour le développement de la participation et de l'actionnariat salarié - 33 quai ...
761 - «Ségolène Royal incarne une forme de virginité partisane»
       Libération - 15 sep 2006
       ... plutôt libérale, à coups de baisse d'impôts, de privatisation des entreprises publiques et de mise en place d'une épargne salariale en matière de retraite ...
762 - Taxer les stock-options et les superprofits : deux pistes à l' ...
       Le Figaro - 15 sep 2006
       ... Deux pistes continuent d'être en lice : faire cotiser les stock-options comme des salaires, et majorer la contribution sociale sur les bénéfices des ...
763 - Les medias ont-ils leurs 500 signatures ?
       Indymedia Paris Île-de-France - 15 sep 2006
       ... Quelques semaines plus tôt, M. Forgeard, qui avait alors réalisé la vente de ses millions d'euros de stock options, avait déjà choisi Europe 1, cette fois ...
764 - USA: L'inflation ralentit modérément mais la tâche de la Fed ...
       Tageblatt (Abonnement) - 15 sep 2006
       ... des coûts du travail lors des derniers trimestres mais d'autres signes montrent que ces augmentations proviennent largement de stock-options et de bonus et ...
765 - Stock-options: la réglementation offre assez de garanties, selon ...
       Le Monde - 15 sep 2006
       ... existantes" et le "recours aux bonnes pratiques en matière de transparence" offrent des garanties suffisantes pour le contrôle des stock options, dans un ...
766 - Introductions : clôture de l'OPO de Xiring
       Boursier.com - 15 sep 2006
       ... 319.185 actions pouvant provenir de l'exercice des stock-options et BSA attribuées, 749.064 actions nouvelles maximum, susceptibles d'êtres émises dans le ...
767 - Les prétendants à l'investiture socialiste s'affrontent à Lens
       Le Monde - 15 sep 2006
       ... Lionel Jospin, 69 ans, a appelé à regarder d'autres "régimes très spéciaux : les salaires mirobolants et les montagnes de stock-options de certaines ...
768 - Les saignées du patrimoine
       Libération - 15 sep 2006
       ... L'Alhambra ouvre après travaux et il est possible de voir à la Bellevilloise comment s'organisait une coopérative ouvrière du XIXe siècle. ...
769 - Valcárcel llevará a la Asamblea Regional diez proyectos de ley ...
       La Verdad (Murcia) - 15 Sep 2006
       ... Asimismo, informó de que a 31 de diciembre de 2005 la Región disponía de 2.649 cooperativas y sociedades laborales, lo que representa el 5,8 por ciento de ...
770 - CpM califica de “persecución política” el expediente abierto ...
       El Telegrama - 15 Sep 2006
       ... Melilla recordó que el Gobierno de Aberchan no fue el único que creó cooperativas, ya que tanto antes como después habían existido cooperativas de trabajo ...
771 - Nuevas viviendas para el barrio Luján
       Sin Mordaza - 15 Sep 2006
       ... Virgen de Luján. EL proyecto prevé construir doscientas unidades a través de cooperativas de trabajo. Fuente: SM. Estas unidades ...
772 - La provincia se presentó en la Expo Economía Social de Tucumán
       AbiertaTV - 15 Sep 2006
       ... En el stand formoseño estuvieron 8 cooperativas de trabajo, el Instituto PAIPPA y se expuso también una avanzada de lo que será FEDEMA 2006, que se ...
       APF Digital - 15 Sep 2006
       ... emergencia habitacional y ocupacional a través de la implementación de planes de viviendas a ejecutarse a través de Cooperativas de Trabajo, conformadas por ...
774 - HCD aprobó pedido de incorporación de Concejales al Consejo ...
        AbiertaTV - 15 Sep 2006
       ... (COOPERAR), el Instituto Movilizador de Fondos Cooperativos (IMFC, CL), la Federación de Cooperativas de Trabajo de Actividades Portuarias, Navales, Pesqueras ...
775 - El derecho del comunicador indigena
       Corrientes Noticias - 15 Sep 2006
       ... gráfico que cuenta con una tirada de 3000 ejemplares y que se distribuye en las provincias de cada región, es impreso en una cooperativa de trabajo de Chaco ...
776 - Argentina: Chaco: "hay que volver a la tierra y hay que decirlo"
       Biodiversidad en América Latina - 15 Sep 2006
       ... gráfico que cuenta con una tirada de 3000 ejemplares y que se distribuye en las provincias de cada región, es impreso en una cooperativa de trabajo de Chaco ...
777 - Sin taxis y sin colectivos
       AbiertaTV - 15 Sep 2006
       Luego de que se aprobará en el HCD la conformación de cooperativas de trabajadores de taxis se generó una fuerte polémica en el sector del transporte ...
778 - 'Las empresas estadounidenses nunca han estado mejor'
       Cinco Días - 15 Sep 2006
       ... Pero nuestros analistas nos cuentan que este año está siendo profuso en pagas extraordinarias y bonus a ejecutivos a través de stock options. ...
779 - Mehr Anreize für Betriebs-Übernehmer
       wienweb.at - 15. Sept. 2006
       ... Mittelbetriebe (KMU) vor. Laut Wiens ÖVP-Chef Johannes Hahn müssen mehr Anreize für eine Mitarbeiterbeteiligung gesetzt werden. 12.300 KMUs ...
780 - In Österreich werden rund 160.000 Mitarbeiter am Kapital des ...
       Wiener Zeitung - 15. Sept. 2006
       ... Aufschluss über Rahmenbedingungen und über mögliche weitere Entwicklungen bei der Mitarbeiterkapitalbeteiligung ergab die Befragung jener Betriebe und ...
781 - Cooperativa de trabalho é condenada a indenizar por cirurgia ...
       Diário de Cuiabá - 15 Set 2006
       A cooperativa de trabalho médico Unimed Norte do Mato Grosso foi condenada a pagar R$ 62,1 mil a um associado como forma de reembolso de uma cirurgia nos ...
782 - Unimed Norte é condenada a reembolsar cirurgia
       Gazeta Digital - 15 Set 2006
       A cooperativa de trabalho médico Unimed Norte do Mato Grosso foi condenada a pagar R$ 62,1 mil a um associado como forma de reembolso de uma cirurgia nos ...
783 - Cooperativa de médica é condenada a indenizar por cirurgia ...
       O Documento - 15 Set 2006
       A cooperativa de trabalho médico Unimed Norte do Mato Grosso foi condenada a pagar R$ 62,1 mil a um associado como forma de reembolso de uma cirurgia nos ...
784 - Apple non è sotto indagine del SEC
       Hardware upgrade.it - 15 set 2006
       ... legali nelle corti della California, accusando gli attuali ei precedenti dirigenti di aver colluso nella postdatazione delle stock options per incrementare i ...
785 - Risiko bancario
       La Mescolanza - 15 set 2006
       ... Il tam-tam di Piazza Affari riporta che gli azionisti-dipendenti della Bpm avrebbero timore di perdere la loro influenza sulle scelte di governo aziendale. ...
786 - Popolari in fibrillazione per le aggregazioni
       La Padania - 15 set 2006
       ... Il tam-tam di Piazza Affari riporta che gli azionisti-dipendenti della Bpm avrebbero timore di perdere la loro influenza sulle scelte di governo aziendale. ...
787 - Kenya: l'impegno di Acli e comboniani nelle barrocopoli di Nairobi
       Vita - 15 set 2006
       Da quelle stesse baracche di Nairobi aveva anche lanciato una grande campagna nazionale, per sostenere le cooperative di lavoro delle donne e dei raccoglitori ...
788 - Premio di Cultura Re Manfredi ad Antonio Caprarica
       Manfredonia Net - 15 set 2006
       ... televisivi; per l’imprenditoria, un premio alla memoria di Lorenzo D’Alba, presidente di un’importante società cooperativa di produzione e lavoro. ...
       Agenfax - 15 set 2006
       ... L’Operatore valorizzazione filiere agroalimentari potrà collocarsi, quale figura intermedia, in cooperative di produzione e commercializzazione, società di ...
790 - Milburn wants 'power gap' closed
       BBC News, UK - Sep 14, 2006
       ... "For these reasons I believe both employee share ownership and home ownership need to be extended far further, driven in part by tax breaks.". ...
791 - People on the move
       DetNews.com, MI - Sep 14, 2006
       ... has been elected secretary of the Michigan Chapter of The ESOP Association, a national organization of companies who sponsor employee stock ownership programs. ...
792 - KPS Special Situations Funds Sells its Controlling Interest in ...
       PR Newswire (press release), NY - Sep 14, 2006
       ... the sale of its controlling equity ownership interest in Blue Heron Paper Company ("Blue Heron" or the "Company") to an employee stock ownership plan ("ESOP ...
793 - IRS final regs disallow deduction of payments used to reacquire ...
       CCH - Sep 14, 2006
       ... regulations that disallow employer deductions of dividends used to pay for the redemption of employer securities held by an employee stock ownership plan (ESOP ...
794 - KPS Special Situations Funds Sells its Controlling Interest in ...
       PR Newswire (press release), NY - Sep 14, 2006
       ... the sale of its controlling equity ownership interest in Blue Heron Paper Company ("Blue Heron" or the "Company") to an employee stock ownership plan ("ESOP ...
795 - KPS Special Situations Funds Sells its Controlling Interest in ...
       Yahoo! News (press release) - Sep 14, 2006
       ... the sale of its controlling equity ownership interest in Blue Heron Paper Company ("Blue Heron" or the "Company") to an employee stock ownership plan ("ESOP ...
796 - The Principal Financial Group Deepens Commitment to TPA Market ...
       Business Wire (press release), CA - Sep 14, 2006
       ... With comprehensive offerings including defined contribution, defined benefit, Employee Stock Ownership Plan and non-qualified deferred compensation plans, TPAs ...
797 - Highland Global Business Valuation Announces the Release of the ...
       Emediawire (press release), WA - Sep 14, 2006
       ... family limited partnerships, succession planning, gift taxes/planning, estates taxes/planning, mergers & acquisitions, employee stock ownership plans (ESOPs ...
798 - Highland Global Business Valuation Announces the Release of the ...
       PR Web (press release), WA - Sep 14, 2006
       ... family limited partnerships, succession planning, gift taxes/planning, estates taxes/planning, mergers & acquisitions, employee stock ownership plans (ESOPs ...
799 - Marg Constructions AGM on Sep30, 2006
       Equity Bulls, India - Sep 14, 2006
       ... whether shareholders of the Company or not, at such price and other terms as per the Marg Constructions Ltd Employees Stock Option Plan 2006 ("ESOP" or "Scheme ...
800 - Adobe Reports Solid Third Quarter Financial Results; Company ...
       Business Wire (press release), CA - Sep 14, 2006
       ... expense 46,020 110 Deferred income taxes (26,192) 15,156 Recovery of losses on receivables (564) (449) Tax benefits from employee stock option plans -- 16,260 ...
801 - Harte Gold Corp.: Private Placement-Up To $2,200,000.00
       Market Wire (press release) - Sep 14, 2006
       ... to purchase 3,000,000 common shares at a price of $0.25 per share for a period of five (5) years pursuant to the Company's employee stock option plan approved ...
802 - Three national banks raise number of shares through stock option ...
       Antara, Indonesia - Sep 14, 2006
       ... Meanwhile, Bank Niaga (BNGA) increased the number of its shares through the Employee Stock Option Program by 23,776,000 to 11,884,110,679 at the BES.
803 - Marg Constructions AGM on Sep30, 2006
       Equity Bulls, India - Sep 14, 2006
       ... 7. To extend the benefits of the Employee Stock Option Plan contained in Resolution No 10 to the eligible employees of the Subsidiary Company(ies) on such ...
804 - CounterPath Reports Record First Quarter Fiscal 2007 Financial ...
       DMN Newswire (press release), CA - Sep 14, 2006
       ... the same quarter last year. During the quarter, we began expensing the fair value of our employee stock options. The net loss for ...
805 - Frontera Resources Corporation Reports 2006 Interim Results and ...
       Canada NewsWire (press release), Canada - Sep 14, 2006
       ... This statement requires all share- based payments to employees, including grants of employee stock options, to be recognized in the financial statements based ...
806 - Keeping up with stock buybacks isn't cheap
       USA Today - Sep 14, 2006
       ... return on investment, providing a pile of shares that can be used for acquisitions, reducing the dilution caused by employee stock options and helping prop up ...
807 - African Rainbow Minerals Limited - Director"s dealings in ARM ...
       Finance24, South Africa - Sep 14, 2006
       ... Executive Name of company African Rainbow Minerals Limited 1. Date of transaction 12 September 2006 Nature of transaction Exercise of share options and sale of ...
808 - High on smell of an oil rag
       Sydney Morning Herald, Australia - Sep 14, 2006
       ... But as one more cynical observer noted: "[The announcement] adds more polish to the director's push for ridiculously cheap oppies [share options].". ...
809 - Gambling: The odds look good
       Sports Marketing Bulletin, UK - Sep 14, 2006
       ... 'But in such a growth sector there are significant bonuses to be earned, and high performers are very well looked after in terms of share options'. ...
810 - Scharrig Mining Limited - Exercise of Share Options by Directors
       Finance24, South Africa - Sep 14, 2006
       SCN Scharrig Mining Limited - Exercise of Share Options by Directors SCHARRIG MINING LIMITED (Incorporated in the Republic of South Africa) (Registration ...
811 - No price on career development in the city
       Online Recruitment, UK - Sep 14, 2006
       ... are flexi-time (26 per cent), extra holiday (26 per cent), gym facilities (23 per cent) and options to work from home (21 per cent) while share options (15 per ...
812 - TMJG Is Still on the Move: Acquires Diamonds of 22 Carats, 17 ...
       Market Wire (press release) - Sep 14, 2006
       ... of diamonds and gold, issued a press release announcing that the company has entered into a relationship with local mining workers (Cooperatives) in TAMIJA's ...
813 - (OTC PK: TMJG) Acquires Three Huge Diamonds
       Market Wire (press release) - Sep 14, 2006
       ... and recovery of diamonds and gold, is pleased to announce that the Company has entered into a relationship with local mining workers (Cooperatives) in TAMIJA's ...
814 - CybeRelease: (OTC PK: TMJG) Acquires Three Huge Diamonds
       dBusinessNews Pittsburgh (press release), PA - Sep 14, 2006
       ... and recovery of diamonds and gold, is pleased to announce that the Company has entered into a relationship with local mining workers (Cooperatives) in TAMIJA's ...
815 - Real ale campaigner calls for co-ops, not big takeovers
       The Publican, UK - Sep 14, 2006
       A leading beer campaigner has called for small to medium-sized breweries under threat of takeover to be saved by workersco-operatives, rather than fall ...
816 - Agenda des conférences de presse et événements économiques des ...
       Le Monde - 14 sep 2006
       ... de Jean Louis Borloo, Thierry Breton et Gérard Larcher sur le projet de loi pour le développement de la participation et de l'actionnariat salarié - 33 quai ...
817 - Pas de remède miracle pour la presse quotidienne
       Les Échos - 14 sep 2006
       ... prochaines recapitalisations ne pourront être menées sans que soit posée la question - sensible - de la pérennité de l'actionnariat salarié, hérité de l ...
818 - Colette Neuville : « On risque d'affaiblir EDF
       L'Express - 14 sep 2006
       Laquelle s'est associée avec l'association EDF Actionnariat Salarié pour dénoncer par écrit auprès des députés et du gouvernement les méfaits du projet ...
819 - Colette Neuville : « On risque d'affaiblir EDF »
       LExpansion.com - 14 sep 2006
       Laquelle s'est associée avec l'association EDF Actionnariat Salarié pour dénoncer par écrit auprès des députés et du gouvernement les méfaits du projet ...
820 - Elections présidentielles et artisanat
       artisans de France - 14 sep 2006
       ... La gouvernance des entreprises devrait également être mise au service de l’emploi, à travers l’actionnariat salarié et le renforcement de la ...
821 - Réforme de la participation : ce que veulent les DRH
       Les Échos - 14 sep 2006
        ... les résultats, les DRH voient d'un oeil bienveillant le projet de loi " pour le développement de la participation et de l'actionnariat salarié ", qui doit ...
822 - Des actionnaires d'EDF dénoncent le "droit de retour"
       La Tribune.fr - 14 sep 2006
       Dans une lettre adressée au gouvernement et aux parlementaires, EDF Actionnariat Salarié et l'Adam ont demandé le retrait de deux amendements instaurant le ...
823 - Des actionnaires d`EDF dénoncent
       Challenges - 14 sep 2006
        Dans une lettre adressée au gouvernement et aux parlementaires, EDF Actionnariat Salarié et l'Adam ont demandé le retrait de deux amendements instaurant le ...
       Le Monde - 14 sep 2006
       ... dévoile le Zune Le FMI s'inquiète du ralentissement de l'Amérique L'AGEFI Londres veut se protéger de Sarbanes-Oxley Les actionnaires salariés au pouvoir ...
825 - Loi sur l'énergie: le projet qui inquiète EDFpar LExpansion.com
       L'Express - 14 sep 2006
       ... discussion. Au point de partager certaines craintes de ses actionnaires minoritaires et de ses actionnaires salariés (voir interview). ...
826 - Loi sur l'énergie: le projet qui inquiète EDF
       LExpansion.com - 14 sep 2006
       ... discussion. Au point de partager certaines craintes de ses actionnaires minoritaires et de ses actionnaires salariés (voir interview). ...
827 - EDF : les actionnaires se mobilisent
       Capital.fr - 14 sep 2006
       Les salariés actionnaires du groupe, épaulés par l'association des actionnaires minoritaires (l'Adam), ont décidé de monter au créneau pour faire ...
828 - EDF : les actionnaires se mobilisent

Le Point - 14 sep 2006
       Les salariés actionnaires du groupe, épaulés par l'association des actionnaires minoritaires (l'Adam), ont décidé de monter au créneau pour faire ...
829 - EDF : les actionnaires se mobilisent
       Le Figaro - 14 sep 2006
       Les salariés actionnaires du groupe, épaulés par l'association des actionnaires minoritaires (l'Adam), ont décidé de monter au créneau pour faire ...
830 - AGF : JP Morgan passe à l'Achat avec un objectif de cours de 108 ...
       Capital.fr - 14 sep 2006
       ... France. Le groupe veut également devenir un " acteur majeur " de l'épargne salariale. -AGF défend son statut de valeur de rendement. ...
       Le Monde - 14 sep 2006
       ... de Ford s'accélère Les banques suisses sourient, le président de l'ASB s'inquiète Un éventuel accroissement de la fiscalité des stock-options semble peu ...
832 - Salaires des patrons : l'autodiscipline
       Les Échos - 14 sep 2006
       ... Elle permet d'évaluer la légitimité des rémunérations des dirigeants, y compris les stock-options, telles qu'elles sont publiées dans le rapport annuel ...
       Collectif Bellaciao - 14 sep 2006
       ... Hardi les gars, penchez-vous donc sur les émoluments des milliardaires CAC 40, leurs flots intarissables de stock-options, leurs dividendes obèses ... ...
834 - Pas d’enquête sur Apple
       Mac Generation - 14 sep 2006
       On en a beaucoup parlé ces dernières semaines : des irrégularités ont été découvertes dans l’émission de stock options effectuée entre 1997 et 2001. ...
835 - La trahison des managers
       Challenges - 14 sep 2006
       ... Grâce aux stock-options, on a aligné les incitations des chefs d’entreprise sur la rémunération des actionnaires, ce qui a fait que les chefs d ...
836 - Une grande liberté doctrinale
       Challenges - 14 sep 2006
       ... S’agissant des stock-options, qui gonflent les rémunérations des dirigeants d’entreprise, il ne veut pas les supprimer, et milite pour qu’elles soient ...
837 - Lionel Jospin admet la nécessité de réformer les régimes ...
       Nouvel Observateur - 14 sep 2006
       ... "Si on veut regarder des régimes très spéciaux, qu'on regarde d'abord du côté des salaires mirobolants et des montagnes de stock-options de certaines ...
838 - Résultats du Groupe ESFIN - IDES 2005
       Ressources Solidaires - 14 sep 2006
       ... SPOT, détenu en commun avec la Confédération Générale des SCOP qui dégage cette année un résultat fortement négatif du fait d’un montant élevé ...
839 - Trabajadores: Humillados y ofendidos
       Noticias Aliadas - 14 Sep 2006
       ... de España, y algunos de sus puntales eran los siguientes: permitir la contratación de trabajadores vía "services" o cooperativas de trabajo, autorizar los ...
840 - HCD aprobó pedido de incorporación de Concejales al Consejo ...
       Gente-BA - 14 Sep 2006
       ... (COOPERAR), el Instituto Movilizador de Fondos Cooperativos (IMFC, CL), la Federación de Cooperativas de Trabajo de Actividades Portuarias, Navales, Pesqueras ...
841 - Piden ladrillos de Chacabuco para el Plan Federal de Viviendas
       El Urbano - 14 Sep 2006
       Se necesitan 200 mil ladrillos para la primera parte de un módulo que construirán cooperativas de trabajo. (EL URBANO DE CHACABUCO ...
842 - Juez Arbizu intimó a la Comuna para que cumpla con el Proyecto ...
       0223 Vespertino Digital - 14 Sep 2006
       ... de Desarrollo Social de la Nación, la Municipalidad, la Asociación Civil Rotary Club Aeropuerto Mar del Plata, la Cooperativa de Trabajo CURA Limitada y la ...
843 - Voluntarios limpiarán 36 balnearios de Vargas en Día Mundial de ...
       Agencia Bolivariana de Noticias - 14 Sep 2006
       ... Iaaim), puertos del Litoral Central, Cuerpo de Bomberos Marinos y del estado, Guarnición Militar de Vargas, cooperativas de trabajadores pesqueros, Instituto ...
844 - Wenn Mitarbeiter in ihre Firma investieren
       Handelsblatt - 14. Sept. 2006
       ... Kapitalbedarf – beispielsweise für Investitionen im Rahmen einer Wachstumsstrategie – kann diese Form der Mitarbeiterkapitalbeteiligung jedoch die ...
845 - OnlineMagazin für Wirtschaft, Kultur + Soziales: Lutherstadt ...
       Stadtnetz Wittenberg - 14. Sept. 2006
       ... werden. Dieses kann durch Umsatz- bzw. durch Arbeitnehmerbeteiligung im jeweiligen Unternehmen erreicht werden. Selbstverständlich ...
846 - Niente inchiesta per Apple
       ilMac.net - 14 set 2006
       ... al canale televisivo CNBC, Steve Jobs ha avuto occasione di parlare anche a proposito delle irregolarità nell'emissione di stock options, effettuata tra il ...
       Agenfax - 14 set 2006
       ... Quando, nel 1978, sulla scia della Legge Basaglia, il Movimento Cooperativo diede vita alla cooperativa di lavoro “Liberazione” tra gli ospiti dell ...
848 - A Carlo Cantaluppi un pezzetto di Alessandria
       Giornal - 14 set 2006
       ... Quando, nel 1978, sulla scia della Legge Basaglia, il Movimento Cooperativo diede vita alla cooperativa di lavoro “Liberazione” tra gli ospiti dell ...
849 - Premio Re Manfredi, tra i premiati Antonio Caprarica (2)
       Il Grecale - 14 set 2006
       ... Fernando Balestra e per l’imprenditoria, un premio alla memoria di Lorenzo D’Alba, presidente di un’importante società cooperativa di produzione e lavoro ...
850 - Valorizzazione filiere agroalimentari: corso gratuito per ...
       EnAIP Piemonte - 14 set 2006
       ... L’Operatore valorizzazione filiere agroalimentari potrà collocarsi, quale figura intermedia, in cooperative di produzione e commercializzazione, società di ...
851 - Loose accounting sullies options
       OCRegister, CA - Sep 13, 2006
       ... The National Center for Employee ownership estimates 9 million workers participate in broad-based stock option plans now vs. 1 million in 1990. ...
852 - BHP Billiton Plc - Notification of interests of directors
       Finance24, South Africa - Sep 13, 2006
       ... BHP Billiton Plc announces the following transactions made by Billiton ESOP Trustee Limited, as trustee of the Billiton Employee Share Ownership Trust, in ...
853 - Wednesday Newspaper Review - Irish Business News and International ...
       FinFacts Ireland, Ireland - Sep 13, 2006
       ... According to the prospectus, the Government and the employee shareholding - known as the Employee Share Ownership Trust (Esot) - "may exercise significant ...
854 - Patterson Companies "neutral"
       newratings.com - Sep 13, 2006
       In a research note published yesterday, the analysts mention that Patterson Companies has provided $105 million to its Employee Stock Ownership Plan (ESOP) for ...
855 - Can you smell that pizza? It must be new Zachary's
       Inside Bay Area, CA - Sep 13, 2006
       ... a transition to a employee stock ownership — with La Russa leading the way. location includes an outdoor garden terrace for a more "suburban" feel, he said. ...
856 - Court: NWA mechanics can get unemployment
       Pioneer Press, MN - Sep 13, 2006
       ... Patterson Cos., a Mendota Heights-based supplier of veterinary and dental supplies, said it has agreed to loan $105 million to its employee stock ownership plan ...
857 - Old Mutual Plc - Results for the six months ended 30 June 2006
       Finance24, South Africa - Sep 13, 2006
       ... period 2,755 Retained earnings have been reduced by GBP724 million at 30 June 2006 in respect of own shares held in policyholders" funds, ESOP trusts, Black ...
858 - Investors willing to pay for transparency
       Bangkok Post, Thailand - Sep 13, 2006
       ... Mr Visit said that if the majority of institutional investors questioned employee stock option programmes (Esop), the GPF would vote against it at shareholders ...
859 - Sanmina sees charges after restatements on options
       Reuters - Sep 13, 2006
       ... (SANM.O: Quote, Profile, Research) said on Wednesday said it expects to book charges for past employee stock option grants after finding discrepancies in grant ...
860 - Eying Corporate Options: Corporate bigwigs caught with hand in ...
       Traders, NY - Sep 13, 2006
       ... solutions. So far, the most unique has been the creation of Employee Stock Option Appreciation Rights Securities (ESOARS). ESOARS ...
861 - Patterson Companies "neutral"
       newratings.com - Sep 13, 2006
       ... Patterson Companies has created provisions for employee stock options for the next ten years through the loan and satisfied investor demand for share buybacks ...
862 - Market strong; bank shares surge
       Times of India, India - Sep 13, 2006
       ... 2:30 pm: Wipro Ltd rose 1.7% to Rs 512.40 on allotting 49,000 equity shares of Rs 2 each under the Wipro Employee Stock Options Plan 2000.
863 - Ukbetting considers sale of its betting arm
       Gambling911.com, FL - Sep 13, 2006
       ... Overall, pre-tax profits before goodwill and share option costs rose 64 per cent to almost £1 million, from turnover up 12 per cent to £62.4 million.".
864 - PuriCore Plc announces Appointments
       Genetic Engineering News (press release), NY - Sep 13, 2006
       ... shares. Each share option will have a five year life and vest one-third per year beginning on the first anniversary of grant. The ...
865 - Old Mutual Plc - Results for the six months ended 30 June 2006
       Finance24, South Africa - Sep 13, 2006
       ... 13) Issue of ordinary share capital by the Company 1,389 2,670 - 2,670 Net acquisition of interests in subsidiaries - - 41 41 Exercise of share options 9 12 ...
866 - Dutkowsky To Get $900K Base Pay As New Tech Data Chief
       CRN, NY - Sep 13, 2006
       In addition, Dutkowsky will receive 300,000 share options and 40,000 granted shares of the Clearwater, Fla., based distributor's stock this year. ...
867 - CybeRelease: (OTC PK: TMJG) Acquires Three Huge Diamonds
       WebWire (press release), GA - Sep 13, 2006
       ... and recovery of diamonds and gold, is pleased to announce that the Company has entered into a relationship with local mining workers (Cooperatives) in TAMIJA ...
868 - Tamija Gold & Diamond Exploration, Inc. Acquires Diamonds of 22 ...
       Market Wire (press release) - Sep 13, 2006
       ... and recovery of diamonds and gold, is pleased to announce that the Company has entered into a relationship with local mining workers (Cooperatives) in TAMIJA's ...
869 - It just gets better with Final Fantasy at the Abbey
       Comox Valley Record, Canada - Sep 13, 2006
       ... In the meantime, Pallett has been integral in building the Blocks Recording Club, a non-profit workersco-op that epitomizes the idealism and DIY spirit in ...
870 - Des actionnaires d'EDF dénoncent le "droit de retour"
       Euroinvestor - 13 sep 2006
       Dans une lettre adressée au gouvernement et aux parlementaires, EDF Actionnariat Salarié et l'Adam ont demandé le retrait de deux amendements instaurant le ...
871 - Des actionnaires d`EDF dénoncent le "droit de retour"
       Challenges - 13 sep 2006
       Dans une lettre adressée au gouvernement et aux parlementaires, EDF Actionnariat Salarié et l'Adam ont demandé le retrait de deux amendements instaurant le ...
872 - Des actionnaires d'EDF dénoncent le "droit de retour"
       Nouvel Observateur - 13 sep 2006
       Dans une lettre adressée au gouvernement et aux parlementaires, EDF Actionnariat Salarié et l'Adam ont demandé le retrait de deux amendements instaurant le ...
873 - Des actionnaires d'EDF dénoncent le "droit de retour"
       Boursorama - 13 sep 2006
       Dans une lettre adressée au gouvernement et aux parlementaires, EDF Actionnariat Salarié et l'Adam ont demandé le retrait de deux amendements instaurant le ...
874 - Des actionnaires d'EDF dénoncent le "droit de retour"
       Reuters.fr - 13 sep 2006
       Dans une lettre adressée au gouvernement et aux parlementaires, EDF Actionnariat Salarié et l'Adam ont demandé le retrait de deux amendements instaurant le ...
875 - Des actionnaires d'EDF dénoncent le "droit de retour"
       Capital.fr - 13 sep 2006
       Dans une lettre adressée au gouvernement et aux parlementaires, EDF (EDF) Actionnariat Salarié et l'Adam ont demandé le retrait de deux amendements ...
876 - Agenda des conférences de presse et événements économiques des ...
       Le Monde - 13 sep 2006
       ... FAS): conférence de presse sur le thème "Décryptage du projet de loi sur le développement de la participation et de l'actionnariat salarié: les avancées ...
877 - Comité intersyndical de l'épargne salariale
       CFDT - 13 sep 2006
       Afin de présenter son bilan et de tracer des perspectives pour l’avenir, le CIES (Comité intersyndical de l'épargne salariale) organisera un colloque sur l ...
878 - La rémunération des cadres échappe de plus en plus à la ...
       Challenges - 13 sep 2006
       ... rapport. Stock-options, golden parachutes, ou distributions d'actions gratuites y sont qualifiés de "gadgets coûteux et pervers".
879 - Régimes spéciaux: la présidente de la CNAV "daccord" avec ...
       Euroinvestor - 13 sep 2006
       ... à cotisation aujourdhui et cest fondamental de prendre cela en compte", at-elle dit, citant notamment "lintéressement, la participation, les stock-options". ...
880 - 13/09/06 : Gaz de France, EADS, Hewlett-Packard, MAN, Scania...
       L'Usine Nouvelle - 13 sep 2006
       ... qui est démenti de source gouvernementale. Il est également question de la création d'une taxe sociale sur les stock-options.
881 - L’informatique démystifiée
       Journal L'Avantage - 13 sep 2006
       ... cours d’informatique sont offerts par des étudiants de niveaux collégial et universitaire en collaboration avec la coopérative de travailleurs ATENA, qui ...
882 - Concurso Buenos Aires Innova para PyMEs de la Ciudad
       ExportaPymes - 13 Sep 2006
       ... funcionamiento real al menos desde enero de 2004, también deben estar legalmente constituidas –sociedades regulares, cooperativas de trabajo y sociedades ...
883 - El ISS bajo el estigma de la privatización
       Indymedia Colombia - 13 Sep 2006
       ... del ISS ha sido perverso y ha fomentado la exclusión de los trabajadores explotados, entre ellos los médicos, adscritos a Cooperativas de Trabajo Asociado.
884 - ¿Quién se come el queso del etanol?
       argenpress.info - 13 Sep 2006
       ... Si fuera poco, la mayoría de obreros del corte de caña están bajo el sistema de Cooperativas de Trabajo, la forma novedosa para volver informal y envilecer ...
885 - Periódico de la Ciudad Autónoma de Buenos Aires
       Gente-BA - 13 Sep 2006
       ... funcionamiento real al menos desde enero de 2004, también deben estar legalmente constituidas –sociedades regulares, cooperativas de trabajo y sociedades ...
886 - Bufete de Informaciones Especiales y Noticias
       Rebanadas de Realidad (Comunicados de prensa) - 13 Sep 2006
       ... Si fuera poco, la mayoría de obreros del corte de caña están bajo el sistema de Cooperativas de Trabajo, la forma novedosa para volver informal y envilecer ...
887 - Una nueva modalidad asistencial en Corrientes
       Diario La República - 13 Sep 2006
       ... La modalidad de trabajo exige la conformación de cooperativas de trabajo integradas por desocupados y beneficiarios de los planes Jefes de Hogar. ...
888 - Respuesta al Delegado de Medio Ambiente sobre la gestión del ...
        Ambientum - 13 Sep 2006
       ... Es Graduado Social y ocupaba la gerencia provincial de la Federación Andaluza de Empresas Cooperativas de Trabajo Asociado FAECTA) en Almería. ...
889 - Nuevo emprendimiento en Casa de Catamarca
       Diario C - 13 Sep 2006
       ... en la Casa de Catamarca de la Capital Federal el local de venta de artículos catamarqueños creado y organizado por la Cooperativa de Trabajo “Huayra Huasi ...
890 - Catastro busca buses para Amador
       La Prensa (Panamá) - 13 Sep 2006
       ... En la actualidad, la Cooperativa de Trabajo y Servicio de Autobuses del Corregimiento de Ancón es una de las pocas que presta este tipo de servicios públicos ...
891 - Alcaldía de Vargas participará en pleno en día mundial de las ...
       RNV - 13 Sep 2006
       ... Puerto del Litoral Central, Cuerpo de Bomberos Marinos y del Estado, Guarnición del Estado Vargas, así como cooperativas de trabajadores pesqueros, Instituto ...
892 - Börsenotierte Firmen zahlen deutlich besser
       Die Presse.com - 13. Sept. 2006
       ... An der Gruppenbesteuerung dürfe nicht gerüttelt werden. Verbessert werden sollten die Rahmenbedingungen für Pensionsvorsorge und Mitarbeiterbeteiligung.
893 - CeWe Color optimiert die eigene Finanzstruktur und erhöht den ...
       Finanzen.net (Pressemitteilung) - 13. Sept. 2006
       ... Neben möglichen Firmenübernahmen und die Bedienung des im September 2005 neu aufgelegten Stock Option Plans sind die eigenen Aktien für eine erneute ...
894 - Unimed Cuiabá atinge índice satisfatório em pesquisa da ANS
       O Documento - 13 Set 2006
       A cooperativa de trabalho médico está entre as operadoras de planos de saúde do país que receberam, na avaliação da Agência Nacional de Saúde ...
895 - Unimed Cuiabá atinge índice satisfatório em pesquisa da ANS
       24Horas News - 13 Set 2006
       A cooperativa de trabalho médico está entre as operadoras de planos de saúde do país que receberam, na avaliação da Agência Nacional de Saúde ...
896 - Grillo: è delinquenza telefonica
       Libertà - 13 set 2006
       ... E pensare, dice ancora il comico, che i giornali parlano di "riassetto", di "nuove strategie", «quando i soldi sono spariti in stock options per i dirigenti ...
897 - JC Evans Construction: Company builds for the future
       Community Impact, TX - Sep 12, 2006
       ... The economic downturn of the early ’90s left the company struggling financially. It was then that Blake Kuhlman conceived the idea of employee-ownership. ...
898 - Actuate Performancesoft Views Enhances Performance for The ...
       Business Wire (press release), CA - Sep 12, 2006
       ... four primary goals of its Performance Management initiative including more efficient resource optimization, improved employee ownership, better communication ...
899 - Patterson Companies Loans $105 Million To Employee Stock Ownership ...
       Business Wire (press release), CA - Sep 12, 2006
       ... ESOP has been a highly successful retirement program for our people and our shareholders, and we remain fully committed to our philosophy of employee ownership ...
900 - Share warning over State stake in airline
       Irish Times, Ireland - Sep 12, 2006
       ... According to the prospectus, the Government and the employee shareholding - known as the Employee Share Ownership Trust (Esot) - "may exercise significant ...
901 - BHP Billiton Plc - Notification of interests of directors
       Finance24, South Africa - Sep 12, 2006
       ... BHP Billiton Plc announces the following transactions made by Billiton ESOP Trustee Limited, as trustee of the Billiton Employee Share Ownership Trust, in ...
902 - Aer Lingus sets cautious IPO price range
       MSNBC - Sep 12, 2006
       ... said the Irish government, which currently owns 85.1 per cent of its equity (the workforce owns 14.9 per cent through an employee share ownership trust) was ...
903 - Aer Lingus sets cautious IPO price range
       MSN Money - Sep 12, 2006
       ... said the Irish government, which currently owns 85.1 per cent of its equity (the workforce owns 14.9 per cent through an employee share ownership trust) was ...
904 - Aer Lingus sets cautious IPO price range
       Euro2day, Greece - Sep 12, 2006
       ... said the Irish government, which currently owns 85.1 per cent of its equity (the workforce owns 14.9 per cent through an employee share ownership trust) was ...
905 - Aer Lingus Sets IPO Price Range At EUR2.10 - EUR2.70
       Easy Bourse (Communiqués de presse), France - Sep 12, 2006
       ... of the company's issued share capital will be held by Irish shareholders (including the selling shareholder, the Aer Lingus Employee Share Ownership Trust, Aer ...
906 - Aer Lingus IPO seen around 450 million pounds
       Reuters.uk, UK - Sep 12, 2006
        ... percent stake. The government will retain around 25 percent while the Employee Share Ownership Trust will keep its 15 percent stake.
907 - Aer Lingus IPO prospectus for publication today
       FinFacts Ireland, Ireland - Sep 12, 2006
       ... The airline has agreed that up to 7.5 per cent of its profits each year will be transferred to the Employee Share Ownership Trust (Esot) to buy shares. ...
908 - SAIC revises dividend estimate
       San Diego Union Tribune, United States - Sep 12, 2006
       In a regulatory filing, San Diego's SAIC revised its figures for the special dividend it expects to pay its employee shareholders with proceeds from its ...
909 - Credit union plan angers members
       Business Gazette, MD - Sep 12, 2006
       ... members will remain volunteers and do not plan to have a stock-based compensation program, although officials may pursue an employee stock ownership plan in ...
910 - Principal Financial Group Ranks Number One on National List of ...
       Business Wire (press release), CA - Sep 12, 2006
        ... qualified defined benefit plans, qualified defined contribution plans, nonqualified plans to serve key employees and employee stock ownership plan solutions. ...
911 - Protect the Value of Your Stock Options
       TheStreet.com (subscription), NY - Sep 12, 2006
       ... nonqualified options. Also keep track of company stock, whether from a 401(k) plan or an employee stock ownership plan (ESOP). If ...
912 - AFX NEWS BRIEFING: Pharmaceuticals and chemicals highlights to 15 ...
       Hemscott, UK - Sep 12, 2006
       ... PAUL, Minn. (AFX) - Patterson Cos., a supplier of veterinary and dental supplies, said Tuesday it loaned $105 million to its employee stock ownership plan, or ...
913 - To fund retirements, Patterson loans $105M to employee stock plan
       Twin Cities Business Journal, MN - Sep 12, 2006
       Patterson Cos. Inc. said Monday that it has loaned its employee stock ownership plan $105 million to buy company shares. The distributor ...
914 - Patterson loans $105 million to ESOP
       Hemscott, UK - Sep 12, 2006
       PAUL, Minn. (AFX) - Patterson Cos., a supplier of veterinary and dental supplies, said Tuesday it loaned $105 million to its employee stock ownership plan, or ...
915 - Patterson Loans $105 Million to ESOP
       Houston Chronicle, United States - Sep 12, 2006
       ST. PAUL, Minn. — Patterson Cos., a supplier of veterinary and dental supplies, said Tuesday it loaned $105 million to its employee stock ownership plan, or ...
916 - Patterson Companies (PDCO) Loans $105 Million to Buyback Common ...
       StreetInsider.com (subscription), MI - Sep 12, 2006
       (Nasdaq: PDCO) has loaned its Employee Stock Ownership Plan (ESOP) $105 million to purchase Patterson common shares on the open market. ...
917 - Patterson loans employee stock plan $105 mln
       Reuters - Sep 12, 2006
       ... Patterson Companies Inc., a maker of dental products, (PDCO.O: Quote, Profile, Research) on Tuesday said it loaned its employee stock ownership plan $105 ...
918 - American Capital Invests $20 Million in Leading Provider of ...
       PR Newswire (press release), NY - Sep 12, 2006
       ... American Capital invests in and sponsors management and employee buyouts, invests in private equity buyouts, provides capital directly to early stage and ...
919 - Thorp Reed & Armstrong Announces Hiring of New Partner Paul ...
       Business Wire (press release), CA - Sep 12, 2006
        ... the IRS regarding plan disqualification, structuring of non-traditional compensation arrangements, design and implementation of complex ESOP arrangements, and ...
920 - Aurora Russia maiden interim pretax profit 0
       Hemscott, UK - Sep 12, 2006
       ... completion of the deal, Aurora Russia will own 100 pct of Kreditmart, however 15 pct of the company's shares will be reserved for an employee stock option plan ...
921 - Achieving Wealth: Success Strategies Beyond the Stock Market
       TheStreet.com (subscription), NY - Sep 12, 2006
       ... construction worth hundreds of millions of dollars. Leverage can be achieved through employee stock options. If you have the good fortune ...
922 - Protect the Value of Your Stock Options
       TheStreet.com (subscription), NY - Sep 12, 2006
       More than a year ago, I wrote an article about the importance of protecting your financial well-being by diversifying your employee stock options. ...
923 - Keep an Eye on the Tax Guy When You Diversify
       TheStreet.com (subscription), NY - Sep 12, 2006
       ... right questions. Employee stock options come in two flavors, incentive stock options, or ISOs, and nonqualified options, or NQs. You ...
924 - Comverse Jumps on Sales Gain
       TheStreet.com - Sep 12, 2006
       ... In May, the company became one of the first to be targeted in the widening securities fraud probe into the backdating of employee stock options. ...
925 - Brady grows 1H revenues, cuts losses, flags return to profits
       Silicon Fen Business Report, UK - Sep 12, 2006
       ... This is reflected in the loss for the first half, a result that includes amortisation of employee stock options for the first time. ...
926 - Omri Thomas: Chief Investment Officer, Sanlam Investment Managers
       Moneyweb, South Africa - Sep 12, 2006
       ... MONEYWEB: And staff’s alignment with the business in total? OMRI THOMAS: What we like about the share option scheme – they’ve got two schemes. ...
927 - Ukbetting considers sale of its betting arm
       Times Online, UK - Sep 12, 2006
       ... Overall, pre-tax profits before goodwill and share option costs rose 64 per cent to almost £1 million, from turnover up 12 per cent to £62.4 million.
928 - Cornerstone 2006 exploration budget increased to over CDN$7.5 ...
       Resource Investor, VA - Sep 12, 2006
       ... JV agreement, Coastport Capital may earn up to a 70% interest in the project with exploration expenditure of US$3 million, cash and share option payments of US ...
929 - Ten Ways To Win With Shares
       Motley Fool UK, UK - Sep 12, 2006
       ... The most popular of these is Sharesave, also known as Save As You Earn (SAYE) or Savings-Related Share Option scheme, which has over 2½ million participants. ...
930 - OKO Pankki Oyj: Increase in oko bank's share capital and listing ...
       Kauppalehti (press release), Finland - Sep 12, 2006
       ... 1 June to 31 August 2006, a total of 727 600 new Series A shares were subscribed for on the basis of the A/B warrants for OKO Bank's 1999 share option programme ...
931 - Comair Limited - Audited Group Results for the year ended 30 June ...
       Finance24, South Africa - Sep 12, 2006
       ... IFRS 2 - Share based payments The fair value of share options granted has been charged against income over the relevant option vesting periods. ...
932 - Chairman of Drax to pocket £4m in special dividends
       Times Online, UK - Sep 12, 2006
       ... on the stock market. Mr Horsfield chose to take share options in lieu of salary when he joined the company. Other Drax directors ...
933 - Faritec Holdings Limited - Reviewed Results For The Year Ended 30 ...
       Finance24, South Africa - Sep 12, 2006
       ... the year was 135,0 million which increased from last year"s 129,6 million, due to the additional shares issued on the exercise of share options by employees in ...
934 - Tata Tea may buy 40% in NIPO
       Myiris.com, India - Sep 12, 2006
       Tata Tea (Q, N,C,F)* and its workers` co-operative may pick up 40% stake in NIPO, the tea firm`s north Indian plantation operations, which will be spun off ...
935 - Tata Tea, union may buy 40% in NIPO
       Business Standard, India - Sep 12, 2006
       Tata Tea and its workers' co-operative may pick up 40 per cent stake in NIPO – the tea firm's north Indian plantation operations, which will be spun off into ...
936 - Agenda des conférences de presse et événements économiques des ...
        Le Monde - 12 sep 2006
       ... FAS): conférence de presse sur le thème "Décryptage du projet de loi sur le développement de la participation et de l'actionnariat salarié: les avancées ...
937 - Sauver le libéralisme
       Les Échos - 12 sep 2006
       ... La proposition dont je suis l'auteur n'a nullement pour objet d'empêcher le développement de l'actionnariat salarié, mais tout au contraire de le mettre à l ...
938 - Joseph KINSCH : la bataille a été longue et rude
       Agefi Luxembourg - 12 sep 2006
       ... plans, pas de conséquences sur l’emploi liées à la fusion dans le périmètre Arcelor, la confirmation de notre plan d’actionnariat salarié AESOPE, qui ...
939 - 1000 milliards pour l’ISR européen
       Novethic - 12 sep 2006
       ... globaux. La France se situe au 4eme rang et se caractérise par le dynamisme de son marché et le rôle de l’épargne salariale. ...
       Investir.fr - 12 sep 2006
       ... Enfin, l'année 2007 marquerait le rebond de l'épargne salariale après deux années faibles dues aux mesures successives de déblocage.
941 - Pourquoi les institutionnels ont-ils du mal à voter aux AG ?
       Agefi Luxembourg - 12 sep 2006
       ... au sein d'un même groupe, en fonction de la culture des différentes entités qui le composent (retraite, assurance-vie, prévoyance, épargne salariale, etc ...
942 - Dur dur d'être un Googler !
       Zorgloob - 12 sep 2006
       ... Certains employé ont empoché jusqu'à 80 millions de dollars en stock-options en occupant dès 1999 un poste d'équivalent d'assistante. ...
943 - Private banking en Inde. La gestion des fortunes indiennes aiguise ...
       Le Temps (Abonnement) - 12 sep 2006
       ... du Sud (+21,3%). La palette de gens qui ont fait fortune en Inde ne cesse de s'élargir: les cadres de sociétés IT qui, grâce à leurs stock-options, ont vu ...
944 - Stock-options: Balladur a recueilli 178 signatures sur sa ...
       Le Monde - 12 sep 2006
       ... avoir obtenu 178 signatures de parlementaires en faveur de sa proposition de loi interdisant aux dirigeants d'entreprises de lever des stock-options tant qu ...
945 - À lire dans le Bleu de Profession Politique du mercredi 13 ...
       Profession Politique (subscription) - 12 sep 2006
       ... budget 2007. Stock-options : Bercy cherche à adoucir la proposition de loi Balladur. Renaud Dutreil relance ses "gazelles". Le ...
946 - Crédit Agricole SA : Optimisation de la politique de couverture ...
       Publi-News - 12 sep 2006
       ... de gestion de ses fonds propres et de son auto-détention, elle a procédé à l’optimisation de la couverture de deux plans de stock-options d’achat en ...
947 - Création de la Maison de la Jeunesse et de la Sécurité ...
        Ressources Solidaires - 12 sep 2006
       Le Centre d’éducation routière ECF CERCA, organisé en Scop et situé à Niort (Deux-Sèvres), membre du groupe ECF, première organisation européenne d ...
948 - Paro de los trabajadores de la CAE en reclamo salarial
       Misiones OnLine - 12 Sep 2006
       ... de los trabajadores que están “en negro”, Dellapierre respondió que los operarios trabajan en regla “a través de las cooperativas de trabajo; en parte ...
       Impulso Baires - 12 Sep 2006
        Chapadmalal- El 29 y 30 de septiembre y el 1º de octubre tendrá lugar en Chapadmalal el Primer Encuentro Nacional de Cooperativas de Trabajo: La autogestión ...
950 - Piden al Ejecutivo Comunal incorporar concejales al Consejo Asesor ...
       0223 Vespertino Digital - 12 Sep 2006
       ... (COOPERAR), el Instituto Movilizador de Fondos Cooperativos (IMFC, CL), la Federación de Cooperativas de Trabajo de Actividades Portuarias, Navales, Pesqueras ...
951 - Piden al Ejecutivo Comunal incorporar concejales al Consejo Asesor ...
       AbiertaTV - 12 Sep 2006
       ituto Movilizador de Fondos Cooperativos (IMFC, CL), la Federación de Cooperativas de Trabajo de Actividades Portuarias, Navales, Pesqueras ...
952 - La cinta de la polémica
       Córdoba.net - 12 Sep 2006
       Organizado de manera conjunta por el grupo Colsecor y la cooperativa de trabajo Kaos, dedicada a la producción de largometrajes, el festival será la ocasión ...
953 - Impulsan preoyecto para sacar de la calle a jóvenes limpiavidrios
       DERF - 12 Sep 2006
       A través de la conformación de una cooperativa de trabajo, ofrecerán el servicio de limpieza y mantenimiento de espacios verdes, públicos al principio pero ...
954 - Impulsan proyecto para sacar de la calle a jóvenes limpiavidrios
       El Litoral - 12 Sep 2006
       ... la reinserción laboral y social de los jóvenes que limpian vidrios en las esquinas de la ciudad, en breve se pondrá en marcha una cooperativa de trabajo. ...
955 - Anuncio de obras y aportes en el interior provincial
       La Opinión Austral - 12 Sep 2006
       ... de licitación para una hostería que va a completar la oferta hotelera y asimismo “se hará una entrega de aportes a la Cooperativa de trabajo El Oasis, que ...
956 - Continúan los trabajos de sellados de juntas de pavimento
       AbiertaTV - 12 Sep 2006
       Esta tarea es llevada a cabo por una cooperativa de trabajo, modalidad por la cual ya llevan intervenidas 35 cuadras, la cual está conformada por 16 operarios ...
       El Debate - 12 Sep 2006
       ... de los barrios San Jacinto, Las Casuarinas, Burgar y Barrio Zárate siguen sin contar con el servicio del transporte público de la Cooperativa de Trabajo 3 de ...
958 - IAB-Kurzbericht zur Mitarbeiterbeteilung
       LexisNexis - 12. Sept. 2006
       ... fest. Der Blick zurück auf das Jahr 2001 zeigt: In Sachen Mitarbeiterbeteiligung bewegt sich kaum etwas; Stagnation herrscht. Interessant ...
959 - Thüsing untersucht die Grundlagen und Grenzen des ...
       LexisNexis - 12. Sept. 2006
       ... kann. Ziel der Verhandlungslösung ist die Schaffung einer möglichst maßgeschneiderten Regelung der Arbeitnehmerbeteiligung. Der ...
960 - Blue Wolf Capital Management Secures Investment Commitment From ...
       Black Enterprise, NY - Sep 11, 2006
       ... "In my thirteen years with American Capital, we built a small firm with a focus on employee-ownership-based transactions and saving jobs in the US into one of ...
961 - Blue Wolf Capital Management Secures Investment Commitment from ...
       Yahoo! News (press release) - Sep 11, 2006
       ... "In my thirteen years with American Capital, we built a small firm with a focus on employee-ownership-based transactions and saving jobs in the US into one of ...
962 - Blue Wolf Capital Management Secures Investment Commitment from ...
       PR Newswire (press release), NY - Sep 11, 2006
       ... to meet that strategic objective." "In my thirteen years with American Capital, we built a small firm with a focus on employee-ownership-based transactions and ...
963 - Private Equity Firm Secures Investment Commitment From Leading ...
       PR Newswire (press release), NY - Sep 11, 2006
       ... to meet that strategic objective." "In my thirteen years with American Capital, we built a small firm with a focus on employee-ownership-based transactions and ...
964 - Aer Lingus IPO Expected To Raise EUR660 Mln
       Airwise - Sep 11, 2006
       ... stake. The government will retain around 25 percent while the Employee Share Ownership Trust (ESOT) will keep its 15 percent stake. ...
965 - UPDATE 1-Aer Lingus IPO expected to raise 660 mln euros -sources
       Reuters - Sep 11, 2006
       ... stake. The government will retain around 25 percent while the Employee Share Ownership Trust (ESOT) will keep its 15 percent stake. ...
966 - Anglo American plc - Anglo American Employee Share Ownership Plan
        Finance24, South Africa - Sep 11, 2006
       ANAAL Anglo American plc - Anglo American Employee Share Ownership Plan Anglo American plc (Incorporated in the United Kingdom) Registration number: 3564138 ...
967 - SAIC Adds Underwriters to IPO
       Houston Chronicle, United States - Sep 11, 2006
       ... SAIC is owned by its employee shareholders. SAIC's updated prospectus on Monday also provided revised figures for the special dividend ...
968 - For sale: One used airline
       Sunday Business Post, Ireland - Sep 11, 2006
       ... There have been other models across Europe of airlines with state and/or employee shareholdings over the years, such as Air France, KLM and Lufthansa. ...
969 - AEP Industries Inc. Reports Fiscal 2006 Third Quarter Results
       PR Newswire (press release), NY - Sep 11, 2006
       ... changes in LIFO reserve, non-operating income (expense), non- cash share-based compensation expense and non-cash employee stock ownership plan ("ESOP") expense ...
970 - D1 shareholders urged to question A-Host takeover
       Bangkok Post, Thailand - Sep 11, 2006
       ... with 200 million to be issued through a private placement and the rest reserved for conversion by warrants issued under an employee stock option programme (Esop ...
971 - HCL delists from Calcutta Stock Exchange
       Myiris.com, India - Sep 11, 2006
       ... 2 each pursuant to exercise of 875 options (Grant price Rs 538.15 per option) granted under `HCL Infosystems - Employee Stock Option Scheme`, on 29 August 2006 ...
972 - Alcon (ACL) Announces 5M Share Buyback
       StreetInsider.com (subscription), MI - Sep 11, 2006
       ... approximately 5.1 million shares. The share repurchase program is designed to reduce dilution caused by exercises of employee stock options.
973 - Acergy SA Announces the Pricing of US$500 Million Convertible ...
       Market Wire (press release) - Sep 11, 2006
       ... be cancelled, subject to shareholder approval, or held as treasury shares to meet obligations arising under the Notes or any employee share option schemes. ...
974 - Mustek Limited - Directors dealing in securities
       Finance24, South Africa - Sep 11, 2006
       ... obtained: Yes Reason for sale: Sale of shares in anticipation of the delivery of 75 000 shares to be listed soon in terms of the employee share option scheme. ...
975 - South Africa: Dialogue to Raise R51m Ahead of AltX Listing
       AllAfrica.com, Washington - Sep 11, 2006
       ... we are governed. We also need a good share-option scheme so we can retain and give incentives to our management.". The move would ...
976 - Go-ahead for Egana buyout plan
       The Standard, Hong Kong - Sep 11, 2006
       ... Egana Jewellery last traded Friday at HK$2.28, well above the cash offer price, making it likely shareholders will take the share option. ...
977 - Petmin - Condensed Consolidated Reviewed Financial Statements For ...
       Finance24, South Africa - Sep 11, 2006
       ... 685 EQUITY AND LIABILITIES Ordinary share capital and reserves 360 466 104 373 Share capital 109 972 48 750 Share premium 134 821 19 767 Share option reserve 5 ...
978 - ukbetting H1 sales, profits increase; 9 million
       Hemscott, UK - Sep 11, 2006
       ... network. Pretax profit before goodwill, share options costs and tax increased to 0.9 mln stg from 0.6 mln stg the previous year. ...
979 - Vernalis Plc: Interim Results for the Six Months Ended 30 June ...
       PR Newswire (press release), NY - Sep 11, 2006
       ... 19,115) Issue of equity share capital 2,163 28,112 - - 30,275 Expenses on issue of share capital - (2,177) - - (2,177) Equity share options charge - - 527 ...
980 - Ceramic - Reviewed Preliminary Financial Results For The Year ...
       Finance24, South Africa - Sep 11, 2006
       ... IFRS2 - SHARE-BASED PAYMENTS The fair value of share options granted to employees is recognised as an employee expense with a corresponding increase in equity. ...
981 - Sasol Limited - Reviewed consolidated results for the year ended ...
       Finance24, South Africa - Sep 11, 2006
       ... and amortisation of non-current assets Rm 3 399 3 177 - operating lease charges Rm 319 232 Directors" remuneration Rm 33 26 Share options granted to "000 1 506 ...
982 - Dell Reports More Trouble
       BusinessWeek - Sep 11, 2006
       ... More than 80 companies, many of them in technology, are being scrutinized for how they handled share options granted to executives. ...
983 - David Shapiro: Market watcher, Sasfin
       Moneyweb, South Africa - Sep 11, 2006
       ... Also find out if BEE will fall away after 2014, read about some rather sweet share options for Illovo directors, and Barry Sergeant looks at the details behind ...
984 - Sopra Group publiceert goed resultaat over eerste halfjaar van ...
       Netherlands Corporate News (persbericht), Netherlands - Sep 11, 2006
       ... Dividends - 12.6 Net profit - Group share 17.2 Capital increase through exercise of share options 0.3 Purchase or sale of own shares - 0.1 Share-based payments ...
985 - Steinhoff - Audited Results For The Year Ended 30 June 2006 and
       Finance24, South Africa - Sep 11, 2006
       ... with the provisions of IFRIC 1 and the applicable exemptions under IFRS 1. 2.3 Share-based payment transactions The fair value of share options under employee ...
986 - Scottish Re Gets Preliminary Bids
       Houston Chronicle, United States - Sep 11, 2006
       ... lenders. Separately, Scottish Re said two former executives will likely sell share options within the next few weeks. Employees ...
987 - Aveng reports 70% jump in profits
       iAfrica.com, South Africa - Sep 11, 2006
       ... Adjustments required by the adoption of IFRS 2 and expenses incurred on the encashment of share options as a result of the increase in the Aveng share price ...
988 - Tax man to focus on the rich
       Citizen, South Africa - Sep 11, 2006
       ... Gordhan said the strong share market of the past three years had encouraged directors to realise big profits by taking up share options and selling them. ...
989 - Nuclear's chance has come again
       This is Money, UK - Sep 11, 2006
       ... That is still mostly hope value - in the first half of 2006 it lost $19.4m, after spending $4m on exploration and expensing share options of $7m - in future ...
       Le Monde - 11 sep 2006
       ... Free lance la bataille du très haut débit en France L'Opep choisit le satu quo Les fonds d'investissements jouent l'actionnariat salarié Résultats records ...
991 - Agenda des conférences de presse et événements économiques des ...
       Le Monde - 11 sep 2006
       ... FAS): conférence de presse sur le thème "Décryptage du projet de loi sur le développement de la participation et de l'actionnariat salarié: les avancées ...
992 - Chevènement : « Assurer la victoire de la gauche, au service de ...
       Revue-republicaine.org - 11 sep 2006
       ... pour la France sera la politique industrielle, avec le renforcement des fonds propres des entreprises, le développement de l’épargne salariale, le rôle ...
993 - Epargne, crédit: atterrissage en 2007 après une excellente ...
       Le Monde - 11 sep 2006
       ... L'année 2OO7 devrait également marquer le "rebond" de l'épargne salariale après deux années faibles dues aux mesures successives de déblocage. ...
994 - La croissance du patrimoine financier des ménages marquera un ...
       Les Échos - 11 sep 2006
       ... devrait en 2007 marquer une pause. Seule l'épargne salariale pourrait profiter d'un rebond. Tandis qu'il atteignait 2.992 milliards ...
995 - Les contribuables profiteront de la baisse de l'impôt dès le ...
       Les Échos - 11 sep 2006
       ... Thierry Breton a également confirmé son intention de réformer les stock-options, « par la voie du règlement ou de la loi ». ...
996 - L'AMF au coeur de la réforme des stock-options
        LExpansion.com - 11 sep 2006
       Thierry Breton a précisé dimanche les contours de la future réforme des stocks-options. Lors du Grand Jury RTL-Le Figaro-LCI, le ...
997 - Avocent finalise l'acquisition de Landesk Software
       Publi-News - 11 sep 2006
       ... 200 millions de dollars en actions Avocent et 200 millions de dollars de liquidités), montant initial auquel s’ajoutent les stock options non levées par ...
998 - Qu’est ce qu’une SCOP ?
       Ressources Solidaires - 11 sep 2006
       Une SCOP est une société commerciale de type SARL ou SA, dont les associés majoritaires sont les salariés, qui décident collectivement selon le principe ...
999 - Les registres d'opposition sont ouverts
       Radio-Canada - 11 sep 2006
       ... montant de l'emprunt s'élève à 496 000 $ et est divisé en deux parties, la première servant à l'achat des actifs de la coopérative de travailleurs et l ...
1000 - Convocation - L'AQRP et La Capitale lancent un projet d'entraide ...
       Canada NewsWire (press release) - 11 sep 2006
       ... Mis sur pied avec la collaboration de la coopérative de travailleurs Atena, ce projet vise à améliorer le bien-être de retraités des secteurs public et ...
1001 - Convocation - L'AQRP et La Capitale lancent un projet d'entraide ...
       CNW Telbec (Communiqués de presse) - 11 sep 2006
       ... Mis sur pied avec la collaboration de la coopérative de travailleurs Atena, ce projet vise à améliorer le bien-être de retraités des secteurs public et ...
       Diario Palentino - 11 Sep 2006
       ... frente a las multinacionales. Necesitan esos medios para agruparse en grandes sociedades laborales y cooperativas. Los autónomos no ...
       Fuerteventura Digital - 11 Sep 2006
       ... frente a las multinacionales. Necesitan esos medios para agruparse en grandes sociedades laborales y cooperativas. Los autónomos no ...
1004 - Congreso de mutuales y cooperativas
       Diario El Independiente (Jujuy) - 11 Sep 2006
       ... Ayuda Económica Mutual, se referirá a la Situación del Sector Mutual y Cooperativo frente a la AFIP (exenciones impositivas, cooperativas de trabajo y AFIP ...
1005 - IVº Congreso Provincial de Mutuales y Cooperativas
        Diario Jujuy - 11 Sep 2006
       ... Ayuda Económica Mutual, se referirá a la Situación del Sector Mutual y Cooperativo frente a la AFIP (exenciones impositivas, cooperativas de trabajo y AFIP ...
1006 - ¿Quién se come el queso del etanol?
       Indymedia Colombia - 11 Sep 2006
       ... Si fuera poco, la mayoría de obreros del corte de caña están bajo el sistema de Cooperativas de Trabajo, la forma novedosa para volver informal y envilecer ...
1007 - La Epet de Oberá incursionará en la fabricación de maquinarias
       Misiones OnLine - 11 Sep 2006
        ... El presidente de la Cooperativa de Trabajo, Wladimiro Bondarenco, explicó que “queremos con nuestra cooperativa que los chicos puedan realizar distintos ...
1008 - Pequeñas cadenas dan la pelea por los consumidores
       Portafolio - 11 Sep 2006
       ... propietario. En total maneja 420 empleados y como las grandes cadenas los tiene organizados en una cooperativa de trabajo asociado. ...
1009 - La Legislatura decide sobre un nuevo permiso de pesca
       Diario de Madryn - 11 Sep 2006
       ... Ministerio de la Familia y Promoción Social de la Provincia del Chubut, para la puesta en marcha del proyecto denominado “Cooperativa de Trabajo Elastax Ltda ...
1010 - Detención arbitraria del señor Henry García Tovar
       Indymedia Colombia - 11 Sep 2006
       ... honorable, trabajadora y de buenas costumbres, conocido en este sector desde hace 20 años, actualmente es miembro de la cooperativa de trabajo asociado “ EL ...
1011 - Neue Wege für Arbeitnehmerbeteiligung an Gewinn und Kapital ...
       news aktuell (Pressemitteilung) - 11. Sept. 2006
       Berlin (ots) - Termin: Montag, 18. September 2006, 13.00 Uhr - 18.00 Uhr Ort: Akademie der Konrad-Adenauer-Stiftung, Tiergartenstraße ...
       Per investire - 11 set 2006
       ... Tale valore include 1,46 miliardi di offerta in aumento di capitale e 45,9 milioni di aumento di capitale per esercizio di stock options. ...
1013 - Lottomatica: utile netto 1° semestre a 32 mln, pesano oneri ...
       La Repubblica - 11 set 2006
       ... Finanziaria Netta di Gruppo include 1.460,0 milioni di offerta in aumento di capitale e 45,9 milioni di aumento di capitale per esercizio di stock options. ...
1014 - Backdating Gains Found Modest
       Los Angeles Times, CA - Sep 10, 2006
       ... Corey Rosen, director of the Oakland-based National Center for Employee Ownership, a group that tracks option trends, said that regardless of the dollar ...
1015 - Taking off on a new course
       Pioneer Press, MN - Sep 10, 2006
       The Minnesota engineering firm TKDA is part of the employee-ownership wave spawned by a 1998 tax law. Today, TKDA is more competitive ...
1016 - Backdating Gains Found Modest
       Los Angeles Times, CA - Sep 10, 2006
       ... Corey Rosen, director of the Oakland-based National Center for Employee Ownership, a group that tracks option trends, said that regardless of the dollar ...
1017 - Bush Administration Proposes Deal to Settle Claims Against Former ...
       SmartPros Accounting - Sep 10, 2006
       ... Lay also was sued as a member of Enron's board of directors for failing to properly appoint and monitor a trustee to oversee the employee stock ownership plan. ...
       The Spokesman Review, WA - Sep 10, 2006
       ... helpful. expenses, profit sharing, a comprehensive benefits plan, and participation in our Employee Stock Ownership Plan. Start ...
1019 - Digicel grants share options to all its employees
       Jamaica Observer, Jamaica - Sep 10, 2006
       ... during his visit to the country on Thursday, September 7, to announce the introduction of its first of its kind in the region employee share option programme. ...
1020 - The thoughts of chairman Ma
       Guardian Unlimited, UK - Sep 10, 2006
       ... More than $700m has been spent on buying out venture capitalists and employee stock options. It is not clear that the rest will be enough to make Yahoo! ...
1021 - The Truth about Stockbrokers
       TheTyee.ca, Canada - Sep 10, 2006
       ... But it's child's play compared to what happens every day in the big kids' stock market. First there are share options given to CEOs and directors. ...
1022 - Aveng Limited - Audited Group Results for the year ended 30 June ...
       Finance24, South Africa - Sep 10, 2006
       ... Adjustments required by the adoption of IFRS 2 and expenses incurred on the encashment of share options as a result of the increase in the Aveng share price ...
1023 - Sars drive to root out tax dodgers to focus on country's 500 ...
       Cape Times (subscription), South Africa - Sep 10, 2006
       ... Sars's profile of top earners is gleaned from public information on salaries, bonuses, share options, directors' sales and purchases of shares, company ...
1024 - Dangdut delivers for charity
       The Brunei Times, Brunei Darussalam - Sep 10, 2006
       ... Express BCA Remittance sponsored the concert, which was organised by the Association of Indonesian Community and Indonesian Workers Co-operative of Brunei ...
1025 - Burley bought but with job and product chops
       BikeBiz.com, UK - Sep 10, 2006
       ... Burley was formerly a workers' co-operative but recently converted to a privately held corporation following three consecutive years of losses.
1026 - Agenda des conférences de presse et événements économiques des ...
       Le Monde - 10 sep 2006
       ... FAS): conférence de presse sur le thème "Décryptage du projet de loi sur le développement de la participation et de l'actionnariat salarié: les avancées ...
1027 - Le sort de Safran entre les mains de l'Etat
       Le Figaro - 10 sep 2006
       ... de Sagem. L'État risque également d'entrer en conflit avec les salariés actionnaires qui détiennent 19,2 % du capital. La CGE ...
       Collectif Bellaciao - 10 sep 2006
       ... un autre vivre-ensemble. Fait rare dans la presse, l’entreprise est une SCOP (société coopérative). Les salariés possèdent ...
1029 - El precio de la independencia
       Xornal - 10 Sep 2006
       ... frente a las multinacionales. Necesitan esos medios para agruparse en grandes sociedades laborales y cooperativas. Los autónomos no ...
1030 - El precio de la independencia
       Diario Siglo XXI - 10 Sep 2006
       ... frente a las multinacionales. Necesitan esos medios para agruparse en grandes sociedades laborales y cooperativas. Los autónomos no ...
1031 - El Gobierno ayuda a la formación para el fomento del empleo en ...
       Terra España - 10 Sep 2006
       ... cuyo ámbito societario sea el estatal o esté limitado a las ciudades autónomas de Ceuta y Melilla, así como en sociedades laborales, con domicilio social ...
1032 - El precio de la independencia
       Diario de Castilla - 10 Sep 2006
       ... frente a las multinacionales. Necesitan esos medios para agruparse en grandes sociedades laborales y cooperativas. Los autónomos no ...
1033 - Estibadores eventuales reclaman por trabajo
       Pesca & Puertos - 10 Sep 2006
       ... de otros puertos pesqueros, acá el Consorcio tercerizó las tareas de estiba en un registro donde están anotadas una empresa SRL y 16 cooperativas de trabajo ...
1034 - Construirán Salón de ventas para minería
       Diario El Independiente (Jujuy) - 10 Sep 2006
       Los trabajos se ejecutarán con fondos del Consejo Federal de Inversiones (CFI) y mano de obra de las Cooperativas de Trabajo Mineras, merced al compromiso ...
1035 - Cuando la editorial se discute entre todos
       Momarandu.com - 10 Sep 2006
       ... autogestionada. - ¿Cómo fue el proceso que llevó a los diario a tomar la decisión de conformarse como cooperativas de trabajo? ...
1036 - “Trabajo autogestionado, camino de acumulación”
       Momarandu.com - 10 Sep 2006
       ... Muchos apuntan al FECOTRA (Federación de cooperativas de trabajo) por su modelo clásico y lineal, donde eligen jefes que cobran más que los propios ...
1037 - Prevenimos sigue operando la planta de Molinos del Cauca
       La República (Colombia) - 10 Sep 2006
       La Cooperativa de Trabajo Asociado Prevenimos, comenzó a operar nuevamente la planta que Molinos del Cauca, en proceso de liquidación, tiene en el municipio ...
1038 - Suman apoyo a la renovación
       Misiones OnLine - 10 Sep 2006
       ... Se sumaron también la Cooperativa de Trabajo “San Isidro”; la Cooperativa “Misionera” y la Comisión de Ayuda Humanitaria, ambas ubicadas en el Barrio ...
1039 - La educación planteada desde el cooperativismo
       Momarandu.com - 10 Sep 2006
       ... La Cooperativa de trabajo limitada "Juan Manuel Estrada", cuenta con 450 chicos, con los tres niveles de EGB, Polimodal, bachillerato libre para adultos, y ...
1040 - Progress report
       The Sunday Times, UK - Sep 9, 2006
       ... Ed McDonald, of the Marketing Institute, said the Blochs should consider an employee shareholding scheme as a means of fostering management commitment. ...
1041 - Plus SMS: founder sells as firm burns
       Manawatu Standard, New Zealand - Sep 9, 2006
       ... as carpet maker Feltex. The high share price has been of particular benefit to holders of its share options. The company has issued ...
1042 - Too posh to push for a half-decent plot
       The Observer, UK - Sep 9, 2006
       ... functional as a Boden catalogue and littered with so many product placements that one can only assume she either has a large portfolio of share options or is ...
1043 - Irish Agenda: All-conquering CPL looking to use war chest in new ...
       The Sunday Times, UK - Sep 9, 2006
       ... year at €3.25. To celebrate, two of the company’s directors decided to snap up their cut-price share options. Josephine Tierney ...
1044 - Wall Street clôture en hausse de 0,54%
       EuroInvestor.com - 9 sep 2006
       ... Dernière victime en date des vérifications sur les politiques d'octroi de stock options qui affectent de nombreuses entreprises du secteur technologique, le ...
1045 - El Cesar a merced de las transnacionales
       Indymedia Colombia - 9 Sep 2006
       ... 2% de los trabajadores goza de cierta estabilidad laboral y el resto soporta la humillante vinculación mediante cooperativas de trabajo asociado, bolsas de ...
1046 - Enseñar entre la pobreza y la exclusión
       Lanacion.com (Argentina) - 9 Sep 2006
       ... lumbricultura, huerta, caracoles. Piensan armar una cooperativa de trabajo para generar empleo a la gente de la zona. A las maestras ...
1047 - Comenzó en Tucumán la Expo Cooperativas
       El Independiente (Argentina) - 9 Sep 2006
       ... el viernes último que en la presente edición de esa publicación se refleja la tarea solidaria desarrollada desde una cooperativa de trabajo como Copegraf. ...
1048 - Nos vamos a Brasil
       La Prensa (Nicaragua) (Suscripción) - 9 Sep 2006
       ... Eso coincide con el debilitamiento de otros modelos de compensación de largo plazo como los stock options, dados los problemas contables y la desconfianza ...
1049 - Teorías de conspiración
        La Estrella - 9 Sep 2006
       ... Grigg reveló en un artículo publicado en The New American que tres días antes del 11 de septiembre hubo un gran movimiento de "stock options" (derechos de ...
1050 - Kenya Oil Company to issue 900,000 new shares to employees.
       Capital FM, Kenya - Sep 8, 2006
       ... for the allocation, after maturity of three years since Kenol employees were first issued with shares, under the Group Employee Share Ownership Plan, ESOP. ...
1051 - US government proposes $12M Lay estate settlement
       Columbus Ledger-Enquirer, GA - Sep 8, 2006
       ... Lay also was sued as a member of Enron's board of directors for failing to properly appoint and monitor a trustee to oversee the employee stock ownership plan. ...
1052 - Ken Lay's estate agrees to $12 million pension plan settlement
       Platts (subscription) - Sep 8, 2006
       ... Lay was also sued as a member of Enron's board of directors for failing to properly appoint and monitor a trustee to oversee the employee stock ownership plan. ...
1053 - Ken Lay's Estate Agrees to $12M Settlement
       BenefitsNext - Sep 8, 2006
       ... Lay was also sued as a member of Enron's board of directors for failing to properly appoint and monitor a trustee to oversee the employee stock ownership plan.
1054 - Business News short takes
       Arkansas Democrat-Gazette (subscription), AR - Sep 8, 2006
       ... Lay also was sued as a member of Enron’s board of directors for failing to properly appoint and monitor a trustee to oversee the employee stock-ownership plan ...
1055 - US seeks $12M from Lay's estate
       Biloxi Sun Herald,  USA - Sep 8, 2006
       ... Lay also was sued as a member of Enron's board of directors for failing to properly appoint and monitor a trustee to oversee the employee stock ownership plan. ...
1056 - US seeks $12M from Lay's estate
       SunHerald.com, MS - Sep 8, 2006
       ... Lay also was sued as a member of Enron's board of directors for failing to properly appoint and monitor a trustee to oversee the employee stock ownership plan. ...
1057 - Lay's estate agrees to $12 million settlement
       Baltimore Sun, United States - Sep 8, 2006
       ... also was sued as a member of Enron's board of directors for failing to appoint and properly monitor a trustee to oversee the employee stock ownership plan, the ...
1058 - Admin. Proposes $12M Enron Settlement
       The Times and Democrat, SC - Sep 8, 2006
       ... Lay also was sued as a member of Enron's board of directors for failing to properly appoint and monitor a trustee to oversee the employee stock ownership plan. ...
1059 - Admin. Proposes $12M Enron Settlement
       The Columbian, WA - Sep 8, 2006
       ... Lay also was sued as a member of Enron's board of directors for failing to properly appoint and monitor a trustee to oversee the employee stock ownership plan. ...
1060 - Chat about your financial questions with financial adviser Peggy ...
       Lawrence Journal World, KS - Sep 8, 2006
       ... retirement planning, small business, protection and insurance, estate planning, charitable giving, saving for education, employee stock options and general ...
1061 - Stock option inquiry delays Sharper Image's second-quarter results
       Kansas.com, KS - Sep 8, 2006
       ... said it needed more time to finalize its second-quarter results so its recently reorganized board can determine if past employee stock options were properly ...
1062 - Broadcom's Options Bombshell
       BusinessWeek - Sep 8, 2006
       ... Employee stock options typically are deductible expenses for corporate taxes, but not if they were improperly granted. Linear Technology (LLTC) in a Sept. ...
1063 - Alcon Increases Share Repurchase Program
       Business Wire (press release), CA - Sep 8, 2006
       ... shares. The share repurchase program is designed to reduce dilution caused by exercises of employee stock options. Alcon, Inc. (NYSE ...
1064 - Sharper Image delays posting quarterly results
       KESQ, CA - Sep 8, 2006
       SAN FRANCISCO A review of how it recorded employee stock options is prompting Sharper Image to delay posting its second-quarter results. ...
1065 - Fed's Yellen: Inflation not near 'comfort zone'
       Pioneer Press, MN - Sep 8, 2006
       ... said it needed more time to finalize its second-quarter results so its recently reorganized board can determine if past employee stock options were properly ...
1066 - Spirent Communications PLC announces Director/PDMR Shareholding
       Market Wire (press release) - Sep 8, 2006
       The Company's executive directors are potential beneficiaries of the Trust (together with all other UK employee share option holders) and are, therefore ...
1067 - Kian Joo proposes 1-for-5 bonus issue, 1-into-2 share split
       The Edge Daily, Malaysia - Sep 8, 2006
       ... As of the same date, it had 2.08 million outstanding options under its employees share option scheme, which have not been exercised. ...
1068 - Fortum Oyj: Fortum shares subscribed for with share warrants
       Kauppalehti (press release), Finland - Sep 8, 2006
       Name of scheme Subscription period Qty Share Option Scheme 2001A 8 Jun 2006 - 31 Aug 81,100 for key employees 2006 Share Option Scheme 2001B 8 Jun 2006 - 31 ...
1069 - Early Accounting for 9/11 Aftermath
       Wall Street Journal (subscription), NY - Sep 8, 2006
       ... Although he received share options that Viacom valued at $12 million, the exercise price of these options was pegged to the close of trading Friday. ...
1070 - Digicel grants share options to over 2,000 staff
       Telecom Paper (subscription), Netherlands - Sep 8, 2006
       Digicel, Caribbean-based mobile telecommunications operator, is granting share options to over 2,000 staff across its existing network of 20 operations, as ...
1071 - Botín could face six years' jail on fraud charge
       The Sunday Times, UK - Sep 8, 2006
       ... relate to the timing of tax payments related to the incentive scheme, which the prosecutor says should have been made when the share options were handed out in ...
1072 - Indonesian artistes thrill fans at meet-and-greet session
        Borneo Bulletin, Brunei Darussalam - Sep 8, 2006
       ... The concert is organised by the Association of Indonesian Community and Indonesian Workers Cooperative and sponsored by Afima Express BCA Remittance.
1073 - Indonesian Artistes Thrill Fans At Meet-And-Greet Session
       Bru Direct, Brunei Darussalam - Sep 8, 2006
       ... The concert is organised by the Association of Indonesian Community and Indonesian Workers Cooperative and sponsored by Afima Express BCA Remittance. ...
1074 - Agenda des conférences de presse et événements économiques des ...
       Le Monde - 8 sep 2006
       ... FAS): conférence de presse sur le thème "Décryptage du projet de loi sur le développement de la participation et de l'actionnariat salarié: les avancées ...
1075 - Broadcom: vers un ajustement comptable plus lourd que prévu
       Cercle Finance - 8 sep 2006
       ... il fallait s'attendre à des révisions plus importantes que prévu de ses résultats pour cause de comptabilisation erronée de ses dépenses de stock options ...
1076 - Quiksilver: décroche après ses résultats et perspectives.
       TF1 - 8 sep 2006
       ... Beach (Californie) prévoit de dégager sur le trimestre en cours un bénéfice par action (BPA) d'environ 53 cents, en dehors des coûts des stock-options.
1077 - USA/Bourse - Valeurs à suivre: National Semi, Lennar, Broadcom
       Boursorama - 8 sep 2006
       ... Le fabricant de microprocesseurs a annoncé avoir découvert de nouvelles irrégularités dans les dates d'attribution de stock-options à ses dirigeants, ce ...
1078 - Broadcom : l'affaire des options poursuit le Groupe
       Boursier.com - 8 sep 2006
       ... ce vendredi, alors que le Groupe a annoncé avoir décelé de nouvelles irrégularités de dates concernant les attributions passées de stock options, ce qui ...
1079 - Crédit Agricole: optimisation de couverture de stock-options
       TF1 - 8 sep 2006
       ... le cadre de la politique de gestion de ses fonds propres et de son auto-détention, à l'optimisation de la couverture de deux plans de stock-options d'achat. ...
1080 - Les valeurs à suivre à la Bourse de Paris
       Euroinvestor - 8 sep 2006
       ... CREDIT AGRICOLE SA a décidé de couvrir deux plans de stock options, sur les années 2004 et 2006, par des options d'achat plutôt que par des titres comme ...
1081 - La Scop, une alternative pour entreprendre
       Actusite - 8 sep 2006
       ... classiques. Les Scop se caractérisent par leur mode de gestion démocratique. ... Urscop). Pour créer une Scop, il faut respecter certains principes. ...
1082 - "Bye, bye, blue bird"
       Libertad Digital - 8 Sep 2006
       ... defendemos un capitalismo libre de trabas estatales y burocráticas, un capitalismo popular, con un importante accionariado asalariado, en democracias mucho ...
1083 - Mujeres veratas proyectan crear una cooperativa de reciclaje
       El Periódico (Extremadura) - 8 Sep 2006
       ... un curso formativo con el objetivo de poder crear, tras adquirir los conocimientos necesarios, una cooperativa o una sociedad laboral limitada destinada al ...
       Impulso Baires - 8 Sep 2006
       ... que se ponga en marcha 'Producción Más Limpia', incorporando a las empresas recuperadas por los obreros y sus cooperativas de trabajo y especialmente las ...
1085 - Un ambicioso diseño que protege a los goyanos
       Diario La República - 8 Sep 2006
       ... actividades de mantenimiento, control y operación en cada componente, a cargo de profesionales, técnicos y personal operario de cooperativas de trabajo. ...
1086 - Abrió sus puertas la Expo Cooperativa NOA-NEA 2006
       Edición Central (Radio LV12) - 8 Sep 2006
       ... Sebastián Juarez, presidente de la Cooperativa de Trabajo Mercado Activa LTDA, afirmó que aprovechan la oportunidad de la Expo para ofrecer a las empresas ...
1087 - "Abkassiert wird nicht nur durch eine höhere Mehrwertsteuer"
       Frankfurter Rundschau - 8. Sept. 2006
        Frankfurter Rundschau: Nach dem Bundespräsidenten und der Union macht sich nun auch die SPD für die Mitarbeiterbeteiligung stark. ...
1088 - Start in den Intensiv-Wahlkampf: Kanzler Schüssel präsentiert ...
       Wiener Zeitung - 8. Sept. 2006
       ... ohne Job sein. An den steigenden Unternehmensgewinnen sollen Arbeitnehmer via Mitarbeiterbeteiligung beteiligt werden. Beim Thema ...
1089 - Gusenbauer mit 95 Prozent als SPÖ-Chef bestätigt
       Salzburger Nachrichten - 8. Sept. 2006
       ... so Schüssel. Bekannt ist auch das Vorhaben der ÖVP, die Mitarbeiterbeteiligung in den heimischen Betrieben zu verdoppeln. Damit ...
1090 - ÖVP-Klubklausur in Bad Schallerbach
       ORF.at - 8. Sept. 2006
       ... Wiederholt wurden die bekannten Pläne wie Vollbeschäftigung, mehr Mitarbeiterbeteiligung, Verdoppelung der erneuerbaren Energie, die Steuerpläne der ÖVP ...
1091 - ÖVP präsentierte Wahlprogramm "Kursbuch Zukunft"
       Salzburger Nachrichten - 8. Sept. 2006
       ... so Schüssel. Bekannt ist auch das Vorhaben der ÖVP, die Mitarbeiterbeteiligung in den heimischen Betrieben zu verdoppeln. Damit ...
1092 - Schüssel: "Wir wollen kein 'Little Istanbul'"
       derStandard.at - 8. Sept. 2006
       ... Ebenfalls bereits bekannt ist das Vorhaben der ÖVP, die Mitarbeiterbeteiligung in den heimischen Betrieben in den kommenden vier Jahren zu verdoppeln. ...
1093 - Schüssel verspricht Ende der Jugendarbeitslosigkeit
       derStandard.at - 8. Sept. 2006
       ... Ebenfalls bereits bekannt ist das Vorhaben der ÖVP, die Mitarbeiterbeteiligung in den heimischen Betrieben in den kommenden vier Jahren zu verdoppeln. ...
1094 - ÖVP-Klausur : Schüssel verspricht Ende der ...
       Die Presse.com - 8. Sept. 2006
       ... Ebenfalls bereits bekannt ist das Vorhaben der ÖVP, die Mitarbeiterbeteiligung in den heimischen Betrieben in den kommenden vier Jahren zu verdoppeln. ...
1095 - ÖVP präsentierte Wahlprogramm "Kursbuch Zukunft"
       OÖNachrichten - 8. Sept. 2006
       ... Ebenfalls bereits bekannt ist das Vorhaben der ÖVP, die Mitarbeiterbeteiligung in den heimischen Betrieben in den kommenden vier Jahren zu verdoppeln. ...
1096 - Wall Street geht mit leichten Zugewinnen ins Wochenende
       AktienCheck - 8. Sept. 2006
       ... (ISIN US1113201073 / WKN 913684) gab heute bekannt, dass die Aufwendungen aus den vergangenen Stock Option-Programmen mindestens doppelt so Hoch ausfallen, wie ...
1097 - Italease, i profitti aumentano dell'80%
       Finanzablog - 8 set 2006
       ... Un’altra ipotesi allo studio è un ulteriore aumento di capitale, questa volta con tetto a 2,58 milioni di euro, per l’emissione di stock options a favore ...
1098 - Broadcom: oneri raddoppiati a 1,5 mld dlr
       Studiocelentano.it - 8 set 2006
       ROMA, 8 set - Raddoppiano gli oneri che Broadcom scontera' sui bilanci per aver irregolarmente retrodatato le stock-options tra giugno 1998 e maggio 2003. ...
       Per investire - 8 set 2006
       Broadcom ha reso noto che gli oneri di compensazione legati alle irregolarità trovate nei Piani di stock options potranno risultare raddoppiati rispetto alle ...
1100 - Broadcom: alza stime oneri legati a irregolarita' stock options
       L'Espresso - 8 set 2006
       ... dell'1,63% a 26 dolalri, dopo aver avvertito che gli oneri di compensazione legati alle irregolarità trovate nei Piani di stock options potranno risultare ...
1101 - Flybe to raise between £75 million and £100m
       m-Travel.com - Sep 7, 2006
       ... Flybe;s chairman and chief executive, Jim French, holds a nine per cent stake, with the remaining ten per cent held by an employee ownership trust. ...
1102 - Flybe to raise between £75 million and £100m
       Eye For Travel - Sep 7, 2006
       ... Flybe;s chairman and chief executive, Jim French, holds a nine per cent stake, with the remaining ten per cent held by an employee ownership trust. ...
1103 - BHP Billiton Plc - Notification of interests of directors
       Finance24, South Africa - Sep 7, 2006
       ... BHP Billiton Plc announces the following transactions made by Billiton ESOP Trustee Limited, as trustee of the Billiton Employee Share Ownership Trust, in ...
1104 - News For Your Web Site
       dBusinessNews St. Louis (press release), MO - Sep 7, 2006
       ... He credits the company's dedicated employee-owners, a successful ERP implementation, the expansion of the electrical and telecommunications sectors, and an ...
1105 - Banking regulator brings out skeletons in UWB cupboard
       Indian Express, India - Sep 7, 2006
       ... board of the bank apart from the Chairman and CEO, two directors would be nominated by each SICOM Ltd, Makharia family and the employee shareholders and three ...
1106 - Settlement of $12 million proposed for pension plans
       Houston Chronicle, United States - Sep 7, 2006
       ... Lay also was sued as a member of Enron's board of directors for failing to properly appoint and monitor a trustee to oversee the employee stock ownership plan.
1107 - Admin. Proposes $12M Enron Settlement
       Durham Herald Sun, NC - Sep 7, 2006
       ... Lay also was sued as a member of Enron's board of directors for failing to properly appoint and monitor a trustee to oversee the employee stock ownership plan. ...
1108 - Bush administration proposes agreement to settle claims against ...
       SouthCoastToday.com, MA - Sep 7, 2006
       ... Lay also was sued as a member of Enron's board of directors for failing to properly appoint and monitor a trustee to oversee the employee stock ownership plan. ...
1109 - Admin. Proposes $12M Enron Settlement
       Lincoln Journal Star, NE - Sep 7, 2006
       ... Lay also was sued as a member of Enron's board of directors for failing to properly appoint and monitor a trustee to oversee the employee stock ownership plan. ...
1110 - Admin. Proposes $12M Enron Settlement
       Bismarck Tribune,  USA - Sep 7, 2006
       ... Lay also was sued as a member of Enron's board of directors for failing to properly appoint and monitor a trustee to oversee the employee stock ownership plan. ...
1111 - Admin. Proposes $12M Enron Settlement
       North County Times, CA - Sep 7, 2006
       ... Lay also was sued as a member of Enron's board of directors for failing to properly appoint and monitor a trustee to oversee the employee stock ownership plan. ...
1112 - Credit union plan angers members
       Business Gazette, MD - Sep 7, 2006
       ... members will remain volunteers and do not plan to have a stock-based compensation program, although officials may pursue an employee stock ownership plan in ...
1113 - Admin. Proposes $12M Enron Settlement
       nwitimes.com, IN - Sep 7, 2006
       ... Lay also was sued as a member of Enron's board of directors for failing to properly appoint and monitor a trustee to oversee the employee stock ownership plan. ...
1114 - Admin. Proposes $12M Enron Settlement
       Bluefield Daily Telegraph, WV - Sep 7, 2006
       ... Lay also was sued as a member of Enron's board of directors for failing to properly appoint and monitor a trustee to oversee the employee stock ownership plan. ...
1115 - Admin. Proposes $12M Enron Settlement
       CBS News, New York - Sep 7, 2006
       ... Lay also was sued as a member of Enron's board of directors for failing to properly appoint and monitor a trustee to oversee the employee stock ownership plan. ...
1116 - Admin. proposes $12M Enron settlement
       Houston Chronicle, United States - Sep 7, 2006
       ... Lay also was sued as a member of Enron's board of directors for failing to properly appoint and monitor a trustee to oversee the employee stock ownership plan. ...
1117 - Admin. Proposes $12M Enron Settlement
       Niagara Gazette, NY - Sep 7, 2006
       ... Lay also was sued as a member of Enron's board of directors for failing to properly appoint and monitor a trustee to oversee the employee stock ownership plan. ...
1118 - Bush administration proposes deal to settle Lay estate claims
       KRIS-TV, TX - Sep 7, 2006
       ... Lay also was sued as a member of Enron's board of directors for failing to properly appoint and monitor a trustee to oversee the employee stock ownership plan. ...
1119 - Admin. Proposes $12M Enron Settlement
       nwitimes.com, IN - Sep 7, 2006
       ... Lay also was sued as a member of Enron's board of directors for failing to properly appoint and monitor a trustee to oversee the employee stock ownership plan. ...
1120 - Admin. proposes $12M Enron settlement
       MLive.com, MI - Sep 7, 2006
       ... Lay also was sued as a member of Enron's board of directors for failing to properly appoint and monitor a trustee to oversee the employee stock ownership plan. ...
1121 - $12 million settlement proposed in Lay case
       Fort Worth Star Telegram, TX - Sep 7, 2006
       ... Lay also was sued as a member of Enron's board of directors for failing to properly appoint and monitor a trustee to oversee the employee stock ownership plan. ...
1122 - Admin. Proposes $12M Enron Settlement
       Times Daily, AL - Sep 7, 2006
       ... Lay also was sued as a member of Enron's board of directors for failing to properly appoint and monitor a trustee to oversee the employee stock ownership plan. ...
1123 - Admin. Proposes $12M Enron Settlement
       The Ledger, FL - Sep 7, 2006
       ... Lay also was sued as a member of Enron's board of directors for failing to properly appoint and monitor a trustee to oversee the employee stock ownership plan. ...
1124 - Admin. proposes $12M Enron settlement
       Hemscott, UK - Sep 7, 2006
       ... Lay also was sued as a member of Enron's board of directors for failing to properly appoint and monitor a trustee to oversee the employee stock ownership plan. ...
1125 - Government offers to settle with Lay’s estate
       MSNBC - Sep 7, 2006
       ... Lay also was sued as a member of Enron's board of directors for failing to properly appoint and monitor a trustee to oversee the employee stock ownership plan. ...
1126 - Admin. Proposes $12M Enron Settlement
       MSN Money - Sep 7, 2006
       ... Lay also was sued as a member of Enron's board of directors for failing to properly appoint and monitor a trustee to oversee the employee stock ownership plan. ...
1127 - Admin. Proposes $12M Enron Settlement
       Wilmington Morning Star, NC - Sep 7, 2006
       ... Lay also was sued as a member of Enron's board of directors for failing to properly appoint and monitor a trustee to oversee the employee stock ownership plan. ...
1128 - Bush administration proposes deal to settle claims against former ...
       San Diego Union Tribune, United States - Sep 7, 2006
       ... Lay also was sued as a member of Enron's board of directors for failing to properly appoint and monitor a trustee to oversee the employee stock ownership plan. ...
1129 - Admin. Proposes $12M Enron Settlement
       Niagara Gazette, NY - Sep 7, 2006
       ... Lay also was sued as a member of Enron's board of directors for failing to properly appoint and monitor a trustee to oversee the employee stock ownership plan. ...
1130 - DOL Recoups $12 Million from Lay's Heirs
       CFO.com Magazine, NY - Sep 7, 2006
       ... Lay was also sued as a member of Enron's board for failing to properly appoint and monitor a trustee to oversee the company's employee stock ownership plan. ...
1131 - Labor Department Proposes Settlement To Lay Estate Claims
       Click 2 Houston.com, TX - Sep 7, 2006
       ... Lay also was sued as a member of Enron's board of directors for failing to properly appoint and monitor a trustee to oversee the employee stock ownership plan. ...
1132 - Labor Department proposes $12 million settlement for some Enron ...
       KHOU (subscription), TX - Sep 7, 2006
       ... Lay also was sued as a member of Enron’s board of directors for failing to properly appoint and monitor a trustee to oversee the employee stock ownership plan ...
1133 - Admin. Proposes $12M Enron Settlement
       Orangeburg Times Democrat, SC - Sep 7, 2006
       ... Lay also was sued as a member of Enron's board of directors for failing to properly appoint and monitor a trustee to oversee the employee stock ownership plan. ...
1134 - Labor Department proposes $12 million settlement for some Enron ...
       KHOU (subscription), TX - Sep 7, 2006
        ... Lay also was sued as a member of Enron’s board of directors for failing to properly appoint and monitor a trustee to oversee the employee stock ownership plan ...
1135 - US, Lay estate ink $12M pension settlement
       CNNMoney.com - Sep 7, 2006
       ... pension plans and as a member of the board of the directors for neglecting to appoint a trustee that would oversee the company's employee stock ownership plan. ...
1136 - US proposes $12M settlement from Enron chief's estate
       CBC News, Canada - Sep 7, 2006
       ... so. And, the suit alleges, Lay failed to properly appoint and monitor a trustee to oversee the employee stock ownership plan. The ...
1137 - Bush administration proposes settlement to Lay estate claims
       KRIS-TV, TX - Sep 7, 2006
       ... Lay also was sued as a member of Enron's board of directors for failing to properly appoint and monitor a trustee to oversee the employee stock ownership plan. ...
1138 - $12 million settlement with Lay's estate proposed
       KVUE (subscription), TX - Sep 7, 2006
       ... Lay also was sued as a member of Enron’s board of directors for failing to properly appoint and monitor a trustee to oversee the employee stock ownership plan ...
1139 - Admin. Proposes $12M Enron Settlement
       KDKA, PA - Sep 7, 2006
       ... Lay also was sued as a member of Enron's board of directors for failing to properly appoint and monitor a trustee to oversee the employee stock ownership plan. ...
1140 - Admin. Proposes $12M Enron Settlement
       CBS 11, TX - Sep 7, 2006
       ... Lay also was sued as a member of Enron's board of directors for failing to properly appoint and monitor a trustee to oversee the employee stock ownership plan. ...
1141 - Bush administration proposes agreement to settle claims against ...
       San Diego Union Tribune, United States - Sep 7, 2006
       ... Lay also was sued as a member of Enron's board of directors for failing to properly appoint and monitor a trustee to oversee the employee stock ownership plan. ...
1142 - Admin. Proposes $12M Enron Settlement
       Salon - Sep 7, 2006
       ... Lay also was sued as a member of Enron's board of directors for failing to properly appoint and monitor a trustee to oversee the employee stock ownership plan. ...
1143 - Admin. Proposes $12M Enron Settlement
       WJZ, MD - Sep 7, 2006
       ... Lay also was sued as a member of Enron's board of directors for failing to properly appoint and monitor a trustee to oversee the employee stock ownership plan. ...
1144 - Labor Department Proposes Settlement in Enron Case
       Wall Street Journal (subscription), NY - Sep 7, 2006
       ... Lay also was sued as a member of Enron's board of directors for failing to properly appoint and monitor a trustee to oversee the employee stock ownership plan. ...
1145 - Admin. Proposes $12M Enron Settlement
       CBS 42, TX - Sep 7, 2006
       ... Lay also was sued as a member of Enron's board of directors for failing to properly appoint and monitor a trustee to oversee the employee stock ownership plan. ...
1146 - Admin. Proposes $12M Enron Settlement
       CBS 5 - Green Bay, WI - Sep 7, 2006
       ... Lay also was sued as a member of Enron's board of directors for failing to properly appoint and monitor a trustee to oversee the employee stock ownership plan. ...
1147 - Admin. Proposes $12M Enron Settlement
       cbs4denver.com, CO - Sep 7, 2006
       ... Lay also was sued as a member of Enron's board of directors for failing to properly appoint and monitor a trustee to oversee the employee stock ownership plan. ...
1148 - Admin. Proposes $12M Enron Settlement
       CBS2 Chicago, IL - Sep 7, 2006
       ... Lay also was sued as a member of Enron's board of directors for failing to properly appoint and monitor a trustee to oversee the employee stock ownership plan. ...
1149 - Admin. Proposes $12M Enron Settlement
       CBS 2, CA - Sep 7, 2006
       ... Lay also was sued as a member of Enron's board of directors for failing to properly appoint and monitor a trustee to oversee the employee stock ownership plan. ...
1150 - Admin. Proposes $12M Enron Settlement
       WJLA, DC - Sep 7, 2006
       ... Lay also was sued as a member of Enron's board of directors for failing to properly appoint and monitor a trustee to oversee the employee stock ownership plan. ...
1151 - Admin. Proposes $12M Enron Settlement
       KUTV, UT - Sep 7, 2006
       ... Lay also was sued as a member of Enron's board of directors for failing to properly appoint and monitor a trustee to oversee the employee stock ownership plan. ...
1152 - Admin. Proposes $12M Enron Settlement
       CBS 5, CA - Sep 7, 2006
       ... Lay also was sued as a member of Enron's board of directors for failing to properly appoint and monitor a trustee to oversee the employee stock ownership plan. ...
1153 - Admin. Proposes $12M Enron Settlement
       The Columbian, WA - Sep 7, 2006
       ... Lay also was sued as a member of Enron's board of directors for failing to properly appoint and monitor a trustee to oversee the employee stock ownership plan. ...
1154 - Admin. Proposes $12M Enron Settlement
       CBS News, New York - Sep 7, 2006
       ... Lay also was sued as a member of Enron's board of directors for failing to properly appoint and monitor a trustee to oversee the employee stock ownership plan. ...
1155 - Proposal to Settle Claims against Enron Chief's Estate
       6abc.com, PA - Sep 7, 2006
       ... Lay also was sued as a member of Enron's board of directors for failing to properly appoint and monitor a trustee to oversee the employee stock ownership plan. ...
1156 - Admin. proposes $12M Enron settlement
       Olberlin, KS - Sep 7, 2006
       ... Lay also was sued as a member of Enron‘s board of directors for failing to properly appoint and monitor a trustee to oversee the employee stock ownership plan ...
1157 - Admin. proposes $12M Enron settlement
       The Kindred Times, Utah - Sep 7, 2006
       ... Lay also was sued as a member of Enron‘s board of directors for failing to properly appoint and monitor a trustee to oversee the employee stock ownership plan ...
1158 - Admin. proposes $12M Enron settlement
       Jackson News-Tribune, WY - Sep 7, 2006
       ... Lay also was sued as a member of Enron‘s board of directors for failing to properly appoint and monitor a trustee to oversee the employee stock ownership plan ...
1159 - Bush administration proposes settlement to Lay estate claims
       Dallas Morning News (subscription), TX - Sep 7, 2006
       ... Lay also was sued as a member of Enron's board of directors for failing to properly appoint and monitor a trustee to oversee the employee stock ownership plan. ...
1160 - Admin. proposes $12M Enron settlement
       Hinesberg Journal, Canada - Sep 7, 2006
       ... Lay also was sued as a member of Enron‘s board of directors for failing to properly appoint and monitor a trustee to oversee the employee stock ownership plan ...
1161 - Admin. proposes $12M Enron settlement
       Pioneer Times-Journal, New Mexico - Sep 7, 2006
       ... Lay also was sued as a member of Enron‘s board of directors for failing to properly appoint and monitor a trustee to oversee the employee stock ownership plan ...
1162 - Admin. proposes $12M Enron settlement
       Brocktown News,  USA - Sep 7, 2006
       ... Lay also was sued as a member of Enron‘s board of directors for failing to properly appoint and monitor a trustee to oversee the employee stock ownership plan ...
1163 - Admin. proposes $12M Enron settlement
       Herald News Daily, ND - Sep 7, 2006
       ... Lay also was sued as a member of Enron‘s board of directors for failing to properly appoint and monitor a trustee to oversee the employee stock ownership plan ...
1164 - Admin. proposes $12M Enron settlement
       Leading The Charge, Australia - Sep 7, 2006
       ... Lay also was sued as a member of Enron‘s board of directors for failing to properly appoint and monitor a trustee to oversee the employee stock ownership plan ...
1165 - Admin. proposes $12M Enron settlement
       Prescott Herald, AZ - Sep 7, 2006
       ... Lay also was sued as a member of Enron‘s board of directors for failing to properly appoint and monitor a trustee to oversee the employee stock ownership plan ...
1166 - Admin. proposes $12M Enron settlement
       Ottawa Recorder, Canada - Sep 7, 2006
       ... Lay also was sued as a member of Enron‘s board of directors for failing to properly appoint and monitor a trustee to oversee the employee stock ownership plan ...
1167 - Admin. proposes $12M Enron settlement
       Ely Times,  USA - Sep 7, 2006
       ... Lay also was sued as a member of Enron‘s board of directors for failing to properly appoint and monitor a trustee to oversee the employee stock ownership plan ...
1168 - Admin. Proposes $12M Enron Settlement
       Newsday, NY - Sep 7, 2006
       ... Lay also was sued as a member of Enron's board of directors for failing to properly appoint and monitor a trustee to oversee the employee stock ownership plan. ...
1169 - Admin. proposes $12M Enron settlement
       Jordan Falls News, Iowa - Sep 7, 2006
       ... Lay also was sued as a member of Enron‘s board of directors for failing to properly appoint and monitor a trustee to oversee the employee stock ownership plan ...
1170 - Admin. proposes $12M Enron settlement
       The Westfall Weekly News, Canada - Sep 7, 2006
       ... Lay also was sued as a member of Enron‘s board of directors for failing to properly appoint and monitor a trustee to oversee the employee stock ownership plan ...
1171 - Admin. proposes $12M Enron settlement
       The Benton Crier, Iowa - Sep 7, 2006
       ... Lay also was sued as a member of Enron‘s board of directors for failing to properly appoint and monitor a trustee to oversee the employee stock ownership plan ...
1172 - Admin. proposes $12M Enron settlement
       Dunton Springs Evening Post, Colorado - Sep 7, 2006
       ... Lay also was sued as a member of Enron‘s board of directors for failing to properly appoint and monitor a trustee to oversee the employee stock ownership plan ...
1173 - Admin. proposes $12M Enron settlement
       Pierceland Herald, Canada - Sep 7, 2006
       ... Lay also was sued as a member of Enron‘s board of directors for failing to properly appoint and monitor a trustee to oversee the employee stock ownership plan ...
1174 - Admin. proposes $12M Enron settlement
       Sky Valley Journal,  USA - Sep 7, 2006
       ... Lay also was sued as a member of Enron‘s board of directors for failing to properly appoint and monitor a trustee to oversee the employee stock ownership plan ...
1175 - Admin. proposes $12M Enron settlement
       Biloxi Sun Herald,  USA - Sep 7, 2006
       ... Lay also was sued as a member of Enron's board of directors for failing to properly appoint and monitor a trustee to oversee the employee stock ownership plan. ...
1176 - Admin. proposes $12M Enron settlement
       Hemscott, UK - Sep 7, 2006
       ... Lay also was sued as a member of Enron's board of directors for failing to properly appoint and monitor a trustee to oversee the employee stock ownership plan. ...
1177 - Admin. proposes $12M Enron settlement
       San Luis Obispo Tribune, CA - Sep 7, 2006
       ... Lay also was sued as a member of Enron's board of directors for failing to properly appoint and monitor a trustee to oversee the employee stock ownership plan. ...
1178 - Admin. proposes $12M Enron settlement
       Duluth News Tribune, MN - Sep 7, 2006
       ... Lay also was sued as a member of Enron's board of directors for failing to properly appoint and monitor a trustee to oversee the employee stock ownership plan. ...
1179 - $12 million settlement with Lay's estate proposed
       WFAA (subscription), TX - Sep 7, 2006
       ... Lay also was sued as a member of Enron’s board of directors for failing to properly appoint and monitor a trustee to oversee the employee stock ownership plan ...
1180 - Admin. proposes $12M Enron settlement
       Kansas.com, KS - Sep 7, 2006
       ... Lay also was sued as a member of Enron's board of directors for failing to properly appoint and monitor a trustee to oversee the employee stock ownership plan. ...
1181 - Admin. proposes $12M Enron settlement
       Akron Beacon Journal, OH - Sep 7, 2006
       ... Lay also was sued as a member of Enron's board of directors for failing to properly appoint and monitor a trustee to oversee the employee stock ownership plan. ...
1182 - Admin. proposes $12M Enron settlement
       Kansas City Star, MO - Sep 7, 2006
       ... Lay also was sued as a member of Enron's board of directors for failing to properly appoint and monitor a trustee to oversee the employee stock ownership plan. ...
1183 - Admin. proposes $12M Enron settlement
        San Jose Mercury News,  USA - Sep 7, 2006
       ... Lay also was sued as a member of Enron's board of directors for failing to properly appoint and monitor a trustee to oversee the employee stock ownership plan. ...
1184 - Admin. proposes $12M Enron settlement
       Belleville News-Democrat, IL - Sep 7, 2006
       ... Lay also was sued as a member of Enron's board of directors for failing to properly appoint and monitor a trustee to oversee the employee stock ownership plan. ...
1185 - Admin. proposes $12M Enron settlement
       Fort Wayne Journal Gazette, IN - Sep 7, 2006
       ... Lay also was sued as a member of Enron's board of directors for failing to properly appoint and monitor a trustee to oversee the employee stock ownership plan. ...
1186 - $12 million settlement with Lay's estate proposed
       WFAA (subscription), TX - Sep 7, 2006
       ... Lay also was sued as a member of Enron's board of directors for failing to properly appoint and monitor a trustee to oversee the employee stock ownership plan. ...
1187 - Admin. proposes $12M Enron settlement
       Monterey County Herald, CA - Sep 7, 2006
       ... Lay also was sued as a member of Enron's board of directors for failing to properly appoint and monitor a trustee to oversee the employee stock ownership plan. ...
1188 - Admin. proposes $12M Enron settlement
       Columbus Ledger-Enquirer, GA - Sep 7, 2006
       ... Lay also was sued as a member of Enron's board of directors for failing to properly appoint and monitor a trustee to oversee the employee stock ownership plan. ...
1189 - $12 million settlement with Lay's estate proposed
       Dallas Morning News (subscription), TX - Sep 7, 2006
       ... Lay also was sued as a member of Enron's board of directors for failing to properly appoint and monitor a trustee to oversee the employee stock ownership plan. ...
1190 - Admin. proposes $12M Enron settlement
       Centre Daily Times, PA - Sep 7, 2006
       ... Lay also was sued as a member of Enron's board of directors for failing to properly appoint and monitor a trustee to oversee the employee stock ownership plan. ...
1191 - Admin. Proposes $12M Enron Settlement
       Los Angeles Times, CA - Sep 7, 2006
       ... Lay also was sued as a member of Enron's board of directors for failing to properly appoint and monitor a trustee to oversee the employee stock ownership plan. ...
1192 - Admin. proposes $12M Enron settlement
       Fort Wayne News Sentinel, IN - Sep 7, 2006
       ... Lay also was sued as a member of Enron's board of directors for failing to properly appoint and monitor a trustee to oversee the employee stock ownership plan. ...
1193 - Admin. proposes $12M Enron settlement
       Kentucky.com, KY - Sep 7, 2006
       ... Lay also was sued as a member of Enron's board of directors for failing to properly appoint and monitor a trustee to oversee the employee stock ownership plan. ...
1194 - Admin. Proposes $12M Enron Settlement
       phillyBurbs.com, PA - Sep 7, 2006
       ... Lay also was sued as a member of Enron's board of directors for failing to properly appoint and monitor a trustee to oversee the employee stock ownership plan. ...
1195 - Admin. proposes $12M Enron settlement
       Charlotte Observer, NC - Sep 7, 2006
       ... Lay also was sued as a member of Enron's board of directors for failing to properly appoint and monitor a trustee to oversee the employee stock ownership plan. ...
1196 - Admin. Proposes $12M Enron Settlement
       Town Hall, DC - Sep 7, 2006
       ... Lay also was sued as a member of Enron's board of directors for failing to properly appoint and monitor a trustee to oversee the employee stock ownership plan. ...
1197 - Admin. Proposes $12M Enron Settlement
       ABC News - Sep 7, 2006
       ... Lay also was sued as a member of Enron's board of directors for failing to properly appoint and monitor a trustee to oversee the employee stock ownership plan. ...
1198 - US proposes agreement to settle claims against estate of former ...
       International Herald Tribune, France - Sep 7, 2006
       ... Lay also was sued as a member of Enron's board of directors for failing to properly appoint and monitor a trustee to oversee the employee stock ownership plan. ...
1199 - Admin. proposes $12M Enron settlement
       Macon Telegraph, GA - Sep 7, 2006
       ... Lay also was sued as a member of Enron's board of directors for failing to properly appoint and monitor a trustee to oversee the employee stock ownership plan. ...
1200 - Admin. Proposes $12M Enron Settlement
       Washington Post, United States - Sep 7, 2006
       ... Lay also was sued as a member of Enron's board of directors for failing to properly appoint and monitor a trustee to oversee the employee stock ownership plan. ...
1201 - Admin. proposes $12M Enron settlement
       Miami Herald, FL - Sep 7, 2006
       ... Lay also was sued as a member of Enron's board of directors for failing to properly appoint and monitor a trustee to oversee the employee stock ownership plan. ...
1202 - Admin. Proposes $12M Enron Settlement
       Forbes - Sep 7, 2006
       ... Lay also was sued as a member of Enron's board of directors for failing to properly appoint and monitor a trustee to oversee the employee stock ownership plan. ...
1203 - Admin. Proposes $12M Enron Settlement
       Houston Chronicle, United States - Sep 7, 2006
       ... Lay also was sued as a member of Enron's board of directors for failing to properly appoint and monitor a trustee to oversee the employee stock ownership plan. ...
1204 - Admin. proposes $12M Enron settlement
       Myrtle Beach Sun News, SC - Sep 7, 2006
       ... Lay also was sued as a member of Enron's board of directors for failing to properly appoint and monitor a trustee to oversee the employee stock ownership plan. ...
1205 - Admin. proposes $12M Enron settlement
       Bradenton Herald,  United States - Sep 7, 2006
       ... Lay also was sued as a member of Enron's board of directors for failing to properly appoint and monitor a trustee to oversee the employee stock ownership plan. ...
1206 - Admin. proposes $12M Enron settlement
       The State, SC - Sep 7, 2006
       ... Lay also was sued as a member of Enron's board of directors for failing to properly appoint and monitor a trustee to oversee the employee stock ownership plan. ...
1207 - Admin. proposes $12M Enron settlement
       Fort Worth Star Telegram, TX - Sep 7, 2006
       ... Lay also was sued as a member of Enron's board of directors for failing to properly appoint and monitor a trustee to oversee the employee stock ownership plan. ...
1208 - Admin. Proposes $12M Enron Settlement
        Worcester Telegram (subscription), MA - Sep 7, 2006
       ... Lay also was sued as a member of Enron's board of directors for failing to properly appoint and monitor a trustee to oversee the employee stock ownership plan. ...
1209 - Admin. Proposes $12M Enron Settlement
       WTOP, D.C. - Sep 7, 2006
       ... Lay also was sued as a member of Enron's board of directors for failing to properly appoint and monitor a trustee to oversee the employee stock ownership plan. ...
1210 - Admin. proposes $12M Enron settlement
       Seattle Post Intelligencer - Sep 7, 2006
       ... Lay also was sued as a member of Enron's board of directors for failing to properly appoint and monitor a trustee to oversee the employee stock ownership plan. ...
1211 - US Department of Labor Announces $12 Million Settlement with the ...
       U.S. Newswire (press release), DC - Sep 7, 2006
       ... Lay was also sued as a member of Enron's board of directors for failing to properly appoint and monitor a trustee to oversee the employee stock ownership plan. ...
1212 - Descartes Reports Fiscal 2007 Second Quarter Financial Results
       Market Wire (press release) - Sep 7, 2006
       ... Descartes also assumed ViaSafe's employee stock option plan pursuant to which outstanding unvested options converted to options to purchase 140,000 Descartes ...
1213 - Triplan AG / Capital measures / +++ TRIPLAN AG: capital increase ...
       n-tv, Germany - Sep 7, 2006
       ... convertible bond 2005/2008 of TRIPLAN AG the capital stock increased by EUR 56,392, and due to the subscription of shares of the employee stock option plan by ...
1214 - Mobius Achieves Record Performance As It Kicks Off 25th ...
       PR Newswire (press release), NY - Sep 7, 2006
       ... key employees and subcontractors, concerns about transaction security on the Internet, changes in accounting for employee stock options, general conditions in ...
1215 - CWB Reports Record Quarterly Net Income and Revenues
       CNW Telbec (Communiqués de presse), Canada - Sep 7, 2006
       ... Employee stock options were also outstanding, which are or will be exercisable for up to 2,671,466 common shares (2,816,466 authorized) for maximum proceeds of ...
1216 - Stock option inquiry delays Sharper Image's second-quarter results
       Worcester Telegram (subscription), MA - Sep 7, 2006
       ... said it needed more time to finalize its second-quarter results so its recently reorganized board can determine if past employee stock options were properly ...
1217 - Action Products Team Shares Its Instauration Plan
       Market Wire (press release) - Sep 7, 2006
       ... by several material non-cash charges including new GAAP rules requiring public companies to expense the formulaic value of Employee Stock Options [FASB-123R ...
1218 - QLogic Selected as Finalist for Best Public Company
       PrimeZone (press release), CA - Sep 7, 2006
       ... strategic business combinations; the ability to attract and retain key personnel; recognition of compensation expense related to employee stock options and the ...
1219 - Laptop Hall Of Shame
       Forbes - Sep 7, 2006
       ... Royal Ahold (nyse: AHO - news - people ) subsidiary Ahold USA experienced the loss of data on employee stock options entrusted to Deloitte Accountants, one ...
1220 - Telecom cuts its share options
       Stuff.co.nz, New Zealand - Sep 7, 2006
       The board of Telecom has axed its share option scheme after a 25 per cent fall in the share price left senior management holding millions of worthless options. ...
1221 - PartyGaming Bets On Casinos
       Motley Fool UK, UK - Sep 7, 2006
       ... What's more, "clean" EBITDA from poker, which excludes IPO and share option expenses, increased 12% while profit before tax only rose 6%. These figures reflect ...
1222 - It looks like a plan - but is it?
       Boston Herald, United States - Sep 7, 2006
       ... She pocketed a cool $910,000 two years ago by cashing in a load of share options back in 2004, just before the shares began to collapse. ...
1223 - Gattung's $2.9m pay survives turmoil
       Manawatu Standard, New Zealand - Sep 7, 2006
       ... She and other senior executives often get a portion of their salaries as share options – the right to buy shares at a certain price. ...
1224 - Indonesian artistes touch down in Brunei
       Borneo Bulletin, Brunei Darussalam - Sep 7, 2006
       ... Organised by the Association of Indonesian Community (AIC) and Indonesian Workers Cooperative (IWC) with support from main sponsor Afima Express Remittance ...
1225 - Agenda des conférences de presse et événements économiques des ...
       Le Monde - 7 sep 2006
       ... FAS): conférence de presse sur le thème "Décryptage du projet de loi sur le développement de la participation et de l'actionnariat salarié: les avancées ...
1226 - Huit jours pour réussir la Fête
       l'Humanité - 7 sep 2006
        ... les dévoyer. On le voit avec la prime pour l’emploi, la carte scolaire ou encore le débat sur l’actionnariat salarié. C’était ...
1227 - Safran : menaces, rumeurs et crise de nerf
       Boursier.com - 7 sep 2006
       ... Selon le quotidien "Les Echos", les actionnaires salariés de l'ex-Sagem brandiraient la menace de la vente de leurs titres sous l'impulsion du syndicat CFE-CGC ...
1228 - Serge Voltz, entrepreneur de l'année en région Est
       Le Figaro - 7 sep 2006
       ... des salariés sont aujourd'hui actionnaires et la totalité de ceux qui étaient dans l'entreprise avant septembre 2005 s'est vu accorder des stock-options. ...
       Le Monde - 7 sep 2006
       ... LE FIGARO La fusion Alcatel-Lucent approuvée par les actionnaires Commande record pour les chantiers de l'Atlantique Réforme des stock-options: les pistes du ...
1230 - Diesel fait le plein ? Saint-Germain
       Libération - 7 sep 2006
       ... Europe occidentale. Tous vendraient p??re, m??re, compte ??pargne et stock-options pour porter n'importe quoi estampill?? de la ...
1231 - Olmert face à l’histoire
       Guysen Israel News - 7 sep 2006
       ... Les responsabilités d’Olmert, de l’échelon militaire et de la défense – de Dan Haloutz et ses stock-options à Amir Peretz et ses parades militaires ...
1232 - Xiring : Introduction sur Alternext le 18 septembre
       Trading Sat - 7 sep 2006
       ... capital à réaliser dans le cadre de l'introduction ainsi qu'un maximum de 319 185 actions nouvelles pouvant provenir de l'exercice des stock-options et BSA ...
1233 - Entretien politique : Thierry Breton prêt à affronter la ...
       Paris Match - 7 sep 2006
       ... PM Le malaise des salariés vient aussi des quelques “patrons voyous”, comme les qualifie Nicolas Sarkozy, qui se gavent de stock-options. ...
1234 - KB Home : la direction très prudente concernant l'avenir de court ...
       Boursier.com - 7 sep 2006
       ... dette. KB Home qui poursuit par ailleurs, dans un autre registre, une revue interne des pratiques d'attributions de stock options.
1235 - Stock-options : la proposition Balladur examinée à l`automne
       Challenges - 7 sep 2006
       NOVEMBRE ou décembre. C'est la date à laquelle sera discutée la proposition de loi portée par Edouard Balladur sur les stock-options. ...
1236 - La double vie du salarié actionnairepar Valérie Lion
       L'Express - 7 sep 2006
       ... «Ils ont utilisé les actions gratuites comme un complément ou un substitut des stock-options pour les cadres dirigeants, mais aussi comme un outil de ...
1237 - Introductions : ouverture de l'OPO de Xiring
       Boursier.com - 7 sep 2006
       ... 319 185 actions pouvant provenir de l'exercice des stock-options et BSA attribuées à ce jour, 749 064 actions nouvelles maximum, susceptibles d'êtres ...
1238 - Comment réformer la fiscalité?
       L'Express - 7 sep 2006
       ... 1993-1995). Député UMP de Paris, il a récemment présenté une proposition de loi pour réguler l'usage des stock-options. EB ...
1239 - Flores, un negocio colorido y sucio
       Indymedia Colombia - 7 Sep 2006
       ... Dole, por ejemplo, contrata hasta 600 operarios en buena parte suministrados por empresas conocidas como Cooperativas de Trabajo Asociado (CTA), favorecidas ...
1240 - Beneficios extrasalariales, al alza
       Portafolio - 7 Sep 2006
       La contratación de personal a término fijo, los incrementos salariales a través de bonos y beneficios y el uso de las cooperativas de trabajo asociado son ...
1241 - IPC define aumento en salarios de ejecutivos
       Portafolio - 7 Sep 2006
       ... Adicionalmente, se ve cómo el 23, 1 por ciento de las empresas de la muestra hacen uso de las cooperativas de trabajo asociado como medio de contratación. ...
       El Siglo de Tucumán - 7 Sep 2006
       ... de los trámites de beneficiarios de planes laborales y la reactivación de la obra pública en la que están comprometidas cooperativas de trabajo de ese ...
1243 - Abra Pampa:construirán salón de ventas para Cooperativas Mineras
       Diario Jujuy - 7 Sep 2006
       Los trabajos se ejecutarán con fondos del Consejo Federal de Inversiones (CFI) y mano de obra de las Cooperativas de Trabajo Mineras, merced al compromiso ...
1244 - El diputado Costa en la Capital Nacional del Cooperativismo
       Aninoticias (Comunicados de prensa) - 7 Sep 2006
       ... la mañana, recorrerá la ciudad y el palacio municipal que será recibido por el intendente, Gonzalo Toselli y se exhibirá un video de cooperativas de trabajo ...
1245 - Construirán salón de ventas para Cooperativas Mineras
       Jujuy al día - 7 Sep 2006
       Los trabajos se ejecutarán con fondos del Consejo Federal de Inversiones (CFI) y mano de obra de las Cooperativas de Trabajo Mineras, merced al compromiso ...
1246 - La Comuna ejecuta obras en diversos puntos de la ciudad
       AbiertaTV - 7 Sep 2006
       ... Estas obras están ejecutándose con cooperativas de trabajo, cuyos miembros son beneficiarios del plan Jefas y Jefes de Hogar y mano de obra desocupada. ...
1247 - Crece la cultura del cooperativismo
       Primera Fuente - 7 Sep 2006
       ... final del 2001, que dejó en la calle a miles trabajadores, cada vez son más los tucumanos que se animan a crear una cooperativa de trabajo como una salida a ...
1248 - Abre sus puertas la Expo Cooperativa NOA-NEA 2006
       Edición Central (Radio LV12) - 7 Sep 2006
       ... Sebastián Juarez, presidente de la Cooperativa de Trabajo Mercado Activa LTDA, afirmó por LV12, que a un año de existencia de esta copperativa aprovechan la ...
1249 - Nueva promotora apoyará a Rovira
       Misiones OnLine - 7 Sep 2006
       ... Se sumaron también la Cooperativa de Trabajo “San Isidro”; la Cooperativa “Misionera” y la Comisión de Ayuda Humanitaria, ambas ubicadas en el Barrio ...
1250 - Hoy se presenta el «Trio De Los Andes» en la sala Oriol Rangel ...
       Estereofonica.com - 7 Sep 2006
        ... En 1996 participó en el concurso de intérpretes de música colombiana organizado por la Cooperativa de Trabajadores de la Empresa de Acueducto y ...
1251 - Esta semana deben concluir peritaje a central azucarero
       El Tiempo de Venezuela - 7 Sep 2006
       ... Aunque no tiene precisión en esto, tiene la convicción que en este mes se iniciaría esa fase. "Firmamos con la cooperativa de trabajadores un pacto para ...
1252 - Las 'stock options', bajo la lupa del regulador
       Cinco Días - 7 Sep 2006
       ... a ejecutivos y el mal gobierno empresarial no están del todo enterrados, y el escándalo de las manipulaciones la concesión de stock options está ya en la ...
1253 - La Fiscalía Anticorrupción pidió seis años de cárcel y una ...
       Madrid Digital - 7 Sep 2006
       ... Botín comunicó a la prensa que el ofrecimiento del 1% a los directivos se realizaría a través de un sistema de 'stock options'. ...
1254 - Vor allem die großen Firmen legen etwas auf den Tariflohn drauf
       Heilbronner Stimme - 7. Sept. 2006
       Erst forderte SPD-Chef Kurt Beck mehr Mitarbeiterbeteiligung, dann belegte eine Studie, dass nur zehn Prozent aller Firmen Zusatzprämien bei guten ...
1255 - Jeder zehnte Betrieb beteiligt seine Mitarbeiter am Erfolg
       Readersedition - 7. Sept. 2006
       ... Dies gelte für alle Betriebsgrößen. „Insofern wirkt sich die stärkere Verbreitung von Systemen der Mitarbeiterbeteiligung in anderen Ländern auch auf ...
1256 - Jeder zehnte Betrieb beteiligt seine Mitarbeiter am Erfolg
       Schwäbisches Tagblatt - 7. Sept. 2006
       ... Dies gelte für alle Betriebsgrößen. "Insofern wirkt sich die stärkere Verbreitung von Systemen der Mitarbeiterbeteiligung in anderen Ländern auch auf ...
1257 - Opties op aandelen Amerikaanse moedermaatschappij alsnog op bordje ...
       Nederlands Juridisch Dagblad - 7 sept 2006
       ... Ingevolge het C Corp Incentive Stock Option -1993- Plan hebben deze optierechten een looptijd van 10 jaar en kan de uitoefening plaatsvinden in tranches van 20 ...
1258 - Fórum propõe beneficiamento do lixo para erradicar exploração ...
       Amazônia Jornal - 7 Set 2006
       ... Meio Ambiente (Semma), Saúde (Sesma), da Fundação Papa João XXIII (Funpapa), Movimento Nacional de Catadores, Cooperativa de Trabalhadores Profissionais do ...
1259 - Storia e futuro dei quartieri di Forlì: Roncadello
       Casa-FC.it - 7 set 2006
       ... Nel 1924 fu costruita la Cooperativa di Lavoro tra muratori e manovali dal basso forlivese che verrà sciolta nel 1928 durante il fascismo. ...
1260 - Socially Responsible Leader, Dancing Deer Baking Co. wins
       CSRwire.com (press release) - Sep 6, 2006
       ... Unusual policies include employee ownership, incentive performance bonuses, flexible work schedules, paid sick days, and a medical benefits package that ...
1261 - Socially Responsible Leader, Dancing Deer Baking Co. wins
       SocialFunds.com - Sep 6, 2006
       ... Unusual policies include employee ownership, incentive performance bonuses, flexible work schedules, paid sick days, and a medical benefits package that ...
1262 - Graybar Posts Double-Digit Growth In First Half Of 2006; ERP ...
       Business Wire (press release), CA - Sep 6, 2006
       ... He credits the company's dedicated employee-owners, a successful ERP implementation, the expansion of the electrical and telecommunications sectors, and an ...
1263 - IPO sputtering, revenue isn't for defense contractor SAIC
       San Diego Union Tribune, United States - Sep 6, 2006
       ... repurchases. So far this year, SAIC has spent $584 million to buy back shares of common stock from its employee shareholders. The ...
1264 - Essilor: H1 2006 Results
       PR Newswire (press release), NY - Sep 6, 2006
       ... earlier period. The total included EUR8.1 million in compensation costs on employee shareholding and stock option plans. Finance ...
1265 - United States: Pension Protection Act Of 2006: Ice Age For The ...
       Mondaq News Alerts (subcription), UK - Sep 6, 2006
       ... does not apply to a plan that invests in company securities that are not publicly traded 6 or that is qualified as an employee stock ownership plan (unless the ...
       Free Market News Network, FL - Sep 6, 2006
       Bank of China and China Construction Bank, two of China's top four commercial banks, will initiate employee stock ownership plans in the near future as part of ...
1267 - Avocent completes acquisition of LANdesk
       Computing, UK - Sep 6, 2006
       LANDesk was acquired for an initial consideration of $400m, including $200m in Avocent stock and $200m in cash, plus assumed unvested employee stock options. ...
1268 - Testimony of SEC Chairman
       Wall Street Journal (subscription), NY - Sep 6, 2006
       ... Beginning in 1972, the accounting rule was that employee stock options wouldn't have to be shown as an expense on the income statement—so long as the terms ...
1269 - Veritas DGC downgraded to "hold"
       newratings.com - Sep 6, 2006
       ... of $1.5 billion in cash and about $47 million in Geophysique ADS, excluding the cash paid for the transaction-related employee stock options, the analysts add.
1270 - United Kingdom: Share Options Corporate Fraud
       Mondaq News Alerts (subcription), UK - Sep 6, 2006
       The backdating of share option grants by public companies may possibly have occurred in thousands of companies in the USA, UK and elsewhere. ...
       CNW Telbec (Communiqués de presse), Canada - Sep 6, 2006
       ... Average number of out- standing common shares 23,612,865 23,611,631 23,532,455 23,601,426 23,518,458 Dilutive share options and other 31,025 60,820 25,040 ...
1272 - NZ Telecom abandons staff share options
       Sydney Morning Herald, Australia - Sep 6, 2006
       NZ Telecom has abandoned share options to incentivise its top employees after the 27 per cent slump in its share price since May rendered most options worthless ...
1273 - Delphine Govender: Market commentator, Allan Gray
       Moneyweb, South Africa - Sep 6, 2006
       ... MONEYWEB: What I did find interesting was their performance schemes that they’ve got, the share options and the outperformance. ...
1274 - Shares chance for iSoft directors
       Times Online, UK - Sep 6, 2006
       ... ISoft said it awarded share options annually following its results, partly to keep performing staff on board. It said the options were not performance-related. ...
1275 - Tullow Oil: Record 2006 Interim Results
       PR Newswire (press release), NY - Sep 6, 2006
       ... The number of shares outstanding, however, is adjusted to show the potential dilution if employee share options are converted into ordinary shares. ...
1276 - Visonic Announces First-Half 2006 Interim Results
       Genetic Engineering News (press release), NY - Sep 6, 2006
       ... Finally, the exercise of employee share options brought in $0.4 million of which $0.1 million was utilised in retiring long term debt. ...
1277 - Beget Holdings Limited - Share Options Exercised By Beacham ...
        Finance24, South Africa - Sep 6, 2006
       BEE Beget Holdings Limited - Share Options Exercised By Beacham Capital Limited BEGET HOLDINGS LIMITED Incorporated in the Republic of South Africa ...
1278 - Indonesian Artistes Touch Down In Brunei
       Bru Direct, Brunei Darussalam - Sep 6, 2006
       ... Organised by the Association of Indonesian Community (AIC) and Indonesian Workers Cooperative (IWC) with support from main sponsor Afima Express Remittance ...
1279 - Indonesian artistes to fly in for charity dangdut concert
       Borneo Bulletin, Brunei Darussalam - Sep 6, 2006
       ... Organised by the Association of Indonesian Community (AIC) and Indonesian Workers Cooperative (IWC) with support from main sponsor Afima Express Remittance ...
1280 - Le chèque-transport passé à la loupe
       France 2 - 6 sep 2006
       ... transport individuel. Ces dispositions on été intégrés au projet de loi sur la participation et l'actionnariat salarié. Cette ...
1281 - Les modalités de mise en place du chèque transport précisées
       Le Monde - 6 sep 2006
       ... Contenus dans le projet de loi relatif au développement de la participation et de l'actionnariat salarié, discuté d'ici à la fin de l'année, cinq articles ...
1282 - Union Financière de France - La croissance se poursuit, la ...
       PDA France - 6 sep 2006
       ... et l'assurance vie ainsi qu'un large éventail de produits destinés aux entreprises (plan d'épargne retraite, plan d'épargne salariale, gestion de ...
1283 - Union Financière de France - La croissance se poursuit, la ...
       Boursorama - 6 sep 2006
       ... et l'assurance vie ainsi qu'un large éventail de produits destinés aux entreprises (plan d'épargne retraite, plan d'épargne salariale, gestion de ...
1284 - Union Financière de France - La croissance se poursuit, la ...
       PR Newswire UK (press release) - 6 sep 2006
       ... et l'assurance vie ainsi qu'un large éventail de produits destinés aux entreprises (plan d'épargne retraite, plan d'épargne salariale, gestion de ...
1285 - Parachutes dorés : les excès continuent
       Nouvel Observateur - 6 sep 2006
       ... cabinet Proxinvest. Sans oublier le maintien de ses 450 000 stock-options (prix d'exercice : 13,20 euros). Coïncidence ? On note ...
1286 - Thierry Breton veut limiter les dérives des stock-options sans ...
       Le Monde - 6 sep 2006
       Thierry Breton n'a pas renoncé à encadrer davantage les stock-options, ces titres attribués gratuitement qui permettent notamment aux patrons du CAC 40 d ...
1287 - Atari : des primes sur objectifs pour le nouveau président
       Voila.fr - 6 sep 2006
       ... Le nouveau patron a également reçu des stock-options permettant de souscrire à 1.000.000 d'actions Atari avec un prix d'exercice égal à celui du 5 ...
1288 - Les principales TV et radios françaises seraient indépendantes!" ...
       Newropeans Magazine - 6 sep 2006
       ... ne nous envie plus depuis longtemps, et dont l'échelle de valeur place l'éthique quelque part entre un dirham à Marrakech et des stock-options à New York. ...
1289 - Les Brèves de septembre 2006
       Rouge Midi - 6 sep 2006
       ... VENEZUELA : Après l’expropriation sur le plan national d’entreprises privées aujourd’hui gérées par des coopératives ouvrières, la mairie de ...
1290 - UGT apuesta por el contrato indefinido del programa de fomento del ...
       El Telegrama - 6 Sep 2006
       ... o incluidos en el Régimen Especial Agrario de la Seguridad Social; desempleados que se incorporen a cooperativas o sociedades laborales como socios ...
1291 - Se realizó en Santa Fe una jornada para fortalecer y desarrollar ...
       DERF - 6 Sep 2006
       ... Fe, y durante el mismo se desarrollaron y presentaron los programas disponibles para capacitación, fortalecimiento y reconversión de Cooperativas de Trabajo. ...
1292 - Homenaje al obispo Angelelli
       El Civismo - 6 Sep 2006
       ... promovió la creación de sindicatos de mineros, peones rurales y empleadas domésticas, la reforma agraria, las escuelas rurales y las cooperativas de trabajo ...
1293 - Polémica por tierras para viviendas
       Rio Negro On Line - 6 Sep 2006
       ... de pesos. Y tiene previsto ya que las viviendas se construyan por medio de una cooperativa de trabajo integrada por sus socios.
1294 - Santa Cruz en Mega Work Shop 2006 en Buenos Aires
       La Opinión Austral - 6 Sep 2006
       ... la salud, cuyas labores de cuidado, cosecha y empaquetado son llevadas a cabo por un grupo de mujeres de Río Turbio constituidas en una cooperativa de trabajo ...
1295 - Plantas de ajo: Venden los pliegos
       Diario de Cuyo - 6 Sep 2006
       ... Mientras tanto los ajeros de Tamberías ya trabajan en la constitución de una cooperativa de trabajo y en la búsqueda del terreno, condiciones puestas por el ...
1296 - La SEC investiga las 'stock options' de más de 100 empresas
       Cinco Días - 6 Sep 2006
       La SEC, el regulador de los mercados de EE UU, está investigando posibles violaciones legales en el periodo de emisión de stock options (opciones sobre ...
1297 - Estados Unidos.-La SEC investiga a 100 empresas estadounidenses ...
       Hispanidad - 6 Sep 2006
       ... Commision (SEC), está investigando a cien empresas estadounidenses por posibles fraudes relacionados con sus planes de 'stock options', según informó hoy el ...
1298 - Economía/Empresas.-La SEC investiga a 100 empresas ...
       Finanzas.com - 6 Sep 2006
       Concretamente, la investigación se refiere a una práctica muy conocida que consiste en la publicación de los planes de 'stock options' en un momento en el ...
1299 - IAB-Studie zur Gewinn- und Kapitalbeteiligung von Arbeitnehmern ...
       innovations report - 6. Sept. 2006
       ... Dies gilt für alle Betriebsgrößen. "Insofern wirkt sich die stärkere Verbreitung von Systemen der Mitarbeiterbeteiligung in anderen Ländern auch auf ...
1300 - IAB-Studie zur Gewinn- und Kapitalbeteiligung von Arbeitnehmern ...
       Crosswater Systems - 6. Sept. 2006
       ... Dies gilt für alle Betriebsgrößen. "Insofern wirkt sich die stärkere Verbreitung von Systemen der Mitarbeiterbeteiligung in anderen Ländern auch auf ...
1301 - Cooperativa vira opção para aqueles que buscam trabalho
       Gazeta do Sul - 6 Set 2006
       A Cooperativa de Trabalho de Venâncio Aires (Cooteva) se tornou uma nova opção para desempregados conseguirem trabalho. Atuando ...
1302 - Comissão vota isenção de ICMS para leasing de importados
       Paraná-Online (Assinatura) - 6 Set 2006
       ... Outro item da pauta é o Projeto de Lei 7009/06, que estabelece normas para a organização eo funcionamento das cooperativas de trabalho e institui o Programa ...
1303 - 22 leaders who made a difference
       Washington Technology, DC - Sep 5, 2006
       ... Bersoff will become chairman and CEO. The evangelist of employee ownership, Beyster founded Science Applications International Corp. ...
1304 - Hawkins Issues Economic Justice Program in Honor of Labor Day
       Green Party US (press release), DC - Sep 5, 2006
       ... rights, including the right to unionize, starting with a repeal of the Taft-Hartley Act; increase government support for employee ownership; enactment of single ...
1305 - Flybe float will buy aircraft
       Norfolk Eastern Daily Press, UK - Sep 5, 2006
       ... airline. Jim French, chairman and chief executive, holds a 9pc stake in Flybe and a 10pc stake is held by an employee ownership trust. ...
1306 - BHP - Notification of interests of directors
       Finance24, South Africa - Sep 5, 2006
       ... BHP Billiton Plc announces the following transactions made by Billiton ESOP Trustee Limited, as trustee of the Billiton Employee Share Ownership Trust, in ...
1307 - Babcock sees €18m loss on Eircom costs
       Irish Independent, Ireland - Sep 5, 2006
       ... Australian-based investment company Babcock & Brown Capital has 57.1pc of Eircom, while 35pc is owned by the employee share ownership trust. ...
1308 - SAIC posts 6.2 percent increase in fiscal second-quarter profit
       The Ledger, FL - Sep 5, 2006
       ... Last year, SAIC disclosed plans to raise up to $1.73 billion in an IPO and spend the money on a special dividend to its employee-owners. ...
1309 - SAIC posts 6.2 percent increase in fiscal second-quarter profit
       San Diego Union Tribune, United States - Sep 5, 2006
       ... Last year, SAIC disclosed plans to raise up to $1.73 billion in an IPO and spend the money on a special dividend to its employee-owners. ...
1310 - SAIC posts 6.2 percent increase in fiscal second-quarter profit
       Fort Worth Star Telegram, TX - Sep 5, 2006
       ... Last year, SAIC disclosed plans to raise up to $1.73 billion in an IPO and spend the money on a special dividend to its employee-owners. ...
1311 - SAIC posts 6.2 percent increase in fiscal second-quarter profit
       Press-Enterprise (subscription), CA - Sep 5, 2006
       ... Last year, SAIC disclosed plans to raise up to $1.73 billion in an IPO and spend the money on a special dividend to its employee-owners. ...
1312 - SAIC posts 6.2 percent increase in fiscal second-quarter profit
       Centre Daily Times, PA - Sep 5, 2006
       ... Last year, SAIC disclosed plans to raise up to $1.73 billion in an IPO and spend the money on a special dividend to its employee-owners. ...
1313 - SAIC posts 6.2 percent increase in fiscal second-quarter profit
       San Luis Obispo Tribune, CA - Sep 5, 2006
       ... Last year, SAIC disclosed plans to raise up to $1.73 billion in an IPO and spend the money on a special dividend to its employee-owners. ...
1314 - SAIC posts 6.2 percent increase in fiscal second-quarter profit
       Contra Costa Times, CA - Sep 5, 2006
       ... Last year, SAIC disclosed plans to raise up to $1.73 billion in an IPO and spend the money on a special dividend to its employee-owners. ...
1315 - SAIC posts 6.2 percent increase in fiscal second-quarter profit
       Monterey County Herald, CA - Sep 5, 2006
       ... Last year, SAIC disclosed plans to raise up to $1.73 billion in an IPO and spend the money on a special dividend to its employee-owners. ...
1316 - SAIC posts 6.2 percent increase in fiscal second-quarter profit
       San Jose Mercury News,  USA - Sep 5, 2006
       ... Last year, SAIC disclosed plans to raise up to $1.73 billion in an IPO and spend the money on a special dividend to its employee-owners. ...
1317 - China's top banks plan employee share schemes
       Xinhua, China - Sep 5, 2006
       6 -- Bank of China and China Construction Bank, two of China's top four commercial banks, will initiate employee stock ownership plans in the near future as ...
1318 - Top banks plan employee share schemes
       China Daily, China - Sep 5, 2006
       Bank of China and China Construction Bank, two of China's top four commercial banks, will initiate employee stock ownership plans in the near future as part of ...
1319 - Top banks plan employee share schemes
       People's Daily Online, China - Sep 5, 2006
       Bank of China and China Construction Bank, two of China's top four commercial banks, will initiate employee stock ownership plans in the near future as part of ...
1320 - Sheetz Continues Convenience Reinventing
       Convenience Store Decisions, PA - Sep 5, 2006
       ... organization? Sheetz: One of the largest impacts occurred about seven years ago, when we instituted our employee stock ownership plan. ...
1321 - RSM McGladrey Top-Ranked Retirement Plan Provider in Small Market ...
       Business Wire (press release), CA - Sep 5, 2006
       ... RSM McGladrey Retirement Resources offers defined contribution, defined benefit and employee stock ownership plan administration, as well as stand-alone ...
1322 - Dragon One fails to meet SET requirements as cash company
       Bangkok Post, Thailand - Sep 5, 2006
       ... 200 million new shares allocated through a private placement and 150 million shares reserved for warrant exercise under an employee stock option programme (Esop ...
1323 - Altera expects to restate some financial reports
        Reuters - Sep 5, 2006
       ... on Tuesday it expects to restate some financial reports to reflect a total pre-tax charge of $38 million to $48 million related to employee stock option grants ...
1324 - Wipro allots equity shares under stock options
       Myiris.com, India - Sep 5, 2006
       ... The grant of the above stock options are in line with SEBI (employee stock option Scheme and employee stock purchase scheme) guidelines, 1999, as amended and ...
1325 - Compagnie Generale De Geophysique To Acquire Veritas DGC For $3.1 ...
       Trading Markets, CA - Sep 5, 2006
       ... is fixed at approximately US $1.5 billion in cash and approximately 47 million CGG ADS, not including cash paid in respect of employee stock options in the ...
1326 - Unwise to remove tax on ESOS
       Malaysia Kini, Malaysia - Sep 5, 2006
       I can fully understand Yusof Hussein's lament about taxes being imposed on the benefits accruing from Employee Share Option Schemes, after all, who does not ...
1327 - Ascentric in wrap dispute
       Investment Week, UK - Sep 5, 2006
       ... For intermediaries signing up to the platform, a share option scheme is currently in place that offers 2,000 options for every £1m of assets transferred on. ...
1328 - Tikit grows margins, loosk for acquisitions
       ShareCast, UK - Sep 5, 2006
       ... Pre-tax profits before goodwill and share option charges rose 40% to £1.34 m from £0.95m previously. Net cash rose 139% to £3.06m. ...
1329 - Primedia Limited - Audited Report for the year ended 30 June 2006
       Finance24, South Africa - Sep 5, 2006
       ... below: IFRS 2 Share based payments In accordance with the provisions of this standard, the group now recognises the fair value of share options granted to ...
1330 - Shrewd investment in sectors
       Canberra City News,  Australia - Sep 5, 2006
       ... For example, growth options averaged 16.6 per cent last year, capital stable options averaged only 7.8 per cent, international share options averaged 18 per ...
1331 - KWV - Audited consolidated results for the year ended 30 June 2006
       Finance24, South Africa - Sep 5, 2006
       ... During the period Distell entered into a Black Economic Empowerment ("BEE") transaction, As part of this transaction share options were granted to a BEE ...
1332 - Fat-cat execs 'need to look East, not West'
       Mail & Guardian Online, South Africa - Sep 5, 2006
       ... to more than 20 the number of top executives who have quit their high-powered positions, having built up tidy fortunes from generous salaries and share options ...
1333 - Star executive returns to troubled Vodafone
       Telegraph.co.uk, United Kingdom - Sep 5, 2006
       ... re-election at the annual general meeting, while more than 20pc declined to back the company's pay policy, which set easier targets for directors' share options ...
1334 - DigiCore Holdings Limited - Group Audited Results
       Finance24, South Africa - Sep 5, 2006
       ... impairment test. Implications of adopting IFRS2 - share based payments The group grants share options to employees. In accordance ...
1335 - Five Worker-controlled Factories in Venezuela
       Venezuelanalysis.com, Venezuela - Sep 5, 2006
       ... major share of the capital with which to pay off external debts and restart production, and mandated the transfer of full legal title to workerscooperatives ...
1336 - Indonesian Artistes To Fly In For Charity Dangdut Concert
       Bru Direct, Brunei Darussalam - Sep 5, 2006
       ... Organised by the Association of Indonesian Community (AIC) and Indonesian Workers Cooperative (IWC) with support from main sponsor Afima Express Remittance ...
1337 - ACTIONARIA : Un Salon au coeur de l'information boursière !
       Invest Valley - 5 sep 2006
       ... L'engouement pour l'actionnariat salarié s'est confirmé. Les sociétés l'ont bien compris un salarié actionnaire est un collaborateur motivé ! ...
1338 - ACTIONARIA : Un Salon au coeur de l'information boursière !
       Capital.fr - 5 sep 2006
       ... L'engouement pour l'actionnariat salarié s'est confirmé. Les sociétés l'ont bien compris un salarié actionnaire est un collaborateur motivé ! ...
1339 - ACTIONARIA : Un Salon au coeur de l'information boursière !
       Le Figaro - 5 sep 2006
       ... L'engouement pour l'actionnariat salarié s'est confirmé. Les sociétés l'ont bien compris un salarié actionnaire est un collaborateur motivé ! ...
1340 - ACTIONARIA : Un Salon au coeur de l'information boursière !
       Francebourse.com - 5 sep 2006
       ... L'engouement pour l'actionnariat salarié s'est confirmé. Les sociétés l'ont bien compris un salarié actionnaire est un collaborateur motivé ! ...
1341 - ACTIONARIA : Un Salon au coeur de l'information boursière
       Fininfo (Communiqués de presse) - 5 sep 2006
       ... L'engouement pour l'actionnariat salarié s'est confirmé. Les sociétés l'ont bien compris un salarié actionnaire est un collaborateur motivé ! ...
1342 - ACTIONARIA : Un Salon au cœur de l’information boursière !
       Company newsgroup (persbericht) - 5 sep 2006
       ... L'engouement pour l'actionnariat salarié s'est confirmé. Les sociétés l'ont bien compris un salarié actionnaire est un collaborateur motivé ! ...
1343 - Le salaire des patrons est-il "juste" ?, par Daniel Cohen
       Le Monde - 5 sep 2006
       ... Pour moitié il s'agit de salaires, pour moitié de stock-options encaissées au cours de l'année, lesquelles expliquent quelques pointes au-dessus de 200 ...
1344 - Les PDG n'ont pas tiré de leçons d'Enron
       La Presse Affaires - 5 sep 2006
       ... en passant par la manipulation des prix des médicaments, des dessous-de-table versés aux docteurs et des malversations dans l'octroi de stock-options. ...
1345 - Avocent Finalise L'Acquisition De LANDesk Software
       Categorynet (Communiqués de presse) - 5 sep 2006
       ... 200 millions de dollars en actions Avocent et 200 millions de dollars de liquidités), montant initial auquel s’ajoutent les stock options non levées par ...
1346 - Cie Générale de Géophysique achète Veritas pr USD3,1 mds
       Easy Bourse (Communiqués de presse) - 5 sep 2006
       ... 47 millions de certificats de dépôt américains, hors montants en numéraire liés aux options de souscription d'actions (stock options) des employés. ...
1347 - Una batería de superalgas, controles y cloacas
       Página 12 - 5 Sep 2006
       ... El programa incluye ya “35 obras para provisión de agua domiciliaria por convenios con cooperativas de trabajo de la cuenca: la de La Matanza beneficiará a ...
1348 - Tucumán abre sus puertas al movimiento cooperativista y mutual ...
       El Siglo de Tucumán - 5 Sep 2006
       ... Se presume que este tema despertará mucha atención, especialmente entre los socios de cooperativas de trabajo que surgieron en los últimos años -por medio ...
1349 - El Primer Encuentro Nacional de Cooperativas de Trabajo se ...
       El Siglo de Tucumán - 5 Sep 2006
       ... Asociativismo y Economía Social (INAES). Se trara del “Primer Encuentro Nacional de Cooperativas de Trabajo”. Al respecto, el titular ...
1350 - Se realizará mañana un jornada de trabajo para fortalecer y ...
       DERF - 5 Sep 2006
       ... la jornada se desarrollarán y se darán a conocer los programas disponibles para capacitación, fortalecimiento y reconversión de Cooperativas de Trabajo. ...
       Opiniones de Vanguardia - 5 Sep 2006
       ... en un período de cuatro años. En el caso de las cooperativas de trabajo, se establecerán más años". En cuanto al IVA en el ...
1352 - La propuesta del FA para reforma tributaria
       La República (Uruguay) (Suscripción) - 5 Sep 2006
       ... en un período de cuatro años. En el caso de las cooperativas de trabajo, se establecerán más años". En cuanto al IVA en el ...
1353 - Cooperativa de quinieleros entregó silla de ruedas
       Misiones OnLine - 5 Sep 2006
       La cooperativa de trabajo de quinieleros entregó ayer una silla de ruedas al ex vendedor de la agencia 339 de la localidad de Eldorado, Miguel Ángel Alarcón ...
1354 - VI Encuentro de Pueblos Rurales de la Provincia de Buenos Aires en ...
       Hostnews (Comunicados de prensa) - 5 Sep 2006
       La Cooperativa de Trabajo Pipinas Viva convoca al VI Encuentro de Pueblos rurales de la provincia de Buenos Aires que se realizará el sábado 16 y domingo 17 ...
1355 - Instruyen sumario por robo de combustible en la Delegación Puerto
       0223 Vespertino Digital - 5 Sep 2006
       ... vehículos se encontraban durante la noche, en el galpón de guarda, bajo la custodia de personal de la empresa privada Cooperativa de Trabajo Eulen Ltda. ...
1356 - Comprueban irregularidades en los talleres de la marca Kosiuko
       Noticias Urbanas - 5 Sep 2006
       ... por la empresa de nombre fantasía Kosiuko, en realidad su razón social es Kowzef SA, fueron investigadas por miembros de la Cooperativa de trabajo "20 de ...
1357 - ¡Ay Masallé!
       Investigaciones Rodolfo Walsh - 5 Sep 2006
       Es responsable de la investigación y textos de base del libro Historia de Victorica, editado en 1982 por la cooperativa de trabajo del diario La Capital; del ...
1358 - Comprueban irregularidades en los talleres de la marca Kosiuko
       Noticias Urbanas - 5 Sep 2006
       ... por la empresa de nombre fantasía Kosiuko, en realidad su razón social es Kowzef SA, fueron investigadas por miembros de la Cooperativa de trabajo "20 de ...
1359 - Comprueban irregularidades en los talleres de la marca Kosiuko
       Noticias Urbanas - 5 Sep 2006
       ... por la empresa de nombre fantasía Kosiuko, en realidad su razón social es Kowzef SA, fueron investigadas por miembros de la Cooperativa de trabajo "20 de ...
1360 - Junto al informe oficial surgieron decenas de versiones sobre el ...
       La Crónica de Hoy - 5 Sep 2006
       ... por The New American, William Norman Grigg, declara que tres días antes del 11 de septiembre hubo un gran movimiento de “stock options” (derechos de ...
1361 - Schmoldt lobt Überlegungen in Union und SPD für ...
       business-wissen.de - 5. Sept. 2006
       ... Aufgabe der Kommission müsse es sein, die rechtlichen Grundlagen einer Mitarbeiterbeteiligung am Produktivvermögen, auch mit Blick auf die verschiedenen ...
1362 - Gewinnbeteiligung für Mitarbeiter in Kleinfirmen selten
       Lausitzer Rundschau - 5. Sept. 2006
       ... Das zur Bundesagentur für Arbeit gehörende Institut sieht in der Mitarbeiterbeteiligung ein „ungenutztes Potenzial“ für mehr Leistungsanreize in der ...
1363 - Erfolgsbeteiligung für Mitarbeiter in Deutschland nur die ...
       Oberbayerisches Volksblatt (Abonnement) - 5. Sept. 2006
       ... Berufsforschung. In Kleinbetrieben mit bis zu 49 Beschäftigten gibt es Mitarbeiterbeteiligung lediglich in acht Prozent der Betriebe. ...
1364 - Erfolgsbeteiligung für Mitarbeiter in Deutschland nur die ...
       Merkur Online - 5. Sept. 2006
       ... Berufsforschung. In Kleinbetrieben mit bis zu 49 Beschäftigten gibt es Mitarbeiterbeteiligung lediglich in acht Prozent der Betriebe. ...
1365 - IAB-Studie zur Gewinn- und Kapitalbeteiligung von Arbeitnehmern ...
       Juraforum.de - 5. Sept. 2006
       ... Dies gilt für alle Betriebsgrößen. "Insofern wirkt sich die stärkere Verbreitung von Systemen der Mitarbeiterbeteiligung in anderen Ländern auch auf ...
1366 - Neun Prozent der Firmen beteiligen Mitarbeiter am Gewinn
       Mitteldeutsche Zeitung - 5. Sept. 2006
       ... Das zur Bundesagentur für Arbeit (BA) gehörende Institut sieht Mitarbeiterbeteiligung ein «ungenutztes Potenzial» für mehr Leistungsanreize in der ...
1367 - IAB-Studie zur Gewinn- und Kapitalbeteiligung von Arbeitnehmern ...
       uniprotokolle (Pressemitteilung) - 5. Sept. 2006
       ... Dies gilt für alle Betriebsgrößen. "Insofern wirkt sich die stärkere Verbreitung von Systemen der Mitarbeiterbeteiligung in anderen Ländern auch auf ...
1368 - Sie sind hier: Home > Pressemitteilung: IAB-Studie zur Gewinn- und ...
       Informationsdienst Wissenschaft (Pressemitteilung) - 5. Sept. 2006
       ... Dies gilt für alle Betriebsgrößen. "Insofern wirkt sich die stärkere Verbreitung von Systemen der Mitarbeiterbeteiligung in anderen Ländern auch auf ...
1369 - Gewinnbeteiligung nur in neun Prozent der deutschen Firmen
       derStandard.at - 5. Sept. 2006
       Das zur Bundesagentur für Arbeit (BA) gehörende Institut sieht Mitarbeiterbeteiligung ein "ungenutztes Potenzial" für mehr Leistungsanreize in der ...
1370 - Mitarbeiterbeteiligung nur in jedem zehnten Betrieb
       MDR - 5. Sept. 2006
       ... Mittelfeld. Der Studie zufolge setzen vor allem große Betriebe mit 500 und mehr Beschäftigten auf Mitarbeiter-Beteiligung. Am ...
1371 - CDU will Mitarbeiterbeteiligung ausbauen
       MittelstandDirekt - 5. Sept. 2006
       05.09.2006 Die CDU will die steuerliche Behandlung von Mitarbeiterbeteiligungen neu regeln und diese in die Altersvorsorge integrieren. ...
1372 - CIDADE LIMPA - Cotracil ganha caminhões para coleta
        Jornal da Manhã - Marília - 5 Set 2006
       A Cotracil (Cooperativa de Trabalho Cidade Limpa) recebeu ontem os dois caminhões destinados à coleta seletiva, doados pelo Rotary Clube de Marília e Rotary ...
1373 - COTRACIL - Museu e Biblioteca do lixo são inaugurados
       Jornal da Manhã - Marília - 5 Set 2006
       Aproveitando a solenidade de entrega dos caminhões destinados à coleta seletiva, a Cotracil (Cooperativa de Trabalho Cidade Limpa) inaugurou oficialmente o ...
1374 - Unimed Paulistana renova contrato
       Portal Nacional de Seguros - 5 Set 2006
       ... A Unimed Paulistana é uma cooperativa de trabalho médico que, desde 1971, presta serviços de assistência médica e gestão em saúde. ...
1375 - Unimed Paulistana renova contrato com a Fundação Gol de Letra
       Portal Nacional de Seguros - 5 Set 2006
       ... A Unimed Paulistana é uma cooperativa de trabalho médico que, desde 1971, presta serviços de assistência médica e gestão em saúde. ...
       Ansa.it Agroalimentare Lazio - 5 set 2006
       ... E per dare continuita' ai rapporti di lavoro la nostra cantina sociale - annuncia Negroni - costituira' entro un mese anche una cooperativa di lavoro che nei ...
1377 - Flybe Aims to Spread Wings With GBP 100m Share Sell-Off
       Black Enterprise, NY - Sep 4, 2006
       ... Its chairman and chief executive, Jim French, holds a nine per cent stake, with the remaining ten per cent held by an employee ownership trust. ...
1378 - Labor Day Is The Union's Holiday
       Reiten Television KXMB Bismarck, North Dakota - Sep 4, 2006
       ... In modern times, no one thinks twice about employee ownership of stock options, or of profit sharing, but they make the capital-versus-labor framework an ...
1379 - Labor Day Is The Union's Holiday
       KXMC, ND - Sep 4, 2006
       ... In modern times, no one thinks twice about employee ownership of stock options, or of profit sharing, but they make the capital-versus-labor framework an ...
1380 - Labor Day Is The Union's Holiday
       KXMA, ND - Sep 4, 2006
       ... In modern times, no one thinks twice about employee ownership of stock options, or of profit sharing, but they make the capital-versus-labor framework an ...
1381 - Flybe aims to spread wings with £100m share sell-off
       Edinburgh Evening News, UK - Sep 4, 2006
       ... Its chairman and chief executive, Jim French, holds a nine per cent stake, with the remaining ten per cent held by an employee ownership trust. ...
1382 - Babcock sees €18m loss on Eircom costs
       Unison.ie, Ireland - Sep 4, 2006
       ... Australian-based investment company Babcock & Brown Capital has 57.1pc of Eircom, while 35pc is owned by the employee share ownership trust. ...
1383 - Ramco to modify ESOS as per SEBI Guidelines
       Myiris.com, India - Sep 4, 2006
       ... September 29, 2006, to consider vesting of the options on quarterly rests and revising the maximum exercise period for the options granted under ESOP 2000 and ...
1384 - Deccan Chronicle Members Consider FY06 Financial Results; Declares ...
       Trading Markets, CA - Sep 4, 2006
       ... 50 crores to Rs. 70 crores and to issue shares up to 5% of authorized capital as at August 31, 2006 to employees under ESOP scheme.
1385 - Leaks and laxity in ESOP regulations
       Express Money, India - Sep 4, 2006
       Fraudsters continue to find new ways to cheat the system by either committing straight frauds or by exploiting regulatory loopholes and negligence. ...
1386 - Jasmine unit to ring up 25% growth in revenue
       Bangkok Post, Thailand - Sep 4, 2006
       ... baht from 525 million. JTS will also float five million shares and 21.25 million warrants under an employee stock option programme.
1387 - Investec Limited/ Investec plc - Disposal of shares
       Finance24, South Africa - Sep 4, 2006
       ... The disposals follow the exercise of options held in terms of the Investec plc Share Option Plan 2002, the details of which are: Nature of transaction Sale of ...
1388 - Illovo Sugar Limited - Dealing in securities (pursuant to ABF ...
       Finance24, South Africa - Sep 4, 2006
       ... offer"), becoming operative on 4 September 2006, and the ABF offer having been extended to all participants in the Illovo Sugar 1992 Share Option Scheme, and ...
1389 - Datacash H1 adjusted pretax profits 2.25 mln stg vs 1.14 mln
       Life Style Extra, UK - Sep 4, 2006
       ... mln last year, with pretax profits, before goodwill amortisation, national insurance provision on share option gain and FRS20 charge on share options in issue ...
1390 - Old Mutual plc / Nedbank Group / Mutual & Federal - Empowering the ...
       Finance24, South Africa - Sep 4, 2006
       ... The current policy is to make allocations in a combination of Restricted Share Plan ("RSP") share awards and share options. The ...
1391 - HSBC investment bank chief holds £30m shares pot
       Independent, UK - Sep 4, 2006
       ... His share package, which does not include his salary, cash bonus or share options, is bigger than those of HSBC's chief executive, Michael Geoghegan, and its ...
1392 - Rich options with top jobs
       Melbourne Herald Sun, Australia - Sep 4, 2006
       ... In their annual reports, companies are required to disclose the "fair value" of share options granted to Australia's top executives. ...
1393 - Google CEO turns down Apple share options
       Macworld UK, UK - Sep 4, 2006
       By Macworld staff. Apple's newest director, Google CEO Eric Schmidt, has declined the company's offer of 30,000 shares under the director's incentive scheme. ...
1394 - ANZ chief cashes in
       Courier Mail, Australia - Sep 4, 2006
       ... Stock Exchange after the market closed last night, Mr McFarlane sold the shares after exercising an entitlement over 1 million share options last Thursday. ...
1395 - Employees share options should be taxed
       Malaysia Kini, Malaysia - Sep 4, 2006
       Please remember when you exercise those options, which were below market price, you already make a capital gain, when compared to members of the public who buy ...
1396 - Before accompagnera notre croissance sur le long terme
       Journal du Net - 4 sep 2006
       ... L'actionnariat salarié (dont Thierry Meynle) est passé de 10 à 33% et Before est entré au capital de Divalto à hauteur de 35%. ...
1397 - Le chèque transport sera facultatif pour les entreprises
       NetPME.fr - 4 sep 2006
       ... Cette mesure devrait être intégrée dans le projet de loi « pour le développement de la participation et de l’actionnariat salarié » débattu à l ...
1398 - Le premier semestre 2006 confirme les bonnes performances des FCPE ...
       Publi-News - 4 sep 2006
       L’AFG en partenariat avec EuroPerformance publie cette semaine les indices FCPE, véritable baromètre des performances de l’épargne salariale en France. ...
1399 - Alcatel va investir dans la 3G chez Nortel
       Génération NT - 4 sep 2006
       ... Nortel, qui, comme d'autres, se débat en ce moment dans un scandale naissant autour des stock-options, y trouvera un peu de visibilité, et les liquidités ...
1400 - 90 % de notre activité reposent sur les infrastructures et le ...
       01net - 4 sep 2006
       ... d'introduction en Bourse, même si la société a été enregistrée à la SEC pour respecter les engagements pris concernant les stock-options des employés. ...
1401 - Pourquoi Arnaud Montebourg soutien Ségolène Royal ?
       BlogNews.fr - 4 sep 2006
       ... de Saône et Loire à la Présidente de la région Poitou-Charentes est un moyen de pouvoir appliquer ces idées (interdire les stock-options ; oppositions aux ...
1402 - Avocent finalise l’acquisition de Landesk Software
       mag-securs.com - 4 sep 2006
       ... 200 millions de dollars en actions Avocent et 200 millions de dollars de liquidités), montant initial auquel s’ajoutent les stock options non levées par ...
1403 - Interventions médiatiques François Chérèque dans Les Échos « ...
       CFDT - 4 sep 2006
       ... doivent être soumis à concertation préalable ? Une réforme des stock-options entre-t-elle dans ce cadre ? On est là dans le ...
1404 - Un podcast trimestriel
       Mac Generation - 4 sep 2006
       ... Apple a fait part de son intention de prendre son temps suite à l’affaire des stock options antidatées. Aucune réaction pour l'instant. ...
1405 - Quand INSEE pas, il vaut mieux se taire...
       Newropeans Magazine - 4 sep 2006
       ... Or à moins que des millions de français croulent sous les bonus, des 15eme et 16eme mois, les stock-options et tout le toutim, je n'ai pas le sentiment que ...
1406 - Bakounine, fondateur du syndicalisme révolutionnaire
       CNT-AIT Toulouse - 4 sep 2006
       ... Bakounine attribue beaucoup d’importance aux coopératives ouvrières - ce qui implique une position de classe - et, quand il prévoit les institutions de la ...
1407 - Découvrir le promoteur en soi
       Journal de Rosemont / Petite Patrie - 4 sep 2006
       ... On peut s'inscrire dans les catégories Commerce, Art et culture, Transformation/production, Coopérative de travail et Entreprises toutes catégories. ...
1408 - La flexibilización laboral, motivo de la disminución de los ...
       Portafolio - 4 Sep 2006
       ... de contratos por prestación de servicios, contratos a término fijo, el incremento de los trabajadores temporales y de las cooperativas de trabajo asociado. ...
1409 - Problema habitacional: persiste la falta de respuestas del IDUV
       Tiempo Sur - 4 Sep 2006
       ... Las 15 casas fueron construidas mediante un convenio suscripto por el IDUV con cinco cooperativas de trabajo, la cuales son Alborada, Unión Austral, Evenesser ...
1410 - Ecologistas en Acción reprocha al delegado de Medio Ambiente que ...
       Teleprensa World - 4 Sep 2006
       ... Es Graduado Social y ocupaba la gerencia provincial de la Federación Andaluza de Empresas Cooperativas de Trabajo Asociado FAECTA) en Almería. ...
1411 - Ex trabajadores estuvieron en la última sesión
       El Nuevo Cronista - 4 Sep 2006
       Se abrió una banca a la participación ciudadana. Tuvieron voz los integrantes de las cooperativas de trabajo desafectadas. En ...
1412 - El municipio goyano firmó convenio para la construcción de 48 ...
       Mega24 - 4 Sep 2006
       ... Las viviendas serán construidas por las Cooperativas de Trabajo que construyeron los dos CIC (Centros Integradores Comunitarios) en la zona Norte y Sur de la ...
1413 - Jerónimo Saavedra: "La capital pierde protagonismo por la ...
       Canarias 7 - 4 Sep 2006
       ... Tenemos en el partido la experiencia de Demetrio Madrid, que era presidente de Castilla y León, que tenía una sociedad laboral familiar que entró en crisis ...
1414 - 1ª Bienal de Arte Contemporáneo del Fin del Mundo
       Latitud 2000 - 4 Sep 2006
       ... Ex Presidio.·Museo de Arte Latinoamericano de Buenos Aires (MALBA)·Cooperativa de Trabajo “Renacer”- Ushuaia ·Instituto Tecnológico Nro. ...
1415 - Proyecto de convenio por la Ecoplanta
       La Nueva Provincia - 4 Sep 2006
       La Municipalidad envió al Concejo Deliberante un convenio mediante el cual, en comodato, daría a la Cooperativa de Trabajo Ecoplanta Limitada las ...
1416 - El CEO de Google se incorpora al Consejo de Administración de ...
       MacWorld España - 4 Sep 2006
       ... Adicionalmente, Apple ha comunicado en un informe el pasado viernes, que Eric Schmidt ha rechazado las "stock options" que le habían sido ofrecidas como nuevo ...
1417 - Willkommen bei www.haufe.de
       Haufe.de - 4. Sept. 2006
       Um die eigenen Mitarbeiter stärker ans Unternehmen zu binden, greifen immer mehr Unternehmen zu Modellen der Mitarbeiter-Beteiligung. ...
1418 - Alle relevanten arbeitsrechtlichen Neuigkeiten
       Personalmagazin - 4. Sept. 2006
       Um die eigenen Mitarbeiter stärker ans Unternehmen zu binden, greifen immer mehr Unternehmen zu Modellen der Mitarbeiter-Beteiligung. ...
1419 - CDU will Mitarbeiterbeteiligungen im Unternehmen stärken
       Reuters Deutschland - 4. Sept. 2006
       ... "Damit besteht für Unternehmen und Mitarbeiter die Möglichkeit, diejenige Form der Mitarbeiterbeteiligung zu wählen, die ihren Präferenzen und ihrer ...
1420 - Asien-Europa-Treffen: Arbeit und Globalisierung
       Bundesregierung (öffentlicher Dienst) - 4. Sept. 2006
       ... durchzusetzen. Zur sozialen Dimension der Globalisierung gehört, dass Arbeitnehmerbeteiligung und Mitbestimmung möglich sind. ...
1421 - Arbeitnehmerbeteiligung ist die bessere Mitbestimmung
       Verbände Forum (Pressemitteilung) - 4. Sept. 2006
       (Berlin) - Eine Beschränkung der Mitbestimmung auf Unternehmen mit mehr als 20 Beschäftigten fordert der Präsident des Bundesverbandes mittelständische ...
1422 - ASEM-KONFERENZ Müntefering verlangt internationale ...
       Spiegel Online - 4. Sept. 2006
       ... Unter anderem sollten der Schutz vor Arbeitsplatzverlust, Arbeitnehmerbeteiligung und Mitbestimmung, sowie der Zugang zu guter Ausbildung festgeschrieben werden ...
1423 - Müntefering fordert internationale Sozialstandards
       Die Neue Epoche - 4. Sept. 2006
       ... Unter anderem sollten der Schutz vor Arbeitsplatzverlust, Arbeitnehmerbeteiligung und Mitbestimmung, der Zugang zu guter Ausbildung und ein Verbot von ...
1424 - Flybe targets £100m in offering
       Financial Times, UK - Sep 3, 2006
       ... Jim French, chairman and chief executive, holds a 9 per cent stake in Flybe, and a 10 per cent stake is held by an employee ownership trust. ...
1425 - BHP Billiton Plc - Notification of interests of directors
       Finance24, South Africa - Sep 3, 2006
       ... BHP Billiton Plc announces the following transactions made by Billiton ESOP Trustee Limited, as trustee of the Billiton Employee Share Ownership Trust, in ...
1426 - Ford Making Wrong Turn
       Barron's (subscription) - Sep 3, 2006
       ... The current management, headed by Dermot Mannion, has managed to boost workforce morale through a well-received employee share-ownership scheme. ...
1427 - BCM predicts bright future for Eircom
       Sydney Morning Herald, Australia - Sep 3, 2006
       ... "BCM will work with its principal bid partner, the eircom Employee Share Ownership Trust, to implement its business plan that includes growth of the eircom ...
1428 - Dragon One case calls 'back-door' listings into question
       Bangkok Post, Thailand - Sep 3, 2006
       ... million new shares at a price of at least 2.5 baht each and 150 million shares reserved for warrant conversion under an employee stock option programme (Esop). ...
1429 - Accusations made against UK development department
       Mines and Communities, UK - Sep 3, 2006
       ... What hasn't been widely publicised, but was pointed out on this website back in June, is that Barclays Capital secured 2.1 million share options in Asia Energy ...
1430 - Indonesian stars to rock JPCC with dangdut numbers
       Borneo Bulletin, Brunei Darussalam - Sep 3, 2006
       ... The concert is organised by the Association of Indonesian Community and the Indonesian Workers Cooperative (IWC) with support from Afima Express Remittance ...
1431 - Indonesian Stars To Rock JPCC With Dangdut Numbers
       Bru Direct, Brunei Darussalam - Sep 3, 2006
       ... The concert is organised by the Association of Indonesian Community and the Indonesian Workers Cooperative'(IWC) with support from Afima Express Remittance ...
1432 - Femmes aux sommets
       Libération - 3 sep 2006
       ... argent possible. Il yad'ailleurs peu de dirigeantes qui partent avec la caisse ou qui se laissent séduire par des stock-options. On ...
1433 - Sesionará el Concejo Municipal
       La Opinión Rafaela - 3 Sep 2006
       ... de Emergencia Habitacional del Ministerio de Planificación Federal de Inversión Pública y Servicios, implementado a través de Cooperativas de Trabajo. ...
1434 - Nuevo funcionario en Tafí Viejo
       Tucumán Hoy - 3 Sep 2006
       ... subsecretario de la Juventud de la provincia, Héctor Romano , autoridades municipales , trabajadores de los talleres ferroviarios y de cooperativas de trabajo ...
1435 - Solicitan precaución al circular por Almafuerte
       El Diario de Paraná - 3 Sep 2006
       ... “Las Veredas Comunitarias se desarrollan con mano de obra encarada desde las cooperativas de trabajo que se han conformado a partir de la creación del ...
1436 - Eligen terreno para empacadora estatal de ajo
       Diario de Cuyo - 3 Sep 2006
       Los productores de ajo de Tamberías -Calingasta- ya están dando los primeros pasos para constituir una cooperativa de trabajo, y ya tienen dos terrenos ...
1437 - Cooperativas podem ser impedidas de fornecer mão-de-obra
       DCI - 3 Set 2006
       ... De acordo com o projeto, a cooperativa de trabalho não pode ser utilizada para intermediação de mão-de-obra subordinada e deve ser constituída por, no ...
1438 - Município pode receber nova multa por contrato
       Jornal Hoje - 3 Set 2006
       ... sendo prestados e se desobedecem à Ação Civil Pública 659/98 [que impôs a obrigação ao ente público de não contratar cooperativas de trabalho para a ...
1439 - Eircom union in row over Meteor
       The Sunday Times, UK - Sep 2, 2006
       ... mobile subsidiary. Eircom, which is 35% owned by an employee share ownership trust, acquired Meteor almost a year ago. Under its ...
1440 - Paleo-Capitalism {WMail #40}
       OpEdNews, PA - Sep 2, 2006
       ... to the original owners/entrepreneurs, and preferably to employees as both wage increases and participation in an ESOP [employee stock ownership program] – as ...
1441 - Highland Global, Leading Business Valuation Firm in the Southeast ...
       Emediawire (press release), WA - Sep 2, 2006
       ... family limited partnerships, succession planning, gift taxes/planning, estates taxes/planning, mergers & acquisitions, employee stock ownership plans (ESOPs ...
1442 - Highland Global, Leading Business Valuation Firm in the Southeast ...
       PR Web (press release), WA - Sep 2, 2006
       ... family limited partnerships, succession planning, gift taxes/planning, estates taxes/planning, mergers & acquisitions, employee stock ownership plans (ESOPs ...
1443 - Scottish Water bosses to net £1m in new bonus scheme
       Sunday Herald, UK - Sep 2, 2006
       ... in the water industry: “SW’s external advisers suggest that a scheme with such a funding rate would have some resonance with share option arrangements in ...
1444 - Foreign legion is queuing up to buy British
       The Sunday Times, UK - Sep 2, 2006
       ... As an aside, I note that staff at BGI will undoubtedly have been well motivated by its lucrative share-option scheme, details of which we revealed last week. ...
1445 - Rightmove enjoying property advertising bonanza
       Yorkshire Post Today, UK - Sep 2, 2006
       ... Figures out yesterday showed that operating profits before costs on the packs, on flotation expenses and on share option charges rose to £8.3m from £3.5m ...
1446 - European Indexes Trade Firm
       BusinessWeek - Sep 2, 2006
       ... Property services website operator Rightmove's (+1.97%) first half operating profit (pre-HIP costs, flotation costs and share option charges) surged 138% to ...
1447 - Family firms benefit from outside help
       The Sunday Times, UK - Sep 2, 2006
       ... Often families will not want to surrender part of the business to outsiders, so shadow share options or profit-share schemes can be important, said Leach. ...
1448 - Un actionnaire de THQ poursuit les dirigeants
       INpact Virtuel - 2 sep 2006
       Il les accuse tout simplement de malversations concernant des stock options et leur façon peu cavalière de s’en approprier et/ou de les rétrocéder. ...
1449 - Développer l’économie sociale et solidaire :
       Collectif Bellaciao - 2 sep 2006
       ... à l’initiative citoyenne de création d’activités : aide aux projets et au fonctionnement ; soutien à la transformation d’entreprises en SCOP ou SCIC ...
1450 - Seis de cada diez autónomos trabajan en el sector servicios
       Hoy Digital - 2 Sep 2006
       ... la palabra. Así, no se contabilizan los trabajadores integrados en cooperativas y sociedades laborales, y mercantiles. Tampoco ...
1451 - Crece el impulso cooperativo
       Los Andes (Argentina) - 2 Sep 2006
       ... congregados en Payún Matrú comenzó este año a aprovechar la lana de guanacos silvestres en Malargüe, mientras cooperativas de trabajo como Deman y ...
1452 - Plan de viviendas por emergencia habitacional en Goya
       Momarandu.com - 2 Sep 2006
       ... una inversión de 840.000 pesos. Las viviendas serán construidas por Cooperativas de Trabajo. Murcia aclaró que tendrán prioridad ...
1453 - El Gobierno "aún está a tiempo de crear trabajo y no ...
       El Independiente (Argentina) - 2 Sep 2006
       La conducción provincial del partido Afirmación para una República Igualitaria (ARI) auguró que la Cooperativa de Trabajo Chamical Ltda., que reactivará ...
1454 - Ex choferes de micros ahora son remiseros monotributistas
       AbiertaTV - 2 Sep 2006
       La vinculación de la Cooperativa de Trabajo de Transporte de Pasajeros "La Nueva Marplatense Ltda." con "Remicoop" posibilitó que desde hace alrededor de ...
1455 - NR-Wahl: ÖVP-Auftakt - Schüssel will Positiv-Wahlkampf
       Tirol Online - 2. Sept. 2006
       ... gegen Unternehmer geben. Weiters kündigte der Kanzler an, die Mitarbeiterbeteiligung in Unternehmen zu stärken. Derzeit seien ...
1456 - Schüssel will einen "Positiv-Wahlkampf"
       Kleine Zeitung - 2. Sept. 2006
       ... meinte der ÖVP-Chef. digte der Kanzler Schüssel an, die Mitarbeiterbeteiligung in Unternehmen zu stärken. Derzeit seien rund ...
1457 - Schüssel will Positiv-Wahlkampf
        WirtschaftsBlatt - 2. Sept. 2006
       ... meinte der ÖVP-Chef. Weiters kündigte der Kanzler an, die Mitarbeiterbeteiligung in Unternehmen zu stärken. Derzeit seien rund ...
1458 - ÖVP-Auftakt: "Es läuft ganz ausgezeichnet"
       Die Presse.com - 2. Sept. 2006
       ... "Sozial ist, wer Arbeit schafft.". Schüssel kündigte an, die Mitarbeiterbeteiligung in Unternehmen durch staatliche Anreize zu fördern. ...
1459 - O Regional
       O Regional online - 2 Set 2006
       ... O Regional publica um documento da Comerp (Cooperativa de Trabalho Médico de Ribeirão Preto) que afirma não ter efetuado “qualquer pagamento” ao médico ...
       Greenplanet.net - 2 set 2006
       ... E nel maggio scorso in Auchan abbiamo finalmente lanciato l'azionariato dei dipendenti, una cosa molto innovativa in Italia, anche se in Francia esiste già da ...
1461 - Last Call for a Skinny Dip in Your Favorite Watering Hole: New ...
       Emediawire (press release), WA - Sep 1, 2006
       ... world-class beers, New Belgium takes pride in being a responsible corporate role model with progressive programs such as employee ownership, open book ...
1462 - Last Call for a Skinny Dip in Your Favorite Watering Hole: New ...
        PR Web (press release), WA - Sep 1, 2006
       ... world-class beers, New Belgium takes pride in being a responsible corporate role model with progressive programs such as employee ownership, open book ...
1463 - Anglo American - Employee Share Ownership Plan
       Finance24, South Africa - Sep 1, 2006
       ANAAL Anglo American - Employee Share Ownership Plan Anglo American plc (Incorporated in the United Kingdom) Registration number: 3564138 Share code: AGL ISIN ...
1464 - Change in bonus rates for SAYE sharesave scheme
       Easier, UK - Sep 1, 2006
       SAYE is one of four tax-advantaged schemes administered by HMRC and is part of Government's initiative to promote wider employee share ownership across the UK. ...
1465 - UPS grills future "elite"
       Reuters - Sep 1, 2006
       ... "If you don't make the grade, you're stealing from the company," he said, adding that as an employee shareholder, "you are also stealing from me and everyone ...
1466 - FEATURE-UPS grills future "elite" in driver training course
       Reuters - Sep 1, 2006
       ... "If you don't make the grade, you're stealing from the company," he said, adding that as an employee shareholder, "you are also stealing from me and everyone ...
1467 - Delta Medical Center now owned by employees
       commercialappeal.com (subscription), TN - Sep 1, 2006
       explain the hospital's employee stock ownership plan. The plan puts the hospital employees into ownership of the company. By Daniel Connolly. ...
       ITNews, Italy - Sep 1, 2006
       ... European Capital invests in and sponsors management and employee buyouts, invests in private equity buyouts and provides capital directly to private and mid ...
1469 - European Capital Credit Facility Increased to Euro 900 Million
       PR Newswire UK (press release), UK - Sep 1, 2006
       ... European Capital invests in and sponsors management and employee buyouts, invests in private equity buyouts and provides capital directly to private and mid ...
1470 - European Capital Credit Facility Increased to Euro 900 Million
       PR Newswire (press release), NY - Sep 1, 2006
       ... European Capital invests in and sponsors management and employee buyouts, invests in private equity buyouts and provides capital directly to private and mid ...
1471 - European Capital Credit Facility Increased to Euro 900 Million
       Yahoo! News (press release) - Sep 1, 2006
       ... European Capital invests in and sponsors management and employee buyouts, invests in private equity buyouts and provides capital directly to private and mid ...
1472 - SE Financial Corp. Announces Third Quarter 2006 Results
       Business Wire (press release), CA - Sep 1, 2006
       ... assets 335.55% 734.78% ---- 1) Shares outstanding does not include unreleased ESOP shares or ...
1473 - Southland Manufacturing Advances to Industry Changes: A New Brewco ...
       Pallet Enterprise, VA - Sep 1, 2006
       ... more valuable supplier.”. Southland is an ESOP (employee stock option program) company. The labor force is stable. Last year Southland ...
1474 - Mukesh Ambani gets big tax notice
       Rediff, India - Sep 1, 2006
       ... had 7.6 per cent. ESOP shares constituted 7.5 per cent of the company, while Mukesh Ambani and his associates held 7.6 per cent.
1475 - Infosys Inside: ED fined Rs 5 lakh for share sale worth crores
       Hindu, India - Sep 1, 2006
       ... rules is also subject to disciplinary actions such as wage freeze, suspension, ineligibility for future participation in employee stock option plans, in ...
1476 - Southland Manufacturing Advances to Industry Changes: A New Brewco ...
       Pallet Enterprise, VA - Sep 1, 2006
       ... more valuable supplier.”. Southland is an ESOP (employee stock option program) company. The labor force is stable. Last year Southland ...
1477 - NOKIA - Exercises with stock options of Nokia Corporation
       TIEKE Tietoyhteiskunnan Kehittämiskekus ry, Finland - Sep 1, 2006
       A total of 169,446 shares of Nokia Corporation ("Nokia") were subscribed for as of Aug 28, 2006 based on Nokia's 2003 and 2005 employee stock option plans. ...
1478 - Paychex CEO Earns Nearly $1.7 Million
       13WHAM-TV, NY - Sep 1, 2006
       ... The year before, Judge earned a salary of $510,769, a $605,104 bonus and $28,000 in other compensation, as well as a 650,000-share option grant. ...
1479 - Rosneft not to hold management share option
       RosBusinessConsulting, Russia - Sep 1, 2006
       RBC, 01.09.2006, Moscow 15:12:56.Rosneft does not intend to announce a share option for the company's management, Sergei Bogdanchikov, the company's President ...
1480 - O'Leary gets 22pc salary rise
       Unison.ie, Ireland - Sep 1, 2006
       ... stake at €266m. He also has 40,620 share options, which were granted at a share price of €5.71 in 2003 and €4.41 in 2004. Mr O ...
1481 - Agius is new Barclays chairman
       This is Money, UK - Sep 1, 2006
       ... for a staff pension. Lazard refused to comment on his pay there or on his share options at the investment bank. Barrett, 62, who ...
1482 - House pack costs knock Rightmove
       BBC News, UK - Sep 1, 2006
       ... advertising. Operating profit before costs relating to the Hips project, the company's flotation and share options was up 138% to £8.3m. ...
1483 - Liberty Group Limited - Increase in issued share capital
       Finance24, South Africa - Sep 1, 2006
1484 - Pas de stock options pour E. Schmidt
       MacPlus - 1 sep 2006
       Après sa récente entrée au conseil d’administration d’Apple, le CEO de Google Eric Schmidt avait droit à des stock options. ...
1485 - Clôture Wall Street : Nasdaq +0,43%; Dow Jones +0,73%
       Voila.fr - 1 sep 2006
       ... il a reporté la livraison de son rapport du 3ème trimestre fiscal, suite aux investigations menées sur ses pratiques antérieures de stock options, tout en ...
1486 - De qui faut-il avoir honte ?
       ProspectiveS - 1 sep 2006
       ... lit pas Le Monde, surtout le week-end avec son supplément tout en anglais, qui n'est pas branchée sur Internet, qui ne dispose pas de stock options, qui se ...
1487 - Infogrames : Take-Two sonne la retraite
       Voila.fr - 1 sep 2006
       ... il a par ailleurs reporté la livraison de son rapport trimestriel du fait des investigations en cours sur ses pratiques passées concernant les stock options. ...
1488 - Charges des entreprises et répartition de leur produit : l' ...
       Parti Radical de Gauche - 1 sep 2006
       ... Extravagance des salaires de certains dirigeants, stock options abusifs, culture aveugle de la seule augmentation des dividendes, doivent céder la place à un ...
1489 - Julio no fue el mejor mes del año para la generación de empleo ...
       RCN Televisión - 1 Sep 2006
       ... Las empresas de empleo temporal alertaron por la proliferación de cooperativas de trabajo que engañan a trabajadores y operan ilegalmente como agencias de ...
1490 - Luis D'Elía entrega casas a desocupados en Misiones
       Diario Línea Capital - 1 Sep 2006
       ... el Hábitat Social, Luis D’Elía, visitará hoy la capital de Misiones e inaugurará casas construidas por desocupados agrupados en cooperativas de trabajo. ...
1491 - Pusieron fecha tope para la votación de las Comunas
       Noticias Urbanas - 1 Sep 2006
       ... en Monasterio 269/271/275/279, que estará sujeto a ocupación temporaria para ser destinado al funcionamiento de la Cooperativa de Trabajo "Rabbione Su ...
1492 - Legislatura: salió la fecha para las comunas
       Noticias Urbanas - 1 Sep 2006
       ... en Monasterio 269/271/275/279, que estará sujeto a ocupación temporaria para ser destinado al funcionamiento de la Cooperativa de Trabajo "Rabbione Su ...
1493 - Legislatura: salió la fecha para las comunas
       Noticias Urbanas - 1 Sep 2006
       ... en Monasterio 269/271/275/279, que estará sujeto a ocupación temporaria para ser destinado al funcionamiento de la Cooperativa de Trabajo "Rabbione Su ...
1494 - La Legislatura porteña decidió que las elecciones comunales se ...
       Gente-BA - 1 Sep 2006
       ... en Monasterio 269/271/275/279, que estará sujeto a ocupación temporaria para ser destinado al funcionamiento de la Cooperativa de Trabajo "Rabbione Su ...
1495 - “Blumberg quiere balas y rejas para los pibes; yo quiero trabajo ...
       Diario Línea Capital - 1 Sep 2006
       ... de las ferias francas, militantes justicialistas y la inauguración y entrega de 63 viviendas construidas por una cooperativa de trabajadores en el barrio Cruz ...
1496 - Luis D'Elía entrega casas a desocupados en Misiones
       Diario Línea Capital - 1 Sep 2006
       ... Mientras que mañana participará de un acto de entrega de 63 viviendas construidas por una cooperativa de trabajadores en el barrio Cruz del Sur, en ...
1497 - "Es kann der SPÖ nicht gut gehen"
       Die Presse.com - 1. Sept. 2006
       ... starten. Drittens wollen wir die Mitarbeiterbeteiligung in der Arbeitswelt sehr stark pushen und mit Anreizen begünstigen. Weitere ...
1498 - SPD öffnet sich Mitarbeiterbeteiligung
       Financial Times Deutschland - 1. Sept. 2006
       von Kai Beller. Der Bundespräsident und die Bundeskanzlerin sind dafür, ebenso die CDU und die Arbeitgeber. Nun wollen die Sozialdemokraten ...
1499 - Unter den Linden "Gewerkschaft contra Arbeitgeber - wie weit geht ...
       news aktuell (Pressemitteilung) - 1. Sept. 2006
       ... Wettbewerb. Die Qualität der Aufsichtsräte sei vielfach durch die Arbeitnehmerbeteiligung gesunken, sagen die Kritiker. Zudem ...
1500 - VERDE E MEIO AMBIENTE - Cotracil recebe caminhões para coleta
       Jornal da Manhã - Marília - 1 Set 2006
       ... na próxima terça-feira, dia 5, às 10 horas, dois caminhões destinados à coleta seletiva de lixo para a Cotracil (Cooperativa de Trabalho Cidade Limpa). ...
1501 - Projeto proíbe criação de cooperativas para terceirização
       Rádio Fandango - 1 Set 2006
       ... De acordo com o PL 7009/06, a cooperativa de trabalho não pode ser utilizada para intermediação de mão-de-obra subordinada e deve ser constituída por, no ...
1502 - Projeto proíbe criação de cooperativas para terceirização
       Paraná-Online (Assinatura) - 1 Set 2006
       ... De acordo com o PL 7009/06, a cooperativa de trabalho não pode ser utilizada para intermediação de mão-de-obra subordinada e deve ser constituída por, no ...
1503 - Niente stock options per Eric Schmidt
       Macity - 1 set 2006
       Eric Schmidt, nuovo consigliere d'amministrazione di Apple e Ceo di Google, rifiuta le stock options come forma di pagamento. Comprerà ...
1504 - Microsoft distribuisce denaro ai suoi top manager
       The Inquirer IT - 1 set 2006
       Questo progetto è stato sviluppato tre anni fa quando la stagnazione del prezzo delle azioni rendeva le stock options meno attraenti. ...
1505 - Petrolio: compensi tripli dei colleghi ai top manager a stelle e ...
       Il Denaro - 1 set 2006
       ... l'assegno di 95,1 milioni incassato da William Greehey, numero di Valero Energy (il più grande raffinatore Usa), considerando stipendio, stock options e altri ...


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